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that's where Claire Oh I thought it was a hello just a suitcase the needles on it yeah cute it's adorable and has little speakers we're gonna set whatever we get in this shopping cart what did you say it was like somebody dumped our house here this is GameStop's dumpster by the way you get the first one out of our be easier hard van Twilight will probably donate these books give these to Katie's [Music] like a I love you guys ever heard of that I know some people have commented on you put a little it's like a mail box and you put books in it and then people come to her house and she just has books out there and they're they're free to anybody that wants some and they exchange but somebody's coming in on that before where they have they know about that this is cool both of those are cool I got thicknesses this couldn't even keep this was $60 let me see where is it yeah oh wow it looks to be an excellent shape look at these two guys mm-hmm if you're well let me see let me see this - there's one like a comic book and then ones like him this is the good thing is this is Volume one and this one says compendium one I don't know what this was ten bucks originally yeah if you're a Walking Dead fan would love that red pyramid this could definitely be kids for she teaches junior high very perfect for them then you got a Clinique bag man okay Steph's grabbing a tote out of the vehicle looks like there's gonna be a bunch of games and they threw away like like cushions for their oops bins for chairs and stuff here I'll go get the tote okay got some baby powder but these books are these games when I walked with him so this first took it and I heard I heard that there's definitely stuff in these let's see I just saw I want to buy your Lancome that Lancome it was a long time ago oh how fun an operation with minions oh how cute and then were these Lego guys that are kind of broken or these pieces I don't know but that's gonna be fun it looks like the pieces and then Lego heads hey Lego head fun let's see does it work in a battery ok battery's dead how fun oh there's a little minion guys that's a good game okay let's see I don't know if that shopkins is in here teachers plan but yeah it looks good in there donate that okay what's this one Zingo bingo with a zing I loves it bingo what's the zing oops oh this is kids this will be fun to play with the grandkids they can totally play this game absolutely that's fun oh my gosh this is gonna be fun Oh okay think fun it does look fun yeah says they just for an up that's the perfect age okay Katzie that's cool Yahtzee jr. with Buzz Lightyear fun I love Yahtzee - and looks like the Dicer in there and little chips yeah okay memory spongebob memory that's gonna be fun with the grandkids ages 3 plus or grandkids are 3 and under perfect talcum powder we were just talking about talcum powder baby powder for something oh separating jewelry that's right so we're gonna keep that and use that this might be the lego guy that those little Lego heads were supposed to go with so put keep that pressure okay oh here's some some things that go with that sponge body that came that fell out apparently okay oh here's the rest of that shopkins ooh I think let me make sure you guys can see good yeah the lid and I didn't know if it there's a little I think that probably goes with it cool so those are all in their shopkins our nice was really into shopkins a while ago I don't know if it's still popular but oh my gosh she loved it Schoop that was her deal Zingo it's another one of these foresight words what was the other Zingo it was like bingo but oh one more down bingos and then this one is Zingo for sight words but doesn't say what kind cool that's awesome cuz that looks a good little learning game what are these draw journal fun spectrum math great these are excellent things for grandkids that are coming up to start school age it pretty soon in a couple years yeah what's given to their mommies they can do some home school and stuff Snoopy oh my gosh okay we got in Barnes & Noble dumpster they had some books that they ripped up and they were little seek and find things kind of like Where's Waldo and they're so good at it the kick boys are so good so like you have to look for you know him they gotta look for him in this book picture and he they can find him fast it was really good they're really smart ease little Smarties what's that t.j.maxx what is it though no idea oh it's a jewelry stance you put your rings in here and then you hang your bracelets and stuff from here and then this is watches or whatever what watches on here the jewelry stand perfectly fine that's good I'll wash that up a little bit it's in here gosh what's this no it's hard oh is it a kid's toy I think it's an inflatable fuel that was sitting like a lawn chair Oh fun what what does it say summer huh that seems like a suffocation hazard click soft plastic maybe it is a bath what's this [Music] that part of it swim support swim safe hmm mom will just donate that somebody can they can decide if it's gonna be okay or not it does look kind of sketchy not knowing the history of it and then we got some random shoe boxes okay here's some games here's a spongebob piece don't lose any of those make sure none of these have them in there okay here's a spongebob piece oh there's stuff in there okay let me set you guys down see what's in this bag oh wow nice to see left at all zipped up Lego this kid yeah neat ones look like this neat little like bass Hudson's totally into Legos right now those are cool just a landscape little thing to make stuff on I'm sure it went to some oh maybe it wasn't medieval type of Lego with the dragon who can sit on there is he Lego maybe he's not I don't see new things on his feet and his rubber Eagle died I see one I see an actual Lego guy right here here he's just a generic lego guy tending to the grass there's a bunch of it's a base for a castle somebody said oh it looks like Minecraft oh hey Lego on it see we're gonna need I'm gonna be the dumpster okay now it's not it might not be play go then but it snaps on Lego guys we don't know enough about Legos that motorcycle these don't say Legos so these are Lego for sure I don't know nice little pile leggo my eggo I called Lego make a league I know people like to put this stuff together that's going to be yeah just for a great Hudson he's just gonna play with those with this it's Lego brand whatever this was huh possible toss the bag of logos yeah that's awesome okay what else this has something heavy in it you want to do the honors you want to do the honors okay just in case there's a needle like a hypodermic needle or something you better check it [Music] what does it have a name on them yeah you know sometimes they'll thanks Pacific Jack's j8k KS look at the eyes pretty I didn't expect this to be in there that's it that's a creepy feeling babies like it's Jail is she one okay look easy to read these are excellent this is like the best little dumpster your cat I know Hudson's into that right now we think it's excellent cuz there's we have grandkids yeah it's perfect this is great are they related blue eyes and green eyes that one's that one's smaller yeah like the head size oh this one has the googly eyes oh yeah this one's eyes don't don't do that you that's cool okay here's some these are squishy too both of them are squishy got a finger puppet yeah and this is awesome who doesn't want favorite fables I wonder if kids still like fables they got like some serious technology fables gene do you know that yeah I know from Hudson he's been talking about Pete the cat I didn't know who he was haven't seen him you think it's James Dean is that what he said like James Dean yeah are you serious no kidding he's been gone too long the cuddliest oh I love it I want to cuddle you cut off kitty never see him a cuddling a deer what's this Adventures of a puppy oh they look easy to read perfect nice these are nice though man I might have to break out another coat another don't darling somebody doesn't see what these eyes do oh the eyes don't nice and clean no really clean the eyes don't lie surprise pop-ups yes Oh mr. Brown can Moo can you dr. Seuss okay here have some mustard or whatever that is feed on these things well this one is it this one is nothing look oh yes tell it again little I can't see you till he's head moving they're both moving this doll here is a king that's cool King State I don't see if you guys can see it can you guys see that Kings here's Moroccan oil King State King State okay here's some Moroccan oil huh okay King State doll and some Moroccan oil I got it let me take that tote and grab another one this is when the totes come in handy guys you don't want to get them too heavy though oh by the way let's see your shirt Natalie I don't know if they could see it coz of the Sun here turn this way here yeah this way there I love dumpster-diving [Applause] cute okay one tote okay why don't worry goodness she's got it one of our friends this might be more toys friends Natalie in Australia sent us these shirts and another set of shirts and they're so cute they fit great they're adorable Oh a water painting doodle Matt well that'll be fun a bunch of balls oops I'm losing them okay I'll just grab that we could take that straight to donate what are these curtains I think these are curtains or tablecloths bunch of them I don't know do I need any curtains let me sniff them not for my windows but I mean just for fabric they look nice and clean I might grab them and then just donate okay there is something else and I grabbed another tote guys we got like four of them and they really do come in handy on dyes like this one what is that that little box was cute did you see the inside yeah that's fine I'm sorry for shaking guys sylia clear thank you very much caught us live hugs and copy and science and treats from liverpool south of the river yes liverpool is that where the beatles originally came from the boys from liverpool man this is it really does look like they just threw their house in here what's up Karen from Northern Ireland yep reso killers yeah they got rid of all their Easter stuff as well we got Oh when's Easter Victoria from the Philippines Tony Tony an on Pittsburgh what is this Oh for you put a suit or something in there England's in the house with Elaine okay everybody's saying it's not yet it's in April what do I know yes to where did we sell that before oh yeah we sold we sold those fancy colored bowls and nice yeah yes - where is good so we did on a video that has an aired yet we found a bunch of totes and looks like we're gonna be using them yeah is that chocolates well it's not chocolate it's actually a gold coin that's a fancy rabbit man it's an Easter rabbit and Easter is not even here yet what's happened to you yeah what did this thing do to deter deserve being in the dumpster another rabbit i Elizabeth is that him men in minore Hyneman thank you very much Elizabeth it's very kind of you more why did they throw the Easter when it's right around the corner yeah looks like this will be it an Easter tote yeah right here why throw Easter away have you guys oops like this dumpster is notorious for this for people throwing personal items away oh my goodness little are they cult tchotchkes yeah geez I think they don't look broken his ears broken but they're okay no reason it's wrong out there made in China but that's okay they're 100% led man I like the colors would you say that's fall colors no spring I mean spring colors yes spring and fall okay you guys wait right there we'll be back man what is going on with the Easter stuff Wow it is shocking Edie it is shocking how much you and believe it or not we've seen more than this in this in this dumpster before an Easter candle that is cute okay somebody keep track of how many times you hear the word queue yep and we're gonna have a contest one day what's up thistle gal hope everything's good in Michigan the Wolverine state I don't think they really I can't think it's called Wolverine State I think it's called doe great no is he Great Lakes I don't know but I know they have the Michigan Wolverines and the Spartans hey everybody everybody right cute in the [Laughter] and it can be beyond it I know some people could probably fix that well my goodness all the cutes are popping up buddy try it what's the worst that could happen you could also do you could also have this stuff broke up into pieces and make a put it in the concrete and make what's that called like there terrazzo mosaic or whatever well no if you're saying you wanted to experiment with that there's a cup that we is it a cup or a candle holder oh yeah there was a set of cups and love them that actually was in a liquidation thing one of the cups they had beethoven's like music notes for Beethoven and one of the handles was broke so she's gonna the handles there but it was broke she's gonna try that that fix that is okay you guys got a mint that one really is cute come on now that deserves a cute see how cute this is Carol is not going to write cute in the comments no oh it says Carol she's not gonna ride it Carol okay hey Carol look at this guy and try not to write it yeah Carol don't write cute in the comments for that Carol adorable these are adorable Brazil they did not need to go in the trash except this whole girl it is let's check on this side over here this stuff and the big rugs and stuff oh my goodness that's a little too much are they what are they for Windows PC don't know hi that lady's slow Dell was staring at us she was looking at us with disgust what are you guys doing I just threw that stuff in there wow that is really nice it's a it's a little chill slowdown in it yeah a little chill that is really nice well winter's coming again so I don't know why they threw that in there yeah by the way what like that you see those you can see the green top of that that's a non profit not-for-profit donation bin and they dug up stuff right here all the time whoa this is a is that a plate pin and they got it in the bag so I didn't even touch the dumpster that really is man there's a lot of stuff that people can use in here come on what what the heck ooh that one was I saw the green light and I thought it's too I charged all right they just they just gave up they gave up and just said I'm throwing my whole house in here and starting over oh absolutely tell them what it is yeah yep we we have one yep that's funny we needed to and we got the other one for free yeah those mirrors are kind of cool like when you're driving you you know you just stare in your mirror into that one and it's really distracting when you drive but it's it's so much fun oh yeah just this goes to the vacuum wow why why didn't they I know but why didn't they just go and I don't know some people just maybe is it possible that people aren't aware that you could donate stuff is that even possible you could actually just put an ad in the local laps and say kirb kirb pick up get it now before I throw it in a dumpster you donate those people use hangers man quite a little halt I want I know and makes you wonder what else is down there huh yeah I want to know what's in this box yeah it's just wedged hold on don't let that dump out okay so she's not good and this is we know this is um that's just boxes okay so they just laid the stuff on the top please we could donate donate seat cushions they'd be able to yeah and you could repurpose those for your like if you're short you could set it in your car and you could it'll raise you up I'm joking about that the cushions though Steph said I have to start telling people when I'm joking no you don't right I get are they think I'm a sexist if I say anything about women all I do is I just mention it you know like everybody knows a woman has a place let's just take grab the bag and donate it because these are we'll just take the whole bag oh wait what's on the bottom what's that color how's it just a garment oh this bag down here okay here let me move the let me are you get more in here stuff a lot will donate all of this we can man Hemi they're gonna use up all our totes a bunch of clothes that'll all get donated what was that again we went to like a suitcase oh look at this okay guys sorry about that okay hey Steph I'm gonna just watch from here for a minute all right apparently this is what happens usually in the summer you have to bear with this noise right now the phone overheated didn't even know it I look down and said emergency so let's let it cool down a bit I took it out of the case and there's stuff still digging away forgot all about that but over the during and it's not even that hot right now so we've got to be more prepared usually in the summer we'll bring a we'll bring an ice pack and I'll put it on the back but we didn't expect it today it's kind of overcast and I guess it is a little warm but Steph is still plugging along I'll let it cool down a little bit and then I'll go back out there but in the meantime how's everybody doing man that was weird we haven't had that in a while what's up Michelle Lathan oh the beach hut deli that's in Maui yeah old we're down in San Diego by the airport I was telling him that's the one in Maui but I guess it's a chain the beach hut deli yeah Vicky the phone overheated but I'm cooling it off what's up Bianca what's up Mike's mysteries from Pennsylvania everybody's type it's a bit what's up Dee Cochran from Ohio we might have to as she's doing this I want to get the phone cooled down really good and what she's gonna bring the stuff and share with us another set of Legos thanks for sharing with us here I'll start looking at it with me while you you want to trade here income here you do this and I'll start loading up the van okay coming in man it already started darn it okay I can't believe I'm locked out I can't believe call down some of this man this is a lot of Legos that was crazy all kinds of fun stuff back up to it oh you found it an organ you cannot remove anything from dumpsters and the whole recycled in dumpsters okay that makes sense I mean basically the recycling companies can make money actually I read an article recently on in Maryland okay remind me to tell you guys about this article it's back up he's route parking my roommates ever remind me that it's an article and it's in Maryland Baltimore to be exact Netherlands hello those boss go to the playpen oh that makes sense you know that big round one yeah oh there's a bad guy family had a bunch of balls in it the balls go in that that's really makes it oh so we hit Oh like a like a little play places place that's cool thank you for letting us know that's awesome okay I'll put oh we took the shade away Oh No the volume went up okay oh stuff your hair looks on point oh I just took it out of my curlers that's why it'll be flattened a little bit um okay I wanted to tell you guys about the worm Shan oh my gosh we got worm Samed so many comments of people being upset about us but those worms that we donated that we took them to that place to be bait and we didn't let him go okay I'll tell you what happened we had a long discussion about it but it didn't make it in the video so you cut it out about what to do Hey kah cow worth come with a girl 99 thank you very much hello from Ontario hello um okay we're shave the worm of shame I know okay Jerry's here he's sleeping he's there he's sleeping okay let me tell you what happened we had a big conversation about it we're uh we're gonna roll up sorry about that okay so those worms we have conversation in what happened is I was said okay should we just let him go like out down the hill right behind there there was a big dirt hill and we talked about it and we decided we weren't going to do it because we had a snail issue in our last house a serious snail issue it was bad and we realized we know nothing about nature in some point we're on clear communication okay um oh thank you for getting it okay I'm telling about our worm Shane real quick okay so in our last house our house was built on a it was built you driving I'm just gonna get in the shade okay it was built on an orange grove a former orange grove and it was a tract houses that we all had there and they were they wiped out all of this orange groves rolls into houses houses so after we moved in snail infestation I mean snails everywhere I don't know if it had to do with Onegin orange trees or what but there were snails everywhere so our neighbor we didn't want to kill him and put because we were going to we're gonna put stuff out but jared was a puppy and he was eating anything at that age so the vet said if he eats those snails he'll get one disease made he could get Lyme disease so we were worried about the snails he was eating them sometimes and so we didn't want to put any pesticides or anything out there because he could eat those in the worms you know we didn't want to do it and her neighbor bought these little Africanized worms they were tiny you bought him specifically for not worms snails they were African snails yep and they had like tiger stripes on them they were really cute knit way smaller he said they were going to kill all the big snails yeah so Brian here's oh let me tell you about the snails real quick okay we hit a hot tub and the snails I mean they were everywhere all over the house there was snail trails everywhere it was gross but they got they claimed they were obsessed with her hot tub because there were water in there I guess so they were constantly going up the hot tub and you know where the hot tub lid sits on top of it the cover they were crusted all over all the way around it some would squeeze in and little ones would get in so our hot tub was slimy foamy with boiling it was gross snotty snail it was it was like a horror movie seriously you would clean it up and a day later we put carpet around the bottoms of the hot tub so they can crawl up they didn't care they still did it yeah it was it was that so anyways a little African I snails so they're going all over the place and then there's like an Africanized snail infestation there were snails and remarry and we've realized that we don't know enough about nature to just be putting these worms in an environment that they didn't they work in originally so we thought about put them in our yard putting them in they have like a dog did you tell them we told you Steve just cut it out of the video we didn't know what to do we were just sitting there going we know that it's not right it doesn't feel right for those worms to die in that dump right but we didn't feel right about putting the worms because they had different types of words say that Canadian worms it different worms wouldn't they started something you're making toys crazy with with the worms like we one of our natural worms that are in our habitat or like these are ones that eat those worms or who knows whatever I know there weren't enough of them to do anything huge but we don't know enough to know anything so we just said okay they were intended as bait that's what they were caught for at least they can go was bait and have a chance that way and at least people eat fish yeah that felt like what we needed to do so we got worms shamed and we're sorry and we didn't want to kill sorry alright yeah my feeling I didn't want to kill we talked about it yeah but I I look at it differently i i'm the fact that it continues that cycle of life you know like the fish is gonna eat it I'm gonna eat the fish you know I I didn't have a problem with that I had a problem with I thought it was a cruel thing kept him in the duster but somebody wrote just recently on a comment on that video and she works where they they have it's like a worm farm I guess you know that's big business and she said that if you put those a worm you know or if one of those worms gets I don't know if it's getting sick or whatever it starts to get like something on its skin and it starts to liquefy but when it starts to liquefy it gets if it gets around the other worms it spreads so I'm no expert just hearing that I was like well that could be bad so there's a lot of I understand if somebody's thinking well that's ridiculous you you save it from a dumpster and in it I don't think that's a problem though I think for me it's not a I don't have a moral issue with having a fish you know eat that worm I don't I have a moral issue with seeing something in a container alive in a dumpster I have a problem with that yeah and it was a spur in the moment we did what we it felt right so it's biology hi baby Bigfoot isn't biology part of science though it isn't I taught you better than that son isn't everything Britta science there's pretty much everything is part of science you didn't Legos do Bigfoot's eat worms yeah Bigfoot's they forage whatever it depends on how hungry they are and what the food source is like yeah so anyways worms shame sorry everyone we did every Baltimore most people were yeah we were fine but some were you know so you committed you tip saved them to die yeah now I wish Friday about worms we could have put him also in a garden somewhere we Raymond Doolin thank you very much and mom rose hi mom rose from Illinois if every shop had said they didn't want them we would have done something a little and give them her a chance somewhere somewhere near water that was another thing too where would you like on the worm show where they're the dirtiest jobs or whatever it was is that yeah but there's deprecations I know there's that's a thing they need different environment some need salt water some need whatever we just show they've used to be on it was dirty as Jim can words guys were in like my god maybe Maine but they would go to the ocean and all of a sudden the tide would go out and it'd be those are different work yes it's different can they need specific environment and we're dry here in California I don't know I don't know explain didn't know okay I I sleep well knowing that I didn't leave any live creatures in a dumpster a nicely put kilts knowing that I could have saved those worms and I shall if I put them in a gardener said what about if nothing would have happened what would have happened I don't know the guy at the bait shop even said if they you know if they get slimy or whatever you know it's that's like the start of something bad and fortunately these guys still had life this doing something to offer but I just know I don't know enough about worms me neither but I know I do know that I don't I felt wrong having worms in a dumpster yeah I never never in my wildest dreams would I think that at a point in my life I would be like man this is wrong and have a feeling for Harper and everything that didn't make it in the video either was when I looked up the bait shop I just typed in a shop in our town and I thought I knew where it was and it was further away but then I was sorry there he was in the parking lot a final ability where we were going it was there was like it was good to be so I don't know diarrhea maybe so let me get back to this Baltimore Maryland they had somebody ask hey is it legal in Baltimore and I said I don't know you'd have to check check the things nation towns with in Baltimore also you know check you have to look at the different ordinances but I tried to look it up and there was an article where the people that work at the landfill okay in Baltimore they there's a big thing going on if you look this up I'm sure you'll see it cuz it's a it's a big scam they were doing the employees when middle like scrapper stuff would come in they were taking this that stuff for themselves like they would they it got so bad that employees they'd have their trucks they would do it during work and they would basically the fights would break out over who got what wow they were loading up their pickups and there was there's instances and now this I'm I don't know the details of this part but there's apparently if there was a at least one woman that was like okay in like I want some of this and that she was intimidated she brought it up to she was like hey is this is this okay and they they intimidated her you know to where she was like okay I'm not getting involved in this the police end up doing a sting operation oh by the way the city is supposed to be recycling that it was at a landfill okay it's getting wasted but they were supposed to be taking that stuff recycling it and that's money for the city yeah right yeah it would help pay for the the jobs I mean all kinds of stuff it was a lot of money that we're talking about so they set up a sting operation and sure enough like they just had a truck go in and drop off a bunch of stuff and right afterwards these guys are excited they're trying to grab that and then a loaded truck and they would even leave during work and go scrap it go scrap like a guy loading this truck took off and then they pulled / you know obviously all the stuff was marked for their investigation but yeah so that can you imagine okay the cops do this sting operation and they have to mark all that as evidence so all this scrap has to go in some sort of evidence yard in that truck or they they put like copper and stuff like that yeah they didn't put like you know tons and tons of it that's crazy yeah it's all right for them I'm curious if the city has an ordinance if that city has an ordinance against doing that like just the general public you know going out and trying to make an extra buck and and and help keep stuff out of the landfill what would happen to them these employees doing it on the clock and stealing they're stealing from the citizens there because that was part of that was supposed to be money they were generating for the city yeah fascinating interesting double standard well hello Frasier what's up major how are you doing okay thanks Burton are you waiting for a response like he was gonna respond he did he said hi that's crazy yeah and son yeah how cute um yeah people were asking about Jerry he's here he's know in a way he just crashed out what's up mark Gregory only say hi to friends what does that mean mark are you saying that we only say hi to friends come on we have to say hi to Fred come on no are you guys are our friends well first off we just don't know all of you yet we should we should put a mirror up some point and show you guys this so that okay you can see what we're dealing with here here mark I need to we're gonna give you hook give you a view of what okay this is let me I gotta see it okay this is what what it looks like with me holding it I you look at it from just turn everything around and you'll be able to see what you're seeing I can't turn it around no your view thank you listen for you to see what they're seeing oh I was trying to because you're showing my screen I am okay so it's not working do it I'm not skilled at it you don't need to see it around there well I was gonna show him how we stopped it can I do okay whatever anyways trust me three lines at once and it trust me we have to stop the chat to even scroll up to see it yeah and then when it's going it's going like right now I'm trying to catch up and it's just endless so if we don't read your comment it's never so guys no intentional and most the time our baby in the air horse are in a dumpster so we can't see those either what's up Deborah mayor's mark I didn't see you say hi about back to me if your name is hard to repeat it helps to like Mochis yeah mocha mocha kissed 2015 too hard to see so it kind of passes it's long if you have a long game it's nice for us to understand that it's hard for us to stutter over it saying so to continue yeah so it's it's never intention I know now it's intentional against Bigfoot we tried on no way we love our Bigfoot that's our something Karen Howell from New York Cindy stone burger see we're like when I'm doing this right here now it's backing up and it all sudden it'll shoot ya really far anyway again regional oh there's Brenda Brenda Brenda Bowden Brenda hi now you were saying Brenda I think was telling you how to oh no to put the milk yeah in I'm gonna experiment with I still haven't tried it but we have a mug of mr. Marcos Oliva ceramic you can heal your ceramic pieces that are broken by taping them together stick them in a bowl of milk and let them sit overnight I'll see if it works Deborah Richards cuz I've got a mug handle I need to put on Laura how do you say that name where Lorelai oh that's pretty hi Lorelai magnetism you gotta love that that's a cool last name magnetism magnetism we haven't done that yet I we but one of them is broken like one of this eyelash the top of the bottom is broken and it's up Alisa it won't be able to do one eye on Steve okay great uh-huh we're gonna do it man we've had a long few days lately but family in town and then my parents are coming to town kids just dropped out last night grandkids and then my parents down maria esther point there's okay good it mean noodles so we're gonna save all the staff we're gonna go probably drop about donate quite a bit of that right away because man and then we'll continue with our day i'm just so i'm so surprised that he really snuck up it's not like real hot but it just reminded us we have to bring her little will show you guys haven't seen it before the little ice packs and Steph cook this made these little straps that we could hook it on to the phone so seven told us that Sam Dallas invented the mug handle it's true funny I haven't seen salmon and we saw him recently but we hadn't seen him in a while anyway thank you guys for joining us yeah it's flashing hey um let's say hi hi everyone hi everyone really do appreciate you guys and we would love to be able to say hi to each and every one of you oh you're sure these two didn't Natalie thanks Natalie I love dancer Dana Nana love my new shirt the shirts brought us look they did Natalie you did it Natalie thanks matter she just brought us Maggie ANCA hey guys Bianca's in Germany I know she has a YouTube channel to check it out she's very pretty and sweet I think I don't know if she's more than one video but I've seen more one video it's just super nice yeah okay again you might see us again or another Channel nothing personal if we didn't say hi we really appreciate you guys and now here's a hi to everybody but more important than all that we will definitely get treats Erin thank you very much all right he heard you the monkey day Jerry he's like hey you're talking to people from around the world it means that Naugles in the way I might get a treat there you go buddy okay Jerry this is for you hey you guys there's a lesson to learn from Jerry cuz he does it every day what is it he enjoys his life he does you guys should too let's all enjoy our life okay you al everyone
Channel: StevenSteph Resale Killers
Views: 1,766,996
Rating: 4.7680483 out of 5
Keywords: StevenSteph, Dumpster, Diving, Dumpster Diving, DUMPSTER DIVING- DID SOMEONE THROW AWAY THEIR HOUSE?, Gamestop, gamestop dumpster, LEGO
Id: rMXm8eXry-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 25sec (3025 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2019
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