I Slipped Through The Cracks - Pastor Jamal Bryant | Sep 22, 2021

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as the as the only preacher from baltimore this week bishop thomas let me humbly tell you how humbled i am to be able to stand in the footprints of dr charles edward booth [Applause] i want to preach tonight using as a subject i slipped through the cracks i slipped through the cracks would you would you look at the person beside you tell them pray for me look at him tell him i know you can't tell but i slipped through the cracks while a student at duke divinity school i had a conversation with dr charles booth and asked him to tell me as a young preacher what it is that i could do to extend my craft to become a better preacher he admonished me as an embryonic theologue said jamal find something unfamiliar in a familiar passage and raised questions that the pew doesn't know how to ask in of doing i um i thought about genesis chapter 3. and in genesis chapter 3 we're mindful of when the serpent came into the garden of eden and seduced eve to eat of the forbidden fruit and in the topography of the text we are given the insight to know that the tree of knowledge was in the center of the garden through deductive reasoning we understand then that by virtue of the fact that eve is giving a gps as to where the tree is while they're having the conversation they're not standing next to the tree and so in order for them to get to the tree that held and housed the forbidden fruit him in the psalmist they um they had to go through the entire orchid and going through the entire orchid they passed by trees and they passed by fruit that they could have eaten in tribute to dr booth tonight i want to exegete the trees that were passed and it amazing that those trees were growing fresh pomegranate from a contemporary standard version they were flush with fresh apples because it was paradise there were not different seasons it was just one season so can you imagine what is going on in the mind of the trees and the pomegranate that were being passed in order to get to the tree and the pomegranate that they shouldn't have those trees with whispering leaves were asking the profound question why won't you pick me i have what you need i'll give you strength i'll equip you for your journey and yet you walk past me whatever you do please don't look quickly at the people who are on your row because some of them throbbing in the back of their mind are asking the question how come i wasn't picked how come i wasn't chosen how come i wasn't selected how come i was overlooked and somehow in your subconscious you have been stained with low self-esteem over the rejection of not being selected before those fruit could drop from the tree they had to have in fact been resolved at some point i'm glad i wasn't picked hear this i wasn't picked here this psalmist because i'm not satan's taste had he chosen me it would have been evidence i'm what he liked i got a pause here are some of you who are in this service tonight who ought to be giving god glory for what you was never chosen for [Applause] because had you been picked for it it would have cost you too much stress too many years of your life and too much anxiety we know how to only shout for what we are chosen for but sometimes you got to give god glory for what you were ignored about [Applause] thank god for the job you didn't get thank god for the psychopath you didn't marry thank god for the deal that didn't go through thank god for the house that you never moved into thank god for the option you never chose they meant it for evil but god is working it out for your good you tonight have got to be at peace for slipping through the cracks you didn't see it then but if you see it now would you just pause and give god thanksgiving for what you were not chosen for [Applause] joy the gospel choir west side baptist church in beatrice nebraska can sing a full contada on what it means to slip through the cracks earlier this year on a wednesday night which is supposed to be their practice night they have quiet rehearsal every wednesday but on 7 20 p.m march of this year every single member of the gospel choir of westside baptist church in beatrice nebraska every single member of the choir was late can you imagine that they had no idea what was taking place choir rehearsal is supposed to start at seven nobody shows up and at 7 20 there's an explosion a gas leak imploded in the building took off the roof blew off the steeple decimated the sanctuary hymnals were found 500 feet away and all of them were tardy for different reasons the pianist and her mother the choir director got pulled over for a speeding ticket sisters lucille and dorothy were captivated watching the maripovic show the estes brothers car wouldn't start they were waiting on triple way to give them a jump to their battery ladonna vanderbilt high school sophomore was grounded and couldn't go to choir rehearsal because she hadn't finished her geometry homework harvey brown lost track of time talking to his next door neighbor the pastor who lit the furnace in the first place was late ironing his daughter's dress because his wife was out of town i'm here for 50 of you who don't even realize you thought you were running late but you were right on schedule god was blocking you from something you didn't even see i don't know who's gonna receive this prophetic word i know you've been watching other people go ahead of you but you forgot god always saves the best for last and for 50 of y'all that will shout in this church today god said watch what i do the last six weeks of the year i'm getting ready to bless you with what eyes have not seen and the ears have not heard you getting ready to catch up with the blessing you thought you lost in 1988 1988 just want basouda was on his way home to new york after attending a wedding in england he checked his luggage and then went into the lounge to kick back because he had time he had a couple of drinks before he knew it the intercom announced that the gate was closing gathered himself ran down to the counter and the pan am ticket agent refused to let him on in drunken disgust he went back to sleep right on the bench where the gate was unbeknownst to basouda a pan am flight 103 would have been known for the lockerbie bombing the explosion that killed every person on the plane except for one that was left on the ground he missed it watch this he missed it and slipped through the cracks because of his brokenness he was being drunk that made him miss it the perfect people are not going to shout with us but there are 300 that ought to be giving god glory that i had grace on my life don't shout yet i had grace on my life here it is when i wasn't doing right when i was out of order grace was still with me when when i was doing stuff i had no business doing the hand of god was still on my life [Applause] and i slip through the cracks admittedly there are instances when slipping through the cracks can mean life or death take april 28 1979. april 28 1979 63 year old anna williams went out dancing with friends which by itself doesn't seem significant until you find out that dennis raider known as the btk serial killer was hiding in her house he had been stalking her for weeks watching her every moves and ordinarily anna 63 years old didn't like going out at night so he thought he had the perfect plan her friends convinced her don't stay in the night let's go dancing they took anna 63 years old out dancing and while she's out dancing the serial killer broke in broke into the house cut the phone lines picked out knickknacks to steal and waited in her closet for her to come on and anna who hadn't been out in a while starts dancing time goes by the killer is waiting in the closet and anna is out dancing time elapses he's getting antsy and itchy but she's out dancing he got so tired of waiting for that he picked up his stuff and left this is not a word for spectators this is a word for those who came to fresh fire they got a dance and a shout in your spirit god said while you praise me tonight whatever the enemy was waiting to do in your house [Applause] organist i'll be with you in a minute whatever the enemy was waiting to do in your house is now disrupted every level of spiritual warfare aimed at your house is being brought down while you dance if you ain't got to shout the enemy waiting on you but if you got a two-step left in you god says i'm getting ready to defy every weapon every worker of iniquity that your family and your household shall be covered we see that place musicians i'ma let you work give me time to work the black star project the black star project chronicled a letter from a death row inmate as his final request before execution and before being executed he asked for a pen and paper in order to write his mother a letter and said that she should read the letter after his demise and not only should she read it but it should be published that letter says um mother just as i am guilty so were you remind yourself when i stole the bike and you helped me hide it so dad wouldn't see it remember when i stole money from the neighbor and you took me to the mall to spend it remember when you told my stepfather not to discipline me after i got caught cheating on my final exam which got me expelled so he left my i was a troubled child and now i'm a male adjusted man i needed correction not approval but i forgive you i just want this letter to reach as many parents as possible so that they don't allow their offspring to fall in the cracks i'm getting ready to close please just indulge me i just need parents to lift their hands just parents grandparents foster parents adoptive parents hallelujah bishop thomas only brought me because of the anointing that rest on my life i speak it over every lifted hand that your children will not slip through the cracks hallelujah i feel glory coming now your children will never spend a night in jail they'll never be in rehab i can't hear nobody they'll never be confused about their sexuality about their identity they'll never lose their self-esteem i can't hear nobody they will never be on behavior modification drugs i i speak over your children y'all better shout now that they'll be better than their father they'll be better than every person that shares their last name i speak over your children's life that they are not gonna drop out of school they'll never be on an abortion table they'll never be a side chick they'll never be a baby mama i speak over your children they will never be a purveyor of violence but their ears for every worshiper in this room a head fence of protection around your child's life some of y'all can only shout over cars closing money but if you shout for your children's destiny i need you to open up your mouth right now that your children shall be covered hey hey thank you holy god [Applause] you may be seated i feel glory coming now hiya i said i feel glory coming now i need you to pull on that neighbor tell them your children are now covered by the blood of jesus they are going to slip through the cracks your children are going to be history makers and world changers your children are going to be captain of industry and the head and not the tail your children will prophesy hallelujah be seated i'm coming thank you be seated please thank you holy god i just got cleared for takeoff hallelujah this ain't for everybody but those of y'all that got crazy faith for your children's destiny will you speak your children's name out loud i said god i can't hear nobody i said open up your mouth and speak your children's full name god said if you call their name i'm assigning an angel to cover your child if if you open up your mouth god is going to knock them off of that bardstown god is covering your church hallelujah thank you hallelujah be seated please [Applause] thank you holy god be seated i don't know where the three of you all are but god said if you shout they're getting out of jail early god i can't hear nobody he said if you open up your mouth i already got them a scholarship or internship i've already created where they gonna finish out their life you ought to give god glory that your children will slip hallelujah your children are wrong don't slip through the cracks you say that please hallelujah thank you holy god [Applause] thank you holy god i don't know who needed this breakthrough tonight god heal me i don't know who needed this breakthrough tonight but your shout is going to expose you god said if you give me glory the warfare around your child ends at midnight if if you cry out loud whatever's been going on with your children i arrest the spirit of rebellion i resist the spirit of disrespect whatever is going on be seated please we see that john chapter 8 [Applause] john chapter 8 seems to just be a um a protracted argument about arguing all of john chapter 8 in cases just one long argument verses 1-11 in chapter 8 chronicles for us the woman caught in adultery and this woman who's caught in adultery jesus is um is seemingly penalized for helping her they got an attitude with him for helping somebody else it wasn't jesus caught in adultery but now they they're shifting the tables because he's assisting other people and somebody who's sitting on your row who has no idea why it is they keep catching stray bullets y'all not gonna like it being hit by people they were trying to help they got an attitude with you and don't even realize i'm the only real friend you got i ain't hating on you i ain't jealous i'm gonna tell you the real deal i can't hear nobody would you look at your neighbor tell them i'm not like the rest of your friends look at them and tell them i'm not threatened by you look at them tell them i want nothing you got look at me now i tell them to prove it to you my next shout ain't for me i'm a shout that everything you've been praying for you're gonna get it by december 31st would you shout for that neighbor right now like you want to see them get everything that's verses 1-11 i'm still in john chapter 8 verses 12 through 20. verses 12 through 20 they argue over his testimony they have art with the master because he said i am the light of the world whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life the pharisees pushed back and said it appears you are your own witness hallelujah bishop thomas taught me years ago that there is no greater freedom than not needing anybody for nothing oh god i can't hear nobody see some of y'all some of y'all in the room you you got delivered from drugs other people in the room you got delivered from alcohol love other people in the room you got uh delivered from pornography a few of you got delivered from gambling but i'm talking to a thousand of you who said rev i got delivered hear this from other people's opinion that that that i don't even care whether you like me i don't care whether you spoke to me i ain't got to go eat with y'all i ain't gotta be on your little committee i am glad to be in my own skin and i don't need your validation i know who i am who got to get delivered from other people's opinion if you don't like what i got on buy me something else then i can't hear nobody in here if you you don't like my hair y'all ain't saying nothing to me i'ma buy three more bundles on friday if you don't like who i'm with too bad cause you ain't got nobody thank you for letting me be myself again because i don't need your validation verse 21 through 27. i'm still in john chapter 8. verse 21-27 the dispute is over who jesus is hallelujah jesus had come to the mind that i am no longer defending myself i am tired of having to dummy myself down for insecure people who are threatened about what i represent y'all ain't saying nothing you you got folk this is for 50 y'all that ain't gonna leave me out here you got folk out here hating on you and they don't know i ain't even got nothing you you all in my kool-aid and don't know the flavor you got no idea just for me to be able to be sane i'm able to say i woke up this morning with my mind hallelujah we see that we got miles to go before we sleep be seated look at the person beside you tell them i'm not defending myself i i went through too much stuff in my life to have to worry about what you think about me where were you when they were getting ready to cut off my lights where where were you when i got furloughed off my job where where were you when i was raising children with no child support i need 80 of y'all that can declare if it had not been for the lord on my side well would i [Applause] not um i'm not defending myself be seated y'all got a spirit of disobedience that new song must be be be seated right where you are this some of you i need you to know you are not on trial stop defending yourself because you are not on trial i better say it for the people in the balcony stop defending yourself you are not on trial you are found guilty for having favor the favor of god is so undeniably on your life and your haters can't stand it what you got you ain't have to sleep with nobody to get it you didn't have to compromise to get it you didn't have to play politics to get it but god is the joy and the strength i'm still be seated i only got three more times to tell you that i'm i'm still in john chapter eight in john chapter 8 as we come now to the circumference of our text i'm in verse 48 and in verse 48 they got mad because jesus starts talking about eternal life and they said how would people live and even abraham had to die and he is the father of our faith have we moved to such a season in our faith how that we no longer preach eternal life how we always preach a shallow christianity that is shrunk wrap around capitalism and what it is that you can gain but we no longer talk about sacrifice that if you suffer with him then you'll reign with him i can't find any worshipers in here he understood that this world is not my home that though you slay me yet will i trust him some of y'all can't shout because you ain't never been sick before some of y'all they never lived through a car accident that you walked away from some some of y'all never had pain racking in your body again and without any notice it subsided and you knew that he was wounded from my transgressions and bruised from my iniquities by your stripes i'm healed hallelujah they they got mad yes they got mad because they were trying to figure out how in the world is he operating with this level of authority and he's never been the seminary have they wanted to know where did he get his biblical prowess and he had never been ordained they were trying to figure out how was he able to gauge that depth of revelation and he wasn't a part of their fellowship how they didn't understand that what was on god was on him with nothing but the power of god look at the person beside you and tell them i can't even explain what's on my life hallelujah because there's some people in this church have they lived through what you endured they would be on medication right now and they had to go through what you had to suffer they would have had a nervous breakdown and would have committed suicide but i'm talking to some people who know looking back over my life i had some good days and i had some bad days but but i gotta tell you that i won't complain look at the person beside you tell them god is with me because i got a job that i don't qualify for i got a house that should have been foreclosed or i got a car that should have been repossessed i got a body that should have shut down but god keeps making away from me and you think i'm studying you because you mad about how loud i'm shouting i need to give god this praise this been one of the roughest years of my life but it feels like fire shut up shut up in my mouth be seated i only got two more times to tell you that my time is running out and so here jesus is in church and while he's in church he discovers what many of you have found out and that is just because people go to church don't mean they want the best for you god i can't hear nobody in here just just cause you in church don't mean everybody gets excited about your blessing some people are disappointed about the doors that you open can i talk to some real people in here who found out i didn't come to new songs to make friends i got to be in your little clique i just want to get my word my my business and get the breakthrough i need because there's fire in this house and they picked up songs they picked up songs to kill them and the text says that he's in church and the critical question that i have to beg the texts is why were they bringing weapons to church god help me maybe you forgot i'm in john chapter eight and then john chapter eight is um the narrative where the woman is caught in adultery and jesus then said to that whole august body he without sin cast the first stone they threw down their stone according to john chapter 8 but by the time i get to verse 48 it's evident they pick the stone back up god i can't hear nobody there there are some people who've been waiting for an opportunity for you to be killed they're waiting for the moment for you to fall waiting for an opportunity to blow up your spot but they don't know it's too late if you were gonna get me you should have got me in july but the moment i got the fresh fire everything the enemy thought he was going to do to me got disconnected [Applause] i slipped i slipped through the cracks that's that ain't your testimony is that you some of y'all just just made it through without any provocation but i i need 20 of you that can identify with what i'm i'm trying to share with you that i think you know you made it by the hair on your chinny chin chin god help me to preach it right i need you to look at the person beside you tell them don't make me talk about it because if i talk about it i might cry if if if i talk about it i may just lay out at the altar if i talk about it i'm gonna tear this church up but i i slept i slipped through the cracks and they think they're gonna kill jesus in church but they don't understand that you can never wound the worshiper [Applause] if you were gonna get me you should have got me before i got here that's why real worshipers don't sit still because they know there's a contract out on my life and as long as i keep moving god will move with me this is the craziest shout you're gonna ever give god said if you give me glory tonight and don't sit still while you in church whatever attack [Applause] [Music] i already ain't got no sound now please whatever attack has been aimed at your life while you shout tonight you are going to escape every attack that the enemy throws at you i'm not telling y'all what to do but if you believe that the enemy is defeated tonight give him a shout look at your neighbor and say neighbor when i move you move just like that when i praise him you praise him just like that if you praise him the attack on your life is over give god glory then it's over give him praise that is over give him a shout that is over grab that neighbor's hand and shake your neighbor and say neighbor for the last 11 months the enemy tried to kill you but if you shout tonight you gonna slip [Music] somebody ought to give him glory what's the matter with jesus he [Music] hey you slipping through the cracks you coming out for free you coming out debt-free you coming out with no hip replacement no knee replacement you coming out of it your bills are gonna be paid your issue is gonna be resolved the case is working in your favor [Music] [Music] lift up that hand [Music] lift up that hand you're gonna slip through the cracks tonight shining strings please you're gonna slip through the cracks [Applause] that you ain't even gonna know how you came out of it but you're coming out of it and you're coming out of it alive i can't hear nobody this this is for those of y'all they've been dealing with some stuff with would you lift up that hand and open up your mouth like you believe you gonna slip right through it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that hand is lifted why because when he slips through the cracks he comes out of the church and nobody carrying stones follows him our bishop is going to give the benediction tonight but this is just for my worshipers god said if you give to me 30 seconds of your worship hear me when you leave out of church your issue won't follow you god i can't hear nobody i i said if you opened up your mouth whatever you are dealing with it's going to stay right here if you if you give him glory god said i'm resolving the matter you may slip through the cracks i just need 10 seconds of worship [Applause] would you open up that mouth come on you slip into it hey i can't hear anybody i need you to open up your mouth [Music] y'all really ain't gonna say nothing you coming out of it [Music] you coming out of it i better say it again you coming out of it
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Rating: 4.818182 out of 5
Keywords: jamal h. bryant sermons, jamal h. bryant sermons 2021, sermosn2021, sermons, pastor jamal bryant, dr jamal bryant, church 2021, jesus, sermon, dr. jamal harrison bryant, harrison bryant, pastor jamal bryant net worth 2021, pastor jamal bryant net worth
Id: 71dvepzog4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 20sec (2660 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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