The Secret Chess Box - Solved and Explained!!

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hi and welcome to another episode of mr puzzle back after the summer break and this is the first puzzle i gotta review called the chess box made and designed by ben barton in the netherlands and this puzzle is available on benno's website and you can buy the puzzle in assembled condition as this one but you can also buy and this is pretty cool and unique you can also buy a building plan and if you own a laser cutter this enables you to build this puzzle entirely by yourself pretty cool idea unfortunately i don't own one therefore i had to get the assembled box and of course benno is also very interested to know what i'm thinking about this puzzle box and even more interested to know what you think about this puzzle box therefore take the time and just drop a comment below this video and let them know what you like on this puzzle box i think i do not need to explain why it's called chess box however it's a puzzle box entirely made out of laser cut parts and i have to admit that this is probably the most insane or most well-made laser-cut puzzle i tried so far because if you look at this puzzle in detail how well this is made this is made in excellent quality so i guess this is probably kind of a sequential movement puzzle and then somehow i need to open probably the lid over here or over here in addition i would like to show you something very cool and i guarantee you you haven't seen it before it's called monkey bar it's this piece here made and designed by ryan glasgow from the us and as i said it's a gadget or rather a fidget toy and what can i do with this toy well if you look at it it looks pretty much static right but if you show it what it can do it will blow your mind so look at this it can actually rotate very smoothly but how is this possible it looks from first point of view if it can't move at all because of these curved wires which looks pretty much static but it spins very smoothly it can be even rotated like so and it's realized in the way that you have these sticks here going through these barrel shaped anodized aluminium pieces and these sticks are able to slide in and out of these barrels so means if the stick is here on the top it will just slide in over here and if it's on the bottom side it will slide out so if this wire here is on the top more outside than the one here on the bottom side you can see over here that the wire is more inside and the one at the bottom is more outside so as soon as you start spinning it here here on the outside the ys will also slide in and out you can see this very well if i twist it you can see how the monkey bars here dancing around and this looks just incredible a very cool and clever fidget toy the so-called monkey bars but now let's continue here with the chest box and after spoiler break you're gonna see my first attempt trying to open this thing up okay so here we go the chest box as i mentioned already in the introduction some of these sliders here seems to move which makes me guess since they are blocked here now this one is moving this one is not so the only one moving seems to be this one here okay so there seems to be indeed two sliders over here and another two over here and these sliders not sure if they can only slide in one direction or not but i would guess they can slide in both directions yes and they seem to block each other so for example if i move this one over here this one can't move but if i move this one in this one can move so it seems they are probably my first guess would be that they are they are some kind of bur shaped like sticks and they somehow interfere and if um there is a gap in one of the sticks i can move the other one this would be my first guess i'm not sure if what's with this button here if i need to press it down or not but i will now start to trying to move these pegs and what's tricky now what i'm concentrating to do now is to move with those steps always in one direction and not accidentally move back and lock the puzzle again okay and also the feeling when you slide these sliders is great yeah it's it's very well tuned no free play with the parts but still sliding very gentle and back in the beginning so now it happened to me and what i when i tried to avoid i went back to the beginning without noticing it no idea if i progressed or if i'm close to the start again i also don't know if i somehow can notice if this is unlocked and when i have to press the button or if i just need to press it in the right moment which would be very tricky i think oh back in the beginning again okay let's try it again oh no i'm lost again i'm lost again now only the piece was still oh there's a second piece with the lock oh i can hear something i can hear something slid open no it's not what's going on here oh oh yes yes finally oh oh look at this oh cool man my logo now this is something i like very much i think in this condition it looks even more beautiful or okay i didn't notice i didn't notice at all that there have been two pieces with these marks i noticed the first time that the second one here was also out and i think this was for the first time and it seems if you then push it back in until this line here you can push it up what is this for i don't get the point here the chest box i open at the close ah i need to push this in here huh no what is this for open at the close what does this mean ah okay maybe i need to go back to the beginning and then i can maybe take this pin and put it through let me try to get back to the beginning i'll be back in a minute yes back in the beginning so let's see if it works now yes now i'm coming deeper inside than before and here we go wow cool a second compartment now this is a cool feature i was not aware of this and it took me some time to understand what this should mean here and what's pretty cool is now that i can just close it and i'm back in the beginning so there's a second small comp secret compartment here inside which you can only find if you solve the puzzle and go back to the beginning very cool feature this puzzle is just amazing venom you did an excellent job here in crafting the thing this is really a masterpiece and also the tactile feeling here if you handle these sliders this is just amazing absolutely recommendable also benno sent me one of these building plans how to build these things so you have these two sliders here on the bottom and each of these sliders can do two maces and then there come two additional sliders from the top that they with with two pins interfering with these maces and then you need to maneuver these four sliders to explain it to you a little bit more in detail make it a little bit more clear i can i can show you an example because this puzzle works very similar you have these four mazes on these two sliders and you have two more sliders with these four pins and i can move can't move any of these sliders except this one and if i move this one i'm able to move this one one step and then i'm able to move this one back which enables me then to move the next one which is this one and then i can move this one the first step so i go back again with these two and then i can move this one this time this one the first step and so on and this is an enery puzzle so i need to move the same sequence all the time to be able to move the next piece however this is not an energy puzzle but i think this very well explains on how this on how these mazes are working okay so let me just get this back into the initial position here we go and this is basically how this puzzle also works how this puzzle box works works and in the end you reach a certain position where you can push in this box regarding the difficulty i would rate it with a four out of a maximum of five actually i have no idea how i solved it the build quality is excellent the satisfaction factor and fun factor also definitely the puzzle i will not have solved for the last time thank you very much benno for this amazing design and until next time keep on puzzling [Music] foreign
Channel: Mr.Puzzle
Views: 54,972
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Puzzle, Mr.Puzzle, Brain Teaser, Puzzle Box, Woodcraft, Woodworking, Aluminum Puzzle, benno de grote, Chess Box Puzzle, Chris Ramsay Puzzle
Id: K9sD8UxtW-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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