"The Devil Comes To You As The Angel Of Light." | A drug addict interview in Kensington, PA (4K)

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all right so I'm here with Lono how are you man all right doing all right yeah um tell me about yourself where you from uh I'm from uh Houston Texas and uh but I've been like I said uh I've been up here in the you know in the east coast for going on six years uh every end of October uh is like another year um you know originally came up uh to uh take care of my grandpa and he said he was going to give me the house and everything but uh it was turned out it was like you know real badly uh it was like a farm Old Farm 200y old farmhouse that didn't have no running water um it's just you know like a shack you know and then I went stir crazy I didn't you know it's like a Delaware is like a retirement State you know and then um but uh he died last year uh somewhere in April uh he had empyema uh he like to smoke them cigar cigarettes you know he would tear off the filter andh say they're better for you you know when if you tear off the filter you know what I mean yeah yeah cuz he always so oh look you know if you get a black piece of paper and you like a a Twist or something the filter it's like you could see like a little fiberglass or whatever I don't know I mean how long you been in Philadelphia uh a little over a year you know what led you here um you know I got I was really what wouldn't wasn't nothing in uh in Delaware you know so I just like decided to come here you know uh more opportunity you know more job whatever jobs or whatever you know more people might age how old are you uh 33 yeah yeah how long you've been homeless for just since your grandpa passed uh no I mean I've been homeless off and on you know uh since I was 18 but you know um I mean that's I kind of you know know the ropes a little bit not not not too much but uh I mean you know I try I try to work and stuff you know I try I try not to you know steel or anything like that you know what I mean I I don't like all the stealing stuff are drugs a part of your story uh they can't you know they have been you know you know what's your drug of choice um well it's uh heroin you know you know is it dangerous out here you had mentioned that junk yeah very D it could be very dangerous what' you get jumped over uh nothing it was I I was just laying down uh that's happened before uh can I see can you bend out again yeah did you have to get staples or no uh cuz I never went to the hospital so my hair but I I I did uh just get out of the hospital uh the other day um cuz my hair was so maded I guess it kind of uh worked BL huh with blood yeah I guess it worked as like a kind of like a you know one of them um like a what is that Galls you know my hair actually uh soaked up the blood yeah and it actually like stiffened up and stuff you know but uh I went to the hospital the other day and I was there for like about 3 or 4 days and they shaved it off and at I'm on antibiotics now so you know I I I was getting like pused and stuff and and I was starting to really look like a mess you know I uh some uh somebody told me like they're like man you look somebody told me this one girl told me I look a lot better like she's like wow you look uh look like I'm clean and you know like she's like looks like you're you're healthy I was like yeah I went to the hospital for like 4 days you know so yeah uh a couple of bags of saline will do that to you you have any kind of family around or any kind of support system or no no uh actually um my mom my dad is all in juice to Texas so what's your relationship with them like could could you call them yeah I just kind of I don't know um I don't know I just kind of you know I don't know just stopped uh talking them and but every time I get a phone and somebody steals it from me or something you know like when I go to sleep or something or if I go uh too deep of asleep you know uh somebody steals it from me they pickpocket me you know what I mean you want to try to use my phone when we finish to to call them and just let them know you're okay yeah yeah cuz I try to call my Popa and when I was in the hospital and um usually the voicemail comes up as like oh I can you know hear him saying oh leave a voicemail but it was different you know but I think he said something about he was going to get a new phone or something but I don't know I hope I hope he's still alive cuz my my papa's like 84 you know and he said all of his family uh passed away around 80 years old you know so I don't know I hope I hope nothing was what's the hardest part about being out here um just finding somewhere safe to sleep you know what I mean yeah yeah because it's it's really it's it's can be you know like sleep around people that you know not necessarily you absolutely trust but you need to be safe you know what I mean because like I said I was you know I was jumped I was you know I was hit with the with the butt of a gun you know uh and I was there kicking me while I was on the floor um and then uh they uh went to work on on my arm with the table leg it was hitting Bam Bam B it was I couldn't move my my arm for days you know I was like I was having a throbbing headache you know it was bad where do you typically sleep at um I mean around here in here Mingo you know but um in Kensington sometimes you know yeah you know kensington's pretty wild right yeah it is they got anything like that in Texas uh I mean we have our uh Our rough neighborhoods but uh you know like in uh what was your first opinion of Kensington when you got here and saw like how how wide open it is I mean I don't know I couldn't I didn't know what to think of it you know it's it's like it's I don't know something else you know like world right yeah so it's like looking out looking from the outside looking in is like whoa It's you know it's it's it's a different world is it hard to trust people out here oh yeah and then uh you know like they say like uh uh what is it the devil uh comes to you and the angel of Light it's kind of like here like oh I'm your friend you could trust me you're my buddy you're my pal you know but then you know see what they can get from you oh yeah oh yeah as soon as you go to sleep bam they're hitting your pockets or they're doing your drugs or whatever you know or they're taking your money or whatever whatever they can get from you yeah exactly you got any kids no but I do want to have kids you know have you ever tried to get clean oh yeah oh yeah what was your experience with with rehab like um it's been a couple years uh I went to this place called Banyan it was called what Banyan and it was like a it was a 45 day uh program you know I stayed clean for a while is that Philly nuh it was in um Milford Delaware you know just out of curiosity if if your relationship is good with your parents what's stopping you from just kind of going back to back to Texas just you're not ready to commit to that yeah I mean um I kind of I kind of like it out here on my own you know you know what I mean yeah you know I get it just being independent yeah you know what's the scariest thing about being out here um just like not knowing you know uh what's going to happen next how often do you eat um I mean every day yeah uh you know I try to I try to you know I'm try to make sure I eat you know uh like uh they have a lot of food pantries and things like that around here uh I go to like uh I go to k inton and uh like uh my favorite one is uh serenelli I think it is um it's uh Monday mornings uh they serve um uh potatoes oatmeal I no not oatmeal I think it's a grits no not grits um I can't what that the other is called uh but it's pretty good it's like kind of like oatmeal with the uh potatoes uh and it's like uh it's got a little you it's a little greasy but it's good like I mix it with the with the oatmeal yeah and and I put together yeah some bacon with it's got a little a couple pieces of bacon and then um like a small cup of coffee and U what is that called the Tasty Cake I put that all all in there and you know go to town yeah grub out yeah yeah um what do you want out of life um you know I mean I I want I want to have kids you know and well not me personally but you know I want to I want to you know start a family you know eventually yeah you know pretty soon because I'm I'm starting to get old you know I'm already 33 you know yeah but well I know I'm going definitely keep you in my thoughts and prayers man be safe out here all right I appreciate you Shing your time thank you
Channel: Unheard Voices
Views: 146,510
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZOwS-xNsfzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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