Dr. Jamal H. Bryant, " TO HAVE AND TO HOLD " - September 12th, 2021

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[Music] 25 and 26 when the man saw that he could not overpower him he touched the socket of jacob's hip so that his hip was wrenched as he wrestled with the man then the man said let me go for it is daybreak but jacob replied i will not let you go until you bless me i want to preach for a little while uh today using it as a subject to have and to hold to have and to hold my dear friends um covet 19 should be brought up on criminal charges for the serial murder of 675 000 deaths i don't know whether you realize it or not but last week more people died of covet in florida than died in afghanistan over the last 20 years the secondary offense that covet ought to be charged with is the number of marriages it has massacred the british law firm has logged in 122 increase just in inquiries about divorce the charity citizens advocacy report says that there is a spike in searches for online advice on ending a relationship there's been a 34 rise in sales of basic divorce agreements hear this for newlyweds who were married just before the pandemic the same pattern has been replicated in china and sweden even though both of those countries are under severe lockdown lawyers therapists and academics are prodding the logs on the fire trying to see what's kindling the loss of couples losing their flame the multi-cocktail of both working from home social distancing and finding comfort in only each other is driving people crazy the american playwright robert anderson said in any marriage that's more than a week old old there are grounds for divorce the trick is not to find a grounds for divorce but can you find grounds to stay married part of the problem is that many people think more about a wedding than they do the marriage itself the emphasis is in what they will wear and not are they prepared to get neckered about their vulnerabilities and their missteps a lot of emphasis is about where to go on the honeymoon and not enough focus on how to handle each other at high noon when the stakes are the hottest lots of money is spent on what will be placed on the finger but no investment on checking the condition of the heart regrettably and apologetically i have to lay claim today that the church has to assume some of the liability because we review the ceremony but we have failed to underscore the significance of the covenant so we tell them exactly what is going to be on the program but we do not tell them what is the reality once the flowers die a covenant is a formal solemn and binding agreement it's more than some flimsy whimsical promise it's sealed with integrity putting everything on the line until the full execution of the promise it's a contract a covenant is hear this it's a contract that doesn't necessarily have to be written in today's society that is hard because we have become so litigious that we only function when something is in a contract if it is not written then we don't believe it and i've got to tell you embarrassingly enough that even wreaks over into the parameters that we have placed around god i gotta ask you a question and i'm not sure if anybody has ever raised the interrogative but this moment begs that i do do you believe god only in terms of scriptures that are printed or can you trust him over the proclamations that he has uttered we are quick to shout over what has been printed but we are slow to stand on what he whispered in prayer i'm curious to know how is it that every section of a divorce can be printed but the wedding vows are only orally transmitted so you've got a copy of your divorce proceedings in the bottom drawer but can't find your wedding vows anywhere therefore you don't hold yourself accountable for what has been said only for what has been written i want you to journey with me to the last time you went to a wedding even if it was your own and in the first stanza of the marital service after fi coming down the aisle and facing your life partner the person who was in fact officiating raise the query is do you take them to have and to hold i need you not to let go of what it is that i'm trying to teach this morning do you take them to have and to hold can i enlarge it do you take him to have and to hold to have is to receive without reservation the total self gift of the other it is not a statement of ownership but it is a term of unconditional acceptance will you have them in spite of all the people that they slept with in their past will you have them even though they don't have the degree you have will you have them even though they never saw a model of marriage will you have them when they don't speak the king's english will you have them when they've got stains on their credit report will you have them even if in fact their appearance has not been the same as when you first met them will you have them even when they don't look like the fairy tale you imagined will you have them knowing that you are possessive over somebody who will never be a possession i want to have them but i don't own them song of solomon chapter 2 verse number 16 says i am my beloveds and my beloved is mine it was in fact that uh song and i am telling you that i'm not going you're the best thing i've ever known there's no way i may ever go there's no way i'm living without you will you have them i guess this is a good place because in all of our worship in all of our praise and all of our meditation and all of our devotion we fail to underscore that god is a jealous god he's so possessive of you that even um when you're not looking he had friends stalk you that goodness and mercy are following you all the days of your life that since you are a child this is how possessive of you he is he has counted the hairs on your head he can't even trust you to your own devices that all day and all night is angels watching over you it's not just having them [Music] but it is the giving of you a lot of you want somebody but you don't want to give you how is it going to work when it's only one hand in a handcuff that my friends is not covenant it's bondage [Music] having them is one thing but holding them is something else to hold them means to cherish to value to appreciate to adore in the hood vernacular it is uh i'm gonna hold you down you can't trust me um if you can't trust me to hold your secrets can you trust me to caress your trauma can you trust me to kiss your fears holding her listen to me holding her to do that the groom means i am taking protective custody of what the bride's father was supposed to do to hold him that means that the bride snatches him from the arms of the mother because her job is now to nurture him so when the bible says leave and cleave that means in no other terms i shouldn't feel safe only with my daddy if i don't feel safe with my husband when i'm having a rough day if you calling your mother before your wife you are out of order it means to hold them doesn't mean just wrapping your arms around them when they go to sleep to hold them doesn't mean to just embrace them when they're crying to hold them i hope you'll take this to hold them simply means i'm not going to let you go i want to know how many times when you thought you were in love did you feel held [Music] did you feel hugged the thing about a hug is you know it ain't gonna last you know in a moment that they're gonna relinquish their arms and release you to go on your way but to be held means i'm going through but i know they got me [Music] i know i am in good hands and i'm not talking about allstate i know that i don't have to second-guess it why because i am being held too often when strife sneaks in we stop having and we stop holding when it is that we go through bumps in the road chinks in the armor we then issue terms and conditions on what is the acceptability and the imposed limits on our availability i got to ask you something if we are to have and to hold and i need to know you're holding me how do you hold me and not speak to me how do you have me and give me the cold shoulder how do you hold me and then hold what i told you above me how can i trust that you're gonna have and hold me when you promise not to be angered by the truth and then at the display of the truth you crumble under the pressure when somebody is wounded when somebody is isolated when somebody is fragile there is no stronger medicine than knowing somebody has you that somebody has you not only will somebody have you but somebody will hold you the most dangerous thing that could happen for an abandoned infant is not that they are absent of the mother's milk it's not that they don't have a warm blanket or they do not have a crib the most dangerous thing for a child is not to be held do you not know that an infant if they are not held for seven days they will stop breathing not because there is no oxygen oxygen but because there is no affection what then does it say for a child of god who is not being held what does it say for a child of god who feels like they are being abandoned i'm speaking to somebody right now who feels like your relationship with god is distant and god had you wake up and log on to youtube and facebook this morning just so that you could hear this god told me to tell you i didn't move you did i'm still here holding you i'm still keeping you together i'm still blocking you from imploding how do you think you made it this far when you didn't pray how do you think you maintained when you didn't fast how you think you got a clear head when you don't even read the scripture here's god saying i got you when you lost that job but still late i got you when the children were acting crazy i got you when the doctor came back with a negative report i got you when you were drowning in your own depression and wallowing in suicidal thoughts i got you [Music] to know that the whole psalmist was right oh to be kept by jesus in genesis 32 i couldn't find a garter belt nor could i find one slice of wedding cake but in genesis 32 i stumbled upon a ceremony i wasn't invited to it is the reconciliation between the esau and jacob jacob is in the throes of attempting to uh come back together with esau after stealing his birthright i gotta ask you a question and i hate to do it because um i would be responsible for answering i got to ask you a question a proposition i am not sure you are prepared spiritually to entertain we shout we celebrate we dance on everything that was stolen from you is coming back but i gotta ask you when it comes back will you forgive them when they have been convicted for how they handled you will you exercise enough grace to receive it i know you want the stuff but do you value the stuff more than you value the relationship will you bring them back in friend of mine told me about how the time in which they went to jail when they came out of jail they went back home to their mother's house and their mother said you can't adjust here go to a halfway house go to a homeless shelter pull yourself together time went by and they pulled themselves together and did well and life happened and the mother lost her house and came and rang the bell and said can i stay here and i ask what did you do said jamal i had to make up in my mind am i going to do what they did or am i going to be better than that because the bible gave me instruction honor your mother and father not when they good mothers not when they are present fathers under them so your days will be long in the earth i want to know can you take them back after they let you down the reality is that um in route to the treatise a jacob is met by an angel of god who begin to tussle and wrestle with them and the part that uh ruffles my feathers is i want to know where was this angel when jacob was stealing why are you fighting when i'm trying to do right this is the time you should be escorting me on the path not fighting me on the path some of you don't even understand that your greatest infraction with the father only come the road to reconciliation and there's somebody who's on that road hitchhiking next to jacob trying to reconcile with a child who you haven't spoken to trying to reconcile with a husband who's living and sleeping down the hall trying to reconcile with a wife who done blown everything in the bank account trying to reconcile with a brother who only shows up when he's gotta borrow money trying to reconcile with somebody who you gotta forgive while they're on their deathbed i better come a little bit further trying to reconcile with somebody who's already dead and trying to hitchhike on that road becomes daunting and it becomes difficult and that's where the visage or the angel the presence of god begins to fight with jacob he's fighting with jacob and i need you to see something that is so important so keen so peculiar the angel realized he couldn't overpower jacob i don't know whether you realize how strong your anointing is with a jacked up life i don't know whether you realize how powerful you are even when you've been out of position i don't know if you recognize your own strength even when you have not exercised maximum stewardship here's the late breaking announcement that i need you to know you are fighting something that just realize is not stronger than you i better give that to you again whatever you are fighting it is not stronger than you if it was stronger than you it would have already broken you but because you're still in the ring still got your vision still got your passion still got your drive it is not going to take you out you are stronger than what you are fighting you're stronger than your addiction you're stronger than your vice you're stronger than your brokenness and because you are stronger than it is trying to find another way to defeat you so watch what the angel does it hits the socket of his hip because he realizes this is the only way i can change his walk i wonder how many of you don't even know how necessary the pain was in your life because that's the only way god could change your walk had he not had you go through that fight you would have been skipping through drug addiction you would have been skipping through narcissism you would have been skipping through egotism but god said let me snatch you right there to cause a limp to happen because this is the only way that i can slow you down he touched the socket of his hip just to pull him into alignment you just missed what i just said he touched the socket of his hip to put him in alignment he had to make his walk crooked so his life could straighten up he had to make him broken in order to make him whole he said to him the angel did to jacob he said to him daybreak is coming that's why i called you this much pain and that's the announcement that i have for those of you who are watching from your couch for those of you who just sat up in the bed for those of you who just mirrored this broadcast on the big screen of your living room daybreak is coming you have survived the darkest season of your life daybreak is coming we've been may endure for a night but joy has got to come in the morning daybreak is coming jesus was dead for three days but early on sunday morning daybreak is coming over my head i hear music in the air there must be a god somewhere daybreak is coming things are about to get brighter things are about to get brighter for your family for your finances for your future for your business for your health for your calling things are getting ready to get brighter and watch what i'm what jacob says jacob says uh you don't hurt me [Music] you didn't play fair you knew what was the weakest area of my frame and you touched it and i need you to see this picture of covenant that is unnerving and jacob then says even though you hurt me i'm not gonna let you go even though i don't like how you handled me i'm not gonna let you go even though this has shifted my entire life perspective i'm not going to let you go as a matter of fact i'm not going to let you go until you bless me it's to have and to hold and so jacob had to let him know you got me now you got me with my limp you got me with my sworded pass you got me with my conniving behavior you got me with my manipulation you got me with my dysfunctional family but you got me now because now that i'm holding on to you i'm not gonna let you go and i wonder if there's anybody here who knows that's my position with god god you got me now because you give your gifts with no repentance when you called me you knew i didn't have discipline you knew that i was gonna fall short you knew that i had a jaded past god i'm not gonna let you go and god said are you sure and i need you to look back at god and say i'm not gonna let you go until you bless me and god said this is your season because you have come into the full oblation of understanding what covenant is i couldn't bless you if i wasn't sure you were gonna hold on but now that you done came through a pandemic now that you don't see loved ones suffer and die now that you lost hours on your job now that you lost money out of your account i know you'll hold on to me because you didn't wait to get the church to bless me but even from your living room you decided i will bless the lord at all time and his praise shall continually be in my mouth i gotta get out of here but god told me to tell you because you held on you are about to have it you just missed what i said because you held on you are about to have it what do you mean pastor whatever he promised you you are about to have it and this joy that i have the world didn't give it and the world can't take it away clap your hands oh ye people you about to have the keys give god glory you about to have the title give him honor you about to get the scholarship magnify him the house is already yours because you're held on you are about to have it hold to his hand god's unchanging hair all you got to do is hold on until you have it is to have [Music] and to hold which means my blessing in this season will not be all spiritual he gotta give me something i can hold on to god help me are you ready to take possession of what he promised are you ready to walk in what you've been waiting on are you trusting him for what seemed to be delayed and denied god said if you hold on to it you're about to have it that is your responsibility of being under covenant i don't want you to lift up your hands i want you to stretch forth your hands i want you to stretch forth your hands because i am believing by faith that in the next seven weeks you gonna have it you didn't hear what i just said i said in the next seven weeks you are gonna have it i'm waiting on your spirit man and spirit woman to wake up in the next seven weeks you are going to have it i need somebody to declare out loud i'm gonna have it i'm gonna have it i am going to have what i've been holding on for i am going to take full possession of what i know was born to be mine i am going to flow in the same oil that was given to joshua that every place the sole of my feet shall tread upon is going to be mine but this is only for those who honor the power of covenant stretch forth that hand please stretch that hand forth until you can see the palm of your hand god thank you for the covenant that you have released over our life thank you for never changing up on your word thank you for being consistent in season and out of season now god today we begin an eight-week sojourn of covenant because you've already modeled for us that you'll hold up your end of the bargain now give us the strength to hold up ours god our word is our bond that we're not going to let you go come with me we are going to stand firm on our faith and those of you who know that you are in right relationship and covenant with god would you give god glory put those hands together like keys are gonna be in those hands like deeds are gonna be in those hands like llc's are gonna be in those hands clap those hands like checks are gonna be in those hands like contracts are gonna be in those hands like promotion is gonna be in those hands like scholarships are gonna be in those hands [Music] i want you to come into covenant does your word mean anything because i'm not asking you to sign nothing watch what he says about covenant for you to be saved does not take um a lawyer to be present um all you've got to do because word is bond confess with your mouth believe in your heart and you shall be saved i'm going to trust you because i can't i bring you but only to the electronic altar i'm going to trust you that if you're not saved that you're going to give me your word you're going to get saved today that you're going to follow the prompts on the screen i want to trust you i want to believe you i want us to go into covenant with the integrity of your word that if you don't have a church home where you're being fed where you're being grown where you're being developed today i'm making new birth my church i'm trusting you to follow the prompts that are on the screen i'm trusting you you've been hanging out with us for weeks for months and you've not made a critical decision i'm scared of adults who are scared of covenant [Music] i need to know can you make an agreement that you can stand by that you'll commit to malachi chapter 3 says something very critical to us watch what it says bring your tithe into the storehouse just three sundays ago all of us did that and we have seen exponential growth in every area of our life because god always keeps his word the problem is we don't keep ours hence that next verse can a man can a woman rob god yes if they not in covenant [Music] but those who are in covenant know what my responsibility is know what my obligation is know what my commitment is here's what i need you to do calling all tithers calling all covenant keepers calling all those who know god is no shorter than his word all of our giving prompts are there now those of you who have not taken that step of faith i need you to do it right in this moment i need you to trust in the lord with all your heart i need you to lean not to your own understanding i got to give you a secret in case you haven't heard god loves a cheerful giver i'm telling you it turns him on to see you honor your covenant i need you to begin sowing now there are those of you who can sow thousands those of you that can sow hundreds those of you that can sow tens all i know is that jesus went to church one day and a little widow was coming around the aisle and she dropped her little two mites in the back in the basket and he stopped everybody and said this is the sacrifice because she gave the best of what it is that she had friends ladies gentlemen brothers sisters i got to tell you you can't beat god's giving no matter how hard you try come on seal that covenant i want you to give a gift don't say you gonna do it later you're gonna forget you're gonna turn around it's gonna be tuesday i need you to go find your phone right now whether it's push pay whether it's text to give whether it's givlify i am in fact imploring you to please give a gift that says to god you can trust me with covenant those of you who are not sure what to give not sure how to give i want to challenge your giving today i asked on tuesday i'm going to ask you again today those of you who are not tithing get a seed as close to 120 get an offering as close to 120 and watch god bless you watch god blow your mind tuesday i need you to meet me right here on the platform that you're viewing me on right now we're having a special fireside chat just with the community of new birth i'm going to take a deep deep dive on covenant what it is that i am feeling in this season god is calling us to do make sure make sure that you are plugged in tuesday night at 7 30 but tuesday morning i'm gonna be praying with you you and your family that the covenant that god has with you will not be forgotten will not be ignored will not be sidestepped i need you to know i'm praying for you i love you i stand with you i got you why because new birth we are under covenant stay tuned for the announcements and let's see what god is doing [Music]
Channel: True Word Of Yeshua
Views: 33,564
Rating: 4.9000735 out of 5
Id: QWqvbsp5Nys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 18sec (2238 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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