Dreams & Mysteries - The Mystery of Signs in the Heavens

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did you know that before the Bible was written in the form of a book it was written in the stars did you know that God programmed human beings in ancient days to look up and to recognize the patterns in the heavens as prophetic images revealing his heart and how he was going to carry out his plan through a Messiah Redeemer without any other form of entertainment at night the stars were the greatest show on earth for thousands of years did you know that God named all the stars and to this day they still have ancient Arabic and Hebrew names the names of the stars give the detail a lot like adding bullet points to an idea or a headline to an article every month a new prophetic sign rises above the horizon and at the end of the year the entire story has been told it's a progressive revelation that begins with Virgo the virgin and ends with Leo the lion which is the Lion of the tribe of Judah coming back the same way that the Bible ends in the book of Revelation the story and the Stars is the same as the Bible because the author of the Bible and the creator of all things are one in the same hello my friends I'm Troy brewer and today we're going to be looking at prophetic signs and the constellations and how the heavens declare the glory of God it's the mystery of signs in the heavens welcome to dreams and mysteries yes his dreams and mysteries when I was a kid my dad would come and get me on weekends and sometimes he would take me to the Museum of Science and History Museum was cool because I had things like dinosaurs and all kinds of cool Texas history but the thing that blew my mind was something that they called the noble planetarium now it was inside that little round room that I first learned that there was a story being told in the midnight sky and I didn't know who was telling the story I didn't even know what the story was all about but I began to fall in love with all the characters just like they were my favorite Marvel Comics superheroes Orion was amazing and there was even an Aquaman called Aquarius the Big Dipper was undeniable and Sagittarius had his arrow pointed exactly at the heart of the Scorpion there was drama there was the inside scoop reserved only for those few people who were in the know and it was perfect for a kid like me and I loved it now years later when I gave my heart to the Lord Jesus Christ I learned that the drama in the midnight sky was a prophetic declaration by God Almighty Himself declaring that man needed to be redeemed and in fact he himself was going to be the one who was going to redeem us all now I was a little bit afraid at first to look into it because I knew that witches and the enemies of God have used the size of the heavens for some kind of an evil agenda but as my good friend Larry Norman once said why should the devil have all the good music these signs belong to the kingdom and the revelation of the signs belongs strictly to God's people jesus said in Luke chapter 21 that in the last days he said this there shall be signs in the Sun and in the moon and in the stars my friend those signs do not come from the devil those signs come from God Almighty Himself and then in the very beginning of the Bible he states this in Genesis chapter 1 verse 14 the Bible says and God said Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night and let them be for catch this signs seasons for days and for years now let's talk about what a sign is a sign is a prophetic picture a sign is a miraculous event that has a prophetic message written within it a sign is when you see this incredibly miraculous vent and because you have a supernatural eye of Understanding to see you begin to see what the message of the event is actually pointing you to you see before god almighty ever wrote his amazing word in your heart which that by the way is second Corinthians three verse three he wrote his word in the form of a book thus first Timothy 3:16 before that word was written in the Bible it was written in all of creation romans chapter 1 verses 18 through 20 declares that and here comes the jaw-dropper a great big part of the written word and all of creation is written in what the Bible calls the mazzaroth that's a term that is found in job chapter 38 verse 32 and in 2nd Kings chapter 23 verse 5 and it's what the Greeks called the zodiac and that my friend is what this episode is all about let's take a sharp look at Psalms chapter 19 verses 1 through 3 the Bible says the heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament shows his handiwork day unto day it uh terse peach and night unto night reveals knowledge there is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard you see there have been and there still are all kinds of places throughout the world where there is no Bible all kinds of places throughout the world where there are no preachers but there is no place where the voice of the stars is not heard and that means there's no place where the glory of God in his amazing heart for our redemption is not being revealed no time throughout history why because the signs of the heavens tell the story of his Redemption the profit extort of redemption that is toed through the heavens is played out for us visually dramatically and in fact progressively and can only be learned through dedication to the author himself this is how all prophetic things work let's go ahead and let's unpack this just a little bit more now once you understand that the word was written in the heavens before it was written in the Bible you must begin to understand how to read this message now here are three very important keys to understanding how to read the written language within the heavens number one is prophetic number two it's visual and number three it's rotational and it's always progressive let's unpack this when I say that it's prophetic one of the things we have to understand is that prophetic things have to be searched out your interest and your passion for knowing God is a key qualifier for a prophetic revelation it is the glory of God to conceal a thing but the honor of kings is to search out the matter and that's proverbs chapter 25 verse 2 look you don't just understand prophetic things unless you are committed to searching them out this is what separates mere seekers from curiosity seekers and then from true seekers be a seeker act like a king and search out the matter now there are summer constellations and there are also winter constellations and some of the constellations are very easy to recognize as some of them well they take some very real skill sets that you're going to have to develop but at whatever level that you want to read and whatever level you want to interpret the signs of the heavens there are some things that you have to know first and the first one that I want to show you is this the pitchers match the names of the stars within the constellations now guys you remember Psalms 19 says the heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament shows his handiwork the heavens are the broad spectrum and the firmament is the individual constellations and the names of the stars themselves now God named the Stars and just like that just like our names names are always a testimony Isaiah chapter 40 verse 26 says this lift up your eyes on high and see who has created these things who brings out their hosts by number and who has called them all by name by the greatness of his might and the strength of his power not one of them is missing the Bible also says in psalms chapter 147 verse 4 he says he counts the number of the stars and he calls them all by so God Almighty has numbered the stars and God has also named the stars now the ancient names of the stars can still be found today and they are written in ancient Arabic and are you ready for this Hebrew the names of the stars are actually Hebrew they are named to give the details of the story so if you see the picture and if you know what the names of the stars are you begin to know exactly what the details of the stories are now the numbers associated with the stars are also prophetic now as part of God's amazing design they vary in lightyears they also vary in luminosity and these numbers tell part of the story as well so search out the matter in the Bible not only are the words prophetic but how the biblical words are written are also prophetic that's what Jesus was talking about when he said I say unto you that until heaven and earth pass away one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law until all is fulfilled so Jesus is saying even the dotting zuv the eyes and the crossings of the t's are prophesying and those prophesies must be fulfilled and just like that not only does the message in the constellations and the names of the stars prophesy and not only do they all prophesy Jesus Redeemer but even where they are placed from our perspective tells his amazing story now here's another very important well this is so important it's prophetically visual now the size of the heavens are prophetic pictures and when God does prophetic things through pictures and still visuals they have to be likened unto something else prophetic pictures are very symbolic and it's not hard but the seeker has to be intentional God has equipped us with a human brain that naturally connects all the dots and when you look up at a night sky and you see a constellation you just can't help but see the outline of an image God made our brains just two days after he made the heavens and he made them are you ready for this prophetic signs to be seen Genesis 1:4 says let the lights be in the firm of the heavens to divide the day from the night and let them be for signs and let them be for seasons now since we're talking about connecting the dots I want you to know that he's also giving you the person of the Holy Spirit to help us find meaningful patterns and conclusions and otherwise meaningless noise is a scientific fact that predators they get very confused whenever it comes to patterns it's why zebras were born with stripes on them I think that the difference that the Holy Spirit makes within us that separates us from being mere brute beasts as Peter said also causes us to see patterns instead of being confused by them God can engage our primitive brains with supernatural understanding through prophetic pictures and he's been broadcasting this well actually his deepest truth through the things that he is created around us for since the creation of the world his invisible attributes are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made even his eternal power and Godhead so that they are without excuse us Romans 1:20 you also need to know this is prophetically progressive the camera spins there are 12 major signs which progressively rotate through the heavens and when I say they rotate it means a new one comes up in the sky every single month and a new one goes down every single month there are 12 major constellations and there are 12 months in a year one for every single month in my book numbers that preach I talk about the number 12 12 marks when God is in control of something it's the number that he likes to use for ruling and reigning and controlling something and this is a revelation but like all prophetic revelations it's a progressive revelation every month a new sign comes up and every month a new chapter of the story is revealed to us so let's look at these 12 sighs let's see if we can discover where the story starts and where the story finishes it's important that we understand that I dreamed I was walking through a forest during the evening a man whose face I couldn't see came up to me and said I have an assignment for you come this way as he led me down a path through more trees I had to duck because some of the branches were hanging pretty low we reached some unusual trees with oranges growing on them and the oranges were so big they looked like grapefruits the man told me to pick the oranges but warned me to be careful because they were very ripe and some were just falling off the tree I saw a white laundry basket that would be a perfect place to carry the oranges I was going to get the white basket when I woke up now let's walk through this dream this dream shows a journey I have been on a person whose face you can't remember or don't see is often an angelic being or the Holy Spirit so God has been leading me and though there have been obstacles I have overcome those obstacles by staying humble in a positive context like this the color orange often means perseverance the dream is saying because I have persevered in this path God is releasing fruit into my life much greater fruit than I would have thought the color white in this positive context refers to righteousness so I have to be careful to use my gift righteously to hold the fruit that is coming God has concealed messages and the dreams we dream and as we search them out we learn more about his ways decades of study and thousands of dream interpretations gave john paul jackson a unique perspective on understanding dreams with the beginner's dream kit you'll be taught to recognize the 20 most common dreams and what they are saying this kit includes the top 20 dreams book john paul's 2-cd set teaching the basics of dreams and visions the moments with God dream journal and to dream cards to help you understand your dreams for your gift of $75 or more we will send you these important tools designed to start your journey towards a greater understanding of the dreams you dream order your beginner's dream kit today visit dreams in mysteries.com or call one eight hundred five three eight five two eight five the beginning in the end and the 12 prophetic signs of Revelation has to be determined one of the things that we need to understand is that prophetic revelation is always progressive first Corinthians 13 verse 9 says that prophetic things have to be developed always building upon the last revelation and the last act of faith towards that revelation look you don't learn that Jesus is going to pay the price for your sin until you understand a price has to be paid and then you don't understand that until you understand that the wages or the penalty of sin is death Psalms 19 says day and a day utter speech and night unto night reveals knowledge do you see it's meant to be progressive now the story in the heavens is a rotating story that is always the same with the exception of comments and planets and eclipses and otherwise unscheduled events it continues to rotate so you have to know where the story starts and you have to know where the story ends where does the kid jump onto this celestial merry-go-round now the Greeks and the astrologers have it wrong now they can study it but they cannot understand it because there's a blessing and understanding and that's what Romans 1:21 says because although they knew God they would not glorify Him as God neither were they thankful but they became vain in their imaginations and their foolish hearts were darkened now they say that it begins at Aries and it ends with Pisces but that's not right it's not the way that it was meant to be prophetic timelines are discovered prophetically first chronicles chapter 12 verse 32 declares that it is also not the way that it used to be it is true that for a long time it's been honored that the timeline starts at Aries but it's also true that a long time before that it began with Virgo when you compare it to the other nine signs this is the only place that it can start an end the story of redemption starts with the promised Redeemer as the seed of the woman in Virgo then progressively moves all the way to the Lion of the tribe of Judah coming back in Leo it starts in Genesis it ends in Revelation cool huh now to prove that this is the way that it was originally intended God has provided a testimony to preserve his word that the entire world knows about you know what it's called is called the Sphynx and is connected with a Great Pyramid which is an ancient astro structure and it's known as one of the seven ancient wonders of the world now the word Sphynx means to bind together or to bind closely together its meaning is to show us where the story ends and where the story begins again the Sphinx has the head of a woman and the body of a lion it screaming to all the world from all the ages that the story begins at Virgo and it ends at Leo you know it's been said that the zodiac and the Temple of esna in Egypt the Sphinx is actually placed between the signs of Virgo and Leo boom there it is and who's going to argue with the Sphynx so this is what the heavens declare through the major constellations let's go ahead and let's look at it sign number one Virgo the virgin the three constellations within the sign is kama which is the woman and child Centaurus which is the Centaur and boaties the coming one now what is this first part of the story tell us sin has happened people have to be delivered and they had to be redeemed God promises to send a messiah through a virgin woman and he will be a righteous branch and a conquering king we know that from the names of the stars he will be both 100% human and 100% God at the same exact time he will be both the desire of all nations and despised sin offering his offering will be on a cross and once he has died and resurrected he will come to earth again all of that is seen in that one sign sign number two Libra the scales the three constellations within a sign crux the cross lupus the victim and corona the crown no this is what the second part of the story tells us the law was introduced a price must be paid the blood at first will cover sin and then it will completely remove sin atonement must be produced and he will do it upon a cross he will lay down his life and take on what all people should would otherwise be victimized by he will be surrounded by dogs and treated like a dog it's terrible horrible price but you know what he's going to pay it he's going to do it and he will do this for the joy that is set before him a crown Wow signed number three Scorpio the scorpion and the three constellations within the sign are the snake the snake handler and Hercules the mighty one now let's look at what the third part of the story tells us there is a great war against the powers of darkness and death itself though many have been wounded a crushing blow to the enemy is coming though many battles have been lost the war is going to be won the serpent will not get the crown Dominion belongs to our mighty king into those of his kingdom it's an ugly battle death will not have the victory and the struggle is going to be worth it signed number 4 Sagittarius the Archer in the three constellations within that sign are Lyra the harp ara the altar and Draco the dragon here's what the fourth part of the story tells us the power and glory of the conquering prince is going to be amazing we will see him both as God and also as human at being the very apex of all humanity at exactly the same time his light will not be compared with the enemy's darkness we will praise our utmost and sing our highest at his second coming he will have the great day of vengeance and he will cast a dragon into the lake of fire the enemy will be destroyed and that day will be the greatest of all days sign number five Capricorn the Sea Goat the three constellations within a sign is the arrow the eagle and the dolphin now within the fifth part of the story we begin to learn these types of things the story of redemption is not only about the sacrifice but also about the ones whom he has redeemed the Messiah will come to die and out of him will come a great multitude of all kinds of redeemed people God's great deliverance was shoot forth and after he is wounded unto death he will rise again and come busting up out of the grave victorious upon the behalf of all those redeemed signed number six Aquarius the Water Bearer the three constellations within a sign is Pisces the southern fish Pegasus the winged horse and Cygnus the Swan this is what the sixth part of the story tells us after his resurrection he will pour out his Holy Spirit upon his redeemed and upon all the earth and all the earth is going to be blessed it'll be like pouring water out of a dry place and onto a dry place his people will perform miracles and they shall be as a well springing up this blessing will come suddenly and will remain until the Messiah returns sign number seven Pisces the fish the three constellations within this sign is the band of Covenant and dromeda the chain woman who has to be set free and Cephas the crown King now here's what the seventh part of the story begins to tell us the multiplied seed of Abraham will be like the sands of the sea and as the stars of heaven the people of God will be blessed and multiplied through covenant the bride of the King who is in desperate need of a savior but the king is coming sign number eight is Aries the RAM in the three constellations within the sign Cassiopeia the enthroned woman Cetus the seamonster and Perseus the breaker here is what the eighth part of the story begins to tell us the Lamb who was slain is worthy to receive power and honor as king he will make his bride righteous he will bind the enemy and remove all power and authority from the devil his kingdom will come and his will will be done upon this earth as it is in heaven right behind that is a ninth part of the story Taurus the Bull the three constellations within the sign of Taurus the bow is this Orion the light of the world and the coming Prince the river of fire and then the great Shepherd and what the ninth part of the story tells us is this when the Messiah returns he's going to be unstoppable and he's coming to rule and to reign he was wounded before but he will not be this time he is the Prince of Peace and the most glorious in all of heaven he is the light of the world and he stands upon the enemy crushing him with feet of judgment he will pour out his wrath like a river of fire in his judgment is set he brings the Sheep of his flock and his bride in the bride of his chamber back safely with him sign number 10 is Gemini the twins and the three constellations that go within this sign is Lepus which is the enemy Canis Major which is the dog when serious young the prince and canis minor which is the second dog this is what the tenth part of the story declares to us God and man will do all together in perfect harmony the lion will lay down with the lamb the one who was slain and hated will rule and reign as beloved and honoured a time of peace and rest will soon come upon him as the enemy is trodden underfoot the king of kings and sire of all will rule as the Prince of Peace and as the Redeemer of all mankind we're almost finished as we get to sign number 11 Cancer the crab and the three constellations within cancer the crab are the little bear the Great Bear and Argo the ship this is what the eleventh part of the story begins to tell us the Messiah's Redemption will encircle his people and he will never ever ever let go of his people his people are precious possession to him and he has bought them with a price his blood and he has redeemed and rents on them and nobody is ever going to be able to snatch them from out of his hand this is his possession they will journey through life and progressively travel until they each are safely home and then finally we come to Leo the Lion there are three constellations within the sign Leo the Lion and they are Hydra which is the destroyed serpent crater the cup of wrath that is being poured out in Corvis the bird of prey this is what the twelfth part of the story tells us from the heavens the Lion of the tribe of Judah will come back and utterly destroy the enemy he will pour out his wrath and trot upon all of his enemies underfoot he will put down the enemy as a warrior king he will dish out his judgment and his fury upon the serpent and afterward the birds of the air will feast upon the armies of the enemy he shall roar on high and descend from heaven with a mighty shout then he will rule and reign for ever and ever and my friends this is the same exact story of redemption as toad in the Bible itself it is progressively revealed throughout the centuries through the writers of the Bible and is also the same exact story revealed by the author of the heavens and progressively towed from signed a sign from night unto night my friends the heavens declare the glory of God Troy brewer is known for his relevant and authentic teachings a servant whose greatest desires to bring the authenticity of Jesus and the reality of the kingdom of heaven into the lives of people around the world in the God speaks package you'll receive Troy's book looking up where he reveals the connection between the story and the stars and the biblical account of the fall of man and redemption through Jesus you'll also receive the looking up reference sky that will break down the signs in the heavens and the constellations within those signs and with numbers that preach a book by Troy brewer you'll learn about how biblical texts show powerful meaning in the numbers around us your gift of $55 or more you'll receive these three resources that will help you understand how God speaks to us through numbers and even the stars to order visit us on dreams in mysteries.com or call one eight hundred five three eight five two eight five to ask for your God speaks package today so let's talk about the kind of healthy conclusions we need to come to whenever we look at all of these stars in the heavens because we're not talking about astrology we're talking about astronomy and we're talking about giving King Jesus credit for all of these things the Bible Citizen Book of Isaiah says lift up your eyes on high and see who has created all these things and that's our job is to make sure that we are looking unto Jesus the author and the finisher of our faith so the heavenly story finishes with Leo the Lion and this part of the story has not yet been played out but we're so close closer than you think the gada breakthrough will soon crack the sky as my very good friend mr. Milan Lefevre once sing about he will come rushing forward as tourists the bull and with his church even as the platies declare and in these last days there will be signs in the Sun and in the moon and the stars King Jesus himself declared that in the Book of Luke chapter 21 verse 25 a shaking is coming things are changing but you and I are going to be people who are willing to look up I declare to you in the name of Jesus Christ the sky is not falling the kingdom is coming I bless you in the mighty name of Jesus thank you so much for watching dreams and mysteries I'm Troy brewer
Channel: Dreams & Mysteries
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Keywords: Troy Brewer, Streams Ministries, Dreams & Mysteries, Dreams and Mysteries, star meanings, constellations, Bible, Heavens, Christian, signs in the heavens
Id: CT0dCm-vrwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 32sec (1712 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 22 2016
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