Don't Relax the Grip of Faith | Pastor Craig Field

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[Music] Heavenly Father I thank you for this evening Lord Jesus I I am under your divine assignment and mandate tonight father I enjoy the points the the other points from the message on Wednesday night I only got through one of them and I was looking forward to teaching the others the other points but you spoke to me this afternoon father and I don't say that lightly you really spoke to me this afternoon I didn't expect you to I didn't expect you to say what you said and I didn't expect you to speak as long as you did normally you only say one sentence to me or a couple sentences but Lord you spoke to me about a number of things for me to speak and Lord you know that I asked you to delay until Sunday morning so we would have the maximum possible viewership that they would all benefit but you told me that you gave me that for tonight and that whoever would tune in and be faithful would receive an answer and so Heavenly Father I'm going to say what you told me to say and I'm going to deliver what you told me to deliver because I know that I am your mouth piece I am your spokesperson I know that I am your delivery boy I am your FedEx man so to speak you are giving them your words through me and I don't just mean your logos written word although it's all based on that you're giving them a specific word from heaven that you have uttered and spoken to me because I stand in a place of leadership in this church but Lord it's it is for me but it is it is for them as much as it is for me it is for us it is a word to our church and father of course I know what it is because you've spoken it to me so I've been meditating on it since you've spoken to me and I even for me personally and for the corporation of promise of life which it affects my personal life and the corporation's life father I find myself since you've said it to me so grateful so deeply grateful because you're helping me and I so appreciate your rescue and your help you want us to succeed but father it's not just for me it's for them for their personal lives because they're part of this body they're part of this local church they have submitted themselves to my authority that either delegated authority that you've given me as the pastor and because of their submission and their honor if they would take a hold of this and make it their own tonight it will work for them the same as it works for me and they were the same it will work for me and I believe they will have the same appreciation for the rescue in their lives and for their families and for their businesses as I have felt so deeply just in this short while since you spoke it to me this afternoon Lord we love you our hearts are to honor you our hearts are to please you we don't want to go off we don't want to turn to the left go to the right we don't want to get into the ditch here or the ditch there we want to stay centered we want to stay right and sometimes we start to step off and your grace and your deep mercy toward us and your deep love and your loving kindness toward us by the Holy Ghost pulls us back and so father you've pulled me back tonight yes it's a correction for me but not because I'm doing something bad or sinful because I'm needing to become more skillful and so father I believe it will also be a mild correction to some of them probably all of them not because you're upset with them but because you want them to become more skillful so that we can obtain all that you've promised us so I thank you father for the anointing and the name of Jesus that comes now I lean upon it and I yield to it fully without your anointing on nothing and I can do nothing but with it I can do all things and speak all things under the unction so father I thank you for your anointing I yield my vessel to it in the name of Jesus I yield my tongue to it in the name of Jesus Lord speak through me that my tongue would be that of a ready writer to speak forth the Oracles of God and write it by the Holy Ghost according to Hebrews 9 upon their hearts write revelation upon their hearts father father I thank you I don't misspeak under the anointing for that is dangerous father I thank you for your angels that influence and help even influence me as I ministered the Word of God tonight and your angels that go forth and influence and minister for them as heirs of salvation Holy Ghost I thank you for and I covet and I long for and I yield to and I ask you for all the nine gifts of the Spirit to be an operation father I don't choose when they're in operation but I make it my daily prayer to you to remind you of my deep reverence and desire for those gifts I thank you for the word of wisdom and the word of knowledge and the discerning of spirits I thank you that they operate in Jesus name as the Holy Ghost wills I thank you for the gift of prophecy tongues and interpretation of tongues I thank you that they operate as the Spirit of God wills it I thank you for the gift of faith the working of miracles and the gifts of healings I thank you that they operate as the holy ghost wills and we yield ourselves now every person within the sound of my voice we yield ourselves father to me as a vessel to speak and them as a vessel to hear pour through me into them Lord make them not so full that they feel they know everything that they can't receive a full vessel cannot receive Lord we empty ourselves in humility and we say teach us Holy Ghost pour into us revelation knowledge and the Word of God under the anointing of the Holy Spirit father they empty themselves and even myself I empty myself before you and I say pour into me and pour into them that we would hear what you are saying and that it would be quickened unto us by the Holy Ghost with revelation knowledge that we would do it and not hear it only and I thank you Lord for help and for rescue that comes because of it in the mighty name of Jesus I pray and I give you all the glory and the praise Lord Jesus in advance in Jesus name hallelujah amen I'm gonna start with the it's unusual the way the Lord dealt with me like I said normally he speaks to me one sentence or so in this situation he spoke to me a number of paragraphs he basically gave me the whole sermon outlined it for me and I just wrote down what he said and then added the scripture verses that he was referring to and so I'm and then I added of course my own thoughts as well to it in addition but I want to start by reading you the first sentence that he said to me and this is what he said I was praying in the Holy Ghost and I was thinking about the church about the budget about people's giving and if we would be able to meet all of our obligations and if we don't meet them which ones we would have to forgo because there's a natural practical side to life and you have to work with the budget that you have and with the money that comes in and and we have to sometimes make decisions based on that because if we live in a natural world - I wasn't doing it in doubt or unbelief I wasn't doing it in the lack of faith I'm just doing it because there's a natural side to things as well and when we have to pay certain things we have to look to see what we can pay and what we can't pay and I heard the word of the Lord come to me very clearly out of my spirit it rose up and this is what he said to me I hope you're listening and show reverence and honor because this is not a normal sermon and like I'm just teaching you simple words this is God speaking to me and I'm telling you what he said because it was for you as much as it was for me he said these words don't ever let go the place that you are occupying in the spirit don't ever let go the place that you are occupying in the spirit and in my mind I said Lord am i doing that and he answered me and said yes you are and then he said these words to me you can look at your budget son to see where you can tighten and that's natural wisdom but the danger is that it will try to pull you into the natural mental realm and cause you to let go and give up the ground that you have hard fought to take in the spirit hmm you can look at your budget to see where you can tighten but that's natural wisdom and the danger is that it will try to pull you into the mental natural mental arena mat natural mint mental realm and cause you to let go and give up the ground you have hard fought to take in the spirit that's how he phrased it what you're doing son is relaxing your grip in faith but I told you not to be weary and not to relax your grip for if you for you would reap in due season if you do not faint so let's have a look at that and I'll explain it to you as I go Galatians chapter 6 and verse 9 Galatians chapter 6 and verse 9 and the Bible says these words and let us not be weary in well-doing for in due season we will reap if we faint not now I like the fact that it's right after verse 8 I believe there's a connection here verse 8 for he that sows to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption but he that sews to the spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting in other words and we know from from Romans 6 verse 8 to be spiritually minded his peace to be carnally minded is death so corruption and death so we see those two Romans 8:6 and Galatians 6:8 they work together they're both talking about walking and thinking fleshly thoughts sowing to the flesh versus sow into the spirit now if Romans 8 specifically talks about the thought life being spiritually minded Galatians 6 is more talking in a general sense it doesn't just specify your thought life because it says here in general if you sow to the flesh you'll reap corruption if you sort of the spiritual reap life everlasting so in other words he's saying walk in the spirit be in the spirit and of course if you interpret it with Romans 8 think mental thoughts have your thoughts in line with the thoughts of God's Word and the thoughts that the holy ghost authors and spiritual thinking if you'll do this if you'll be a spiritual person that's the synopsis you will reap life life is everything you need from God is the Zoe life of God and now he continues that same thought of reaping being spiritual will reap are you following me Galatians 6 verse 8 if you're spiritual you're gonna reap life good things now verse 9 same thought continues let us not be weary in well-doing so really what he's saying is if you take it in context with the previews verse let us not be weary in being spiritual because when you're well doing you're being spiritual let us not be weary in well-doing or being spiritual being spiritually minded so into the spirit for in due season we shall reap if we faint not II just said you'd reap life the previous verse now he's saying you're going to reap if you don't faint so there is a element of don't be weary in being spiritual well doing is really what we could say being a spiritual person doing what God wants us to do which is being spiritually minded and - the spirit don't be weary in well-doing now I've preached recently of what that word weary means don't be weary in well-doing and that word really what it means is to relax that word don't be weary it literally means to let go or relax that word faint the same thing it means to relax now they're different words but what when you are weary the result is you're going if you don't watch it you're going to faint now really the word weary technically means faint if you look up the word weary in the Greek in the Greek lexicon let us not be weary in well-doing for if we for in due season we shall reap if we faint not but the word weary means to be weak or to faint so what he's saying here is let us not faint for in due season if we if we for let us not be let us not faint but it's not be weary that it's not faint in our spirituality for in due season we will reap or or get what the victory that we need if we don't faint so he's saying let us not faint for if we keep going we'll reap if we don't faint but that second word faint is not really translated it's faint but it's better translated relaxed so what he's saying here is let us not let us not faint in being spiritual for induces and we will reap if we relax not so he's saying listen there's an element here are fainting and there's an element here of relaxing if you relax your grip there's going to come a fainting if you relax your grip on things you're not going to reap because you're gonna let go you're going to go backwards and what's going to happen is it's going to there's a there's a fainting that's going to start to come to you so what is Paul saying be spiritual I don't want you to faint but the key to not fainting don't relax that's really the summary of what he's saying in the original language I want you to be spiritual and there's going to be an opportunity to faint but I don't want you to faint instead keep pressing forward don't relax your grip if you don't relax your grip and you keep pressing you'll reap but if you relax your grip and you stop pressing you're gonna faint I don't want you to fake therefore don't relax I don't want you to lose therefore don't relax don't relax your grip relaxing the grip equals quitting fainting means to quit so when you relax your grip on something when you relax you're pushing forward in faith on something it is going to equate to a quitting or a fainting or a failure are you following me relaxing laying back well what's the big deal well don't you understand there's so much pressure look at what everybody else is doing oh my gosh this is such a bad scenario that's relaxing that is not pressing forward in faith that is letting go of what you had grabbed now if you relax your grip if you let it go the result is you're going to quit or faint so a an attitude of not pushing forward causes a failure in receiving what God's promised you but a pushing forward attitude not relaxing a pushing forward being spiritual is to push forward being carnal is to relax being spiritual is to strive ahead and say I'm not letting go of what God promised me being carnal being not spiritual being carnal is to relax our well whatever whatever whatever now the people that do that they faint they quit they fail but the people that do the other that don't let go they reap they get something from God now you say pastor what's the context of why God said that to you because the context let me tell you so you understand we have a budget of 30,000 and so I went to our accounting department and I said to them we need to create an emergency budget I want to know everything that is not absolutely necessary take it out so I know what our survival budget basically is what do we need just to keep the doors open because in a season like this that people are the Linnet getting laid off and edited it chances are yeah we're gonna believe God for more like he told me but there's a natural realm we have to consider and we have to look at what we're gonna pay and what we're gonna do with with you know all the different responsibilities that are on the ministry so I said let's so pull out everything that is not absolutely critical and give me a survival or an emergency budget that I could work with and I'm not saying that that's wrong and I don't even feel God told me that what I did was wrong because there is a natural part to play where you have to you have to consider things and so they reworked the budget down from our budget of 30,000 and I thought it would be thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars less and it actually wasn't it surprised me it was quite small the difference between what is absolutely necessary and then the extra items that we have in there that are that we could probably do without now we can't do without it if the church is functioning normally but we can do without it when there's no services for example you know we don't have to buy as many office supplies because we're not in here working we don't have to buy snacks for the kids in Kop because they're not here playing and they don't need that we don't need to buy as much toilet paper and as much you know stuff for cleaning products and because there's nobody here there's no need to clean the building there's nobody here right now so there are some areas you know we have sometimes we have to you know do this thing or we have to you know pay that or maybe we have a staff meeting and I know it's tiny but you know we buy we buy the staff a coffee or something at the staff meeting well they're not having staff meeting so there's no need to buy them coffee that doesn't come to very much money but I think you understand the point I'm saying we looked at all the things that normally we need when we're in normal operation and now we don't need because we're not at normal operation and we pulled them all out of the budget temporarily I thought it would be a big drop it was actually quite a small drop so really we still we still need it almost a little bit less but virtually almost all of what our original budget was so that was a little bit discouraging because I thought we would really see a big drop okay so so I got that number now that I know the minimum baron bare-bones number if we don't get this were in the red and so I've been saying to myself and I listen closely because I'm gonna teach you something of how the Roman the Spirit works and how God thinks so I've been saying to myself well Lord you told me that we would have all that we would normally have and more so I'm holding to that and I thank you for that now lord I do know the bare minimum number that we need to survive so the very in the least we need is this but I'm expecting and I'm believing you for more than what we would normally get now all of that on the surface is 100 percent right but let me teach you what happens if you're not skillful and if you're not careful even though my confession is right and even though there's nothing wrong with with counting the cost Jesus said you're gonna build a tower count the cost there's nothing wrong with figuring out can you tighten nothing wrong with that and my confession is right because I'm staying I'm saying Lord I'm believing you for this but you know I know I have this base number here but I'm not letting go I'm believing you for this but let me teach you something of what happens here and this is what's this is the part that's dangerous even though there's nothing wrong with looking at that and there is a natural realm to consider by knowing that here's the danger my thoughts and therefore my believing because you're believing will follow will your thinking as as a man thinks in his heart so is he out of the abundance of the heart that's that's where your faith is out of the abundance of the heart and that comes out of the mouth out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks the Bible says so really it says as a man thinks in his heart now we add the other verse and out of the abundance of that heart that he speaks he is as a man thinks in his heart he is as a man thinks in his heart and out of that abundance of the heart the mouth speaks he becomes whatever that is so whatever you're thinking is going to go down into your heart and then out of the abundance of that what's in your heart which came because if you're thinking that's why it's so important to think spiritually because out of the abundance out of your thinking as a man thinks in his heart out of the the thoughts that go down in your heart there's going to be an abundance of things in your heart because of your thoughts and then out of there that abundance you're going to speak and then what what you say is what you're gonna have as a man thinks in his heart so is he but now add in the confession part is a man thinks in his heart and out of the abundance of the heart that he speaks so is he so if you're thinking about something that's gonna get down in your heart and if you think and if it's and you're thinking about a lot and it's in your heart a lot it's gonna come start coming out of you so while my confession was right in Lord I'm believing you that we're gonna have more than that you said would have more no loss more than we need in the season because I have looked at some bare bone minimums which is not necessarily wrong to do there's some natural wisdom there but here's the danger if I if I allow those thoughts on these minimums if I'm thinking about them more than I'm thinking about we're gonna have more than more than we've normally had if I'm thinking about well thank God okay it's a little bit lower not much but at least we only need this amount if I'm thinking about that more than I'm thinking about what we're gonna have more than enough if that thought is more prevalent than that thought then in my heart there's an abundance in my heart based on my thinking they stunned my meditation which is a mental meditation but it gets down into your heart we're now at what's coming out of me in terms of my believing because as I believe in my heart so have I spoken so now even though I'm technically making the right confession what's coming out of me what I'm believing now is gonna line up with the abundance so my believing is going to be more in tune with the bare minimum than it is with the more than enough are you following me it's a very I know you say some of its semantics but it's not I don't know if I'm doing a good job I'm trying and I know the Holy Ghost is here helping me so let me just i'm rephrasing it because i want you to catch what I'm saying there's nothing wrong with doing a budget or even reworking a budget God didn't say that that was wrong but when he's given you a word over here and now you're thinking and now you've do and then this thing over here it's not wrong but it's dangerous because it's going to draw your thoughts to that because that's easier that's less that requires less faith to get that number than it does to have more than we would normally have so your thinking starts to lean toward here and I apply this to your life and your personal budget your thinking starts to lean toward here so you're thinking about that more than you're thinking about the going over you might be confessing both technically but you're meditating more on that why because it's easier it's less you don't have to use as much faith for it it's more comfortable it's not as much of a stretch so your your thinking about that more now that thought starts to become into your heart now there's more of an abundance in your heart about that than that now you're believing leans more to that than that now you your confession at first is equal but you're believing it doesn't really your confession is important but you've got to believe otherwise what you say won't happen anyway if you don't believe what you're saying what you say doesn't matter there's not going to happen for you mark 11:23 says you must believe and what you ever seen you don't doubt any heart but you believe that you say will come to pass but you got as first believe it you're saying does it matter if you don't believe it so your confession might even sound right to other people but if the meditation of your mind and your heart is more leaning in one direction that is where your believing is leaning in that direction and that's what was happening with me nothing wrong with doing the natural side of things to to use common sense nothing wrong with that but if but the danger is my mind will be pulled in that direction my meditation of my heart will be pulled in that direction and consequent and they here's the kicker my believing will start to be pulled in that direction and it might sound good from the outside because my confession that far is equal Lord well Lord I'm believing you for that now thank God we're gonna get this minimum but I am believing you for that now that's my confession is right but if the meditation and the believing in my heart is leaning and favoring one side over the other then this is what happens I start to let go the grip in faith that I have held on that I start to let go that grip I start to relax that grip in favor of this and I start to grab that more now whatever I'm grabbing more is what's going to happen so if I start grabbing that lower number more guess what that's the number that's going to come into the church but if I start grabbing a hold of that number that that promise of more then guess what that's what's going to come into the church and you say but-but-but what about natural circumstances there's there's a turndown there's people but that's good nothing to do with it because God can speak to people anywhere on this planet there's 7 billion people he can speak to people to give and to make up if the congregation are doing their best but are not able to make it because they can only tie than what they're earning and maybe they don't have the faith to give extra offerings I don't know but my point is I'm not bound to the congregation alone in the four walls of this church and who's on our membership list I'm not bound to that source alone God has other ways that he can get the money to us my point is not about where the money's coming from that's not on my side member I preached two days ago that's not on my side that's on God's side my job is not to worry where the money's coming from my job is to use my faith and believe for what God has said God didn't say that number that lower number that is what we come up with as an emergency God said that hell will have more God said that number now if I meditate and think more on this number than that number even though I'm confessing that I'm confessing right but if my meditation if my spiritual thinking if my mind is focusing more on that my heart will attach to that my heart will start believing for that and what I'll do is I'll take tightening my grip on that but if I'm not meditating and thinking as much on this this number the higher number my heart is not meditating on that my heart is is not as focused on that I'm not leaning in that direction so what happens is I lessen that grip little bit because I'm tightening here but I'm listening here and if I'm relaxing that grip what's happening that's what that word said you will reap if you relax not if you keep relaxing you're going to quit you're going to faint now if I keep relaxing that and I tighten here what's happening I am going to faint and not reap when it comes to that number now I'll tighten up on here and I will reap when it comes to this number but I have lessened the grip relax the grip I'm not pressing anymore on this number so what am I gonna get which number am I gonna get I'm gonna get the one that I've got my grip on I'm not gonna get the one that I've listened to my grip on and that's what God was saying to me and he was disappointed because he doesn't want me to lose ground don't ever let the place don't ever let go the place that you are occupying in the spirit we I have been taking hold in my faith a place in the spirit called 35,000 a week and 350 adults members that's my faith goal that's what I am in the process of occupying do I have it no what have I occupied past tense I have occupied 318 and 30,000 I got that but now he said in this season I want you to reach out and I want you to now begin to believe me tighten your grip of faith on 35 and 350 that's what I want that's what God told me so now I've got his his authority to do that he's led me that means my measure of faith is strong enough for that or he wouldn't have led me because he leads me according to my measure he won't lead me beyond it he won't lead me into failure so I am I am I've accumulated I'm in the process of occupying what does that mean the way past Nancy would say does reach out and grab it you might only just have it just you may not even have a full solid grip on it you might just have it a little bit but start pulling it towards you in faith start pulling it to it's going to take some time but start pulling it how do you do that with your confession with your believing with your meditation and with acts of faith if he tells you to do something and start pulling it towards you and and the closer gets the stronger your grip gets on that and you pull it now you haven't got it yet and it's not physically manifesting all the time but you're getting closer and closer and closer and closer and closer and the money is going if it's money that you're believing for it's going that money is getting more and more if it's symptoms and health the symptoms are getting less and less whatever the scenario is victory is becoming more and more and more until now you say I got it not just by faith you've got it by faith out there you've laid hold of it but now once it's close to you now it's actually manifesting in the natural realm you can see it with your eyes your five physical senses are acknowledging it and it's now finally come to pass that when you've got it this close you've got it now it's done now God will never let you stay there he'll say now reach out and take hold of another of faith goal and start pulling that towards you so for about two years a year and a half two years I've reached out for 30 and 318 and I've been pulling and pulling and pulling and pulling and pulling and by the end of December because he said I expected by the end of the year thank God we obeyed him by the end of the year I got it to my breast now now it's actually manifested we did the averages of the of the whole year some were lower some were higher but on average we came to literally thirty thousand I think within twenty dollars of thirty thousand a week so that and we had three hundred and twenty-four people in total as of December 31st so I had it had manifested to me you know not a lot of excess there but what I believed for had manifested not now I've got it now my faith muscle is not operating and we're cuz I'm not pulling so if I don't reach out and grab something else and start to pull my faith muscle will get weak so God said and I reach out for thirty-five thousand a week and three hundred and fifty reach out and take that now so I did January I reached out and I took that and I've been it's kind of on the far side but I've been I grabbed it I have grabbed it it has not manifested yet because I'm pulling it by faith it's not gonna show up to thy senses until I got it here but it's gonna build and build and build and the numbers are gonna start going up and the money's gonna start going up it's coming and it's coming and it's coming and I don't know how long it'll take it took about a year and a half two years for the other one it might know hopefully won't take that long for this one I don't in my spirit I don't sense it will take that long so I'm pulling that now here's the danger I have been holding this hanky let's say represents thirty five thousand and three hundred and fifty let's say that represents that now I'm on a strong long out stretch because I I mean I've just I've just got it I'm not even here yet I'm not even here I'm way out there I've just laid hold of it and my faith is pulling it toward me now what is that called I have laid hold of something in the spirit I am occupying it's not occupied until it gets here but I am occupying a place I'm in the process of it coming to pass I'm in the process of possessing that promise the promise is 35 and 350 ok so I'm in the process of doing that I am in the process of occupying and I'm in the process there's momentum that's being built and I'm pulling it toward me now watch this we're here I've just laid out of a January I might have pulled it in just maybe an inch how many inches from there to here there's at least 2 feet maybe at least 2 feet so I might have out of let's say 25 inches give or take I might have pulled it in one inch I might have just 125th accomplished I've still got to keep pulling pulling pulling pulling pulling pulling until like until it's gone and I got it then I'm gonna reach out for the next thing but I've only pulled it maybe an inch or half an inch I mean I just got laid hold on it was enough of faith and then I'm just pulling it a little bit now as soon as I start pulling that guess what happens coronavirus people lost their jobs no more services will people give so what do I do I'm being transparent because I'm trying to teach you something what do I do I say well I'm mentally still an agreement then we're gonna have more what is the more of 35,000 a week okay that more but now I'm gonna consider some of these things because it's it there's some natural wisdom we have to follow now I can do that natural wisdom as long as I keep my thoughts my meditation my focus and my grip on this but what is the tendency with humans to do is when you start considering a lesser what happens is this you lessen relax your grip on what you were believing for and you start taking the grip on the lesser why because it's easier to believe for less than it is for more your mind can figure it out more it's less it's easier it's not as much of a push of faith so it's easier on your flesh because your flesh doesn't want to believe God your flesh just wants to relax and not believe anything so it's easier to do this and so what was happening in the realm of the Spirit is I have been I've pulled it an inch and I've got a good grip on this but because my attention is looking because of the scenario we're facing my tension glances down I tell myself it's okay because it's natural wisdom and there's a there's a truth to that but now what God expects me to do is look right back here and not let go but it's human nature to take the easy path of less resistance so I kind of I'm looking there I'm looking there more than I'm looking here I'm doing this more frequently than I'm doing this and my thoughts and my meditation means I'm laying hold of that and what happens I'm starting to relax the grip here and the Lord saw see I didn't even realize that was happening cuz thank God for the Holy Ghost that's the whole point the Holy Ghost knows when we're speccing up and he tells us even when we know we're messing up I'm not doing it maliciously or doing anything wrong but the Holy Ghost saw you got it son you might have only pulled in an inch but it will come to pass your faith is the victory that overcomes the world but you're lessening why you listening cuz your thoughts are on something lesser and it's lessening this grip and if you keep doing that you're going to let it go and then when all this is / and the churches back to normal and now this emergency budget is thrown out and you're back to the original budget of 30,000 but you've let go the 35 you're gone backwards now you're gonna have to start again because now that 30 that you were believing for before you haven't been using your faith even for the 30 you've believed in your faithful s so now you're gonna have to start pulling the 30 might be closer within your grasp but your have to take some time to catch up to gain lost ground in the spirit now you would have to take some time and just believe me for the 30 and then once that comes in because you believe in me for less so you've lost ground but now once that comes in then you're gonna to reach out again you don't have to take hold of the 35 again and they're going to start pulling that but all time and momentum was lost because you lessened the grip and you held this instead and that's what God was saying to me I don't want you to listen that grip and take hold of here I want you to let go this I don't want you to even consider this I don't want you to even look at that I want you to keep your focus on what I told you because you're lessening the grip now if you're lessen the grip what happens you're going to faint which is quitting and you're not gonna reap which is victory but if you'll hold fast the grip and don't relax the grip of faith don't lose ground hard fought in the spirit hold that grip hold it don't let it go lower than my mind I'm saying but how do I do that Lord I know people aren't working I know they're not getting hired he said don't consider don't consider the natural Ram don't consider what people are doing don't consider all their problems don't consider what the offering is you hold that grip son and you look to me you look to me you trust me against all odds and against all impossibilities you look to me I'm your source I can touch somebody's heart to send you a check I can touch another church to sow into your church I can do it a million ways you're trying to figure it out don't figure it out you just preached what dr. defrayed said it's not on your side where the money comes it's on God's side your side is to trust them but sudden you got let you got to believe it and live it you're starting to let go now and take hold let that go and hold that grip don't let go tighten what I've done is I've started to do this with my head and he said tighten that again if you don't you'll lose precious ground hard-fought in the spirit you've occupied your occupying and you'll let if you let it go you'll lose it and then you'll have to take you longer to make it up and then there'll be a delay in the vision and a delay at the church because now you believe me for less and now when all this is over you're gonna have to eventually get back to that place but if you never let go to begin with you'd never have to make back up the ground because you'd never have lost the ground to begin with are you following me that's what he said to me don't ever that's how he said it and he emphasized the word ever don't ever let go the place that you are occupying in the spirit you can look at your budget to see where you can tighten but that's natural wisdom and by the way James says that natural wisdom is enmity against God and that but the danger is that it will try to pull you into the natural mental realm and cause you to let go relax and give up the ground you have hard fought to take in the spirit what you're doing is relaxing your grip in faith but I told you not to be weary enough to relax your grip Galatians 6:9 for you will reap in due season if you don't let go and relax that grip and don't faint and don't quit if you relax it you quit if you don't relax it you will reap and they emphasize the word will you will reap and in my mind I'm saying Lord oh you see what's happening around us he don't care what's happening around us he says believe me and only believe remember I preached two days ago only believe nothing else no other comments that's why I've stopped watching the news the Holy Ghost so we stop watching the news and people are sending me all these things from other Christian leaders the Lord said don't listen to any of them now listen I'm not judging you you do whatever you want but I'm telling you at a time you better listen to me if you've got any brains listen to me at a time when your faith is being tested and there is a test and a trial that is not the time to listen to very voices that is not the time to have a large volume of other other types of gospel other types of faith other types of believing that's not the time for varied spiritual nutrition it will cause confusion and he will lessen your grip it's also not the time to be meditating on what the world says I'm telling you I turned on the news and I heard the Holy Ghost say turn it off and I said but Lord is nothing wrong with me knowing what's going on he said it will hurt your faith turn it off he's not interested in my mind knowing the update he's interested in my faith why because only believe the only thing that matters is believing and anything that will hurt the believing cut it out cut it out cut it out for me he said don't you look at that television that those news broadcasts the only thing that matters is your faith and it will hurt your faith and then these people sending me this person saying this in this Minister and I think the minister is in and of themselves are great but it's another diet it's not the spirit of faith that dad Hagin and dr. the frame and Kenneth Copeland and Jerry Savelle and Randy Greer and Lester Sumrall and Smith Wigglesworth it's not the spirit of faith that those men have there'll be these ministers on saying wrong things but they don't have the same diet that I have they don't have the same spirit on them that is on me and theirs on my heritage and the Lord said don't even listen to it so stop sending me things people stop emailing me stop texting me stop what's happing me what every other minister Under the Sun is saying cuz you know what I just want you to know a friend I ain't listening to it and I ain't watching it and you say wow that's so narrow-minded and tunnel vision yeah you know why because it's going to hurt my faith the only thing I can have at this moment is something feeding my faith seeing what the world says hurts my faith let's think - one of the ministers say if they're not saying it with the same spirit of faith and spiritual diet that I'm accustomed to will hurt my faith what matters is faith nothing else that's why he said holy belief do not be afraid only believe gyruss so hallelujah so he caught me with my hand in the cookie jar Luke awhile ago was I saw the cookie box open I said Lukey what's going on him and Caleb I said you guys eat that no no no no but I saw a little brown crumb here on Caleb's cheek Luke was smart enough at four to wife his mouth but Caleb was so enjoying the cookie he forgot to watch he forgot to wipe his mouth and and I said not Katie son you know you don't lie about anything but you especially don't lie about little things but don't lie about nothing so nothing's worth lying about but if he took the cookie just tell daddy ate the cookie I know you ate the cookie you know I didn't and then I put the crumb off and I said evidence proof and then he said yeah daddy I did I'm sorry I thought you'd get mad at me I said I'm more mad at you for lying than I am for taking the cookie so you see sometimes we put our hand in the cookie jar we get caught we think we're getting away with something easy it's easy and delicious to take a cookie and I think I'm getting away with something easy it's easy and delicious to believe for Less because it takes less from me it's easier on my flesh to not be pressed as much and believed for Less got my hand in the cookie jar and now the Holy Ghost says son you didn't do what I told you to yes I am yeah say yeah no son you got a crumb on your lip oh I've been caught father yeah thank you for correcting me because if I let go this in favor of that I'll lose ground hard-fought in the spirit I am in the process of occupying something promise of life and whether you or not well hopefully you do realize that you're occupying it with me you're believing for the church as a whole and as a result it's helping you to believe for your personal budget your job your business and your family because as you believe what for God to do stuff in the in the in promise of life as and large as a corporation at large here also it'll also help you Alicia faith for your personal finances and your personal family so you are taking hold with me in the realm of the Spirit for thirty five thousand a week and three hundred and fifty now if we start listening that relaxing that grip in favor of the cookie in favor of the easy favor of something simple favor of something less what's going to happen is we're gonna drop it we're going to get that but when the all this is over it's gonna now - we're gonna have lost ground we're gonna take longer now to build back up the momentum in faith until they hold of it again and we will be behind and God will be displeased because he expects more skill than that don't ever let go the place you are occupying in the spirit you hold it something but lord I don't don't tell me but don't tell me what the people are giving that is not your concern you hold it and I will do the rest my god it's so easy and so joyful but we got to make a decision to hold it so listen I know some of you are on half you're on different pace some of you've lost some of you nothing's change your jobs are the same but don't let go with me for the 35 and 350 but for you and your personal life don't let go what God has promised you don't let it go for a lesser don't let it go for something that's easier to believe for and delicious like a cookie doesn't take as much it doesn't it doesn't produce in your body what a good nice salad would produce that cookie it's easier and it's less prep it's easier and it's less and it's more delicious but what you've got is something healthier that will actually help your body when you eat healthy use the analogy with the finances don't believe for the lesser believe for the right to believe for what's healthy belief of what God told you believe for what God said don't that go don't ever lose ground that you are occupying in the spirit don't let it go God does not like people that back up he wants people to press forward my god and then he said these words to me I'm going a little bit later tonight because I have to finish this and it's taking a little bit longer than I originally thought but you just if you have to leave then come back and watch the archive later but I have to keep going for a little bit longer I'm gonna be done at about 9 o'clock so if you can't wait that long didn't just later on finish up but but make sure you listen I want you to hear everything I'm saying but I'm gonna go to about 9 o'clock another 30 minutes because you need to hear this I'm not done and believe me you don't want to miss what I'm about to say now he said these words the next paragraph he said after he said this what you're doing is relaxing your grip in faith but I told you not to be weary and not to relax your grip for you if you would reap in due season if you don't think Galatians 6:9 then he said these words I have committed to you that I would not relax my grip I expect the same commitment from you to me who who say where's that farm well that's one of the five scriptures that God gave me in 2000 and I believe it was 17 2017 when we were to when we were talking a lot about the mental and God gave me those scriptures about Joshua so let me read it to you if that would be okay it's in the book of Joshua chapter 1 and verse 5 and it says there shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life as I was with Moses so shall I be with thee this is one of the five promises that he gave me in a supernatural visitation toward the latter part of 2017 I will not fail thee nor forsake thee they shall Noddin be able to stand before the other days of their life as I was with Moses so I will be with thee I will not fail thee nor forsake thee now the word fail thee is the Hebrew word to lessen the grip or to slacken and the word forsake thee is the word to loose completely to let go completely to relinquish to leave destitute so this is what he's saying there's two pictures here he says I will not fail thee and I will not forsake thee that's a promise God gave to me one of the five verses that he gave me in Joshua he said I will not fail thee or forsake thee by the word fail means I won't lessen or slacken my grip and the word forsake means I won't let you go so what God is saying is not only am I never gonna let you go but I won't even lessen my grip on you forget about letting you go that will never happen but more than that I will always maintain pressure I will always hold you fast I will never let go my slack in my grip to sustain you and to help you and to protect you and to cause you victory now I know that because I've meditated on that for a long time and I know that fail means to relax the grip and forsake means to let go entirely so when God said those words to me when he said that phrase to me I have committed to you that I will not relax my grip I expect the same commitment from you to me what God is saying his son I already told you not only am I never letting you go I won't even lessen my grip I've got you now I'm expecting the same commitment from you don't you let go and I promised you and in favor of something lesser that requires less faith you hold to what I took I'm not letting go of you don't you let go of your faith my god hallelujah my god and then he said these words to me furthermore did you notice that I told them this was the land of their position to enjoy and so I went in my Bible and I read there about what Joshua said to the people now if it's okay with you what I'd like to do is read this to you please in the in the amplified version because it makes it a little bit easier to understand this is Joshua chapter 1 and and I'm gonna start you know those five verses I'm not gonna go into them right now but Joshua chapter one look at verse 10 now I'm gonna read it to you now from the amplified classic because the amplified helps you understand it a little bit better than the King James now I don't don't let go I know I've been going about 55 minutes or so but just hold fast okay because you got to hear the rest of this and I had an i watch that then Joshua commanded the officers of the people verse 10 saying pass through the camp and command the people prepare your provisions for within three days you'll pass over this Jordan to go in to take possession of the land which the Lord your God is giving is giving you to possess he says by faith I have given it to you but now they're actually now they're actually walking out that faith statement by faith he has given it but now they're walking out and they're in the process of actually possessing what by faith he's already given them he has done it but now they're walking out and actually in the natural it's manifesting to them that's why it's listed in present tense they will order the land which the Lord your God is giving you two possess verse 12 and to the rubra nights and the gadites of the half tribe of manasseh joshua said remember what moses the servant of the lord commanded you saying the Lord your God is giving you of these two-and-a-half tribes a place of rest and I will give you this land east of the Jordan that's where the Sun rises in the east so these these tribes here the Reuben nights the gadites and the half tribe of manasseh two and half tribes their land was already taken they've already possessed their land because they're the land that all the army is sitting on is their land now the Army's going to cross the Jordan and go in and take the rest of the land including Jericho but these people already got their land because their lands on the east of Jordan they're about to cross and go west of Jordan so what he's saying here is go boys Reuben ides gadites in the half drive of Manasseh I know you've already got your land but you can't just sit here and watch us go you must still come and fight with your brothers because while you've got your land the rest of them don't got theirs yet I want you to come and fight with them and help them possess what you've already possessed help them get their land then you can come back and enjoy your land that's the simple summary of what's happening here your wives your little ones verse 14 and your cattle shall dwell in the land which Moses gave you on this side of Jordan other words your wives and kids don't have to come let them stay here but all your mighty men of valor shall pass on with your brethren with the other tribes armed and help them possess their land verse 15 watch until the Lord gives your brethren rest as he has given you and they also possess the land the Lord your God is giving them then you will return to the land of your possession and possess it the land Moses the Lord servant gave you on the sunrise side of Jordan the east side they answered Joshua all that you command us we will do and wherever you send us we will go as we hearken to Moses and all things so we will hearken to you only may the Lord your God be with you as he was with Moses whoever rebels against your commandment and will not hearken to all that you have commanded him shall be put to death only be strong vigorous and of a good courage now I want to read just one section of that what I just read you here verse 15 in the so you understand what's happening he's saying you guys have got your land and you possessed it now they're going to possess theirs now this is a place of God's giving us all of rest you already have yours they don't have theirs come fight with them help them get theirs and then come back to yours but watch verse 15 in the King James until the Lord have given your brethren rest as he has given you and they also have possessed the land which the Lord your God giveth them then ye shall return unto the land of your possession and enjoy it which the which Moses the Lord's servant gave you on this Jordan side toward the Sun rising watch the phrase here they also have and they also go and help until they also possess the land which the Lord God gives them now watch then you will return to the land of your possession and enjoy it now that word enjoy doesn't just mean enjoy the way we think it actually means to possess or to take ownership of or to drive out the inhabitants so what does choice she was saying he says guys go help these guys to get theirs and now you come over into the land of your possession and you continue to possess it that they have got most of it but they have to continue until it's a hundred percent in their name so to speak and they've driven out all the inhabitants these people are going there in the process of occupying their land you've occupied part already but when you've helped them you're going to come back and you're gonna continue occupying and the king in the King James word is enjoying the land that God's given you now I say that to say this this is what the Lord said to me he said furthermore did you notice that I told them this was the land of their possession to enjoy they were in the process of occupying it and I expected them to push forward not listen their grip and go backwards he's giving me this story as scriptural back up to what he said to me he's saying to them listen guys you're in the process of occupying and possessing the land and enjoying it but don't let go get up go fight with your brethren help them and then come back and finish your occupation because when God's moving he doesn't expect you to lighten up lessen up back up sit down quit faint he doesn't expect that no he is expecting us to move forward and I watched the sentence carefully listening he's expecting us to move forward and continue occupying what we've started not take that to the spiritual realm God said to me what's the first thing he said don't ever let go the place that you are occupying in the spirit you don't have the 35 and the 315 as a manifested yet but you are pulling it towards you in the spirit don't lessen your grip hold fast keep believing me despite contradictory circumstances despite coronavirus despite all of what's going on keep believing me and now he's using the parallel I told them as they were in the process of occupying physical land press forward don't listen don't back up I'm telling you as you were in the process of occupying this place and the spirit as you're a process of occupying this financial and this church growth which first starts in the spirit that manifests in the natural you're in the process of occupied don't let it go I told them keep going forward I'm telling you keep going forward I told them don't listen your grip I tend telling you don't listen your grip you're in the process of occupying they were in the process of occupying it's a perfect parallel my god now almost done let me let me continue furthermore did you notice that I told them this was the land of their possession to enjoy that means to continue occupying they were in the process of occupying it and I expected them to push forward not less than their grip and go backwards so listen I told you to believe me he said this to me guys I'm not making this up he said this to me this afternoon in prayer so I told you to believe me for 350 and 35,000 I expect you to push forward and not listen your grip and go backwards you're in the process of occupying that don't look to the left or to the right or become distracted or concerned what was he referring to coronavirus only believe only believe so I told you to believe me for 350 and 35,000 a week I expect you to push forward and not less than your grip and go backwards you're in the process of occupy occupying that excuse me don't look to the left don't look to the right and be distracted or concerned he's talking about the situation we're in believe me only belief only belief oh my God my God my God God took the rod to me today but not in to hurt me or beat me he was trying to help me he saw I was in need of rescue he saw I was favoring the cookie for the salad he saw I was favoring what takes less faith and is easier than what takes more faith because my meditation was on one more than the other he saw I was lessening a grip and I kept going the way I was going I would let it go all together and just grab ahold of that not sure we would have got that but then I would have lost hard-fought ground in the spirit and it would have delayed me having to make it back later this year and God does not want us to back up then he gives me a scripture proves it from the Bible and says I told them keep moving forward even the ones that already had part of their land occupied this two-and-a-half tribes they've already kind of they've got a good grip on it it's their land I still said come on keep moving forward help your brothers come back and complete your occupation process this is your land of position keep occupying don't back down don't sit down Ruba Knights gadites half-mast trifle Manasseh said this is not a time to sit down and relax and rest and sit on your haunches and say I no more work to do no get up and fight in other words this is not a time to lessen your grip you're in the process of occupying thirty five and 350 hold fast and move forward don't relax and go back I gave you my word that I would never listen my grip on you I expect the same commitment that you will never listen to your grip on what I've asked you to believe me for the people were told to move forward and continue occupying I'm telling you continue moving forward in the spirit and continue occupying that thirty five thousand and three fifty and don't be distracted and don't be concerned why because distraction no services lower money people being laid off that's all a distraction remember be anxious for nothing anxious means distracted don't be concerned don't be anxious don't be distracted he said it hallelujah now let me finish I'm sorry I got a tickle a tickle in my throat please forgive me let me finish with the last point he gave me point number one was don't let it go don't let go what you're occupying in the place of the spirit you've hard fought don't let it go I want you to forget about you believe me for 35,000 you believe me for 350 and don't be concerned too distracted about Corona it means nothing you believe me you believe me only believe don't look at the television don't listen to other ministers that are don't have the spirit of faith believe me stay believing cut out anything that will hurt your faith just believe me it will surely come to pass you let it go take you longer to make up and you'll lose time and ground I don't want that the children of Israel were told to keep moving forward I'm telling you keep moving forward so that was point number one was about don't let go and then point number two was about the children of Israel he used that to back up point number one now the last point point number three and this is very important oh my god I'm telling you this is very very very important did you notice that I also told the children of Israel that it would be a place of rest I know my people need rest now can I read that to you again because it was very clear in the Bible that this was a place of rest verse 13 remember the word which Moses a servant of the lord commanded you saying the Lord your God has given you rest and has given you this land now verse 15 until the Lord have given your brethren rest as he has given you push forward and help them and then come back I've already read that again so verse 13 and verse 15 both talk about that God was giving them the land to possess but it was also a land of rest praise God and in the amplified I don't think it says it much differently no it says the same thing until the Lord gives your brethren rest as he's given you and they also possess the land that the Lord is giving them go and fight with them and then return to your land and continue possessing it so I want you to notice that God called it a place of rest and he said I'm giving you a place to possess which takes faith of moving forward but it's a place of rest now the Lord showed me something I've never seen before that really blessed me and I believe it will bless you too and I listen to this statement this is very powerful the Holy Ghost spoke this to me directly are you ready and they repeat did you notice that I told the children of Israel it would be a place of rest so it's obviously a place of faith but it's also a place of rest because it takes faith to not lessen your grip it takes faith to keep moving forward it takes faith to occupy it takes faith to possess but it's also a place of rest so there's a connection between faith using your faith to believe God even in the face of impossible circumstances like coronavirus I'm using my faith for thirty five thousand and 350 but as I'm doing that at rest must also come God knows we need it now watch this did you notice that I told the picture of Israel it would be a place of rest I know my people need rest now watch this statement it's powerful fainting looks like rest but it's not it's failure it's quitting it's not possessing the promises but pressing in faith will cause you to enter a place of real rest this is true rest it's the rest while you're pressing it's the rest while you're laying hold it's the rest that produces the victory it's the rest that causes you to possess the land now watch now it's the rest of assurance that while you're standing and believing and doing your part I'm also doing my part in causing it to come to pass what a statement fainting looks like rest oh you ever see somebody faint oh yeah they're lying on the floor they're not making any motion there they're passed out it looks like they're resting but fainting is not resting faintings quitting that's why he says in Galatians 6:9 if you don't quit you'll reap if you faint not number the first one don't be weary it means don't faint and then a second for the word faint actually means to relax so if you're relaxed your grip you're going to become weak and you're going to quit so fainting is quitting fainting is not victory fainting looks like rest because the person is lying there very peaceful it looks like rest but it's not rest as what he said to me fainting looks like rest but it's not it's failure it's quitting it's not possessing and occupying the promises but pressing holding the grip pressing in faith will cause you as your president listen stay with me as you're pressing as you're pressing as you're pressing as you're holding the grip of faith as you're pulling it towards you as you're releasing your faith despite contradictory circum visit as you're believing not just for the 35 in the 350 but whatever your family needs as you're believing I'm using that because that's what I need that's what I'm believing for the church as you're believing for this 35 and 30 as you're pressing and faith as you're pulling it toward you as you're gaining ground as you're occupying this thing as you're pressing in faith that's what you're doing you're pressing in faith what will happen as you're doing that you'll automatically enter into a place of rest as you press God knows we need rest but what faith will produce is true rest listen holding fast the grip will produce true rest letting go and fainting looks like you're resting but you failed but holding fast which does take some effort it's a fight it's a good fight of faith holding fast would take some effort and a good fight of faith and pressing forward will actually produce real rest fainting looks like rest but it's not but it will produce a rest faith produces the true rest of God as your believing you enter into a peace and a rest while you press the press of faith produces a rest and a peace a lot of people don't realize that the press of faith the occupying the place and not letting go and not lessening the grip not relaxing the hold it produces it leads you into a place of rest pressing and faith causes you to enter into a place of rest is true rest it's the rest while you're pressing it's the rest while you're laying hold it's the rest that produces victory it's the rest that causes you to possess the land it's the rest of assurance that while you're standing and believing and doing your part I'm also doing my part causing it to all come to pass my God my god and then he said these words too much excuse me I'm apologize I never coughed like this then he said two more statements tell the people to pray more in the Holy Ghost because that's the answer to fainting and he quoted me Jew 20 beloved building up yourselves in your most holy faith praying in the Holy Ghost what is fainting getting weak letting go of faith dropping out but when you pray in the Holy Ghost you're building up your faith instead of your faith getting weak lessening the grip praying in tongues builds up your most holy faith it makes it stronger instead of fainting after you've relaxed you faint Bale praying builds up your holy faith and you push forward even stronger than before that's what I heard him say tell the people to pray more in the Holy Ghost because that's the answer to fainting I will strengthen them and I will help them it will strengthen them and it will praying in tongues will help them get and stay in the spirit so they can enter that place of rest and assurance in faith as they possess and enjoy what I've promised them that's a very powerful phrase and it's the last phrase tell my people to pray more on the Holy Ghost because that's the answer to fainting praying in the Holy Ghost will strengthen and help them to get into and to stay in the spirit get into the spirit and stay in the spirit when you pray the Holy Ghost strengthens your faith so you don't let go and you don't quit you don't faint but it also helps you to get in the spirit and stay in the spirit why so that as you push in faith and as you're in the spirit as you push in faith and as you're in this bird preying on the Holy Ghost builds up your faith helps you with your spirit your grip it helps you push forward and as you pray in tongues it helps you press forward in faith and it also helps you get in the spirit cuz praying in the spirit is the door of entry into the realm of the Spirit according to that Hagin and according to the Bible says you pray in tongues it helps you press forward and get in the spirit press forward in faith get in the spirit press forward in faith get in the spirit press forward in faith get in the spirit pray more in the Holy Ghost hello if you press forward in faith that'll help you get in the spirit now when you're pressing in faith and you get in the spirit what happens you enter that place of rest and assurance as you're pressing in the in your faith and as you're getting and the spirit and tongues will help you do both what happens you enter a place of rest and assurance in faith as you are in the process of possessing and occupying and enjoying what I've promised them so what is God telling us guys don't let go hold fast despite contradictory circumstances look at the children of Israel I told them continue occupying don't let go now I know you need rest but quitting and let releasing your grip and fainting that ain't rest that's failure but what you do instead is praying the Holy Ghost more because as you're believing me bringing the Holy Ghost will strengthen that believing Jew 20 and as you're praying and only those that will get you into the spirit more now as you're strong and you're believing and as you're in the spirit as you're pressing in faith strong and you're believing and as you're entering in the spirit more and staying there by praying in tongues what happened this amazing thing happens called as you're pressing in faith and as you're in the spirit you enter into a place of faith rest you're in a place of rest and assurance knowing in faith and assurance in faith that what you're believing for is going to happen that God will come through that he will do what he said he'll do that he'll do his side because you're doing your side and he will manifest that 35,000 and that 350 he'll manifest whatever it is for me it's that but what is it whatever it is for you you name it for you he'll manifest whatever is your 35 350 God pressing in faith getting in the spirit by praying in tongues pressing in faith stronger by praying in tongues because it strengthens the faith getting in the spirit because the Holy Ghost helps us get in the spirit when you pray in tones causes that faith press and being in the spirit you enter a place of divine rest and assurance a peace comes that God will do his part because you're doing your part and it will all surely come to pass so hi I wrote all that down and I said Lord thank you I said Lord thank you what a blessing what a blessing what a blessing you've given me my answer don't let go promise of life we will have 350 promise of life we will have 35,000 I can't control exactly when it comes but I guarantee you that this year we will have 35,000 a week by the end of this year why because I will not let go my faith I decide to discard the cookie jar and what is easy and I hold my confession and I hold my belly they hide with me don't let it go you stand with me 435 you stand with me for 350 if God tells you to so more obey Him because that seed will open the harvest if he doesn't tell you to sell more then so what you're normally so and give what you normally give and make sure your tithe but we will have it if God has to raise up somebody from another country to say that he will but we will have it because I am not letting go and it's gonna help me to pray in tongues more because it will help strengthen my faith and my push and it will help get me in the spirit and I'll hit the sweet spot called rest it's a place of faith rest it's not just a striving it's a place of faith rest my god and I was done I was so happy I said Jesus you're so good to me thank you for teaching me thank you for helping me when you saw I was about to make a mistake and I heard the Holy Ghost say sir however heard the Holy Ghost say son I want to give you one more scripture about that last point that I read you that I spoke to you about about faith and rest I said yes sir he said turn to Hebrews 4 so I turned to it but if it's with your permission I'd like to read it to you from the passion Bible because I read it well let me read it to you in both and then we'll close what's the time 857 I've got three minutes you can do a lot in three minutes my god hebrews chapter four and I want to read you cuz you I mean I flipped out it said exactly in the passion the same phraseology even I didn't even know it said it like that as the way God said it to me so he's giving me scripture to perfectly back up what I've told you what he said to me live now Hebrews chapter 4 and I want you to look at verse 3 and 9 to 11 first 3 for we which have believed you enter into rest as he said as I have sworn in my wrath if they shall enter into my rest although the works were finished from the foundation of the world so what is he saying is we which have believed do you enter into rest that's the part I'm wanting you to focus on we for we which have believed do you enter we're that are in faith enter into rest now look at verse 9 there remains therefore a rest to the people of God for he that is entered into his rest he also has ceased from his own works as God did from his there let us therefore labor to enter into that rest what's the labor the press of faith let us labor and press and faith that we may enter into that rest lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief now verse 8 says something interesting Forge if Jesus had given them rest then would he not afterward have spoken of another day there therefore remains a rest for the people of God the King James says their word Jesus but it is not Jesus the one that you think Jesus our Savior King James mistranslated this all the other translations don't say the word Jesus they say the word Joshua because Joshua is where you get the name Jesus from now listen to it in our finish with this but listen to these verses in the passion translation and it will so bless you are you ready let me find it quickly here Hebrews chapter 4 Hebrews chapter 4 and verse 3 listen for those of who believe faith activates the promise and we experience the realm of confident rest for those of us who believe faith activates the promise were in faith we're believing we experience a realm of confident rest the rest of assurance now now this is I don't know how God does it but but but look at this this is amazing to me here he is giving me a Joshua verse about rest that I read to you Joshua 1 verse 10 and verse 13 verse 11 and 13 and then I didn't even know that it was listed in the New Testament I didn't even know I didn't even know that this was even in the New Testament referring to the verse I just read you until God said it to me and said read Hebrews chapter 4 it gives you the scripture to back up what you've been saying what I've been saying to you look at verse 8 now and the passion now if this promise of rest was fulfilled when Joshua brought the people into the land I just read it Joshua brought the people to the land that he said God's giving you a land of rest if this promise of rest was fulfilled when Joshua brought the people into the land God wouldn't have spoken later of another rest so we conclude therefore that there is still a full and complete rest waiting for believers to experience as we enter are you listening as we enter into God's faith rest life I mean I couldn't believe it almost dropped the Bible cuz that's how the Lord said it to me that there's a you enter into a faith rest not in the passion there's a - it says faith - rest it's connecting the word faith - and the word rest listen as we enter into God's faith rest life we cease from our own works just as God celebrates his finished works and rests in them verse 11 so then we must give all so then we must give our all and be eager to experience this faith rest life so that no one falls short by following the same pattern of doubt and unbelief god I am so grateful not only that he's speaking to me but the word says it verbatim and even in the same phraseology Joshua had arrests for the people and what what the author of Hebrews is saying is obviously that wasn't the end of rest because otherwise we wouldn't have rest but no there is not that's not the only rest the children of God have arrest so we conclude there is still a full and complete rest waiting for believers to experience and as we enter into God's faith rest life we cease from our own works so then we must give our all and be eager to experience this faith rest life you couldn't it couldn't it be said more perfectly God is talking to me but he said it in the word Joshua led them into rest but there's a rest for the people in the New Testament believers it's called the rest the faith - rest life when you are pressing in faith and you don't let go you pray in the Holy Ghost because it will help strengthen that faith it'll help get you in the spirit but as you press in faith what happens you enter into this divine peace and rest that God has for you this divine confidence and assurance that what you're believing will surely come to pass it's no longer a striving at first faith is a fight but at the end faith is rest did you hear what I said at first faith is a fight but at the end faith is a rest a lot of people are still in the fight of faith they need to enter into the rest of faith you start by being buffeted and fighting and pressing pressing pressing but if you'll get in the spirit and you won't quit let go your faith will enter into a divine rest the fight will cease and you'll enter into such a calm confident assurance that it's done and that what you're believing God for you're doing your part but he's doing his part and he'll manifest it and so the Lord said to me I know my people need rest son but fainting is not rest it looks like it but it's the it's a fake what where you get the rest from is praying in the Holy Ghost where you get the rest from is the Holy Ghost will strengthen your faith and will bring you into a divine place of calm peaceful surance and confidence it might start in a fight but it will end and rest and you will just sit there in your hammock totally relaxed and say father I'm not letting go I have it unbelieving you and I'm at full peace I haven't quit and I'm not fainting I'm at full peace and rest while I believe you and it will surely come to pass if you have to touch somebody on the other side of the planet you'll do it if you have to put me at the front of the line for a new job you'll do it if you have to do whatever you God will move a million miles to help you and your family's finances and he'll move a million miles to help promise of life and our church finances and he'll move a million miles to help me and the field family and our personal finances if we will not let go our faith and if we will enter into that place of quiet rest and assurance and confidence that it's done and if you'll pray and the Holy Ghost more it'll help you thank you Jesus Heavenly Father I've endeavoured to share what the Spirit of God said to me today father I know it's a lot of words and it's taken some time to expound and explain and and and pull back the layers of the onion so to speak but father if they were listening and if they incline their ear unto your word tonight I know that it would have brought answer and victory and rescue for them father I know that I was letting go of my faith because I was considering the coronavirus circumstances I know you were displeased because I was gonna lose precious ground hard fought that I was occupying in the spirit and you said don't ever let go what you're occupying in the spirit so father I repent before the people and I repent before you I will never do that again father I lay hold I have laid hold of it and I continue the pressure of my grip of faith on thirty five thousand a week and 350 adult members in this season of 20/20 the beginning of evran I will not lessen that to take something easier and lesser father I ignore that other budget i erase it now from my heart in my mind and I hold fast to the thirty-five thousand and 350 that you promised me I will not lose ground that I'm occupying I will not go backwards I will go forwards and father they will also not let go what the what you've promised them for their family and for their individual budgets they hold fast they don't look and be concerned and distracted with what's going on they don't try to get in their mind to figure out how it's gonna happen that's your side our side we hold fast and our believing we only believe and Lord we will cut out anything that hurts our faith any other ministry that might not have it the same the same diet in the same the same angle that that spirit of faith that we're that we know and that we love Lord the world and all their hype and and and and chaos and confusion father we'll cut out anything that hurts our faith and we hold fast to it in the name of Jesus and now Lord we'll pray in the Holy Ghost because not only will that strengthen our believing according to Jude 20 but it will help us to get in the spirit and it will help us enter into that divine place of faith rest that calm quiet peaceful assurance and confidence that it all is well according to Hebrews for father we may have started in a fight of faith but we will end in a rest of faith father we thank you for it I bless the people tonight I thank you that they will not let go not for the church and not for them personally and I will not let go not for the church not for me personally and also not for them personally I won't let go I'm standing with them it will surely all come to pass I give you praise and I give you glory for the help and the rescue tonight from your word and I thank you bless them now Lord as they prepare to sleep let them continue meditating on these verses let them go this in a sweet sound peaceful sleep I claim over this congregation that you give your beloved a sweet sleep now I've just heard the Holy Ghost say to me by the word of knowledge that there's been some in your church set that have not been resting properly and have not been sleeping properly because of concern now I rebuke that fear in the name of Jesus you take authority over that fear in your own life and I also yes your pastor bind that in Jesus name that fear and I command you to rest and to be peaceful so I thank you that you give your beloved a sweet sleep tonight father let them get on that pillow let them go into that holy Wonderland let the dream of Jesus that they meditate on the word even in their sleep let them wake up tomorrow refreshed and ready to grab hold and hold on tight in their grip faith for the church but also for their own personal needs we will not let go what we have started to occupy in the spirit in Jesus name we pray and we thank you Father amen and amen
Channel: Promise of Life Church
Views: 931
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: church, POLC, promise of life, faith, hold fast, place in the spirit, Spirit, Holy Spirit, anointed, preaching, Bible, Jesus, God, Mississauga, Toronto, word of faith, word and spirit
Id: ySi5K7wpyzk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 8sec (5348 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 30 2020
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