An Experiment Gone WRONG! | Umfend Horror Game

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] namaste guys live what I thought I would start today off with a very passable greeting that was really calming here listen to me can we start out with some some breathing exercises or something no we can't we don't have to have we already started 10 minutes later I think we are 10 minutes late which is five minutes late when it comes to GT live so we do a live stream deep healing breath I think that would be really nice no healing can get me all right funny no no shoes on the couch take him up there there you go you're not even a year you can go you can go the other like where you fold them over your leg did you ever do that yeah you're going then you can walk around on them hey everyone here guide us a deep healing breath Stephanie and deep healing breath in hold on to all that stress ball it up from today and then blow it away Oh goodbye straddle is that where the stress is supposed to go I just ah I thought it was just gonna exist in a ball you know you know what's gonna go you can try it again no we had our one deep healing breath that's it only what he Libra yep Tracy streets Therese see times feel good now feel light-headed haha hey guys welcome to GG live howdy oh hey that's sorry we're late GT live they are always like were you surprised right the shock of all shocks we were 5 minutes late Oh 10 minutes late it happens it happens Oh four or five it's always a good one right so uh hey today we're playing I don't know I see the title screen in front of me and it says um friend um friend fans that's friend it feels like it should be it should be like um Fred I'm not sure what we're playing today Chris Oh friend Chris what um best buki mystery game is it up a little romance involved spooky mystery with a romance this spooky dating sim do you date ghosties no it's more like a mystery love story with a heavy amount of spook so it's Twilight mm so we're playing Twilight in the video game today sure are they're sparkly vampires involved no well then what I'm going through an Edward Cullen dearth these need more Edward Cullen in my life hey so apparently we're playing some random mishmash of categories called um fend I don't know it might be fun Chris selected it so results may vary [Laughter] there's new game theory I like it a lot I hope you liked it too if you haven't watched it please do that after today's live stream and is there anything like anything else to say today we did like a big we did a big like offload of stuff I have a sudden a sudden influx of people asking where can they buy merch where they can on the cratering website creator if you buy before if you buy it before December 10th or on December 10th like you are guaranteed for Christmas for Christmas anywhere in the world yep that's it in the description right oh my gosh there's a link in the description no oh so yeah there you go that's that's the update on merch what else is going on there's nothing new in this door just so you know what what let's play the game will you talking about I don't know what are you talking you're being weird uh can we can we call this something other than an elephant it makes me uncomfortable to say this is a very uncommon oh okay it feels like it's from um hands Handmaid's Tale like I'm off of Fred yes it is Oh Fred I know it makes me feel uncomfortable a small percentage of you have probably seen Handmaid's Tale it is very depressing very stressful it's good see the Wonder what's good a season two good Chris haven't gotten around to it I loved it yeah yeah we don't get Hulu it's like the one it's like the one streaming service that we don't have and so stuff that comes out on Hulu it's like oh it's on Hulu oh she's gonna wait like a million years for it to come out on like some other platforms true me or you could get it like you know but we don't we don't usually do that if we don't have to so you know we try we were waiting we hope it's good yeah she's writing another sequel to it right like she's she's actually writing another book really I did not know yeah Chris and I are both fans of the book as well I saw her speak not too long ago yeah the author oh we got a hop and um Finn I was gonna talk I was gonna talk about dreams I suddenly remembered I wanted to talk about dreams and specifically nightmares can we talk about dreams and nightmares please let's do it I found out today that she doesn't have yeah I will I found out today that Stephanie does not have frequent dreams in which people are out to murder her I did which is a frequent nightmare that I have all the time like it very frequently I I'm curious to see if other people have this I don't have dreams about being like chased by a serial killer or lead if someone is coming after me and about to kill me which I'm very feel like you're the sole survivor of like some horrific I don't then events I don't have the gift oh sorry Chris I was gonna ask real quick Chris do you have those kinds of dreams uh not usually like my scary dreams aren't like they're scary but not in the dream I'm usually like fully accepting of the world as normal and then when I would tell them like oh that was scary oh that's interesting what good stuff I'd I have like some some like death oriented dreams sometimes but mine are usually like someone close to me has died and I'm trying to cope with it hmm and or I've this is a weird one I've accidentally killed someone and I'm I'm wrestling with the guilt of that and deciding whether or not I should try to cover it up I'm not kidding I don't wonder I dream about people who try to kill me earlier right next to me in bed being like that I know I know well and and the guilt and the guilt and like um and like anguish about it or sadness because someone I love has died are usually so intense and so upsetting that I wake myself up so those dreams tend to be really intense but really short because my brain like can't get around being that upset or that like anxious and so I actually wake myself up and then and I but I wake up with like like my heart it's pounding I'm like sweating all all of that I mean about you but actually I also wake up in a desperate fear for my own life because again I'm worried that someone in my general vicinity is trying to kill me so apparently it's Stephanie so all those times I wake up in the middle of the night from one of those dreams like I did last night three I bring this up is because it happened last night like I did last night and lock the door I'm really just sealing my own fate because now I've locked myself in the room with the person who was after me the entire time you Wow know most remember me friends and know who's to blame none of the time have I ever had a dream even let like even close to a dream I've like murdered someone like you just said you will you have dreams like wake up where are you murdered somewhere I've accidentally killed in someone else's accidental dad you cut a rope and then the piano accidently something like that a cartoonist something I did had a ripple effect and ended up hurting someone or killing someone on the other end yeah is like making some decision that's going to have some really bad consequence down the line I think that's like the underlying that's like the underlying fear of that one my most common dream though by far is the classic it's like it's so classic of being in college and realizing that I'm enrolled in a class that I haven't attended all semester and it's like the day of the fine I never get that I get that one like several times a year like if I'm if I'm having a vivid scary dream it's all it's always always some like mass apocalypse or people outright killing me or me avoiding like a series or string of deaths of other people yeah and like having to live with those ramifications or like the fear that they're coming after me next everyone is saying stout 1/2 and when is Matt's hair getting dyes medical faith it is coming up later this week yep actually geeky live let us this is the this is garbage that's wrong the wrong that's yesterday's game to life I'm assuming is that today's games you're just so Reyes the one you asked isn't that just Sally's face from yesterday drawing yes yes are you are you lying you're lying to me dude I've been I'm not this is amazing how much attention you pay this is mrs. Sally faces mask mister whatever okay Chris is lying everyone everyone plays mind games with me these days I'm like hey Steph can you help me clean can you clean the bedroom on recording a script that come out and the bedrooms clean and I'm like oh thanks for coming in the bedroom and she's like you know asked me to do that it's been cleaned the whole time and I'm like no step people are just messing with my mind these days I've been seriously losing it do you has these occasional hallucinations where he'll like believe that a conversation happened you never asks me to clean up the bedroom he never asks me to clean anything he actually really likes cleaning I rarely even get the opportunity to clean that is not a thing that happened Matthew everyone is there I don't know the final verdict chris is innocent I think we take that as the final word from Daniel Nugent let's play let's play um fiend Oh Fred Oh Fred Jeff gasps I think Matt bad they are yes letting me it's terrible I don't know what to believe it is let's start to get to a my life just my life is just a blur of people pulling the wool over at this point all right morning Matt you're going crazy says Alex Lopez you're getting old Matt passes King Kai very very specific morning too hard it says olive crow II that's always been 1996 I like that more because of the scrunchie noting 1996 Stephanie okay so you know it's a very very specific it doesn't matter what day it's just that morning in 1996 Namira star says unfun do you guys playing this my prayers are answered oh man someone's really excited about this let's see I have a bunch of those dreams where I'm always trying to escape death this potato person potato person understands all the potato people in fact understand okay so there's a lot of coffee and then I glitched out sweet matpat legs cleaning why am I not surprised this chocolate love writing it's great so we weird alright even evening of 2005 so not morning I'm okay great Miguel Rodriguez says that sleep deprivation though find the coordinates the place of the rift Fleer don't drink to do insert batteries a warm plant add sea seed app or FLIR run machine input coordinates activate crystal okay so insert batteries so presumably there wait it needs water yes there are bad there are batteries this is blowing filled with FLIR don't FLIR the Reaper yike yike look my favorite Blue Oyster Cult song don't FLIR the Reaper that I'm assuming that must be FLIR not yet you are not foot it needs batteries yes great oh there's the battery got the battery okay means more batteries needs all batteries come on batteries hell no all right you keep looking around I'm gonna read off from the chat and then also too over to Twitter in a little bit I kill people by accident in my dreams too says toy oh oh thank goodness it's not just me uh let's see control batteries I could really use those batteries ooh in an adventure game that seems like it would be very useful that random piece of metal on the ground if adventure games have taught me anything get up hey Lou I got it Jamie got a shiny got oh that's the seed apparently based on the outlets we are carrying clearly in the UK pop soda says is gonna be its poopy very Scooby moderate mid mid spook needs poop yeah we're probably working on mids but we actually have no idea how spoopy this is so again I ate a very creative dreamer says I have dreams where I'm running from something I do think that's a common one we're trying to like escape something I think that's pretty normal I never remember my dreams that I do they are either weird or positive hey that's good that's good I mean there's you don't remember the merry bands yeah it's good that you don't have scary dreams so this is water can I fill up my there we go so I filled up my cup of water so I can make some Robin right because I'm hungry I have to do it my science experiments insert the batteries okay boom boom got it nice warm the plant the plant is here workin whoo ahh I was hoping we would warm it by like snuggling it or something apparently I warm it by just rotating that waah waah add the feed they said put a shoe on that says I love your doll teru in theory part 2 can't wait for three thank you pour the FLIR let us pour Shh I noticed in the chat because I have no idea how to use Twitter long now we run the machine here we go do it what we're doing yeah what are we doing do an experiments on the seed input coordinates ooh can I ask the chat a question today yeah so X 3 y 2 so oh that's where we are or the zero oh it is where we are so what coordinates do we want go to zeros here on see what happens you Oh apparently I filled the whole thing yeah parently we got to find that this there we go okay it is full excellent run the machine input coordinates activate the crystal I just think this is the crystal yeah there we go sciencing look at us geniuses alright happened to this portal oddvar now seems like a great idea oh okay turn on the lamp apparently not you're just not very dexterous no game no more fingers just all over the place Omo so the question that I have for the chat while you are literally trying to turn the walnut light bulb going around in the dark like I ought to do in these games I have a question are you team if if you celebrate Christmas are you team real Christmas tree or team artificial Christmas tree oh are you talking about our Christmas tree I am we have we have Christmas tree woes this year I don't know if anyone else experiences this thanks Chris you're saving the day Chris are you are you real tree or artificial tree you know I'm a real tree fan but I totally understand the artificial tree right and I'm I'm actually sort of the reverse I understand the real but I'm a fan of the artificial oh yeah Wow I like LA yeah that deep that you meta yeah maybe maybe a little too oh wait there was someone oh wait there was someone picking they're doing that spooky this is a spooky video game peeking around the corner so I'm seeing oh it's very divided it's very divided artificial artificial all the way real is the only way to go team real Christmas tree woo real is better artificial tree in all caps artificial because cats like that makes sense Thank You flug uh plaid toukas number 242 uh Jake have been gaming dork girl two to three me myself and I galaxy wolf and Fredo 666 and and many many others of you who are weighing in so Matthew and I have had this uh this very cute little Christmas tree it's just the two of us you know we don't need we don't need some like really big Christmas tree a lot of youtubers who do like vlogmas and stuff do these like unbelievable like super elaborate holiday decorations you know festive and manufactured my holidays yeah we're a little bit more down to earth we just we you know we do our own Christmas tree we don't you know it's it's just for us right but now that we have ollie even though he won't remember this Christmas we wanted to get some pictures with like a real person's Christmas tree like a grown-up Christmas tree and so we went to get one and the the tree that we found that we really liked again an artificial tree was all sold out and now we're like on this hunt with like the with like the dregs of whatever Christmas trees are left in the stores and it's actually really frustrating we like cannot find a Christmas yeah we can't find out we can't find a good one anymore they all sold out on Black Friday and we even found the one that we wanted on Black Friday but we're like hey let's order it online when we get home because we can apply our honey given discount by ordering it online wait sometimes have like episodes that are sponsored by honey but we lived it we use all the times great he's like oh it's gonna save us money on this Christmas yeah and then lo and behold we get home just like 50 bucks I know so so we're like no problem we can wait and then literally when we got home just hours later it was gone like all of them are sold out not no more to be had and so now we're like struggling and we're like what should we do should we stick with our like dinky tree for another year obviously there are lots of real trees to choose from but we don't usually go for the real trees and for the record I have done a real tree so like Chris I've gone the real route before if you've ever lived in New York in January I think it serves as like kind of a deterrent for getting a real Christmas tree because the first or second week of January you start to notice all of these like poor dried out skeletal Christmas trees just like cast onto the sidewalk they're all like so sad you're you're intense looking I'm a looker anyway dead Christmas trees all on the sidewalks just mountains of them and they're sad and then they just get left there and like eventually the trash comes and picks them up and stuff but it's like it's actually like really crushing to throw our Christmas tree onto like the sidewalk to die and like it was sad and so I was like you know I'll just stick with my I'll just stick with my fake trees but I totally get the fact that like real is like part of a lot of people's tradition right so anyway team real team fakes where do you where do you stand no okay where's everybody else where is everybody else live really where do you live literally where where do you guys live really on a heart on a heart in time do they all have heart you know one wants to talk to you guys many people are like engaged with the live stream yeah what is this action going on on screen right now is Matthew fumbles about there's some toilet paper maybe not are you thanks Lots though I mean you can never have too much toilet some oh it's on the roof whoa not there's nothing up literally stuck in this way right oh can i push this equals fake life come on now fake I have cats oh yeah and yeah we have skip too all right what's where's the spookiness come on circuit breaker apparently pipe cleaner tree sis Isadora Leggett that's that may be too artificial for me gee Steph way to have absurd standards and Isaac Dolores says Hanukkah bush I understand that as well that sounds like fun I still I still like that whenever I try to use the front door they're just like no stop it cat Cable is restored caking says real tree because I really love Christmas hashtag real Christmas tree says Jules rosianna we burn our Christmas tree in our fireplace in January says welcome I did why that sounds really smart that sounds so smart and then you get that like nice piney Center in your house that's awesome that okay that I think that's really legit a lot of people don't have fireplaces though so they don't have that option or at least not real wood-burning fireplaces we only have artificial Christmas trees in our country I mean I assume that you have a pine tree somewhere in your country or maybe not what is happening definitely well you're you do well you're rambling on about artificial and fake Christmas trees my house is being overrun by mother Gaia where do you okay mother I'm a art you know me I'm artificial just because I I got shocked for a second there cuz I turned around like there's a face but it wasn't it's still just the same three rooms I keep shambling in between hopelessly making really fast progress here no I'm very much an artificial Christmas tree guy that's why I grew up with I just think like the long-term benefit is nice cuz you know what you're getting everything like yeah it's very in its very efficient you can bend it in any way you want to you don't have to deal with all the needles dropping and stuff and now we have some I know I have no idea do you remember me no no no I I have no clue zombie creature man hi I've no clue what's going on cheese oh it gave me an opportunity the plant it Stephanie the thing um offend Oh Fred gave me an opportunity Stephanie huh yep still still still the living room no no stop it move away from that front door you you're not allowed bad protagonist how dare you tried to reject the adventure that's calling your name where's my romance Chris promised me romance Jonathan ass says it's probably Jonathan a yeah to be honest but I'm just gonna say it's Jonathan app I literally never met anyone who had a real crisp real tree in my country it might be more of an American Northern European thing and I've also seen some people from Australia say that really the only trees in awesome like Christmas trees an Australian are fake trees that is so interesting hello this is bouquet cuz there's a heart beating and we're watching spooky stuff it's watching my experiment or an experiment happening in the other room which is now shut oh dude dude dude no that's like - no just keep just keep wandering back and forth between the kitchen and the other room oh now we're in now we're in the upside down we're actually kind of midway there we're kind of half into upside down half and the right side up we're in this so that would be the sideways where it were in Cuba we're in the yeah we're in the horizontal neither upside down nor right setup just merely in the horizontal uh yep still looking mighty so is it do I not have eyes is that a cool mask where my words sunglass non here maybe you're Edward Cullen so yeah I told you I told you sparkly vampires yeah making the difference does this door open yet crimson roses romance what is this romance I've never heard of that before I in this game especially underwear when it's coming in but I don't know how Chris defines romance but I'm not really feeling it right now where's the love not enough in the words of Hanson also there are a lot of advocates for Christmas trees with built-in fiber optics yeah because with all the all the extras of the lights and stuff that sounds it advanced they're perfectly placed every time I mean I believe in a pre-lit tree my mom so we out we had an artificial tree the other night about artificial trees honestly my parents have the same Christmas tree if in the last 20 years and my mom has two screaming lights on it every year and her light count has also gone up every it's a nine it's a nine-foot Christmas tree it's in that we have a one-room with a ten-foot ceiling at home it's like the the super tall ceiling in our house and and my mom has to like climb on a ladder to the top of the tree every year and every year her light count goes up I think I get the impression that at this point she just personally challenges herself to see how many strings of lights will she can make to their Christmas tree it started out at like 800 lights or something and now she's up to like a solid 1,600 so it's insane I know I know it's a lot of light stuff it's a lot and so and like she weaves them likely into the branches she's going for like depth perception and all sorts of stuff and she's really intense I will say Stephanie at your tree is very well lighted right it's I mean it's it's a really nice it is it is impressively done yeah it is impressively done come on where's the cookie where's the like random arbitrary thing I need to look at right now and I remember I was really really little when they bought it and they bought it from one of the the bulk stores like Sam's Club or Costco or Sandler one of those and they bought it for $99 which I thought was like the most expensive thing I had ever heard I know that's the 99th remember about 20 years of use out of that tree it's $5 a year well that's an incredible efficiency well that's a big part of the reason why I like the art really was that it might mean to you the whole time was just turn off the water well that's a big part all right I think so that's a big part of the reason honestly why I like artificial trees it's cuz you get like a lot of use out of them like get a lot of use out of them because really how often in your life do you need to you're not suffering a whole lot of wear and tear on the thing that's true you know that's true okay but seriously what what that alright where's the thing I should be looking at right now well get that water oh there we go water connects to water and to balance it out we do know over here that Hanukkah is currently going on so we are talking about Christmas trees during the middle of Hanukkah but Happy Hanukkah tree those of you who may be celebrating it wherever you are we you know wears on the Christmas end of things so we don't get as much exposure to Hanukkah but lots of our friends are celebrating right now so if you are happy Chanukah to you did you forget what Hanukkah and whoever we may have killed and/or teleported from a different dimension oh and or from the upside down right side up Midway them oh man hello finally getting good I did forget you actually hi yeah what yeah what can't be expected to stare at this bewitched out stuff that is that's our romance right there who just came over for a little kiss getting steamy no it still still not allowed to use that front door this mystery item in the corner still not relevant in the slightest going back into the bathroom because all the spooky stuff happens in the bathroom apparently not though so going back to the kitchen since it's the only relevant part of the map all the stuff happens in the kitchen where we going here we go battery great found it again can we is there a way that we can take the pickle with us I feel like that will help us I believe that's a cover Stephanie what do you think of pickle is man Oh tasted it you don't know whether it's pickle or I'm telling you it doesn't have that wrinkly texture of the classic pickle oh yeah I think that might be our plate I know my pickles Steph I'm very familiar with pickles you know your pickle I know I know my pickle very well I know my pickles from my cucumbers otherwise known as cukes as my family always called them really your family called them cute always hey look it's Anita Anita is our love yeah oh man should we you know what I need actly I need a clue to move this story forward okay where'd you go where'd you go to another dimension stuff come on what do you expect maybe she wants to hug Oh Anita I know you're eager to see me cuz it took me forever to actually find how to activate you in this game but Anita seriously you don't have to charge it me so aggressively it's gonna be okay yeah is that our lady love in this game is that her our little black ink monster everything that to Chris drew Chris drew Sally face and repurposed it let's let's call a spade a spade Chris all right this room's on now what do we got coffee that's what I need no yeah I think you've already got too much caffeine going home I'm here I will return to you still don't drink the clear stuff don't you dare drink the FLIR not the flea our she said she'll return to me I don't know at Kimmie cub says you defeat the monster with kisses there's the romance there it is there it is pucker up Anita at Beemer of 2014 so is not even gonna lie I forgot this game was considered a horror game this is over on Twitter let's see very spooky guys um fed uh battery beast says that romance reminded me of the venom movie excellent just a minute I'm just a man and my symbiote you know classic love tale at the GT Life Kobe says spoopy and streaming a perfect combo right it's it's Lee it's almost as perfect of a combo as hot cheese right a braised claudia 250 says the longevity of artificial trees is insane and my friends family just finished and put up their seem artificial tree for the 38th year in a row so true like so anything holy do anything with them that's the great part of it yeah is the fact that like how you use them for like a month and when I say use you like lightly put them out of a box you then decorate them with light decorations and then you put it back in the box after the months is up that's all you need to do right it's so easy at a great investment at seeing see me SKU though or is our cine school says I live in Denmark and we are one of the biggest sellers of Christmas trees so if you don't have a real treat it would be strange that's true there are goods room there are cultural norms I think in some places where it's like oh yeah totally why don't you have a real tree or why do you have a well and also there's a lot of like family traditions too right your eyeball returned Anita I'm here you can come to me whenever I'm ready for you girl come come at me girl come at me I'm here for those sweet sweet kisses come on come on Anita I need to move the story forward how about that I've also seen a few people who have said that they dig up a Christmas tree well let's wrap the bottom keep it moist and then they actually put it back at the end of the like after Christmas which also is really cool that's it I like that idea that way you can like you're like oh that's the tree we used for the Christmas tree this year and that other tree is our Christmas tree from whatever other year that's funny planting a forest it's also one of those things it was so like to me the one thing that you do miss out on I think when it comes to artificial trees versus real trees like I feel like the the quest to find a real tree like out in the wilderness or whatever would actually be very cool that wouldn't be so awesome I get to hunt it down to like chop it to throw it on top of your van or whatever like that's cool that's awesome here in LA it's just these like you know Christmas tree parking lot yeah it's not exciting you don't get to like you don't get the idea that this tree was once in a forest or even a Christmas tree farm you know hello cuz those trees they don't just go out and like chop down random trees those trees are made to be Christmas trees go to heart Stephanie it's the heart oh that's so nice oh it oh it's still fresh and I thought that was another pickle it's just a bottle sorry so kind of good carrot in there is that a knife in there was that what was that thing cheese wedge cheese wedge always good nice carrot right solid solid ketchup bottle no I think that's Tabasco Oh eggs yeah all right well done heart that's exciting Nita interesting stolen my heart at Epping Matthew Effinger Matthew hahaha says I saw jacksepticeye plate I've been a few days ago super spoopy game it has to it has to it has to build up to it watch out for the heart Easter eggs I think we just came across one I did find a heart yeah well now we're locked in here hmm Wow at Super Saiyan Co says my mom spent all afternoon putting the lights on our tree about 2000 in total this thing is a month oh that's a huge tree it's sort of the shape of just it's just like a tall Bush it's like it's so wide it takes up like a whole room that's amazing Nita come to me come on come on I know you're in the room you know you're gonna like jump scare me or something up we got the leaves or bugs leaves bugs certainly bugs definitely bugs Oh something some just have me no Turner but maybe this is why I have dreams of things trying to kill me all the sudden your don't drink oh right boo that's why it's GG live that's it is maybe you know it's been happening for years I've had I've had those nightmares forever at Barney well 45 says look at the ceiling nothing nothing yet hmm okay heart look it is a love story see reunited and it feels so good no nothing oh man at techie oo9 on twitter says prelim for wimps who takes shortcuts at the holiday season Wow got a lot of cookies to make man it's gonna say if it if it does if it becomes a toss-up between making sugar like sugar Christmas cookies and decorating them or doing a gingerbread house wait what two are left oh whoa oh hey oh I don't know what arbitrary thing I did to get you to sit there but that's cool excuse for your support I appreciate it what do you want of me tag relatable I do here's me are you to pay attention to play life is busy oh geez oh geez what happened you didn't even notice sorry oh man Bobby did she did she take a vacation it was a very aggressive vacation she'd go to Hawaii I got heart yes nailed it oh boy when it happened when I invented that teleport interdimensional teleportation technology you didn't even notice she airheaded boys I'm so sorry I wasn't into interdimensional travel at the time also I it's a bit odd to me that they're like the reveal of her eyes there was the jump scare but at the same time it's time to you but at the same time the whole time I've been looking in the bathroom mirror and seeing my empty soulless eyes so I myself and equally to blame and scary oh hello hi hi hey but rent guy friend okay no you can just if you could just stay in one location I know row but now it'd be great let's it let's hash through this let's talk right Oh more heart of hearts heart stars and horseshoes clovers and blue moons okay thoughts of gold and rainbows oh boy I don't know this is here look down to your right oh I thought that was another heart Pookie shoes slippers is she standing there no she's not this is open or maybe maybe this is lit which things indicate I should go over here Oh but alas twas a fake out I'm Finn man this is too advanced right sister Megan loves tea says Anita is babe we stand the legend Wow people are people are pretty ooh pretty behind her oh she's taking a shower now my water bill you just let the water run kara fest just says it's Monica yes right I reckon I'll I hate it when people Anita you keep slamming the door in my face I'm the second time you've slammed the door in my face if she's like I wanted you to notice me well now I am girl now I'm noticing that you're slam the door in my face that's not a good way to get boys down are you by yourself okay but we're like are you in her body no no that's me that's that's just me yeah the way to get a boy to notice you is I mean he will notice you if you slam doors in his face I mean maybe but that might not be the ideal way of going about that process well if you were interested in someone you wanted to get their attention when you were growing up did you just like go up to them and say hi or did you did you lurk a little bit oh I mean you you create scenarios yeah I keep waiting for her to appear behind me in this mirror right right I'm just waiting for it I'm eager for that to happen game make it happen no you create scenarios where you're gonna cross paths it's like what I described with rhett and Link the other day during the charity livestream where I'm like hey I surreptitiously made sure that we ran into each other during these moments where we were both in the same location at the same time you know wow I don't that's how you do it and then all of a sudden it's like it feels organic but you've just manufactured your own face you've taken your faith by the head and then you hope that they notice you know and then you're like and then you're like oh hey you're also doing this yeah you're also doing the same thing at the same time in the same general vicinity I must find the key so if you've ever met Matthew in real life just know it was not an accident it was fate nope it was nope it was Matthew behind-the-scenes lurkin Hey whoa Anita wanted me to notice her notice well maybe you shouldn't touch me with your dangly spaghetti arms how about Stretch Armstrong long hand is long I've heard of long cat but jeez Oh Oh looky floating candle okay let's go check out the candle let's do it candle cellphone you never texted her back that's a bummer I'm out of batteries reception in this house has always been really bad oh boy pretty much the worst how many times can we revisit these same rooms man you'd be surprised F&E you know I know I just keep thinking it's just you just come to appreciate it more and more the more times you go in and out of write just notice all the fun little details of home right oh that's kind of creepy and weird Hey oh geez oh I've heard of the hills having eyes but this is ridiculous the walls that I I've heard of the walls having ears ha ha wait is this Aloha no that's just my ride just another I go hi hi what you looking at hey my my eyes are up here mister ha ha ha I am NOT a piece of meat okay well maybe I am maybe I'll okay yeah there's a little bits of fungus right I hate when the mushrooms start spreading I'm also very impressed that me like flashing my flashlight directly into them does not faze them that is perhaps the scariest part mica Rastas the water is gone now let's see who put the washer in the bathroom actually I think that's pretty common to put a washing machine in your bathroom yeah depending on the layout of your house layout of your house oh this light is on should we go check it out seize it won't let me he'll just oh oh oh oh that's the finger twister so weird stranger things let me help you let's hug let's hug it out I know took it out front want to hold hands oh yeah Oh Oh crab will you return to me how uh I mean Oh how die great yeah it was are those dots or teeth they look like teeth is again who are they gonna remove all you think I forgot mmm good enough getting some weird effects on the screen right here now you know the real feel good game we've said spooky love story I thought there would be a little bit more love and a little bit less little spooky you know well maybe it would be like tongue-in-cheek spooky and it was really excited for that Christmas joy that we were gonna spread all right give you like Christmas games coming up Chris no one wants to watch Christmas games come on Chris save it in your name no this is yes Chris can we play Christmas games here's his response know this is difficult the game hasn't Scion you says at golden evil 91 I've got my acid on you I got my suit on you see it's putting my knowledge of the house to the test at this point oh oh oh you ready you ready you got well it's a clock a burning clock I didn't ask Matt Matt Matt Matt's gonna see you you keep you keep hating away oh the cellphone was meant to indicate according to fat freedom and a bunch of numbers on Twitter you say you never notice too but it was actually always the service in your house is full right right that's cell service that cell service hashtag blame Verizon nine times can you hear me now no no I cannot that cell services and now I'm being haunted by this weird alien extra dimensional creature at HD Fox says every time they see a candle they start singing rent and I love it right I can't help it at this point I even know that how played out that isn't like Oh every time I see a candle in the game I just sing rent but I like I can't stop okay will you return to me we'll see I've got the crystal now I have to find the key I must find the key wait there's a gear over there I know that that gear is not useful how I thought it was glowing no are you sure not that one the other one to the to your life left we don't dare this that's a toaster no no it was over there to left to the left to the light Chris yeah on the machine there there yeah on the machine next to the buttons what this thing yeah i destined I must find the key yes everything here yeah it's fine keep keep ranting about your artificial Christmas tree where should I go to get a Christmas tree stuff oh front door oh jeez not in there oh no we absolutely I'm eager for a new room me personally oh oh oh yeah when was that oh hello it looks like it's gonna like grind us up right what is it's like a it's like a sea urchin like a bloody oh hey little alien hallo alien friend maybe not French not so much what we're locked in here friend look let's chat let's talk let's hide rather I'd rather talk to this quarrel reject no I think we're gonna need to talk to small million child oh hey you got a heart have you stolen my heart give gifts give life oh no it's more like an alien seed pod isn't it yeah let's let's plant some alien shall we okay let's destroy it Oh let's look so you start with your alien peanut you add a little like alien spaghetti around the side there so you got your alien peanut here let's take it over to that one Oh dice it up spice it up with a little alien jam sauce how's that oh oh good now it I prepped it for you oh you're welcome I have a brilliant a chef no oh wow I think he just pooped it out and you're just feeding it back to your own cooking dude okay oh there we go a little bit uh-oh oh nice Hera look up at the ceiling with it oh yeah oh yeah got all this one's got all the little cactus spike oh wow this guy at that one yeah oh man is that a delicious little larboard socket hey little sad Oh child have this little eat this very spiky looking object and morsel nugget yeah I know that's that's a that's a big one mhm you're welcome what is it say on the wall didn't even leave a tip follow the order I'm hungry well I need to see them up here again follow the order sorry I didn't hear I think you start with the ceiling yeah how do they appear you know I forgot how they appeared I think so the I think I've the last two correct I think we start with a ceiling though one left not there no - huh yeah over here - over there three this one no yeah I don't know if I don't know the order that those two appear but I think those were the first three and then this one on the floor and that one although yeah yeah all right well we'll see and now we'll know to pay attention at least right here you go parent no small time hey hey Candide no yeah okay wait here we go no they're not reappearing that is not helpful shoot hold on your go far away at fades you would think that well I mean the shadow creature fades would not be not the like alien tentacles on the side oh she points at them oh really really oh oh she does there you go okay one okay there you go oh oh yeah okay this one's good are you going the point use your hands I think it's that one use your words yeah your gestures between it Waypoint that no you're just off an old point guide me shadow child come on guide me there let's get ya incomplete you pointed to you get two right yeah I know you're gonna be mad tough tough nuggets okay oh this one here on the wall right here on the wing that's all I think that yeah okay good next up on the ceiling above the ceiling and then look back at her right away there's that one okay so we just have to avoid her like oh that's it all right very happy with that one I fed you a lot so on No this is important gameplay okay one two really just gone back to the 100 it glitched out which means that something weirds gonna happen four is a feeling okay and then five presumably is no wait wait she didn't point to it she didn't point to it but at a certain point if you get too close to her she's like you feed me so do we hand it to her no yeah bottoms up over the deep though the gums look out stomach here comes weird alien pod Wow good one you popped her yeah popped her like a pitbull excellent Oh got a key which kind of looks like a razor blade but that's fine follow the gestures yeah we got it we got that one contact Yahoo's look at us being good at video games okay why are you so impatient well fine here fine let me explore all the other room thing Suzy Panda says I'm going to throw up dinner so why are you so big why because I've some points in all fifteen months okay right come on man why you so impatient cuz I keep exploring the same rooms over and over again yeah look I'm spending more time with you now do you did it dude you love story it's strange what you will Wow our love's an alien it gets really weird as you feed her alien larva gooey pods [Music] time to see what what are we doing what are we seeing whoa whoa let's go to the fourth dimension fifth dimension which is love the upside down here we go whoa Oh gross look Oh uh-oh we're back in the past now we're visiting the past what it's noon already man if this was how back to the future played out I don't think it would have been as popular of a series right I think I might not already so far party we have to see we have to feed the shadow creature the larval pod in the correct order so we can go back to the future oh man we have to stop you're you're quiet introverted neighbor Kiki Ted says we inked right I hate when ink spews out of my pants right Marty your parents what do we got over here got a boat got another house who got knacks take the ax ax would be useful in general man in video games in general just put your weapon just in case I know always take the weapon well so I use it somebody loves me oh man oh hello that's not creepy creepy girl I love you girl I left you a heart full of candy and this image of myself oh are you so fortress shucks you're so sweet yes shouldn't have no really you should not have please please follow the restraining order I have on you watering can no nothing I'm loving him oh no no come on ah thanks I was getting I was literally like a second oh geez hey no no Oh Sheila said well that was it well you missed the opportunity to really step up you're acting weird it has nothing to do with your empty void like I understand what's going on nor do I honestly and the lighting moments etcetera weird it is weird you're right um then here's the battery can you please go connected no I'm not joking I don't know who you are or how I got here what a poopy all I woke up and I was just in a pool of ink you're being really weird today here take the batteries I'll finish reading that join you Oh what you reading would you read a girl it's not it's a graphical novel where should I put this battery where did you forget where the garage is ah again you seem to neglect me saying repeatedly that I have no idea what's going on so you know ooh hearts stars and horseshoes clovers and blue moons creepiest Lucky Charms commercial ever I know right man for being a metronome for being a black eyed soulless creature you have a very delightful and pink aesthetic I know like well you got the impression that she was like a nice kid she just had a crush that went horribly wrong okay well there's the garage you guys are my favorite ASMR channel that's funny because the whispering I guess is a lot the I need to go your grad you know I want to go this way I do know that whispering is a huge part of ASMR I don't listen to a lot of ASMR but it didn't immediately occur to me that the whispering well I was just thinking of it as crisp creepy whispering but I like the idea of an SMR stream it's just there's also chocolate bars that say effect this game is named after the chocolate bars that's weird I don't know if that's actually true kettlebells right he's doing some CrossFit some cross man getting their CrossFit up whoo and eating peanuts so is that a barrel isn't a thing of peanuts it looks like more alfalfa than Hannah's really or almonds perhaps I don't know L fell for almond certain certainly certainly one of the two your battery I did it a really strange thing it's like Swarovski except okay here oh Jesus oh no oh no no no be struggling oh boy avoid this partner see to it okay oh you seem to be struggling hard right now just gonna just gonna leave ya well do your thing you do you okey ha ha how's my plan the whole time um fiend Anita stole your crystal and your heart and your key huh a winner is me he stole my heart and my supernatural crystal yes boys boys can be like that did this really happen I don't remember anything like this [Music] no hello hello creepy house I'm back and you're on this door that light is flickering in there that's not speaking at all this isn't unsettling welp let me go into the dark in the kitchen because that's my favorite place in this game the kitchen I haven't spent enough time there Oh Oh creepy shower hey hey hey don't approach that shower home later oh oh hey yeah finally hi Ivan there it is I've been waiting for that reveal for the longest time well you take my walkie-talkie no no leave I leave your damn walkie-talkie I won't have any of it anyone in no shower no creeper Stephanie there's a dress there on the floor and you're creeping in the shower Stephanie yeah I wanted to make sure that she didn't need any help what I mean of gentlemen are you very polite to gentlemen Stephanie oh look it's Bernie who's thanks freaking out he's having a rough day he's have heads just a little itchy it's like me when I've had a bit too much caffeine yeah that's Matthew on he's like fifth dico yeah oh I hate black mold someone call someone please call the renovator we got the black mold problem yeah this is gonna kill our property value come on huh Oh another walkie talkie it would be helpful to pick it up and use it or this knife also helpful to pick up and use but alas it's a horror game and I will not do any of the things that are wise a horror romance game sorry Chris it's okay I don't want to offend you I'll Fred you can I take this very small umbrella it's the world's shittiest umbrella or am I just really dull okay yep yes it's got to go around scrubbing the old walls here Oh Oh dramatic lighting shift eh no no no it's getting rid of dark yeah yeah bad game don't get so dark and spooky yeah oh okay oh hello no don't fade away I need to read you on know you could contain probably important plot information I hate when the bloody scroll on the wall fades away before I can read it right there's ghostly text I better be able to read it Oh oh no let's go say hi I don't know she may be feeling a little handsy Anita coming in for the hug man good hug nope nope nope nope save room for Jesus I think oh your hands to ourselves Anita respect everyone's personal space here oh we think that's the way to go man ain't that always the way they just took your heart took your crystal took your battery and then just lock you out had so many dates go that way right what oh hello your hands are really creepy right I I have to say I am concerned about your hands I think you may need you may need to have someone look at it she's just cupping the dough like it's like she has dough in her hands and she's like let me just knead my dough upside down it's like an octopus to him tentacle she's like are you gonna say octopus temptress cuz I see her as an octopus engine temperature is 70 Oh Anita Oh calm down oh boy all right well give you up no hey what what what you remember did you veggies forget yes yes really have no memory of this before forget that you were thank you are together you know oh that's not someone else you and Anita oh what oh oh is this about to stab me in the back back oh no uh-oh it's deaf I think you're right that it is an octopus or squid monster because you'll notice uh it's the ink the recurring oh yeah and that droopy tentacle stuff from the face so we got eyeballs I'm really concerned about that here I'm good I'm gonna go say hi to this thing maybe I'm not go say hi to that thing maybe I'm not allowed Sam laughing nope apparently that thing is off let me know I need some space right now you need to respect that math you don't respect my personal space need a minute you need a minute yeah no no touching oh oh is this a crystal ladies gentlemen what are the crystals for the time portal device clemstef focused or extra dimensional trap really try oh yeah try harder Oh spooky door open what's going oh they're out there for high-fives they're actually like very innovative hat racks high-five friend Patrick only Wonka yeah yeah I just grabbed it this is for really tall people right the NBA player that comes to visit nope oh hey person in the corner of the room anger well uh I guess I gotta go say hi to you huh let's hug it out Oh give me the crystal all right okay okay that's fine I'm okay with that that's okay see here's what I've learned that's cool again in all my dreams of people trying to kill me this is what I've learned stuff in that and I'm applying that lesson during um fend which is you know what if there's something creepy and disturbing that's out out to hurt ya just give it what it was right I was gonna say you don't do nog you owe need to quibble just give it what it wants oh right like it I don't mean if it wants to rain black ink on you all the time that's that's okay you know they're worse things hmm all right well oh goody they pranked me they did the Carey prank where they drop pig's blood on me except it was squid like giant alien squid ink huzzah darn you got me Oh No there's a girl down there who do I talk to great the regrets of my past or the way forward in my life whoa whoa time flies when you're having fun with I need up she's not that articulate I'm surprised that I'm not that surprised we don't remember no not much innovative coming out of that of her she talks in very cryptic man it's like hey great what's anybody got time for that speak your mind who got off got a bucket yeah thanks Chris is it like doki-doki it's in a class are there books and tea back there oh look someone's anime collection like this I like that this is a school that still has a dunce cap nice dessert those are so not appropriate at this point in history so we got a bucket some CPR certification okay what else do we got check out the UM closet let's rummage through everyone's backpacks this is our opportunity steal all the best gelly roll pens is there something you want us to see back here Chris yeah you want to see the tree stuff I did in turn led me again interact yet again maybe I don't have the right thing yet nope maybe I need water wonderful sandy Anita's just a poet in the making stuff appreciate her poetry uh-huh Oh Oh cup pens will sharpen a credit card or passport something I don't know take it from someone who did spend quite a few years in school being like yeah being the quiet one is means are cool and makes you special it doesn't just speak your mind just be yourself oh and actually express yourself you get a lot further a lot faster that's tough I'm just saying you've seen both sides of that coin Anita's just not doing herself any favors hmm there's something else that I need to look at before I can move forward with the story the globe the globe maybe Matt is the bucket said unrelated content aren't we all the bucket let's be honest here guys perhaps were all though oh there we go I need to step on the platform which made it grow ah oh no I get a romantic clearly not no do you remember that these times do we have to tell you do you remember that time that a giant tree grew in the corner of the classroom no I don't sorry I feel like I would remember that moment - like giant foliage growing indoors I feel would be very memorable in my mind childhood education come on do you remember my fate my favorite chocolate it was yeah I love you I love you the unfed good she's speaking her mind that's what we need yeah the globe okay I'm fed it's a very Belgian chocolate it is movement Oh fans German chocolate oh oh that's unfortunate oh oh no oh oh no I need uh something Oh No Anita needs a band-aid first stomach our experiments I don't remember anyone helping me isn't that just like a man right feeling the credit don't trust that past me just Oh I don't underst still don't understand just like a man just right feeling my accomplishments and then not remembering what happens and also being dumb the whole time hello I'm Fred aah oh no aah this requires me to have actually understood what just happened yeah I don't know I got anger I know you have to I think we did no we can't think though I think we do it are you supposed to trust her yeah are we supposed to have invasive I mean future octopus unfit or future octopus Anita says no yeah you know of all the people at were entities we could trust in this game she doesn't seem like a bad choice I trust people monsters number of limbs you know what she's not leaking ink a lot the thing is what if you're Anita octopus monster what more Eve you got to lose I don't know you can bring everyone down with you it it's the classic tale of venom also there's skeleton monster man as well who wanted the crystal I think we don't trust ya there it says yes everyone says yes I think the answer is no just saying everyone say I voted yes just for the record post putting that out there just like I'm Oh gonna kill me that's a shame really I don't remember your answer from the previous time from the previous time but it's too late to refuse yeah see look I got everything set in stone anyway there you go oh no staff say no doesn't matter why right doesn't matter you've stuck Thanks um you're not okay if she's normal in a weird game then don't trust her huh all right well I'm gonna go this way all right ooh secret code oh I've got a secret code oh man happy ending we got the good ending has clearly not I know something tells me I literally have no idea what I just went through in the last one just Monica yes that glitch every time hahaha can I say no again do that everyone no oh she's mad she's still mad she is not happy with my choices she gave me a second chance and I'm like no friend keep your um offend to yourself I'll get my own um Fenn let me follow the weird skeleton people and octopus monsters all these ribbons are worlds where you met oh geez but something has changed okay no don't know creepy dog don't leave me though hey no no I like to put some on stare and it's right here yeah yeah little choco break up evening 1906 use the iPad poop this seems about right for technology from 1996 OOP it's like my Tamagotchi right OOP nailed it ready I have done the minigame no your arm step on the pedal step on space state quick time events oh man oh it's like a minigame it's like a Mario Party minigame is it whoa oh hello what Oh what Wow summoned everyone oh man Oh gang's all here hail hail the gang's all here look it's the character for us it's the witch from oh don't look or close your eyes listen I just actually reminded me a lot of clothes guys okay there's our little dog Fred I cannot move any faster yes please move in the correct direction there you go get the heart on the table someone's in oh oh shoot it's over there there's a rose where over there yeah or is it back here Stephanie all these choices matter do you think every laughs airily we were fated to meet this girl in like every possible world I off the ribbons okay well I got a heart know one of the heart oh man OOP married oh here we go again no I'm Stefan I'm just giving you a hard pass right yeah you're you're really not going in on it I'm not I know I don't believe old at her um here's another rib okay so I think we're going through the same thing again oh maybe not no no maybe oh well oh I'm now confused Stephanie it makes perfect sense okay yeah oh she's pregnant no I guess not we were neighbors Thanks all right well you know sometimes everyone needs product Tenley confessed oh that we loved her man I'd see the women that you have someone other who is she apparently you in laughs you didn't answer oh man you cheated on her you CAD we were just working on a group project great question really no I'm not it's true you actually have a really cool clothes right different look like a member of all organization 13 Kingdom Hearts does your are you sure your first name does not start with an X yes sorry apparently I missed that their plot line movie was like holding their little string man everyone is so mad at me right I was nobody oh man oh yeah that's nice I loved you oh man hey hello you came back for me like I did I'm here for you sort of I really member do you sure I think at this point we just fib a little what I totally understood exactly what happened in that me too if you didn't [Music] where where were you last hour yeah [ __ ] clear clear as day guys super obvious what happened there Chris explain it to him what just happened yeah and just I mean for forever on six yeah just no no let everyone know how we totally aced this game oh yeah this is pretty obvious you were in a house that existed in a time yep and one might say in two times or more perhaps and then you know you you needed to find someone but he didn't really know it right right sounder and she kind of led you along yeah cuz you needed it to quote Stephanie just like a man said and then you finally you finally got it yep there it is Oh clear as crystal apparently there were chapters in the characters hearts okay wait so hold up okay okay maybe we can figure this out hold up all right we've got Anita okay he is next okay next Dan Anita okay really she is dead okay good good to know okay dead Anita alright next sex remember all hearts so we must have missed a harsh then we did no longer yeah we should have met okay she would miss that heart too okay okay we missed that heart - all right all right fine so we got so okay we good we got two hearts they're under Anita I'm dead Anita oh good great okay so gotta catch em all gotta catch em all gotta catch em all I need us and apparently there are multiple endings we got an ending we got an ending okay magnet I remember I've bought this for her at a conference for young scientists at the other end of the country the conference turned out to not be so great many teachers worked harder and were more inspired than their students but I did meet a few interesting people and on that trip I caught a glimpse of a shadow with long arms and a reflection holding a ribbon so I mean in all seriousness the impression I get is that you knew this girl right and you were either good friends with her or romantically involved or whatever and you two were like science buddies you ran a bunch of experiments and through your experiments you discovered some sort of time-travel multi-dimensional sort of travel process that ended up like basically shattering your timeline or your or your like it universe slice or whatever and started allowing Anita's from other timelines to cross to cross dimensions basically which is why you run into a bunch of them they exist across multiple times and and places in the universe one Anita is an alien one Anita is like the shy girl there's there's all sorts of versions of her from like the the universe that's the impression I get so all the what this game is is like basically the result of all of your friendly science experiments gone wrong right so that I think that's my question is like the octopus creature so the octopus creatures are real right likes got the skeleton aliens I think so actually the skeleton aliens are real stuff like leaking through the rupture or whether the rift that you and her created yes and and they have this like extraterrestrial crystal but then there's the seed someone in the chat suggested that part of the experiments caused you to get displaced or which on this reduc in time whoa so you didn't remember that's a slaughterhouse-five reference which if anyone has never read uh it's weird but I I like to Kurt Vonnegut books a lot in school if you're ever if you ever get to choose what like classic books you get you have to read for English class Vonnegut usually has some good options they're weird but they're good whoa are you bad-mouthing Vonnegut Stephanie yeah I think it's fine seeing that crew you know but there is a double-edged sword there I once wanted to read the first ever ghost story which is usually tied to Henry James's the turn of the screw it is very short but it is awful I thought it was so boring um so like short is not always a good thing what's your problem sorry well um fen what's your problem with Vonnegut's I don't know if we can be friends anymore I mean no I like bonding it fine it's fine it's just if I'm like thinking about classic literature that I would love to read Vonnegut just isn't the first name that comes to mind for me I know your I know your a falconer man I know I'm not a girl I'm your [ __ ] [ __ ] are you Camus did I convert you over to Camus no I totally convert it over no you started to stop there's gaslighting me no there's no I mean no I read the stranger first and I read the plague first don't you dare Gaslight me and play with don't you um offend me the fall is better than either oh yeah which I haven't read oh no I did read so yeah so but still still no plague is really good stuff okay all right we're we're gonna carry on a literary look this way with my mind guys here's the the TRO fact of today's livestream it's not whatever weirdness was a nun fed it's the fact that the people in my general life are slowly trying to make me go insane you've heard of dark applier an anti septic eye this is a real thing they're literally trying to like turn matpat insane makes for great content dad a whisper on a live stream oh yeah are you kidding me come on Steph no no watch that so anyway Hey hi that's that's all for today oh then we'll be back tomorrow yeah we'll be back tomorrow with something different a new game unbend oh okay as we close off on penta thoughts Jane a um I thought it was interesting I I thought they could use to uh I don't know carry it through to some lot more interesting like conclusions maybe I think for me it's a bit too like I like the ideas that's playing with I think it's a bit too vague and it starts really slow like really slow and faster and I get that you're trying to like build up like this this like slow horror thing but you revisit that kitchen in that bathroom so many times it's just like it's like oh my gosh so those would be the things that I would say about it is I think I like what it's trying to do and I like some of the ideas that are present and I I like that I have to think about it a little bit but I do wish I had to think about it a little bit less because as I'm playing through it I don't know what the right answer is of yes or no when she's like do you remember it's like I don't know so uh and then the octopus creatures felt or like skeleton creatures I don't know exactly how they fit in but anyway anyway thank you guys so much for watching today and let let me vent about my dreams and please help protect my sanity as Stephanie slowly tries to drag me into mental instability oh damn same couch in the meantime remember that is just a stream a live stream let's take a bench yet huh noobs United for the wind says turning into bed pet Leonardo Oh sixteen clapping half woo rainbow star versus bye
Channel: GTLive
Views: 225,982
Rating: 4.9220524 out of 5
Keywords: umfend, umfend game, umfend all endings, umfend jacksepticeye, jacksepticeye umfend, markiplier umfend, umfend markiplier, umfend trailer, umfend remake, scary game, horror games, scary, horror, jumpscare, jumpscare reaction, jumpscares, game theorists, game theory, matpat, matpat horror, gtlive, gtlive scary games, gtlive horror, gtlive umfend, umfend gameplay
Id: n8Qq0gU1Kdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 34sec (5434 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 04 2018
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