Dr. Jamal H. Bryant, " A PAIN IN THE NECK " - JUNE 27Th, 2021

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[Music] uh president sue came in early tuesday and said i'm here on assignment i need to uh clear some spirits out the way i need to uh shift some things and so i let her into my personal space to be able to do that i went to sleep and she would still love praying i don't even know when she got off her assignment tuesday night uh but i was away in a manger i was eating and she was fasting i and i'm just so grateful unto god out i am appreciative she is still with us in worship uh but thank you for uh covering my home i am appreciative uh to you for uh that and love you eternally isaiah chapter 10 verse 27 isaiah chapter 10 verse 27 [Music] in that day their burden will be lifted from your shoulders their yoke from your neck the yolk will be broken because you have grown so fat in that day their burden will be lifted from your shoulders their yoke from your neck the yolk will be broken because it is the oil that destroys the yolk today burdens will be lifted yolks will be broken from around your neck you are too big to be dealing with stuff that small i want to be preaching uh today using uh as a subject to close out this series a pain in the neck a pain in the neck [Music] i want you to just type uh into the thread you are a pain in the neck and the person who's supposed to be reading it is gonna see it just type you are pain in the neck in 1928 medical circles coined the expression acceleration flexion extension subtitled soft tissue cervical hyperextension injury today we know it as whiplash [Music] is caused from an abnormal motion or force applied to your neck a whiplash happens to your neck hear this in only one of two instances either something came too fast or something stopped abruptly i gotta give that to you again you only get whiplash in one of two instances something came too fast or something stopped abruptly i want to declare something over your life your enemies are about to get whiplash because of how quickly things are getting ready to hit your life but five people in this room ought to be shouting not for what's coming fast here's your shout for what's gonna stop fast there'll be no indication there'll be no warning there'll be no signal there'll be no sign but all of a sudden god is gonna put his foot on the break here it is of the things that cause strain stress and strife over your life it either is going to come fast or it's going to stop fast and when things come fast and stop fast it causes muscles to constrict it causes muscles to strain my dear friends i wanted you to note that neck pain is often symptomatic of stress they are different from headaches which incrementally increase neck pain flares when you try to go back to normalcy i want you to hear that please i need you to hear that is that the pain in your neck accelerates when you try to act like it's not there stress causes our hearts bodies and minds to become tense people with neck pain are prone to adjust and consider it normal so they stop looking for a different stop looking for a prescription they just assume that it's always going to be there god told me to tell 300 of you i need you to stop adjusting to pain because if you are just a pain you don't leave room for me to heal it a person under stress it affects your entire body when you got neck pain watch what happens your body begins your back begins to bend your shoulders begin to tense your posture is bad watch this you when you've got pain in your neck your back bends your shoulders tense your posture is bad when you've got neck pain your back bends your shoulders tense your posture is bad which means here this the pain in my neck stops me from being in a position to fight so what's going on in my neck impacts my body stress i know you haven't heard it in this wise stress is not about your body stress is about infecting your spirit that i become so focused on my stress that it now stops me from praying right the stress i'm going through limits my capacity to be receptive for what god is doing there is an expression that says the weight of the world is on your shoulders i need you to just touch your shoulders tap your shoulders please do you even know why they are there shoulders are only necessary to lift something [Applause] shoulders have only been put there to pull things you only need shoulders if you are going to push so if i've got the weight of the world on my shoulders i do not have what is necessary here it is to lift him when i have the weight of the world on my shoulders i cannot pull down strongholds when i have the weight of the world on my shoulders i can't forget those things which are behind which blocks me from pushing towards the mark mobility and stability rest on your shoulders it helps me now to understand why it is before jesus was crucified god wouldn't even let jesus carry the cross so you got too much to accomplish to have anything else on your shoulders the text says that the burden is off your shoulders [Applause] hallelujah that was a declaration the burden is off your shoulders you are now in the spirit realm pulling down every stronghold that the enemy has tried to keep over your head i've got to pull it down because i don't want the enemy to think my mistakes are bigger than me i don't want the enemy to think that my issues my vulnerability my insecurity or my brokenness is larger than who it is that i am so i've got to pull it down i need you right in your living room and right in this room would you start pulling it down i'm pulling down what happened in my past i'm pulling down what family said about me i'm pulling down what i couldn't forgive myself from i'm pulling down every weapon of mass distraction i'm pulling down every satanic assignment i'm pulling down every issue that keeps blocking me i'm pulling down every excuse that i have given myself i'm pulling down every generational sickness why because i've got to focus on what god is calling me to do whatever has been heavy on you is about to be pulled down the text says take the yoke off your neck take the yoke off your neck i need you to hear this yolks don't go on feet yolks go on necks pastor why is that neck the neck is the support system of the head the neck is the bridge between the mind and the heart in order for me to get to my heart it's got to go through my mind there are people who don't even understand what is that the balancing act of being anointed when it is that your mind and heart are not in alignment hallelujah so when i speak from my heart people think that i am thoughtless when i speak from my mind people think i am heartless because they don't understand in order for me to be kind i need my mind to be in agreement with my heart for me to just be agreeable my heart has got to tell something to my mind your mistake is you tried to get to my heart and thought my mind was not attached so when it is that i've got stress in my neck it is because the enemy wants my heart disconnected from my mind what then happens if the pastor is the head the church is the body and the staff is the neck i think i've lost you what happens if the pastor is the head the church is the body and the staff is the neck if the staff is stressed it then impacts what is sent to the head which disconnects it from the body what happens to the head of your house when the head of your house is only met with negative energy negative information and negative distorted perception of their lack of appreciation it affects the body so the yoke here this symbolizes not in agriculture but for where you are the yolk that is around your neck symbolizes a way of thinking so the enemy puts a yoke around your neck why because he wants to guide your thoughts he wants to guide your thinking process he wants to guide your conviction and guide your belief matthew chapter 11 take my yoke upon you for my yoke is easy but my burdens are light i'm going to say this for somebody who's got a heavy call on your life i want you to receive it god's about to put something on you that will not break you but will break the people that don't believe in you you just miss what i just said god is going to put something on you that will not break you but it will break the people that don't believe in you because they are not going to understand how is this achievable how is this doable how is this conquerable it ain't none of your business he didn't give the assignment to you he gave the assignment to me in matthew chapter 8 foxes have holes birds have nests but the son of man has nowhere to lay his head i need you to hear this he was saying foxes have somewhere and someone to share themselves with birds are never in a nest by themselves i need you to hear what the master was saying he was saying here this this is not an issue of homelessness he was saying um i have nowhere to lay my ideas [Applause] i am in pain because i have nobody who i can communicate my concepts with it hurts me because i feel like i gotta keep quiet because people are aggravated because i think outside of the box i am sick of people looking at me like i'm the one that's crazy because i am not normal i'm not regular and i'm not mundane it is frustrating because i could handle it if it was strangers but i can't even lay my head down with who i'm sleeping with i cannot be comfortable with people that got my last name i keep trying to convince people that what it is that i am thinking is not my idea but it's the idea that god gave me i don't know what to do with it because god gave me the vision but never showed me the process i'm trying to figure out how to unpack it because i know what i'm supposed to do i just don't know how to get it started and i don't know how to get it off the ground i've got pages of ideas and books and concepts but i got nobody that will help me nobody that'll show me how to get it started nobody that will invest in my idea nobody that will push me to another level of greatness i just need somewhere to lay my head down [Music] [Applause] and did it amazing that you didn't even realize delilah never slept with samson [Music] [Applause] she never slept with samson she just told him lay his head down [Applause] when he laid his head down he gave his secrets god i can't hear nobody there there are people you think are attracted to you it's not you it's your ideas they want to know is it's your plans that they're trying to get to it is the anointing that is on your life [Applause] and so you're stressed not because you're under attack your stress um because you got nowhere to rest [Applause] your neck hurts because you can't find where to get affirmed do you know how straining it is to have to explain yourself to people who claim to love you do you know how weary it gets having to unpack who you are with people that claim to be friends do you know what it means to have to defend yourself when it is that you have been misinterpreted to people who claim to be intimate do you know what it means to have to face the world at home [Music] so it's hurting my neck and when it hurts my neck um the last thing a person with whiplash can do is look up [Applause] it causes too much of a strain the only thing you can do with whiplash is look around it is the aim of the adversary that you will never see beyond where you are but you've got to begin to see greater than that even if it is an inconvenience i have to break the yoke why because the yoke that is on me is stopping me from birthing concepts the yolk that is on me is preventing me from dreaming and pushing me to settling the yoke that is on me likes reality better than imagination the yoke that is on me wants me to settle and be satisfied with what other people think is success the yoke that is on me does not make sense because all that i have is what i work for but all that i want doesn't match and he says something in isaiah chapter 10 verse 27 he says your head has gotten too big for this yoke in other words you can't contain all of this and regrettably jonathan so many people have misinterpreted the text and talk about the anointing breaking the yolk and limiting it to the oil chemists will tell you that oil does not break up wood you can pour all the oil you want on it and the wood still will not break there's got to be a strength that comes behind it what god has put on you here it is in the natural it will make no difference but in the supernatural it's going to stop bursting at the seams he says watch this your neck is too fat this is what god is saying to the children of israel while they're under attack by the assyrians they are under oppression they're under degradation they're under marginalization and he said your neck is too fat you don't even understand that what the prophet isaiah is saying to them is you are getting big while you are being oppressed you are prospering in a pandemic you are getting ready to go in a place watch this where people thought you would be malnourished because of maltreatment [Applause] but he said it's the anointing that breaks the yolk my time is almost up but i got to give this to you if you don't mind the nine of y'all that is standing would y'all be seated please um i've been waiting 15 months to say that please i got to say this to you if somebody is uh sitting next to you would you just lay your hands on their shoulder please i know you're practicing social distance and whoever's in the house watching this with you i want you to lay your hands on their shoulder hallelujah lay their hands on their shoulder because here's what i found out that i wanted you to know is that they do not create yokes for one beast whenever there's a yoke it is for two of them hallelujah the problem is when you break the yoke off one whoever is connected will get free at the exact same time [Applause] i am so thankful for who you sitting beside this morning because god said the anointing on them is so heavy that it is not just going to free them but whoever is connected to them is going to be free in this season of their life i need you to look at the person beside you and tell them you got too much anointing i said look at that person tell them you got too much anointing to be in bondage when i open up my mouth whatever has had you bound you are about to come out of it whatever's been restricting you you get ready to be free from it whatever's been holding you back god said i am releasing you out of it god said i don't need you to give me glory for you but i need you to give glory to whoever is in bondage in your household whoever is in bondage in your family whoever is in bondage on your role because he that the sun sets free it's free indeed this is gonna be the sign of mature praises will you give god glory that nobody attached to you will be in bondage nobody who is connected to you will be under supernatural affliction nobody who is assigned to your life will be under satanic assault i feel like busting loose i need you to shout until everything that has been on you has got to come off of you everything that's been holding back your dream holding back your business holding back your idea holding back your concept god said give me glory watch the anointing break give me glory watch the anointing shifted give me glory hey hey hey lift up that hand please sir [Applause] hallelujah oh my god [Applause] [Music] the anointing on you is happy enough for whoever is connected to you look down your row and tell them none of my friends are being bondage nobody in my family is gonna be sick nobody in my family is gonna be an alcoholic god is getting ready to break that yo i'm going to pray over you i want to pray over you that god will give you a place to rest your ideas i want god to put you in a place where you feel safe [Music] articulating what you've seen i want god to put you in a place where you won't feel judged because of what he's put on you i declare and decree of every lifted hand no pain in your back hallelujah no pain in your neck no pain in your knees [Music] no serial migraine for father y'all to get involved no pain in your heart from the frustration that you've had to carry hallelujah i speak a pain-free existence i better say it again i speak a pain-free existence that whatever has been trying to distract you from your assignment has lost its hold and lost its authority over your life those of you who know now i can think clear now i can figure this bad boy out now i can connect the dots now i can do what is necessary for why i was birthed in the earth and those of you who just needed to get this off your neck i declare and decree that it is so in jesus name and those of you your faith is in alignment with my faith would you give god glory for it even right now i can't hear you i said give god glory for it y'all ain't shouting as good as i thought i said give god glory for it the yoke is to direct you to where the driver wants to take you the driver wants to take you off course wants to take you off your path i want you to get saved today i want you to give your life over to god today i want you to be in a church that will hold nothing over your head but we'll help you put whatever you need under your feet i want you to be in a part of a ministry that's going to drive you to your success drive you to your future drive you to your higher self i want to tell you i uh i i know that the enemy doesn't want to see you prosper the enemy does not want to see you effectual the enemy does not want to see you living in purpose but today right now i want you to join the church all the prompts are available to do so i want you to give your life over to god i want you to realize that without him you're not going to make it remember when i turned 13 years old my parents had me read a book by howard thurman called with head and heart talking about what is the balancing act of being a grounded believer some of you need to go get that book you need to read it because your heart is not connected to your head and your head is not connected to your heart those of you who are in alignment with everything that has been spoken over your life today i want you to sow a seed here's what i want i want you to sow and see it's a small seed because you've already given lavishly on this morning i want you to give a seat of 10 and 27 cents that's it that's the smallest offering i've asked you for as your pastor 10 and 27 cents because i want everything isaiah said i want everything in isaiah 10 and 27 i want this oil to destroy the yoke off of everything that's hindering me everything that is upending my future everything that is starting my perception of what god called me to do the giving prompt is right there i'm telling you better jump on this i ain't ever gonna ask you for ten dollars again i i want you to do that and i want you to do it right now seat of 10.27 are saying i am trusting god that the oil on me is going to help set somebody else free the oil that is on my life is going to help deliver somebody catapult somebody into where it is that they are i want you to do me a favor please would you give god glory again for all of our health care providers who are with us [Music] come on come on come on come on [Applause] and while much of our focus is around covet 19 i wanted to alert enterprise you uh that today is national hiv testing day hiv has disproportionately impacted the african-american community and while you have been slow to get your covet test i want you today to with intention that you will get your hiv tests i want you to live a long and a full life jesus said i came that you might have life and that you might have it more abundantly tuesday night i'm closing out this series i'm closing out this series on painkillers and i'm going to be teaching a lesson saying i didn't think it was gonna hurt me that much and i want you to be a part of it and how it is that we delay dealing with our pain it's gonna bless you next sunday i'm starting a brand new series called don't waste my time the blessing of anointed time management is going to bless your life throughout the month of july i am so grateful uh that the lord always has something uh in store for us at new birth so please don't jump off yet don't log off yet i need you to stay with us right here i got a special treat for you on the day alexis and jada spite are with us on today and they're gonna sing us all the way out of the yolk is already broken and now you gotta walk into your freedom and walk into your newness
Channel: True Word Of Yeshua
Views: 56,506
Rating: 4.8803988 out of 5
Id: 1OgCflgCJXE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 25sec (1945 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 27 2021
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