Long Term Food Storage: How To Properly Store for Longest Shelf Life, PLUS MANY TIPS!

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[Music] hello and welcome back to obsessive preparation i want to do a video on talking about different ways to store your preps something i've been doing a lot of down time we're all at home or watching videos and i'm seeing so many new preppers out there on youtube and i commend every one of them because even having a little bit of food extra for your family to take care of is an awesome thing but what i'm watching is videos of shells of food and as much as you are trying you've got to go the next step of how long you're going to store your food think about that think about rodents and think about bugs by just putting something simply as a box of crackers on a shelf and doomsday shtf situation bugs and rodents are going to be rampant so you're going to have to think if you're going to have this they're going to gnaw through this box so there's where a lot of my older videos i go through and i show you different ways to take care of your food i have never done one thing i have always stressed doing everything and that way you're kind of guaranteed and i also don't believe having your food all in one location have it spread out that's the same way we do with guns and ammo and etc we don't have them in one location and it's just a good rule to live by anyways going back to the crackers i've got a video out there that shows you how to dry canned crackers now this video is an older video and it's been quite a few years and i personally don't dry can anymore and i've had a lot of people ask me about bugs putting it in the oven does it kill it or like your flowers should you put your flour in the freezer or dry can it in the oven i have not had any issues with any bugs when i've used my foodsaver and my foodsaver attachment so this is the foodsaver attachment if you've not seen me use this check out many videos that i have now i know right now because of the situation in our in our world that these are hard to find you know what it's unfortunate normally amazon carries them this is a wide mouth so as soon as it comes available i highly suggest purchasing a foodsaver purchasing mason jars and these lid attachments so check out these videos and what i do is i use my jar attachment on my mason jars and you can see here all the oxygen is out and i store my crackers in mason jars i do not dry can them i do not use heat on them and i have never had an issue with bugs i also recommend when you're doing food lots of it to break it down into smaller containers don't just put it in a bucket like this or a five gallon bucket your flour your sugar put it in smaller things like a mylar bag in foodsaver bags so let's say rice you can dump an entire 50 pound bag or 25 pound bag into a bucket and use mylar the problem is is once you open it up now you've exposed it to air and bugs can get in so you're better off using you know even if you didn't seal it this away this is a food saver bag or in a mason jar like this even if you didn't do this put it in quart size or gallon size ziploc baggies and put them in your buckets if you're not going to seal them correctly because that way when you go in all you've got to do is get one bag and you're not exposing the entire bucket to the air and you're not going to have as many bug issues so i know a lot that i'm going through right now so going back to the crackers i do not dry canned crackers anymore i just use my food saver and it literally your crackers store these kind of crackers saltines you can get up to four years on a saltine they don't have fats in them now when you go with something like this club cracker you're not going to get the shelf life on your cracker because it's got fats in it so that's something else you want to think about when you're storing food for long term your products that have fats in them are not going to store as long you can see back here i store my nuts i store a lot of things in mason jars and i know initially there's a cost out there of buying your mason jars but i i truly believe in the long run it's cheaper than to buy the foodsaver bags or the mylar bags because you can reuse them over and over again next thing i want to discuss is rice and i have always been a firm believer in having stored rice your white rice you're going to get the longest shelf life brown rice you do not get as long of a shelf life from it but i also believe that you are going to get bored your family's going to get bored if all you eat is white rice so i am definitely a firm believer in having other product in your house that is not the same thing because if you eat oatmeal week after week after week because that's out in your food stores your family is going to be miserable so going back to rice i have always been a firm believer i've got my five gallon buckets my mylar bags of rice but it also break it down into smaller and again i'm going to say rotate rotate rotate now going back to rice's if you don't know white rice is the longest that you're going to get on a shelf life 25 to 30 years if you store it correctly but i also take something like rice-a-roni and like i've showed you now this is a rice-a-roni that i purchased and i bagged let's see if i can get it 312. i'm still on my 312. i did so much in 2012 and we are still eating it and it is still good today but what i do is i take boxes of ryzeroni i'll break them down in foodsaver bags you could also if you didn't want to waste the money on foodsaver bags if you had smaller jars mason jars and your food attachment lid suck the oxygen out but the reason why you you want to put it in a bag like this mylar and then put it in a five gallon bucket is again rodents they could not through anything now they could actually gnaw through a plastic five gallon container you're just giving them more obstacles of them not you know being able to get through it but on your rice is like this instead of a box it's loose in the box it's not even in a bag look for something per se like these bags now i purchased these at winco the brand's bigo or vigo and it's a mexican rice they have the yellow rice and they have the red bean and rice now these have some fats in them but they will store a long time and just because the shelf life says if you're a prepper you already know just because it says used by you can still get a longer life for it so you're much better as far as bugs are concerned of having it in a mylar bag it's already sealed in the bag so what i will do with this is in a five gallon bucket i will put these down and again if you can see here on everything i do i put down at the sharpie the month in the year i purchased it i don't care about best buy dates i want to know when i purchased it that way i keep things in my pantry and i rotate it and everything i get new will go to the bottom or the back so it's just a good way of you keeping track of your product so you can put these in a five gallon bucket the little two gallon buckets i purchased those at winco winco also has the gamma lid which is awesome so all you've got to do is screw the top off and your flowers here now this i do two and a half gallons because this is product that i use all the time so when i open something out of my stores it will go into the smaller buckets with the gamma lids the gamma lids are really nice you don't i've got a two and a half gallon or two gallon bucket here again you do not want a five gallon bucket of just loose flour make sure that if you're going to do it use a mylar bag an oxygen absorber or if you don't have the funds for that put it in your gallon size bags and break it down that way if there's ever an infestation of bugs it's not going to get to your entire food bucket which is a smart idea you don't want your bugs getting over everything and destroying it now you could eat a bug protein whatever it's not going to kill you you just it's unappealing and you don't want that now the next product i want to discuss is mashed potatoes now you can buy these in these little foil packages which is awesome because you don't have to do anything with them again put them in a bucket rotate put your day that you purchased it on it and put it in the bucket now also these kind of bags of potatoes have fats in them so they are not going to store as long let me see if i can't show you here if we can get in okay so you can see here we have vegetable oil if there's any milk products that is fats you're not going to get as long of a shelf life but if this is something your family eats then by all means purchase it because i'm a strong believer in purchasing what your family will eat and what i will do is in my pantry i've got a little drawer like this i just get rid of the you know those plastic shell thingies they slide in do a little craft work on it but then i store potatoes in this so once i open up my five gallon bucket that i put these in when i'm ready for them i'll put them in this this will go into my food pantry then my five gallon bucket i will refill it put the dates on of these guys and then that will go out to my food stores so it's just a neat way to store your potatoes or your rices in something like this so going back to your mashed potatoes mashed potatoes are great for longer term food storage but again like i said you will want to make sure on the box that there is absolutely no fats in this there is i think um i'm not sure the other brand might be might be the idaho it has fats in it the betty crocker this brand does not have fats so what i do with these is i again use my mason jars i break it down and this is one that i've already used and i just use my food saver i suck the air out of it and it is sealed so and then i also 419 is when i open this one up so it's another alternative instead of leaving in the box because rodents bugs are not your friend okay the next thing i want to address is i've read a lot of comments even back let's call it five years ago i bought a lot of canned products with the pool lids on them like this a lot of people made comments that they don't last as long that you shouldn't store them with the pool lids that you should get them with your sealed lids i never had an issue now that's just me alone i've never had an issue with these little pool lids and i've stored canned foods up to well three years where i've used them and not had an issue one time in all of my food stores have i had one issue and that was a can of pineapple that exploded and it was a mess but we know if you don't know fruits do not store as long as your vegetables so i've never personally had an issue with this now i just went out and bought a bunch of goya if you uh you know if you don't know about what's going on with goya brand products check it out i'm not going to get into it so i like i said i just purchased it 7 20 i put the date so you've got these kind of cans and again never had an issue with it if you don't want to use the cans and you're just storing beans like this again put them in your five gallon bucket easiest way to store it get gallon size ziploc baggies stack them up and then put them in your five gallon bucket rotate one thing i want to tell you and warn you about the longer you store your beans the more water they are going to take to reconstitute so you've got to keep that in mind because any product be it our pastas our beans anything we have to rehydrate the longer they are the more dried out they're going to be and so other than possibly if you plan on soaking them overnight which would be a smart thing to do because they will use more water they will take longer to cook the older your beans are now in beans through the lds cannery i can my own beans so this is a seven bean soup mix and it is in a can this can is from 2 10 210 still awesome still fine but your cans are no different than your mason jars so putting it in your mason jar sucking the air out keeping them in a cool dark place you're always going to have a longer shelf life now because you have so many jars the next thing i highly recommend is learning how to can it is strongly recommended that you know how to can many people will store their products their chicken their meats product in the freezer and then what if you have a power outage what are you going to do so at least if you have a gas stove a pressure canner you know how to can you can break that down put them in jars and can your food and i've got tons of videos on canning chicken canning meat red bell peppers potatoes just learn how to can you can get a presto canner for give or take eighty dollars versus the all-american and i know people out there love their all-american but i have been using my presto canner for over 15 years now and i've not had one issue with it and so it's it's one of those things i'm always going to tell you to learn how to can these are beans you you don't necessarily have to can your own beans because making them is relatively easy but something like meats having them shelf stable that you do not have to worry about them that is the bonus and that's why as preppers you need to be well-rounded and know how to do all these things now i've gone over your beans in a bag canning your own beans beans and cans you can also purchase like through honeyville now i'm a big fan of honeyville augustine i'm not so much a fan of that's just me there's thrive out there i purchased the honeyville brand and i'm not an affiliate it's just what i like and these are ready to cook quick cooking beans so they come in a can too you can order them online i'm not sure right now how much there is out there in the product from honeyville places like that but i only recommend that kind of thing when you've done everything else and you're working on longer term food storage build your pantry first build your everyday food supply get by with three months six months nine months build it to a year then start thinking about your longer term i've never been the one to push long-term food storage until your pantry is full in stock so finishing it off if you don't have the money for your food saver to be able to do the mason jars then you can pick up mylar bags at winco oxygen absorbers you can use your oxygen oxygen absorbers in your mason jars and you don't have to dry can you just throw your o2s lack of oxygen is going to keep the bugs out and i'm just happy to see so many people out there that are doing youtube videos on the food preps i just hope that everybody goes the step further because having a basement full of food and especially in boxes rodents are going to get into it unless you do something like this sticky traps and mouse traps but you're going to have rodent problems so think about that too if you're storing your food think about bugs and rodents and have something like mouse traps this is a big old mouse trap but uh think about things like that and i hope you enjoyed this video i hope this addressed a lot of concerns that you may have and i hope you all have a blessed day and stay safe and stay healthy if you like the video please subscribe and if you want to be notified for future videos ring the bell [Music]
Channel: Obsessive Prepper AZ
Views: 34,222
Rating: 4.9349036 out of 5
Keywords: long term food storage prepping, long term food storage mylar bags, long term food storage pantry, long term food storage containers, long term food storage ideas, long term food storage vacuum sealer, long term food storage 5 gallon buckets, how to store long term food storage, prepping, obessiveprepperaz, doomsday preppers, prepper food, prepping for beginners, food storage tips, food storage, preppers shtf, storing food storage tips, shtf, wrol, storing food storage properly
Id: ioZtbLtMxWQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 24sec (1164 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 18 2020
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