Dumpster Diving "Not Anyway To Live Your Life"

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oh there we go map holders and such i think that's what that is blueprint holders some aluminum there got us a table oh there we go oh it's got wheels on it that's not a table similar to the table there's more crap in here see oh yeah look at all this that's all aluminum right there man taco cabana all right well how we doing y'all how is everyone and everybody that works for me look at that firebox full of spaghetti it's all bad there we go aluminum right there save the blueprints for the trash i wonder if this goes with that rack i'm on the bed it does they hang in that rack that's got to be what it is like right here yeah like this yeah just like that what they do it's a rack for hanging stuff firebox i love digging in trash man it's so awesome look at that there we go this is the fire line like that one's metal grab that box here oops it fell over all right huh let's see here my link line my link line huh come on some sort of mechanism device for connectivity slow it down just a little bit get a little head get a little hurried sometimes the adrenaline gets pumping you know but old buddy of mine used to work with him iraqi veteran fourth platoon infantry always told me slow as fast fast as steady steady is smooth words to live by y'all laird i think that's antenna stuff more of it i think that's what that is some [ __ ] donuts all right right good stuff all right you got my mess all the crappy job yeah these these are sometimes cast over them sometimes not all the time but stunned all right all right first dumpster got it what's up number four we got here y'all i see tubes and stuff oh box is breaking special wheel bearing grease nlgi they're full huh is it the same it's the same as what's in this box super cool for you use the conventional long life hybrid and heavy duty cooling systems added here for use heavy duty coolant huh what's up man yeah this is grease i'll use some wheel bearing grease this stuff is used for yes it is that's a whole case man two three whole cases and stuff yeah yeah yeah oh i see looks like car parts let's see what we got up in here yo hop on in hey little piece of scrap it's all up under here there's something down here is it it's like a piece of a car or a car seat or a jack or something looks peculiar yeah car parts right here good solid heavy scrap [Music] standing on something down here going deep let's see this other here let's get it out and take all this crap out yeah there we go yeah scrap man that's metal metallica that has some weight to it it looks like a scale yes scale it's a cool box dr strange plastic there here it looks like something down here in this box here of course everything is down at the bottom oh yeah there we go oh it's like a half shaft all right now i should have pulled the truck up but is what it is y'all don't don't kill me all right all right i think we're about good here that's just somebody's trash it's a cool box that's for those pies a pecan pie all right whoa swallow me hoe but i will be backing the truck up let's pick this up so smarter in that sense yeah we got here y'all chapstick crap crappy crappity crap looks like some drawer slides up under that there pallet y'all oh i hate this dumpster it's so tall all right why you gotta be so tall look at all those holy cow it's like a whole box pull up all them drawer slides y'all lots and lots of jaw flied uh this here bag let's take a quick look something's beeping do y'all hear that uh i hope it's not a device oh i heard it again what is it look more car parts oh it's leaking oil what is that i don't know what that is like brake fluid or something coming out what was beeping was it this nasty bag sky caddy division it's all greasy let's see if i can just stick that in my pocket i'll save that for later there's a big old master rock in there a lot of times those have brass a lot of time the better ones the gooder ones i don't hear the beeping i do not hear beeping all right all right all right disaster averted no beeping all right yeah um there's a big old bulb down there there we go get there get it like lots of light bulbs in here man what is this is it's a big old breaker thing that's a number one wire right there that looks like aluminum breakage wire there a little more here yeah i bet that's the old ball i better bet that up all right four wires biting me there's ants in here fluorescent bone what's that palette you know i see a little bit of wires up in here let's see if we can get us a little something some stuff [Applause] ah well not a whole lot screwdriver all right let's see here okay some fruits all right yeah i didn't knock the power over all right yes snip it yeah i seen it i seen it driving by sticking up out of there like come and give me come and get me yeah come and give me come and get me i'll come and get you i'll come and get you all right all right oh mike he'll come and get you got a bucket here what's your nails look for now oh there's a bunch of screws down there too hold up let me see something here is that a bucket full of doo-doo no not due to dirt there's a bunch bunch of screws looks like bricks okay let's see what we got here y'all actually we can take this guy look at look that all those screws [Music] like that right here actually let me put this in here that way i don't drop it on the ground let's get somebody a flat tire maybe myself we don't want that no no no no all right whoa screws and such screws put that back i love you oh you sound empty empty empty as my soul got these cardboard boxes man it's not there not even that you don't recycle you don't even find them it's gonna sting okay they creep it up under here no [Music] fudge oh what we got here yo somebody left me a corona light a couple of them sorry but i don't drink all right look at that stuff there's a couple of nice wires on there man look at that that's some heavy gauge stuff right there that's stripper wire boy oh whoa whoa there's some dust up in here man a little bit of thumb something right there man we get that feels heavy yeah it does oh because it's got wood in it yeah i don't want the wood man get that out of here sure i'm not getting in there a little little too dusty and funky little funky funky oh wires and such yeah oh yeah oh i see wires steps are pretty nice not gonna lie pretty nice so when we found all the wires in the last go around too look at all that man that is the goods yeah that's gonna be number two wire all day long another box down here too yep and it's got wire in it too not a whole lot but you know what it's something it is most definitely something there's a sign back there hey man i never over there put my screws and nails in there all right that freaking sign it's gonna gotta be right out of reach all right that's all right how about being piece of aluminum stick totally missed the truck all right whoa all right my toolbox back and my feet look at this fast never die oh bulbs i see pipe y'all see pipe i see pipe all right pipe oh oh pipe pipes and bulbs oh yeah pipe yeah gotta be a little careful with you they're hiding in the bounty look at that big top nipple and that's what you beat somebody with right there yes sir if you're in that kind of that mood i don't i don't condone beating people with pipes it's not not any way to live your life there okay i don't see no more so let's hit the road jack jack burton and leave jack burton alone um okay ah boy we're high up there huh yeah oh yeah oh dumpster all righty scavengers well we're gonna go ahead and call it right there it was pretty successful evening not the most of successful evenings but we ended up getting some stuff nails screws car parts bunch of wire tonight actually pretty uh pretty stoked about that a couple cases of some super cool additive for your antifreeze a case of uh some wheel bearing grease i mean i don't really think the grease goes bad one thing i could think of is maybe the case was old or busted or something open i have no idea just old stock uh but we'll take it see we got here some fire extinguisher stuff lots of wires randomness i found this in one dumpster but i don't think i i think it was i think i found that i don't remember finding that okay ah yeah more wires there over here scales i think this was the thing that was beeping the sky caddy skye golf gps i don't know i got the cord for it in here it'll plug it in and see what she does see what she's all about man i don't know uh to see a scale a bunch of these guys i just grabbed them for the wires and the uh the scrap value i think the case is metal actually it looks that way it looks like a modem probably a modem or or something or something for a phone there's phone line but yeah i got the wires and such over there oh over here let's see we got more wires a few of these guys it's a power supply it's got the aluminum housing on them we'll clean it up as much we can get the clean aluminum off of it maybe we can get it all out i don't know but yeah that's good stuff right there scrap value car parts more number two wire got my case probably gonna use that for screws to be honest with you a little bit of scrap bag here added to our pile got our thing here let me see that all these guys down here these should probably be easy to clean up i would think i hope i hope i can clean those up for scrap because i think that's extruded on there but yeah i'll play with it in the morning see if we clean those up it says plan hold although this probably as a a thing probably worth a little bit more but i don't know how that goes let's see here yeah i guess you unscrew it it'll come apart let's see we've already got that much invested into it let's see if these knobs are stainless yeah those are stainless man definitely save those save those oh yeah they come apart a little spring loaded in there oh yeah easy easy to clean this up easy peasy lip is squeezy just this piece right here is we're gonna have to pop the little rivets out but easy peasy uh but yeah all in all you know pretty successful you know not a complete home run but you know it's not always that way but you know got some stuff had a great time doing it sweating my butt off ac still out in the truck i think the uh it's been the shop for past couple or past day and a half and i think they pinpointed it's the uh the knob so we're waiting on that to come in so but yeah i did this whole trip with no ac you know uh windows rolled down swept my butt off i actually feel like i lost some weight so that's good that's always good but anyways well alrighty guys well that's going to do it on this episode of dumpster diving i'm your host with the absolute most mike the scavenger uh as always it was a total pleasure appreciate y'all tag along be sure to like the video subscribe to the channel definitely subscribe if you haven't already because uh i got a lot more coming i ain't giving up now for a long time man we're going to ride this horse teller the hoods fall off so definitely subscribe stay up to date with all the latest finds uh instagram got one check it out uh extra special shout out to everybody bought some merchandise i appreciate that so much guys down below there should be a little link little banner teespring got some t-shirts stickers um what else i think i think there's some other stuff too so yeah definitely go check it out buy a little sticker or something help support the scavenger but yep all right well i got a little bit of work for me in the morning not too much not too bad and uh you know make some room go get some more stuff so y'all stay tuned for that next one love y'all bye peace [Music] mic the scavenger
Channel: Mike The Scavenger
Views: 114,153
Rating: 4.9555626 out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, dumpster diving for food, dumpster diving vlog, dumpster, we went dumpster diving, daytime dumpster diving, buhay amerika dumpster diving, biggest jackpot dumpster diving, dumpster diving pinoy in america, daytime dumpster diving mega haul, diving, dumpster diving at apple store, dumpster diving in america, best dumpster dive, dumpster dive night, dumpster diving at ulta, jezvlog dumpster diving, dumpster diver, dumpster haul, best dumpster diving
Id: YsSrgniSdtE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 39sec (2079 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 18 2021
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