DR. Jamal Harrison Bryant Interviewed by ATLANTA ALIVE's Dr. Teresa Hairston

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be blessed by minister keith dobbins with your great name [Music] [Applause] [Music] we love to call your name it's something we cannot explain that happens when we proclaim your great name your great [Music] [Music] name that happens [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] think change wins [Applause] [Music] everybody [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yay [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's talk about it [Applause] there is power in the name of jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] something happened [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] demons [Applause] [Music] you [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] somebody give god is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] and you can't find your way out all you gotta do is [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is back i am so excited to host some of the great leaders in the kingdom and i am here with none other than one of the forerunners the trailblazers of this season pastor jamal bryant welcome to atlanta live thank you it's honor thank you for having me it's an honor to talk with you you are one of the trailblazers in the kingdom and as you have come to atlanta you've seen so many changes over the past few years but now unprecedented we're facing this post pandemic or trying to get out of the pandemic season uh what are you seeing that is the the new normal for the church i think that the church is going through puberty meaning it's trying to find its voice its skin is breaking out is that in the words of my grandmother we're having to smell ourselves oh my goodness because we are evolving into what we don't know what it's going to look like making the shift is one thing but forced to shift is something else nobody would have ever imagined 16 months ago that 16 months later the majority of atlanta churches are still virtual yes uh we thought it'd be six weeks by labor day exactly and here we are headed to new year's eve again and so we have been forced into uh this shift which i think quite frankly is the only way we would have ever done it now some people are saying and you know inside and outside of the faith community that uh how could god cause or allow so many people to lose their lives and it's really caused a a backlash if you will for people of faith because we're you know faced with okay we don't know who we are we don't know what god is doing yeah how do we how do you deal with that as a faith leader it's amazing because kovic challenges faith because covet dr harrison comes with no evidence it comes with no science is that you could have covert and i not know in the same way you can get healed from it and not know okay so more often than not when we see jesus's interactions with a leper whose uh extremities have fallen off it's with a blind man who now consists with a woman with an issue of blood who can check but with covid uh people can be walking with it and not know it as a consequence whether you're pentecostal or apostolic or evangelical nobody has had a healing service okay yeah we can't find them anyway okay but this is where we have to trust god without the evidence yeah and just believe it so yes 675 000 people have died of covet yes but look at how many more alive uh so different from the bubonic plague there were droves of us who walked around with no mask and still weren't contaminated yes who were not intentional about washing hands but are not incubated and not on oxygen as reckless as our community has been god's sustaining power has still much more abounded us with grace and so for the believer and you as a leader as a pastor yes do you preach differently now then po then pre-covet i do uh because i'm preaching to a screen uh and not to seats wow and so people's ears are more attentive are you saying something really because then pandemic preaching cannot be laced in emotionalism yes it has to have information so it's not turn to your neighbor it's not shake somebody by the hand right give two people a high five okay i am watching it in my living room alone yeah and i want to know is there really a bright side somewhere i want to know about this bible that you're talking about so i think people have matured in the faith because kovitch stripped us of the theater of church and so it's not light's camera action but it's the substance of things hoped for so when you talk to people who are believers that's one side of this but now because of internet social media and all these other things that you're privy to you are now talking to a lot of people who are not believers yes what is the message or is it the same message i think that we've got to go back to basics uh we've got to go away from presumption of biblical knowledge and so one of the things that has happened in the last 25 years that you have marked through your publication is uh the spawn or the growth of mega churches yes what happened dr harrison and the growth of mega churches we lost denomination affiliation so people in the last 20 years your grandmother's generation my grandmother's generation went to saint luke they went to bethel they went to mount sinai and i need you to hear with intention the language of this generation i go to steve furtick yeah i go to jake's okay i go to jamal bryant i go to dale brown okay and never mention the name of the church what has happened in the internet because of that people lost what was their foundational understanding so we knew growing up the difference between a baptist and a culture yes we knew why amd's weren't going to the paw church we thinned the lines of denomination which made us to diminish what was our foundation so it was just a praising church or a non-praising church what this virtual church has caused us to do is to do more teaching about what we believe it's apologetics of what it is that we stand for what we defend uh and so i think that uh the church is now more discerning in its taste and in its hearing well discerning and taste and hearing is is i think very very clear and and you can focus in on that but i think you say something that is very very important for us to hear and to understand that in this season we're now dealing with charismatic personalities more than ever yes that is a good and a bad that is a challenge and an opportunity yes what you know have we gotten to the place now where the mega the mega church pastor is such a great personality that whatever he says becomes a doctrine now i would have agreed with you 10 years ago i think what it is that we have seen is the mega churches of this hour are not completely built on preaching they are now built on ministries what do you offer my kids okay but isn't that isn't that based on your character as a leader in a sense but we the mega church really is walmart and not the bodega uh it's about all that you have to offer and a lot of mega churches the person the pastor is not thrusted up front especially here in atlanta but what the church does how they are serving how they're meeting the needs how it is that they're being available and accessible is what's causing it to mushroom so i think we've got six in one hand and half a dozen in another okay so how has that changed and how how have you met the needs i know that you are feeding you are doing all these other things but you're also having services aren't you online okay so you're not fixing oh no no no no well i don't our soft potential re-entry is new year's eve i see uh but the numbers are just too far off and if i go into church i'll be on cnn tonight so i i i didn't want to risk it and i wanted us uh to be good stewards the reality is social distancing is only effective in non-charismatic churches then how do you measure growth because the whole proselytizing uh goal is growth growing centers into believers i think that we have to recalibrate how we are growing so uh for new birth cathedral well i pastor we take in 56 new members a week wow with no right hand to fellowship they're joining online and this is how you have to look at it for the last seven christmases there has been a seismic shift on how people do christmas shopping do they go to the mall or do they have to get it online right and the majority now are getting all of their christmas stuff online the church is always running behind the data shows it yeah that culture changes every four years but church culture changes every 20. yes so most churches are 15 years behind schedule okay so dr harrison the average church is watching us today is patting themselves on the back because they on facebook but their kids are on tick tock and you can't find the church on tick tock and so we're always trying to run ahead you would know much better than i it's only in gospel music that that music stays on the billboard for a year no other hip-hop not even jails not even no elevators it's gospel music right now exactly without me looking at the charts kurt franklin got two songs on there and he don't have no album that can only happen in gospel music you know there's a great controversy now because kanye west has made history he's got seven songs on the gospel charts and everybody's mad but no artists put out a project well so you got you got to deal with all of it and nobody has built a fan base or they they were ugly yeah so but nobody had the money behind them like all of that all of those things but i think churches are growing but they're growing in unconventional ways okay that we don't know so we're used to you and i come won't you come yes is there one coming down the aisle they're not coming down the aisle they're clicking so when you do hit this milestone of coming back whether it's new year's eve or sometime after that what will be different about how you do church i think a church will have to be done hybrid uh if theresa it takes 30 days to create a habit and i've been out of church for 16 months what then is the enticer for me to get up get dressed get my baby ready yeah pack fruit snacks in a capri sun drive for 30 minutes and try to make little boo boo sit down exactly i can't do it people have acclimated to praise pajamas and pancakes oh i love it and i can do all of this at home yes and i ain't even got a wash absolutely so i think that what we have to do our team is trying to figure out how do we now offer church in person but not lose this underground railroad that we have built of those who are now preferring to come on and one more thing on that and then we'll shift but okay so you've got the hybrid you've got the you know the internet the social media what about the building yes just physical monstrosity yes these beautiful edifices yes that now are half empty all the time what is there now now a multi-use kind of uh uh mentality if you answer that you will have a nobel prize uh our church holds over 6 000 people yes yes that we i told my leaders we're going to have to swallow hard cod liver oil on the reality that we may never see this full again because of the amount of people that are going to watch online and so we have to think on how we repurpose yeah and how we reimagine that so what's the answer i'm i'm going to say it only because i love and trust you that i think that we are getting ready to witness the last generation of mega churches wow uh i don't think people are gonna build at that scale of that capacity uh because people are working from home they're shopping from home and i don't think in droves people are going to do it now i could be wrong uh but i would be amazed wow if we come out of this and somebody issues your announcement yeah i think that's what i think pronouncement yes wow yeah okay so speaking of in person online social all of those things you are hosting october 13 through 15th the global united fellowship uh annual international uh confab yes at new birth baptist church and in the midst of this this delta variant rise and just all of this is is that what we should be doing going to physical buildings and having conferences absolutely global united fellowship our presiding bishop is bishop neil ellis yes who's headquartered in nassau bahamas we have some 1400 churches in 13 countries so yes it is at new birth dot dot dot in the studio okay i got that so we are broadcasting live to all of our people oh he's still going to be hybrid okay the only people who will be in that studio uh will be his executive council of bishops their wives their immediate leaders and let me add all of them must be vaccinated okay so it's a grand total of 75 people so all of bishop's conferences in the past have been in person last year we had none uh and so this is i think uh the markings of what the future church is going to look like so what are the the um kinds of things beside the masking and the social distancing that will be you know you're setting now president for how conventions and conferences will be done yes and what are some of the other things i mean is the is the messaging going to be different i mean before we used to just love to come to conferences and just enjoy the fellowship and hugging and all of that dr harrison you've been going to conferences more years then i'm going to speak out loud but what i'll say because of hybrid we're able to do things that you and i could have never done at mega fest um for example after uh symposium we're taking those lecturers and speakers to another room to do q a wow a conference of that size if you get them to say something while they signing your book you have struck gold yeah but to have that level of interaction is only an access that technology could afford us okay uh we're doing uh things uh that we've never been able to do before ordinarily it would be a youth component what we're gonna do is a digital college tour wow uh where we're gonna take young people to see the different colleges around the state of georgia without them ever leaving home okay uh we're going to give them breakaway sessions where they're going to go to the king center without anybody ever getting on a bus with them interacting uh with uh dr burnis king we're going to have greetings from the vice president united states who ordinarily would not have been at our church convention yes but is able to do it and so those kind of luxuries that technology is uh spoiling us with we need to own some technology yeah i think so okay yes in faith-based technology whatever whatever it is i'm going in behind you whatever you invested take my 25 check i'm going right with you absolutely pastor jamal bryant you are a trailblazer my friend i really admire all that you have done are doing and i think you you said some things here that are really really going to hit the body of christ hard oh yes we needed to hear you may have to give me security after this thank you thank you so much for being our guest and just new birth and what's that well we can watch it online yes at uh october 13th through the 17th october 13th through the 17th yes okay on newbirth.org and we can always watch new birth online at the same time yes on facebook on youtube instagram and we'll be back after this musical selection [Applause] [Music] who can stand against the law no one can and no one will who can stand against our king no one can and no one [Music] victory belongs to jesus victory belongs to him [Music] victory belongs to jesus victory [Music] no one knew no [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] nobody else it all belongs to him so go ahead and get another place so put my trust in you i put my hope in you you [Music] my victory [Music] [Music] ain't nobody else but you hey you will your providers [Music] forever everybody [Music] nobody else so glad he got me i'm so glad he's holding me [Music] i'm so glad he got [Applause] now me on everybody just give him some glory right where you are if you know he's been if he's been if he's been there for you if he's held you up in the midnight hour if he's held your hand and wipe the tears from your eyes go ahead and give them the glory come on and give them the praise y'all to jesus [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] glorified i give you honor love jesus how sweet your name is you hear my cries [Music] all the glory and the honor [Music] are the yeah king and your kingdom is forever all belongs to you hey new birth it's time for our video announcements new birth are you ready to become an agent of change to prepare for our bond 700 giving campaign on sunday october 24th take these seven steps today step one pray about your commitment level seven thousand seventeen hundred seven hundred or seventy dollars or your best bond seed ending in seven step two make your commitment text nb bond 700-71441 or visit we are newbirth.org forward slash bond 700. step 3 join our bond 700 seven-minute prayer call every tuesday morning at 7 00 am dial in using the number below step 4 join us weekly as dr bryant ministers his new series word is bond step 5 begin fulfilling your commitment at we are newbirth.org forward slash give and select bond 700 giving campaign step 6 pray daily about your covenant with god and others step 7 be of service to god and others through your sacrificial giving we can change lives we can change communities and we can change the world coming soon bond 700 merch will be available at our call to conquer bookstore also pick up a copy of the book of the month tribes by seth godin for your convenience our call to conquer bookstore is open tuesday through thursday 10 a.m to 5 p.m and every saturday from 8 a.m to 1 p.m please visit called to conquer dot com for convenient online shopping also please join the book of the month online virtual meeting on tuesday september 26th from 6 p.m to 7 p.m please visit we are newbirth.org for more information new birth is partnering with fully furnished ministries to provide donated furniture to families in need pull up and our volunteers will collect your items from your vehicles on saturday september 25th from 9am to 1pm we will accept all furniture bedding small appliances dishes silverware kitchen utensils and home decorations new birth save the date it's time to pull up and worship again join us on our campus on sunday september 26th at 9 30 a.m our special guest will be the amazing pastor mike jr after the celebration you can get a covid vaccine we will be offering vaccines from 11am to 6pm in our family life center please bring your friends and your family as we prepare to take the lord's supper on sunday october 3rd please pull up and pick up your communion elements on saturday october 2nd from 12 p.m to 1pm join the conversations on virtual therapy on thursdays october 7th 14th 21st and 28th from 7 30 pm to 8 30 pm we have invited top leading clinical and professional therapists to share how to work on your mind in challenging times please visit we are newbirth.org forward slash events to register and that's going to do it for today's
Channel: New Birth Mbc
Views: 8,465
Rating: 4.9615383 out of 5
Id: Bk0j_8jAalA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 22sec (2002 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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