Drug Dealer interview-Big Heavy

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I thought it would be good I didn't check it out but are you familiar with my Channel at all yeah we ain't gonna talk about that soft though I promise you that it's good can I wear a mask no I can't do masks that's Primo Primo is is a joint with a little bit of uh cracking a crack in it that's how a lot of people get started on crack right nah you know my whole life I heard people tell me that I will be smoking a pipe soon I mean I'm 54. you know when I was a kid crack was King and uh my uncles they sold the heroin and one crack at the scene where is this New York I'm from New York City okay and when cracker at the scene I got mentors you know they weren't family to me but they treated me like family and they taught me the business I learned how to cook crack from a man called Dr Rock you know what I mean he used to be he was one of them 70s pimps and he had the the different colored leather purse and he had the different color leather jacket and the sniper and he really hated women but he had a bunch of them and inside that purse he kept the Star Trek Enterprise and he would put the rock right in the middle of the round part of the Enterprise and the two things that came out well he smoked that so he'd stick his thumb in one side and hit out of it but if the chicks made enough money he let the chicks smoke out of the other side here's my mentor he showed me everything he taught me how to cook crack he had a buddy named Simon he was a black gorilla and Sam taught me how to hide guns in the couch and you know have a man at the door and check what was going on before they came in the house and serve him and get them out real fast you know no hand-to-hand sales getting money to somebody else you give them the dope I managed to stay out of any kind of incarceration until I was like 39. you've been in the dope game for a long time now yeah my uncles were cooking crack one day and we were chopping it up on plates and he rolled the blunt with some coke in it and he said you know what this is but I was 12. I just want to be as big as the big boy you know so I lied I said yeah I know what it is I have no idea and he goes we'll light it and I lit that [ __ ] and top of my head got tight my throat got numb top of my mouth got numb I didn't know what the [ __ ] that was I couldn't feel my tongue my ears were ringing I was like what the [ __ ] is this he's like pass it I was like I ain't passing [ __ ] to you tell me what this is and he said this [ __ ] you're cutting on a plate that's what it is I was like for real he was like yeah why you tell me why don't why do you think I tell you to give me all the crumbs when you're done so that was the beginning of the end I mean I liked it and I still like it it's my major malfunction but I pay for it I don't I don't [ __ ] rob nobody still nothing from nobody none of that [ __ ] but I hustle his crack unraveled your life like it does the a lot of the people down here since I've been in L.A I've been okay but yeah I lost my life I lost my life doing covet I did I had a chick that was on meth OD she's a hooker but the mess made her just want to [ __ ] whether she was getting paid or not and she wasn't holding up her end of it and I wasn't paying attention and before I knew it I lost everything but you can't keep a good [ __ ] down you know pretty soon I'll be signing the lease on my new crib and I got my Social Security and I'll be all right what brought you down L.A what do you mean Why'd You Come to LA because of her she tried to kill me like three times thank you see what everybody I know and everybody on the [ __ ] blade out in Arizona we got a whole stroke called Van Buren but famous pimps come to Van Buren and [ __ ] pimp they hoes if I had a dope spot on that on the blade my grandpa had two hotels so I was like old school when I hit the blade and I just got out of prison and she was one of my brother's girls I stole it from him I told him I was gonna come do something to his white girls and something nasty and he told me if you think you can go ahead but I could I knew that so I came back and I got her and I thought that she was a good fit with me but we were toxic together she just wanted to bust nuts and after she bust a nuts she'd go off on her little missions she made a lot of money but I never saw a dime of it what was your childhood like I'm a twin we came out breaching I came out first my sister came out her feet was stuck to my head right here that's why I got this spot and uh we lived in Brooklyn 40th and fifth nice little Brownstone we went to private school my father was a gangster my father was a rapper my father was a pimp and he didn't spend a lot of time but he made sure we had everything we needed you know and he couldn't spend a lot of time we'd go to see the Harlem Globetrotters you know and right after the the Fanfare and we get all our snacks and stuff and we sit down in our seats and we were courtside as soon as the lights went down the show started he'd lean over and say I gotta go hand me a hundred dollar bills so we could catch the cab back home Brooklyn you take off United Artist theater when Star Wars came out we had every we had so much [ __ ] from the snack bar we had little tables in front of us and we were sitting right in the front you know on the best spots in the theater as soon as the lights went out and the commercials was over my father ran over so I gotta go give us money take off that's that was my experience to him you know he was a heroin addict but he was a heroin dealer he fixed in the morning he fixed the night sometimes he mess around in the afternoon but he wasn't one of them not heroin addicts he was a hype heroine he he'd get that [ __ ] in his system and he started dancing around and [ __ ] and he'd want to play dominoes and play poker and you know what I mean he made money he was always about money one thing he taught me was knowledge is power which you don't know can't hurt you and in the 2000s if you ain't got your game straight you're gonna get [ __ ] off I've always had that work ethic though if it is to be it's up to me ain't nobody else gonna give it to me I gotta go get it you had your life to live all over again would you have done anything differently I don't know man I ain't gonna lie to you I think my life turned out the way it was supposed to I think God wanted me to see things that I can't unsee you know and when I was 12 my parents put me out because when I was nine I wouldn't be a kid they were Rough Riders they they had motorcycles and they would go on rallies to California I got uncles in California that are East Bay dragons I got uncles in Arizona that are Chosen Few you know and I got uncles and uh in Louisiana I got uncles in Florida you know but they all do drugs I've been in 28 States you know and I was bred for this I was I was born to this it's part of who I am but I can remember my parents being out of town and me going to my uncle and saying I need money and he gave me you know 200 300 bucks for me and my sister but he'd ask me how much money you want and he'd be counting money from his sales and he'd be big stacks of money on the table and I told him I want that money I want that much money and he'd laugh and get him from the table go in the kitchen and he'd come back with a big old sandwich bag full of coke and hand me that and I asked him what am I supposed to do with this he goes you'll figure it out and I did I sat right there and waited for one of his Runners to come and pay him the money and get another bag and when he ran off wherever he went I followed him when he got to the house I went in the house he couldn't stop me he worked for my uncle he's backing up the dope I'm watching him back up the door I started banging up my dope with his bags you know he's standing out on the porch selling I'm standing out on the porch next to him selling and I started seeing how to get money did you have anybody around you as a kid any role models that were taking a straight path my brother J Whip and my brother binky with drug dealers and parents Marco Vicente he sold heroin and he sold marijuana but he had a long drugs and uh it was attached to a bar and the reason he had the drugstore was because upstanding citizens could go into the drugstore and then walk into the bar at 10 o'clock in the morning but they couldn't be seen walking into the bar at 10 o'clock in the morning so they'd go to the drugstore and go get drunk so after school I would go to his bar and he would give me a mouth full of heroin balloons and I fill my mouth up with Heroin balloons and then I'd run through the drugstore and grab me a comic book off the rack and run to my neighborhood I used to watch my pops Lucas you know they get out of cars and they walk up to me and they slide 20 bucks into my comic book and I spit them out a balloon but then later on that night we go to the whole house he'd be in the back room checking them for the money that they were late you know they they were short off their [ __ ] quota and you could hear them slapping the [ __ ] out of him you know I mean it was loud pow pow and I'd be sitting in the front room on the couch with the money they were short in my front pocket and they never told on me because they want to do it again tomorrow so I learned back then they gonna come see that that dope sack before they go see that pimping every time so I'd rather pimp the white girl in my pocket didn't [ __ ] be sweating some chicken yelling at her and all that it's a waste of time what's your what's your biggest fear now what do you worry about at this point of your life getting old being in a wheelchair having a [ __ ] piss bag or a [ __ ] [ __ ] bag [ __ ] not being able to take care of myself I don't want to live like that I'd rather die I don't want to live like that I gotta I'm not bragging or nothing but I got a [ __ ] horse dick and I charge for this dick extra large but I don't want I don't want to be trying to get an obituary no diaper on [ __ ] that you've been in love before yep I just know I love always picked the wrong ones I always pick the chicks that don't appreciate what I do for them well mama won't mama get I'm a hustler I'm a man I'm gonna make sure she got clothes food if she got a drug problem drugs I'll make sure she gets so much dope that she don't want no dope but again what I do for her she don't appreciate and so when she's being disrespectful but she won't listen to me or talk over me when I'm trying to talk we're not communicating that's not how you communicate you talking I listen I talk you listen but they don't never they don't ever want to do that they want to just run their mouth and you can't learn nothing when you run in your mouth and knowledge is power and they don't ever hear what I'm saying to them it's sad because I want to have forgiveness I want to show him love but they don't deserve it they don't earn it so [ __ ] them did your life gotten easier like at 2023 or then it was in the back back like 20 years ago or even before that I won't go to work no more I got my social security but it ain't easier I mean Bill's got to be paid food got to be bought and cooked the dope's not as good as it was no the dope's pretty good right now there's some creamy [ __ ] but it's like now I do more when I'm tired my heart asleep now the food tastes funny when I'm getting high to where I don't even want to eat when I'm getting I'm usually like 460 pounds I'm a big dude but you know living this lifestyle it wears on you three or four days no sleep you start thinking things that ain't real seeing [ __ ] that ain't real but you got to be honest with yourself when you're a man you have integrity there's a a certain level you have to uphold no amount of money or drugs will make me compromise my integrity I look myself in the face every day and if I can't look myself in the face then I'm not really being a man I'm not being true to myself so yeah sometimes that gets harder you have kids about five daughters my youngest daughter is five years old and they're being raised by by who I've got four baby Molly and so far they've been good Babies Mamas I just can't stand them they're not they're not working girls my daughter is a happy my last baby's mama was a working girl I took her off the blade she wasn't doing very well so I I saved her but after I saved her he started getting her hair and nails done and makeup and all of that stuff she started getting more attention from the the guys on the Block and I kept telling that you can't speak to everybody because you're out of pocket a pimples I'll snatch you up and she didn't believe it she got kidnapped but I paid for her and I got her back and then she got pregnant and she wanted to be a school teacher so I helped to get through school and you know one thing led to another and the result was my daughter she's beautiful I love her and she's smart she's already in the first grade she'll be in the second grade when she turns six and you're just working out you're in your kids lives oh yeah I'll have to be without me they'd be vulnerable out there in the streets because they fall in love with a dude like their daddy how do you teach them to go after a guy who's not like you it's hard I don't I just teach them how to protect themselves and I teach them how to play chess make your next move your best move because it might be the only move you got always stay a few moves ahead that's how you win yeah but a girl's father becomes almost like the oh yeah the model yeah I'm always honest with them I ain't no good and I tell them the truth and pretty much they listen to me the older ones I don't know I don't like their boyfriends but most of the time I don't like their boyfriends because they're like me you can tell your kid do as I say not as I do but that doesn't really work always give a child the opportunity to choose not out of ten times if you raise them right they'll choose right you know discipline is a very specific thing you know you can train your child like you train an animal you make the right decision you get a reward you make the wrong decision you get a consequence but you have to choose if you choose wrong and you get punished that's what's up if you choose right I'm always you know give you Kudos and reward you the best I can I show them love they know they're loved you know they can't do no wrong in my eyes my daughters walk all over me truly their mothers that's why I leave did you ever think about doing anything other than being in the streets when you were a kid all the time what would you dream about I wanted to be Spider-Man I didn't want to be a hero but heroes are broke they don't make no [ __ ] money [Applause] they're always getting beat up for nothing they don't get no healing time they can't kill the bad guy not at Amy no regrets no regrets I think I was about 39 when I stopped having nightmares I used to have nightmares all the time about what well when I got quoted I was living in a park bench in New York winter you know when you little kids in New York you go to school you see people sitting on a stoop like this blue they're dead is brutal in New York you got to have a snow suit some long underwear some insulated boots some insulated socks you learn Isotoner real quick yeah and so when my parents put me out I thought I'm gonna freeze to death my friend his father was a boss a real boss not like out here these West Coast guys they say they were boss they ain't no [ __ ] boys number one you can't call yourself a boss if you ain't got no employees number two you can't call yourself a boss if you don't take care of your employees in New York when a guy says he's a boss if you need groceries he's got a grocery store if you need a car he's got a car dealership if you need a piece of ass he's got a brothel if you want to impress your girlfriend he's got nice restaurants in Manhattan and he's got a limo service that'll take you there and the guy will know you're coming and take your jacket and call you sir and bow down kiss your ass and all of that [ __ ] you know that's a real boss he's got a haberdashery and he's also got a Bootery where they put your foot in the metal thing and measure your foot and make issues where they measure you with the tape measure and make your clothes and these guys are real professionals I used to bring them to East Bay magazine and show them the outfits that I wanted and they would make that outfit to fit my big ass you know my boss was good he had a jewelry shop we had four finger gold rings and a Run DMC Hollow necklaces and all of that stuff was the best time of your life 1984. what was going on I was rapping with a lot of the Bay Area rappers and Herm Lewis and JT the bigger figure was watching a dope money with all rap records and giving us kilos and we was famous First Street Third Street Alabama Hunters Point East Oakland Berkeley Frisco and like we would go places and people would know us people would like us one time we did a concert and on our way out the crowd ripped our clothes off we got to the car we didn't have a car keys because we didn't have no [ __ ] pants on yeah it was it was a good time heavy what would you say is the most important thing you've learned in your life this is deep because I tell you about the life that I lived I worked for the devil for a long time and I can tell you right now that when it comes to the god that created us I'm down for him like I was down for my set like four flat tires on a Cadillac everything that happens there's no chance there's no there's no luck there's no there's no guessing or playing everything is God's will everything happens it's God's purpose I'm I'm living proof of that and that's all I can say about that I I mean I can't prove to you but I've been shot 24 times in my lifetime and I'm still here and I can give you a good race to the corner yeah I do ten and a half flat what's that for uh trafficking uh intend to distribute gang Syndicate uh illegal Enterprise I had 36 felony twos I had a 210 000 worth of liquor and cigarettes in my garage when they rated my house and I was getting it and that wasn't even the best time of my life but I was getting it do you believe in karma no you call me as a [ __ ] [ __ ] my first job working for my boys he wanted me to cut up a dead body wrap it up in plastic get on the train going uh Jersey riding through New Jersey suitcase and a luggage rack I'm gonna get to Jersey wasn't no uh cameras and [ __ ] like that back then you just leave the suitcase in the luggage rack and get on the train going back to New York and by the time they smelled it stinking had been lost and found for like two weeks and then you know I didn't have no fingerprints on record and then I threw up for like an hour just looking at the bloated body and thinking about what I had to do with it then I started cutting on it I threw up then too then after my stomach was queasy and I didn't have nothing else in my stomach to throw up but bile I still threw up like two more times but I got it done the first time was hard but then after that it got easy plus I was I'm a a weirdo in that sort I gotta think about watching the hogs eat their hands in the head the hands go down quick but the head's like a jawbreaker and they just keep on chewing it and chewing and chewing it till it pops and then they slurp it all up and crunch it down and it's gone it's a doggy dog world isn't it just a world we created you know if you read the Bible and I have several times the one thing that's consistent throughout the Bible is no matter how much power how much divineness how much love God shows us we're still disobedient that's that's what your natural man is designed to do we don't care about rules as a race we don't care about what's right or wrong we use that to judge each other but when you get on your knees of God's feet when you're dead he's going to ask you what were you doing my job because nobody can judge you but God you know and he's going to ask you why were you doing my job but all those people that tell you what you were wrong and all the people that tell you what you're doing is a sin and blah blah blah blah they do it too you don't think the preachers dick gets hard when sister Robbins walks by with their fat ass in that tight shirt he digging the same thing you thinking when you look at it with that fat ass and that tight skirt he's not thinking about how Pious she is or how good of a parishioner she is or how holy she is he thinking about what he could do with her if he had her alone in the room naked because he's a man it's all natural it's our natural Wednesday to do that it's our basic human need to gratify ourselves and even people that are holy their basic human need to be holy is so they can gratify themselves you know they feel like they're better than somebody but I can tell you whether they're a dumpster diver or whether they're a millionaire We're All God's Children Made In His Image he loves us all the same and ain't nobody better than nobody and don't judge nobody you don't know what a [ __ ] going through one time I was on a bus going to school and this lady was sitting in the back of the bus and she was just letting her kid bounce all around the [ __ ] bus going in other people's purses [ __ ] snatching people's ears you know and finally somebody asked the lady what the [ __ ] your problem control your kid why are you letting them going crazy like that and she looked at the guy and she said today his father died you never know who what people are going through everybody's got a story and most of the time it's worse than the next guy's story but it's still just the story it's the culmination of who you are as a human being I don't feel bad for what I've done I don't feel bad for gang banging I don't feel bad for the [ __ ] I didn't knock down if you read the Bible again all God's chosen they were all killers Moses David Samson killers chosen by God though he knows what you're going to do before you do it he understands sometimes people go to the extreme but it's our basic human nature what's your greatest strength when I got an issue when I got a problem I don't dwell on it I've I figure out the solution and then that's what I work on I don't I don't care about spilled milk a lot of people they're spilling milk and they'll just keep pointing at the spilled milk I know chicks that have been raped and they talk about that [ __ ] to this day and it happened like 40 years ago and they still can't get over it it happened it's over unless you're stupid it's not gonna happen again what are you going to do now what's next what's really your goal and how are you going to reach your goal we all have breakdowns but if you get caught up in your breakdown that's where you get screwed gotta find a solution or you're not going to get what you want out of life there's only two ways to do things the right way the way we know how to do it the way we know how to do it's only going to get us so far do you figure out the right way you're never going to get what you really want all right heavy thank you so much for speaking to me I wish you lots of luck out here
Channel: Soft White Underbelly
Views: 1,289,235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: soft white underbelly, swu
Id: n16yQ4g6P0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 0sec (1980 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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