PREPAREDNESS 2020 - Long Term Food Storage Mylar Bags and Buckets

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hey guys welcome back to the channel so what we're gonna do here today is we're gonna do some mylar and five gallon bucket long-term food storage um i know there's a lot of videos out there and you might be saying why is a knife guy doing this kind of video well the truth is that i've been a prepper long before i was actually a knife maker um knife making has taken me uh in different avenues different uh fantastic places but i think 2020 is going to be probably one of the worst years of the century we have the election coming up there's a lot of bad things people losing their houses they're losing their businesses they're moving out of cities all that kind of bad stuff so it only behooves you to put food away now especially if you can't move now i know a lot of people saying get out of the city get out of the city i get it uh some people just don't have that option okay i'm not i'm not here for that debate that being said i opened up a patreon account please go to patreon three row blades at patreon i'll put all the links down below what's going on is i'm going to add a lot of prepper or preparation type stuff on the patreon account it won't be on youtube this is the one that's going to be on youtube if you want insider information if you want exclusive content t-shirts sweatshirts stickers all that kind of stuff if you want to see how i calculate making knives and all that kind of stuff i'm going to put all that content up on patreon so check out the links down below now i just want to give a shout out to my patreon subscribers it only costs you a dollar a month of course there's different levels so magic64 he's brand new he's a dollar a month thank you very much sir randy thank you very much michael d thank you very much brian c thank you very much uh helene beef big five dollars thank you very very much i appreciate that and jamie r thank you very much so big shout out to those guys for supporting this channel uh like i said guys we are going to put a lot of content up on patreon so please follow us over there only cost your buck now what i have here is i have some setup i have my 2x4 i have my iron i have my scissors i have my oxygen absorbers also i have my mylar bags these are the 30 inch mylar bags if you are going to use five or six gallon pails you're going to need the 30 inches they do have smaller ones all right for like a smaller like a tote some people do use totes i also use totes if you guys haven't seen it this is my prepper pantry right here and i'll do a video on this as well i use totes the reason i use totes is it's something that i'm going to use right away i also want to protect them from any type of water dampening rodents that kind of thing bugs this is my basement bunker so i will have a lot of preps in totes as you guys can see here almost everything that i own is in a tote okay make sure you get that big toilet paper too because god only knows if you can't wipe your butt it's the end of the world all right so also if you guys aren't familiar like i said i've been prepping for quite a long time these are home depot buckets these are food grade buckets okay they all work the same you don't have to spend extra money i have my wise food uh i put oats away um three 20 20. i have wise foods from 15. let's see what else i have here i have dried beans from oh these are pinto beans from 2012 black beans from 2012 white rice from 2011. probably i got some white flour from 2012 white flour 2012. i don't know yep i got some sugar this year too that's really good so i got some sugar i'm gonna put some pasta uh let's see what else we got here so i have my iodized salt make sure you pack your salt away uh and today i'm gonna put away some lentils now if you guys aren't familiar with this type of process i'm sure you can watch the videos everywhere uh the outer five gallon buckets are to protect everything from like i said from rodents or bugs or water damage or that kind of thing the inside is to preserve your food okay so make sure you have the right oxygen absorbers you can buy i'll put all the links down below these are 100cc but make sure you know which one or how many you need to put inside that bucket all right so i'm going to set this up right now and i'll talk you through everything but ideally like i said you need some type of flat area i use a 2x4 no big deal um some scissors oxygen absorbers for my heat you can also use a i think as a food saver or bag sealer or an iron a woman's hot curl iron will also work as well i just used a regular iron you're going to need your buckets and you're going to need your mylar bags let me put you on tripod and then we'll start this off all right guys i hope you can see this i really apologize for the lighting it's really not that great in here but um so you get your five gallon bucket like i said make sure these are food grade buckets all right i'm just stacking them one on top of the other so i got some height you're going to take your 30 inch mylar bag and again please try to use clean buckets these buckets aren't really that expensive you can buy them i think in bulk like five five or six at a time all right so please do i'll do it that place this in here try to get just try to push it out a little bit like that so just kind of push it in like that you can get your beans or whatever you're going to put in here now there is certain criteria when it comes to either rice uh like uh the more dense the more dense i think it is the i'm sorry like wheat and flour and grains are less dense and then the more dense are the pastas the beans and the rice all right that makes sense when it comes to how many oxygen absorbers you need to put in here again oxygen absorbers come in different types so you have 100 cc 500cc a thousand cc and 2000 cc i would suggest if you can buy the 2000 cc to buy them if you're using these buckets if you're not using them you're going to have to use the hundreds and then just build up to 2 000 so you might use 20 or 30 just for one bucket okay it it kind of depends on what you can do hopefully you buy enough uh i don't know i'm going to put all the links down below i'm going to find some more and i'm absolutely going to buy some more as well so we got our beans here which is going to be our lentils all right this should i know there's a way to pull this off but i'm just going to cut it all right all right if you guys are interested these are dry lentils all right they are cold so you guys can see that partina pardina lentils pardina lentos five generations whatever so what i'll do is i'll just put this on the side of it as well i bought all this stuff on amazon if you guys are interested go check it out all right this is a 25 pound bag of lentils no as the lint will start to get filled or the beans you have to readjust that bag make sure that all the air at the bottom there's no pockets you don't want any pockets okay push it in put the rest in there this goes the same for red beans black beans that kind of thing okay well it's all the same stuff you just gotta if it's beans it's beans most of these beans the way you make them is you're gonna need some type of water okay you might have to soak them overnight you might have to boil them so if you're planning on putting all this stuff away then plan on saving a lot of water as well all right so what i'm looking for is the two sides right here now some people have used vacuum cleaners or whatever the case is to suck all the air out i've never found that to be easy for me uh let's see i put my iron on at this time what you're really just trying to do make sure you get all the access excess stuff off but you want to be able to make a nice clean seal so i'm going to cut off a little bit of this because it's just extra mylar that you won't need and i've actually seen people that have cut the strips off here and it was long enough that they can make a secondary bag so teach his own whatever you think is right all right so i've gotten pretty much a flat edge where i want to use my iron okay flat edge but before we do that we got to put our oxygen absorbers in one of the tricks that i've learned is you use one of these ball cups ball glasses it is a gasket line you could also use them for any type of stored meats or or canning that kind of thing so if you can still find these i suggest get them because they're very difficult to find right now obviously because everybody's preparing for 2020 election uh in november so i'm going to put a couple of these in here now remember i need 25 let's say 20 20 these are 100s so let me see if i can get this off okay now as soon as i open this these things are already starting to pick up oxygen okay these are i think these are 100s so i need one two three four five and again you want to do this kind of relatively fast i have some extras here okay five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 all right so i have 25 of them in there because they're only 100 cc so the if you get like a thousand cc there's only two you got to put in there so it kind of makes sense if you can so i don't want to leave this bag open because what will happen is the oxygen absorbers will um start to dry out so i'm going to leave this in here and as you can see it's already starting to seal all right so now time is ticking i want to try to get as much air out of this bag that i can and then i want to meet up with the 2x4 and lay it across make sure that it is nice and tight and make sure that you can get a good seal on all of these i usually put the iron up to about the cotton level whatever your cotton level is and then what you want to do is try to keep it as straight as possible so there's no air leaks try to get at least three inches of mylar if you can three to six inches is even better so three to six inches you want to melt the mylar together okay this might be a little bit too hot so i'll go with a three okay let it cool off for a minute and then what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna flip it on the other side and make sure that there's no leaks because again like i said the oxygen absorbers are already absorbing oxygen inside that back the shelf life for beans and rice typically they say 20 30 years uh i think there was a case in world war ii where it was like over 50 years old and the rice and beans were so good so it's pretty much indefinitely again what you got to do is create that level create that level of um taking all the oxygen out making sure there's nothing in here that could live a lot of people say like in flower they have weasels and all those other little uh bugs and crap that get inside your rice and stuff like that and it's true if you buy rice and you don't know you're eating it but if you have long term storage long-term storage and there's oxygen inside here the bugs could live no longer if there's no oxygen in here whatsoever the bugs cannot live okay that's how it works so just like us we need some we need oxygen air water all that stuff bugs need the same thing all right so as you can see right here we got a nice good seal all right there is a little bit of air inside of here i'm not worried about that because i know that oxygen absorber is going to squish it close okay so by tomorrow and i don't know if you can see it now it's not it's working but by tomorrow all that oxygen i put 25 oxygen absorbers in there it equals 2000 plus ccs of oxygen absorber it's going to be sucked in and all this is going to be down all right you're not it's going to be like one hard brick so from here it's very simple you take your lid put it on and you just bang it around label it and you're good to go throw it on the shelf so that's it guys it's that simple to do long-term storage this is 25 pounds of lentils that's a lot of lentils lentils does have protein on it so it's also good carbohydrate sugars that kind of stuff now the stuff that you can store is up to your imagination as long as it's dried goods so you see over there i have three pails of oatmeal i have pasta i have beans i have rice and the reason i did that is because i want a little variety in my diet if we can't go to the store for three to six months i want to have variety that's why i have stuff in the other bins as well stock up your proteins all that good stuff so thank you very much guys i really appreciate it go to three if you're interested in a knife also go to the patreon page become a patreon help support the channel and i will continue to make videos just like this be safe guys take care
Channel: 3 River Blades
Views: 28,584
Rating: 4.8841977 out of 5
Keywords: Long term food storage, prepper, mylar bags, food storage, 3 river blades
Id: -I299Fg3X3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 44sec (944 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 26 2020
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