Bishop Eddie L. Long - POWERFUL ILLUSTRATION 2004

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say he promised in my table I'm about through say he promised as is 300 see promise what's your name Tracy Tracy that's shield $300 okay listen Tracy it's yours it's got your name on it okay nobody mess with it it's yours okay say already see y'all miss it can send us everything God's gonna do for you it's already set aside I'm through but I gotta read this say but God took three and a half million folk out of Egypt in Deuteronomy 6 and 23 says he takes him out so he can bring them in he takes him out he delivers him so he can take them in to what he already set up and promised now if I read the Bible to you and I'll let you know that the amorite and the press ice and the Hittites and all of them were already living in the promise said they were in the promise please I said which means that the promised land was all ready there say already you miss that can I make it personal your stuff is already if you miss that everything you even pray about God has already set up [Applause] what's this do you want to know how Adam named all the animals and not repeated himself it was not that Adam was making up names every animal that came in front of Adam was already named by God and God was checking Adam to see if he was thinking like him because the animals were already named so what was he doing he was testing Adam let me test you before I give you your woman let me test you for I'll leave you in charge Traci your money is still sitting right there it's your money nobody else can come get it because it's already yours it might take you a moment to get up here and get it but you got to wait until you release to come get it but it is yours it ain't going away until you come get it because it's already set aside for you it's set aside with your name on it the money says Tracy I'm trying to paint something I'm trying to paint something say but I got to come through the wilderness I'm through I just want to read this can I read this what's this every command Deuteronomy 8 Nate 8 1 every command which I command you today you must be careful to observe that you may live and multiply and go in and possess the land which the Lord has sworn to your father's and you shall remember the Lord God that led you all the way these 40 years in the wilderness to Humble you and to test you to know what was in your heart to Humble you to test you to know what was in your heart Tracy baby this yours this is yours got your name on it and set aside it's your promise and read one more thing to you but but he's got to test you because your promise is so big he has to qualify you and grow you up to meet what he's gonna give you for everybody in here who has Great Tribulation that means you've got a great promise you got a great promise don't get upset because it's so hard oh god is doing it's maturing you what was this what's this what's this what's this busting through I'm trying to get you I'm trying to get it I'm trying to get there and and he did not I'm through I just got to read this and he did not go too short way I says Exodus 13 17 then it came to pass when Pharaoh had let the people go that God did not lead them by the way of the land of the Philistines although it was near their folk in here who've been in a long night and even though new birth starts jumping and shouting about prosperity and all this stuff that's going on you ain't seeing it I'm talking to somebody there's some folk in here who are stuck in a long night it's been hopeless and every day you get up you're stuck with the same thing looking at the same thing day after day and what you thought would be ended in six months has gone six years and you keep getting up and keep getting up and keep getting up and you keep wondering when is this gonna be over and you're sick of it and you're tired of it and somehow what keeps you going is this voice inside of you this little promise that God gave you but I am sick and tired of this long night Tracy Tracy baby Tracy Tracy Tracy Tracy Oh be eyes Tracey open trace his eyes tell hey Tracey open your eyes till overnight open your eyes baby baby this is yours but what's this can I have you for a moment Tracy he goes away with me God's promised you a whole lot of stuff but he's not going to take you the shortcut way her $300 is over there but gods go take her the long way because she has to stop my brother man who's having some problems and minister to him and then keep on going while she's suffering and also excuse me excuse me and and take you through a whole lot of folk that doesn't look like it's headed to your promise excuse me excuse me excuse me stop my promises over there come on come on and say excuse me I'm sorry excuse me I didn't mean to come through here excuse me let me help you and bless you and encourage you you're always encouraging somebody you wanna be encouraged and then ain't even headed towards your promise it's going in a different direction but you must go by this way because there's something some folk gotta tell you and there's some things that you gotta learn even though it's not in the direction of your promise it does not mean you won't get to you Robinson but what come on trace it you guys stay with me you can't give up Tracy okay now what's this Tracy you need the three hundred dollars but God blesses somebody else with what you want and then he wants to know if you because what she needs you want to but it says if you can give it to her it's not your promise in a whole different way I'm somewhere in the wilderness and I'm getting close and it looks like it looks like I'm gonna get to my promise and you see it but then God takes you another direction because he realized that you were down and so he says come on there's some folk over here I know you want something that's why I chose you you promise but right now there's a brother over here who needs to be sponsored so I know you ain't got much but what little you have you waiting on your ship to come in but what little you have take the laughs of that and say god bless you my brother I hope you get yours god bless you my brother I'm still holding on it's been a long night but I'm still trusting God I'm still praising him still praising him I'm still praising him soon and very soon come on we tired we got make it and if you can endure we've been indoors for a night [Applause] Jah Jah [Music] [Music] [Applause] it might take me a watch I might have to go around the block a couple of times but blessed be under God he is faithful [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it might look like you're going away from your breakthrough it might look like you're going away from your deliverance but I want you to know something [Applause] looks like you're going contrary to your deliverance but God's just leading you the long way he wants to see if you'll bless him when you ain't get nothing he wants to see when you bless him if it looks like ain't nothing coming back to you he wants to see if you the same bless the Lord O my soul that is within me bless His Holy Name not because I got a car not because I got a house not because I got married just bless the Lord O my soul within me he wants to see if you can celebrate somebody else's blessing he was Oh God [Applause] they do you can I help with something do you want to know when you get the most calls for help you get the most calls for help when you need it yourself and you're sitting in ministry I can remember when I was going through my bout with cancer and seemed like everybody I was laying hands on was telling me I got cancer and then they were coming back telling me about their healing and I'm sitting going through treatment weeping while I'm laying hands on folk to get healed and asking God how come you gonna let me go this route well I can lay hands on others and they get healed and God said well let me tell you something I'm not taking you the straight way I'm gonna see if you're gonna get up and stop complaining and you still bless somebody else I wanna see if you don't still love me if I can take your hands and lay it on somebody else and they get healed and then you lay it on yourself and nothing happens I wanna see if you'll still trust me if your stuff doesn't work for you I want to see if you can go and handle it I'm gonna tell you I'm talking to somebody here you've been sitting up and everybody's coming to get from you what you want and God says I wanna see if you'll still get up and you'll still be there if you're still stand with me hear me [Applause] you [Applause]
Channel: Inspiration Station
Views: 136,465
Rating: 4.7906756 out of 5
Keywords: bishop eddie l long, newbirth cathedral, jamal bryant, newbirth lithonia, bishop td jakes, noel jones, promises of god, eddie l long 2004, the process, weeping may endure for the night, td jakes, td jakes defying the urge to quit, serita jakes, michael todd, steven furtick, maranda curtis, tasha cobbs, holy convocation shout, cogic shout, praise break, emotional, miracle
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 36sec (876 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 22 2019
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