Trash picking million dollar homes

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i could believe that guy was in the trash he's really really cool looking but then again i mean look at all this other stuff that we keep finding [Music] hey what's going on posse it's your boy that takes a picture we're gonna do some really early this morning i just got off my regular job working graveyards and i decided to go take a little run real quick before i go home and let's get the show on the road [Music] school just little legos and this looks like it's got a junk in here yeah i'm not taking that hey look at this guy wrong with it feels good all needs oh maybe some minor tweaking i don't know we're gonna give this guy a try looks like the pedals might have missed one of the feet what are they throwing away hmm okay it's a little bit heavy so we're gonna all right we got it again it's a good bike it's probably about 800 bike brand new take this off see this bean bag [Music] all right here we go yep this one bit the dust what about oh this one's not too bad though this broke off i wonder if it's over here anywhere you don't need that though should i get that i might clean up we'll give it a try i think this should wash off dang look at this stuff guys impression table this guy okay i'll have to figure out how to get this in the truck oh my goodness so this should come out here somehow let me see all right put this away all right folks well we're on a roll with all this fitness equipment speaking of fitness how do you like the way i'm fitting this stuff in the back of my truck building up be able to open up the gym with all the stuff i got now got that inverter you got that one table thing whatever it was to stretch out your back the table the chair we haven't been out here not even not even 20 minutes well i'm lying it's been about 30 minutes now let me uh just a we've slight out here about 30 minutes now and i say we're off to a great start i mean this truck's almost full so let's keep going well good morning sunshine looks like we finally got some good daylight out so yeah you weren't watching a nighttime video you're actually watching my early morning video it's just uh we are in the middle well i guess starting the fall season and the days are getting shorter so i wanted to kind of drive around for a little bit so you guys can see these houses in the daylight um i don't get to do that very often we got some real nice houses up in this area man one of the best picks i've ever had and i don't know if i can find the video but was at this house right here right there they had actually um moved out and they had all sorts of stuff on the front yard i picked up a bunch of good stuff that day all right guys usually i don't get stuff like this oh and closer look i'm not gonna get it anyways but let's see what's inside this bags looks like there's some sheets or something in here yeah there's some sheets in here curtains this whole bag well i wasn't gonna get this guy what's in here all right it's tennessee whiskey [Music] oh yeah all right guys so in front of my head give me a call let me know about uh some bikes that they were throwing out of the neighborhood so i thought i'd drive around but i didn't bring my camera so i thought i'd just film with my phone and then go from there except that i don't have you know i'm not going to you know film picking it up so here's something that we found an ammo can storage bin it's not correct i'll take that too i'm taking him for sure nothing in here come on nice paintings or prints all right well this is going to be a kind of interesting video because i'm gonna be going back from the gopro camera which is the stuff that you guys saw during the day and as you guys saw already i found some stuff during the night a friend of mine like i said that told me about these bikes right here uh on our street so i went by to check it out and realize that nobody had gone through that neighborhood because um there was a lot of stuff out there as you saw through the rest of the video i wasn't able to have my gopro with me so it's kind of me back and forth but i want to ask you all a question because i felt like the and you'll see that the the iphone recorded brighter than the gopro does so i'm almost thinking that i should do everything on my iphone from now on but the only thing bad about that is that i can't do it hands-free i'd have to just record show you guys what there is and then maybe do the recap or i can do it in the daylight hands-free while i'm digging through the stuff but i'm not gonna be able to show the whole process of me looking through the stuff because there's just no way the phone's way too big for me to hold in one hand and dig the one hand it's it's too cumbersome but with that being said we're gonna go ahead and go through all the stuff that we found both day and that night um hope you liked the video and check it out all right we're gonna start with these bikes got that ozone canyon ridge probably about a 30 40 dollar bike got this fuji that's a good one there's probably this one here brand new is probably around 4 500 bucks so we'll see what we can get out of it i'll see what's wrong with it looks like the brakes the back might be to be worked on i know the seat is bad but probably still pull about 100 bucks off that one i haven't looked up this one yet it's a horror freight line we'll see what that what what that can pull in a little scooter for the ground got this little fusion scooter i can't believe that guy was in the trash he's really really cool looking but then again i mean look at all this other stuff that we keep finding this little bike's gonna get some good money i think it's about blades fitness it's one of those spinning bikes conversion table this is one of them good ones i like this one because i think this one here locks in your feet and then the other night well last night we found the body power health and fitness inversion table of course that little bench or ottoman or whatever but here's the uh the cushion that goes on top i'm sure all that stuff is going to clean off pretty easy just hit it with the brush should clean it off pretty quick i also picked up these two nice prints this one here um you see it's got some stuff in the back let's see how big it is it's my ikea and it's 30 by 46. misty road 2004 that's a nice print and this one here is framed this one's amazing too another big one this one doesn't have any information oh yeah here we go 52x33 i don't know where this is from made in the u.s really nice set of prints rubbermaid storage bin oh yeah i forgot this was inside hold on and move this inside so i could make room i guess this is like an ice cream maker and the people said that it works so well the sign says little mountain i don't know yeah ice cream freezer i don't know how this thing is that guy got a bunch of stuff i'm gonna go through this individually here in just a second and all this stuff i'll go through that individually in just a second cuisine art bread maker i bet you this guy works i mean it looks clean we'll have to dust some of this stuff off that's a lot of stuff guys all right so there's some interesting stuff in those bags um i found a bunch of nancy drew pc games didn't see much of them and i looked them up and the reason i took this bag because i saw these i thought they were um i thought they were what's called like playstation games being all pc but these nancy drew games got some more back there actually saw pretty well got sims so also surprised about those we should do good with these games um kids dragon backpack actually pretty neat it's like 3d it's kind of hard to tell on the camera but it is three-dimensional the way it looks i did pick this up especially here gonna be christmas soon this is the store away lights and stuff like that has um about three reels inside you put inside this bag and then you throw your lights away let's see got this ammo can this is why i took that i saw this ammo can plus those two but there's some other stuff that's pretty neat i'll show you here in a second but this is a vintage one military is this military grade it seems like it yeah so these are popular and they sold real easily there's an old little gas can i can't see any logos or anything like that but coleman lantern i don't know what this is i'm not sure if it's for spray painting or if it's like for spraying like a bug spray or something like that pretty solid though didn't see any marking oh here we go i can't read it can you see what this is it's hard to read i don't know i'll put this in the light and get a closer look on it get an idea what that is and some you know got this little animal trap you know a lot of people like collecting these just to put them up as decor so that's pretty neat some kind of weight for something none of these are for a window i know how these are these windows at i had these weights on this one might be something like that where did it go on here [Music] all right some old ice picks things and uh this year always looking for this like cutco these things are worth some money and just some random stuff in here belt markers little calculator we got two got a bunch of these three how much how much they were i don't see a price on here but i'm gonna look them up i'm gonna post the price right here how much these things cost let's see probably the easiest way so we got four four of those no idea what that is oh it's probably a color snap onto a jacket and then everything else in here oh all right guys so i just looked those guys up and if you look on uh just if you just google it on on on the walmart page there there is still between 25 to 35 also on um i think bed bath and beyond's gone for like 29.99 up to 34.99 also just depends on the design i think this design because it's got it's called the esquire it's got like a pattern on it those go for a little bit more i think they're more closer to the 35 range so even if i sold them for 20 each and being that these are brand new that's 120 dollars right there with those six well one two three four five oh no there's five of them so it's a hundred bucks in the trash so i just want to thank you guys so much for watching i really hope you enjoyed the video i do have a lot of fun uh doing this as you can probably tell and i hope you guys are having a lot of fun uh tagging along with me drop a like leave a comment let me know what your favorite find was and so i'll wrap it up there guys till next time thank you so much for watching [Music] you
Channel: Texan Picker
Views: 327,851
Rating: 4.8691292 out of 5
Keywords: trash picking in rich neighborhood, trash picking, trash picker, garbage picker, garbage picking, making money trash picking, making money, how to make money, how to make easy money, finding free stuff, free stuff, easy money, dumpster diving, dumpster diver, environment, environmentally friendly, save the earth, green energy, curb side, curb side picking, curb side shopping, thrift, resell
Id: -yvE1fely6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 51sec (1431 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 06 2020
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