Dr. Jamal H. Bryant, Don't Go There - November 17th, 2019

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because God is about to pay you back aha you didn't talk back y'all ain't sayin nothin he's about to pay you back for the people that took it better jump you tried to play you and treated you like the bottom of this you yes why are you black [Music] as that you join me in the Old Testament Book of Jonah [Music] Gela the first chapter Jonah chapter 1 what you found it won't just I got it Jonah chapter 1 reven Gresham's as the Desiree Rock both from Baltimore thank you for visiting us there Jonah chapter one verses one through three once you found her won't you say I got it if you can't find it say lord help me the word of the Lord came to Jonah son of Amitai go to the great city of Nineveh and preach against it because its wickedness has come up before me but Jonah ran away from the Lord in hitted for Tarshish he went down to Joppa where he found a ship bound for that port after paying the fare he went aboard and sailed for Tosh's to flee from the Lord where the Lord came to Jonah go to nineveh jonah herdin and when in the opposite direction got on a boat and he paid for it you may be seated I want to I want to preach for a little while today using as a subject don't go there don't go there I appreciate Psalms 24 and one where David printed on parchment the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof the world and they that dwell therein but even with that I still don't ignore the State Department's annual advisory list of places that are unsafe for you to travel on the globe there are four different cautionary safety tiers level one is blue where you are forewarned to exercise normal precautions whereas level four which is read sternly recommends any grade of travel atop that heap of the warning list is Haiti due to civil unrest miss faradic demonstrations unpredictable protests flagrant armed robbery and countless instances where visitors are targeted trapped stalked and attacked hear this after landing at the airport new birth be cautious of the adversaries attack that may come sometimes after you think you've landed there's only after you get to the place where you have been striving to arrive that everything begins to fall apart number eight on the list is of Mali that is experiencing inordinate terrorism and kidnapping the concern is particularly elevated over the holidays you have to be on alert over this season that you don't leave yourself accessible to terrorists who will try to kidnap your joy and hold your peace ransom languishing last on the list is Yemen where attacks have skyrocketed in public spaces like shopping malls markets and even middle schools you have to be aware of bandits who will try to blow up your spot humiliate you in public space and then try to befriend you in private places the conflict in Yemen has caused the destruction of infrastructure of mainstay establishments there are some places you shouldn't go into because it will dismantle what you are trying to build the problem becomes what if the place you feel like you shouldn't be is precisely the place where God wants you to be there are few of us who can attest first-aid but God has restrained me in two areas I've personally would rather not occupy but God is making me be there there's another region that is on that watch list and I'm not referring to North Korea or Iran but there's another area on that watch list where you had advised not to travel it is Iraq and the reason why I underscored on the list today is we know it and pronounce it and identify it as Iraq but biblically that same area is not known as Iraq it is known as Nineveh and so what was once called Nineveh is now Iraq its populous are where Assyrians were both idolatrous and boisterous they didn't worship our God and were flagrant in their disrespect to our faith they will be preoccupied with conquest and domination and in Nineveh their next target was Israel they wanted to destroy where the children of God lived as a consequence no logical Jew would ever want to step foot on that terrain because they knew that they were not welcome and their life was on the line and yet with all of that glaring data that's where it is better over-ordered Jonah it is unsettling that sometimes the Lord will put you in places that are not safe places that it is hard for you to find comfort but God will send you I don't reckon that too many of you were celebrate over this word because sometimes God will send you to a job he knows you won't have joy in sometimes God will make you attend meetings that have no meaning he'll have you occupy appointments that bear no opportunities and sometimes if you're not careful God will have you in churches that will strangle your disposition he will have no idea why you don't quit while you won't walk away while you won't resign and the truth of the matter is you don't even know why you're still there no you can come up with is that God must have me here and it interesting that when Noah built the arm he had Noah build the ark and then put two animals of every kind in it but I need you to read Genesis when you get a chance you'll notice that once Noah got on the ark it was not no one that shut the door it was God that shut the door he shut the door why because he says I don't want you to have second thoughts about where you're supposed to be it's uncomfortable you don't like it but this is your assignment to many of us only know how to give God glory for open doors but every now and again you are to give God glory for the doors that he shoved because had you left prematurely you would have drowned in your own decision you ought to thank God for what God made you stay in because you had to stay in it in order to learn the lesson there were three Hebrew boys Shadrach Meshach and Abednego and it amazing that God ordered them to go into this fiery furnace and it wasn't for them it wasn't even for Nebuchadnezzar he made them get in the fiery furnace what's this to teach the fire a lesson that no matter how powerful you think you are there are some people you will not be able to break I came to tell 500 of you sometimes God will put you in a place just so you can teach systems and structures and program who you think you dealing with I'm not like everybody else there's a different assignment on my life the Lord sent Jonah go to this place you don't want to be in go to an area where people will not value you go to a place where they will not respect what you have to offer and don't second-guess it I am a sending you sending you there part of Jonah's reservation is he knew that if in fact he went to Nineveh here this he knew the people would repent and change pastor what did you just say I said he knew if he went the people would repent and change that exposes for something that I am afraid we are ignored too often and too frequently as that is that Jonah had incidents that if I go my gift will work he was not afraid that his world would fall on deaf ears he was afraid that they would respond to it they're far too many of you who can hear my voice who are tentative and reticent about your gift you got no idea of God is saying if you just flow in your gift it's going work don't don't don't you worry about trying to measure up to other people's standards the reason why they fighting you is cuz they know you gifted if you won that gifted you wouldn't have that level of opposition but they can sense if you ever get an opportunity to flow in your gift it will shut the whole thing down I am NOT preaching this morning to regular people I am preaching the people who are dangerously gifted that if you stop working in your gift everything that you are born to do will begin to line up when you begin to flow in your gift insecure people will be exposed when you start operating in your gift people that get the title will not have the authority when you have your gift a thing that you are working in will start leaning and your direct center because your gift is waiting for your move he knew his gift was going to work but he also knew God's grace was going to manifest Lord help me do you know how dangerous you are when your gift matches God's grace I just said something to somebody I said your gift is about to line up with God's grace prophesied to somebody in this room that the last six weeks of this year you better buckle up because God has given better to show folk that tried to stop you that they can't the level of grace that is on your life be seated please and these it elbow your neighbor tell them your gift with God's grace is a dangerous combination hallelujah I feel God right there I said your gift with God's grace is a dangerous combination whatever you couldn't get done this year it will get completed before December 31st your jab and God's grace soundman turn up these monitors for me I feel like heaven Church now help all that neighbor tell them it's gonna work it's gonna work in full foolery in full full of rage owner deluded himself into believing that he could escape the will of God and he said his GPS to go in the opposite direction of where God was sending him to go he elected to go to Tarsus which was 2500 miles away from his assignment he said I want to go as far away from where God wants me that I can possibly go that was for Jonah but I'm talking now to the person sitting beside you I want to make a full announcement from heaven to the person sitting beside you you are closer the youth ever pinning your life I can't hear nobody I said you are closer than you have ever been in your life if if you are driving a car you'll notice that there is a sticker in the rearview mirror they said objects are much closer than they appear you ought to be giving God glory cuz you are close to your hand sir Pryor you you are close to what you've been working on you are Klaus you're getting closer he got on this boat thinking it was the Love Boat not knowing it was the Titanic he got on the boat thinking he was going in the opposite direction of God and I need you to hear this a new birth he didn't get on for free he paid to get on that boat god help me I I want to say something to somebody in this room it costs to be disobedient it costs you to be out of the will of God it costs you only father your own shell to pick the wrong person it it caused you to stay in the wrong circle then it cost you to stay somewhere too long because you when you look back over your life and you do an evaluation of of what it has cost you because you love too easy and Trust too much and forgive too quick y'all ain't saying nothing but this is only for those of y'all who know man Shelton God said this year I'm about to give you a refund so what you spit on ungrateful dick troll something I'm giving you a wave fun you gave yourself to people that didn't value you you get no rapes on God is about to pay you back haha you didn't talk back y'all ain't saying nothing he's about to pay you back for the people that took advantage of you tried to play you and treated you like the bottom of their shoe he's paying you back you got on that and things are going well for a while and then a storm breaks out the sea merchants who are aboard the ship knew that something was awry so they began to do their due diligence and they were trying to figure out who on the boat caused the storm y'all ain't gonna believe it and they figured out it was Jonah y'all ain't gonna like this Jonah is the only one on board who's anointed Jonah's the only one on board they got a gift he's the only one on board that's got an assignment and you mean to tell me on anointed people threw him out y'all ain't gonna like this I gotta tell you this something is getting ready to shift because you've been mishandled by people who you should have never even talked to you do you have been done dirty by folks who wasn't even in your work weight class that didn't even deserve your company or your attention and you got the nerve to throw me out sometimes sometimes a shut door is what will open heaven did y'all hear what I just said I said sometimes a shut door is what will open heaven I heard somebody say when they shut a door in your face shout in the hallway because if that ain't your door God is going another door down the street you gotta thank God for the door and they throw a crow Jonah off the ship I'm in verse number 17 Jonah chapter 1 they throwed Jonah off the ship and don't you know that a fish is position there the fish is at the exact spot where Jonah was thrown off I gotta ask you a question I want to know how is a fish in place and you out of order I will the fish follow the Word of God and you are disobedient the Lord ordered for that fish to be right at that exact spot and a fish stayed right there waiting on Jonah and here's what you got to know about the text is that the fish hear this new birth swallowed him but couldn't digest him the fish swallowed him but couldn't digest him I think I lost you let me back that thing up it swallowed him but it couldn't digest him can I say this for 70 y'all that ain't gonna be cute on me whoever is not supposed to have you will not be satisfied by you that there always have something to complain about there always ever issue there always try to compare you if you ain't supposed to have me you will never be satisfied so Jonah finds himself in the belly of this fish and it's the first time that Jonah craves when he got the call to go to Nineveh he doesn't pray when he give me to get on the boat he doesn't pray but while he's in the belly of the fish that's when he starts praying I don't know whether you realize it or not but sometimes God will orchestrate your life to make you go through something just so he can hear your voice see some of y'all know how to sing you know how to shout but you don't know how to pray I need those of y'all that still believe that just a little talk with Jesus will make a bread sing Jonah in the belly of this fish he begins to pray and I need you to see this I don't know if it's for you for somebody watching online and then God talks but God doesn't talk to Jonah he talks to the fish priest Jamal I'm trying to miss that kid sometimes when you don't hear the voice of God it is not because he's ignoring you it's because he's talking to the thing that's holding you God I can't hear nobody that right now God is talking to your bills she's talking to your supervisor she's talking to your circumstance she's talking to your family issue just because he ain't talking to you don't mean God ain't talking he doesn't talk to Jonah he talks to the fish and the Bible says some peculiar that I can't afford for you to ignore it says that the fish vomited Jonah god help me here he didn't spit Jonah out no that ain't what the Bible says it says that the fish vomited Jonah which means that the Lord may the fish get sick [Applause] god yeah y'all look slow here he made the fish get sick so that the sick fish would get rid of him I can't hear nobody in here God said whatever has been holding you it's about to get sick to you it's getting sick of you is that I need it to come out of the fish and contrary to what you learned in Sunday school it ain't no way oh it ain't a whale it's a fish and the only way it could come out was come out to his mouth I think I've lost somebody here see this is a word for praisers God says when you praise me everything that is not like me is coming out of your system when you cry out underneath every addiction every habit every circumstance has gotta come out of you I need you to grab that neighbor's hand and say neighbor if you shout again she'll break every soul is out again every trauma every sickness every disease vulnerability every hair your brokenness yes coming out of you but you gotta open up your mouth that God can get the blow back right now creating me [Music] Hey be seated please I'm coming Thomas be seated right where you are Hey Thank You holy God hallelujah I did God help me I'm trying to move but he said depression is coming out of you anxiety is coming out of you sleeplessness is coming out of you loneliness is coming out of you you are to open up your mouth and shout until it comes out of your Sitz [Applause] [Music] he he vomits he vomits Jonah how many vomits Jonah you remember this from Vacation Bible School he lands on dry ground you remember that don't you he landed not just on dry ground but he landed where he was supposed to be now in case you were daydreaming on me when Jonah got into the fish it is he was 2,500 miles away from his assignment god help me he was 2,500 miles away from his assignment when he got in the belly of the fish and then he started praying god help me and then you remember in verse 17 that the fish gets sick and vomits him and he lands in the place of his assignment I think I lost you then let let let me see if I can help you he's in the belly of the fish for three days and he couldn't see nothing but he's praying and God ain't talking what Jonah didn't know is that wow he's 2500 miles away from his assignment when he started to pray God turned the fish around and the fish started heading in the direction of his assignment this is only for brazzers today God said if you shopped in the next three days wherever you suppose the base is where you gonna land where hallelujah be seated real quick I gotta show you something would you be seeing it real quick please please I ain't gonna bother you after this be seated real quick I got to show you something I want you to miss it hallelujah thank you holy God I need somebody's hand in your hand softly Thomas I'm getting ready to go somebody's hand is in your hand I need to make an announcement then I'm finished somebody's hand is in your hand please I'm begging you he's out of order goes in the opposite direction begin to pray God turn the fish around they've made the fish nauseous spit Jonah and Jonah lands right in Nineveh I wanna make an announcement it's for the person whose hand you're holding and they don't even know they need this word but their soul is gonna respond even if their mouth doesn't I've been praying for you all week God had you right in my spirit all week long God knew you were supposed to be here on this Sunday I want to say something to somebody it ain't gonna be glossy it ain't gonna be no it ain't gonna be nothing in Hebrew or Aramaic but this is what God told me to tell just 500 of you and when you receive the word of the Lord you better respond to it here's what God wanted you to hear on this day in November you are where you are supposed to be I tell you know about it wherever you are in this season are y'all - this is where you supposed to be this is the area you supposed to be here it is not a mistake you are [Music] [Applause] [Music] everything you went through in your life was setting you up for this moment you are not an accident or mistake everything is don't start making sense after this the death of don't like it but I want you to give dog call already then of where I'm supposed to be handed nip did I want to pray for you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I've been praying the moon I've been praying for a change I've been praying for something different I've been questioning where I am and God said you are where you're supposed to be the Fed hand your pastor wants to pray for you I pray over the next three days that God will give you undeniable confirmation about your placement in life I pray over the next three days the God will give you clear indication that he don't need your approval for his assignment I'm praying the next three days that wherever you're not supposed to be you will be rejected over the next three days whoever's not supposed to be with you will leave you God y'all ain't saying nothing to me but over the next three days things are going to start turning for you he's gonna place you in the right direction with that hand lifted I speak with that person aleca thority i want you to just start turning in a circle right where you are cuz your money give many to change your health is committed to change your marriages get ready to change your children's behavior is getting ready to change you work Spacey and fireman is getting ready to change and those of you that have that kind of faith would you give God Thanksgiving for divine assignments we're just out but the man when you give cocktail hour as all that your stamps my ram supposed to me with no delay no transition no delay no transition and no pause those of you know that new purpose where you supposed to be this the church is supposed to be a part of this the minister you supposed to be connected to I summoned everything in you to meet me at this altar right now come on wherever it is that you are I need you to come to this altom you need to join this church need to give your life over to God I need you to come [Applause] I hear the Spirit of the Lord those of you who remembers a new birthing you've been gone for at least three years I need you to come home [Applause] I need you to meet me at this altar don't you try to assimilate act like you always been here I need you to get off that boat and get to this altar I need you to clap your hands as they come away no you [Music] those of you that appeared online come on this way you supposed to be if you in Atlanta you better get here next Sunday come out clap your hands as they come [Music] y'all ain't clapping good they coming come on there - am supposed to make [Music] suppose give me your hands listen I need you to help me I need you to help me clap your hands they're still coming they still coming every time you see somebody come and start clapping the Bible said the Angels rejoice [Music] they're ten more of you that are coming to this alt I don't know where you are but you on the wrong ship you were heading in the wrong direction but you belong here this is where God wants to grow in you this is where God wants you to blossom where he wants you to flourish will you to be able to identify and recognize your raison d'être to understand what it is that you were born to do was gonna happen right here on this campus I need you to meet me at this altar we're praying for you come on clap your hands for these young adults coming [Music] I need y'all to help me go to work please I need you to help me go to work would you move and talk to somebody around you and ask them do you need me to walk you down there ask them come on Jeff when somebody passes you just point at them and tell them you belong here I'm waiting come on come on [Music] they steal cometh [Music] amazingly with Jonah they still come in come on stretch your hand and tell them you belong here it's only they still coming come on clap your hands [Music] I'm waiting on three more of you the three of you if your hair yup income I can have peace come on the three of you wherever it is that you are you holding up the whole service we've got stuff to do come on come on come on you wait you supposed to be are y'all going shout for this young man listen listen where there come on I don't know where y'all's energy level is this morning y'all making me tired [Music] listen when these last three come I want you to tear the roof of this church is three more that are coming I don't know where they are but I'm telling you these last three when they start coming I want you to please unleash all of your enthusiasm would you do a quick road check and ask them are you sure you saved are you sure you're a member of a church are you sure it is come on with y'all clap come on make some noise hear that when you [Music] [Music] stretch her right hip to face repeat after me you on the right place at the right time Joan in the right church serving on the gong and I know that's right show you right come on give God some praise right where you are they came as friends but they're leaving as family as that both of you who are here if you'll follow us this way come on give God a hang Klepper praise you may be seated in the presence of Malloy new birth you're mindful that we don't leave before the benediction [Music]
Channel: True Word Of Yeshua
Views: 56,449
Rating: 4.8713384 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 34sec (2854 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 17 2019
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