Dry Canning WITHOUT an Oven for Long-term Food Storage

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hello this is candace braisington with a little ladybug patch again i am making this video um because i feel like there's a need for it uh i was asked recently if i teach classes on how to store food after you've bought it in bulk um so i'm what you would call a prepper uh nothing near a doomsday prep rental of a bunker anything like that i don't carry a gun because well i'm clumsy so um i thought you know what might be a good idea to create a video and show you what i have learned and what i do usually to store my grains beans flour you know to last a very very long time and i've seen a lot of videos um on dry canning is what it's called but they all use an oven so you put your dry goods in the car um and you put the lids in in the pan next to the jars and you put all of that in the oven i don't know how long you bake it for or or anything like that but i've never tried it because uh the way i've been taught is a very different and a lot easier and faster i'm a super busy person and faster if i get something done faster and easier i'm going to try it i got this tip from someone that works at the home home storage center which is run by the um jesus christ of latter-day saints or mormons many people know that they believe in long-term food storage it's very wise to do and um so and they also sell products uh for long-term food stores to the public you don't have to be a member of their church so for example um i have several of these cans it was actually one of my friends who got me turned on to being a prepper so this is a can of rolled oats i bought in 2012. i have the the years on the top and this is canned to last about 25 years um and so when i was going to put in another order a few years ago i got to talking to a lady on the phone and um you know was wanting to learn to can myself because you could actually buy a machine to do those in the cans the metal cans well she told me it's really simple you can do on your own all you need is a canning jar you can do quartz or you can do half gallon canning jar and of course you want the respective lids that go with it and you want oxygen absorbers size to the size of jar that you're using and so all you do is you pour your product in the jar pop in the oxen absorber put the lid on done it would self seal i mean so fast so easy i have a lot that i'm actually going to be canning i have several bags of these these are vegetable soup blends i've got some mushrooms i've got some dill seasoning i have some tomato flakes over there i'm a little bit behind so let me just kind of go over i was going to make this a short video but i don't think that's going to happen i have so much to share more than i realize um so first uh what you want to do is find a source for oxygen absorbers this will save your life um when you're doing dry canning i get mine from azure standard you can also find emergency preparedness i think their website is be prepared dot com uh the mormon storehouses are home storage centers they usually have them i bought that from them before and you want to size them so for example 100 cc's is good for a quart sized jar one of those oxy absorbers in there for a quart size jar the uh 300 cc's that is good for a one gallon size and then finally the 2000 cc's those are good for five gallon buckets or five gallon mylar bags i use those two not very often because these are reusable mylar bags are usable to a certain point reusable excuse me to a certain point um so one thing you just want to be aware of when you are using oxygen absorbers is once you fill your product you want to wait to open your oxygen oxygen absorbers until you are ready there until you are ready to use them because they will start they will activate right away when you cut this bag open they're going to start activating and you want to have like a jar ready uh like a canning jar or something like that a small size that's compact um to put the leftovers in because what will happen is they'll start warming up they'll get hot and that means they're working um and so you don't want to keep this open too long because then they become useless um so ivory package mine this is like a baby food jar this is you know some kind of pepper rings jar and these oxygen absorbers come with the eye the little pink eye and um this is an indicator this is an oxygen indicator and um it lets you know if these are still good or not so for example i've got i have the little eye in my leftovers here and i've got an eye and this one and you notice they're all pink uh they they pretty much match that one so i know that these are good and uh if these turn purple a bluish purple they're done uh they're not going to do any good throw my barnum compost them i mean these are safe the stuff in there is safe to compost to put your garden um so that's why you want to work quickly first fill your product get your lids ready pop in the oxygen absorbers put the lids on screw them up screw them all right so i want to show you um here's an example so this is something that i have canned recently this is felt and i do recommend for your flowers your beans and your greens that you freeze them first i have two more uh no i've got um 75 pounds more of spelt in my freezer um that i need to also can and that kills any bugs eggs larvae whatever it's going to be in our food it doesn't matter where you get it from you can't see it by the naked eye it's going to be on there so this kills whatever is on on the bag inside the bag whatever these are natural products so you want to freeze it first that takes care of the sterilization that oven canning would do and killing any any yuckies any bugs so now a way that you know that this these self-seal no heat so i popped them in there the way you know is because i can't push that button down it's sealed i've got the oxygen absorber in there now this this right here i don't have an oxygen absorber in there you can see the difference um and when i get done dry canning these it's so funny the first time i did it i was hearing throughout the night i was like what is that it was my jaw sealing themselves so that was really cool you can also reuse pasta jars now um sometimes they seal okay and sometimes they don't so for example this one is a refried bean soup dinner in a jar that i've done i've reused the jar you can see more of the layers here it's the same thing so this is a meal in a jar um this one did not seal very well this one did it's not popping so even these can be reused um so if you find that you have some that maybe there's an oxygen absorber in here like i just repackaged this one um you know the oxygen absorber is done it's not done its job so you can chuck it do whatever you want with it but i'm gonna be probably using that rice soon so i'm not worried about it and it's protected um and then some things i don't recommend i've experimented experimented myself is um i have a lot a whole lot of dehydrated tomato powder i don't recommend canning these i recommend buying dehydrated tomato powder in smaller batches that you'll use quickly because they turn hard i will still use this i still have some in the bags like these they're in bags like this i will still use this but to powder i'll have to blend it blend it up before i use it so it's still usable but it's going to be fun getting that out and then also um i don't recommend dry fruit i have about 30 pounds or so of raisins um i usually keep have kept in the freezer but i decided to can these what happens is they turn to sugar they crystallize kind of like honey in a way you can still use them they're not pretty for out of hand eating you can bake with them you know blend them up do something with them but i don't recommend doing this with dry fruit i recommend freezing dry fruit fruit for long-term storage and i oh nuts last thing i cannot make these videos short um i have done nuts just fine um but i've actually moved more towards freezing my nuts than um canning them these are my last little bit of nuts that i have left uh just because nuts can go rancid fast i haven't had any problems with these they've been canned this way for probably about three years we just made some peanut butter with them so they're fine but um i've gotten away from those i also do seasonings and herbs and stuff like that so this video has gotten way too long but hey if you took a class it'd probably take 30 minutes or an hour so this is less than 15 minutes and you've probably learned a lot i will put links below from where i got some of these sources for packaging supplies and then also some recommendations for links for long-term food storage feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or put some comments down below and i hope you found this useful all right signing out of little ladybug patch i gotta get to work if i can turn it off
Channel: Little Ladybug Patch
Views: 12,290
Rating: 4.8852458 out of 5
Keywords: Azure Standard, Long-term Food Storage, Oxygen Absorbers, Dry Canning, Prepping, Prepper, Dry Canning without an oven
Id: 3btIDRew6Dw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2020
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