How to dry can pasta and grits

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hey guys this is going to be a quick video on dry canning some people say dry canning others say oven canning it's all the same thing this method of canning is for long-term storage of dry goods like pasta rice crackers flour grits and dried beans just to name a few today i'm going to be doing spaghetti noodles grits and elbow pasta my jars are washed and have been in the oven for about 20 minutes on 200 degrees this just ensures that the jars are completely dry and sterile okay let's get started i'm gonna put towels down so my jars don't break when they touch this cold surface all right we're gonna take the jars out please be careful because these jars are hot i'm using three different size jars the half gallon jar is going to be for the grits the pint-sized jars is going to be for the spaghetti and the quartz is going to be used for the elbow noodles all right let's start with the grits my final one here because i know i will make a mess the main reasons that you dry can is one obviously freshness your product stays fresher longer the other would be cooking it at 200 degrees in the oven for an hour would kill all the larvae or any bugs that would be in the grains or pasta just fill it to the top i'm going to put the rest of this one smaller quartz jar whoops let's see if we can make it fit i'll go ahead and stick this back in the oven while we're getting everything else ready and i spilled it [Music] all right here we go we're gonna try this again put them on a pan that way i won't spill them still warm hmm what to do now see we're going to do our spaghetti this is a one pound boxes ketty like i said i cooked spaghetti last week and i kind of measured this out a little bit i got two handfuls and broken in half and that is what our family used as a male listen guys i had to leave this footage in here because it took me probably 10 minutes or so to fill up this one little jar of spaghetti i have done this before and it's really not that hard [Laughter] so i wanted to leave this in here and share it with you guys go ahead you can totally laugh i don't know why i struggled so hard trying to get this spaghetti inside this jar it's almost over i'm trying to figure it out totally confused so now let's try this again see if i can get a see if second go around be a little bit [Applause] easier two pint jars for one pound of dried spaghetti okay yes that one went a lot faster a lot easier look at my little bit of crumbs all right now generally when i fix elbow noodles or the spirals i use a whole box we're gonna see if we can put a whole box in there this is also one pound [Applause] so [Applause] i'm gonna do that [Applause] all right that's still kind of [Applause] all right three one pound boxes of elbows filled up three quart jars and one pint jar we're gonna take everything out of the oven one at a time to make sure it stays hot we can put the lids on and you get a good seal they've been in the oven for an hour on 200 degrees lid tightener you want to tighten these down pretty good and wiping these rims when i take them out just to make sure nothing stayed on make sure you have a pot holder or towel to hold these jars because they are extremely hot tighten them down you want to make sure your rings are really tight on your jars the world this little tightening tool i think is actually used for opening them but it's saving my fingers cause this stuff is hot the first batch is done the second batch is coming out of the oven now i went ahead and finished filling the jars with the remaining pasta that way i can have everything put up these are super hot detectives can't set them to the side i don't know why i am using my watch fault instead of using pot holders but that's what i did um [Music] here's the first batch and they've already sealed oh there we go all of them have sealed uh-oh this one hasn't sealed yet and that one hasn't if you can see the difference see how that one you can't see a little lip on it this one you can still see the bubble popped it down i'm have to i'll resell that one and this one's the same way a little bubble i see it i'll take those two in and redo here it is the end product 10 pounds of grits three pounds of elbow pasta and two pounds of spaghetti noodles i hope you enjoyed this video found it very informative if you have any questions please leave it in the comments below please also remember to like and subscribe if you haven't already until next time bye
Channel: Lisa McClellan
Views: 7,171
Rating: 4.9066148 out of 5
Keywords: dry, canning, oven, dry can, oven can, pasta, grits, long term, storage, pantry, home canning, long term food storage
Id: gxLUlun63hw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 23 2020
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