Pimp interview-P Nutty da Pimp

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- [Mark] All right, PNutty. - PNutty the Pimp. - [Mark] Pnutty, where are you from? - [PNutty] I'm originally from Chicago, man. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, the south side of Chicago. - [Mark] Detroit and Chicago. What, where'd you, so you grew up there. - Well, I grew up there. I was born and raised in Chicago on the South side, and then I came out here to Los Angeles when I was 12. - [Mark] Okay. Tell me about your family, you had both your parents? - I did, but that was the reason I came to Los Angeles because my father moved to Los Angeles the year I was born, you understand? So he had been out here and I had lived in Chicago. So I used to visit back and forth about when I was five years old. My story was kind of like the boys in the hood story where he went to live with his dad and shit like that. So I was fucking up in Chicago. Mom couldn't really handle it. So she moved me to Los Angeles. You know what I mean? When I was about 12. - [Mark] And how would you describe your childhood? - I thought my childhood was pretty cool. You know what I'm saying? I mean I was broke like everybody else, my mom was a beautician, you know what I mean? She did hair out the kitchen, you know what I mean? But uh... - [Mark] What part of Chicago? - The South side, I was on the South side of Chicago. You know what I mean? - [Mark] Not like the West side on Bishop. - Well, not on the West side. Been out there and stuff like that, they're a little more rougher out there where they got some rougher areas out that way. You know what I mean? But the South side was, it was cool. You know what I mean? My mom raised me right. I was the only child to my mother. You know what I mean? So she raised me right. And was real keen on education. My mom was real keen on education. Didn't like me to play with guns, instead of like, if I had a gun, even a water gun or something she'd take it and replace it with a book. You know what I mean? That's the type of mom I had. So, you know what I mean? She did what she had to do. There was times I came home and the lights was off and the heat might've been off and stuff like that but we made the best out of it. You know what I mean? But I also grew up being and my mom was a beautician, when she did work in beauty salons, I worked around a lot of women. My mom would call me down there to sweep up. I was the one that sweep up the hair and stuff like that. But that also put me around a lot of women. At a young age, I started studying women and learning women and being around women. And I think that had a lot to do with who I became later on in life. - [Mark] No pimps in the family or anything like that? - Everybody think they a pimp in some kind of way. you know what I mean? Everybody think they got a little bit of pimping. So I have some cousins and stuff like that, that might've got a little money out of a female here and there and might've thought they were some pimping, but it was a few pimps in my area, you know what I mean, that caught my attention. You know what I mean? - [Mark] Anybody show you the ropes? - No, no, I didn't get that 'til way later on in life. I didn't get the game until later on in life. You know what I mean? I tried to figure it out when I was about 15. I tried to figure it out. Because I had a girl, but she was a dope fiend actually. But she was bringing me money. She kept bringing me money and that's when it clicked in my head like, man, maybe I can do something here. But I didn't have it figured out. I didn't know exactly what I was supposed to do. And then I had a girlfriend that had a gang of trick appeal. You know what I mean? She had just tremendous trick appeal. And then she had a friend who was living with her and we was all at the Motel 6. I was about 16 by this time. And we was all at the Motel 6. And I kept telling them, man I can show you all how to get a lot of money but I didn't know what the fuck I was talking about. I didn't know what to tell them. 'Cause they kept saying to me like, well what, tell us how can we get the money? And I was like, don't even worry about it. I'm gonna tell you, I'm gonna give you the game, I'm gonna give you the game but I didn't have no game to give him. I didn't know what the fuck to tell 'em, you know what I mean? And what ended up happening was I came to Los Angeles and I went to school out here. I went to Westchester High School, Culver City High School, stuff like that. And I ended up going to jail. And when I went to jail, I started reading all the books. I started reading all the books that I'm sure every pimp around the country has read or wants to read or knows about. I started reading all the Donald Goines books and the Iceberg Slim books who was one of my mentors, Iceberg Slim. And I figured it out. And when I came home from jail, I didn't want to be nothing but a full fledged pimp. And when I was about 20 years old when I first had my first ho, they put me in a halfway house. They put me in a halfway house right here on Crenshaw West Boulevard. It was called Help Is On The Way. And when I got there, it was a bunch of bitches there. It was a co-ed, it was a co-ed facility. And when I got there I was trying to pick through the bitches, you know what I mean? Like which bitch I like, and I was fresh out of jail, had muscles, I was young, hung, handsome, holding hoes for ransom. And I was ready. You know what I mean? And I was looking and none of the bitches was really, you know what I mean, what I was looking for, you know what I mean? And it was a dude in there that I said, man, that's all the bitches you got in here? It was about eight or nine bitches. And he said, well, there's one more. He said, but you probably ain't going to like her. He said, she's a little short, fat bitch. I said, well, where's she at? He said, she's not here. She's never here, bro. I think they going to kick her out soon 'cause she's always leaving and stuff like that. Well she fucked around and popped up. And she was a ho, and that's why she hadn't been there. 'Cause she had been leaving, going, selling pussy, being in the streets or whatever. And when she came home, she recognized me, at this time I had fingernails, and and I had a finger wave and you can just look at me and tell I was some pimping. And me and her had ended up conversating and we got tight. And I showed the bitch my photo album and shit, a little bullshit photo album I had put together, right? And I asked her to do my hair. And she brought me in the female's cottage. And I wasn't supposed to be in the females cottage. You know what I mean? And it was just me and her. And she was in there doing my hair. And she had a big ass tattoo on her neck, right? She had a big tattoo on her neck and it said some shit that I couldn't understand. Especially, when you tattoo shit in cursive, you can't really understand what it says. But while she's leaning over me. 'Cause she's right here, leaning over me doing my hair. So when she leans over me, I say, well, baby, what does that say on your neck? It had a bag of money, a money sign and some more shit, but I couldn't read the cursive. And she said, oh, that was my ex's name. And I said, well, what does it say? 'Cause I can't read it. She said, it says, Mr. Mister. I said, Mr. Mister? Now you got to understand at that this time I'm on fire for the pimping. I mean everything pimping is just I'm into it right? So I know that name when I said, Mr. Mister? I said, I only know one Mr. Mister. I said, and knowing Mr. Mister, I know he doesn't have no girlfriends. And she said, no, I wasn't his girlfriend. I said, so talking about the Mr. Mister from Hollywood, the briefcase, Mr. Mister, Rolls Royce Mr. Mister. She said, yeah. I said, oh, you some hoeing? I said oh bitch, you know what I'm saying? We got some things to talk about. So me and the bitch get to talking and (indistinct) well one of the people came home and was like, Lil Kim, why you got him in this cottage? He ain't supposed to be up in here. We need to have a meeting. And they had a big old meeting and long story short. They kicked her out for having me in the meeting. And then I got into a fight with some guys there because I'm sitting there arguing with them about what's going on, trying to say, hey, she was just doing my hair and blah, blah, blah, we ended up fighting, we both got kicked out. We didn't have nowhere to go. She had a big ass bag of clothes. And I didn't have but a couple clothes. 'Cause I had just got out of jail. And long story short, shit, we ended up on the bus. We took the bus tokens we had and went to Sunset Boulevard. You know what I mean? And that was the first blade that I worked. I was 20 years old. We got out on Sunset and La Brea, and I was green as a pool table. You know what I mean? I didn't know nothing. - [Mark] You can ash on the floor. - Yeah, but I didn't want to let her know that I was green, right? Because she had just out of prison and she had been hoeing. Now I was 20, she was 22 at the time. And I said, ooh, the bus let us off on Hollywood, was on the 212. They let us off on Hollywood Boulevard. So when we got up there, I said, ooh, baby, maybe we could do something I'm up here. And she said, well, daddy, this don't. This shit ain't been cracking since the 80s. And I felt stupid right? I didn't know where to take the bitch to, right? I'm like damn, I don't even know where to go. But I said, I can't let that bitch know that I don't know where to take her to, right? So we walked down to La Brea and shit, we walked down to La Brea and Sunset and we went in the bathroom. And she said I'm finna go get ready. And the bitch was baldheaded. She had like, she was a white girl. So when white people shave they hairs short, it's like fuzzy. She had like a little fuzzy thing. But she had a long bang right here, right? And she just looked a little frumpy. But when she went in the bathroom and came out, man, she was transformed. She had her makeup on, she had her earrings on. She had a long dress on with the slit down the middle. She had put on from heels that she had in her bag. They was like some wedges. But what really fucked me up about it was she put a scarf on her head, right? And it was tied in a knot in the back, and she had the one bang hanging out. So it gave off the appearance as if she had hair. But she really didn't, right? But she was gorgeous. But what I liked about her was while she was in the bathroom, dressing up, another white girl came in and I was talking to her at the table. And when Lil Kim came out and seen me talking to the white girl, she didn't interrupt me. She didn't bother me. She did nothing. She looked, I looked at her, and she walked right on La Brea. So the bitch I was talking to, she was bullshit, she turned out to be some bullshit, right? She was trying to tell me how she seen Queen Latifah down the street at the club Peanuts and all that bullshit. So anyway, it was a gay club. So anyway, I went outside and waited on the bus stop. And I watched Lil Kim, and I watched her and I watched her. She was over there on like Martel street or something. And I'm watching her and I seen her flag a car down or a car came up to her and I watched her walk up to the car and shit, it's just new to me. I ain't never did it. I done read about it, heard about it, talked about it, but this is the first time I'm doing this shit. So I see her and boom, she gets in the car and the car drives off. And I don't know at that moment, if I'm ever going to see the bitch again. I got all her bags. I got all my bags. Man about seven, eight minutes later, the car pulled back up. She got out, she got out fixing her shit. Back then we had payphones. So I walked across to the payphone. I was acting like I was on a payphone but I really had no money for the goddamn payphone. I jumped on the payphone. She walked up to me. I said, how much you got? She said, I got 75. I said, give it to me. Boom, she gave me the money. I went down the street. I tried to get a room at the Days Inn. I didn't have enough. So they said go across the street. I went to this little bullshit room across the street on Highland and Sunset. And I took all our bags and carried them in there. I remember telling that story to one of my older pimp partners later on. And he said, what you was doing carrying the bitch's bags, pimping? You know what I'm saying? You supposed to let the bitch carry the bags, pimping. Whoa whoa whoa. But I said, I'm green, I ain't know, right? So I'm carrying the bags and shit, and I take it and put it in the room and she went right back out. And all that at night, she just kept coming in, 50s, 100s, 50s, 100s, she just worked, and she was just so fucking trained. You can tell she really represented Mr. Mister, really, really well, and that's what a ho translates to other pimps and people around the world, when she comes and she's trained and she's laced like that. And she says, oh, I just came from Peanut and a pimp, or I was with Peanut at a pimp, blah, blah, blah. You can see that she got some good instructions and some good game from that person because she was so fucking trained that it was amazing. I mean, I remember when we rode up there we were on the bus and a preacher jumped on the back of the bus, and he seen that we was in distress, and he started talking and he was like, yeah, do you believe in God, have you ever been saved? And I'm talking to him like yeah, yeah, all that shit good, good, good. And she's looking out the window. So he looked at me, he said, is this your girl? I said, yeah, yeah, yeah. So he says, hey, young lady, I was just wanting to talk to you about, your life and things like that, and are you okay? And blah, blah, blah. And she just kept looking out the window. So she's ignoring him, I'm embarrassed. I don't know why she's not talking to him, right? So he's steady talking to her and she's not talking. So he looks at me, confused he says, hey, she don't talk? I said, I don't think she's feeling too good right now, but I don't really know why the fuck she's not talking, right? Well, come to find out what she's doing is she's being in pocket. She's being a good ho. Hoes don't talk to nobody but tricks, they daddy, and maybe the clerk at the goddamn Burger King. You know what I'm saying? That's about it. And she went right in pocket. She said, I'm finna fuck with you. I'm not finna talk to nobody. I don't give a fuck if he's a preacher or who he is I'm not talking to nobody. My green ass, I didn't even know that's what was supposed to be happening. You know what I mean? But as I learned and I talked to her and we got to talking and I remember one time I was riding down the street and I was so happy to have a ho. You know what I mean? I was riding down the street with my friends, and I went and got some of my friends, my square friends, and I said, man, I got a ho. I got a ho. I'm on Sunset Boulevard. I got a room, take me back up there, blah, blah, blah. And they took me back. And as I was going down Sunset Boulevard she just happened to be walking down the street. So now it's time for me to show off so I'm riding in the car and I said, hey, look that's the bitch right there. That's my ho. I'm hollering out the window, Kim, Kim! No, no, no. I start off I say, hey, little mama, hey little mama. She just keep walking. So now I'm getting a little embarrassed with my friends, 'cause she's ignoring me, right? So I'm like, hey baby girl, you shorty looking good. She keep walking. So now I'm mad. So I'm like, Kim, Lil Kim! She turned around. I said, bitch I know you hear me calling you! She said, oh daddy, I'm so sorry. She said, but you know what? I just got with you. She said, I haven't trained myself to learn your voice yet. She said, 'cause I don't want to hear nobody else's voice, but yours. So I'm just learning your voice. I heard you calling me, but I didn't know if you was just another pimp trying to call me or what. You know what I mean? But I won't let that happen again. - [Mark] What do you think the basis is of that dedication that these females will have to their pimp? 'Cause I've heard it many, many times where they give him all their money. They do everything they can for him. - Well, it's vice versa. 'Cause I do everything I can for them too. You understand what I'm saying? - [Mark] So many things are misunderstood about this game. - It's a whole lot of things misunderstood, but the thing is, real pimps have long since stopped trying to explain this to the outside world. You understand what I'm saying? Because you know I was just reading something the other day where they said trying to explain this game to a square. It's like trying to teach a blind man colors. You understand what I'm saying? It's just not gonna happen, they're never gonna understand it, they'll never understand why she does these things and comes back and gives you all her money. But even square women. I mean maybe with the exception of Oprah, you know what I mean? Are bad money managers, I've had women tell me. That's why I'm so confident in saying it on your show. Women have told me I can't manage money for shit. When I get money, I do this. I mean square women, white women all around the United States, black women all are thinking they're not that great with money. You have your exceptions, but they're not that great, that men think different. You know what I mean? So I'm an exceptional money manager. You know what I mean? I don't do drugs. I don't have habits except for these fucking cigarettes. You know what I mean? And, I'm gonna take that money that you can make way better than I can because I can't walk down the Boulevard and catch that. I'm just not that cute. You know what I'm saying? It just don't work like that for me. I can take my shirt off, I can do all that, people are not gonna stop. Women can walk down the street and actually have a man pull up and say, goddamn, you're gorgeous, how much? - [Mark] What gives a girl trick appeal as you call it? - I think it's a certain sexiness that they have. You know what I mean? It's a certain sexiness because she doesn't have to be the most beautiful woman. I've taken women and transformed them because I understand, first of all I understand how men think. Okay, and I think that's a very, very key element to being in this profession, okay? We are as men, visual creatures, we thrive off of what we see, we can watch a porno movie and get aroused. As where a female can read a poem or a book and become aroused, they're more mentally stimulated. Do you understand? So now we know that we're catering to the visual side of men. So now what we have to do is make her look visually appealing to men. You understand what I'm saying? So they always say, why are your girls out there half naked? You know, they say, oh, that must be one of PNutty's bitches because she's half naked. You understand what I'm saying? Well, I know what stops them. I know what stops the tricks. I know what makes them stop. Shit, we got squares, and square bitches and shit, driving, like, oh my god, is her ass out? Is that her pussy? Duh duh duh. But they're stopping. They want to talk to her, he's on his way to work and he see all that ass, he's like, goddamn, wait. Hey, I'll bust a u-turn. You understand what I'm saying? But at the same time, back to your original question. Okay so now you making all this money, but at the end of the day, you don't have a room, you just went and bought a bunch of makeup, you got your nails done, you got some heels, you look beautiful, But you don't have a car. You're not getting anywhere, you're not going anywhere with this hustle and this shit is not gonna last forever, you're not gonna be beautiful forever, I'm not gonna be. You know what I mean? We're not gonna be good looking people forever. That pussy's not gonna sell forever, you understand? So you need to use what you got now to get ahead, because this is not, I have a lot of mentors in this game because I'm very, very dedicated it, Bishop is one, Shantay who you need to talk to is one, Kenny Red is one, these are my mentors. And like Shantay said, this game is a temporary stepping stone to the rest of your life. This is not meant to be in this forever. I mean, we have this in us, so it's gonna be a part of us forever. But at some time, at some point I can't be spending hours and hours up and riding down the blade and doing out cars and in cars. That shit takes a toll on you, man. And it's stressful. It's stressful every time a woman goes out to the streets. Because I'm wondering, is something gonna happen to her? Is she gonna be okay? Is she gonna be safe? Is this the night that somebody robs her, rapes her, kidnaps her. So I'm always worried that every time she goes out. Regardless of what these other niggas try to say, 'cause you got a million zillion niggas in this whole country that claim they pimps and think they pimps, but it might only be maybe 20 real pimps in the whole damn country. Now I'm exaggerating. but you understand what I'm trying to say. It may only really be 20 real pimps in the whole country. All these other motherfuckers is talking and shit, hey. Because you got a lot of different viewpoints about what this game is about and how to play it and you got your Bilbo. AKA Alfred Golson is also another one of my mentors. And he broke it down and he said, there's 52 different types of pimps. There's the white ho pimp, there's the black ho pimp, there's the six ho pimp. there's the upper, you got all these different types of pimps. So you're gonna hear a lot of different theories when it comes to this game, you understand? But there is only a certain way that this shit is supposed to be played. And that way to me, my philosophy, and the philosophy that I believe in with other real pimps is that this is my woman. Like Kenny Red told you. A prostitute is like your wife. You understand what I'm saying? So I don't care any less for her than I would a woman that's not a prostitute, you understand? I love her, you understand? I love her and I love what she does for me. Now there's people that's watching this and say, oh man, you loving a ho, nigga that ain't pimping. I don't even want to hear that. You understand what I'm saying? Because if I'm with my cat or my dog long enough I'm gonna develop love for it. You understand what I'm saying? So how can I not love this human being who is going out there taking a penitentiary chance for me. Going out there and taking a life chance for me, she could lose her life at any minute. She could be raped, robbed, she could catch a disease, health problems. And then she comes back and she gives me all her money, and trusts me to do the right thing with the money. Meaning I'm giving you all my money, why in the fuck are we still walking? Why in the fuck don't we have anything to eat? Why in the fuck are we not living in an apartment or a home or a house or something? So that's trust. She's trusting you to take her money and do what needs to be done for her and take care of her with it, right? So how could I not love that? How could I love anything other than that? So, yes, I love her. You know what I mean? And I'm gonna love her, and hopefully she's going to love me to a certain degree, but it's a different type of love. It's not a square's love, it's the pimp's love, it's not a square's love, it's the hoes love, you understand? We have a whole different type of love because pimps and hoes are different creatures. We're different from the square world. So we love just like squares love, but we have a pimps and hoes love between us. We care for each other the same way but we care in a pimp and a ho fashion. We make up the pimp and ho community. The pimp and ho lifestyle, you understand? If I have a baby, it's gonna be with a ho, because I'm not dealing with square bitches. I don't really deal with no square bitches. I don't even think I know none. I meet square bitches all the time in the streets. And I got the numbers in my phone and I don't even fucking call them, because my life is revolved around pimps and hoes. - [Mark] What is the origin of pimping? I mean, you think it's been around for hundreds of years or? - Well they got a lot of, they got a lot of different stories about it, you know what I mean? So they talk about the Bible. But when they talk about the Bible, they talk about how Sarah, Abraham and Hagar and how Hagar was like a ho, and she ran off cause Sarah ran her off and she ran into the wilderness and she started hoeing and blah, blah, blah. They didn't mention anything about no pimping, but at the same time where there's a woman there are gonna be men. And she's going to have a man somewhere. Now, if she's getting an income, whether it's from Burger King, whether it's from throwing rocks or whether it's from selling pussy. Surely she's gonna take care of her man. You know what I mean? If she loves him. Now they also have another theory that brings us further up. And this was a theory that was developed by older pimps and shit. When they said that slavery had a lot to do with the origin of pimping, you understand? They try to say that, you have to understand that during the slave era, blacks were property of the white slave owners, so the white slave owner could come fuck on any of these women that he wanted to, because they were his property. It wasn't rape. Even if she was married, even if she had a family on the plantation, he could fuck on which one he wanted. That's why we got so many mixed breeds today. That's why we got so many light-skinned people and mulattoes as they call it today. Okay but now the theory goes that once they freed the slaves these white men still wanted to have sex with these women. But at the same time, now they're not your property anymore. Now you have to have permission to have sex with them. So now you got these same women who do have husbands and boyfriends and stuff like that. Even though it was Reconstruction Era, you understand. You got these men they said, well, baby, go ahead and have sex with him because we broke. We don't have shit. We got kids and shit. We don't have no money. When you do go fuck with whitey, as they call them, no offense. But when they do go with him, this time, go get something. Bring something home because he wants you. He doesn't want me. He's not calling me to the to the big house to come fuck on him. He's calling you. So therefore, since he's calling you, he's already hooked on that pussy, because he's been hooked on it for years when he was taking it from you, you understand? Now he can't it legally anymore even though they still were. They're not taking it legally anymore. So therefore now it's time to charge. And they say that at that time the only motherfuckers that was really doing good at that time was really big shot gamblers, motherfuckers that was gamblers and pimps. Those was the motherfuckers that had big horses, at that time, they was riding big horses and they had big hats and they was fly. And they learned how to deal with prostitutes. They made prostitutes and they learned how to deal with them, because once a woman becomes a prostitute she thinks different. She looks at the world different and therefore she behaves different. Anyone who thinks different, behaves different. Even you, once you start thinking a certain way, you start acting a certain way. So that's just life. So once these women became prostitutes they begin to think different and act different. And these men who were instructing them on how to go out there and get money learn how to deal with them. Now there's a certain way you have to deal with prostitutes. That game is what they're talking about when they say the Book of Game. Because, but these dudes didn't write this down. They passed it down to the next generation. To their sons, their nephews. Hey man, this is how you deal with a prostitute. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. But now there's the next generation who added to it and they made it better. And then you got the next generation 'cause you're talking about the end of slavery. So you're talking about 1863, 1868, blah, blah, blah. Next generation. we're talking about 1900. Next generation we talking about 1930. Now 1920, 1930, here you got Iceberg Slim, pimping up a storm. Iceberg Slim was born in 1918, right? By the time they had I think World War One, World War Two, something like that. He was pimping great. But pimping, I'm talking about street pimping. No cell phones, no, none of that, no hey baby, no back page, no none of that. Bitch go get it, come on back with it. That's all I can do is send you out there and then, and trust you to come back with it. 'Cause I'm your man. And with that money, I'm finna take care of you, and bam. They passed that down, and they passed it down again and they pass it down, and now we here in this generation. But technology and all kinds of shit has also fucked the game up, because you got a lot of different theories and views. You got gorillas, which there has always been gorilla pimps. There's always been them, even though they don't really get respect from our circle, from real pimps, they don't really get respect. You understand what I mean? But you got all these different type of views. So shit is watered down. You know what I mean? And shit has changed. But there are still real stump down genuine 1000% pimps and hoes out here in this community. - [Mark] Is playing a trick for his watch, or his wallet or stuff like that part of the game as well? - It's part of the game. But now the question is, is it condonable? Who condones it? You understand what I'm saying? Some dudes do that. You understand what I mean? Some dudes do that. Like Pimpsy told you, you know what I mean? I'm not gonna encourage a woman to do that, but if a woman comes along that has already learned that, that specialty and she's doing it, then I'm not gonna necessarily stop her. But at the same time, I would love for a woman to come with a new Rolex watch or this, that, and the other. But at the same time, that shit's dangerous. And it's not only dangerous for her, it's dangerous for the community because here it is, my girls, let's just say, hypothetically, my girl gets a trick and she robs him for his watch and his gold and his jewelry, 'cause he's drunk coming from a party, whatever, whatever, he passes out, he wakes up, everything's gone. Now when he goes back on that boulevard he's looking for her, okay? She may not even be able to finish work that night. Which she might not have to because she may have hit a big lit. But now it wouldn't even be safe for her to stay out there because he's probably somewhere driving around looking for her. But here's where it becomes dangerous for not only her but it becomes dangerous for the other females. that's out there. The other bitches that's on the blade, my partner's bitches that's out because he's mad. So he don't give a fuck who he takes it out on. This bitch just robbed me. She took all my money, all my shit. Ooh, she took advantage of me. He's feeling like a trick now and he's feeling like a victim, right? So now if he can't find my bitch who robbed him, he takes the next bitch and does something to her. Who knows how horrendous that might be. He might hurt her, he might rob her, he might rape her, he might stab her, anything. And you might be my best friend and these is your girls. And since he couldn't find my girl, he pulled up on your girl who has no clue that this shit has just happened to him. She's just trying to make a buck. And here it is, she jumps in the car with this dude. And he goes through all the regular shit, oh yeah, baby, get in, how much, yeah, blah blah. Oh we're gonna go to my room and dah, dah, dah. And next thing you know he takes her to a room and now he hurts her. So that shit can bring bullshit to the game. You know what I mean? That's bullshit that I don't want to see that happen to my female. And I don't want to see it, I don't want to see what happen to no female, first of all. But I damn sure don't want to see it happen to mine. And I damn sure don't want to see it happen to none of my close partners' females out there. You understand what I'm saying? So it's like, it's an iffy thing. Is that really what you want to do? You know what I mean? And then what happens when they get to calling the police? Because now here it is. All these girls out here half naked on Figueroa and all these other streets, right? And the police just riding by, they see these girls, they know what these girls is doing. But they're not stopping them necessarily. You know what I mean? But now if they're looking for a robbery suspect, now they're pulling bitches over, now they, you see what I'm saying? So now you done made this shit hot. Now you done made the blade hot. So I don't know if that's really condonable. I don't really push that. - [Mark] Do you believe in true love or is there always money and security factored in? - Do I believe in true love or is there always money and security factored in? Explain that a little more so I can answer it better. - [Mark] Like a girl hooks up with a guy just purely for his personality and how she feels when she's with him. - Okay. - [Mark] Or, is the fact that he can provide something for her or vice versa. She could provide something for him. Or she's gonna trade sex for money basically. Is there always a trade off of sex for money in every relationship? Or sometimes it's just pure love and there's nothing else? - I think women learn as little girls that they're valuable to a degree. They know that, right? Not saying they're valuable to a degree. I'm saying they learn it to a degree, right? Pimps help them really understand it. But since women were 11 and 12 men have been approaching them sexually. Older men, all kinds of shit, all kinds of perverted comes out from women. I mean, from men, that only women get to experience that men don't never see, right? So they learn that they can get something out of men. Whether it's a ride, whether it's some candy, whether it's money, whether it's, whatever. They learn that, right? So they learn that once they put theyself around certain men, men will kind of cater to them and shower them with certain shit. And their mothers teach them this and their aunties and they teach it and they run it down to them and shit like that. At the same time, women are emotional creatures and they do feel, and they are attracted to certain men. They're attracted to certain looks, things like that. Everybody has their preference. So I believe that you don't necessarily have to have money or anything because look where we at, man. We downtown Los Angeles, right? You see whole couples in tents, you see whole couples in boxes living down here but they thugging it out. He ain't got shit. He ain't offering her shit. He ain't selling drugs, he ain't pimping, he ain't shit. But she's with him. So it's something about him that she digs that she fucks with, it is something that, you can call it true love, you can call it something. But she fucks with him. I believe that the aspect or the addition of money and benefits and things. That can draw a woman closer. But I've had money and I've tried to talk to some broke bitches. And they wasn't giving me no play cause they had they man, and they both was broke. Both of them was bums, and my money didn't impress the bitch enough to come with me. You understand what I'm saying? So I don't necessarily know if that's a guaranteed factor. I believe that is a factor in some aspects of life. And I do believe in true love. You know what I mean? And I'm talking about universal love. You understand what I'm saying? I'm talking about universal love. I'm talking about, I could love you, you can love me as men. I'm talking about as a friend, I'm sure there's a friend, a male friend that if you found out he had a plane crash and died, you'd be hurt, you'd be devastated. You understand what I'm saying? So love is universal. You know what I mean? And love is for everybody. You know what I mean? Love is for pimps, love is for hoes, love is for men, women, animals, love is for everybody. You understand what I mean? And I believe that that's gonna happen regardless of whether you have money or things like that. I don't think that's necessarily an element that has to be there. - [Mark] How many girls would you have in your stable typically? - Well, right now, man, I'm retired. You know what I'm saying? Right now I'm retired. You know what I mean? I'm just right now, I'm just mentoring to the youth. I'm talking to younger dudes that's out there trying to get it. I'm still out here in the streets. - [Mark] But when you were active. - Oh, well, when I was active I think the most girls I had was about four. You know what I mean? I had four girls and that in itself is a headache. You know what I mean? I just was just reading something else. I think it was on Instagram. Somebody put all these pimps out here wanna be deep until they got four girls, until they're being pulled eight different ways by four different girls. You know what I mean? That shit's a headache. I mean, I've been in a situation where all the girls came from work. I got them all in my car and they all hungry. They all stank cause they've been working. They all want a shower. One is like, get me home so I can shower. Another one's like, daddy, I'm hungry. This one's hungry, that one's hungry. They all want to eat, but they all wanna eat different shit. She wants Taco Bell. She wants Kentucky Fried Chicken. She wants Burger King. And this one is too fucking bougie to eat fast food. You know what I'm saying? I don't eat fast food. I need some real food. Or she's a vegetarian or some bullshit. So now what am I doing? Am I DoorDashing this shit home? Or what the fuck am I, got to drive to Taco Bell and drive here, look. I'm gonna make sure they got what they want because these bitches just came in the house with, this bitch got 800, this bitch got 1200. This bitch got nine. I mean, goddamn, I'm not gonna feed the bitches. And I'm not gonna make them eat what the fuck they wanna eat. You know what I mean? I'm gonna make them eat what I want them to eat. No, I'm gonna get you what the fuck you want to eat. You know what I mean? But that shit becomes a headache at the same time. You know what I mean? - [Mark] Do you have sex with your girls? - Oh, most definitely. Once again, I got to speak on what Kenny Red told you when you asked him that question. A prostitute is like your wife. If I'm not fucking my ho, who else am I fucking? If I'm sitting here claiming that I don't fuck with square bitches. 'Cause this is how we look at it. The world consists of pimps, hoes and squares. That's it. Now you're gonna hear gang members and you're gonna hear drug dealers and them also refer to themselves as non squares. And when we're in their presence, we'll allow them to have that. But between pimps and hoes, we feel like the world just consists of pimps, hoes and squares. So if it ain't pimping and hoeing it's square. So now I'm saying to you, if I'm claiming that I don't fuck with square bitches, then who's left? I'm not fucking no pimps. So there's only pimps, hoes, and squares. I'm not fucking squares and I'm not fucking pimps. So who else I'ma fuck? Who else I'ma have a baby by but my hoes? This is my family. This is my woman. And these are my women. You know what I mean? But like Shantay said, and I gotta speak on him, another one of my great mentors. Like he said, your dick belongs in your household though. Don't have your bitch down on the blade, selling pussy, don't have your bitch on Backpage or wherever, going, doing dates, and while she's out doing dates, you fucking the bitch downstairs that ain't gave you a nickel in yay money. That's just wrong. You just disrespecting her hoeing. As a pimp you have the right to do that. You can do whatever the fuck you want to. But I consider that and we consider that, real pimps consider that shit mispimping. What are you doing? You are disrespecting her hoeing in a way. 'Cause here's the bitch that's dedicated to you enough to go out here and get you some money. And she got a pussy, you can fuck on her. You know what I'm saying? But yet you fucking the laundry lady downstairs that's got a whole husband that's giving her money to a whole 'nother motherfucker when this bitch is out here taking penitentiary chances for you? So like he said, your dick belongs in your household. You know what I mean? And I damn sure try to keep mine in my household. - [Mark] A lot of outsiders, a lot of squares will say that you guys are sex traffickers. - You know what? I think that's just a part of this new propaganda that they got going on. Obama let a lot of the drug dealers out of jail, federal and state. You know what I mean? Freed up a lot of space. A lot of people been complaining about overpopulation of the jails and y'all not building enough schools. Y'all building too many jails. So they start letting a lot of the drugs, they got light on the drug offenses. You are a white guy, but at the same time I know you understand racial politics in this country and slavery has never really ended. It was criminalized, but it never really ended. They always felt, figured out a way to still enslave black men. Even after slavery was over, you had the sharecropping era. You know what I mean, which still was a form of slavery and you go on and on and on. Now what we're doing is we're using incarceration as a form of slavery, because blacks and Latinos make up the majority of the prisons in the United States. Right so now that you let all these drug dealers and shit out, you got all this space. Well, who are the majority of pimps? Black men. Yeah you might get a Mexican pimp here. One of the great pimps that I know of, another person that I respect is White Folks, who's a white boy that pimps astoundingly, right? But at the same time, they are the exceptions. The majority of pimps are black. So what better way is to criminalize that more than it already has been by taking something that was once called pimping and pandering, that carried two, three, six years, and turn it into something called human trafficking, where now it's carrying 12, 16 and 20 years. The minimum is 12, but what better way to get, okay, well I got all these black men out here, pimping. What better way to get them in jail? What better way to put them in jail? Oh, you're pimping, you're going to jail. We get us a human trafficking bureau and we get a whole set. Now we're taking that a step up from vice, which they've always had a vice department. But now we've got a human trafficking bureau that's specializing specifically on pimps and hoes and prostitution. Now we filling up the jails. Like I said, when I first went to jail for pimping, there were no pimps in jail. I was probably like the only one. An older pimp told me, and he was in there for something else, but he ended up telling me, he said, hey man, I know young pimping, you on fire for the pimping. He said, but you need to stop telling these niggas you some pimping, man. You know what I'm saying? Because I want everybody to know. Man I'm a pimp, I'm a pimp. You feel me? But at the same time, niggas ain't, like you say, pimping is looked down on, especially by squares. Squares are intimidated by pimps because they feel like we got some kind of power over women that they don't have. They get insecure. It makes them insecure. Just like hoes intimidate square bitches. Because they feel like oh, this bitch ain't gonna never have sex with my man. I don't want this bitch around my man. It's a lot of intimidation factors there, right? So now when you go to jail, you got all these tough ass niggas in there talking about, you a pimp? Oh ain't that a bitch? Nigga I got sisters. Nigga, I never pimp. I got a mama. I got daughters. You know what I'm saying? What type of shit is that? So my partner had to tell me like, pimping, these niggas ain't liking you, bro. You know what I'm saying? 'Cause you went around and talked about this pimp shit, bro you need to leave that alone. Then they want to flip it about what a pimp would do. Oh, I heard a pimp would sell his own ass if he don't have, all this ridiculous shit, why I'ma sell my ass when I got a bitch that'll sell hers? That's ridiculous. You know what I mean? But they got a lot of negative aspects that they like to associate with this game. But you got to understand you had rapists, child molesters, and pimps all like them, they're in the same category. I'm talking about like 1920s, 1930s. So it was horrendous to be a pimp. It was gross to be a pimp. But now in our age you got the rappers, and you got 50 Cent making his song, P.I.M.P. you got Snoop Dogg, commercializing pimp. And then you got Suga Free and you got Bishop and all these motherfuckers. So now it's fashionable to be pimps. You know what I mean? Now it's looked on as a good thing. So that's why you got so many knuckleheads getting in the game that don't know what the fuck they doing. They got a girlfriend and they like, oh, well I've just watched a video. I'm gonna be a pimp baby. All you gotta do is stand right there on 83rd and Figueroa, you understand? And he don't know the first thing about taking care of a woman, because that's what this is about. This is about upgrading, uplifting and loving, and taking care of a woman who knows the value of her body, and knows the value of herself. Because I hear women all the time, square bitches say, well, I would never fuck for money. I value my pussy more than that. My pussy is worth more than that. I said, well, do you value your house? She said, yeah. I said, do you value your car? I said, yeah. I said, well, what'd you give it to me for free? She said, hell no I wouldn't. Well, why would you give me your pussy for free if you claim you value that? You understand what I'm saying? So it makes no sense. You see? So our job is to instruct her and teach her how valuable she really is. To teach her the fact that baby you can walk down the street. Baby you should never be broke. Because pussy's selling on Cotton and Cornwall. You understand what I'm saying? There's no reason in the world that a female should be hungry. That a female should be broke, because pussy sells. And the thing is, you're gonna fuck anyway, you're gonna fuck somebody, you're gonna fuck somebody, and the cool thing about it is, you'll go to a motel, you'll meet some guy that you think is cute 'cause he light skinned, green eyes, long hair, whatever the fuck it is. You'll meet him, you'll go to the room, you'll suck his dick, you let him fuck you all night off a goddamn rhino pill, right? You'll wake up in the morning, give him some more head, and when the man come knocking at the door for the rent money at 11 o'clock, you or him ain't got no motherfucking rent money. Now y'all got all y'all bags walking down the street. But you broke, but you've been well fucked. You've been thoroughly fucked. You may have bust a nut. You know what I mean? If he knew what he was doing. You understand what I'm saying? But bitch you still broke. So why not do all that and still get paid so you can at least pay the rent? Bitch you done committed four or five sex acts. You know how much money you coulda got for all them sex acts? You done committed all these goddamn sex acts, bitch, and you can't pay the rent? Yeah, it takes a pimp to hip a bitch to that. To make her understand that. Like that's ridiculous to do some, so how much do you really value yourself when you gave it away for free, being that you wouldn't give your house and your car away for free because you see value in that, but you'll give your pussy away for free. Do you really value it? You understand what I'm saying? So that's how I feel about that. Those are my aspects. - [Mark] One last question. What was the most important lesson you've learned? - Man I've learned so many goddamn lessons, man. But one of the main lessons I've learned is communicate. Communicate with everybody though. You understand what I'm saying? Communication, communication is the rule of the nation. That's what they say, and you have to communicate with that female and you have to understand, see, what's great about this, is that when a person watches this video right now, it's gonna be a bunch of shit, they're not gonna retain all the shit that I said but the great thing about it is they can rewind it, and they can watch it again, and they can watch it again so that they get more and more of the information that I am communicating, right? But when I'm talking to my woman and I'm sending her to the street or I'm sending her on a date, and I'm saying, baby, look, make sure you do this right. Make sure you do that right. For your safety. For us, 'cause I want you to come back to me. That's the main goal. I need you to get back. So I'm trying to communicate this to you, but I'm telling you a whole bunch of shit. But guaranteed, she's probably only retaining about maybe hopefully 50, 60% of what you just told her. And she can't go back and rewind it, unless you're gonna tape yourself talking to her, right? So you have to communicate with that female and communicate with her and communicate with her sometimes over and over. 'Cause I know girls say to me, okay daddy, I know, okay, I've heard it, I've heard it, right? But I have to teach myself to communicate more and more and more so that you get it, so that you understand it, so that you're safe out there, so that you can go get the money. So that you can come back to me safely. So when communication is right, the nation is right. You understand what I'm saying? And that's what I believe, man. You know what I'm saying? PNutty the Pimp, my church. - [Mark] PNutty, that was great. - Thank you brother I appreciate it. - Thank you man, very interesting. - Alright.
Channel: Soft White Underbelly
Views: 1,231,764
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Id: MbndAaZjRzg
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Length: 44min 51sec (2691 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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