Dreams & Mysteries - The Mystery of Heaven's Finance

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you know whenever God gives you a destiny he always provides a full provision to accomplish that he would never give you something to do without giving the ability to create the resource the provision or whatever it is that you need this is never more seen than what the Israelites the Jewish people and Deuteronomy 80 Timor God actually says I'm giving you the ability to produce wealth this is incredible because even today in this day and age the top 200 decision makers in Hollywood are Jewish of the top 500 bankers in the world the banking executives over 200 are Jewish people this is a small people group and yet God has still blessed them with the ability to produce resource and wealth what about us as Christians what about us when we are dreaming of something that God's put in our hearts to do as a matter of fact many of us are believing for a billion soul harvest in our generation if we're gonna have a billion people come to the Lord we're gonna need the resources to accommodate not only the salvation process but the education the counseling the development all these things were built into the plan of God whenever he releases any power to move he releases the power to get all the way today we're talking about the mystery of heavens finance we're gonna be talking about keys to heavens economy and how do we unlock heavens economy on earth if Heaven's economy is different than earthly economy what is the currency what is the trade how do we position ourselves to become those resources to become ones who move in finances when the economy around us may not even have that today we're going to be talking about this mystery this is dreams and mysteries years ago now I had one of the most incredible experiences I've ever had in my life I was in Lancaster California and I had gone there on a god journey because I had a brother who passed away before I was born he happened to be born in Lancaster and I was saying with some people praying God what was on his life what would he have done if he hadn't passed away and I know a lot of you may have never thought of that like what is on family members or friends lives who have passed away what is the destiny the calling the inheritance that they were supposed to walk in to bring Jesus his reward his value as I was praying the second day and I was awakened I opened my eyes and there next to me was a man now this was an ordinary man I knew there was something so special I was of course afraid immediately like why are you in my room what's going on but then right after I got over the normal fear I could feel the supernatural presence of God and I heard that audible voice of the Holy Spirit saying welcome the Minister of Finance of the kingdom now I knew every Kingdom has a Minister of Finance it's somebody who's in charge of the storehouse or that or the resources the finances the money and they give the reports they help to keep everybody in check with what's going on financially but I didn't know heaven had a Minister of Finance and I don't know if this is a parabolic vision or if it was literal I was literally seeing a man at one point he took all of these keys out of all these pockets he had and he put them on my chest and he pushed them into me and I could feel like all of a sudden I was being given those keys to the kingdom that Jesus talked about I went into a vision and I saw Jesus holding keys and it was every kind of key you could think of both ancient and modern there was keys to houses and properties like studios and schools there was keys to cars and vehicles and boats and trains and planes there was modern keys there was all kinds of keys and Jesus was holding them and they were making a sound almost like a wind chime in his hands again this is parabolic but I'm seeing this these keys that are just making this beautiful music and I could see him quoting Matthew 16:19 I have given you the keys to the kingdom whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven now this is the kind of authority believers have and when you relate this to the fact the father is generous towards Jesus because Jesus gave up everything for his reward his inheritance who is and what is used as inheritance it's us it's a humanity who would truly love him now every nation spends a measure of its budget towards education a huge measure of its budget every nation spends a measure of its budget towards all kinds of different types of things when Jesus was released into his heavenly position in Ephesians 1 it talks about how he's been given the highest title the highest name above all names immediately the father began to resource humanity with everything would take for Jesus to get in-state and full authority meaning he already has the authority but we're going to start to bring hit the sovereignty of that authority to him we're going to partner with the father over every resource needed to bring Jesus his reward if you understand this you're going to start to come into the revelation that if God is giving you purpose spiritual purpose how could he resist as a good father giving you his kingdom not only is his pleasure to give it to you but he knows and giving it to you you will bring Jesus a more full reward you'll bring connection to the world everything that Jesus was promised from the Father the writer of Hebrews 12:2 says that we were the joy set before Jesus and we were the reason he endure the cross now the father promised Jesus a people who would love him not only people who would love him but if people who would be extravagantly in love with partnering with him for that to happen for there to be a Great Awakening and a revival and a harvest like Jesus was anticipating there has to be resources in place think about the Jesus people movement many of you were saved who were watching this in the Jesus people movement or you've heard about it this was a revival in 1970s and early 80s where several million people were saved as a matter of fact on the cover of Time magazine at one point they featured a man named Lonnie frisbee who was one of the revivalist of the Jesus people movement it was attributed with over 1 million salvations at that point in just California alone this is a movement where the music industry start reaching out to Christianity and Christian rock band started Christian plays Christian pop culture was burst into Jesus people movement and there is millions and millions of dollars to resource these efforts come to play now no one ever thought of this in advance like we're going to need millions of dollars to see millions of people saved or possibly even billions of dollars but if we reverse-engineer this now as Christians and realize that if there's going to be a movement the father has to provide billions of dollars for a billion souls to get saved it may not be direct money ratio to people we're not looking at that we're not trying to make a weird formula but we're looking at the fact that there's properties needed there's lands needed for people to gather their stadiums needed for people to gather there's resources needed there's businesses that need to start for people to work in who are going to be Kingdom minded there's whole government agencies that need to form around issues over extreme poverty and over anti human trafficking these kinds of things are the types of resources that God wants to bring because these are the things that start to tie up the loose ends and start to make Jesus famous that starts to give Jesus his reward not many generations have thought about this when they thought about revival they thought about souls saved they didn't think about souls equipment and also releasing the fullness of salvation which would then in turn release the earth into God's original plan for it were called did not only give God his reward we're called to bring humanity into its full purpose Jesus paid the price for it he gave us the down payment the father's resourcing us it's time for us to become the dream the father had for Jesus in my dream I was at a party with a bunch of different people many of them I knew everyone was having a good time but I noticed they were all wearing different types of sunglasses the glasses were all different colors and sizes I thought it was strange since the party was indoors and it wasn't during the day I also knew that I wasn't wearing any sunglasses during the dream I just walked around the party and people were excited to see me and they interacted with me then the scene changed and many of us were outside people started jumping in the pool with their clothes on as they were playing around and having fun I woke up full of joy and love now let's walk through this dream together sunglasses tint your perception in other words they affect how you see things they could be for protection but there was nothing to have protection from so I am currently with a group of people who may not be seeing things very accurately I didn't have any sunglasses on so the Lord was showing me that I am seeing things the way they really are this is a self conditioned dream that is encouraging me however the dream is also saying that I need a loving relationship with these people I am NOT to look down on them and it is not my job to remove those glasses from them God loves them and will still draw them into his water which is spiritual truth all I'm supposed to do is love them and keep praying for them decades of study and thousands of dream interpretations gave John Paul Jackson a unique perspective on understanding dreams God has concealed messages in the dreams we dream and as we search them out we learn more about his ways with the advanced dream kit you will begin to understand the twenty categories of Dreams and what God accomplishes through each of them for your gift of 125 dollars or more you will receive the twenty categories of dreams book john-paul six CD set the essentials of dreams and visions the biblical model of dream interpretation three CD set moments with God dream journal and three study cards to help you grow in your interpretation ability order your advance dream kit today visit dreams of mysteries.com or call one eight hundred five three eight five two eight five I start to tell you about my story about going to my brother's birthplace in Lancaster and help I just wanted a spiritual journey you know when you have something that close to who dies you just want to know what the meaning of their life is and and what God had provided for them and so I went there and I prayed about that and at the same time my parents were up visiting is great for the first time in years they just decided to go and visit grave and just thank God for who he was I didn't know that they didn't know I was where I was at and so when we called each other and talk to each other we were amazed because just the whole experience at the same time we were honoring my brother's memory and just really praying about who he was and that night I had a dream and in the dream I saw my brother he was four years old he passed away I saw him next to the gravesite and a grave keeper came along and said little boy why are you here who are you instead my name is guy Charles Bowles that would have been you know it's his name and so it was on the tombstone and when the grave keeper so on the tombstone he thought that guy was someone was pulling a fastball on him and so he said little boy this isn't funny who are you and he said it again guy Charles Bowles and so the man brought him into his office and he didn't know who to call so he called the operator in the dream and the operator happened to be a born-again Christian she said tell me what happened again and she said I think he was resurrected and the man said I don't know if that happens I'm a Christian too but I don't know if this can happen and she said let's try and call his parents so they tracked down my parents who lived in Kansas City at the time and they said is this Larian station Bowles and my parents of course said yes and then they were both on the phone and then they said your little boy has been resurrected and he's actually in the graveyard where you buried him right now now this was a phenomenal thought to them they they were at first man on the phone like how could you say this to us this is rude this is terrible they would bring up something from so many years ago but then the woman put guy on the phone and she said guy go ahead doctor handsome caisson mom dad and they recognize his voice immediately when they recognize his voice everything inside of them went off and they began to weep you're alive you're alive and I woke up and I was weeping now I realized out of that dream that God gave me a great significant meaning from it first of all I believed that it was the resurrection of my parents greater dreams in God not only was i representative something that was the most precious thing they ever lost but there are certain dreams they were waiting for in life that they died too because they had been so long coming and especially over their inheritance and God spoke to them through that dream that there wasn't still inheritance for them and a provision for it years later they moved to that area of Spokane Washington to go get their spiritual inheritance they didn't realize at the time they thought it would be something about ministry and about their spiritual calling but it was actually the harvest of our family many many of our family members got saved when they moved there to take care of my grandmother who was ill and it was so amazing to watch a wide sweeping move that was very quiet through my family many people on their death beds accepted Jesus Christ because of this dream and because my parents believed in it had an inheritance there this dream profoundly impacted me because when I woke up from this dream my parents obviously their dreams were being resurrected but I felt like God showed me many people in the body of Christ have lost the most precious things to him and especially the hope the hope of the greater calling of God the hope for the greater dreams because they don't feel like the resources there anymore or they feel like they never had it in the first place in this season God gave me the scripture and Isaiah 49 verse 8 it says this is what the Lord says in the time of my favor I will answer you and in the day of salvation I will help you I will keep you and make you to be a covenant for the people to restore the land and to reassign desolate inheritances now there's two types of desert inheritances right now figuratively there's all these inheritances from people who've died prematurely or people who never had a life like aborted children there's people who had purpose in their life when God imagined them for millions of years before they were ever created and yet their life was cut short there's also people who never fulfilled their promise and dreams but in this there's a restoration time of favored to bring about a culmination of everything that hasn't been done yet as though it's going to be fully done now many of you have dreams they've been given by God and many of you have a hard time believing some of the greater parts of those dreams because it will take a God equation for these streams to work as a matter of fact that's going to take the economy of having to resource you to even realize these dreams because you're going to need finances or you're going to need property or you're going to need business strategy or whatever it is but this is exactly what God wants to do in our generation he wants to give us wisdom and a revelation one of the aspects of Holy Spirit is the spirit of wisdom now when God gives us words of wisdom it's revelation on what to do with what we believe inside of us or other revelations that means if you have a sense of destiny and calling God wants to give you words of wisdom on how to actually have a blueprint or a map on how to walk it out this is how good god is and James 1 it says ask for wisdom and God will give it generously he can't resist giving you wisdom and my own circumstance and even my parents circumstance when we felt like we were reading my brother's lost inheritance I remember saying to God anything that he had on his life any anointing any calling any spirituality would you give it to me so that his inheritance would be made full in heaven so he can give Jesus the fullness of his reward and I felt like the Lord said there's a whole generation who will walk in double portion calling because it will understand that there's been people who've been left undone like Hebrews 11 verse 39 40 says that there was many who went before us that were left undone and complete that only in partnership with future generations would they be made complete that means there's a lot of inheritance out there I believe there's a generation who's going to walk in double and triple portions of calling because there's so much to get done for Jesus Jesus was an example that was walking out the promise of all of Israel on his life it wasn't just his calling it was the calling of a whole people group and also the Gentile believers when we're walking out our calling it's not self-centered it's not self centric it's actually for all of us to inherit Jesus has reward for him so our calling isn't just about us it's really about him that means that the father will spare no expense because this isn't a self-absorbed calling this is a Jesus centric calling where God wants to resource with real finance with real resource it's his pleasure and joy to do this because we have his name and we actually are building his kingdom this isn't about the health and wealth gospel to say everything will be okay no matter what this is about there is a war over finances and you know what it's a winning war the government on Jesus's shoulders has never ended it's only getting stronger everything that God wants to build for Jesus is only getting more resourced and when you open your eyes to see what God's doing on the earth right now not just what the enemy is doing or what man's doing but when you see what God's doing right now you begin to see the unfolding of the wealth of riches that is depositing on the earth so that Jesus could be fully resourced for this next revival I believe that many of you right now are going to come into an understanding that for your destiny there's a provision for the dreams that you've died to that are as precious as losing a child that God not only wants to resurrect him but he wants to resource them God promised them to you and you're part of what God wants to do for Jesus it's not just that you have something that's good for your family and friends he's doing this for Jesus so how could he resist you how could he resist making your destiny happen because it's really his destiny John bolts is an internationally-known prophetic voice who has ministered the thousands from royalty to those on the streets Shawn aims for the higher goal of loving people relationally not just pursuing the gift or information and he activates you to do the same in the hearing god package you'll receive Shawn's book translating God you'll be inspired to learn how to hear God for yourself and others and grow in intimacy with the Lord you also receive Sean's teaching set developing your prophetic process an audio teaching series on six CDs that will give you practical instruction and with keys to heavens economy a book by Sean bolts you'll learn of God's desire to release finances for Kingdom purposes in this hour for your gift of $70 or more you can receive all three of these powerful resources to help you hear God better and communicate his love to a world that needs it visit us at dreams in mysteries.com our call one eight hundred five three eight five two eight five one of the greatest pictures of heavens economy is Solomon Solomon and his day brought the greatest resources known to man in one generation now these aren't just resources like the gold itself that his father had saved up but these are resources like the greatest craftsmen and artisans the greatest types of trees the Cedars of Lebanon the greatest actual artists who could carve those trees and create those the architects the builders everything he brought together was the greatest known in the generation the most wonderful resources to dazzle the nations in his day people came from every Kingdom that was known to come and see what Solomon was like in his wisdom but also to see this temple they had built to the Hebrew God and they would look at it and marvel because it was something that had never been built before there never been this kind of wealth and there never been this kind of construction gone into one building this was the temple that God's presence inhabited and Solomon at one point does the prayer of dedication he says this will never ever fail this temple will be here and lasts forever now we know that we've never found that temple again I would love to be the Indiana Jones of our generation and look for it but we've never found that temple again it's been gone but it was a prophetic picture of a temple that was to come now the New Testament Paul talks about the temple the Holy Spirit several times he even says that the temple of the Holy Spirit is us that means think about this God is going to use the greatest resources known to man to resource the building of his temple inside of you the best psychology the best helps the best teaching the education but also the resources for everything you need to do or destiny these kinds of resources that are going to be poured out are not intangible resources this is God actually bringing together something that is so beautiful that his holy spirit has to dwell inside of it that means that your life is going to be the best container that God could ever fit into if that's true that means that there's a lot of change that needs to happen right of course he's living in you now but are you the dwelling place that he's promised you would be there's this prophetic promise we have as humanity that he will give us a life and life abundantly in John 10:10 what I had that kind of life and life abundantly that means exceedingly more than everyone else do you have that kind of life and to have that kind of life there has to be an access to heaven because we can't have that in our own human means it's my own strength we're going to have different types of well through different kinds of talent or skill poured out but to have it in that eternal richness where it's not just a prodigy gift that God birthed in someone but it's an actual prodigy life a life that's different than everyone else's we're all of a sudden we look like a place that God inhabits now this doesn't have to look like ridiculous wealth or ridiculous talent a ridiculous skill but what it does have to do is emulate the fact that God is with us that he's the Emmanuel and that our life looks different I believe in it's the father's good pleasure to release resources to people just like you and I and when he releases these resources he does it because we're trying to Stuart an atmosphere or a building so to speak inside of our lives for having to rest on Heaven's economy isn't poured out to people who aren't willing to live the life of sacrifice or the journey of love that God's calling us to but man heavens resources are being poured out for people like you and I who are saying I'll commit to a journey that's a habitation place for the love of God that can sewer Jesus's reward and resource for him Jesus's first miracle was at a wedding it was after people had already consumed hold the wine in the wedding which was probably a lot of wine at the time and Jesus his mother comes to him and says will you do something about this and he turns with normal water into wine this is a picture and two ways number one it was a wedding party and the inheritance of Jesus was always pictured for trained as a bride as a wedding that is coming back to get married it is coming back to partner to you and I for eternity that were his co-heirs now for us to become as co-heirs we have to be resourced he's not coming back for a broken down structure who's in survival mode he's coming back for people who look like him a people who are beautiful to him they have virtues and characteristics where they've learned how to not just survive but to thrive in every circumstance and they've learned how to cooperate to bring the kingdom of heaven onto the earth that makes us recession-proof that makes us a people who could actually live in a different economy in a different mindset than whatever culture you belong to if you're in America and we're going through recession you're not bound to recession because there's a heavenly economy if you're from another nation maybe one of the poorest nations of the earth God can give you strategies and ideas that would change the course of your nation now here's a reality we have examples in our generation like Bill Gates who's that the owner and the CEO of Microsoft computers what I love about Bill is he decided not to go to Silicon Valley to start his company but he wanted to stay in Washington because he wanted Washington to benefit from this computer industry so he actually lobbied and changed laws so that there was the right benefits the right tax benefits so he could actually change the region he belonged to what would happen if there was several Bill Gates in your city your town whatever country you're in that had an industry inside of them that may do better in in New York or in at Silicon Valley we're talking about computer industries but they chose to stay there because they saw the transformation of the kingdom of God that needed to take place they saw what God would do in your region what if God started to give us witty inventions and ideas that changed the course of resourcing the earth that changed the course of even how we participate in our lives some of the smart technologies and like cell phones and iPads and these kinds of things have changed the way we communicate they've changed the way that we belong as citizens to the earth God wants to bring technologies forth and inventions forth that change the course of humanity and he wants Christians who are stewarding or influencing those who are stewarding so they're brought into our generation for their full purpose there's nothing worse than when a good technologist prostituted for the wrong reasons but if God gives us a steering ownership to be able to be the place where he would abide and he starts to give us the resources that I would take to display his nature and his beauty on the earth there's no place he won't be able to be seen if we partner this way God wants to bring the resource not only for your spiritual destiny but for your natural provision that people look at your family to say how does your family have this kind of love how does your marriage have this kind of stability how does your resources have this kind of wealth to them or this kind of financial stability to them and this actually makes God look good this actually proves that in a generation when so many things are undone your life helps God to look like exactly who he's supposed to look like so if Solomon is a picture of a person who built the temple with the greatest resources there are you are also a picture in our generation that God is calling to be resourced with the greatest resources it's your turn to have these resources impact you this way because God the Father has a goal for Jesus and for that to be accomplished you need to be the most empowered version of yourself picture in heaven a storehouse where everything the father thought Jesus would need to get his full reward is there one of its properties or ideas or witty inventions or strategies what if it's the very favor and relationship connections we need to see a full scenario of Jesus getting what's his unveiled here's what I think I think the father has predetermined and it's his pleasure to give you the kingdom because when he gives you resource when he resources your destiny it actually allows Jesus to come into his I want to pray for you that God gives you the fullness of everything that's pre-planned for you everything that he's thought of for you everything that comes into your heart started probably in his heart I pray right now that God will give you a favor that he would give you resource that he would give you connection that he would give you ideas that you couldn't have without the Spirit of God I pray that he'd rests on you and that the things you've been dreaming for that you would realize even the smell when he has bigger dreams Ephesians 3:20 says that everything he's going to do is beyond what you could hope for or imagined picture this if Jesus is going to inherit a generation we're going to look good for him we're going to be good for him we're going to be inline with with the father dream for him and line with the price he paid so I pray right now that for those of you who are watching who may even feel delayed or you feel like there's no way to do the things that God's calling you to because you have no access to that kind of connection resource skill education but God Himself loves that gap because in that faith gap God can jump in and do something that would bring him so much glory because everyone will know you couldn't do it everyone will know that in your own life and your own strength you would never be able to get there on your own so I pray right now that you would have faith in the midst of that gap faith in the midst of what's coming and what is and say God and even say this in your heart right now god you're the king of the gap and I trust you with a gap that by faith your spirits going to move and do things that can never be done bring resources that would never be given if it wasn't according to faith thanks for watching another episode of dreams and mysteries I'm Sean bull's
Channel: Dreams & Mysteries
Views: 114,534
Rating: 4.8584695 out of 5
Keywords: Dreams and Mysteries, Streams Ministries, Shawn Bolz, Bolz Ministries, Heaven's Economy, Heaven's Finance, Christian Dream Interpretation, Dream meaning, Dreams & Mysteries
Id: v2jzOQ34Fh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 12 2016
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