Dumpster Diving "Scratch & Dent"

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alrighty y'all good afternoon evening whatever it shall be look at that it's spinning so lucky penny lucky penny lucky penny all right i see stuff i put my penny in my pocket all right let's see what we got here and dumpster number one number one watch out for the juice being a little juicy lately all right yeah take that a little juicy don't know what these are look like a cash drawer definitely scrap worthy there yes sir you gotta lock the cash box man lock the cash there oh monitor and the juice [Music] oh scrappy squares that's the one that's all plastic more plastic than metal that's for sure right got it rolling whoa that's some scrap yeah that's definitely subscribe man all right some sort of electrical box of some sort how heavy she is it's got a little weight to her move it over here midland pd vhf almost kind of looks like a little server rack or something but that ain't like one i've ever seen whoa definitely got some weight all right let's get her out here yeah whoa all right get that wire there nice and easy nice and easy all right all right juicy juice juicy juice dumpster loot baby smashed up check that out man that looked like a stoplight i don't think there's i don't think there's much metal on a stoplight huh let's take a quick little gander huh ah see if there's anything it's got an arrow just a little bitty arrow some wires grab those stop light dural light yeah that's what that is though that whole thing man there ain't no step out there oh there's a big old chunk of number one right there nothing on that spoon stop lights huh oh wait a minute i think i see something here it's a cut up sign that's a piece of aluminum right there that i will take red light green light go all right get a little juicy big piece of wire right there some good stuff man that's full of number one cable down there can't really scrap out cable though see how big it is it just keeps coming though huh it's like under everything yeah i'm gonna just let that be that's all wrapped up i'd have to cut that up anyways some people asked the last one why didn't take the cable this cable is what they call the scrapyard tanglers when they send this off to the shredding machine it gets wrapped up the scrapyard wants it cut into pieces and being i mean there's not a whole lot more work than what you'll get out of it monetarily like i'm getting more money out of these wires yep and i will that cable needs a lot of wire the snippets all right yeah that's all number one snippets too good stuff yeah it is why you gotta be so gross man good stop good stuff yeah yeah all right man stop ice that's a new dumpster for me i'll most definitely be back i didn't do this is my witness wasn't i said the fly oh there's some cases and a light oh that's super light see how good the shape is though that's a good case right there that's probably 20 bucks man it looks brand new probably for like a flute or a clarinet or i bet these are gonna be the same they look to be a really good shape yeah look at that it's still got like the stuff on it the padding it's like brand new man that's like a trumpet oh wow i get a few bucks for that in a trumpet case the light the light is right looks like a case for like a guitar or something right there oh that's one of those plug-in ones all right let's see here [Music] that case feels a little white too well there's nothing in them but they're good cases i already know what this about this guy right here it's new right i saw a big old scratch right there it's a scratch and dent but there's some kiddo out there that probably love to have this probably got a case falling apart i mean that's a hard shell plastic case i know that ain't cheap sebastian bach bangor man all right yeah okay the stuff oh dumpster oh i see metal sticks back there y'all i'll see you blue metal sticks all right let's see what we get aluminum alloy 50-42 it's all right man glad you did so i can grab it these would make killer like wind chimes yes they would awesome wing chun all right there's a tire in this bag i'm trying to hide it from the garage garbage man buckle or something right i think that's it y'all that's whoa all right all right that's how you do it using the track as a ladder saving them knees check out that skye y'all holy cow it's the beauty beauty y'all beauty oh check it out y'all see what that is is that plastic or is that metal oh that's just plastic bro oh yeah yeah some of the wire on it [Music] i got something in there yo that's just plastic that looks aluminum in nature a little scrap on there there's another one down here oh shaky man we bout to found some all right i don't know what these are i'll take that oh hoorah you gotta hear y'all like a little heater or something sort of hvac equipment oh that's heavy what the heck is that propane some sort of heater is that or if that's one of those is that a water heater like a small little water heater it takes gas now that's like a furnace or something all right i like them uh some little water heaters that are small like that those little uh those little tankless water heaters man that's some good stuff they're loaded with copper nice keurig in the juice the green look chef somebody somebody's lunch all right cutting cords get cool actually you know what i'll be nice today we'll take the whole thing how about that yeah we'll just do that all right what's up jack this is a car and my name's not jack a little wire we got here man little harbor freight special all right back here car the charger cord pump thor iphone well i tell you what i find more iphone chargers i hate iphone chargers man i hate them they stink oh look at that speaking of stink man this stinks in here oh look at that keep it bp return to show animal cages animal cages y'all return to shelf what kind of animals you'll be keeping on the shelf man back here i don't like it y'all be keeping animals on the show maybe i'll get a couple bucks for those try not to tear them up too bad eh hey something small huh like a squirrel a trash panda well i'd be sad if they put a raccoon in there guys so small it'd be like all squished and stuff huh i hope i'm not behind someplace that tests on animals wouldn't be cool not cool not cool at all man that's a lot of animal cages though loaf of animal kites maybe go get a hamster i had a hamster as a kid his name was cp stood for cutie pie poor little booger got out one night couldn't find him then about a month later this weird smell couldn't figure out where it was finally found it he done got behind the dresser got stuck it broke my heart oh cutie pie cutie pie that's a lot of cake it's a lot of animal cages man all right cutie pie not pewdiepie or whatever the other youtube dude's name is cutie pie all right we're almost there oh almost there god i don't know what i'm gonna do with all these i mean at the very least i could take the cages off and scrap them but i bet i could find somebody that buy these what kind of person would buy a bunch of these though somebody that had a big old python keep their their mice in speaking of pythons i hear the story about old dude in australia sitting on the toilet got bit by a python came up in his toilet and bit them in the butt that's what my wife was saying never would sit on a toilet after that if that ever happened to me what is that somebody's chair let's see it's down in the juice it's like some sort of board some stuff on it got some scrap on it i don't know what the heck it is there's one little papa's on chair thanks some really grody bags [Music] they'll call empty and such some yogurt strawberry i can smell it oh there nelly somebody cleaned out the yard a little bit there that's cute huh that's kind of cute it's got some florida leaves on it hearts florida leases hearts florida pieces what is that out there [Music] it kind of looks aluminum in nature feel is aluminum in nature [Music] look at that big pot right there it's like a big cooking pot somebody was using it as a uh there's something back there too hold up big old cookie pie they're using it as a planter aluminum cooking pie what's up bro watch out watch this guy you put holes in the bottom looks like some uh friday the 13th ish right there bro that's what that look like a little fireplace poker holder sometimes there's some brass on these guys i don't think you're gonna be nothing on this one though [Applause] all right we are in the juice okay we're in the juice with mother goose [Applause] that's definitely aluminum whatever that is probably something that goes like on the side of the siding of the house like for the attic or a vent for a storage unit or a shed but that's so aluminum all day what we got here man looks like audio matrix audio stuff man audio stuff at least they put it on the top this time i think i know what these are yeah these are i found these last time yep it's a little bit of scrap in these so we'll grab them that means we're gonna have to get in y'all it's all right let's do it hop on in with the juice yeah these are all full brackets so they're scrap worthy they're scrap worthy wire in this bag here all right snip it get all these a little bit of a little bit of work getting everything out all that but there's enough of them here oh what we got strawberry dream 20 alcohol appalachian huh i got family up in appalachia west virginia old coal mine in town my dad told me stories back when he was a kid when he got wander up in the hills he'd have to let uh let my uncle robert know so he could let the people in the hills know that my dad would be playing in the hills because they'd be you know making some hooch and stuff oh yeah that's not to get shot all right sweet chicka i see chicka look at all that man some wire there's all kinds of crap up in here i see copper let's see here look at that we got a tote broken tote let's grab this stuff here that's a little uh threader head rigid threader i recognize that all right look at all this stuff ooh lots of stuff right here [Music] uh try not to get all that water huh some guidewire aluminum some of this crap is new [Music] i like new stuff easy to clean all right breaking all right a little bit that's these are cast aluminum pieces get the little screw those screws out oh look at that look at that oh there's the ridgid thing the thread yeah you put a dye in here that rock and roll type stuff man it's a whole bunch of fitting somebody just the whole box i'm fitting whoa down in here yeah look at that yeah all these it's like all that long metal pipe i find this is what connects them together and majority of the time they're cast aluminum breaker there you know what i'm gonna try something guys i'll try something i think i got a magnet in my trunk i think i knew although that's not going to pick up crack their brand new ballast right there [Music] see this dumpster is stuffed another brand new bath oh my gosh down in the juice look at all that oh man holy cow look at all that aluminum right [Music] let's just there what we can everything's so wet and gross tell you what hold up we're going to do a little experimenting [Music] although i don't know if i'll be able to get it all off that's a that's a really high-powered magnet kind of but kind of not really has a lot of aluminum down in here this will get the fairest stuff [Music] took y'all's advice guys oh that's gonna leave all the good stuff down in the bottom step this guy won't pick up that's a 500 pound magnet i'm taking a magnet fishing a couple of times but all you really catch is crap junk you know it's not like we had a civil war fought where i live stainless there jesus put some over here although that tote is falling apart [Music] oh that's picking up the aluminum pieces because they got metal screws in them so i suppose that works sort of [Music] crap man [Music] this bananas all kinds of new stuff [Music] dumpster magnet fishing all right ooh my gloves are disgusting down in that juice i guess the magnet it kind of works actually it does work who am i kidding all right that's another bounce brand new balance all right somebody definitely cleaned out a work truck [Music] that's a lot of ish right there that's a lot a lot of ish man i wish i had another tub because this guy's all broken up i can't put too much more and it's just gonna fall out now what i can tell is probably get a little heavy more under here too a little break get off of there you get what i can all right isn't there like a superhero that's like magnetic having a hard magneto picking up some of this stuff we're getting to the aluminum now i just have to dip my hands in the juice for that aluminum did pretty good on aluminum tonight there we did yeah whoa magnetic mic yes you're barely picking that up okay it's a little juicy a little juicy guys [Music] hmm hope i hope i can pick that sucker up get her in the truck all right we're down the nitty-gritty here she didn't want to pick none of that up really dang it all right all right we'll grab the bigger aluminum stuff now bigger step definitely gonna have to wash these gloves all right and we got most of it though there we go [Applause] oh i'm gonna smell good man all right i've had about as much fun as i'm gonna have in this stuff [Music] holy cow all right we got most of it [Music] this crap this is the most disgusting i think i've ever gotten in the dumpster like literally in the juice like swimming in it shabbat some of that sell it mike's famous dumpster juice all right i think i got enough i think i got enough man at all those whoa [Music] juices us juices all right yeah well i'm dripping that sweat too turn man pick up all this stuff here let's see there another little test that's not too bad i think i can manage that oh my gosh somebody help me holy moly yeah i'm done man these gloves are about done too yeah all righty scavengers i'm gonna go ahead and call it right there there's my gloves soaking wet i uh pretty darn successful evening out there getting some stuff uh got all these boxes i got to go through cut these open they've got the uh all that little metal what do they call it tile support i think they're for speakers they have a metal round thing it's like the little bracket for the speakers tons of cages back there uh that cabinet uh i looked it up well it look um that midwest whatever it's like walkie-talkie stuff radio stuff and it's some sort of cabinet i don't know if it's it's not necessarily like a server rack type of cabinet but it's like cabinet for like where you put the radio things in it so uh you know a little scrap there for sure all those cages yeah that's what's in these boxes right here these little metal brackets and there's little brackets here too for ceiling support i guess for the speakers uh yeah cages a little bit of this a little bit of that bunch of aluminum pipe uh yeah i mean yeah i mean this guy right here i guess it goes to show i'm not too scared of getting in uh getting in deep and real deep but this right here this is for a die this is all for like threading basically we used to use these when i worked in the oil field uh the little dye sits in here you buy diet it's got threads it looks a lot like like this little well kind of like those and uh this locks it locks it in and uh basically like for a piece of pipe it's for threading pipe manually uh anyone who's ever had to thread pipe manually knows that that crap sucks especially that bigger stuff we use that uh you know that double extra heavy pipe that you're uh having to throw oh god that stuff sucks but anyways yeah that last dumpster man we've got a ton of stuff back here there's ballast ton of this i mean there's a lot of aluminum in here a lot of cleaning up to do though that's for sure so that's gonna keep me super busy maybe i'll make a little time lapse video of cleaning all this up right here just to see and how we ended up doing but yeah brand new ballast hoses breakers i mean we got it all my poor little gloves though and hose them down probably gotta hose my feet down they probably stink some audio stuff heater stuff there's a little jack back there yeah i mean all in all pretty good pretty good there's my magnet that was my fear right there something's gonna get stuck and you just can't get it off it's a 500 pounder like i literally one day when i was trying to magnet fish by this bridge it had these metal pillars there it goes and it literally stuck right to the side of it's like an i-beam and i almost thought i was going to have to leave it there because it was it i just i mean because it was stuck so flat on there and i was pulling pull and pulling and it was about 30 feet down almost lost it but we got it uh keep that in the truck i mean i bought it to try the magnet fish that's the one that i dropped off the dock went back had a big anchor uh i bought an anchor from my dad he had a big metal anchor from uh one of his boats and i threw it out there with the chain and just kind of drug it until it finally picked it up so yeah that's the one that i i lost but i got it back uh like i said i've done some magnet fishing not handle i haven't had a whole lot of luck with it i mean what you usually pull up you're gonna pull up stuff that's you know that's carbon it's got carbon in it it rusts you're not gonna pull up you know an actual diamond ring because gold and diamonds are not magnetic you know so you're just gonna pull up crap pulled up pliers old knives uh fishing hooks lots of fish and hooks uh knives more knives more pliers crap mostly just crap if you're lucky you can get hung up on a fish and pull pull fish and pull up but it's usually something that's been down there for a while so it ain't no good but anyways guys i have got some work cut out for me tomorrow hopefully it don't rain because i don't want this stuff to get all wet oh yeah and then i got those cases i need to pull those cases out i got them sitting up front you know of course i'm not gonna throw them back here they get all beat up be on those uh musical cases uh had some pretty good luck last time i found a bunch of musical stuff uh it's summertime right now though so may not have the best of luck but i might throw all three of them up hey you know 50 bucks all three of them uh last time we had somebody that uh that bought some for i think it was like a school band or something like that they needed some new cases um you know i mean you know i'm not going to try to get rich off of it especially if it's going for a good cause uh you know kids that need it that kind of thing whatever so we'll throw them up there maybe start start at 50 bucks someone offers me 20 or 30. sure man just come pick it up come pick them up for the uh you know it's for the for the band for the band kids need uh outlets these days but anyways like i said man i got my work cut out for me in the morning get out here hopefully it's not gonna start raining it was raining this morning raining the day before i mean as y'all saw there was juice in all the dumpsters lots of dumpster juice so hopefully i get out here and it's not raining and doesn't disintegrate these boxes get all this cleaned up this cleaned up right here like i said maybe i don't know it seems what do y'all think do a little time lapse video sorting i mean that's a lot to sort but there's there's a lot of aluminum in there we did pretty good with the aluminum tonight that's for sure anyways but uh all righty cats well i'ma get up in there make me a make me a turkey sandwich uh kickback glass of chocolate milk go to bed i'm tired yeah but uh anyways well all right guys um appreciate y'all tagging along as always total pleasure be sure to like that video hit the like button uh subscribe if you have it uh i'm talking to you the one who has not subscribed subscribe uh notification bell hit that notification bell stay up to date uh with the flying just in case you happen to come across something that you're like oh my god i have to have it mike you know um this right here like i'm not gonna have any problems getting rid of this like i'm not gonna scrap this it's even got a 40 price tag on it yeah so that rigid stuff i'm not gonna look like somebody had that in a garage sale that's got a 50 tag on it so yeah i'm not going to scrap the rigid stuff that stuff's worth money i know that's worth money i've sold stuff like that when i work used to work in the oil field uh but anyway yep uh so uh yeah hit that notification bell stay up to date uh instagram facebook got it new to facebook got it uh don't really like it i don't think it's gonna last but i have it for the time being we'll see what happens with it turn out facebook is kind of kind of not a very friendly place for people trying to grow a page i mean you can grow a page on facebook if you if you want to pay to grow it you know there's no such thing as our credit growth on facebook or instagram uh they limit what gets shown and uh basically they tell you if you pay money they'll show it to more people and i'm like that's stupid that's so stupid so i don't know how much longer that's gonna last but if you happen to have facebook instagram we'll check it out oh extra special shout out to everybody that bought some merch appreciate that guys if you're interested down below teespring get y'all some stuff it should be a banner right there at the bottom um t-shirts mugs stickers that all that good stuff helps the scavenger out but uh all right like i said i'm gonna get up in there get out here tomorrow clean this up hopefully i can make a big enough hole we get out there and hit it again uh but until that next one y'all take care be safe what we got here y'all those gravity scraps [Music]
Channel: Mike The Scavenger
Views: 471,977
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, dumpster diving at walmart, best dumpster diving, dumpster diving for food, dumpster diving in america, dumpster, diving, dumpster diving gamestop, dumpster diving 2020, dumpster diving at apple store, dumpster diving haul, dumpster diving at ulta, dumpster diving police, dumpster diver, jackpot dumpster diving, frugal living, dumpster haul, dumpster diving mega, dumpster diving illegal, dumpster divers, apple store dumpster diving, ahmedmoetv dumpster diving
Id: feSis6GyicY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 4sec (3184 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 07 2021
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