Dumpster Diving- Amazing! 12 Apple Macbooks in the Trash!

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two perfumes [Music] oh there's a note you know what it says snacks this little bags fine by the way these well not there's something in it Oh people do correct let brown really ill all right this is a nice over here until we find the phone for Barry this shirt we don't want this poster salt right no purse though this is for hot wheels kiss make hurt or thank you get my stuff oh look we might need that controller I don't watch it goes to but it has those things Los Angeles area Council I don't know which machine but it might go to one of the ones we have at home most controller somebody threw a lot of personal stuff uh-oh is that enough risking mass you're gonna fine I'll watch that for you that is that's in there cool Samsung s7 this might be this is a tote for camping table one glove chocolate this sonic impact technologies actually whatever this is it making radio and maybe this can we throw stuff in this token actually throw stuff in a shirt even though it's dirty we can definitely donate that stuff if we find this that could be funny I know where I think that'll be fun of to found that this will go with a bot I'll throw this in this tone that's a lid a little that big what's that praying thing back there hold on [Music] this yeah what is that Oh did do was paint oh I just look fan thing when it start like that close Hevy please do not open or take please okay don't open it don't take it the library oh my goodness sweet library Apple here let's get them out let's get him out right now there's more than wine oh crap oh okay Oh drat the whole box put-put need them now library we have to check in the back there's at least four of them in here I think Oh I don't know what they are I think their laptops like really old laptops it's definitely yeah the filter one guy I know let's see where I fit in here what if there's more like seriously this is a freaking okay we're gonna let's get up whenever we find something nice I like to get it in the vehicle this is close we got a bunch of iPads iPads okay we got this toilet that close I say we say we give what the getting's good right now if somebody comes out my goodness what no Bryan's brains its unzip this and there are deaf Australia this case is from Australia don't keep it now Mandara duck from Australia step here fold wait be careful my tea glass and it might be good glass might be good glass so freakin hot right now is it candles time's up here can you grab it yeah does that just live there's a bunch of them man it's a good dumpster hey you know what let me I'll bend over I'll bend over I'll go down here and put them I'll start put them in this box this little teeny she like candle from Ikea I'm here somebody may only get here back in my head hold on those are neat they were obsessed about whatever they are they're late these might be kind of fun to do a project but no wait you don't drop them on it because it'll break okay my turn oh how about no you can't just keep doing it that way Oh mine hopping up I just didn't want to I didn't want to uh all right we're tagged taking turns try to throw them lightly there you go somebody dumped the punches you're gonna have to stop what is that oh that's like for Band Hero game wait another controller so much okay hold this but what they are but their needs I wanna see what those objects are so thank you though look at it just like a tea light yeah or and a sponge in there s trays for small syrup right here here's the two pennies I found them oh my gosh what a cool dumpster here these were gonna do something good like this just does its Australia I know are these animals oh we could take those guys yeah close the phone for you look there's electric cat yeah he's got a battery or something them we'll take these guys they don't look dirty they're okay this one's got some yeah conservative a heartbeat or something that I think that best there's something one last thing in there Oh Vanna okay Lee I can't wait to see what's in those or what those are they're opened I mean they're not iPads they're Matt books or something their laptops tell you what they're heavy we are super heavy I got a bunch of them so they're from a library or something so we're gonna look and see if we can figure out yeah there was a sticker on it since about live library oh my gosh there's more stuff they usually like on this route when you find something they start throwing it away and multiple dumpsters somebody threw away all this stuff and we've seen this before where we just start following them yeah and they dump it into a bunch of different dumpsters that mirror there is nice I know it goes with that wicker thing that's and it's flat we gotta look there might be no did we grab them yeah we did subscribe [Applause] those boxes those are brand new this is great we're in new boxes this is expensive I mean these is rejected but Wow okay well wicker dresser no yeah it goes to that and whatever that is this must be a nightstand yep nightstand so somebody just dumped all our stuff okay that's I shouldn't open that trash bag that stinks look in here Sally Beauty right here it doesn't feel like a penny back place needs to be painted or something you know what they have a it was some goodwill or something we're doing a yard sale or something we didn't sell look right there illegal dumping is prohibited and everybody doesn't yeah I just don't anybody think we dumped that you know no we don't want anybody thinking we've done boxes okay we got to get to shade it's freakin a hundred degrees higher than 100 102 right now that's very hot we're gonna go find a shade spot and then so library let's see that's not good property schools blow okay this could look at that let's see let's see okay look up type it's a MacBook so it's not an iPad no definitely not an Ivy I thought it was iPads it's a MacBook that was from a spirit let's campus yemeni we got got rid of them see how many we got then they're all the same I don't want to have them nail with all of them out might as well six Wow but that was is that right no it's just a dimensional okay so that's seven here start another what we haven't done my doesn't jacked up kids beat these up look at these cuz it said it was a school okay so student laptop it says we're here student laptop so the kids look at this look at this part wait it's warped there must be a battery blowing up okay because this part doesn't look bad no there's not actually good so this is a which one do you want to look at the buff wait I'm on there too early I'm confused with this part why is it like on that one this when you have your laptop look like this this lights up so there's a light bulb under there it glows but look on the old ones these are old yeah my face is that way or real right oh they're totally real okay these were definitely from a school oh my gosh it's kids jack things up what did they oh you can still push look kid pencils this colored little little kids know he was decorating it not respecting the goods ooh that is a battery right there okay so this I just want to see how many are do they just take those off or they did break off no they didn't know any is this going on the battery is right under there and it's blown up this might be something fixed oh let me see what the MacBook it's over let me see with that maybe there's a cleaner bottom what the color looks like they were one thousand nine one two thousand nine so it's really really 11 years Wow these are 11 years all that screen at an angle yeah that's correct I don't feel it this one has a crack first I see something yeah yeah I just can't feel it okay so let's see that screen looks nice the keyboard looks nice this kid's respected the school yeah the battery just kind of gave out on them this is one not bad but it's bulging I know maybe that's why they got rid of it they all just bulged or it was so hot in that dumpster cuz it's over 100 degrees it's so hot to me that would suck if that's what's okay so we got extra kid plenty of these on there we got definitely have keys and keys enough to spread around we could salvage one we have a little we have the stuff to power it up it's on this side do we have that that's a phone no it's this our laptop take something like that it kind of looks like that I don't know yeah that one looks like this guy this is bad this guy's heaven this just looks like a take oh this is a rubber mat on the bottom yeah so oh my goodness Wow three six oh my goodness 9 10 11 12 Wow look at this no our best one is this one that maybe we can try to salvage I could take keys from whatever if we had to if you come in looks good on this one if this one powers up Steph you attorney that's not bulging oh I can definitely replace the battery no problem okay so let's set this one set this one aside okay this one is totally bad but will if stiff Steph might be able to take parts make make a whole one and hopefully it works maybe you can make - yeah I don't know like that one look this one doesn't look like it's bulging right yeah Burt no it is there from 2009 Indian Indian battery this is freaking crazy if we can get one out of this that'll be fun I don't know what you could do with it it's old but if and it could be locked into the school or whatever no they don't intend about that I'm gonna wipe them we'll see all right we won't know till we power one on I don't know if it's worth buying a battery to get it Austin research a worst case this will go to e-waste yes that's what it's supposed to go recycled the proper way yep so so when we get we get home we'll try to fire it up and see if any of them power on and though how exciting is that that was it that was a good dumpster just to sell these keys I bet people buy one kid it's a good no I want to sit there and that is a good idea or at least if maybe there's a recycle place like you know when we say placed yeah so there if we take it a waste they're gonna use whatever they can yeah all right so we look we will get you guys up to speed hopefully that works and then like I said they're old I don't know what you can do on them but you guys might now give it to one of the grandkids we'll have a lottery okay one thing they didn't deserve to clean that dumpster no they shouldn't have been in a dumpster but one of the grandkids if there if you could put like a game on there or something I don't know I don't know what I'm saying but they're so old I don't know what they can do I know our phones are better than that I'm excited just that we save some yep it's not going these were expensive to begin with schools don't mess around on price I didn't know schools did this maybe you go to a library and just check them out oh yeah it could be student yeah this is crazy man and that's see maybe you shouldn't give it to the kids because they don't appreciate it yeah when it's given to them you know I mean all right so we're gonna when we get home we'll test that out and then we'll give you guys a follow up meantime we got to donate some stuff and go check some more dumpsters on to the next okay so we this is my mouse cuz this is jacked up but um plug them in and it looks like this one's working so my options have got a restore a reinstall or a disk utility so this is one of the ones it's got some keys missing it's all puffy of course but hey this is pretty cool that at least is powering up not with the battery the battery is not working but we had a plug it actually matches our laptop that we had so we had a plug that works on these so that's good um anyway I don't know exactly what to do but I got it to get on our Wi-Fi oh no didn't get it on the wife I'm gonna try to figure out how to get it on our Wi-Fi to bypass this and see if I can install but that's pretty cool we might have one that works that's right not bad for dumpster fire at all that's awesome on to the next
Channel: StevenSteph Resale Killers
Views: 946,438
Rating: 4.7917366 out of 5
Keywords: StevenSteph, Dumpster, Diving, apple macbook, Apple, Macbook
Id: ZHDwIeWokz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 39sec (1239 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 20 2020
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