DRACULAS Secret Box - Straight from TRANSYLVANIA!!

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hi and welcome to another episode of mr. puzzle with today's puzzle or to be exact it's a puzzle box it's called the Romanian puzzle box made in Romania Transylvania to be exact home of Dracula by the way and it's a beautiful looking puzzle box with a glossy finished finish as you can see entirely made out of wood except these two hinges here as far as I can see and according to the manufacturer it's handmade so when I bought this a month ago on Etsy they have been a few variants available in the meanwhile it's available in a lot of shops so I will put you some links in the video description where you can get it it's available in different size it's available in different colors so pretty cool all of them are some our hand engraved here with some of these nice pictures and it's really reasonable for the price ok so there are different sizes and they are reaching from I think 9 of these pieces until 5 of these pieces I think and based on this you can just check out the size overall that's it pretty much I'm really interested to see how to open it up and how big the compartment inside really is and I would propose I will just start or try to solve this one after the spoiler break as usual before I start solving the puzzle I will start a stopwatch that you can have an impression how difficult a long it will take me to solve it I do not expect it to be too difficult so let's just have a look at it and see what we can already understand by looking at it so there are two hinges back here made from metal there is a small gap between the lid up here and the puzzle but it seems to be completely fixed there so there's no movement at all push here nothing is moving and here in the front oh this one is somehow loose okay so as you can see here these are all fixed and this one it seems to be loose so it's somehow blocked you by this thing down here and if I look down here you can see there's a small gap down here very small at least that's not really gap it's just a line no FreePlay in it but oh yeah you see this you can move this over here then I'm not sure how to do it it's no no gap here so I cannot move this to the front but maybe this one is still blocked but maybe this looks somehow like a slider here oh yeah you see this oh this is pretty cool yeah this is pretty well hidden so actually in this condition you cannot see it at all if you move this one to the Fond give this slider here and you need to go inside here to slide it to the front pretty cool move now we can look inside here it's basically just a looks like a small compartment down here hard to see because it gets no light inside but a two screws here put it on the top and the piece here in the in the middle you can see it here there's something inside here like a small latch or something so I can move this to the front and rear but I can already see when looking inside that it won't help me here to move this piece up or down so there must be another trick and let's see if I maybe oh yeah you see this watch this I can shift this one back actually I wanted to lift the lid up here but we're going to try to lift it i press this one down as you probably saw and this enables me now to slide this one down there is a keyhole a small keyhole inside here but nope no key oh yeah I didn't solve this one yes our our high-tech security key hidden in the puzzle and now let's see I want to break it [Music] it's not really working I think maybe another trick I want to break it okay okay okay here we go all right even with a small mirror here so what is this for and another compartment so this is pretty cool okay so you have three compartments actually in one single box okay the first one is over here the second one in here this is the beautiful one I will just check the size for you this one is about 11.5 centimeters times 6.5 and the depth without these pieces here the depth is around 3 centimeter okay so perfectly for a small Christmas gift I think and there's another compartment inside here and this is pretty cool because this is very well hidden unfortunately this mirror is a little bit loose so you somehow need to increase the friction inside here to make it stick a little bit better but and I think this is why this small sponge here was inside to this just keep the mirror in place in case you shake it and move it and keep it from falling out this is probably reason for this one I maybe would put something here behind the mirror to increase the friction a little bit so you won't need this or you just cut a small piece from this one and put it behind and the key and the lock could be a little bit better to be honest but overall I think it's pretty cool it's not too difficult so it's I think it's perfectly for someone who's not that experienced with puzzles the key is working a little bit difficult but difficult to rotate but it's doing its job moving this ledge here open and close so you can see after a few times maybe gets a little bit easier and yeah that's it pretty much I will just lock it again close it here lock it with the key oh I locked it already just a second lock it again and I don't trust this key and put this one back in like so shift it to the front put the key down here this piece of wood in this gap that is the remaining position and put the key together with the piece of wood inside here and then close the gap back in position pretty cool puzzle box regarding the difficulty I would rate it maybe took me now seven half minutes nevertheless I would ready maybe only with the two even if there are several steps required it's not very difficult to find them yeah based on yeah what what's available but nevertheless I think this is pretty much the coolest level two puzzle box I ever reviewed so far maybe I will give it to someone as a Christmas present with some something inside with some gift inside pretty cool idea pretty cool design absolute recommendation and I'm absolutely fascinated about this puzzle it's made for an absolute reasonable price and if you consider that it's handmade and there's all these engravings it's it's incredible yeah how this is possible to do for such a low price I hope you liked this episode I hope you liked this puzzle let me know in the comments and of course I put you the link in the video description as usual if I find some of these products and just comment below you can also like my Facebook Instagram channel of course it would like to learn more about puzzles and on til next time later this week keep on puzzling
Channel: Mr.Puzzle
Views: 779,324
Rating: 4.8789091 out of 5
Keywords: Puzzle, Puzzle Box, Secret Box, Impossible Puzzle, Solving Puzzles, Dracula, transylvania, Impossible Box, Puzzle Solution, Christmas Gift, Gift Box, Wood, Woodcraft, oddly satisfying video, ASMR, Toys, Mr.Puzzle, chris ramsay
Id: RfXE7nGrHak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 11 2018
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