What Happened To Squidward? | Red Mist (Spongebob Horror Fan Game)

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Apr 03 2020 🗫︎ replies

It has returned!! Also, I've missed GTeaLive tbh, so a return would be nice - even if just for a coronavirus special!

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Mr_Shitpost 📅︎︎ Apr 03 2020 🗫︎ replies

The memories...no....

The flashbacks..

AAAAAAAAAGH no God help me

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 03 2020 🗫︎ replies

It's a shame that the film theory they mentioned on this will never be released since the contents of the creepypasta are actually terrifying and gory. I'd love to see their reaction to it though xD.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Radicow 📅︎︎ Apr 05 2020 🗫︎ replies
max Genki this max Genki Nestle will be good and [Music] [Applause] hey guys and welcome I hope to GTA hopefully I hope for Katie not live oh it's the GT not like it's a it's a GT live production spinner how about there acutely and effort darling we are on a same couch in a new room with a background that's completely temporary but it will feature more of your fan art in the future and guess what friends it is just me and Steph like the old days that's it like the really old days I'm skip and skip skip is literally off camera right now which might be the most exciting addition he's a lot fatter than winning laughs aww oh he's so fast I don't know what the problem he said we are too are you are you talking into a microphone Stephanie are you people just yeah I'm voice of God every oh your voice God hello it's me God oh thank you for blessing me for the livestream to slightly work right now God God could have gotten the TriCaster to work fast no so we have completed our cross-country move um as you guys know we filmed a lot of GT not lives because we were moving across country with Oliver amidst all the other craziness that's happening out in the world right now and we made it and it took a lot of days for Steph and I to not only unpack our house but then to get to the GT live room and then to buy ourselves figure out how everything works again cuz it's no thanks to Chris who packed stuff yeah you see labels labels people labels and packaging things together that go together like say a camera and the requisite cord and batteries a battery or a TV and the cord and the stand and the remotes or just labeling the things that go to your this is my advice for anyone who's looking to pack in the future labels and Ziploc bags with Sharpie markers if you're going to be quarantined on the other end trying to put it together it's like it's like if everyone else knows how to put a puzzle together but none of them are allowed to help you it's true across the country and they don't respond to their text messages we made it but we made it and we haven't told the battery on the camera resin which is probably gonna be sooner rather than later because we've been running it all morning trying to get this thing to work but we have lights in place we have a computer that hooks into a TV that plays games and a TV that hooks into a TriCaster that records things we got a semblance of a background that doesn't look too bad there's a huge amount of shadows I love it that you were saying that looks too bad when you were like flapping your arms got a room that's probably to live from a sound perspective anything yet to hang up the sound pan you have a lot of we have a full room full of sound panels we have so many sound panels we have nothing to hang them on the walls with so that's next step over time things will slowly get upgraded but for now we're here and we're recording some stuff we got the basics underway is over to the game footage and then I'll come join if it works for John Krasinski it can work for us exactly well my gosh did you watch that we should have like we should have like a mini gt live or something where we just talked about like the weird stuff it yeah that's all happening well yeah did you watch it well it's so sweet it's really sweet but let it be known I was doing that on Instagram stories first I had good news Chris and I were doing good news for a while yeah a week we do one but you know someone else has done good news before it's I think it was I think it's like homespun like it's you meta style it's really kids it's it's really well done and also the guest appearances Steve Carell helps too yeah that does right he's like well my movie got pushed back until later this year so might as well do something else so good for you John um hey let's hop into Oh so in honor of the jank eNOS that we have going on right oh sorry real quick the last thing I'll say is so obviously things are still going we are not at a position yet where we can actually live stream that's the that's the biggest thing right so that's why we're filming more GT not lives we have the cameras and all this stuff Internet could be faster could be more stable so that's kind of the big question mark right now so that's coming but for now it's easy not lives so anyway that's where we're at right now we're here we're excited and to honor how janky this is gonna look and feel for the foreseeable future we thought we'd kick it off with a JK game that people recommended that we play it's called red mist yeehaw it is a it is a spooky spongebob game apparently Louis Buki spongey a spooky sponge so everyone strapped in from some spooky sponge action let's do this you can engage on the hashtag GT live again I support each other through through your quarantine on hashtag QT life yeah I don't have any boards that I can show off to the camera I have a cat that I can show off to the camera at the risk of throwing off everything that we've worked on right now there is a camera yeah yes the livestream it would you look at that a little tub he's just a bear he just barrel cat Oh straight Matthew all right let's do it only not gonna be the right one oh it was yeah we transition with this one okay what's one what's this one what this is the meta moment this is the other meta moment are you this is apparently just you why is that setting are you are you huffing there we go did you do it did you make it yeah yeah we're good are you gonna come join me for the game yeah I'm coming until you literally arrange the camera so it cuts me out but I'll be there oh I'll be there it's like the good old days Oh God oh I have to take these headphones I don't yeah okay okay look oh it's just you and me on the couch we don't have like Chris chiming and sarcastically from the sides they don't have Jason be snart are you adjusting it that way just turn I picked up the tripod for a reason because you needed a little more headspace okay okay here we go Stephanie's coming in Stephanie's slowly coming in thank you so glad so glad hey are you playing God doesn't even have like it is no it's not bullet just slides that was another thing again presumably would have been pet really we're gonna prioritize the TriCaster we'll get to the table some others do everything else okay so do it okay we're here missed this game contains jump steers flashing lights scary disturbing content Oh I feel like this shirt is inadvertently like my motto it's just like pizza all the time can we have pizza where is there P dubs but I get some more peace I did but I met a fan she served me she was the only one working it was exciting did you remember to turn on the game audio oh no yeah I'm helpful watch your microphone yeah see we're figuring it out slowly that's also why I picked the red mist because it's not only is it janky but I also figured oh no a gun yeah yeah good job I guess I did remember didn't need you after all yeah let's do this okay yeah we'll have to do another lecture we were actually talking about like life yeah I thought we were gonna probably do that as our first one but then you were like nope definitely not and I was like okay well we could do this one this is a really intense gameplay moment although there is one thing the elephant in the room that we have to address before we go on Matthew there's no hair on your face so there was a lot of hair out until like yesterday which are sometimes long enough that they can sort 0 beers it's like you're rubbing me with ice isn't it like a cool refreshing breeze on your face a wintry blast yeah we got an important story to read about Squidward on 7th of January 2000 Squidward was found dead in the south Oh what oh no what this is what Amy told me to play she's like you should check out red mist okay the Bikini Bottom pool I love that that's in quotes by the way the bikini bottom please I'm just saying start an investigation but could not find any yet see if it was sarcastic quotes it would be the bikini bottom pulleys indicating that they're not much police okay start an investigation but they could not find any evidence of a possible murderer and assumed it was a as the gun was in words oh no this is horrifying this was a terrible way to come back yeah right shoot I should have also not said the S word and the G word because now with YouTube just like oh there's a song cherry pies welcome back to YouTube demonetized a few days later spongebob and patrick were reported missing on them till ah I just seen entry Squidward's house in the middle of the night as the Bikini Bottom police continued the investigations the secret cellar door was unveiled it was just unveiled Ruby shop pull back the blankness Woodward's house you play as one of the police officers of the Bikini Bottom police you have to enter the cellar will you unveil the truth no just the door okay what here we go who's chasing you then it's the mystery step those SpongeBob and Patrick are the murderers because they disappeared the night of Squidward's death no they they disappeared later Stephanie were you even pay attention to the robust story about going on they disappeared after the fact oh we're in the cellar okay so this is the cellar okay man these popping textures are doing great haha whoa boy that it's like the whole what walls just lit with LEDs that are use like it's just like welcome to of the disco it's the party basement doing it we may have to bring back our old table so there's this there's this part of the table that I usually rest my foot on down here and I can't there's nothing down here it's also where we hid the snacks this is the snack hiding tree is God now yeah you know it's a bummer ooh we got can we please music okay sorry it sorry please music okay really the storage space in the cellar is tremendous like shoutouts to Squidward cellar oh great storage this is unreal he's not using it all that effectively no not at all this square footage is underutilized I feel like I would want to group together the cans get one champion room one box room bathroom and then you know maybe the the pool table you know the man cave oh that's what people do with their basements I'm feeling like he's really not taking advantage of that I think that's it's self-portrait self-portrait of Squidward it's also worth noting that when I strength like my walking speed ain't too great but my strafing speed is super slow what's that oh it's a leg oh my leg and look is it a cane and Jack the bloody king of SpongeBob's like is that an item that I can collectively appear Lee likes them all all to assemble Oh so apparently SpongeBob's oh man what been a huge rift from his person just numbered we got over here this is Squidward's little instrument little recorder fleet thing and I'm stuck it on okay I'm stuck on the table all this heat no this is organization I was talking about here is your random unmarked crate room oh right excellent I feel like it's a grouping in a way that makes it hard to run in a straight line that area everything is just like flashy get him out he was he was he was so creepy this is so Jay he was wrong he was oh oh oh oh no can we at least reunite him with his legs and his arms put him back on oh man oh wow that was that was actually a surprising job steer I was actually surprising we creep we just out of practice at this I think so it would also mean we were not expecting right that's the thing they had the element of surprise right yeah Oh didn't it look like that was gonna be a thing you did this was like yet another spongebob leg okay this is so dramatic precision totally jank testy 109s do you want to know maybe we should remember that spongebob episode 129 oh that's more to them art I don't actually it was just me making stuff up that was creepy this is creepy I don't want to use my stamina yet cuz it says stamina is limited use it sparingly okay oh there's Patrick there that's a that's a little starfish fortunately for him starfish can regrow their limbs oh my gosh what so what an unbelievably inefficient way to the limbs look oh yeah he generates regenerate the head one comes back to its fine APD is fine yeah in fact you have just made to Patrick's joke's on you evil joke is on you got a fishing net Oh got a jellyfish fishing net can you actually get to starfish from one starfish aren't so intense whoa stop hammer time stop stop Leslie instead of Flash lately I can't apparently that is not one of the requisite now you'll grow back back it'll be back it's totally fine little rest R&R right it grows back pretty slowly I don't know there's stuff you need corners Stephanie there was a quarter that needed to be explored yeah this is intense right this is amazing Lucy you look secret secret just random paper the important ignore this large thing right there but uh the the small paper that came behind crucified crucified starfish that's totally important right it's fine all right I'm still waiting for like I'm assuming killer Squidward to chase me that's what I'm expecting too but he's gonna be the ghost of Squidward are we zombie Squidward Oh zombie word scary truth is near I'll get ready for jump scared strap in strap in okay I was ready I was waiting for it yeah yeah this is also it's also worth noting this is all supposed to be squibber and seller managed to escape the basement in the last second thank God you contacted the police station and told them what you witnessed in the basement only special police force was sent to Squidward's house they searched for the bodies of SpongeBob and Patrick but they could find nothing they could not find anything I thought it would be more poetic enjoy I thought a little bit wait oh did I win I was missing an item why was I missing an item was that was that the end was that the end end I also appreciated how the map completely reorganized itself so it could accommodate me running away that's why you need to save your stamina because it took up all of my state it did use the entire bar so this this thing that resembles a flashlight doesn't turn on and off so I'm assuming that's not a flashlight or maybe it's just it's late your way and you just don't appreciate it I think it's a dumbbell I think my little are you carrying a shake weight yeah it's my shake weight the entire time so this was not one of the items okay okay shake weight use your shake weight officer officer whale face that's my officer officer will face oh I like that officer tane right I feel like that would fit with the likes of the bikini bottom wait wait I thought we escaped the basement we did we want we beat the gays this is me playing the game again Stephanie oh I have restarted the game in the hopes of achieving what I assume is a different ending maybe mayhaps or maybe we'll find the missing seventh item okay or mayhaps will learn that there is no seventh item really you just wanted to use the word mayhaps a few times I'm mixing it up Steph there's a middle it's been a long couple weeks without us doing any sort of content no I mean doing a lot of stuff actually it's just been all the game theory Phil theory opposites yeah we've actually still been it's we again we should we should have like an actual episode I feel like we're we just talked about I don't know life but but yeah a game theory in solitaire has been going on as normal and actually I dare I say it we're like a little bit ahead just a little bit I dare I do dare so he was wrong spongebob is ring in the story here is completely unclear he was wrong so it's powered about what who is he like all you can't have a game where the only three characters are all masculine orienting individuals and then he likes he was wrong who who is wrong so we did we hear it's tough yeah my phone where's my phone look up spongebob episode 129 great we don't have my phone we have no ability to engage with anything right all that I'm curious what the 129 means I think it's a reference that's why I'm assuming we're gonna learn we're gonna do this together episode what 129 completed Oh is a popularly searched episode oh maybe because of this game could be actually that's what I'm thinkin okay it aired in 1999 December 31st oh it's called karate choppers oh ha ha ha okay I know what this is what is it in this episode Squidward accidentally freezes himself for 2,000 years and experiences complications while using a time machine that's what it says it is why would this work so so tell hopefully the significance of maybe this is time-traveling Squidward Stephanie oh okay it says early one Sunday morning Squidward goes to his open window prepared to play his clarinet however SpongeBob's alarm clock goes off at the same time causing the clarinet to be jammed deep in his throat oh no spongebob wakes NASA's scooter it is if you'd like to go jellyfishing okay so this is so last time last time I got chased down here but that was also when I gone to see Patrick so okay yeah so Squidward goes 2000 years in the future all those the death ending there you go after you have not went after you have not returned from the basement the police decided to send a special force of police officers into the basement they found the bodies and spongebob Patrick and you and a devastating condition no an investigation was started to explain the deaths but no clue what happened case was closed a few months later in the deaths Oh No who's there I'm still not getting all the items I'm getting frustrated by the fact that I do anybody oh where where are the rest of them maybe that's the point of the game for you to be endlessly frustrated no I think we tried one more time one more time will you while you continue to tell me about this episode okay so Squidward discovers he's in the future after he gets caught in this freezer that stays frozen and no one opens it for 2000 years and let's see the world is covered in chrome sponge Tron and Chrome and sponge Tron okay but Oh a sponge Tron is one of 486 clones Wow so Squidward is like oh my gosh I hate the fact that there are so many SpongeBob's he begs for a way to get back to his own time sponge Tron directs him to a time machine okay Squidward aside that if he cannot escape spongebob in the future he will travel to a time before spongebob was born simply referred to as the past the time machine arrives in a primordial sea scoobert walks among ancient sea creatures hopeful that he can finally play his clarinet in peace however a shadowy figure pursues him and it's revealed to be a primitive sponge ah oh that's that's probably why that this one's getting serious on the primitive sponge tentatively examines Squidward and laughs it's good word escapes solution he tries to play yeah and he tries to play his clarinet but then it doesn't work and then he tries jellyfishing and the primitives are like wow that's a really good job of jellyfishing you're you're you recounting really it seems really coherent actually a lot better than watching the episode itself I'm sure oh then he plays his clarinet and it makes the primitives mad and outraged and they chase him and he makes it back to the time machine he jams the lever up and down and accidentally snaps it off oh no hurtling through the time machine through dimensions before arriving in the worlds of emptiness Oh criminy oh maybe this is the world of emptiness fun fun oh wait wait is this the missing item yeah okay good so now we have all the items okay so I think eventually he gets back great really this one's called karate choppers because I expected I think no Roddy Choppers is one of the ones that it says 1:29 all right right the karate choppers a different episode karate choppers it was always the one that like when people ask me to do spongebob theories and I see because there's a lot of existing theories about sponge about there people want us to cover him on field theory like bikini bottom is actually a the result of nuclear testing out outside of Hawaii that's always people ask me to cover which I've thought about but one of the other ones then you feel oh wait I'm sorry that's a sister episode [Music] this one is called what is this some calls wait escalate choppers yes karate hoppers is a sister episode to this one as I don't know these second story the B story I don't know cuz karate choppers I think is the one that everyone always says is the one that people assume is sandy and spongebob having relations jealous cheeks get a little cheeky cheeks whoa whoa no slide about it's amateur shows that heads it's not for kids lunges except it is for kids and spongy so there we go look at us we're speedrunning this I know I see that I see how how speedy speedily you are running right you see you feel good up come at this game oh haha get the notes your go this is 777 we're gonna beat it okay good now what come at me bro right do we just escape at this point and we and then we prove yeah cuz because in the escape ending we escaped but we didn't have all the evidence so maybe that's why maybe that's why they couldn't find the bodies but now we're gonna do it is it we're gonna say bikini bottom and thwart evil future Squidward for the last time happy 1:29 it seems like a weird one to call out doesn't it does based on right cuz primitives so primitive sponge was a big mean oh yeah I mean so maybe that's just like referencing the mean yeah right that one looks like Jack Skellington we're supposed to be coming up now he'll be coming down the hallway yeah hello oh so we get to keep going hello oh okay haha yeah okay what I'm sure you can actually do that Morse code five cubic feet [Music] I don't know Morse code what what SB 1 to 9 so yeah what what what what okay okay I'm looking at notes on hto about this I'm super curious this is great I'm so excited okay I don't even know to the SD 129 ending this one okay which order to get the secret anything you have to get the corrupted ending oh we got that okay okay there you will find the secret code in the end screen 5cw a lot yeah this code is a YouTube video type the following link into your browser okay okay okay okay here we go so we want to go to youtube youtube.com / / okay / v CW f T lowercase CW lowercase C W yeah ft f T lowercase uppercase D C lowercase nein nein no details and Audrey ft yep D uppercase Christie lower lower aye aye upper zz9 up rosy rosy wine wait yep there Matthew seriously there's no ya see why oh my gosh caps-lock here let me down because caps lock is the way to capitalize look over to Chris to try and get support but Chris isn't here anyway so just you would be there's no one who can help fend off the crazy and then chris is crazy in his own right get out of here okay here we go this page isn't available made you we need the you or anything all right users oh no you have extras yeah hey you know 5cw hefty upper d lower i already lower i upper z 9z y no easy why that should be it that should be it that should be it oh my god what was it you hear what yous not ODOT be e here youtube def PE yeah try that you - Daphne e there you know we're gonna find this this is the thing should I just send the link to use totally a big now should I send the link to you I wonder if the Morse code was telling us I think it was I'm sure lost episode what it's just called truce truce truce truce truce truce truce truce to mp4 it's not hopeful yeah I know you're give me give me what a spin just send me the link I was arson Ewing and you can click on it great hold on where you gonna send me the link I'm gonna share the link with you okay I'm sending you the link hold on let me so that everyone doesn't see your email let me click off well then well someone room 18 yeah and it's awesome great Thank You Ryan yes and it's weak yeah okay here we go okay it's three seconds oh great all that for three seconds what do the comments have any more information about whatever mark mark sales are figured oh this your phone Oh markiplier marklar beat us to it of course Matt whatever okay so hold on let me see if they have anything else to say about this okay in this video well you will see three highlighted cans in the game you'll have to click on all three hands you will hear a sound if you've clicked the right one and you've clicked on all three cans oh why there's so much quotation and collected all seven items to go to the end of the game there you'll be teleported to the secret ending great okay let's do it okay well this is so much more robust than I expected right yeah I mean I figured that would be I like pulled up real quick hold up hold up hold up hold like I got not here what um here this guy take oh the fact that he didn't recognize a youtube video idea at first light well being a professional youtuber shows that he has a small brain it's just a random prefix letters and numbers it's okay there's no way here's like come on we're looking a lot of you whose leg was actually looking at the YouTube strings up no one looks at the YouTube strings up there what and also our list of suggested videos also and so it's worth noting that usually there's like a u and a - or like an underscore or slash like there's more there's more characters up there a lot of time to like give you some indication alright I don't think you need to know I'm being defensive on marks part clearly we knew what it was the entire time I'm also feeling like we're cheeping out a little bit by not doing any of the Morse code but so be it what sign so look for these three cans okay the first one was low on the shelf I don't think this was it though do you remember what do you have the pictures of the cams okay yeah if you could just follow this yeah this can about the cans you can find me the first can first kids okay the reverse scan is on Stephanie you positive the second you see I know I know look we were making fun of the cans and now the cans have come back to bite us we can on the right bottom shelf I thought this was bottom shelf right side yeah ii can was also a bottom shelf right side okay do i have to go back now it won't be over there sits on the right side of the bottom shelf it's not back the way I came but maybe it might be I would check that first room right here and we still get all seven items oh look at this this is a real bust energy here stuff so exciting who knew who knew is red mist referencing anything outside of just the red fog that appears in the distance to give this a creepy atmosphere I don't know because like this reminds me of like Silent Hill like the red mist that they've kind of worked into the game to make make it less jarring that things aren't loading in properly my guess is they started off with some name that was an allusion to spongebob and for copyright reasons they had to just name it something random oh yeah all right here look up red mist spongebob real quick I'm just curious if there's any like episode names or anything okay but right Amit's whoa this is so exciting I feel like we need maybe that's what our new background should be we should have our background be like all the various codes and cyphers so that way we can just turn behind us and be like oh that's a Morse code thing this is the back wall SpongeBob's red mist lost episode late it's a lost episode secrets of there's a something called a red mist Squidward really what red mist Squidward is a minor character in the sponge mops in SpongeBob SquarePants he's an alternative universe version of Squidward what no really I didn't know this of Squidward Tentacles who lives behind a mysterious door in random land ha appears in the uncut version of the episodes spongebob in random land how weird really that's so interesting so yeah that's what he is oh that's so cool huh that's so cool oh jeez huh and in September oh this is so fast this is a whole thing this is great all good stuff oh so keep the door but in September 2019 such as September of last year spongebob airs an Easter Egg reference to Squidward's the Squidward's creepypasta really this is a thing in a recent spongebob episode titled spongebob and random land fans have spotted an apparent reference to an internet meme that has been around for years be it Squidward's reference calls back to a viral creepypasta and showed up during the episode in the form of a heavily memed picture of Squidward you SpongeBob SquarePants is undoubtedly a decent icon well okay so I think they so they pulled it I think huh that's wild shoot viral it's a lost episode I don't know okay I don't think the cans are gone are they gone no no I just need to find where this like there's not many cans at this point okay so you said the next one is again low on a shelf yeah bottom right of a shelf again and then the last one is in the middle of one of these long looking shelves who's like okay so this is no chill right here right yeah I think so oh no three is it could be that one just could be no okay it should be lower its oh no it's not a first job it's not first yeah okay so I must say I'm trying to think where else I saw cams in this game all right so I gotta go over there and get the Patrick yeah that's really wild so so it sounds like from what I'm seeing on YouTube I don't know I don't know if it's real but it sounds like the red mist is I don't know if they pulled this huh and I don't want to lose this YouTube page so we're just gonna hang with this one for now there you go that's all three okay yes we're missing an item though hold up a note you got the site you got the net mm-hmm to get the burn chula okay that was the Nats Oh Jennifer did I forget this stupid picture I forgot this do oh no the first that's the first one okay teach us more about this step it says Nickelodeon removes red mist Squidward from SpongeBob I don't know if that's true though oh you're watching I'm watching someone called Vail ski bum 94 oh yeah okay okay we'll watch this later what we'll figure this out sorry I know I'm just sounds like a fun like conspiratorial I was gonna say this is this is probably prompted a film theory at this point I know right Oh little spongebob creepypasta that's great all right I love doing episode spongebob is one of the one of the shows that I love doing episodes on because there it's such a wacky fun world sometimes the fan base can get a little bit intense but it's not that I feel like it's not that huge a percentage of the fan base is like really unhappy if you talk about oh right it's one of those ones where people are still good key word about it yes okay so we got all seven items okay yeah and now I've got all three cans yeah so no I just don't as normal yeah just go run from Squidward okay great who do you know that this is actually based on the show this is great or I was based on like an episode anyway this whole time I was like oh this is just one of the like janky fan games I also forget that spongebob is still like an active universe it's it's so ended it is so active it's wild how popular spongebob is I believe Nickelodeon was trying to I don't know if like Saudi monitor got it so deeply demonetised Jason do you have to reload this anyway cut out yeah those little big please cut it out and also cut out the best word flash that one - we could yeah it did me cut it yeah cut out Matthews email oh great so we have a couple things that we got cut for this one that's fine great sorry but like we said we're still getting used to all this it's been a long time it's been a long time we're out of practice we're just gonna show everything whatever but um it's all good until the camera runs out of batteries right you know at this point at this point it's not a race against Squidward it's a race against the camera battery maybe my mother cut this into two parts whoa a two-parter yeah I don't know maybe people actually play this game a lot now it's not that much it's only that the walking piece is so Jason can decide okay here we go ready for it right before another jump scare you go alright so here will tell creepy right that was both no Bikini Bottom police officer Joe [Music] don't BAM okay so have we deal am I supposed to see different things the stuff yeah supposed to be secret ending oh yeah mr. Krabs who with SP 129 80 when you entered SP 129 you were teleported on the day of the Squidward assassination yeah Mr Krabs in the ass when he tried to shoot Squidward you overpowered and arrested mr. Krabs he was sentenced to prison for attempted murder for 25 years to be continued mr. Grimes I shocked you monster you should be ashamed of yourself good job yes job games whoo you took what was like a relatively simple game and you made it really cool by doing like a little off off game I mean Steph and I we met in the Vav programming course right yeah one of the things that I that we like to do and it's pretty easy to do in games I wish wargames did was include little like Easter eggs that shoot you off in two different endings yeah at different endings make the game feel so cool yeah and it gives you so much more replay fella cuz this like obviously like there was no we would know David and after like the first round if there weren't something to go for right but instead you get people to talk about it you get people to like go out of YouTube it's a fun little Easter Egg yes which is great that's what we love well done retinas clapping half thank you and guess what now and now it gives us something to look into some theory right so there you go I'm excited I'm super excited to hear our first episode of GT na not live back I'm gonna go get ready just turn it off you should I should find this up here guys but it's it's good to be back on the couch we have Chris's picture here he's with us in spirit he's over by the TriCaster yeah Chris Paul yeah it's not Chris Wyden it's Chris Paul oh yeah it's the Chris Paul picture but anyway guys thank you for joining us thank you for waiting while we were kind of on hiatus and feels good to be back hopefully over the next couple weeks we this becomes smoother we get like everything a little bit more polished up back here bring back the fan art wall which we wanted to do for so long and Chris kind of led us down okay buddy you're the best you you work so hard um so yeah that's it we're actually gonna film a couple more of these well we have the chance so that way the channel isn't completely emptied and then hopefully sooner rather than later you'll see us live streaming again but anyway isn't until then thanks so much for watching and remember that's just the stream a live stream brand-new space whoo Stephanie take us away [Music] [Applause]
Channel: GTLive
Views: 571,022
Rating: 4.9547977 out of 5
Keywords: red mist, spongebob, spongebob squarepants, spongebob game, squidward, squidward creepypasta, red mist game, red mist game all endings, red mist all endings, red mist episode, red mist endings, spongebob fan games, horror, scary, creepypasta, fan game, spongebob horror game, spongebob scary game, spongebob red mist, squidward red mist, game theorists, game theory, gtlive, gt not live, gtlive spongebob, gtlive scary
Id: n6qDbDm84Y0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 16sec (2896 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 02 2020
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