Opening the Secret Ancient Chess Box!

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[Music] foreign [Music] hi and welcome to another episode of mr puzzle this week is mr puzzle week one video after one of the one i'm generating is some serious output hope you liked that if yes comment below in the video what puzzle you would like to see next or if you have any puzzle recommendations in today's episode today's episode is about this puzzle and if you look at this beautiful piece of puzzle here how would you name this puzzle yes i think there's only one possibility right and this is of course sharkbox confused shah is a german word for chess therefore chess box translated into english it's a beautifully made puzzle box that is designed by sean claude constantine in germany and made yeah mate i don't know actually i only know it's made in india at a supplier of constantine but i have no details where exactly it's made however they did a good job if you ask me this puzzle looks just insane extremely well made but still it has this ancient look overall 11 chess pawns up here a normal chess game as we all know has eight on each side the task is to open the compartment as usual for trick box not sure if those here have any meaning or not however this one is locked right now and somehow i need to open it that's all i know no idea about the difficulty no idea how this is done and this is usually when it's the most fun to try solving the puzzle when you know nothing about it if i remember right i saw this puzzle already on the nuremberg toy fair in 2020 it took a while until it was released but then it was released and i think i got my copy here very early beginning or end of last year not sure at one of my preferred shops and if you're interested of course i will also put your link or some links in the video description of some shops i can recommend you where you can buy this puzzle or also some additional ones but look which look quite cool as i mentioned it's very well made so this is made here from solid wood these here are made from i don't know casted metal that's it pretty much that's all i can discover on this puzzle therefore i would propose i just gonna start and try solving the chest box after the spoiler break okay here we go as i mentioned no idea how to open the compartment but i'm very sure i need to pull out or try to pull out this drawer frequently not to miss the chance that i maybe open it um let's see what i can do so i can move these pawns around up here ah before i start this somehow trigger me here these holes down here not sure if they have any meaning if they have let's maybe before i move around the pawns let me just maybe check if some of these pieces here are loose no all are fixed okay let me just check if i can maybe screw here some of these heads off also not counterclockwise so okay then let's focus here now on the mechanism on the top i think this is probably the key i would wonder if not i'm gonna just move those pawns around a bit if i can hear or feel anything so far nothing they seem to be not connected with anything below so they're sliding here on this sheet metal this brass plate i can feel no resistance here nothing inside interacting with those oh oh you hear this something below snapping in place so there is a magnet inside here it seems okay so let's see if i find some more who are magnetic and maybe i need to put them in the right places to pull up some pins which releases maybe my drawer this would be quite simple the question is what pieces are magnetic and how to get them in the right position i think this is more like the challenge here on this puzzle maybe and seriously this puzzle is so beautiful this is so beautiful this is this is really an eye catcher this is what the incarnation of an eye catcher if you ask me let's go on nothing happens back here but maybe the trick is really to get these maybe these are the magnetic pieces and i need to get them here somehow in the front if this is possible at all yes like so maybe okay no i need to i need to think about a tactic let's move this one over here nothing over here it seems oh wait oh oh wait i trigger this one i go over here trigger the other one and it seems i pulled them up so it would perfectly match my theory that i pull them somehow out of a lock and there are two of them so i need to have another piece over there that is magnetic i'm pretty sure about that so i will try now all of these four this one is not magnetic so let's go on nope put this one aside let's try the next one yes magnetic ah okay now i have two in place this one is not and this one is not in this one these three are not magnetic question is where else are maybe magnets i think the only way to figure that out is hmm what how should i do it i need to move around these pieces i think there's no other way so i take this piece i hope i do not need to bump it or something this would mess up the complete fun so i move this piece now that since i know it's magnetic i move this in all corners no nothing in here oh yes another one this is definitely interacting you see now it's not magnetic nothing snapping and if i move this one now it snaps in place okay magnet magnet magnet where's number four to get it over there so move this out of the way get those guys over here no but i could imagine that this one is a magnetic one is possible at all yes of course there's always a way guys you see this and yes okay one two three four now we need to find four pieces that are magnetic so this piece first magnetic no it's not next one this is our most important guy here magnetic so we keep it over there so now we try to find the next one for here this one is also magnetic so this one goes over here or over here and we need to find the third piece at the fourth piece [Music] this one is slightly i don't know maybe bent or this is running not that smooth next one high tension now guys high tension so let's see if we find the magic one no no no let's see if this is this one yes this one here's our guy okay okay okay okay so you feel this you feel the tension you're gonna feel the tension guys and and oh man this is the most satisfying moment ever i tell you this is so satisfying but what about this one here okay and this is how it works this is how it works there are the pins i'm not sure if you can see this so let's bring some light in the dark this is what it looks from inside do you see these five holes if i move away this pawn you can see that the pin drops out over there and move it back in place here we go this that's the noise we could hear but what is this pin for okay this this one is ah okay this was this would actually be pretty cool if it would be on the other side because this one comes out when you turn it on the upside down so means it makes actually no sense when it's in this condition but it would be super sneaky if it would come from below that you need to turn it around upside down to pull the drawer out so yes that's it how big is this compartment i do not have a measure right now with me but i could maybe put something inside so let's take this deck of cards this does not fit in from here but if i pull it put it like in like this it fits very well so it's quite a big compartment still don't get what this this pin is for to be honest however a very cool puzzle very cool look not too difficult i would rate this only with a level two out of a maximum of five it took me some time yes but for level three i expected to be a little bit more tricky also the solution was quite simple to discover so after i moved around the pawns a few minutes i it was clear what i needed to look for so i had a clear idea of the mechanism inside and i just needed to look after the correct pieces to put them in the correct place so not really difficult however as i mentioned this puzzle is in regards to the manufacturing an absolute masterpiece super beautiful very cool puzzle not cheap definitely not cheap but i think worth the money let me know in the comments what you think about this puzzle was it interesting to you watching me solving it are there any possible recommendations from your side and in addition if you made it until here at the end of this video you're probably a frequent watcher and my question to you guys especially to you guys would be would it be interesting to you if i enable the possibility here on my channel to be a member of this channel what functions you would like to see as a member that would be only available for members i have some ideas in my mind but i would also like to hear your opinion about what should be accessible at different levels or if this is nothing you prefer and you just would like to watch the regular content all of your feedback is appreciated that's it for today and until next time keep on puzzling [Music] you
Channel: Mr.Puzzle
Views: 115,978
Rating: 4.9439459 out of 5
Keywords: Puzzle, Mr.Puzzle, Brain Teaser, Puzzle Box, Puzzle Review, Impossible Puzzle, Woodcraft, Woodworking, Making Puzzle, Secret Box, Stash box, Chess Box, Schach Box, Chess Puzzle, Schach Puzzle, Ancient Puzzle, Chris Ramsay Puzzle
Id: JbkkB0_gG4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 18sec (798 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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