Canning Flour!

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hey friends is mrs. o'fee from our half acre homestead and today we're canning flour in the oven okay so here is a 45 pound bag of flour that I got a Costco now I got this actually in the fall and it's been in my freezer I always put my flour in my freezer before I do anything with it and I leave it in there at least a week why even the cleanest facilities that produce bag flour still the flour will have weevil eggs in it so if you freeze it for a week it kills the weevil eggs so does canning it but I never know what I'm going to get around to canning it so I freeze leave it in the freezer until I'm ready to do so and then I take it out a day ahead of time and let it come up to room temperature now my oven is preheated or freakin at 215 degrees pretty much the temperature boiling water okay and these half gallon jar I've got any dove in here I don't know if I'm going to need them all I may need more but these are half gallon jars that they've been washed rinsed and baked in the oven so they're good and dry and now I'm just going to start filling them with flour now you'll hear from many sources that flour is no good after three years well if you do this like we don't do begging a lot in the summertime because well it's summer time it is hot but so I don't use a lot of flour in the summertime but it doesn't mean I don't need it and I still buy it large quantities I have flour that I'm just now rotating out of my food storage that I've had that I have oven canned over four years ago and I'm still using it and it's fine why because this seals it folks this is canning it without the need for water now for those pea who say you really shouldn't can jars in the oven manufacturer's directions blah blah blah blah blah I'm not making light of it folks but this is all I pretty much use these jars for it's the only canning that they get done for otherwise when they're not in use for canning flour they're get used for holding pasta making pickled eggs all kinds of stuff that I really don't pan so you know this is the only canning they get and it's never been an issue so when I get these jars all filled up we'll be back now when you have these what you think is filled unlike regular canning folks you want this as close to the top as possible so go ahead and give your bottles a little tamp down and you will see that you develop almost a half a cup more room in the tops of the jars we want them all the way to the top without going over because we're still going to have to wipe the rims before we put the lids on now I've removed all but the bottom rack of my oven why because these are big tall jars tap that down go and we'll be back on Papa puts these in the oven okay so here they are in the oven we're gonna set our timer for we're gonna say 99 minutes because it's an hour to two hours okay our timer has gone off now I'm using some Tattler lids and a couple of regular days just because it's easier either way now these Tattler lids to just the rings need to be boiled and be careful folks I burnt my fingers putting a jar in the oven when I hit the element because they're tall so now we take the flour out of the oven one by one why cuz we want to keep them hot you use a damp not wet paper towel and just do the edge and like any other you put a clean but clean lid on and you want it to be dry and you tighten it down as good as you can that will create a vacuum and this soon will pop down again always just the rim making sure that your seal is going to be nice and I'm going to take a rubber ring out of the boiling water these are one thing you do boil and we're going to place it on here and if it's boiling when it comes out of the water it's going to stay fairly dry we pop it on there and screw a lid down okay so here's the first half of 2016 flower can now all label these and I will I was gifted a box of one liter quart jars brand-new so I'll be doing the rest of that 50-pound bag in quart jars that is the left what's left of my flower but I can in 2012 so we'll be using that up first yeah I'm sweaty I'm going for a swim this is the missable feed from our half acre homestead saying just because you have lots it doesn't mean you shouldn't continue to store for a rainy day that 2012 flower that's going to last us for another two years but then I will have can more by then take care god bless you
Channel: OurHalfAcreHomestead
Views: 270,182
Rating: 4.9473505 out of 5
Id: nFX-9L4T5go
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 17sec (377 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 12 2016
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