the ANGRIEST lady I've ever seen on a traffic stop

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AutoModerator πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is taking away from actual victims of police brutality. They were too nice. And everyone screaming in the cops faces and reaching in their pockets, and they never once reacted other then continuously asking them to step back.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Used_Competition_954 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

So I assume she has to go to court now for this, but can anyone tell me if she has to watch this same video in front of people and explain her actions? I really hope so.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ooby_do πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

The lady was wrong though ... can’t react like that

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/breezyhill77 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 09 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

The commentator sounds hella racists.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/spencerroadrunner πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 09 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
do your walls suffer from being soulless boring or having those stupid family pictures on them dear friends laugh at you when they see how dumb your walls look if you're a wall loser like i used to be check out display a display is a super awesome metal sign that can be put up in seconds tap the sticker to the wall slap the magnets to the sticker and boom your wall doesn't look like a complete piece of [ __ ] so what kind of wall art can you get nearly anything you're into they have over 1.4 million designs you can get 30 off your own displays by clicking on the link in the comments in the description below blue hills traffic stops september 21st 2020 insane drama queen i'll [ __ ] with that you lying [ __ ] because i never [ __ ] i've never been no [ __ ] new britain i got that [ __ ] on camera you're going down you lying [ __ ] [Laughter] is there a book of like how to be a [ __ ] [ __ ] to the police not that it's wrong to ask for a police officer's badge number that's a common thing please do if you feel that you you should do that it's okay a cop will tell you but it's like there's a common list of phrases that goes with being a absolute piece of [ __ ] to the police that you have to repeat over and over and i think that's the number one thing is i want your badge number where if you would stop screaming slow your heart rate down stop being a complete cut you could see that their badge number is on their badge and if you ask them nicely they would they would give you a card that says their name and their badge number on it it's hard it's hard to understand if you don't scream at them and you talk with them like they're people because they're talking to you like your people they'll give you their badge number all right now you will go on administrative leave effective immediately she's the police chief now you will go on administrative leave effectively immediately oh i figured it out they pulled the police chief over that's why she's so mad oh did you hear that one of the officers said is she the chief now and those guys said i don't know man this car's reported as stolen she's the registered owner we're just trying to figure it out when i was a cop i wish random people on the streets could send me on holidays i'd be like i'll take it how's the register stolen i don't know that's what i'm trying to figure out i think you got all right so if i had to guess what actually happened was i know if a vehicle is stolen then it gets logged either into the dispatch notes or right into the dmv which you have access to in your computer in the cop car let's say your boyfriend takes your vehicle out and then he cheats on you and you're mad at him and you're reported as stolen and then you go to the police and you file a police report then there's going to be a note on the dmv or on 911 dispatch or whatever program you use for if you run that tag it'll pop up as stolen but if you don't go back to the police where you file the report at and tell them oh i got my car back or this situation is resolved then it's still going to pop up as stolen and you're going to get pulled over in the car oh it's her boyfriend it's her boyfriend that went like that and walked away the guy in the gray hoodie this is what happened exactly what i just said he took the car out with the boys one night or something she was mad and didn't want him to go out and she went to the police and filed a police report and then never told the police what actually happened i guarantee you that's what happened no he wasn't ledger at catherine 59-34 please can i make please stop [ __ ] checking my videos you know this is the car you [ __ ] prick jane light that's your name can i get your badge number okay can we show her that can we just show her that it's on the list stolen yeah she wants what's her name they're all common [ __ ] she's running around screaming and cursing at him he's got his phone now and he's like can we just show her that it's stolen oh she's a detective now detective mode activated ma'am ma'am ma'am ma'am ma'am i need you to step over here come here come here come here i want to show you i want to show you something i'm trying to show you listen see your car right here see it's on red you see away listen listen listen no she screamed loud enough so many times that i think that the police are wrong now everything is in my name listen i'm trying to we're trying to show you why we stopped that's true no makeup listen no listen where'd you get the numbers from all right i'm done registration yeah do you need to run you in the system to make sure this car is registered all right give me my [ __ ] registration and my insurance now man stay ma'am give me my registration and insurance that's not how any of that works god what a nasty person if you'll notice the dude's sitting in the uh sitting in the driver's side right here running her in the computer all she has to do is just chill for a minute him run it make sure the car is not really stolen and be like here have a nice day and she has a kid you heard her walking around y'all my daughter's only six years old and you're pulling me over by the way kids make you immune to traffic stops all right you're not gonna get missing listen ma'am one time ma'am [Applause] [Applause] i hope you all go to hell so imagine you get this job where you don't make money at all and all you want to do is help people and then the people you run across talk to you like this i feel so bad for cops these days especially with the social climate and everything going on right now where everyone already hates you because some guy in some city you don't even know did some [ __ ] up [ __ ] and there are what 700 000 police officers in the united states who come across several hundred people a day but you hear about one incident a week which the chances of [ __ ] like that actually happening which someone is wrong is astronomically high like between a police officer doing something wrong in someone and then you you know you just you have this this might be the worst karen i've ever seen man i probably would have already put her in handcuffs and put her in the back of the car at least detained her for like disorderly conduct or something she said i hope you all go to hell and he said i love jesus so that's not happening imagine pulling someone over because because it's a stolen car and them jumping out and screaming at you for four minutes straight and then telling you i hope you go to hell it's terrible but i can't stop watching now we guys we still got eight minutes of this left we have already invested too much into this and i'm not gonna quit now i love jesus so that's not happening that's already written all right i do read the bible [Applause] don't even bother don't even bother it's already [ __ ] wrecking don't even bother also the system i don't care you see it's me you see i'm the owner what are we doing we have to run it we have to run we have to do a protocol what are you doing no i don't want to talk to you stay over there [Applause] stay over there oh the boyfriend is just as bad okay i see now for what you're being detained because it comes up as a stolen car that's why i'm not gonna tell you again do you know what was probably about to happen i don't know if you noticed but the cop that was running the registration had just stepped out of his car which means they had probably ran the registration and it came back clear and he was probably walking around his car to tell her hey it was a mistake it was reported stolen before but no one ever told us that you had got it back everything's okay but suddenly she became possessed what are you doing get out of the car get out of here get out of the car and it's nice get out of the cars yo what's all what's old crackhead right here doing reaching into his belt anybody anybody noticing that any anybody see an old old dude right here right there all the boyfriends screaming and wanting to fight you what a shitty situation what a shitty situation i know they should just 40 mike miker right in the right in the pooter we know it works yo y'all need to watch old dude over here i don't know what he's doing you don't drink all the blue top vodka in the city and he's looking for a fight we got peduki salmon over here wow you're thinking of my jokes before i could think of them i'm not gonna tell you again they're not even putting hands on her so i want i want you guys to understand how patient these officers are being right now that they're all getting pulled around while she's driving back and forth in the vehicle and they haven't even jerked her ass out and taser yet they're being super patient as they have been this entire time baby put the car apart putting the car apart baby you guys back back up okay now the boyfriend is trying to get her sit down what are you doing let's leave me go i have my daughter here leave me alone yeah you have your daughter there but you're the one causing all the goddamn trouble lord have mercy you're the one scaring that poor kid not the police oh here we go we're getting physical she tried to dive back into the car they let her do it three or four times now not letting her do it again this dude won't take his hand out of his [ __ ] pockets and he keeps reaching for his left waist with his right hand this guy is making me more nervous than anyone else around here because you know this guy is just just peacocking right now he's puffing up and acting like he's gonna do something but he's not gonna do [ __ ] this guy is the one i'd worry about right here but the shit's popping off and they're not looking at hardly anything over here they're trying to pay attention to the woman who might run them over also look at this guy right here behind the curve back up back up get back stay [Applause] hear that guy [ __ ] the police y'all just pigs how easily could this have gone down if she would have just chilled for five minutes it's a stolen car if it's your [ __ ] stolen car you want people to investigate it they were investigating a stolen vehicle so just chill god they were so patient with her but this is what people say is police brutality right here yeah did they have to wrestle her out of the car and probably put her in handcuffs but you see what they did before they even got to that point [Applause] i've talked to a lot of my police officer friends the past couple months and anytime they arrest anyone standing sitting laying down they start screaming i can't breathe back up back up back up back up back up back up back up back up back up you don't need that many back up back up back up bro you don't need that many cops for her this guy says have you ever been a police officer dealing with someone who does not want to be arrested they are there to protect her to keep her from [ __ ] hurting herself at this point this guy's a cop though pl use the force expert probably he should he should probably carry his use of force expert certification around so you can show the cops and tell them how to do their job actually you know what let's call some professional athletes and ask them how they should detain her why they're not a female officer listen guys guys back up back up listen listen she can't [Music] that's fine that's fine record all you got so but stay record stay on the curse i'm calling [ __ ] dude i'm calling [ __ ] on that no one's hurting her no one's on top of her they cuffed her all right just relax it's relaxed why is there not a female officer out here when you're arresting a female well either none were available and you would normally only call a female officer out not because you're there's a female you're trying to arrest you call a female officer out so so that they can search a female and the males don't get in trouble for it that's usually the only time you call a female officer out so they can get up under the titties basically don't be scared of titties you don't call a female officer out just because you're arresting a female so no he's not an officer he doesn't know [ __ ] about policing and he needs to [ __ ] right off here i can go back i can go into this a little bit further with this guy he's got a beard right majority police departments don't allow beers unless you're on some kind of [ __ ] jump out team narc component gang unit some [ __ ] like that which means you've been a police officer for a couple years and you know your [ __ ] which just further shows that he's full of [ __ ] [Music] i mean already you know what after all this is over if i was that officer i would question him about saying he's a police officer oh that's a charge too impersonating police officer hmm oh no she's doing this she's doing the limp body thing i would say this is how my kid acted when they were younger but but john never acted this bad ever his entire life and he's eleven [Laughter] he just whispered under his breath oh my god this is [ __ ] ridiculous man yo watch old boy right here he keeps putting his right hand towards his left side this dude's driving me crazy are you are you are you a relative i thought you said you were her sister so the little girl's in the car and that's your brothers that's my sister there's a little there's a little girl in the car that's not my neck that's your sister that's hilarious did you guys catch that one you said she was your sister she is my sister well there are little girls in the car she said that's not my problem there's a little girl in the car that's not my dad well did you say that's your sister so i would suggest go over there a whole kid in the car whole ass kid in that car though i can't believe y'all [Applause] stay back stay back stay back stay back he's still reaching look at that this guy right here oh there we go she's asking badge numbers now too there we go has he been trying to pull out his flip phone for the past 11 minutes and he finally just got it out is that what we were worrying about [Applause] stay back stay back stay back stay back back up get on the i'm not gonna tell you one more time stay on the curve what you mean i just i got a little [Applause] y'all hurting her put her in the ambulance put it in the ambulance so stop so let's stop there put in the ambulance what the [ __ ] are you doing here this guy come on man it's a boyfriend right here he did did you notice he only acts up when his boy right here is around him he's only throwing a fit when this dude's around holding him back or watching him you guys remember how this started off i think it just took us 45 minutes to watch a 13 minute video because we had to take breaks to not like go crazy
Channel: Donut Operator
Views: 3,428,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: donut, operator, protest, recap, news, protests, donut operator, black lives matter, riots, police, crime news, leo recap, leo, cop, crime, crime news daily, cops, police officer, police breakdown, police body cam, breaking news, police video, traffic stop, crazy, crazy woman, pulled over, crazy lady, hartford, hartford police, hartford police department, blue hills, police brutality, video, body cam
Id: thjPLOt2T68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 20sec (1280 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2020
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