Hit Man For Hire interview-Daniel AKA "45"...

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Good interview

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Hoodmagics πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 10 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Whole lot of repetitive answers & questions

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ok-Yak-9698 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 10 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies
foreign was from North Carolina my mom was from Georgia and um I was raising a lot of them I mean Fort Lauderdale you don't think of as being a typically problematic Hood no no no no no but in the 60s and 70s if you were from the city it was real rough it was rough from the city we got a lot of Jamaicans a lot of Haitians in that area I guess there's always certain neighborhoods there yes yes like Taylor Town Parkway uh real Trace different areas tell me about your parents well my mom was alcoholic she was alcoholic and uh she never stayed home much but my father my father was an old gangster at uh Chicago uh and uh it was a Walt better too he came by the military he loaded guns he ran number houses and that's what I learned miles bringing from him how would you see what he did well I used to watch him all the time to go with him a lot to get my direct ball when I was seven eight years old in the pool room stick out pool room how you direct balls and my dad was a pool shooter he loves to shoot pool he was six six he was real tall so he loves to shoot pool so he's always stick in his car following him everywhere he went yeah but shooting pool and uh murdering people is a different story it was a different story but it was in the same same uh group my father also was a pimp so being a pimp and a gambler a person that shot pool um and a person that sold drugs you know so every violence in that it was violence in that so my father went to prison when I was young for murder how old are you I was about six years old my father went to prison I was six and how would you describe your childhood in general well my childhood really came from um from when I was born so I was eight years old stay with my parents in Fort Lauderdale but when I was eight years old an accident happened that sent me to an open Home in New York and I was putting on open on um matter of fact what happened was my grandfather he's always come to the side of the house and scare everybody and after this the 12 gauge shotgun and I blowed his head off I was eight years old and I was sent to um Castell New York and then where I met Mike Tyson that was in the same off at home but he wasn't known as Iron Mike Tyson then he was just whatever I used to pick on him because he taught it funny where they call them names and he was um fight everybody and later on in life he became famous as I'm Mike Tyson so you you murdered your grandfather I'm ruining my grandfather it's not your intention no by accident by accident and um I was sent away and off at home eight years old and eight years old and I was in the office I used to be a bruise um about older people there it's an older lady name is Maddie she'd be there everybody beat us and Lockers in the closet stuff like that yeah we pee the bed she make you stay in your pee you know stuff like that so my brain was tough did you have other lines of work that you wanted to go into oh yes I wanted to always own my own company um I wanted on my own um plumbing company on roofing company and stuff like that to help out who are you closer to your mom or dad wow close to my father because he'd take me in the woods and shoot my shoot guns I was young you're shooting guns at what age age five or six like a little Indigo I can clean in the gun he'd beat me and teach me that I can bring a 45 down put it back together in the dark that was just five years old and then you you graduate high school no that's your fried fried Chico I went to fifth grade fifth grade field grade Falls education ever had and you ended up doing what well when I went to um New York I was offering home there for two years top of 10 years old then I came back to Florida I stayed in Jacksonville with my sister and she was married to a dude named dungus he was the leader of the Jamaican pastor and the day they had a big drug rain and I stayed up under him he top of 16. he'd take me everywhere with him and they had a big uh kill his privilege to go around just killing people he was the head of Jamaica part of the shower possum they called it and did that kind of lead you into a path where you're doing more of this kind of stuff yeah they made me in the wrong path but it lead me to think that it was okay when it wasn't okay it led me into uh misunderstand people in society I was taught the wrong way so I thought it was cool y'all kill people you murdered you think well together they said with 39. and what kind of people are you murdering well drug dealers companies informers confidential informants so so somebody has the courts or the police whatever have somebody who is going to inform on somebody they're trying to put away yeah somebody trying to testify I guess uh they are hiring me to do the job to stop him get rid of them get rid of them yes that's gonna piss the judge and the cops off yeah that pissed them off nobody hate me they didn't like me and how do you how do you do it well first thing I do is uh money got to be first you got to pay off half half price first I find a little case of where they at and then uh when the Protection Program um there's people there's people who always find an inside job that people work in the courthouse get information for Clerks of the courts people that you grow up with people that's in your neighborhood um Cricket polices get in contact with you know who I wouldn't grow up with in middle school stuff like that out of my neighborhood I get information from them kind of people they appointment the right direction how old are you now well 52 years old 52. then you spent most of your life either in about 29 years in prison I was 16. I was four to seven when I got out of the youngest man in the State of Florida to go to Florida death Pro so you've been convicted of some of these murders I've been completely uh six months six they sent me the Florida death row for 29 15 years on death bro 29 years in Florida prison the Florida Supreme Court overturned my commission and do you what kind of emotions do you go through now with these kind of this this kind of history of yours well I changed my life I gave my life to God and uh I used to have more nightmares and stuff like that and I became a changed man so it did it did haunt you it haunted me every day of my life yeah I can't imagine you can just do that kind of stuff and move on with your life like nothing happens it's hard to it's hard to it's hard to you know when you're uneducated when you come on this Postman family and when you was raised wrong you were taught wrong when you thought that you would taught right so you did wrong things but as you grew in life and you better yourself and educated yourself you begin to do what is right and that will happen with me and you've been out for how long now I've been out now um all together um two years two years and you're you're trying to take a different direction with your life yes sir I'm a manager at uh U-Haul very productive with your criminal record it's going to be hard it was hard to get it was hard to get but when you change your life people really understand you they really understanding when you're serious make a change but the federal government keep following me anywhere I go they got with anchor monster home stuff like that I still have one case left um that he's trying to investigate and stuff like that and your father is around still or is he gone and my father passed my father passed did you ever talk to him after you became kind of default his in his footsteps well my father always been my idol on my mentor all my life and he he would taught me wrong because he's dead um was a pimp so he did taught him wrong and the pain that he had inside of him he only passed that down to me you know so I had to break that cycle to pass not pass that pain down to my kids what do you think the problem is with these kind of communities well why does this happen well the problem is that when you come from this personal background dysfunctional thinking in Vietnam see my problem came up here no and they was given Heron they was giving drugs they were giving Addiction in the war so when he left on the wall and the uh government didn't support them they went on their own to create their own things and there was a lot I was doing they were dealing with drugs they were dealing with pimping they were dealing with discreet life and that's all he knew cause he kept on his personal family so the only thing my father was able to teach me is just functional things backwards things but I have to break that cycle and not use that to my kid how did you go about breaking that cycle well personally I did I I knew I had to I had to change my life I found a good woman and uh the Community Kitchen was great and um I knew as I got older and got mature that when my father was teaching me and what I had learned and plus I did 15 years on death row so I need to read consonant you had a lot of time to think I had a lot of time to think about my life and what life itself was how do you meet a good woman giving your background in your 20 years of your life believe it or not I met a Snappers um and it totally changed my life it totally changed my life a very special woman did it yeah she gave me a son to live to hang in there with you yeah yeah and I tell people about my testimony my testimony from Death Row to the front of you I'm also a pastor at a church and uh God is amazing what he does he's amazing when you truly want to change yourself when you want to change you know a change come you do the right things people place the thing you changes and I feed the homies I give back to the community um a lot of people family father that I killed I I communicate with their kids really yeah I couldn't make with three young and um I gotta give back to them did you ever escape with drugs or alcohol or anything like that well I never was uh addicted to drugs alcohol nothing like that but my mom and my father was yeah and I was around it for years but I became a drug dealer I became a joiner I so play the drugs Clinton drug all around the world all around the world and so so you go by the name four or five that's what uh that's what that name came from uh douglas douglas and Jamaican 51 they were the leader of the shower pasta and and at a very young age from 10 11 I can shoot so good with a 45. he said you know what that's your name you just shoot you shoot too good really go out in the field and shoot bottles and stuff so they said that's the only gun I ever committed crime with that's the only gun I ever kill people with how would you go about killing people well first of all got to be the right price he paid the right ticket they got underground black markets numbers that you can call and they'll tell you it's a ticket in your area you know there's a weather ticket in Miami and I said well I want two of them tickets and then I said they'll tell me the price on the tickets and then I I know the name or the individuals and then I just had like a normal person in the neighborhood and they don't know me I get a girl from somewhere and they don't even know and I set them up with a girl and I had a girl that had like she liked them and she don't even know them he don't know her and we get back to the motel I follow him girl too that was your party like then how do you do it well I'm a trainer just shoot him in the head three shots an idiot so anybody I was ever accused of killing that became my trademark so the state attorney scene ain't nobody shot three times behind the hill with a 45 they was coming to get me they didn't care so I won nine nine murder trials Broward County alone three in Jacksonville and two in New York so you've been convicted how many times I make a video one time that I was 16 that sent me the death row but since I've been away from Death Row soon I got out I called another murder case after any kind of jail for you finding Johnny Ross birthday cake that's one of the biggest birdie kids of all he was a big companies and farmer against uh minor police privilege cops the minor Police Department he was telling them Cricket police so the cricket police were I was paid this I would pay about it who hired you a police officer and a drug that hired me to kill Johnny Ross yeah level 2016 that was the last murder case you got a movie here Maybe emotionally how did this affect you well mostly um at night sometimes I can't sleep I talk to turn a lot I I hear the bosses of the people like special uh Johnny Ross case because I knew him personally he he the only guy yeah I ever was accused of killing that I knew personally I knew him personally and um it's gonna be hard and when I took the detail he got in the car he said man please don't give me you know that so he knows you're going to kill him and I shot him three times behind here having one block from Broward um Broward County Courthouse eight o'clock in the morning coming from winning Protection Program I stayed up three nights stepping and stuff in the field down the street for three nights watching and only the only time I was able to get to her we went uh the detective was taking him but it did Teddy was a fat dude that was out of shape and I brought a gun on him first I took his gun and I threw him out of the car I could talk about it now because I won a trial can't nobody retry me on it the figures can't really try me on it I can't win some of some of your cases well I look at it now anything that my calling for God and that was that's why I changed my life God ain't a good lawyer yeah I had a good luck Christopher Clark had a Cincinnati I flew him down into Florida Christopher Clark he won all together 12 murder cases for me he won 12 cases 12 murder case all together how did he win 12 cases well not yes or not giving not given that's yourself yeah yeah the American case is the harder case to convince because there can't be no uh speculations you gotta have side effects y'all were never on camera can't be no doubts I've never video no I went all that I went this came up there so after you would do the deed whether you went into somebody's apartment car or whatever do you just walk away or do you run away or I'll walk away normally get in the car and just going by myself walking their dog down the street wouldn't suspect you of doing anything no just for you to be casual just be casual casual act normal and that was it you got a story or two I'm sure you do well um yeah yeah tell me what well uh I I want people to be able to hear my story because I didn't know how did I get to that point um coming from this functional family this functional background being a Bruce as a child and had me taught me wrong he called me to do a lot of wrong things in life and a lot of parents need to understand that that they granddadded and they follow us got their hurt in that pain in them they pass it down to their kids and uh that affected my life I could have been an NFL player I could have been a basketball if I could have been anything other than uh being a higher hit man you know there's a lot of talent that they've been waste in situation like that but if some of the murders that you've committed tell me tell me a story or two of how it went down oh Johnny B is a dude named Johnny Bean in Jacksonville you stay on the top floor of Hilltop uh projects and everybody was scheduled you need to be there by with a bat he originally from Miami but he was getting money in Jacksonville and everybody was cut agenda being and I told this girl I said you know what I'm gonna kill Johnny Bean what was Johnny being into Johnny B was into drugs he was a big drug dealer he was sending drugs a lot no he was going to be women's I watched my father beat my mom and I hated on guys that beat women and he beat this girl up that I was messing with and I told that girl I said you know what tomorrow when I come over there I'm gonna blow on kind of being hit off I guess he thought I would like she said you're so small I used to be real small he's so small he's so big I said I promise you that and uh I had to go to the ninth floor and uh I walked by at least 30 guys they had gone and I walked up there and blowed his brains up over the rail and walk back down by his homeboys them and got in the car with my friend he left and everybody just looking around like wow because they was killing him but I never had pill my apologies to beat me with station called I wouldn't cry and I wouldn't cry you never had fear I never had fear in my life never I never had I was born with a hole in my heart and a doctor told my mom that I wouldn't live alone I've always been a child that never cried I get a woman I never cried Never Cry dude to jump on me sometimes I get in fights I never cry I never said a tear do you find you're developing those abilities now that you're like to take a new direction oh yes um I know we'll believe I've been a manager and uh you all and they gave me another great opportunity today to be a supervisor um or motivated to speak I go back to jails I go to prison to talk to guys and stuff I'm uh a deacon and a pastor in a church and um my lights have been wonderful now it's been wonderful and you do like public speaking right like that yes I do public speaking I speak all the time I feed the Homeless I give back to the community um three guys who are mentor to uh was accused of killing their fathers and they called me and texted me out all the time and they're no bad blood no more that's how life was how the game was when you choose to be into that drug game what do you think the answer is for healing like what basketball is breaking a cycle us as men's had to break that cycle of being that pain in the anger inside of us so we don't pass on to our children and we've got to replace them with love and love coming God do you have kids oh yeah okay I have step kids after you murder somebody do you just go out and have a beer or do you like normalize it normal for me to do I have a train to do it uh you don't do anything different yeah it's nothing enough just a job it's just a job the other day at work until it did work dogs state attorney said when 39 people um that I was involving and killings um I don't know how many to be told because in Chicago New York and Washington uh Seattle during that time um if you Google it the shower pasta there was a bit of 182 murders and I know I was at least part of 60 60 or but they were charged with them crying so nobody else can cannot be charged with them but but um being around dysfunctional people you know is part of the part of your environment my mom was an alcoholic you know my father was a drug dealer pimp and a gangster so I was Tyrone I didn't ask for that it was given to me but the moment that I realized that it wasn't the right thing to do I changed my life do you remember a point in your sounds like your early youth where you realize your life has taken this crooked path yeah I was on Florida death bro in 1985. and they would buy to execute on Theodore bunny Ted Bundy he didn't see her next to me and I asked bunny I said bunny um you're gonna get executed tomorrow and I said uh how do you feel he said everything he says his everyday thing I said but he told me he said I want you to do you said what he told me he says everyday thing yeah everyday thing it's no big deal yeah don't be killed 30 people and them killing him he says don't be there but he told me he said you gonna get all death bro he said but I want you to change your life he said your your instant guy but you I think you're probably different than Ted Bundy you might have had a mental illness he had another sickness cause he was fattening off uh women that he would choke and kill I never had a murder case for the woman or a child every murder case I ever had ever with drug dealers uh companies informing guys that was in that life yeah and your your violence stems from growing up growing up I'm just positive family and a rough family yeah it was wrong it wasn't like you were a crazy person no I'm not one of the crazies probably would have been a problem I thought that if I was taught the right way I don't win the college you did the right thing but I would talk wrong if you've grown up on the other side of Fort Lauderdale you probably would have been yeah but I grew up in Africa it would have been different for me in that area she's got Fifth Avenue was a dangerous area for a lot of them and not only me but every young young child come from that area either had life in prison either with a death row I was a murderer at a young age God that grew up with me was none of successful in that area I can't name one person in that whole entire area that was successful really really none of all of them were dead people they were 15 16 are in prisonable life and that just reinforces all the racism and the that's called the area a lot of blacks for that area uh fathers was in Vietnam so they were drug users and stuff and that type of immigration of area a lot of people came from Georgia Carolina New York and that part of Fort Lauderdale on Fifth Avenue it was a more dangerous area in Bravo County you think there's any hope for the young people of today that are kind of following a similar path well yeah you see it in big cities you know I'm I'm based in L.A and I see I see it all the time there yes everyone now uh they don't have that father figure and they've been taught the same avatar from just pause the background that second must be broke and part of is the government the government is part believe it or not they are part of people being dysfunctional because there's no programs for them there are no no places for them the YMCA being closed now uh there's no place you can go at right now if you ain't in school or working that you can do something positive there's nowhere to go and that's bad yeah I mean in your case you kind of probably needed a series of things to be different in your mind but probably a mom that wasn't on drugs yeah that maybe sold Insurance yeah it's been a big difference and maybe a neighborhood that wasn't just yeah all the kids was was crazy it was a lot of Jamaicans a lot of Hastings in my neighborhood during that time they were very valid because they had just come from Jamaica and then go Cuba uh Cubans and they just let them out of prison so our home of guys when I was eight years old oh a guy that was 15. so when I turned 15 I hold a guy that was 30. so that's not good I thought that wasn't good I was Tyrone I had the wrong room around me it's possible people but today I go to the Detention Center I go to county jail and I speak the kids because I don't want them to experience what I experienced what what helps you stay on track now other than you're a great wife well let me stay on track now is the desire to want to help people I have that desire I have done so much wrong in my life that I had a desire to want to help somebody because if I had help if I had a boss if I had someone to to to sit me down and teach me what was wrong and right if I had a father figure from a personal family I went to the terms that I took uh when my father when I was four and five you teach me how to shoot guns if he never taught me how to shoot guns at young age like that quite damaged me and every time my granddaddy come to that one of the scales I would have never shot him because I would have had experience a gun yeah but by him teaching me they had a young age experience with guns it was wrong yeah I was wrong because it went DCF did it was uh um Hrs give me HRS back then I'm sorry it was it was HRS back then over child committed a crime like that he went DCF it was HRS they come and take you away from your family oh is that right yeah and then they send you away the New York places I never been repo to offer a home that was abusive that made me worrisome I mean I'm not saying any of this was really your fault you listen to your story and you can kind of see where the where the train went off the tracks yeah but what what would you have done differently if you had your life to live all over again if I had my life to live all over again and I had it right um parents did the right the right pair of this stuff it had been way much different a lot different you would have picked different parents how to pick different parents yeah I'd be the mom that won a drug addict but a father that wasn't a gangster but that's a cause that life gave me and I had to have to deal with it in the moment I got mature to understand that it was wrong I no longer do wrong things there's a book that my mom was interviewed in and they asked her what what advice would they give kind of like the question I asked at the end of my videos and she said uh pick your parents well well that's that sound good but you had no choice but the moment you do I have a choice that would have changed your thoughts what would you say is the most important lesson you've learned in your life the most important lesson I've learned about life is to never take another man's life no matter what the number or the money was no matter what the situation was a man should never ever take another man's life because it affected me dearly today I can't even sleep talking turns sleep while I hear every voice my everybody that he said I murdered and that's not good other kids otherwise yeah because you pick their family you take a father away from his wife you take a father away from his son you take a father away from his daughter his family all right four five thank you so much for sharing your story thank you Mark I wish you the best of luck now you're out thank you I hope you read a book or do a movie or something like that I appreciate it hell of a story thank you all right
Channel: Soft White Underbelly
Views: 739,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: soft white underbelly, swu
Id: uAr4k3xnS9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 25sec (1825 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2023
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