This Trick Box is locked by an Ingeniously Clever Mechanism - The Radbox

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/flood_bart 📅︎︎ May 14 2019 🗫︎ replies
hi and welcome to another episode of mister puzzle today we're gonna talk about this puzzle here which is a trick box and the name of this trick box is that box that box or that is a German word and it means something oh it means wheel in English so it's called the wheel box right now we cannot understand why it's called the wheel box but later when we look at the solution we will do and the solution of this one is very very cool or let's say the mechanism that's behind and that is providing this solution how open it is very cool it's very simple but anyway very very clever and therefore it's one of my favorite trick boxes if you don't want to see the solution of course stop at the spoiler break the puzzle itself is made completely out of laser-cut wood by the company Constantin in Germany I will put some links in the description where you can buy it of course so check out the video description and basically there is not much visible here it's completely closed no chance to look inside the only thing that's moving is the lid here that's here a little bit let's say this there's some design element on the lid this maple leaf we said this head which has actually no function except handling here the lid and there's a small metal pin here on the front which is which can be rotated which can be pushed in or pulled out there's no spring force or anything on it so it's just a metal pin and we do not understand why it's there at this point there's no possibility to look inside not from the front not from the rear and if we hold it and shake it a bit you can hear that there is some slight noise coming from inside very very slight ok so the difficulty of this puzzle I would rate with a 3 out of maximum 5 anyway as I said it's one of my favorite trick boxes and after the spoiler break when we look at the solution you will probably understand why the first time when I try to open this puzzle took me about ten minutes to open it up and what's cool on this one is that are two steps required to open it and you can easily if you do not take care you can easily go back or reset the puzzle and you need to start again and in the beginning it's very difficult to understand how to open it and also even if you open it up you will not be able to see the mechanism so it's very difficult to understand exactly what's behind and what's the solution and the cool thing is if you open it one time and close it again and do not understand what you did it can happen to you that you have to do it yourself do it again and it the next time you do it more time than the first time okay the solution looks the following this as I said nothing to manipulate the only thing you can do or what you have to do is you just twist the puzzle to the side like this but not ninety degrees a little bit less and then you move the lid and at one point you will feel it moves a little bit more than before okay now you need to take care because if you in this position move it back when any other position and would like to move it again to the enhanced position as before it's stuck and it's back in the initial position so again you've moved over here and what happened to me several times in beginning and this is pretty cool I found this I somehow ended it up ended up having the puzzle or the lid already in the first enhance position like this but I accidentally reset the puzzle again there's a small gap back here you can look a little bit inside but it won't help you and we can look now here from below and this is more gap over here but with our fingers we will not be able to do anything okay so if we look inside this gap it's not visible here is something like a small disc or something visible okay so again first step open it up here and then the second step is move it to the other side and then do the same we do a little bit here and one point you will be able to open it up but it's blocked here and you can see here on the side that there is some compartment here in the front with the mechanism inside and this is not visible because it's blocked by this pin this wooden pin coming you from the top unfortunately this pin is a little bit too long from my point of view only five millimeters would all have also done the job so this will reduce your size of the compartment and a bit but you can shorten it if you need additional space inside the size of the compartment we just give you some numbers years about 60 millimeters the depth or let's say the length is a roundabout only roughly about 85 millimeters and the depth is until the lid around 45 millimeters until the pin at the bottom is around 20 27 millimeters okay just to information now I will explain you what's behind that this is pretty cool and this is why this puzzle is one of my favorites I will just switch the camera okay so I thought about how to explain the best way and I decided to print some plastic hearts to explain it to you the most easiest way so this is actually demonstrate the front of the box this hidden compartment here in the front and this pin here is the metal pin up here this one is moving Rondon to the front and rear but basically this is not needed for solving the puzzle this will also do do the job okay in addition I printed these two disks or let's call it wheels because therefore it's called the wheel box and the job of this disc is to lock the puzzle it means they look not really like discs they are flattened in one area and they are there so materially moved here and the removing at the material will change the center of gravity under this and it means they were always if I rotate them the final position will always be the same the area here of this disc which still has some material or more material will pull down and the lighter area will be upwards okay and therefore it will always be oriented like this and the other disk is assembled other way around and this one will be always oriented like this there is also this cutout if you remember in the in the lid and these two edges up here are located inside of this cutout so I cannot move the lid to the front or to the rear it's completely held here in place by these two disks this should demonstrate the lid so if I would like to move it to the front its blocked by these two disks and fortunately I cannot open the box and put these in the right orientation but I can rotate the box and this is what I did to put these two disks in the right spot to open it up so if I take the the Box now I will just demonstrate it to you with the first disc if I take the box and rotate it to one side and therefore not ninety degrees but maybe like 60 degrees the lid or this this disc will remain in the same position as before but the box is twisted and therefore I will align the lid with the cutout of the flattened area of the disc so I can move it one step to the front and then it will block the discs from getting back in the initial position or in its natural position so it's only locked by one disc now and this is the position where I just move it to a little bit to the front now I move it into air to the twister to the other side until the flattened area is aligned and then I will be able to open up the lid and is also cut causing the issue for example if I'm now in this position and I move it a little bit more to too far to the rear it will the disk will get back in to its initial position and we'll lock it again so a very very very clever and cool solution if you ask me pretty cool not sure if they if it was found by Constantine if you know this application from any other mechanisms just let me know in the comments okay I'm very interested about knowing this and I'm not sure what do you think about this puzzle but I love it I love this mechanism and it's a pretty pretty cool solution for a pretty pretty cool puzzle if you liked this episode just comment below hit the like button subscribe if you would like to see more and you can also check of course my Facebook and Instagram channel until next time keep on puzzling
Channel: Mr.Puzzle
Views: 984,685
Rating: 4.8385296 out of 5
Keywords: Puzzle, Trick box, woodcraft, Mr.Puzzle, Radbox, Secret, Tricky, Wood, Lasercut, 3d printing, Making, DIY, ASMR, Mechanism, Disk, Wheel, Constantin
Id: E4cMyPqE3lg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 04 2018
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