Dumpster Diving-13 Boxes of SHOES! Coach, Badgley Mischka, Tory Burch, Rachel Zoe

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what look hold on what [Music] coach oh cool awesome what else is in here some lamps christmas decorations right there yeah so the last last time we came here yeah these are really nice we might keep those in the guest room i think there's two okay go ahead last time we came here we pulled up just like this parked right there and they were bringing boxes out and uh and we saw there was stuff out here yeah there was some lego lego on the ground and we just stopped and waited for the employees to stop throwing boxes away and somebody pulled up we were like right there yeah this is where we were pulled up right behind us and jumped out side of the van dump jumped out and just dove in yeah jumped out grab that i don't know what else they grabbed but we were like oh okay we were waiting patiently and then we just left it that's fine they got it but that was hilarious because we were we came to get it you know to come check out and somebody else hopped out and um is that a poop okay okay look honey is that it i thought it was an ear i thought it was a poop it's a chill it's a welcome poop oh you're right they could have some empty ones this is fine that's fine that's broken the handle oh here's another shoe kelly and kate there might be more were they just sitting right on top what i know look there's more there's another one back there that is really pretty oh that's really nice definitely taking that and we got to get this other lamp in the car i hope we have enough room these lamps are really nice it has a little knob on the top these are way better than the lamps have sweeping their guest room and the cord is super long my goodness that's so cool i'm gonna keep these this is a weird cord though for a lamp it's super long which is great this is awesome i think these lamps are gonna have to go in the back seat because those shades are making a mess oh look how pretty this is this is really nice it's been raining look at that boxes are kind of limited that's beautiful oh we're definitely keeping that i think i do have to move i have to move the bag huh yeah i'll move it okay okay wow wow this is cute stuff what's that [Music] that's nice it's signed [Music] oh that's pretty these baskets are cute storage these are nice definitely take those here's more shoes that doesn't have to go in there but happy halloween that's cute these shoes are nice oh that brand is familiar this is a good one what is this brand that brand is really familiar yeah more shoes hey we've had uh look you guys are familiar with this dumpster and i can tell you right now this is a good one yeah it's a really good one i'm just gonna set this down another good one this book is soaked i can't take that that's beautiful i love it two of them and how much they were both 40 or 30 bucks yeah that's great that goes to a speaker that who knows where that is your shoes are soaked gross but that's okay here what the heck it's a shoe bag i know another wet soaking book oh what that oh it's a scent yeah speaker we'll have to find the speaker you gotta avoid stuff it's soggy because you tell them it's been raining yeah i well it's so heavy is the shoe broken it's fine i hate to have the pair not have the pair you know because the other ones see that driver sure this might be a shoe box back here okay that towel is soaked these comforters out oh there's toys under here we gotta get these out oh speak out oh is that a real watch in there it's a watch box and trash the speak out game is super fun except uw it sounds like it's in there we have that at home take that oh wow sanitize that little mouth guards oh that's so cute i love that i get thrown in here and they don't yeah garbage water closet how cute i love that this is such a good haul that's somebody's personal is it done by hand or is that i think it's a print oh do they see it you are beautiful that's cute i think that oh to me oh thanks honey [Music] oh look at this i'm brilliant beautiful and obviously take after my aunt aunt popped out for the niece okay that's cute do not disturb that's adorable these are cute oh wow we're gonna have to go through that this is really pretty a little wall decoration excuse me toys in that bag okay what else was in here broken [Music] oops you are loved [Music] okay oh we've got some marble eggs steve will like these i don't know why but i just know that he will here honey what do you think of these oh yeah those are i like them a lot ah and one's white i like the white one oh what's this nothing just garbage or [Music] oh that's cool i hear something talking it's this or that cat oh are you talking maybe it wasn't him these frames are terrible oh it's drenched inside look at the water dripping out balboa pavilion these might be important those are not yeah we might want to check that yeah they're soaked though [Music] dory fishing fleet founded in 1891 i wonder who drew these these are really nice they're framed nicely like professional frame it's got a name on there i don't know if this is some kind of kid's phone oh that's what we're talking about this was okay these are empty so if we need a box we got a couple of them here but they might be wet maybe it's a good bad cat i'm a good cat i'm a bad cat i'm a good bad cat too bad there's so much wet oh that's magazine so that's probably from joanne's maybe that was empty broken glass over there should be real okay cool i think we got most things oh we didn't look at this yet we got to see what's in this i almost forgot this for you what oh yeah okay so we got kids toys [Music] my little pony i know some are collectible but this looks like a modern one that's cute though it's good that we've caught this right now because it's gonna it's been raining and it's gonna be cute there's some big rain here in a second is this a puppet yep yeah i gotta hold on to you buddy okay who doesn't like puppets wand with a paw patrol this is all like disney that's paw patrol that's bad maybe right another puppet put that in this nice bag the puppets are great we can scare the heck out of it where's this hat um i don't know this went to a toilet or something that's cool oh little cabbage patch uh what is this it's a vintage cabbage patch yep i don't know about vintage oh it's vintage they had stone heads back in the day floating around somewhere okay well cool got a bag of toys this goes to something that's using some rings you can actually use this bag yeah you have a tony these doors to something what the heck is that i don't know it's a girl it's somebody oh it's an avenger or something the a is is that avengers yeah probably cool well these are all great nice um huh that's a rubik's cube that's doable for probably oh wow these are cool i bet we could never put it together no we we would not be good at that okay cool what a nice haul we'll get this stuff loaded up and then we'll check those bags yeah i don't know if that's gonna shut [Music] do you think this will shut um here scoot this pull that out pull the lamp out because we'll lay it on top of the top okay i could take the shades off if i'm keeping them it's getting close that's kind of nice i know i think we're going to keep them because they match our ones in our guest room don't match these so i'm taking this off real quick oh there's a box of something in there so these shoes are awesome those are really nice they look like my grandpa's shoes though don't they like yeah stuart weitzman that's an expensive brand oh look at the that's okay they're still fine obviously yeah they're nice somebody will want them somebody like them they look really good on the outside they just got somewhere on the inside [Music] it's like a electronics or something yeah [Music] oh shoes we've got some damage but hey it was great to donate awesome cool somebody'll want those uh-huh nice this is exciting and we got two not just one shoe johnson murphy don't know that nope those are really nice somebody people don't care if they're dirty like that no but they kept the time they took the time to save it this person saved their stuff oh my goodness their boxes those have a fluff in them it's fine yeah they're used they're all used but they're all really nice this is such a great thing i'm so excited to donate these cinderella is proof that a new pair of shoes can change your life wow those are nice it's so tiny oh my gosh no they're just regular but they're so tiny i know let's see though definitely yeah but they're they're still another side coach shoes that's okay um somebody could clean it up yeah like um what's it called the magic eraser might rub that right off it might just be paint it's okay it'd be worth it if i would buy it at a thrift store if i wanted them they're cute badly mitch mishka whoa real diamonds these are leather soles look at that like seriously those are nice when you put these on these are really nice right i bet these are expensive they just look expensive they feel expensive they took those to michael's and had them bedazzled yeah boy it's cold freaking cold the wind's picking up okay rachel zoe somebody those are fine those are nice these are all my shoes like they have leather soles whoever this person was has nice shoes oops she took care of them okay she took care of don't know what this is them a that's a can zero grand hundred thousand those look new they're a little bit used they're cole haan you would wear those maybe huh they're at eight oh not your size but those are nice sure i'd wear them they're nice looking those are real nice are these the same like 20. i don't know stiff come on okay wow those are really nice they're a size 15 or something okay those are big huge all right that's really nice what's tory burch i know that brand are these real they're broke where there's no sides to them ah good one these are cute little flip-flops there's a shoe in here too no it's got it's the dust bag okay those are really nice they're just used they're yeah they're just little teeny tiny shoes and another oh cool wow what's this here you gotta look in there what is that maybe it's a button an extra button for a button you know they always give you what is that another heel in case you lost your heel that's smart that's a good idea man i wish they did that all the time i wish i wasn't freezing i know these are awesome i gotta get a picture with these boxes okay all right it's freezing look at this look at all these beautiful they really are nice huh yeah like those are worth saving for christmas yeah we'll check and see with the girls that they want them i can't believe all those shoes i know hey i want to check here no there oh okay show them guys i'm gonna go check this be careful because if you open a box i know the one picks up it'll blow away our joanne hasn't had it's or the compactor is um i don't know if it's broken or what but this one's here and now this one and i can get in there look at all those i hope it's not going out of business i'm going to dig around in here let me see oh maybe that's where that wreath came from because look that's a wreath box oh i'm gonna get my glove on [Music] just dig around and see if there's anything in here okay let's see [Music] this looks like some scraps maybe the fabric section i might grab this whole bag there's neat still trims and stuff in [Music] here i don't have a grab right it's in the [Music] car [Music] it's windy it looks like mainly all that's not bad like that some scraps a fabric section [Music] [Music] that's all it looks like it's just boxes over there this and these and some of this trim i'll just grab this back
Channel: StevenSteph Resale Killers
Views: 265,794
Rating: 4.8904514 out of 5
Keywords: StevenSteph, Dumpster, Diving
Id: rbD1pfYHYa8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 46sec (1126 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2021
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