Dr.Jamal Harrison Bryant's 2nd Pastoral Anniversary Celebration with guest Pastor Randy Borders

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an anonymous writer said love stories don't  have endings and i'm believing that we're right   at the beginning this morning i was in a text  message with some of my friends and they asked me   how do you feel on your second year anniversary  and i told him i got to be honest this is the   happiest i've been in my life in a very long  time i'm grateful unto god that god literally   looked beyond all of my faults and he  saw me at my needs i needed new birth   i needed it in my life i needed in my life story  i needed as a part of my assignment and i am   grateful unto god that while it was 158 people  contended to stand in the spot i'm in right now   that god chose me i'm thankful new birth that you  have allowed the god in me to speak to the spirit   man spirit woman in you thank you for entrusting  your soul care into my hands thank you for   trusting her that god is leaning in my direction  to push us forward i am still in amazement   of all that we have accomplished in these two  years and to know that we are just getting started   thank you for believing in a pastor who you didn't  know you had no experience had no history but you   allowed our spirits to be intertwined and at the  end of every wedding ceremony it is declared and   spoken what god has brought together let nothing  tear it asunder i'm thankful under god for these   two years and i'm excited for the next 18. we  got a whole lot of work that we've got to do   loads to live in the words of benjamin elijah  may shun not the struggle tis god's gift our   responsibility is to be strong we thank god  that you cannot pour new wine into old wine skin   and while it is that god has been pouring in fresh  revelation fresh insight and fresh understanding   and thank god fresh anointing we have not bursted  at the same but we have held it together how   realizing the race isn't given to the swift nor  to the strong but to those who are enduring to the   end i want to pause and publicly thank god for our  first lady vanessa long an incredible incredible   gift to the body of christ an incredible gift to  our ministry and i want to thank you our partners   many of whom don't even live in atlanta but you  see the vision you see the wave and all you have   done is pulled out a surfboard and you've  been riding with us over the last two years   can you believe this much time has passed in such  a short period of time i'm thankful i'm humbled   that you would celebrate me on this day  i'm telling you i'm overwhelmed very rarely   am i speechless but this is one of those  moments to god i give all the glory   none of this would have happened because of  charisma because of enthusiasm because of zeal   or because of ideas if god didn't place his hand  on it and i gotta give god glory i gotta give him   praise i gotta give him thanksgiving i've got to  bless his holy name from the rising of the sun to   the going down of the same our god is absolutely  worthy thank you for honoring me on this day but   the work of the church still love must go on this  is not the finish line this is just a rest stop   and so i want to ask that you would help  us continuously do the work of ministry   thank you pastor lemmons and thank you pastor  turner for sounding the alarm of what it is   that god has put to our hand to do can you  imagine that god has blessed us that we attempted   to raise fifty thousand dollars to give relief  to texas and i want to tell you that we failed   we didn't raise fifty thousand we sent a  hundred and twenty thousand dollars in resources   i wanna thank you i wanna thank you because it  was our intention to collect 1 000 tennis shoes   for disadvantaged young people and we failed  again we collected 4 000 pairs of tennis shoes   i want you to know that we failed we were  after a hurricane hit the bahamas we went in   and we thought we were going to  pull 10 students out we failed   we pulled out 25 and set them up at hampton  university and they are still there to this hour   i got to thank you that while people  in this community were dealing   with the abject poverty and food insecurity i  got to thank you because since this pandemic hit   hundred thousand people have been fed i gotta  thank you i'm thankful under god because when you   give to others god always makes sure that he gives  something special to you i'm going to challenge   you in this hour i want you to partner uh right  on your screen are in fact the ways in which   you can give how it is that you can share but i  want you to know that our actions have to speak   louder than our words i was shaken to my core this  week when i saw the incredible tragic horrific   incident that took place right in this city a hate  crime that was levied against our asian-american   pacific islander brother and sisters we understand  intimately what racism looks like in this america   we know what it feels like to be judged by the  color of your skin and not the content of your   character and so i wanted to pause in the middle  of this anniversary to ask my friends who are here   from the asian american pacific islander community  if they'll come i want them to come stand with me   please because i want to really uh send a signal  throughout our community that this is the hour in   the season that we have got to stop asian hate  we've got to stop asian hate that is happening   around this country uh we're mindful of  how it is that hate crimes have escalated   how it is that the vitriol that came from the last  administration made the atmosphere conducive for   this level of hate to take place but today the  asian-american community and the african-american   community stand with a united front realizing a  miracle will never be able to divide us because   when we come together we force america to be great  we force america to realize that greatness comes   in different hues and different backgrounds  we realize that america can in fact reach   its greatest potential when we put aside  our differences and find our commonality   and so i am charging houses of faith all  over this community to not just post it   but to pray about it but to talk about it to  begin meaningful dialogue and conversation   so that we can move forward in our communities  not symbolically but substantively i'm grateful to   have you on this day and glad uh on this sabbath  that you would come and worship and some of your   uh colleagues i want you to just take a moment to  greet our community morning my name is maggie mers   i'm senior vice president of naca the national  situation of chinese america atlanta chapter i'm so honored to be here  being invited by dr brian it is incredible feeling without a doubt  this difficult time in our community   we are experienced acts of a hate crime but i am incredibly thankful to be here to share with everyone  that we have experience in our community   we are so incredible grateful humble  for your kindergarten and care   and in pray for all the families  of the victim we stand in unity   and by joining hands in solitary to fight  against violence hatred and discrimination   thank you dr brian and for having us  here and the congregation for your prayer   and the support together we're making better and  safe place for all of us and for our children we   want to live in peace not in fair and god bless  you and god bless america thank you i wanted us to have a moment of prayer those of you who are  viewing i want you to put in the chat hashtag   stop asian hate i want you to put that in the  thread even right now those of you on youtube   those on periscope those on facebook i want  you to please we're going to obstruct the enemy   every adversarial force that wants to make  violence normal that wants to make racism   coming we speak against it i want to  pray for both of our communities on today   that the healing will begin that america will  recognize its original sin and come back to it   that just as the asian american community  had to deal with yellow peril we knew   what it is that segregation looked like jim crow  looked like ku klux klan looked like and today we   come together as a united force god we come  to you today praying that your precious son   will put a hedge fence of protection around our  community that we will not have to live in fear   won't have to live under imminent threat that you  will in fact turn around the hate in this nation   and you'll transform it into love thank you dear  lord that as we move towards calvary we're mindful   that if you could get up from the  grave we can get up from degradation   and disrespect now god shift this land  that we will recognize that if your people   who are called by your name will humble  themselves and seek your face it is only   then that you'll hear from heaven and you'll  heal the land it's in jesus name we pray amen   god bless you thank you so very much to  god we give all of the glory help us build   bridges that's the responsibility of the body  of the christ body of christ is to build bridges   not to build walls and so we want to build bridges  all over not just america but all over this world   we can't do it by ourselves but with you we can we  want to build bridges out of poverty build bridges   out of unemployment we want to build bridges out  of inadequate housing we want to build bridges   out of the prison pipeline but we need your  help need your support how do we do it by   being a tithing church by being a sowing church  by being a giving church all of the prompts that   are needed and necessary are below me even  now through give life push pay text to give   ask that you will please exercise them don't just  be hearers of the word but i want you to be doers   also pastor lemons has already put the cat out  the bag we are a local church making a global   impact next sunday we'll be live from new york  city we've got a special announcement you don't   want to miss next sunday i'm telling you no church  has ever done what god has given our hand to do   and then the following sunday is resurrection  sunday because he lives we can face tomorrow   because he lives all of our fears are gone i  want you to please make plans to pull up on us   it is a parking lot service you're gonna worship  in your car because we are mindful here it is that   covet is still amongst us i've got an amazing  announcement that i want to share with you   that our church just got uh this week 1500  vials of the vaccine 1500 vials of the vaccine   i'm gonna be sharing with you how it is that  you can get access in the coming days don't   forget we're collecting glasses for those  who are visually impaired both in atlanta   and in kenya and then on the day before  resurrection sunday april 3rd goodwill is   bringing trucks onto our campus and i want you to  make sure that you are present and a part of it   clean out your closet clean out your attic for  some of you clean out the trunk of your car   god has blessed you lavishly and if it don't meet  a need it is a seed new birth holds the record   we make the largest donation to goodwill than any  church in america and i want to make sure that we   hold that record i was inspired i just found out  here recently the goodwill is the largest employer   of african americans in this country did you know  that i didn't know it goodwill is the highest   employer of african americans in this community  so it's not just about clothes it is about job   creation wealth creation entrepreneurship second  chance for veterans and for returning citizens   help us to make a difference and to make an impact  i'm excited because it's time for the word of god   i think it is is it is there time yeah all right  it's time for the word of god and uh i prayed   about this day and this moment and the lord  dropped an amazing vessel into my heart and into   my spirit i'm grateful for the life the ministry  and can i say the beautiful mind of bishop borders   he's an incredible gift god has unleashed him from  the tar heel state of north carolina i'm going to   thank god his family and his church released him  under a pandemic to come and preach to us today   i'm telling you if you've never heard of him  before today i'm warning you you will never   forget him after today and then before he comes my  little brother is here all the way from virginia   uh lord i'm telling you i'm trying not to have a  fan moment he has one of the greatest voices in   the body of christ if y'all see me running across  the camera please know something is not wrong it   is all right uh ronzell pretlow is here he is an  amazing i'ma say it first he is a glory carrier   uh and the gift of god is on his life from  virginia all over the world i've known ronzell uh   i think almost 25 years i want to say uh 25 years  and uh just to see how his life has mushroomed and   developed into this moment i'm telling you tag  somebody text somebody tell somebody we are at   cape canaveral because we about to take off stay  tuned something good is getting ready to happen come on tell him yes come on bless his name  come on make it make it loud in this room give   him praise give him praise come on come on come  on i know everybody's not here but you are here   and since you're here come on bless his  name come on can you give him praise   i need to hit these monitors come on give him  praise give him praise bless his name bless   his name bless his name glory to god hey hey  hey hey hey my soul says yes my soul says yes   my soul my soul says yes you may be seated you  may be seated listen what a privilege and an   honor it is to stand here uh in the place where  one of god's greatest generals stands on a weekly   basis to declare the word of god when i tell you i  celebrate the genius of dr jamal bryant can we one   more time put our hands together on this second  anniversary come on that's right lift lift it   up just a little bit come on god ain't nervous  because we're celebrating this servant god bless   you god bless you listen this is just the way i  am i do need a little bit more on these monitors   make my pant leg move just a little bit listen i  do honor the lord for being here thank the lord he   he honored my wife but there's nobody honoring my  wife like me on her my wife i just thank the lord   my wife and my kids are with her mother uh on  this weekend so they are watching us and we are   just glad that i was released to come and  thankful that i got somebody to go back to   so i thank the lord for lady normal borders and  we celebrate her this weekend i got to share some   things and we're going to preach because i feel  good preaching weather i feel the glory of god in   this room i feel like god hey i feel like i know  i'm oh [ __ ] i feel like god wanna do something   i've been talking to me all night long and uh yeah  yeah yeah but i i need to do something before that   listen i just wrote a new book this is my first  time out with this book it's called the stories   of servant leaders i would travel this country  and i talk a lot to leaders and i talk a lot   to people who serve and i have written books and  i've read so many books about people that were   written to servants but it wasn't written from  the vantage point of people that serve i got 18 of   the most respected servant leaders around this  country and they put their voices together in   this particular book and uh it has just blessed  my socks off just to hear their perspective on   what they went through their stories and  i want to tell you this your story matters   your story matters and so if you want to  get this book you can go to my website   randyborders.com it is right there uh that's not  my main point to be here today i'm here i need   y'all to go to numbers chapter 27. but but it is  true i do want you to get this book glory to god   hallelujah got something with me and i need you  to go get them it's going to change the lives of   people all around this country numbers chapter 27  i don't mean to to make y'all i just need just a   little bit more i don't have much voice but i got  a whole lot of message numbers chapter 27 verse   number 16 says let the lord the god of the spirits  of all flesh set a man over the congregation which   may go out before them which may go in before  them which may lead them out which may bring   them in that the congregation of the lord be not  as sheep which have no shepherd one more time   uh let the lord the god of the spirits of all  flesh set a man over the congregation which may   go out before them which may go in before them  which may lead them out which may bring them in   that the congregation of the lord be not as sheep  which have no shepherd now i want to slip over to   first corinthians chapter number 12 it says but  now hath god set members everyone in the body   as it has pleased him i want to talk this morning  from the subject set for witness set for a witness   listen when i came in today i saw the byproduct of  good leadership and good leadership is like beauty   you can't define it or describe it but you know  it when you see it good leadership is one thing   but good anointed leadership is another they've  got good leadership at the kiwanis club and at   the rotary club but good anointed leadership is  something else what i what i'm experiencing here   is good anointed leadership as i heard dr brian  talking about all the things that god had allowed   him to do in just two years i realized that he  could not do that except the hand of the lord   was upon his life when i think about anointed  leadership i think about saul and david because   saul was anointed with the vial of oil which  is a man-made instrument but david was anointed   with the horn of oil which means a life had been  sacrificed when you find good anointed leadership   it is not because they became the ceo of something  it is because they've given their life to the   cause the anointing comes with the price it  comes with the price that has been paid one   of the things that i do say in my book is this  quote is when god wants to use your gift he'll   give you a stage but when he wants to use your  life he'll send a storm when i find people that   have an anointing it is because i understand that  they have been through the storms of life he says   let the lord the god of the spirits of all flesh  set a man over the congregation now to set means   to put something or someone in a particular  place or posture said a man in other words   to put him in a particular place or a posture  i contend that most ministries never maximize   their pastor member relationship because they are  not prepositionally set correctly prepositions a   word like over under and in set a man over the  congregation set a man over the congregation set   members in the body i contend that everybody  that set in ain't qualified to be set over   he said said a man here over the congregation uh  that he may lead us out and that he may take us   in in hebrews chapter 13 verse 7 he says obey them  that have the rule over you and submit yourselves   for they watch for your soul as they must give  an account that you may do it with joy and not   with grief so anytime we come to an anniversary we  love to go to jeremiah chapter 3 and verse number   15 let's travel there he says that i will give you  pastors according to my heart that will feed you   with knowledge and understanding so therefore  god gives us pastors or he gives us shepherds   as he gives us pastors and as he gives a shepherd  then he gives the set man to you as a shepherd   and the set man then he leads you he feeds you  and he reads you he leads you out but then he   has to feed you he gives you the word of the lord  but then he reads he reads the state of the flock   the bible says that he will feed you with  knowledge and understanding that's how you know   you've got a real shepherd that your knowledge has  been increased after being in their presence you   under you begin to understanding begins to be uh  opened up after you uh have have got it shepherd   i want to take you just a little bit deeper i  believe you cannot read jeremiah 3 15 if you   don't read jeremiah 3 16. i want to tell you six  things that happens when god sets a man number one   when god sets a man he replaces the  ark the bible says in jeremiah 3 16   and it shall come to pass when you are multiplied  and increased in the land in those days they shall   say no more the ark of the covenant of the lord  neither shall it come to mind neither shall they   remember it neither shall they visit it neither  shall it be done anymore he says the day that i   give you a shepherd they're not going to talk  about the ark of the covenant anymore it's not   going to come to mind and they're not going to  remember it that doesn't mean anything to most   of us because we don't understand how important  the ark was to israel the ark was so important   to israel uh where that cup i had y'all uh y'all  know i got that's right come on bring it right on   thank you jesus i feel the phone at the  mouth message but i'm going to preach it all so here it is he he he he he says that that  when i give you this ark when i give you this   shepherd they're not going to talk about the  ark anymore in other words most people don't   realize how important the ark was to israel the  ark to israel represented the presence of god   the ark to israel represented the place where god  would speak and god always dealt treacherously   with people that mishandled the ark and the bible  says that the philistines come down to ebenezer   and they take the ark and when they take  the ark that thousands of people felt dead   because they mishandled the ark the ark was that  that was that important the ark uh went down to   the threshing floor they set it in front of the  god dagon they came back in the morning and dagon   had fallen he's a dead god but fell on his face in  a worship posture because of the presence of god   the bible says that david tries to bring the art  back home correctly and when he tries to bring the   art back home every six paces they would fall and  worship the lord but the the bible says that they   bring it home on a on a cart it was supposed to be  carried on their shoulders but they begin to bring   it on the card somebody says a cart is nothing  more than a board and big wheels and sometimes   you try to carry the presents on boards and  they're supposed to be carried on your shoulder   but the bible says the other stretched forth his  hand to touch the ark and when he stretched forth   his hand to touch the ark the bible says that god  struck him dead it is something that about the   ark to israel israel knew what it meant when he  said the ark would not be mentioned anymore well   that's important because they understood what was  on the inside of the ark on the inside of the ark   was a jar of manna bread for your everyday life  he says in the day that i give you a shepherd you   won't remember the ark anymore because the bread  for your everyday life is going to be in my man   in the inside the ark there is a message in the  ark there's ten commandments ten commandments a   message that came directly from god he says the  day that i give you a shepherd that not going   to talk about the ark because the message that  came straight from god is going to be in my man   he says then there is a miracle in the ark there  is aaron's rod that buddy aaron's ride that buddy   got in the ark because cora and 200 famous  men in the congregation decide that they were   going to come against pastor moses and whenever  they decide to come against pastor moses they   met before the tabernacle and the ground open up  the very next chapter that's in number chapter   16 but in numbers chapter 17 it opens up and the  lord says take every one of the tribe of israel   let everyone bring a rod bring a stick and set it  before the testimony the ark of the covenant and   so we're going to see what happens by tomorrow  tell them to put their name on it and then when   they put their name on it tomorrow we'll see what  happens they come and by tomorrow the rod begins   to bud the rod that had aaron's name because  aaron is of the sons of levi aaron is a priest   in other words by the time you get the ark the  art by the time i give you shepherds the manna is   going to be in my man the message is going to be  in my man but the miracle is going to be in my man   in other words aaron's right but it because  he was the priest that god had sanctioned it   meant ordination god said this is the one that  i've ordained the first thing that happened   is that when god gets a man the man as a shepherd  replaces the ark but then the bible says he is a   shepherd one thing about a shepherd is that the  shepherd has to move in spite of the way the sheep   responds uh uh don't you say this dr brian let me  say this it is said that sheep are generally dumb   yes in other words a sheep will stand in wet grass  all day and not eat unless the shepherd comes with   the staff hit him over the head say eat now eat  and in other words he'll he'll be putting things   up on on on on on social media all day long and i  wish i would hear from the pastor we got all this   content that we've been creating for you all and  so now we've got to tell you go to this platform   and go to that platform it's simply because  that's the job of the shepherd to make sure   that the sheep eat then another thing about sheep  sheep don't like to be sheared they don't like to   lay aside every weight and the sin that does  so easily beset them and the pastor has to   deal with all of this the pastor has to deal with  the different types of sheep he has to deal with   the hermit sheep the sheep that always want to  isolate themselves and some isolate themselves   because they feel inferior they feel that they're  not good enough and then you have another group   that isolate themselves because they feel superior  they think they're better than everybody else and   the pastor has to be able the shepherd has to be  able to bring the two groups of people together   the hermit sheep then there is the solitary sheep  the solitary sheep is the one that keeps trying to   run through the fence and get away and we got to  get the there's a hook in the top of the closure   the the the shepherd then reaches out grab the  sheep by the neck pull the sheep back and we got   to do this every week for the two dollars a week  you give in the pastor's offering shepherd also   has to understand things like sheep diseases that  there is a disease that plagues sheep called foot   rot disease it comes from standing in wet grass  all the time saints always want to have praise   and worship who's going to bring in got an artist  to bring in no we're not gonna have no wet grass   today because you're gonna learn theology we we're  gonna have catechism in other words ain't gonna be   no singing you're just gonna sit here i'm gonna  sit here in front of this camera and teach you   the word of god he understands that sometimes the  sheep are poised that deal with poisonous plant   disease this comes from eating the wrong thing you  don't being on everybody's platform you eating a   preacher downtown one town around town the one  they never been to town you know everybody's   saying but what we're saying and so now we come  up here you looking at us like we're crazy and the   reason you look at us like we're crazy is because  we're not preaching like rev johnny bluegrass and   so now he understands the poisonous plant disease  he also understands there's another disease that   the sheep get it's called bloat disease oh y'all  sit down i ain't even started preaching yet   he there's another degree a disease called  bloat disease this comes when the sheep eat   everything but they never want to exercise in  other words they just bloated i can't even get   more worried can't we can we get more of this can  we get and so he knows you're not gonna witness   you know you're not gonna go you're not gonna go  minister to anybody he knows you're not gonna pray   for the sick he understands that and so you're  bloated the shepherd the shepherd also understands   that the enemies to the sheep he understands the  thief that's why we can't let everybody show their   little business proposition while you're impressed  we already know it's a ponzi scheme we're trying   to keep your behind out of jail he understands  the thief he also understands the the the wolf   he understands that there are some people  that don't mean us any good then he also has   to understand the hiring the hiring is that one  that said pastor i can't serve unless you don't   give me something i'm gonna pass out water what  you gonna give me for passing out water what i'm   gonna get for passing out this water i'll tell  you what you're gonna get you're gonna get hot   if the sun is out uh we're gonna bring you back  to the place to where we do it because we love   god you're not gonna caught god how many times  have we had to serve god not knowing what god   was going to do because the old folk taught  us whatever is right the lord is going to pay   hallelujah so the shepherds the shepherds even  though they the sheep the shepherds smell like   the sheep because he's always close to the sheep  we have to understand that there's a danger when   we become too familiar miriam got too familiar  with moses and started talking about his wife   and god smothered with leprosy you got to be  careful that you don't become too familiar   because i know in this age we call people by their  first name but let me tell you why we called our   fathers by title i called my daddy daddy because  if i called him lennon when i got about the floor   my clothes would have been out of style in other  words i called him daddy because he wanted me to   always know the function said just in case  i ever he ever had to rebuke me or he ever   had to reprove me then i would know that this was  daddy talking to me and not leonard talking to me   there is an honor and a respect that we got to  bring back to the house of god and to the man   of god second samuel chapter six david's wife  laughed at david and god judged her and shut up   her womb we can't be too familiar with the man  of god let me give you number three i'm going   somewhere today y'all give me a minute i'm gonna  ring the bell but i got to drive the third thing   about that happens when god sets a man he sets  a man as a steward of a mantle in exodus chapter   28 verse number one through three the lord said  let the wise hearted in the congregation weave   a garment for the high priest the high priest was  never to make a garment for himself but those who   had good sense the wise-hearted were to weave a  garment so they had to cover the covering every   time you support the ministry you're weaving a  garment for the man of god when you're obedient to   what he asked you to do you're weaving the garment  for the man of god so when he leaves church today   he doesn't leave church in that suit that you see  him in he leaves church at what you covered him in   why is that significant i feel god now why is that  significant that is significant because on the   chest of the high priest were 12 stones and those  12 stones represented the families of the church   which means that you are branded on the heart  of the man of god which means that he can't go   anywhere without taking you wherever he goes you  go with him which means tonight when he decides   that he's going to go into prayer he'll go into  prayer he'll feel the presence of the holy ghost   but when he feels the holy ghost on him you  on his chest and god goes into your tomorrow   start working out things for your children  start doing deals for you and you don't   know why it had nothing to do with you but  everything to do with what you were covered in   in exodus chapter 29 verse number 29 he said the  priest that shall be a priest in his father's   stand has to wear his father's garments for seven  days seven is the number of perfection which means   you got to be perfected in the mantle of your  father that's why i love preaching for this man   and standing here this morning because he respects  the fathers of the church he respects his own   father who is a historical legend but he knows  how to give honor and to give deference he says   the priest that will be the priest in his father's  stead has to wear his father's garment for seven   days which means he has to be perfected in the  mantle of another man oh god the the the the very   the very garment the very covering had a scent  there was a smell to the covering the covering had   a scent because there was an anointing that was  placed on it are y'all still with me up in here   i'm going somewhere travel with me this morning in  exodus chapter number 30 verse number 22 he says   moreover the lord spoke to moses he's telling him  how to make the anointing to go on the covering   because the flesh was never to be anointed his  personality ain't anointed and mine ain't either   what's anointed is the thing that he's covered  in okay he says this is how we're going to make   this anointing take 500 shekels of myrrh myrrh  is bitterness you don't want to follow anybody   that got their anointing because they listened  to somebody's cd or they read somebody's book you   get anointed in hell's kitchen with tears running  down your face you get annoyed at pulling daggers   out of your back when people walked away from  you who promised you they would never leave you   that's how you get anointed he said 500 shekels  of myrrh then i'm gonna give you 250 shekels of   cinnamon i'll let you go and get a good church  yeah yeah i'll give you 250 shekels of cane   sugar in other words i'll let you i'll let you  beat out 158 applicants but then he says to this   i want you to add 500 shekels of cassia cassia  is dried flowers which means that god allows   some things to bloom then dry up right in front  of your face it's not because he doesn't love you   it's my prescription for the anointing he says the  fifth thing to that add a hand of oil a heinous is   two and two third quarts of oil you need to look  across you dab on somebody's forehead he said i   want you to take this and i want y'all to mix  it up and then i want you to take it and i want   you to pour it on his covering which means his  covering is anointed don't put it on his flesh but   put it on his clothes his garments are anointed  which simply means this it means that everywhere   he goes if you can touch the hem of the cover  quit trying to eat fish and chicken quit trying   to ride in the car you need a buddy for that but  you need a man that's got an anointed covering   how do i know that's important because that  woman with the issue of blood said if i could   just touch the hymn of his covering he don't have  to preach to me i don't need a counseling session   all i need is to be able to touch the hymn of his  covering which means if the if the worship team   rehearsal is under the covering you can get just  as anointed and get just as filled and get just   as healed in in the worship rehearsal as you could  if you've actually been here on sunday morning it   means if he said we're gonna walk three miles i'm  gonna walk three miles because the man of god said   and while we walking on saturday gotta be healing  my body gotta be delivering my children through   my act of obedience cause i touched the covering  let me give you number four i got six of these   and then i'm running to the house hebrews chapter  5 and 4 says no man takes this honor unto himself   but receives it when he is called of god  even as aaron was let me tell you what   the devil does for those of y'all who don't  understand the devil always attacks leadership   the attack on leadership is never about leadership  the scripture says smite the shepherd scatter the   sheep the attack was never about him the attack  has always been about you oh god whenever the   enemy attacks a leader it is not for the leader's  sake it is for everyone that would follow the   leader don't you be that dumb don't you let the  devil be with you don't you let the devil fool you   even vision has nothing to do with the visionary  even the vision has everything to do about you   said bishop give me a bible i'm glad you asked  the bible said that moses comes stands before the   burning bush and the lord speaks to him and said  the cries of the people have come before me moses   was already out of town moses already had a job  being a shepherd in another place but because the   people down there was crying god picked him up and  took him back there perhaps that's what the lord   did perhaps the lord heard the cries of the people  and because he heard the cries of the people he   went to baltimore to find a man that already had a  vibrant work and said the people are crying oh god   help me here so let me tell you what the enemy  does the enemy does the enemy always moves in this   realm because most of us know how to respect a  leader but we don't know how to reverence a leader   your reverence the leader for the gift of god that  is within them because they have a treasure but   the treasures in an earthen vessel in other words  god gains his seat through reverence he says in   psalms 22 and 3 that he thou that inhabits the  praises of israel he sits down in reverence but   satan gains his seat through irreverence in  revelations 2 13 he says i know thy word and   where thou dwellers and even where satan's seat is  but you've held fast to my name and not denied the   faith god gains his seat in reverence but the  devil gains his seat through irreverence many   times we don't understand why there's a dead cat  on the line and why we can't get anything moving   is because there is somebody that has become  irreverent toward god ordained leadership and when   somebody has become irreverent toward god ordained  leadership they give a seat to the enemy oh my god   let me journey on i see the clock in my time is  short and i got to go to number four when god   sets a man over the congregation the set man then  becomes your elevator somebody shall elevate it   mark chapter number 14 verse number 12 it says and  when the days of unleavened bread where when they   killed the passover his disciples said where will  we go and prepare that we may eat the passover   and he sends forth two of his disciples and says  unto them go ye into a city and there you shall   meet a man bearing a pitch of water follow him  and wherever he goes and say to the good man   of the house master says where is the guest  chamber where i shall eat the passover with   my disciples and he will show you a large upper  room that's elevation uh furnished and prepared   they'll make ready for us listen this is the way  it works in the kingdom in the kingdom you have   to find the person who has water for your life  but you will never find the water for your life   unless you find receivers servant he said you're  going to find a man bearing a pitch of water he's   going to be doing something that's unusual because  only in that time women carried water in public   you saw the woman at the well you see rebecca at  the well you're going to find a man that's doing   something so unusual it's going to make people  talk about him he said but find the one that's   got the picture of water for your life let me tell  you something i like a lot of people preaching i   watch people i see them swaying and back and forth  while they're preaching but don't move me cause   they ain't got no water for me you got to find the  people the person that's got water for your life   he says when you find a man that has water for  your life follow him he says he will show you a   large upper room wait a minute elevation you get  to the elevated place when you find the water but   you'll never find the water until you receive the  man oh god i know that's right he says you'll find   a large upper room furnished and prepared well  that furnished and prepared means there's some   things that god had for you before the foundation  of the world is furnished and prepared but you   would never get to the things that he's prepared  until you get to the elevated place but you will   never get to the elevated place until you find the  water and you will never find the water until you   receive the man he says furnished and prepared  there make ready for us that speaks to us of   activation in other words you can't be activated  until you get to the place that see some of y'all   don't understand that the reason your life is  better now is because you found a man with water   and you find it every step that you've made you've  been getting some of you all have left positions   some of you all have left other churches and  ministries that you thought were thriving but you   heard the voice of the man of god something stood  up in the eternity of your spirit and said this is   your water and when you found your water some of  y'all to realize you were about to thirst to death   but you found your water and thus you live and so  now you got to perceive correctly your perception   determines your reception if you perceive love  you're going to receive law your perception   determines your reception if you perceive him  to be a prophet you're going to get a prophet's   reward if you only perceive him to be a righteous  man you will only get a righteous man's reward oh   god help me now if you perceive him to be your  preacher the only thing you can reap is a sermon   but if you perceive him to be a prophet every time  he come to church you got a word for your life   your perception determines your reception jesus  asked him do you believe that i am able to do this   many of us believe that god is able we just  don't believe that god can use the man of god   in acts chapter number three the lame man was  begging and the bible said that that peter   and john said look on us what do you see when  you look on us we don't have silver and gold   but such as we have in the name of jesus  rise up and walk it was their perception in   mark chapter number six jesus could do no mighty  miracles in nazareth except heal a few sick folk   because they knew he was mary's boy joseph's  boy his brothers and sisters were there with him   in other words what was available to to to many  was only experienced by a few but he went 30   miles down the road to bethesda and there's a man  by a pool and he said what do you want the man   just immediately responded and he began to take  up his bed and walk in other words that same power   was available in nazareth but because natural  could not perceive it nasal did not receive it   it's all about perception oh god oh god y'all  give me just a little bit more money before i   preach myself under this country hey god number  five number five the set man is your connector   i don't have time to read the scripture but  he tells ezekiel in ezekiel chapter number   37 he says i am going to read to the hand of the  lord was upon me and the spirit of the lord set   me down in the midst of a valley that was full of  bones and he said unto me prophesy unto the bones   and say unto them oh ye dry bones hear the word of  the lord and i prophesied and there was a noise so   the the man of god the set man becomes your  connector he didn't get down there in the   bone and start playing let's connect the bones  he didn't get on the end and connect the bones   by a number system the bible said he stood up  and he prophesied and the more he prophesied the   more bones began to move the more this man of god  begins to speak when i see him around the nation   speaking truth to power i see people beginning to  make their connections and some of you all don't   understand that it's not his job to give you  a hook up it's not his job to introduce you to   somebody it's his job to prophesy and the more  he prophesied the bible said that bone came to   his bone i'm surely the foot bone probably touched  the back and i'm sure the elbow probably touched   the neck but everywhere you touch ain't where  you're supposed to connect and see some of y'all   don't understand that the reason that you walk  and deform now is cause you connected in places   you should have touched and kept moving but the  job of the man of god is to stand up every week   and prophesy until you make new connections i  prophesy this morning that in this next season   there will be so many new connections because the  man of god is speaking listen before the pandemic   i flew every every week of the year and sometimes  i will be leaving florida trying to go to new york   and when i would leave florida trying to go to new  york because i flew us air i would have to make   a connection which means i would have to go to  charlotte or i would have to go to pittsburgh and   i would make a connection it's because it's a hub  city whenever you go to a hub city there are more   flights leaving every hour to more destinations i  flew a little bit of plane to a hub city and when   i got to a hub city there was quicker destinations  in other words there were more choices i could   walk around and shop all day if i wanted to but  if i was going to go to the next place i had to   make a connection there's some people that came to  new birth and you didn't come in because you came   to help us you came here because there's a hub in  other words when you look in the scripture antioch   was a hub city jerusalem was a hub city and they  would have to go up to antioch before they could   be deployed or they would have to go up to uh  jerusalem before they could be deployed i came to   tell you that this double shield that this is the  place of deployment that this is the place that   you come to before you get to your next level hey  guys so i could have the ticket in my hand and be   predestined to go to new york but if i didn't sit  down on that plane i would still be walking around   because i didn't make my connection didn't mean  i didn't arrive safely i mean i didn't connect   to where i needed to connect to now i could say  i could fly but i could not fly what i had to do   was to get in that plane and when i sat in that  plane i didn't have to flap my arms the ability   of that iron bird became my ability and some of  y'all don't realize it is not who you are it's   where you sit and because you said in this vision  the power of this vision the thrust of this vision   would cause that plane to begin to dela deny or or  defy the law of gravity the law of thrust and the   law of aerodynamics and before you know it you are  in the sky because you made the right connection i   want you to air five somebody and say it's time to  connect baby you better make the right connection   the man of god man of god is so connected so what  he does is that he just stands and he just speaks   over you because the root word of the word appoint  and the root word of the word anoint are the same   so god uses the men of god to appoint you but he  uses them to anoint you by speaking prophetically   over your life let me go to six and i got four  minutes so i'll do six and seven god i gotta   preach the same the sixth thing you got to know  when god sets a man over the congregation you got   to follow him you can't just watch him you got  to follow him i want to use uh there were two   men in second kings chapter 2 one by the name  of elijah and the other by the name of elisha   elijah said listen his son if you're going to  get what i got you got to go where i've been   so he takes him on a journey and he shows him  everything that he had learned in ministry and   he takes him to a few places the first place  he takes him is to a place called gilgal   gilgal is the place of the wheel that's  that place where you look at your pastor   and look like you're going around in circles  that's that place where you look at them and look   like he'd been here before and that is because  what happens on the wheel the bible says that when   it went out into the potter's house that the clay  is on the wheel that word is the word circular for   which we get the word circumstance he takes you  from circumstance to circumstance and you're going   around there were times i felt like i was about to  lose my mind because the pressure was so great but   then i came to understand it was the pressure  of the potter's hand making me into a vessel   that i needed to become then he leaves gilgal  and he leaves gilgal and he goes to bethel   which is the house of god that's why even though  i heard him say it over and over again even   though the doors of this church facility has been  closed ministry has never ceased because he loves   the house of god with then he goes to a place  called jericho and jericho means the place   of the fragrance or the place of the crushing  if you're going to follow a leader you got to   follow them through moments of crushing you've  got to follow them through moments of breaking   the flower has to be crushed before you ever get  the fragrance of the perfume the jesus said this   that he blessed the bread he broke it then he  gave it we're not ready to be given to the masses   until we have experienced the breaking then the  last place that he goes is a place called jordan   it's the place where there is turbulence i have  watched your man of god time and time again stand   in the place of turbulence it's the place of  the crossing but there's a term for for jordan   that in the hebrew that means what god is doing  he's already done and that's why elijah smote the   jordan because what god was doing he's already  done that's why naaman was dipped and cleansed   in the jordan because what god was doing he's  already done that's why god would take this man   to turbulent places because there's an anointing  already there in the midst of the turbulence that   if he will put his foot in things will be changed  clap your hands in this room and give god praise let me give you the seventh thing whenever god  gives you a leader whenever god gives you a set   man you have to esteem that man the bible said  esteem him highly in love for the work's sake   so you have to esteem him for the work's sake in  ezekiel chapter 44 and verse number 30 he says the   best of the first fruits of all your special gifts  belong to the priests in other words give it says   give to them the portion of your dough so that  there might be a blessing in your house i heard   them today talking about sowing to the man of god  why do we do that so that there can be a blessing   in our house i want to tell you new birth your  move of god is directly related to your man of god   your promotion is directly related to your prophet  so the man of god then is the place for our seed   so i like to say it this way he is our dirt so  the dirt in north carolina it works well with   the seed of tobacco and cotton the chemical in  the soil does something with cotton so that every   time we plant cotton we get a crop every time the  chemical in the soil of north carolina works well   with tobacco so every time we plant tobacco we get  it every time there's something about the chemical   in the soil that works well with our seed and i'm  telling there is something about putting money   putting gifts into the heart and into the life of  your pastor that god says you will get a reward   every time two examples and i'm about to take  my seat the bible said there is a notable woman   that lives in a place called shunam now shunam  means rest and shunam is on the border of another   city called issachar which brings recompense she  looks out the window and she sees this prophet   that keeps walking by the city of rest going to  a city of payback she said i can't get to payback   but i believe i want to bring payback into my  house so what she does she goes to her husband   and said can we make room for the prophet then  the scripture says she goes over to the wall   she carves out a door on the wall and then she  makes a room for the prophet that was her gift   every time he would walk by he would come in  she put a bed in there she put a lamp stand   in there she put a candle in there but when he  would come by he would walk in her gift but one   day the prophet stood up and said this woman  has been so good to me what can we do for her   and the bible says that he calls her to stand in  the door well whether she called her stand she   stood in the gift because the door wasn't there  before she decided to give a room to the prophet   she stood in the room or the gift that she made  for the prophet and then the bible says that he   says her husband is old and she has no son he said  this time next year according to the time of life   i'm going are you going to have a child and she  says to the prophet don't lie to me don't tell me   something that is going to happen when it's not  going to happen you never read in the scripture   where she fixed her faith you never read in the  scripture where she fixed her confession but the   bible says in the next year she conceived and  she bore a child there are some things that's   going to happen just because you made room for  the prophet in your life that some things is   going to happen not because you got it together  but because the man of god around in the corner   and headed for home that's why the scripture says  how beautiful are the feet of them who preach the   gospel of peace well when when i looked at the  the foot washes i went through growing up i said   this can't be true because surely the lord hadn't  seen deaconance's feet i said lord how beautiful   are the feet of them that preached and i found  out that we're beautiful mean how on time and in   season have you ever came to church and you were  going through something you never told a pastor   but he got up and preached it like somebody told  him your business how on time are the feet of them   that preach the gospel of peace i was praying  yesterday and i asked the lord a question   i'll answer this and then i'll make my way  home i've tried to ask myself why am i here   for the second anniversary well the second two  is the number of a witness see whenever he got   ready to go to the passover meal he sent them by  two so you couldn't even be considered a thief   in the old testament unless two people saw you  the angels inside him that were two of them   he said i am the light around john chapter one  verse number five but in creation he created a   greater light to rule today and a lesser light to  rule the night because he wanted to be a witness   that i am light yes lord god the two of  the spies came back from k-dash barney   with a good report it's all about the witness  ecclesiastes 4 9 says two are better than one   it's all about the witness god says in  hebrews by two immutable things he swore   my god there are two witnesses and revelations  upon the mind of transfiguration there are two   there's moses and their elijah they are set there  for a witness he says verily verily that's a   witness in the earth and a witness in heaven this  number two is important he said once have i spoken   twice have i heard it but all power belongs to  god it's the number witness the lord told me to   come this morning and say tell them i'm increasing  their witness i know you said a hundred thousand   of supplies but i'm getting ready to increase your  witness i know you're giving glasses but i'm about   to increase your witness there's something special  about too what is so special about march 21st why   did i have to come on march 21st cause somebody  told me that march the 20th was the first day   of spring so march the 21st is the second day of  spring i set for witness i know where you're going   i know what you've been doing but the witness is  here i'm getting ready to expect exponentially   move you and challenge you somebody say a  witness i got to finish but what do you do   when the witness is against you my last narrative  jesus heals a boy on the sabbath day the witness   comes against him because two groups of the  pharisees one said i believe he's the son of god   the others say he's the devil it's the witness  the witness comes against the man of god because   he shouldn't have been healing on the sabbath  day and when the witness comes against him they   say let's go to the boy's parents and said  don't you know that the man that healed you   he is a sinner the people the parents got scared  and said we don't know go ask the boy the witness   then comes against and comes over to the boy  when the witness is against you you got to   let the miracle testify let the miracle speak for  itself and that boy said they said don't you know   that the man that healed you was a sin he said all  i know i went to your church blind you prayed your   prayers and i left blind i went to your church  blind you sung your songs and a left blind   i went to your church blind you read your liturgy  and i left blind i went to your church blind   we did all of the religious jargon but  my testimony is when i came to newburgh   i once was lost i was was blind but now i see  my testimony is i was broke as job's housecat   but my testimony is i've learned financial  empowerment sitting under this ministry my   testimony is my family was jacked up from the  floor but i came over here and i found somebody   let me give you the last thing about the  number two the number two means double   he says speak comfortably to jerusalem cry  unto her that her warfare is ended her iniquity   is pardoned for she shall receive of the lord's  hand double for her shame i came to tell you that   the fight is over the iniquity is pun get ready  to receive double double for your pain double   double for every time they talked about you  double for every lie double for everybody   that walked away get ready double up on your  praise double up on your worship because god   is getting ready to blow your mind look at your  neighbor and say he's about to blow my mind   well i know his studio and i know we don't  have church like we would normally have   but i came to tell you all if some people  thank god for a house and some people   praise god for a car why can't you praise god that  he didn't leave you without a leader why can't   you open your mouth why can't you make some noise  and give him praise because he gave us a shepherd   i celebrate you i celebrate you if i had a  million dollars i would shout but you don't   know how your pastor stood between you and  the desire of the enemy so if i would shout   over a million dollars i would shout because  he gave me a pastor i'm gonna take my seat   but can i have 30 seconds of just a little  praise 30 seconds come on zion i thank him   i thank him because i got a shepherd i praise  him for my pastor i praise him for my leader got to finish listen come on my show my man some of y'all think  you missed you think what you ask god for   didn't happen and you discouraged while some of  us praising others are like i'm still waiting i   want to help you with your weight y'all remember  the beverly hillbillies let me tell you a story   about a man named poor mountaineer barely  kept his family fed but then one day he was   shooting for some food and up through the ground  came a bubbling crude when the spring comes on   he was shooting for a rabbit and he missed but it  hit off i want to talk to somebody that didn't get   what you were looking for you missed but the all  you hit has caused your value to move and go up   they said chad you don't belong here no more you  need to go ahead and head on to beverly i don't   know who i'm talking to but i want you to know  that god has called you to miss and hit to miss   and hit at the same time come on clap your hands  for your shepherd clap your hands for our pastor   clap your hands for our pastor come on play softly  clap your hands man of god thank you for your yes   thank you for surrendering to god thank you for  replacing the ark thank you that every time we   come there's a word that's relevant for our  everyday life there's a message from heaven   and there's a miracle you know why  we celebrate the bible says this   in ii chronic first chronicles 29 he says  david said to the congregation now bless   the lord your god and all the congregation bless  the lord of the fathers they bow down their heads   and worship the lord and the king i ain't  worshipping no man no no he said he ascribed   worth to god as god but then they scribe worth  to god's representative as god's representative   it was something like this thank you god for all  you've done but thank you pastor for not giving   up thank you god for your grace and your glory but  thank you pastor for giving us life thank you god   for giving us guidance but thank you pastor for  moving us in directions we wouldn't have gone   without you i told you the man of god is a dirt  we heard earlier we're going to sew i've come i've   come this morning to bring him his honor honor  30 times in the scripture is linked to money   king nebuchadnezzar honored a man who could  interpret my dream honor is linked to money   if you honor him we're going to show everybody  that's listened to me we had a challenge earlier   today for 500 i'm joining that challenge i believe  there are 10 other people that can join me with   that 500 challenge listen there's nothing you ever  do or make happen for a man of god that god won't   make happen for you i am preaching today as a  by-product but when i was a teenage boy i was   given into the life of my pastor people laughed  at me he asked for a mouse i didn't have but i   gave what i had and then when i started preaching  he never opened the door for me but i sowed into   an international anointing and god has literally  caused me to preach in 40 of the 50 states and   taking me around the world it's because i sowed  it to the anointing what is it you want god to do   it'll happen if you name your seed this morning  unbelievable you believe in god to open businesses   those of you said i don't have five but i got 200.  it's the year of double the those the elders that   labor in the word and doctrine are worthy of  double honor this morning there's double honor   that the man of god is due i want you to prepare  your hearts the giving methods are on the screen   there are people all over the world you're not  a part of newburgh but you're a part of this oil   you you receive from him on a weekly basis i need  you to join us in sewing today thank you so much i   see you i know i know you are you're moving thank  you for sewing thank you for the seed some of you   said i don't have 200 but i got to give pastor  brian i love you put a memo in it thank you   for your oil thank you for your poor thank you for  who you are thank you for standing with us thank   you for being our man of god i want to pray for  you this morning thank you for this opportunity   thank you for the privilege thank you thank you  thank you thank you for what you've done for god   what you've done in two years has blown our  minds and we say thank god for jamal harrison   right we came to bring your honor father in  jesus name we honor this man those who are   touching the hearts of people around this country  that are going to sow and that are going to give   we appreciate you god for what you've done for  us but lord i say make it happen for him not make   his name great for his name but he said to us so  many times that god doesn't bless selfish people   lord because of his unselfish nature i pray  that you would cause his works to cause others   to want to follow you and i thank you and i  give you praise for two glorious wonderful   years for the season of devil and the season of an  increased witness we thank you that 2 021 is going   to be a phenomenal year in jesus name amen can you  receive your pastor can you receive the man of god come on somebody say yes come on lift up that voice and say yes yes i'm appreciative how you have honored me  on this day but i'm telling you when you   surrender your life unto god when it is that  you uh lay yourself down realizing not my will   but his will be done my greatest joy in serving  over these two years is not really about all the   food that we've given away the shoes we've  given away the scholarships we've given away   my greatest joy is the number of souls that have  been saved those who have found jesus christ as   the lord of their life the number of people and  the army who have aligned themselves hear this   with our witness he said this is where i see god  this is where i feel god this is where i sense   god is leading and on this my second anniversary  i want you to be of the crown jewel i want you   to be able to go in the history record  that on the second anniversary of pastor   brown i know it was god give this because i  didn't need the pastor to preach to get saved   i didn't need the pastor to preach to realize  that this is where i've got to lay my anchor down   come on i want you to get saved i want you to  become a part of our family become a part of   our community watch and see how it is that god  is going to move i need you all over this studio   celebrate bishop borders what an amazing gift to  the body of christ and to pastor ronzell pretlow   the party ain't over on tuesday my brother's  coming over the mountain and through the woods   our pastor kevin adams will be here from  chattanooga tennessee it's gonna be a   remarkable night in the lord and i want you  to come and share and to celebrate with all   of us on tuesday night on saturday morning we're  walking together around the spans of our campus   we are a holistic ministry not just your soul  but your mind and your body don't forget on next   sunday you gotta get locked in we're gonna be  live from new york our pastor lemons have given   you all the indicators if you're in new york  and you want to worship with us on next sunday   ask that you will please send us a smoke signal  so that you can be connected to the move of god   new birth i can't thank you enough for allowing me  to be your pastor i owe all the glory to god but   all the appreciation to you uh for everything that  you have done for me you have lavishly loved on me   uh on this day i'm telling you you have blessed  me and made me feel loved and i am so uh grateful   for it uh please whatever you do do not log off  don't shut down don't walk away uh two of our   our team is getting ready to give us further  direction uh pastor ross and the elder sailor we   give god glory for all of them and we are excited  it's a celebration and the party just don't stop before you do anything
Channel: Dr Jamal Bryant
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Keywords: jamal bryant, dr jamal bryant, pastor jamal bryant, jamal bryant preaching, jamal bryant sermons, jamal bryant azusa, jamal bryant 2020, jamal bryant 2020 sermons, jamal bryant new birth, pastor jamal bryant 2020, pastor jamal bryant 2020 sermons, dr jamal bryant 2020, dr. jamal h. bryant 2020, Pastor Randy Borders
Id: ct4h8dBimwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 41sec (4361 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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