Dream SMP - The Complete Story: Fall of Dream

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the butcher army took techno to the slaughter the army gathered around to witness this historic [Music] moment [Music] i have something i need to show you you see this wall welcome home theseus [Music] tommy stares speechless through the eyes of hundreds of wither skulls the offer was clear if tommy allowed the destruction of lumamberg technoblade would help him reclaim his precious discs now tommy was the one conflicted all of his friends had betrayed him and his discs meant everything but was it enough to justify the annihilation of his home he didn't know on one hand he had nothing left there friends power nothing but on the other hand no matter how much he thought taboo hated him it was still his home and whatever happened something would always draw him back following his betrayal of pugtopia in the previous war techno swore to retire from his violent ways and isolate himself from the chaos ensuing on the rest of the server but even when he vowed to stay peaceful moved to a location only known by one other man lemanberg attempted to murder him they had ended his life of peace taken his right to isolation and so he swore to destroy every last block of lemamberg to end their peace forever following techno's escape the butcher army was furious if it wasn't for dream techno would not have been able to make it out alive if it wasn't for dream dream he was the reason all of this was happening dream was the one who attacked lumenburg purely over its existence dream was the one who gave wilbur the supplies to blow up everything dream was the one who made them exile tommy after his death to technoblade quackity was enraged and as the others questioned him about the confrontation quackity led them to a secret room this room was the same where the plans to execute techno were born and now after realizing their true enemy they would plan the assassination of dream tubbo stated that walking up to dream and just attacking him would not be practical nor effective if they wanted to kill dream they had to be smart and tubo had just the plan in mind in the history of the server only one organized execution had been successful and it just so happened that tubbo was the one executed jay schlatt was able to successfully draw tubbo to his own execution by fronting it with a festival and that is exactly how the butcher army planned to take out dream tubbo explained that lumamberg would hold a festival to celebrate its good graces with the greater dream smp this festival will be held in lumamberg where the rules stated that no armor is allowed to be worn a rule created long ago and because dream believed he was still on great terms with lemanberg he would respect the rule and follow it leaving him vulnerable and when the time came tubbo entrusted quackity the one who would informed them all of dream's involvement to do the deed the day after dreama destroyed logs to cheer he returned to check on tommy but what he found surprised him tommy was gone and atop a small hill next to logstad was a large tower of dirt to the average person it looked like tommy was dead but dream knew better dream suspected that tommy had faked his death to throw him off landing instead in the water next to the tower and running away and so in the wake of this discovery the search began technoblade as he was passing by the remains of logs to cheer noticed dream investigating the rubble and warned tommy that dream knew he was gone and a few minutes later on his search to find tommy dream messaged techno that he was on his way to his house to have a chat techno complied and as he got back to his base he quickly came up with a plan to hide tommy before the visit tommy would drink an invisibility potion and hide in a small box against the wall of the cabin this would allow for complete concealment and a perfect spot to hide from dream a few minutes later dream arrived and began to talk with techno he's currently getting owned by zombies right now dream are you do you need you need some help there do you need some well um there's a bit of a problem yeah what's the problem tommy left who all right tommy yeah that guy he got exiled that was pretty funny yeah but now he's missing le mans thinks that he's dead i i i know otherwise but have you seen him i've not seen him you sure i'm pretty confident if i look around yeah you can look around you can look around minor terrorism in le mans i i love minor terrorism it's what i'm all about self foot what is that about don't cry into my personal life i'm feeling very judged right now all right very judged well uh i'm glad to see you alive and well i didn't see carl out there but i'm assuming oh carl's safe carl's safe i will say um you owe me a little bit that's true that's true she dream you don't you don't gotta worry dream i am a person that believes in absolute reciprocity well if you catch wind of tommy let me know because i've been i've been out looking for him for the last all right i'll keep an eye out all right well nice to see you see you later the plan had worked techno had managed to convince dream that he had not yet seen tommy and for now tommy was safe but dreams still had his suspicions he planned to return to the cabin to investigate more thoroughly another day but for now he would leave his old friend alone the next day dream returned to techno's cabin to investigate once again but this time techno wasn't there only tommy and gosper the worst liar on the entire server hey dream how's it going do you do you live do you live here now no no no this is just where i've been for a little while technoblade said i could stay here for a little bit so this is where i've been spending a bit of time have you seen tommy no okay all right well you're around this whole area right have you seen him anywhere around here at all no told me about these the other day but on this on this list yeah these were written by tommy when i don't know but he just showed me them earlier sorry it's i get it cold as a as a ghost sometimes it's from being out in the snow for so long i mean you're a very you're a very scary man sometimes i understand you're very nice to me and i really appreciate it and you're a good friend even and even when you told me that the invitations were wrong and to go wandering off into the snow you know you really are always looking out for my best interests and i really really appreciate it yeah i was just i was just trying to i was just trying to help you know help out tommy no matter where i go you always seem to be close behind you always like to follow us i do us yeah me and techno and techno what are you doing where are you going green what are you looking at there's a it's the prime log i know tommy was here over i don't know what you're talking about all right i'll be around bye tommy had been discovered his residence in techno's cabin was no longer a secret dream returned the next day to notify techno that he knew after a lengthy conversation techno finally conceded admitting to sheltering tommy dream admitted that he didn't really care about techno bringing him in all he cared about was that he knew where tommy was and that it wasn't in lumamberg the days passed the lumanberg festival was scheduled for january 5th and preparations began lumamberg was decorated once again colorful wool brought life to the city ironically the same place where a life would be taken the lumember government seeking revenge against their true enemy was ready to end dream's reign of fear-inducing power the sun began to rise cold white snow engulfed the frigid ground rays of light seeped through the trees as a cool morning breeze danced through the town square today was the day and in these last moments of quiet before the first people logged on le mansburg would have its final piece everyone joined gathering in the square to start the celebration and as silence befell the crowd thus echoed the faithful words let the festival begin everyone had showed up everyone except for dream immediately following tubbo's speech announcing the start of the festival tubo pulled quackity aside to speak with him about his concerns what if dream didn't show up why wasn't dream showing up tubble recalled that dream had assured him he would come to the festival and yet he was nowhere to be seen the plan never left the circle he couldn't have known so why rambu and fundy joined the call and the group decided to continue waiting they had faith that dream would show up and was just running a bit late the celebration continued the minutes came and went still no sign of dream the cabinet members gathered to talk once again and as they went over their plan one final time rambu noticed something something that sent shivers down the spine of every last one of them dream had arrived tommy and technoblade stood outside the cabin white flakes of snow covered the ground as the sun rose above the horizon they were ready armor weapons potions they had it all today was the lemanberg festival once again due to his exile tommy was not allowed in lumanburg but he wouldn't let that stop him from watching in the shadows techno and tommy traversed the icy winter plane crossing the ocean and arrived on shore next to lumamberg invisible both tommy and techno snuck past the people meeting with rambu who following the execution incident found himself questioning if he was really on the right side brambu felt divided he didn't like choosing sides and so he didn't instead he chose people rambu explained that everyone would be at the festival including dream and that dream would finally be respecting the rules of le mansburg tommy was elated when he realized what this meant if dream would be following the rules he wouldn't be wearing armor and if he wasn't wearing armor tommy and techno had to leave dream had just logged on and tommy could not let a chance to get back his disc slip away while attempting to meet up with techno tommy saw dream coming down the stairs to lumanburg but he wasn't headed to the festival confused tommy and techno watched as dream began to rebuild the obsidian walls that were taken down after tommy's exile it didn't make sense had dreams seen him had tubbed on something to anger him looking for answers tommy and techno joined their call tubbo and his men stood petrified dream had promised to respect le mander their plans of execution never left the circle confused out of their minds the group joined dream at the wall and what he was about to show them would change the server forever what the hell is this [Music] it's gone it's all gone well i have literally everything what tommy blew up the community house tommy did this i don't understand this is the worst event that has ever happened on the server this is the oldest building the most historic building on the entire server and the only major structure of the greater dream smp we had nothing to do with this has nothing to do with him listen you still have his desk yeah what about that means you're affiliated no matter what that is his most surprised possession listen if you're not affiliated with tommy then give me the dumb desk no i what no no why are you here listen i know you you probably i'm not the most reliable person to the government but tommy wouldn't lie to me okay he said he didn't do it he wouldn't lie to me he lied about being lied about bernie george i mean the fact that you're here kind of proves his point wow you actually whoa you're not gonna give him the discount you've literally proven time and time again that you can't be trusted as soon as we you know take down it we're fine we'll be back i don't think that's an option anymore you spend all this time you do all these speeches talking about how i was a bad friend how i was how i was the one being reckless and going out and doing things and and being bad but do you know what he did to me an ex after that no you don't i thought you died but you didn't come and see me and you and you still don't care i'm here this has your name written all over it you're literally acting exactly as you acted when you burnt down george's house i don't need to prove myself to you this wasn't me trust me for what's in your life turbo trust me i did trust you once and i won't make the same mistake twice [Music] you betrayed me i didn't betray you you betrayed everything you had built you know what you got your axe up oh god oh we're not winning we're going in don't actually die no you failed the nation trade me i didn't betray you you teamed up the very person that destroyed our nation the first time the discs were worth more than you ever were the crowd fell silent tommy stood afraid not of dream not of tubbo but of himself tubbo was his friend was his friend they had done everything together laughed together fought together cried together they had been through loss betrayal destruction together even when apart the two missed each other longed to be once again together but any chance of that faded with those lingering words tommy once again let his emotions take control and now there was nothing left for him his friends his discs his tubbo nothing and like he had those months ago tommy knew there was only one thing he could do to save what was truly important give him the desk do you want me to give dreams for this i'm not i'm sorry i i'm i'm sorry tubber i'm sorry do you want to just know just give him just no just give him the disc tommy tommy are you sure about that decision tommy this isn't me this isn't i mean i look around and i'm i'm not the person i want to be i'm just i'm so sorry i know if this is what i've become oh we're surrounded then i don't want to be me anymore man all right i'm i'm with toba perhaps i wasn't clear yesterday tommy when i said that i'm going to destroy le mans and that you you don't have to help me when i said you don't have to help me tommy i meant that you could sit it out not switch sides and fight against me i'm not well what am i doing well what am i with you you're betraying me is what you're doing tommy hello blade i'm worse than everyone i didn't want to be teleported i know what i've done and i hate me for it turbo yeah well thank you for giving me the desk i just want to say that you're an idiot you are an absolute idiot and you have no power and you are the worst president that has ever been president-elect because you're no president oh no listen listen you're not even president quackity is more present than you i'm more president lemanberg than you you get pushed around by everybody on the server yeah because you are an idiot you are a fool you just gave me the one thing that i needed to destroy le mans i don't care about lumber i don't care about anything i've said this before the only reason i had not destroyed lemandberg is because you had the disk i had to be friends with you to get the dumb dis back i don't care about you i'm not your friend i cared about getting the disc back and i got it back you can't even run your nation right rambu is a traitor one of your most trusted nuns no that's not true okay it is true he was not worried is weaker than it's ever been and it's because of you you have destroyed everything you have ruined your friendships you have ruined le mans berg's allies you're a horrible president tubbo [Music] you know me so well dream you know me so well i've got a few weather stream we could work something out lemandberg is being destroyed okay tomorrow night at 3 p.m say your goodbyes no no we're not even talking about just blowing some tnt we're going to do tnt machines cannons we're going to destroy everything you have one night forever it was dream it was always dream from the very beginning of their story to the very end dream was the one who framed tommy for all of the griefings after the war the one who destroyed the invites to tommy's beach party the one who told tommy no one missed him and the one who destroyed the community house the people knew differences aside there was only one priority from then until 3pm the next day defend le mandberg all across the server preparations began kings citizens government officials punk titles meant nothing no the next day everyone would fight side by side as one as lambert people mined brood enchanted if one thing was for certain it was that techno and dream would show up prepared hours passed night fell and the chest continued to grow armor weapons supplies pride and determination can be felt in every swing of a pickaxe anger inventions with the slash of a sword until the unlikely allies were ready chess filled to the brim with netherright armor potions of every kind the next day would be it the final battle and as the sun peaked over the horizon the day of reckoning began which side are you on this is the question that plagued many across the server nikki and h-bomb questioned following tommy to battle after everything that happened concluding that it was finally time to let lemanberg learn their lesson but they couldn't support dream and techno either both sides were bad another who followed the same logic was fundy he believed that lumamberg and many of the people in it needed to learn their lesson and although he would not help cause the destruction he believed lumanberg's demise that day was inevitable following his decision to stay out of the war fundy destroyed the supplies that the lumamberg army had gathered as a final act of despise to say technoblade and dream were prepared would be an understatement techno commanded hundreds of dogs primed to kill every last enemy filza who was broken out of his home by techno joined forces to take down lumenburg alongside the anarchists lumamberg had taken something from all of them whether it be land peace or freedom the three vowed to have their revenge an obsidian grid cut through the deep blue sky each intersection wired a dispenser filled with nine stacks of tnt all of the water had been drained from the mambird to allow maximum destruction the dispensers were placed on an extremely quick redstone clock to drop multiple explosives a second during the last war techno only had the ability to summon two withers this time he could summon over 54. potions food armor weapons they had it all and as tommy tubbo and a few others logged on and saw their stash destroyed it was too late tommy quickly journeyed to lumamberg the war was scheduled to start in 25 minutes and their army needed every second to prepare but technoblade had no intentions of playing fair was it fair when lumamberg threatened to murder his horse if he didn't let them execute him was it fair when they imprisoned filza in his own house long after the execution failed no it wasn't so what made anyone think he would play fair today tommy realized what was about to happen looking around most of his army had not even logged on and techno had no intention of waiting taking a deep breath tommy prepared for what was about to happen and as techno was shot by tubbo the dog army attacked and the war for lumenburg had officially begun you messed up tubbo let loose the dogs of war let loose the hounds you realize we're just gonna kill all these dogs as soon as you go technology i've already killed three of you guys oh yeah hit me with that axe puns hit me with that axe oh yeah shields gonna help you from the wolves you know what i'm feeling merciful if you guys all back off and let me blow up this country you can live for another 17 minutes oh 17 minutes take your time rambu no need to show up i'm literally right next to you tommy look oh my god oh hello tommy in it get in the caravan get in the caravan oh the caravan that'll save you we go for the winners all right we fight one winner at a time we fight them as a group please good luck i'm bringing three more to you guys rambu get out of here rambo the man bug stick with me right by yourself withers reigned destruction from above technoblade killed everyone in his path lumamberg was falling apart but this was only the beginning and as filza and tekno continued the battle from below dream prepared the real weapon the fate of lemamberg hung once again on one man control of the entire server was right at the tips of his fingers to power he could feel it and as he overlooked the pure chaos emerging from below dream couldn't help but smile it was never meant to be [Music] it's all over but the cry and nobody's crying but me [Music] friends all over no i'm trying to forget about how much i care for you [Music] tnt fell from the heavens above a level of destruction never seen before befell the lamp there was no going back lemanberg had lost tommy stared down techno through the never-ending reign of explosions catching eyes the two stared once allies friends had now reached an insurmountable divide look at me look at me do not shoot do not shoot you didn't have to do this you could have come you gave me think about the discs is that they were for me you really could have had a government i don't care about the disk tommy i was upfront with you from the start the government has to go selfish you've used me from the start tommy you've never thought of me as a friend tom you've you've just used me from the start you saw me just as the blade that's all i was to you the blade a weapon well guess what i'm choosing what i fight for now and i'm going to destroy the government tommy you all die i listened to you for weeks what did you do people are above the government we you know what i did yesterday when you were surrounded by like 30 people the whole world was against you i walked in i was willing to fight all of them for you tommy i would have been there that is the difference between us we spent hours don't speak to me of loyalty you were my friend and you betrayed us you never thought of me as a friend because the thing about this government is that it was it didn't interfere with you i used to think like that tommy you know what they did to me they hunted me down the whole butcher army and they executed me i tried being peaceful tommy but the government made it clear i did the government made it clear that we could not co-exist you've done again all you did is repeat history but worse actions have consequences actions do have consequences tommy and these are the consequences there was no point in fighting anymore as the dispensers ran dry of tnt and rogue withers continued to ravage the remains the people gave up lumamberg had been destroyed for the third time and this time it would never be rebuilt again wilbur's vision had changed a lot in the past few months of the dream smp but it was always there a place that brought people together brought out the good and the bad memories that would never be forgotten and as they once again overlooked the remains of their great nation a sinking feeling began to set in from the day wilbur first joined the server lemanberg had been everything a home a place of freedom wars were fought lives were ended tyrants had ruled their land defended through exiles and conflicts lamanberg remained but that fateful day everything changed the people went their separate ways tommy tubbo and quackety met on the obsidian grid techno continued the destruction and gospel logged on to see his home completely destroyed as their final goodbyes to their great nation the group gathered to sing one last time the lumanberg anthem there was a special special place where men could go emancipate the brutality and tyranny of their rulers we've got to end this soon [Music] a little bit blown up [Music] my [Music] and for liberty [Music] you told me you didn't remember the verses the troubles came and then it went we built our walls and we watched them break and from everywhere from here forever [Music] once again to tommy there were only two things that mattered on the server his friendship with tubbo and his discs just like the old days the very first war on the server dream had the discs and tommy wanted needed them back and as he talked with tubbo atop the obsidian grid in the sky the two agreed that they would finish it the way it all started together tommy logs on to the smp dream it messaged him saying it was urgent and he had to start streaming confused tommy decided he was too interested not to listen and logged on but when he joined the server something was off he turned around to find that his entire house had been destroyed and replaced with netherrack heat radiated from the steady flames surrounding a single chest after extinguishing the raging fire tommy approached the chest the signs read come see me wednesday you and tubbo alone if anyone else shows up the discs are gone forever opening the chest tommy was surprised to see only one item a compass pointing directly to the location dream planned to place his discs tommy knew that this would be the true final battle winner gets the discs loser gets nothing or possibly worse and so the only thing left to do was wait until the day of the grand finale the days passed and wednesday the 20th had arrived after preparing reminiscing and wait that's me guys that's me i'm in the dream smp evan mc gaming this video here here this is my last memory evan mcc i wanted to impose the able sisters and you started talking oh i needed that of an mcc gaming video open heaven mcgaming you are a pain in the ass man holy this video is on trending oh my sorry videos on trending i have an mc gaming turbo but listen evan mcgame stop stop anyway this day would mark the true end of the disc saga tommy and tubbo met in tommy's house to talk one last time about what was about to go down they both had but one canon life remaining meaning that if either of them died even once they would not be coming back and so they treated that day as if it was their last on the smp tommy said goodbye to his home the home built all that time ago the home they fought from that home had been through war through hardship and demise and now he said goodbye tommy and tubbo made their way down prime path remembering everything the bench they had sat on to celebrate their independence the battle for discs outside punz's house bad boy halo as the two requested for bad to join their call tommy noticed he wasn't alone people from all across the server lined the fateful path friends enemies all came together to say their goodbyes oh everybody oh my god oh rambu rambu hey guys rambu when i was like the best minutes man you were the only one that knew what i was going through and i am it has been an honor even though i've not known you for that long to uh just to spend time with you rambo hey you're peculiar callahan you don't talk you restarted the server when it crashed multiple times for us it's been a long time it's been an honor knowing you and spending you've always been so nice to me and you actually helped me get like half these gapples thank you so much punk you're welcome tommy you're welcome i'll always be there for you half the time okay thanks thank you tommy you have been one of my closest friends on this smp of course if i go down tonight you will you will carry on my legacy of course tommy it will be a pleasure i know i know i've wronged you but i you know i want to see you guys succeed and i think you have the power to do it eric you know what between us we also have a lot of fish you've always been the real king aaron not sure you told me i'll see you later my friend goodbye dream smp they were now on their own for the rest of the journey every step farther from the rest of the smp they crossed planes forests oceans and talked once more about the battle they were about to have we're going to fight for the discs tonight and we're going to fight well but we're both let's not lie to ourselves we're both on our very very last life all right yeah our very last life and if we were to die tonight we'd be gone so please i know that you keep going yeah we're gonna get a bachelorette please think smart do we have to do what's right tonight because turbo i need someone to get back and tell my story because i don't know who's gonna live and who's gonna die tonight is gonna be the night where we don't have any other choice but to win because if we lose to beau then we've lost everything as they traveled the ocean they noticed the compass begin to change looking to where it pointed a large mountain came into view immediately they knew this was where dream had led them they exited the boat and began their ascent block by block they climbed the mountain the morning sun slowly rising behind them as they watched the sun climb into the sky they realized this sunrise could very well be their last but it wasn't over yet the two continued to climb until they reached the top there stood dream their true enemies since the beginning axe in hand ready for battle but he didn't attack yet you left me a note saying that you'd be here and that only those two could come why well it's been you and tubbo since the beginning right you and tubbo versus me for the diss right what are you doing what are you what are you doing you got something to say or what what are you doing i do what are you doing no what's your plan you know you're down i got him i got him back get him let's get him come on he's probably level up here i'm coming out okay i've got a pig i've got another pick okay hold him up hold him off come on [Music] he's swimming he's not doing any damage to me okay okay can you take him i think his shield popped right now so we can't block with the shield okay okay turbo use a sword use a knockback sword okay if we can take him out now then we have a disc the battle continued tommy and tubbo vs dream they traded hits so far dream had not done much damage to either of them but they had also used a significant amount of potions before long tommy decided to run but as he attempted to escape with one of the discs dream stopped him to talk your armor's gonna break you're gonna lose so listen tommy just give me the disc and i won't kill tubbo this it's been too long for you not to make this choice choose between your disc or tubbo wait so so if i was to run away now how could you even kill turbo he's fine he's in full nether right it's it's the durability is looking a little worse for wear i'll be honest tommy well dreams on stacks of pearls i have speed pots i can chase them down i have a trident with rip tide it doesn't change anything you have the disc in your inventory i can just kill tubbo the same tommy you're powerless okay i can kill tubbo for the first time i was trying for 10 seconds and he was pleading in a corner tommy one more hit and i would have been gone but really make your decision dies or you give me the desk ten nine eight what do i do seven i don't want you to die keep the desk keep the disc tommy why why five no that's gonna be worth it it'll be worth it it'll be we'll be working why shouldn't i we shouldn't tommy keep the disc i'm fine i've done enough oh my god enough i've done enough it's fine keep the dish what are you doing [Music] thank you wow i i didn't think it would be that easy but that wasn't even the disk wait that's just how powerless you are that's not even the disc i'm just playing with you do you think i'd actually play the disc in front of you you did you didn't learn from the last time we did this where you got the disc i'm not an idiot i just want to show you how powerful i am how powerless you are i could have just let you walk away but no i'm toying with you that's that's the fun in it that's the fun in it you're gonna listen to me you're gonna die because i'm not playing around now drop the acts of peace first of all you're not gonna kill me i'm not gonna kill you okay okay drop your stuff in the hole oh drop your stuff in the hole or i'm going to kill taboo no no no no oh it's i'll take you to the real disc follow me stay close careful they descended down the side of the mountain dream had gotten exactly what he wanted control that's all he cared about from the very beginning he only wanted to have the discs to stop tommy from fighting and now holding the discs in one hand and taboo's life in the other dream had full control over tommy and there was nothing he could do as they reached the bottom of the mountain dream led the two to a large stone wall and the events that followed would be the most important in the history of the dream smp follow me get on [Music] you've been a headache okay you brought war you brought terrorism bad everything the one good thing you've done is you brought attachment to the server come look come see your desks your dresser here i mean all right let's end the chest yeah you could take the desk just you could put in the other chest if you wanted to but it doesn't matter i'm you know i wouldn't do it if i were you because then tupa would die but ever since you know attachment was on the server i i cut my attachment i cut everything because i realized that that's what gave people power over each other if i can control the things that people are attached to then i can control the server again because this isn't tommy smp or tubo s p it's dream s p right i can turn the server back to what it used to be i have a spot for everything you have friend friend tell me listen i i need you okay i need you to come why don't you bring the attachment to the server but i mean i can't kill you i constructed a prison it's inescapable can't get out i'm going to lock tommy away forever i mean i need him alive but it doesn't mean that he has to be free taboo's a pawn he's a follower i don't need tubbo at all i want to give you your chance to say goodbye it's tubbu's time to go like that that was a pawn i'm not a poem i'm going to kill him you have to accept it so you can deny it all you want but then you lose out you'll die and you'll regret forever that you didn't say goodbye say your goodbyes i tell you what we do we make a break for the porter we can run all the way back to mine because i have the secret ball on the on the exile base if we run to that we will be dead before we get to the portal too much of a distance it's all right we had some laughs it was it was it was fun well it lasted just accepted it don't just accept it now no we don't just but we never accept defeat all good things must come to an end eventually i just didn't think that this would be my my coming to an end if you will what am i without you yourself this is it this is the end please no please don't go no tubbo face death with open arms satisfied with everything he'd accomplished he stood by his best friend's side till the very end the end a long time coming yet still seemed to come too soon tommy stared his best friend in the eyes one last time he would see the light before being locked away to never see it again and as the two looked to dream they faced their fate with pride but then i'm sorry dream but you should have paid me more the people came one by one everyone from across the server came through the portal to save tommy and tubba dream's own partners the badlands the old lambert government everyone had said goodbye but was not ready to say farewell tommy and tuvo filled with excitement and relief they had never felt before moved behind the army of their netherite covered friends shocked dream backed away now he was the one with no escape now he was the one who had lost control and as the people witnessed the true evil hung from the walls tommy confronted dream one last time dream hey dream i know you're not going to kill me you don't have the guts put your armor in the hole everything everything on you there tommy you gonna kill me and the shield please [Music] i don't mind if i do tommy you said i'm not gonna kill you and i know you're not gonna kill me right why would i even kill you because we have so much fun together right dreaming tommy you know war and dream you have caused me nothing but pain and now now it's your turn where is he i am going to kill you until you're dead tommy this is where it ends with your own bow listen okay i'm going to kill you until you're dead tommy okay i'm going to kill you until you're gone tommy stop no you know what how many no you know what you have three three this is my s one left three lives two gone come back down dream tommy tommy yeah he's here dream you've punished me enough any last one tommy you just killed me twice have you got any last words tommy you don't need to kill me tommy we were friends tommy we were friends dream come okay tommy i can bring people back to life the acts of peace j schlatt gave me a book okay and it has how to bring people back to life but only i have the book he died he's the only other person that knew i have the book that's what he gave he said if i fought on his side he'd give it to me dream you just lie you there is no if i die then death is permanent you have to let me go if i die then wilbur's dead forever look i'll stop i'll be out of your hair you can exile me i'll be i'll be away you'll come back listen to me promise you i want if you die wilbur they're dead too not just wilbur and schleid anybody in the future then death is permanent tommy you have to let me go i can't let you go tommy there's another one hi sam there's another way what's up you don't have to let him go free you just can't kill him we can put him in the prison i built the prison i have accidents did you win i don't know anything about he paid me to build a prison yeah but i know i know i know about the person i know how it works like you're not you can't contain me in the prison you should know enough to know that it's impossible to get out once you're in it's impossible to leave that prison once you're locked away let's put him in the prison it sounds weirdly weirdly too perfect yes make wilbur proud tommy and tubbo had won no everyone had one dream in his manipulative ways would be taken to an inescapable prison he had ordered the construction of the server was free at last over the next few weeks the people lived in peace tubba would go on to create a new nation by the name of snow chester in the nearby forest tommy was finally able to lay low and started working on a hotel technoblade and filza created an anarchist commune titled the syndicate and dream was locked away for good but before all of this would happen tommy and tubbo met on the bench outside tommy's house to celebrate the fall of dream this is this is surreal i never thought this really is dream's gonna get locked up we won i like it it's yeah that's crazy and you're not dead i'm i'm frankly impressed i'm very impressed with you tommy no i'm charisma hello have you missed me you know from day one you wouldn't have been able to get it past me that you'd be able to successfully peacefully stop dream you know where's ghostburg where's ghosma i don't know i just wanted to say i was i was very ready to see you here soon i felt like your presence was slowly entering the afterlife but here we are and you're you're still alive you never seem to die do you i thought you were dead i'm proud of you tommy i'm proud of you i'll see you soon [Applause] [Applause] [Music] before you leave i think it's important to give a huge thanks to the people who help make these videos what they are thanks to my sister kaya and my friends for helping a lot with acting and many other adjustments throughout the video also if you did enjoy make sure to like and subscribe thank you so much for watching and i'll see you all in the next video
Channel: EvanMCGaming
Views: 4,171,608
Rating: 4.9534459 out of 5
Keywords: Dream SMP, Dream SMP story, Dream, Tommyinnit, dream smp history, dream smp complete story, Evanmcgaming, Minecraft documentary, the story of the dream smp, evanmcgaming dream smp, Fall of Dream, Disc saga, L'manburg, L'manburg election, L’manburg blown up, Technoblade, Technoblade L'manburg, Technoblade Dream SMP, L’manburg Festival, L'manburg war, Doomsday War, documentary, Dream SMP war, Dream SMP Fall of Dream, Evanmcgaming Fall of Dream
Id: roI5KEdA4Ug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 5sec (3305 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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