Former Hitman on Mexican Prison, Cartel Brutality and Police Corruption | Minutes With

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ended up getting in uh maximum security uh and the riot popped off right two weeks when when I was in there there was 14 people killed the main boss was decapitated um and they were playing basketball in in with this [Music] head I was born in the state of Guerrero in Mexico I was taken to um the us at a year and a half I was raised in the South uh Southern California uh in La Compton a normal you could say American Childhood around gang gangs and all that good stuff that corrupts a kid living in a South Central Compton a firestone region it's uh very hectic you know uh growing up you have to be careful where you're walking what colors you're wearing cuz obviously there's a lot of mugging going on uh Theft Grand Theft Auto uh gang banging shootouts so it's you you're under a lot of stress the majority of the time how did it kind of happen that you got involved in in crime uh growing up in a broken family um the circumstances of of why my father went to prison that that pushed me towards towards gang towards uh committing crimes I was uh in a way looking for a way out um so my father basically he raped my sister When We Were Young um the the the stress of seeing that obligated me to try to uh kill him stabbed my dad a couple times obviously I was barely 12 um so I think that's uh the main reasons why why I was trying to just get out of my my own world because of the destruction that my own father had had done my father ended up doing 16 years in avenol state prison left us when we were really young um my mom being Mexican and not being able to speak the language cuz it's uh not easy living in a country where you don't even know the language and uh not having any help from any family members so that was what U pushed me into in into crime into gang banging into hustling for money what kind of crime was it first and how did it progress uh first it was home invasions you know theft normal petty theft um then it it it uh moved on to um moving certain amounts of drugs to different counties depending on on where the person that was in charge of the game wanted you to move them um anything to gun crme how old were you that point around 14 15 when you're in gangs you you know the heat that you're you're going to get yourself involved um it's a a lot of racial fight fighting going in going in because at the same time it's Mexicans against Mexicans and or other Hispanic uh gangs they kill one of yours you go looking for one of them uh that's how I ended up um as a as a gunslinger or a Hitman well however you guys want to call it aario um that's how I got involved in in gun crimes at that age I was still young young and stupid um that's when I decided that you know what maybe I should try some luck in Mexico maybe try to get away from gangs you know get away from the violence without really understanding what violence was I myself took the decision of going back to Mexico trying to find something better for me in itself uh at the age of 17 was when I decided to go back to Mexico obviously it's not the same thing because culture differences I was uh raised with chos um mexican-americans that spoke English that spoke Spanish going back to Mexico where there's only Spanish speaking people the culture is different you know it's a a little bit harder to uh to involve yourself in society so you're always looking uh you're always looking out for people that look like you that speak like you and that act like you um that's how I ended up in Mexico so what was it like in Mexico uh it's a whole different world and the violence uh that the human being is able to to um to do is is really Unthinkable you know basically they were doing worse things that we could never imagine in in a first world country um and it's more because of poverty you know of not trying trying to become something of themselves making a name for themselves Cel aloa was uh is one of the biggest ones in Mexico went to Sonora and I worked for the senoa as well a Hitman um I worked in Morelos as well for for another organization called lail mishana and what does a hitman at a Mexican cartel do you get you take care of the Dirty Work you know um obviously they're always fighting Roots towards the US uh they're always fighting for the how can you say this for the permission of extortion and uh stealing from the rich in whatever state they're in um and fighting the enemies you know that means going into cities and locating these uh these rival Hitmen these rival people or rival drug drug lords and taking them out you have to understand that the cartels is two branches the ones that traffic the drugs and the military uh side of the cartel as well I went to a location once for the famar they had a 5 tons of cocaine uh they also had a la uh how do you call it how do you say it uh laborator laboratory laboratory uh of methamphetamine I've never been towards that side of uh moving drugs or anything like that because obviously you're talking about high quantities of drugs um I was more addicted to Adrenaline of of what I could do with the rifle what I could do with the pistol so when you're working as a as a CIO obviously there's there's rules that you cannot pass if you want to keep yourself alive because it's a very dangerous game um and that was something that was taught to me since uh since the beginning uh never get high with anything that they that they move in order for you to keep yourself on guard and on on point on what you're doing um there's cartels that actually they pay their their people with drugs especially cartels that use methamphetamine um obviously there there's people out there that will get themselves in debt with the cartel or with a drug dealer uh they have no way to pay to paying their debt and they get pulled in by force um and they they maintain them with with crystal meth with cocaine obviously the people that that would do d drugs you would see them lasting 3 months 2 months they would end up getting murdered so for us as um Saros it would be something easy to spot the enemy sometimes because of their drug use uh because of the way that they would act in uh under stress or under pressure from the cartels or from the government I think it's just more like they're using them as how do you say it uh cattle for the slaughter if you're a professional you know that what you do is you just put two in the chest and one in the head that's it it's better to have them dead than to have them um to have evidence where the where the government will be able to incriminate you do you feel like in Mexico if you want to kind of earn money you have little choice but to get involved with a cartel you can say in a in a way it is because obviously a lot of the people that I met in the cartels didn't even finish their primary school you know uh because they didn't have the resources to to look for better education and a part it is you know in a part it's not it's more about the influence that that Society gives them you know the um the type of music that they hear what what they see on TV that's what they they feel inspirated to to be like that and when in reality they have no idea what um that life is all about well you have a scared for your life every day that's how you live anybody that says that they're not scared of of that type of life is is probably lying you know I think uh being scared is is uh very important in order for you to keep yourself alive every time that I would get close to somebody that person would would get murdered and and it was a just a a circle that was not ending so when talking to people that are in in in this environment and and when talking to people that think that they're that they're gangsters or they're they're about that life you could tell right away if they're lying or not just by asking them what kind of weapon they use so you can tell when someone is uh is an expert and you can tell when someone is is is just bluffing on what they're saying we have a saying um you know balls your balls as a man will get you killed right away so you have to use the intelligence and you have to use your balls because obviously that's what it is you know you can't just be running around there thinking you're the biggest and the baddest because there's always going to be someone bigger or better than you is police uh connected to Cel yeah definitely um local police are 100% State Police you could say 5050 it's basically the same law that Pablo Escobar told the government now it's it's PLO you know it's money or lead whichever one you want there's seever there's certain cartels that don't really give them the option of giving them money they rather give them lead and go to war um because obviously it's uh it's it's more like a gorilla type war and uh whatever they can acquire from the uh State uh government that means rifles that means life jackets that means whatever they can take off their dead bodies they'll take then rather than give them any money to uh bribe them what was the most violent thing you've seen I've seen a lot of violent things and I would have to say this time they it was a time where they picked up like around 12 15 people not not all of them were were enemies you know sometimes you're in the wrong moment at the wrong time and for hanging around with the wrong crowd you you get involved and uh there was uh there was women and and Men um I didn't take part I was uh our group had just arrived in the ranch where this was taking place another group was obviously kind of executing was going to execute them but they were obviously recording everything to send the message to the rivals um and they went out with the axis and chainsaws they dismembered everybody why would they do that what's the so basically they want to put out a message you know maybe this person took money away from the from the cartel or they got involved in in in businesses where they didn't come through um in order to make sure that other associates don't follow the same route they put them as an example once the society or the the people where where these people are operating they see several heads appear in the morning with the big old message or several pieces of body scattered around the city then it's easy for you to go and ask for extortion from anybody and they they with the fear that that that might happen to them or to their family members they will pay I mean I'll have to ask you what was the most violent thing you've done yourself there's a lot of things um but one in particular was I was taking two recruits um to do a task that was uh given to us um these recruits obviously were new they didn't know what they were doing they got nervous they came back into the car and they told me that the people that were there were armed um we pull up uh near this person and this person is obviously a rival um the person in the person in the back seat I was driving the person in the back seat uh pulled out a rifle and shot him he missed a shot but injured him on the leg um at this moment the the rifle jammed the recruit was panicking I jumped out of the car took the rifle um busted the the bullet out and cocked it back in and I shot him again um this person was still agonizing trying to drag himself through the through the pavement um the rifle jammed again so I basically went up to him and and smashed him with the with the with the butt of the rifle until his head exploded and uh that was it jumped back in the car and left obviously there's more things that I've done that I but I I just I'm not willing to discuss at the moment how many people do you think you've killed over I've been in the game for a long time um more than 70 probably when we talk about all of those people killed and tortured have you ever thought back about them thought about their families what were your the motions you were going through you have to understand that you can't um you can't take anything personal it's only a it's only a job you know it's only it's only business and uh the moment that you do take it personal everything goes south there's definitely some there's honor in it uh I think that's the only way that you survive you know that's the only way that Karma doesn't hit you in your back is by having honor obviously honoring the way that how you handle yourself you know obviously there is sometimes that you that I think about a lot of things uh every day you know in my case um had no family try to avoid being even close to anybody that you had any feelings towards because it it could have they could use that as leverage I mean it sounds hering but it also sounds like quite a lonely existence I guess it is it is so I know you went to prison can you explain how and why you got there yeah um they had killed someone real close to me um and I went out of my way to look for these people and uh get that situation taken care of uh while I was in the in the area where I had taken care of this these people uh uh I was caught up by um state and federal government and uh I was arrested taken tortured and then later on informed that I was being accused of murder in first degree um that's how I ended up in in prison and what was the sentence uh they wanted to give me 30 years of prison for murder I only did three years um prison is is a whole different ball game to what prisoners in in in the US might uh might feel that prison is about um a lot of I've known a lot of um inmates in Mexico that have been uh felons in the US and that have spent time uh in federal prisons and they tell me over there's a five-star hotel compared to where we're at now um if you have no family you have no clothes they don't give you squat basically your family has to come in and drop you off clothes that they uh obviously ask of a certain color they have to drop you off toilet paper they have to drop you of soap shampoo whatever you need to to to keep yourself um clean inside a prison your family has to give to you other than that the prison system basically makes sure that you have three meals a day and water that's all they uh they they take care of the cells can go anything from 11 inmates to I've seen 16 in one cell that is meant for four people so you're speaking about having people sleeping on top of the toilet underneath the the bench that you have to to have your food uh in the middle of the of the of the of the what do you call it the that little space that you have in the middle of the two concrete beds and two underneath the concrete beds a lot of people think that correctional officers are the ones that are in charge inside they are not the ones that are in charge are the inmates and the cartel that runs the prison system cuz for every prison that there is there is a cartel behind it the guards are sometimes they have no option you know it's like they're there between The Sword and the wall if they don't cooperate with what the cartel wants then they know that that they're going to be dealt with outside um so they try to just keep it chill you know in the way that they know who not to mess with and who who they can they can obviously put their hands on they're pretty down to earth you know because obviously they see other co-workers get killed for trying to oppose the cartel um what they're doing is they're basically try just trying to survive and trying to uh get the best of it because obviously it's there's a lot of bribery going on and there's a lot of prostitution inside of prison as well with the inmates like with the female inmates because obviously there's prisons where there's uh female and male they're in different sections but the prison guards they're their their money is prostituting the female inmates that are inside when I ended up in prison um because of of my of the nature of of of my case and and for the cartel that I was working for I was uh privileged to be moved to a a certain area where I was uh entitled to several stuff and and obviously I was given a job that was uh interrogating any buddy that was coming in for drugs for homicide for kidnapping and uh we would go in with the permission of the security of the correctional officers uh pull out smartphones start taking pictures start interrogating inside of the prison when I arrived in prison obviously they promise you the stars that they're going to get you out that they're going to help you that they're going to continue on uh supporting you obviously those are all lies what they what they want is basically they want you to put whoever you have out there that is loyal to you as a person because they know who you are uh keep them working for their organization um so obviously when I saw that the that the my case was not progressing and that I had no benefits in uh having a lawyer from the cartels because at the end of the day sometimes those lawyers are working for someone else you know so they're not they're not there to trying they're not there trying to get you out they're there make to make sure that you stay in um so I basically washed my hands and said you know what I'm done with you guys I I with the rivals I ain't with you I just want to be left in left alone because obviously my my time here is is going to be long um uh They didn't accept that and uh obviously there was repercussions um was being to the degree where I had I have a broken rib a busted um eardrum uh when I when I got better I spoke to a lot of people that were in the prison with me that were chos and that weren't they weren't just part of the cartel they were just chos you know and we made a riot uh we we we popped the prison like it's a commonly known um we murdered we murdered two of them two of their the their leaders and uh made a big party um we got transferred to a State Prison a maximum security State Prison and I spent another year and a half in uh in that prison I think those were the the most violent ones uh the prison where I had come from was a prison of approximately 500 to 600 inmates and I was taken to a prison where there was 13,000 p uh inmates I think it's one of the one of my experiences that I will I will never forget uh just the amount of things that I saw inside um ended up going to M ended up getting in uh maximum security uh and the riot popped off right two weeks when when I was in there um there was 14 people killed the main boss was decapitated um and they were playing basketball in in with his head the anti- rot uh correction officers came and uh they knocked on the door on the maximum security door to try to get in and they weren't allowed in uh they put all the dead bodies in in the main entrance and they told them that there was no problems inside maximum security that all they wanted was them to take their trash for a moment I I started laughing to myself I was like yeah they're not they're not going to listen to us they did they went back the um the people that lift up the dead bodies and the criminal investigations came in take the took their pictures and took the body all that build up of violence and and and and memories and and and people that you love G starts getting to you starts eating up what you have left of of a human inside of you you have everything you know you have money you have drugs you have women but you don't have peace you know you start thinking about what's there to come after you die cuz you you see people go left and right and there was occasions where obviously you're you're in gunfights that last up to 2 hours hour and a half and you don't really know if you're going to come out of those gunfights so I started questioning everything you know started questioning who I was and and and why I was there and if um if what I was doing had any any honor you know if if it was worth dying for I wasn't about to go back to prison so mentally I Was preparing myself to to obviously get murdered you know and and end my life in in in in in in combat um but like I said I started question everything because of the the level of of stupidity of other lieutenants and knowing the how the game works you know you're just a pawn for for the for the real people that are making money you they're not going to worry for you they're not loyal to you you're just you're just some you're just something that can be replaced by something else I think that's when I I realized that you know what uh I speak two languages I speak English I speak Spanish I'm not someone that is stupid I've been able to survive this long like there there should be a purpose of of why I'm still alive cuz in reality I was I was waiting I was looking for a way out you know uh I still had bottled up the emotions of of of living in a scarred family and especially the trauma that you go when you see your own father do something like that like it was around January it was cold we were up in the mountains and in my head I was we were going in into some conflict with another Lieutenant that basically wanted to take what I had so he was trying to get me killed at the same time and it was killing the lieutenant and getting into more problems with the cartel and running running to another cartel for asking trying to get help obviously or it was leaving everything the way it was you know just leaving everything behind just got my person out of there and that's what at the end of the day I did just left my rifle took my my vest off left the drugs that we had in the car left the money that I had in the car uh stole one of their pickups and just drove until the gas ran out what about your family you talked about your mom and your siblings are you still in contact with them yeah yeah I'm in contact with them I haven't seen my mom since 17 years that's the last time I saw her 17 years ago so it's been a long ride by myself um I am in contact with them you know there was a point where they didn't really um we had no communication when I got in contact with them it was like now you remember you have a son you know now you remember you have a brother like you guys shouldn't be crying like we all take our our decis our decisions and we have to live with our consequences so if anything happens to me then don't worry about it let the dogs eat me cuz that's the life I I chose that's what I would say what about your dad no probably put bullet in his head if I couldn't when I was younger when I'm older then definitely you know what is the future for you what are you looking forward to nowadays uh I'm a boxing instructor because I've always been into Combat Sports um we have a a group of kids in Mexico that we help out obviously trying to give them the best advice to avoid what one has been through you know um so for me it's uh if I can put in any small seat of uh help in order for uh our future Generations um I rather do that than anything else than try to like to make money or or um try to become be in a better position I'm not worried about that cuz I've already been there you know I've had all the money in the world and doesn't give you anything you're still empty I've grown up without a father you know I know the consequences of of being alone in life and where it it's led me and I think um Mexico has that problem that most of the families are broken up you see kids running around 300 in the morning 4 in the morning you know um and sometimes they just need that extra motivation of of of um someone that that believes in them so that's that's what's there for me right now there is obviously quite a lot there do you think this has an impact on you do you think there's any PTSD or anything like that yeah I I I suffer of PTSD um suffering insomnia um lack of emotion sometimes uh sometimes they tell me that I'm very cold uh it's all it's something that you can't just let go out of out of the blue you know I think it's it takes time to understand that you're no longer in that life you know and try to lower your guard because obviously in that life you're always with your guard up you don't really know how to deal with uh normal people uh you don't know how to deal with your family in my case uh it's it's difficult to just um try to pretend that all of that stuff has been left behind when it hasn't does anything haunt you from all of those days I would have to say no because I know that I have not killed anybody that's innocent you know obviously if um I was giving several task to kill people's mother's people's wife and I have always objected it because that's not the person that I am what's done is done you know and I think that I wouldn't change anything in my life because it it makes me the person that I am today there's no what if that's an imaginary world in 1975 I actually took an oath uh with five other gentlemen became a sworn ma member of the family and just to show you how fortunate I am the Five Guys that I took the oath with they were all murdered later on every one of them none of them survived
Channel: LADbible TV
Views: 1,360,970
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Keywords: the lad bible, lad bible, lad, bible, videos, viral videos, viral, funny, comedy, funny videos, documentaries, exclusives, interviews
Id: istqQZQctM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 10sec (1930 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2023
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