Living An Extraordinary Life Pt.1 | Dr. Jerry Savelle

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[Music] well today after we got to the hotel and I began to build my little nest around me that's what I do I cast all them demons that was in that room before I got there out of there I don't know who was in that room before I got there and so I take a few moments to cast the Devils out and then I pray for the anointing of God to be in that room as long as I'm in there and and then I begin to you know spread all my stuff out and begin to pray and study and prepare for the service and really I thought I already had some direction from the Lord if I left home about what he wanted me to do here but that changed in a matter of a few moments actually those few moments was just before I was about to walk out of the room so I had about I looked at my watch I had about 10 minutes where I supposed to come down it's amazing how fast you can write in 10 minutes and then pray that you're gonna interpret your own handwriting hame in my handwriting is not good to start with but when I'm in a hurry and I'm trying to get it done before they come to pick me up boy I think I'll write in tongues somebody asked me one time could I have a copy of your notes and I said yeah but you won't be able to do anything with them only my secretary can interpret my handwriting amen after all I am a doctor you're not supposed to be able to read my handwriting anyway amen praise God but it all changed when I received this word from the Lord and so I wrote it down very quickly and I want to read it to you you've entered into a time when my great power will be demonstrated through Marvel's wonders and extraordinary manifestations of my greatness and my people will begin to walk in the fullness of the blessing saith the Lord it will be a time of restoration a time of taking back what rightfully belongs to you for far too long your adversary has held back that which I have declared as yours but he will not be able to do so any longer for my people shall awaken out of their spiritual slumber they'll rise up take their stand against him and he will have no choice but to release all that is theirs financial miracles and breakthroughs are about to take place in ways that you've never experienced before resources are coming to you from places they've never come before people who've never blessed you before will suddenly be drawn to you and will bless you in amazing ways so that you will surely say these are indeed days of Marvel's wonders an extraordinary thing so get ready and stay expectant saith the Lord for surely I will have declared it and surely I will do it hallelujah so let's give the Lord a good shout amen give the Lord a good shout praise God amen amen yeah you've heard me say this here in previous meetings the Lord said this to me that can believe it was around 2000 2001 something like that he said as I was preparing to go into a service in a little town in Liberty Texas near Houston he said you go there tonight and tell the people that the god of the breakthrough wants to visit their house and then he said tell them this and the depth of their praise will determine the magnitude of their breakthrough so how many of you would like to have financial breakthroughs financial miracles [Applause] [Music] [Applause] glory glory glory amen amen whoa hallelujah thank you thank you thank you lord we worship you we bless you Father hallelujah here that god of the right through glory to God amen glory to God legacy - a it's gonna happen to me know for sure it will happen to me and give me one more good shout of praise amen amen all right you can be seated and as you do open your Bibles to Ephesians chapter 3 this is right hot-off-the-press praise the Lord and what I heard my spirit is don't settle for the ordinary when you can have the extraordinary don't settle for the ordinary when you can have the extraordinary or extraordinary however you want to say it Ephesians chapter 3 and verse 9 the Apostle Paul makes this statement and to make all men see what is the Fellowship of the mystery which from the beginning of the world began from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God who created all things by Jesus Christ to the intent that now unto principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God and I want to read this to you from the New Living Translation my task is to bring out in the open and make plain what God who created all this in the first place has been doing in secret and behind the scenes all along through followers of Jesus Christ like yourselves gathered in churches this extraordinary plan of God is becoming known and talked about even among the Angels well they're not amazing this extraordinary plan is being becoming known and talked about even among the Angels that's an amazing statement if you want to know what angels are talking about right now this extraordinary plan that God has for his people hallelujah say I'm one of these people they must be talking about me Amen God has an extraordinary plan for each and every one of us every person in this room not just the preachers not just the educated not just the white man not just the red man not just the black man it doesn't make any difference what your nationality is what the color of your skin is whether you were raised in poverty are raised in affluent family it doesn't make any difference God has an extraordinary plan for every person in this room no one more than God wants you to live an extraordinary life an extraordinary life look at your neighbors say God wants me to live an extraordinary life nothing would please him more well you don't have to say that poor but if you want to you just you can repeat everything I say tonight if you want to that way I know you're getting it hallelujah amen glory to God nothing would please him more than seeing you and I reach our highest potential you know that's true from every good father I mean you know I have two daughters both of them in ministry both of them are doing extremely well my daughter Terri her ministry is is just exploding I mean God is opening doors for her reaching people that I've never had an opportunity to reach and more than likely I will never have that opportunity but God is taking her in a direction where she is reaching people in fact she was in an Amway meeting just in the last few days and on Sunday she got to preach and there were thousands I believe over 8,000 people in attendance for the Sunday service and during the during the week she teaches on motivation and and so forth and and but on Sunday she is to preach and you ought to sing the people that came forward in that meeting I mean people that that probably never would come to hear me preach but my daughter has the opportunity to go into those arenas where she is doing motivational seminars and and so forth with fortune 500 company people and leadership's meetings and so forth in fact Terry my the one I'm speaking up when she was a young girl she loved school she loved being active in school she was a cheerleader she was head cheerleader in high school and and she she was the homecoming queen she was whatever that whatever it was she wanted she was very popular and growing up in her young years in high school years in particular her greatest ambition and it was certainly not something that her mother and I were in favor of but all she wanted to be was a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader that's what she wanted to be a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader and have you ever seen the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders now you know why I'm her mother and I did not want her to be one they don't wear much I don't want my daughter standing in front of millions of people looking like that you know and but anyway that's what her ambition was to be a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader and then finally she went off to college Texas Tech and she majored in education she was you know honor oh she was 4.0 student and and she wanted to learn French and I asked I said Terry why do you want to learn French I said nobody in Texas talks French why don't you take Spanish you know they've got a we got a large Hispanic population community and in Texas no I want to learn French she said I want to teach math and I want to teach French she wanted to be a high school teacher and so she got her degree and when she came home she was looking for a job and she had all the credentials I mean she should have been hired right on the spot but no job openings yeah and once once she'd get to be a substitute teacher and finally and she and she met a young man there in Texas Tech and they married and so they both come home and she's trying to get into education there was no openings and she's just getting to teach from time to time substitute and so she came to me one day she said dad can I can I have a job at the ministry until this opens up for me I said sure so we put her in a department where mostly she was a ghostwriter for me for my books and so she started doing that and and she fell in love with it and then she forgot about to the teaching business you know and so she was happy doing what she was doing and there was other responsibilities she had was just working her way right on up the ladder you know it and I don't bring my daughter's on and just appoint them top positions they have to earn it just like everybody else does you know and so after well I mean this teaching business was was over with she love what she's doing and eventually she held a very high position in the ministry and then one day well I picked it up in the spirit she hadn't told me yet but we're at church there and overcome Heritage Faith Christian Center and I had just got through speaking that morning and I went back to the speaker's room and the anointing was so heavy on me I just sat in a chair and just sit there just basking that anointing and Terri came in from the auditorium and she just said at my feet and put her hand on my knees and then I began to prophesy over her and and actually I released her in the spirit well she wasn't quite ready for that she she said dad are you releasing me I said I've released you in my heart now when you actually leave I don't know but I've released you in my heart and I know you're you'll be leaving soon and so it was I don't know a few months later and she said she was praying and the Lord told her said it gave her this illustration she said Terry he said Terry fly little bird fly and she said he said Terry as long as you stay close to the nest you'll always look to your daddy but if you get out there beyond the nest you'll look to me you know and he said fly a little bird fly and so she took off you know and and God began to open doors for her and and and now I mean it's just amazing what God is doing an extraordinary life she is living amen amen and I knew that it's happened in our family but I wanted to happen in your family I'm not talking about necessarily you wind up preaching all over the world but God has an extraordinary plan for you and every member of your family amen every member of your family and you say well you know I'm not perfect like your kids are what my kids haven't been perfect I'm the only one perfect in my family and say now I'm going to land so I'm not perfect anymore no my children haven't been perfect you know but God looked beyond their mistakes God's a forgiving God God's a restoring God said I'm making difference what you've done in your past whether you've been perfect or not God still has a plan I remember telling Jerry and my oldest daughter you know she thought well you know God can't use her anymore she made mistakes you know and I was constantly telling her Jerian go read about David and then go to the book of Acts and see what it says about David God said that David fulfilled the will of God for his generation and he made mistakes in fact some of the mistakes you made were not as bad as what he made but God still used him and He fulfilled the will of God in his generation so it makes no difference God still has an extraordinary plan for your life amen and it's bigger than you could possibly dream he's the God that does exceeding abundant above all that we can ask her thing I love the amplified it says all that we dare ask her think amen super abundant far above anything that we could ask her thing I'm presently living a life that I never dreamed would be this good if I'd have known it was gonna be this good I'd have got saved right after the doctor spanked me on the bottom I would have cried out that's Jesus is Lord but I waited twenty two years until I did that praise God but oh the life that I live today my my mom people Envy me amen and I'm not bragging on me I'm bragging on God amen so notice here it says that even the angels are talking about the extraordinary plan that God's been working on for you and me in secret and behind the scenes can you say Amen so notice here that the Apostle Paul is telling us that God has been working on this plan for a long long time for each and every one of us but it's up to us to discover it and once we discover it then we have to refuse to allow our adversary to talk us out of it amen even though it is his plan and it's his will it's not going to happen automatically we'll have to pursue it with our faith we'll have to be diligent persevering because Satan is not going to roll over and play dead and just let it happen you got to fight the good fight of faith amen well I'm not afraid of fighting praise God in fact I asked brother Copeland way back there when I first came to Lourdes he was talking about fighting the good fight of faith I said brother Copeland what is a good fight of faith he said it's when you win and yeah that's right I used to box in college and and when I'd come home to visit my parents you know and my eyes swollen shut my nose on this side and my dad say well son did you win if I didn't I don't want to talk about it but when I won they couldn't shut me up how they do it hey so a good fight of faith here's the ones that you win praise God can you say Amen so once again even though it's the will of God it's the plan of God it's not going to happen for us automatic you're gonna have to fight the good fight of faith but the but the promise of God is if you fight the good fight of faith this is the victory that overcometh the world even our faith so faith produces a victorious lifestyle can you say Amen say this with me God has planned an extraordinary life for me and I refuse to allow the devil to rob it from me or steal it from me amen I refuse to allow the devil to steal it from me amen so let that sink deep down into your spirit that no matter how you live presently God's been working on something amen he hasn't given up on you so don't give up on him amen now what do we mean by extraordinary I looked up some definitions and I've been talking about them all year long extraordinary one of the meanings is beyond the usual beyond the norm don't ever accuse me of being normal I am NOT normal and then some of you figured that out a long time ago I don't ever want to be normal again I quit being normal after I made Jesus Lord of my life and I'm talking normal by the world standards okay it means beyond the usual or the norm it means exceptional remarkable amazing and marvelous can you imagine yourself living a life that is exceptional remarkable amazing and marvelous you know we were talking a little bit about in the back room before coming out 1969 January of 1969 I was a normal average run-of-the-mill blue-collar worker I did paint bodywork I worked on cars i restored classic cars my dad raced all my young life I grew up on racetracks dad built hot rods and race cars and that's what I was into my dad saw to it that I never owned anything slow I'm redeemed from slow hallelujah and and he began to because it was what I wanted he began to teach me what he did for a living and that's what I wanted to do that was that was all I wanted to do and by the time I was 20 years old I own my own business I was doing exactly what I dreamed of doing and I came home every day in a in a uniform with Jerry's Paint & Body Shop on one side and Jerry on the other I was Jerry and bondo dust from head to toe grease from one end to the other scars all over me from from metal working metal you know and and come home Carolyn would have dinner waiting for me and we very seldom went out to eat occasionally we did then if I did I just took a shower put on a clean uniform she said well you wear them stupid uniforms everywhere we go I said well you never know somebody might wreck the car and Jerry's plain body shop right there that's business how they do we have and and and you know I couldn't be any more average than what I was never dreamed now I knew had to call her God all my life but that's not what I wanted to do never dreamed I'd be doing to the level of what I'm doing now and so when Kenneth Copeland came in February of 1969 now you have to realize February the levites when they all changed me February the 10th I was average February the 11th I became a new creation a new species of being that has never existed before is what the Greek says about a new creation a new species of being that never existed before now I still thought like that Oh Jerry see it wasn't my my mind that got born again it's my spirit you know I still talk like that old Jerry my mouth didn't get born again is my spirit that didn't change until I began the process that Romans 12 talks about called the renewing of the mind and I began to study the word day and night and renewing my mind and the next thing I know I'm not thinking like I used to think I'm not talking like I used to talk I'm not acting like I used to act and then praise God I'm not living the way I used to live amen but the second time brother Copeland came now by this time you know when he came the first time I'm a back rope person I told my wife that night she begged me to go I didn't want to go I didn't want to hear another preacher I thought they saw just alike all they want is my money in my chicken that's all he won't because Carolyn fed all the preachers that came to her church her and her mama and her mother and dad lived next door to us and if the preacher wasn't eating their chicken he was at my house eating my chicken by the time I got home there was nothing left but a gizzard I don't like gizzards I put a chapter in a book one time called all they want is my money in my chicken you know and and so I thought all these preachers were just alike you know begging and crying and talking about how bad they had it and one of these days and a sweet by-and-by it'll be better and I thought boy I wish you'd go and go to the sweet bye-bye you know and Carolyn wanted me to go hear this Kenneth Copeland I said I don't want to hear another preacher I said you go if that's what you want to do you go but I'm doing what I want to do so I don't I don't try to get you to go to the races with me all the time she hated the racetrack what one time one time and my dad and I were on a dirt track and it's it's noisy you know it's right out of the exalt of the manifold exhaust manifold it's loud and when I told clay gets hard it turns the dirt and and it's flying all over the place you can hardly see dirt clods hitting you in the side of the head and you're sitting in the bleachers you know and I talked her into going one time and dad now were in the feature race and we're getting our car ready for the feature race and my dad said son do you see Carolyn anywhere I looked up and I looked all over the stands and I saw her she was the only one in the stands with her hand over her ears I'm blowing the dust off with this eek's this disgusted look my dad looked at her and he said son your racing days are over is that I've seen that look on your mama and I ain't paying no attention to her oh and Carolyn was praying me out of that life you know and when she found out that you called the area where you get the car ready for the race the pit I knew this was of the devil oh she didn't like the way I was living my life at all but I was enjoying it and I thought it was anyway I had her food anyway okay and then when I finally went over to hear this Kenneth Copeland only because she promised me if I didn't like him she would never make me go to another church service I said that's the deal I've been waiting on so I'm going and I already don't like it she said he ain't even heard him yet I said I know I won't like him but I'm going and so I got over there and I heard the word like I've never heard him before I didn't go to the front surrender my life that night but I couldn't sleep when I got home and at 3 o'clock in the morning I got up and went to my living room and lifted my hand and I said god I don't know why he still want me I've been running from you all my life if you still want me Here I am I surrender my life to you I received a glorious salvation and baptized in the Holy Spirit immediately praise God began to speak in tongues and praying in the spirit and woke my wife up she'd come running in there see what had happened to me this is 3 o'clock in the morning and then she called her mother she said mom you got to come see what's happened to Jerry because mama and lo and my wife they had teamed up on me preaching to me all the time and I didn't like it and so I asked him to forgive me and said I'm gonna be a better son-in-law nimona be a better husband and and I don't know I it's just my nature when I get into something I don't know halfway I go all out I'm in it headlong and so I said God if I'm gonna if I'm gonna be a Christian I'm gonna be the best Christian I possibly can if I'm gonna be a preacher I'm gonna be the best preacher that I possibly can be so I dove into this headlong and praise God I hadn't looked back and my life has what God has done in my life is movie material praise God I mean it's amazing I'm living an extraordinary life now I realize that not all of you are called to do what I'm doing and not all of you will live exactly the same way but God has planned an extraordinary life beyond anything you have ever imagined all you're gonna do is discover what he wants you to do and then go into it with the attitude quit is not an option don't turn back and God is going to open avenues for you that you never dreamed possible amen if it's in the business arena he'll do that it's in the teaching arena he'll do that Fitness sports arena he'll do that God needs people living extraordinary lives in every walk of life that's how you get the attention of the unbeliever praise God can you say Amen so let it sink deep down into your spirit that this is not all that God has planned for me it's so much bigger it's so much more hallelujah amen I've often thought what are the odds I heard the call watching all Roberts on television 1957 when I was 11 years old I didn't answer the call I didn't surrender my life then it was until 1969 but what are the odds of all the people in those Oral Roberts 10th Crusades back there all the people that watched him on television back in the 50s and 60s and so forth what are the odds that a young boy in Shreveport Louisiana watched him on television hear the call but not answering it what are the odds of that same boy when he does finally answer the call wind up working with all robbers that's extraordinary that's extraordinary served on his board for over 20 years almost 25 years he's in my home and Evelyn's in my home we're in their home we traveled together we preached together Richard who's been here with me you know his son Richard told me he said and it just blessed me he said my daddy really loved you and I tear up when I think about it I said well Richard if there's any man that loved your daddy more than Jerry Savelle I'd like to meet him god I thought the world of him he was a faith hero to me amen in fact Richard Lindsay brought me something not too long ago they found it in brother Roberts notes from old sermons they found a yellow sheet of paper from a legal pad where he was in a meeting that I was preaching in Anaheim California and after he heard me he went to Denver Colorado to preach and he took notes of my sermon and that's what he preached in Denver and he had my name written in there three different times Jerry Savelle said Jerry Savelle said oh wow look at that what a great honor that this great man of God would quote me go ahead and touch me Joe I mean I'm not bragging on me I'm bragging on God for the extraordinary things that he's made happen in my life amen and then to be called out of the audience by Kenneth Copeland his second visit I don't even met him briefly before and he said stand up Jerry God showed me you and I'll be a team we'll spend the rest of our lives together preaching all over the world what an honor what an honor and we're still doing it 50 years later we're still doing it praise God and and you know he's 82 I'm 72 and we're acting like we're 42 we feel like we're just getting started praise God I can hardly wait for the rest of this year and our preaching together and what God plans on doing but I'm talking about it's it's beyond the usual it's beyond the norm it's exceptional it's remarkable it's amazing it's marvelous how to do you amen the truth is God never intended for us to live normal lives normal is closely associated to average average I don't want to be average anymore I tried to Everidge I don't like it so I decided not to be normal nor average anymore amen I haven't been normal or average since I got born again I'm now a new species of being hallelujah amen don't call me normal and you ought to determine that you don't want anybody calling you normal either you know when when I when I experienced that stroke two years ago and II the doctor said I would I would I would never recover totally told my wife I'd never recover totally I'd never preached again I would I would never travel again she said you don't know my husband you don't know our God said my husband will preach again he will continue he's not finished his course and then he used the word the phrase and he'll never be normal again well when she told me that I so that's the only part II got right I'm still preaching I'm still traveling in fact within what three weeks Joe after I'm being a full-blown stroke my lost use of my right arm my right leg total memory loss I didn't know my family I was like a vegetable setting in that bed didn't know anything and he said I'd never be normal again but in three weeks Joe and I were traveling all over the world preaching we were out what twenty something days before we ever came home sometimes I preached two and three services a day amen the only part he got right was he'll never be normal I will never be normal Alleluia normal people don't live like I do how do you praise God amen look at your neighbors say I'll never be normal again and I'm talking about by the world standards amen let's go to Romans 12 real quick Romans 12 I'm just following the leadership of the Holy Spirit here and hope you're getting something out of it Romans 12 verse 2 be not conformed to this world the transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God so the Bible tells us we are no longer to be conformed to this world but we are to be transformed by the renewing of our minds and as we are transformed by the renewing of our minds then we will no longer have the world's limitations amen we don't have their limitations anymore we're not bound with what they are bound by we're not restricted by what they're restricted by we're not limited with their limitations we've been transformed amen and we're no longer to be controlled by their standards and their way of living I mentioned that God doesn't want us to be average you know what Everidge means lacking special distinction or status and it's not the way God intended for his people to be viewed or looked at lacking distinction or status it also means lacking exceptional qualities and ability average nothing special about you nobody wants to be like you that's not the way God raised it that's not the reason God sent his son the down across to pay for our Redemption so that nobody would ever want to be like us nobody thought we were special amen a synonym for average is mediocre I don't even like to a sound of that word mediocre mediocre say it mediocre I don't even like the sound of that word pick that word out mediocre who in their right mind wants to live a mediocre lifestyle mediocre means inferior and quality inferior in quality that's not God's best for his people God's best is extraordinary amen look at somebody tell them I'm supposed to be living an extraordinary life let me ask you a question does all things are possible to him that believeth sound average normal or mediocre to you how about more than conquerors through him that loved us does that sound average normal or mediocre to you how about and this is the victory that overcometh the world even our faith does that sound average normal and mediocre to you well how about I could do all things through Christ who strengthens me does that sound average normal or mediocre to you well that's the kind of life we should be living praise God all things possible lives your neighbors say all things possible amen we need to start seeing ourselves the way God sees us we were created in His image we have his nature and there's nothing average normal or mediocre about that amen Ephesians 2:10 the amplified says we are God's own handiwork glory to God praise God God made me hallelujah I'm not a mistake God didn't mess up when he got to me now would have liked to been bigger but you know but at least I'm handsome hallelujah my wife thinks so in fact Aryan and Terry said the other day we get so tickled at mama every time she sets in the honors and hears you preach she leans over says isn't he handsome Oh be still my heart she says so I didn't get to be tall or big but I got to be handsome hallelujah we are God's own workmanship his own handiwork recreated in Christ Jesus and listen at this part I'm reading the amplified taking paths which he pre-arranged are prepared ahead of time that we should walk in them living the good life living the good life which he pre-arranged and made ready for us amen living the good life now the world's death definition of a good life it doesn't even come close to God's definition of a good life there used to be a commercial on TV out I suppose you got it up here we got it back home and it's four or five guys going out on a camping yeah weekend you know weekend camping and fishing and there they've done their fishing and they're sitting by the fire the campfire you know and they've cooked their fish and and they're drinking whatever beer this is promoting they're drinking their beer and they're eating the fish they just caught and one of them says doesn't get any better than this does it I just jumped up screamed oh yes it does he gets a whole lot better than that amen let's see the world they don't know and half the Christians don't know what I heard God's saying that prophetic word a few moments ago was it is time for his people to get out of their spiritual slumber razza and take their stand God has planned pre-arranged a good life for us an extraordinary life amen he's made it ready for us the amplified bible says 'and notice once again that paul says that we should walk in the path that leads to that good life there is a path that leads to it amen and not everybody is on that path even if they even if they go to church even they call themselves Christians not everybody's on that path amen and and a lot of people don't want to hear this but I'm gonna say it anyway it takes a discipline lifestyle to stay on that path me never called fewer chosen amen the path is narrow there's a wide path that the world's own but this path is narrow and the reason being is because not every Christian is willing to discipline themselves to walk that path amen but if you are then payday is coming amen if you are if you are willing to discipline yourself to walk that path and stay on that path then there are great rewards hallelujah amen great rewards you know over the years we've experienced in the ministry financial attacks times when you know we didn't have the money to do what we needed to do times when you began to wonder if you even gonna make payroll you know and and be able to pay the television bills be able to pay you know all the other things that you do and it takes a lot of debt discipline to stay on that path and I made a decision a long long time ago I don't borrow money I don't want somebody lording over me the borrower is servant to the lender and I don't want anybody telling me what I do my buildings my airplane my vehicles my equipment I don't people that I don't even know if they know if they born again controlling what I do for God I'm not gonna do that and so you make that stand and yeah there had been a lot of times they'd been easier to go the other way and we just had to take a stand and I'm not saying it's easy because the pressure you know can get to you from time to time in fact one time I I hear I was in my office and I had my financial statements laid out there my my payroll vouchers you know that they had sent over to men and counts payable and all that so I'm I'm just looking at all of it and in the natural I don't have the money to do what I need to do here and about that time my secretary said brother Copeland's on the phone he'd like to speak to you actually I was and I'm gonna admit it I was worrying about how I'm gonna get this done because there isn't a natural there was no wait so I'm sitting there trying to figure it out you know trying to figure it out what am I gonna do and and I even said oh Lord I could sell the airplane or I could sell my house and put the money in the ministry that take care of it he said son if you don't get to the root of this problem what are you gonna sell next time you'll be right back to same mess again so I had to find out what the problem was one thing thou lackest you know then I had to find out what that one thing was that was blocking the blessings okay and so brother Copeland's on the phone he said Jerry this is Kenneth I said yes sir how you doing he said I'm fine how are you and you want to say - Kenneth go I'm just sitting here worrying brother Kota how you doing yeah I'm about to pull the hair out I don't know what I'm gonna do he said how you doing I said and I said something like I'm hanging in there you know and he said well I want to talk to you about he's he said Gloria and I were praying this morning oh don't I'll drink to this Chloe and I were praying this morning and and the Lord had you on our minds and we've been praying for you now I don't want to know what you going through but I just I just wanted to call you and tell you that you got some prayer support he said in fact the Lord told me to tell you this go play I said what he said go play get away from the office get away from the problem go play I didn't say this but I'm thinking brother come I can't go play somebody's got to sit here and worry don't look at me so holy you know what I'm talking about that's what I was thinking he said go play I said go play he said yeah go home get on your motorcycle and take off go for a ride and and and don't even think about what you're going through because I'm your prayer partner today and I'm praying and if the devil brings it up you just tell him brother Copeland's praying and I'm playing and you're not allowed to interfere with either one of us I said so you're gonna do my prank he said in fact I can pray better than you right now I said how's that he said because I don't have your pressure I don't know what you're going through so I don't have the pressure I can pray better than you right now so you just go play so I thought well obey the Prophet and you'll prosper hallelujah so I went home got on the motorcycle and took off for a ride and just stayed out all day and didn't even have a thought of that but in just a matter of a few days it all turned around praise God it all had a breakthrough praise God it all turned around amen extraordinary marvelous hallelujah and from time to time I've called brother Colton brother Copeland go play I'm gonna pray hallelujah hallelujah we're prayer partners I had an uncle my dad's youngest brother he was a professional wrestler when I was a young boy I used to go to the wrestling matches with him and I thought all this stuff was just amazing you know throwing each other out of the ring and all this stuff you know I thought it's all real until I went to the dressing room with him one time and the guy he's supposed to wrestle that night who was supposed to be the bad guy my uncle was the good guy they set their own a and made plans on what each woman was gonna do I've got that big I thought are you kidding me and then my uncle's tag-team partner they said down and talked about you know when they would tag one another and so forth and what the other guy was gonna do to force him to tag his a hope is all scripted you know but I remember when my uncle get out there and then he'd he'd get in trouble you know and he act like he's just all this guy just beating him to death you know and and he's trying to tag his partner and a guy pulled him back in the middle the ring and he gets up he's trying that you've seen it he's trying to reach I'm trying to help him out now that you know and and finally tags and his partner jumps over the ropes gets in there beats the guy up you know well that's that's what brother Copeland was doing amen I needed a tag-team partner amen and when brother Copeland tagged me hallelujah man the sparks begin to fly brother Copeland lit into that devil and praise God we had extraordinary results that's right you need a prayer partner amen prayer partners the power of agreement can cause you to enter into an extraordinary life hallelujah amen so God isn't going to make us live this life he's gonna reveal it to us but it's our choice we have to make the choice on our own and then once you make that choice then you have to make the decision you're never going to turn back can you say Amen go to Romans chapter 8 that's okay with you guys I'm just I just jotted down some things on the way just before I came over here and I feel like this is the direction Lord wanted me to go Romans chapter 8 and look at verse 16 the spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit that we are the children of God and if children then heirs heirs of God join heirs with Christ if so be that we suffer with him that we may be also glorified together now the message translation says God's Spirit touches our spirit and confirms who we really are father and children and we know we are going to get what's coming to us an unbelievable inheritance a better word here for unbelievable is the word astonishing I don't like to call it unbelievable because it is believable amen but it is astonishing God has an astonishing inheritance for each and every one of us and the word astonishing is defined as surprisingly impressive as to stun or to overwhelm Alleluia let me say that again astonishing means surprisingly impressive as to stun or overwhelm that's what God began to say to me in October 2018 that 2019 would be a year of Marvel's wonders and extraordinary manifestations of the greatness of our God and he said and many of them will take you by surprise I'm the god of surprises how to do you and I've been I've been decreed that I've been decreed that for years but particularly coming into this year that God is going to surprise me all year long with Marvel's wonders and extraordinary manifestations of his greatness amen I had something happened just a few days ago acts I've been a few weeks ago now I bought a piece of property a number of years ago for $80,000 and had just sold it for 1.5 million extraordinary how did we they're not amazing that's amazing and and I could have sold it a long time ago like you know being under pressure and or said don't sell hold on to it I got plans I got a marvelous plan just hold onto it and we did and praise God just closed a few weeks ago $80,000 produced a 1.5 million dollar blessing hallelujah hallelujah boy I've been sending money all over the world just bought a brand-new school bus for an orphanage in Kenya hallelujah we just we're just distributing money all over the world how they do here that's fun I said that's fun blessed to be a blessing can you say Amen extraordinary marvelous things God's wanting to do so I want to challenge you tonight stay in faith don't give up don't compromise because you're under pressure God has an extraordinary plan and I love the fact that we read at the beginning it says he's been working in secret and behind the scenes you don't know what God is up to right now hallelujah you know I've gone to bed at times needing I remember one time I come home from vacation JEP you were working for us working with us then I come home from vacation and you know the office usually that's me rest because I flew in from Hawaii my wife and I always go to Hawaii on vacation and we flew in from Hawaii NASA you know all-night trip so we get home early in the morning so we go to bed because usually I don't sleep much on the airplane and so we go to bed they don't bother us until they see the garage door up then all of a sudden the creature from the Blue Lagoon and somebody came over to Ovid said brother I need to talk to you I'm sorry to bother you but I need to talk to you we need we need you know a ton of money by Thursday and it just happened to be Tuesday sometimes I've gone to bed needing a ton of money by tomorrow go to bed that night not knowing how God was going to do it I don't I don't have gimmicks or schemes or play on the emotions of people I don't I don't hang around rich people and say is God talking to you I don't play those religious games and so went to bed that night not knowing how God's going to do it and wake up the next morning with one phone call to me I didn't make the call to me they called me could your ministry use X amount of dollars they'd be exactly what I needed one night I went to bed needing this next morning I got up it's done now I'm not saying that God's done that like that every time but I have had many times I went to bed one night with a great need and got up the next morning and the need was met hallelujah so you don't know what God's working on estrine I encourage people don't ever give up on God what do you suppose he's working on while you're sitting here listen to me right now you don't know you don't know well god never does things like that for me well he would if you'd get in faith change your attitude amen I don't know I wouldn't do anything for you actually like that much less God astonishing inheritance so surprisingly impressive as to stun or to overwhelm hallelujah God wants to overwhelm you he wants to impress you with his ability to do things that your mind cannot even conceive I have not seen heareth not heard neither's entered into the heart of man the things that God has prepared for those that love them amen I like going to bed knowing God's preparing something I like to say God's working on something amen God is working on something he's working on something right now that is gonna be impressive surprisingly overwhelming hallelujah the message translation says no one has ever seen or heard anything like this never so much as imagined anything quite like it what God has arranged for those who love Him amen and the only way we could possibly know is it have to be revealed to us by the Holy Spirit let me close it with this one of the greatest revelations that you could ever receive I believe when the greatest revelation you could ever receive is that God has bestowed his blessing on you and the reason being is so that you could live an extraordinary life the blessing of God is on your life right now that's that's what propels you into this extraordinary life the blessing can do what you can't do for yourself the blessing can make happen what you can't make happen yourself and right along with the blessing comes favor the favor of God you can't separate them when the blessings on you the favor of God is on you how amen and the Bible says or the or the we know that the blessing is an empowerment to prosper to excel to increase to multiply and to rise above what holds everybody else down and the Bible says in Psalm three verse eight that blessing is upon thy people amen this is one of the things that makes us move out of the realm of normal and usual is we have something on us that we carry around with us 24/7 hallelujah that blessing is working at all times amen bless coming in bless going out blessed in a city blessed in the field not just about carrot covers everywhere you go you either going in or coming out in a city or in the field amen so so the blessing is designed to cause you to have an extraordinary life no matter if you're in the most prosperous area or you're in the desert amen and the Bible says in proverbs chapter 10 the blessing it maketh rich the blessing int it the blessing it maketh rich another translation says it'll produce a rich lifestyle hallelujah amen aren't you glad God had us in mind when he sent Jesus to redeem us amen he didn't just redeem us so that we can just live ordinary lives and just hope to god one day we make heaven that is not what he had on his mind hallelujah when he sent Jesus to redeem us he had on his mind that we would become a super race of people living extraordinary lives amen excelling rising above increasing multiplying hallelujah and people look at us and say what a marvelous life they live what an extraordinary life they live hallelujah and it's all designed to become a soul-winning tool amen so that others will look at us and they see an extraordinary God they see an amazing God can you say Amen give the Lord a shout if you believe it praise God amen psalm 115 says the lord hath been mindful of us he will bless us the lord shall increase us more and more you and your children you are blessed of the Lord who made heaven and earth hallelujah I'm so glad I'm blessed I'm so glad the blessing is on me hallelujah I'm so glad that I'm highly favored by God hallelujah I wouldn't want to trade places with another human being on the planet go over there God hallelujah amen I love what all Roberts used to say at the close of his broadcast something good is going to happen to you look at somebody tell them something good is going to happen to you tell the other person on the other side something good is going to happen to you amen give the Lord your best shout if you believe it ooh yeah hallelujah stand to your feet and I want to read this this word one more time you've entered into a time when my great power will be demonstrated through Marvel's wonders and extraordinary manifestations of my greatness and my people will begin to walk in the fullness of the blessing the fullness of the blessing you know we've all walked in a measure of it but I'd be the first to say I have not walked in the fullness of it but God says we're gonna begin to walk in the fullness of the blessing my goodness if life is this good and me walking in a measure of it what will it be when I get into the fullness of it hallelujah amen no wonder Paul said no one's seen no one's heard and no one's conceived in their heart what God's prepared it will be a time of restoration a time of taking back what rightfully belongs to you for far too long your adversary has held back that which I have declared as yours but it will not he will not be able to do so any longer for my people show awakened out of their spiritual slumber and rise up and take their stand against him and he will have no choice but to release all that is theirs financial miracles and breakthroughs are about to take place in ways that you've never experienced before my goodness I've had God provide financial miracles and breakthroughs in a lot of unusual ways ways that I couldn't dream up in a thousand years but he's saying they're about to happen in ways I've never experienced before only God could make that happen only God can think like that hallelujah amen breakthroughs about to take place in ways you've never experienced before resources are coming to you from places you've never that have never come before resources amen resources coming to you from places they've never come before people who've never blessed you before will suddenly be drawn to you and will bless you in amazing ways so that you will surely say these are indeed days of Marvel's wonders and extraordinary things so get ready and stay expectant for surely I have declared it and surely I will do it saith the Lord lift your hands right now and say I'll receive that boy say I'll receive that Lord glory to God glory to God glory to God father I pray that over every person within the sound of my voice tonight that they will be the recipient of these things that you've spoken to us tonight that resources are coming their way from places that they've never come from before people are going to bless them who've never blessed them before they'll be drawn to them financial breakthroughs will happen in ways they've never happened before in the name of Jesus Lord we're determined to stay in faith we're determined to keep our eyes on you we're determined to stay in your word we're determined to stay in fellowship with you for we know that everything that we could possibly desire possibly won't you're the source and you make it happen so in Jesus name we receive this word tonight we're expectant we're watching with anticipation every moment for the unusual the extraordinary the marvelous to take place in our lives in Jesus mighty name come on give him one more good shout of praise Amen praise God hallelujah hallelujah thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord praise God hallelujah hallelujah well I'm gonna save the rest for tomorrow night okay glory to God you receive it alright lift your hands right now and say Lord I receive it these are my days for the extraordinary my days marvels wonders and extraordinary manifestations of your greatness from this day forward I refused to live a mediocre life I refused to live a normal mundane life I refuse to be average any longer I'm not supposed to be average I'm a world overcomer average people can't do that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me thank you Lord for an extraordinary life I give you praise for it in Jesus mighty name amen and amen
Channel: Promise of Life Church
Views: 3,530
Rating: 4.7108436 out of 5
Keywords: church, jerry, Savelle, Jerry Savelle, Dr. Jerry Savelle, favour, favour of god, favor of God, blessing, extraordinary, life, Word, Spirit, Bible, God, Jesus, teaching, preaching, Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, anointing, anointed, Mississauga, Toronto, Canada, Brampton, POLC, Promise, Promise of Life
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 19sec (4339 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2019
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