The Most Important Things Singles Need to Know - Part One | Pastor Craig Field

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[Music] uh this evening we are going to talk about something that is very important that was a specific instruction of the lord to me today just came to me this morning you'll see it on the screen in a second i've entitled it the most important thing singles need to know now please if you're not single don't turn off the stream right now okay don't just say well i'm not single that doesn't apply to me i'm saying it in that way because the word of the lord came to me about the singles specifically but this applies to other areas of life it applies to business because the way it came to me was from a business perspective first and then the lord gave me a word about the singles so i'm focusing because he said i want you to gather his exact phrasing of it he said i want you to gather the singles this evening and i want you to tell them what i told you to tell them particularly so i had reverend taylor send out an email this afternoon or this morning to every single person in our church specifically no matter your your gender it doesn't matter male or female doesn't matter whether you're old or young 16 and up if you're not legally married if your common law and you better listen to me you're single in the eyes of god you're not you're not living right and you need to make they make an adjustment immediately on that because the government may say it's okay but god doesn't god only counts you not god only counts you married when you've taken vows before a holy god now long ago before the governments were the way they are now you know back back hundreds of years ago they weren't any courthouses and they weren't well they were courthouses depending on what part of the world you lived in when you lived in the jungle in africa there's no courthouses you couldn't go and sign a paper with your quote-unquote government if you lived many many many uh centuries ago but but the christian church has always had times where a minister that represents god that speaks for god that is called of god and blesses a couple and they make vows to each other so what matters is that whether whether you know in our society we have a courthouse that and we have paper that we signed to make it legal but that's not really in god's mind what's most important you do that for you know tax benefits and so that the government sees that you're legal but that's not really what matters to god what matters to god and what's mattered to god since the early church is that two people come together with a minister that represents and is called of god and that can speak for god with an anointing a fivefold office on their life whether they've got credentials or not because hundreds of years ago they weren't ordaining bodies and hundreds of years ago they weren't marriage licenses depending on what parts of the world you lived in in england there was but in other parts of the world there wasn't for example god is not interested in the legalism of the law or or on some kind of uh uh some that kind of a system that's not what he's interested in he's interested in two people with somebody that represents him in the ministry blessing them laying hands on them and then committing to each other vows of holy covenant between each other before god and before one of his representatives so that when that minister prays over them and says i bless you in the name of the lord jesus you are now married it don't matter whether there's a government involved or not in god's sight they're married and there's been situations in the past i don't do it very regularly because we want to follow the law of the land but there's been situations where for many reasons i won't get into it it was just impossible for somebody to get married for various reasons but they were fornicating and so they came and said well we can't for this it's going to take x number of months and we we're going to we know we're gonna stumble again because we're already living together uh we will eventually do the legal way when we're able to but we don't want to be in fornication so could we please just is it okay pastor is it okay that it's just me and my and my mate and god and you and i said absolutely because years and centuries ago god didn't care about whether you had a paper to sign he cared that the anointing validated that covenant union and so of course we we like them to fill out the courthouse papers and do everything legally and of course in 99.9 of cases that happens at the same time i i i i pray over them in certain cases that might happen a little bit after the fact but the point is god counts only those that have come into a holy covenant of marriage and have said vows at least before a minister even if not before the law of the land he counts those and only those people as married and anybody else no matter what their situation or circumstances he counts them as singles now how you see yourself even if you're dating god counts you as a single okay even if you're according god counts you as a single if your common law he counts you as a single if you're a widow he counts you as a single because unless you're in a covenant of marriage in god's mind you're a single at that moment until you enter those holy vows and so the lord said to me i want you to gather the singles of all it doesn't matter the race doesn't matter the age doesn't matter the gender anybody that is not in the covenant of marriage and i want you to speak to them tonight but if that's if you're married don't turn it off because this there's other things here that applies to everybody he just specified the singles now i have to tell you we're going to read some scripture in a minute but i have to tell you a short story that has absolutely nothing to do with singles but it's the way that this instruction came to me my wife knows what i'm talking about and and so maybe if you're uh married or regardless of your relationship status you might learn some pay attention because you'll learn some nuggets here on another side of the coin but we're leading into the instruction to the singles because he really did speak to me this morning in in a very strong way to help some of the singles his exact words were a number of singles in your church are displeasing me in their relationships and he said i want you to gather them and correct them as their pastor for they are not and he's not mad at anybody and i'm not mad at him but he didn't tell me any names so i don't know who he's talking about but he said a number that means more than one doesn't mean the majority but it means he said a number of singles in your church are displeasing me in their relationships and i want you to gather them and correct them and speak to them as their pastor because i want their best for their future i don't want them to struggle like the world struggles and some of them are headed for world struggles what i mean is the way sinners struggle some young some some some single people whether they're young or old it doesn't matter the age they're headed for they're headed in that direction because they're not following god's plan and so i'm going to talk to you a little bit about that but i have to tell you how this came to me and i got to be vague because he's not yeah it's kind of unusual but it applies to a number of scenarios that we face in life including singles in relationships but business and just decisions in general really you make decisions all the time but uh i don't want to get into details because he hasn't released me to talk about what i do prior privately in a public forum but but let me i have to i have to say this or it won't make sense to you so you know he gave me this side business he only lets me work one day a month on the business which works out to about uh half an hour to 45 minutes a day or about three hours a week if you do a 12 hour you say a 12-hour long day would be one day on a long day and so that's all i get to work on it is about 30 minutes to 45 minutes a day sometimes i i do i do nothing many days i do nothing and then i'll do one or two hours in a row but he doesn't let me spend a lot of time because he doesn't want this as a distraction away from the church or the ministry or anything like that but he said you you'll i'll bless you you don't worry about the hours that you have to put into it i'll bless you and and you'll be fine with just one day with one day a month so i said okay lord so i've funded this more or less myself because i didn't want to go and get loans from the bank and and i i'm not saying that that's wrong i just said at this time it's just the lord just dropped on my heart just just fund it yourself and so it's been a great learning curve it started in march when covet started really end of march i think it was the last weekend in march and i didn't start anything till april and so it's been a great learning curve and i've i've lost some money because i don't half the time know what i'm doing but i'm trying and he said to and i don't deal with any christians i don't deal with any believers i don't deal with any churches or any anything to do with christians nothing it's just secular people and corporations and so and i'm not used to dealing with that the same way but this is stretching me and challenging me and so i uh i've been i've been wanting i've been learning by my mistakes and learning you can't do much with one day a month but you with the time i have i've been trying to learn make made a little bit of profit made a little bit of loss the loss and the profit cancel out but made a little bit more profit than lost praise god but i said to the lord during the fast i said lord when the fast is over because he wouldn't let me touch it during the fast i said when the fast is over i said lord i want to i want to take maybe a bit more risks because what i'm making is inevitable it's nothing i i want if if i'm going to spend even a day a month i want it to count for something i want to have something to show for it i don't want to just do it for almost nothing so i want to be a bit more riskier but you're going to lead me because i'm fronting this myself and if i lose it i can't really afford to lose it you know i think you can maybe understand the predicament that when you've got a small cottage industry or a business you don't really want to be in a lost position but if you don't take risks and you don't step out you don't you don't take it you don't really have a chance to gain much either so you're kind of on this seesaw here where you don't want to risk but if you don't risk so i i as the fast ended i started to do some things last week just for a little bit and and i took i took a risk on something with with with with a deal and uh and and i basically put everything that i had fronted plus all the profits that i had for the whole year into this one transaction and and it looked like i made a colossal mistake and everything was going wrong and i i went on last night to look at some things and and it just looked like it was falling apart and i said lord if i if this falls apart i can't give details but it was 99 that it was going to fall apart last night at 11 o'clock p.m because there was stuff that i was reading about the deal online because different things and and it was falling apart and i said lord if this falls apart i lose all the money i fronted plus i lose all the profit the little bit that i've gained and i mean a little bit that i've gained for the last eight eight months or so that i've been practicing it's just a practice season and i said i don't want to lose all that i don't want to go in debt going into the new year this is my year that i got out of debt not that i go back into debt because of a stupid mistake and it was a stupid mistake and i and i thought to myself before i did it i don't know about this when that thought crosses your mind i don't know about this you better pause for a second and not proceed because and i didn't i didn't catch it because i'm emotional i want to take a risk i want to get a reward you can't do that if you don't take a risk but i had this uneasiness and i didn't listen to it and i may and it looked like it was going to fall apart i mean like almost guaranteed and so i went out i was so frustrated and i was so upset with myself half the time we don't forgive ourself god don't mind he'll make it back over time but we're just mad at ourself and i couldn't take looking at that dog not for another second because he kept looking at me with those big eyes and his eyes made me sad and i already felt sad and then luke wants to play uno and i don't want to play uno when i'm feeling this much pressure and quinn wants me to rub his back i'll punch you back i'm going to rub your back when i'm feeling this much pressure so i said jennifer i have to go so i went out to pray i went out to drive and pray praise god in the country where jesus lives you don't live in the city he lives in the country i'm kidding and so i went out to pray and i praying i'm praying in the spirit and i'm just trying to get this pressure off me i'm praying in the spirit and i'm praying about the business but i'm just praying in the spirit praying in the spirit praying in the spirit and then i thought well lord i need some sustenance this prayer is really taking it out of me and i felt the holy ghost it wasn't the holy ghost but i put his name on it i need you to go get a cheeseburger at mcdonald's it is celebration time after all taylor until december 31st until january 31st he said this is celebration time for you after your fast so i didn't get i didn't overeat but i got a cheeseburger and it was the most glorious it's the first cheeseburger i've had since the fast and i must say jesus almost appeared to me in the vehicle asked for a bite but he didn't praise god but i felt his presence so i went i had my sustenance i'm praying i'm driving home because remember i live there's no mcdonald's near us so you have to drive 25 minutes to the mcdonald's and 25 minutes home that gives me 50 minutes to pray and as i'm and i'm coming back and i had i had a check to deposit at the bank and so i was pulling into the little uh bank there in aaron and i heard the holy ghost say to me just as loud and as clear as i'm saying it now it wasn't audible but it was as loud as it it was as loud as it could be without it being audible and i heard him say pull into the back part of the parking lot i want to speak to you about your business and he said it just like that like he wasn't too happy so i pulled into the back part of the parking lot just i didn't want anybody there looking at me or or whatever and i pulled and there's nobody there anyway erin's like a ghost town after 5 p.m i mean the business is closed it's like it's like the countries like the farmers have to go back and milk the cows or something i don't understand everything shuts down at like six o'clock so this is 11 o'clock there's not a soul in sight i mean you could fire a cannon down the street nobody would get hit so i pull in the back so there's it's nobody is there like it's abandoned okay and i just sit there quietly and the lord starts to talk to me now some of it i will share because it's got nothing to do with this topic i will share it in the new year when i see you because he talked to me about the offerings of our church during the fast and he talked to me about how we are to receive offerings differently not not physically necessarily differently but the attitude that i have in receiving the offerings he needed to correct a little bit and some of the pressure maybe or the i don't know what other word but pressure that is applied to the congregation at times he has been greatly displeased with and he talked to me about that and he talked to me about how doing that because i'm afraid because the budget's not being met actually guarantees the budget to stay unmet and that he can't help me and that i actually open the door to demons when i do that so anyway we'll talk about that in the new year but he taught me better how to take offerings and the attitude with which i need to go into the offering and come out of the offering with so he was referring to that and he said do you remember how i talked to you about that because there were two scenarios and i said yes sir i do and he's talking to me just like i'm talking right now very clear i can hear in fact since this fast has ended his voice has become i don't know what percentage but it's become so much more clear to me and the inner witness is so much crisper to me than it was before the fast that is a very distinct change that i've noticed i hear him much clearer and i hear a much without as much is that god you know i still do that from time to time but overall it's been that fast has helped clarify his voice to me in many ways so he was talking to me just like i'm talking to you very very clearly i could hear the words that authoritative voice of the spirit inside and speaking to me it was coming from in here not up in my mind and he said remember that what i shared with you the two things about the offering i said yes he said you've been applying those principles to your business and you are doing that in error he said your business does not operate like a local church and so i started thinking and he said he said pause and think about that for a minute sometimes he wants us to actually use our brain so i thought well okay you said to do this this and this yes lord i guess that doesn't really apply because this is a small group of people that are believers that i'm trusting the lord to speak to them to give an offering but this is a large group of secular sinners that i'm not trusting the lord to speak to them at all necessarily that doesn't mean god can't but he doesn't operate the same way in the secular world as he does in the local church there are similarities but it is different and that's all i'll say for now because unless i explain the first thing to you it doesn't make sense and i don't have time to do that so he said did you do you see how you miss your i didn't talk to you about the business i talked to you about the offerings don't take those principles some of them apply to the business but not all of them and you're trying to apply all of them that's why you're getting confused so i said well lord thank you for that i i'll divide it more accurately and skillfully so then he said now with the business he said two of the principles from the offering apply but there's another one that doesn't apply and he told me what that was and i don't need to get into that but he said now he said to you me as i guaranteed you that i'd make up the loss and the offering if you'd follow my instruction he said i'm guaranteeing you that i'll bless this business if you'll follow my instruction he said it the same way but the process is totally different with a secular thing versus a local church so i had to get skillful in dividing the processes but his promise and some of the things applied both categories and others didn't but the point is he was saying i'm guaranteeing you son that out the offerings will come in if you follow my instruction and i'm guaranteeing you that you will make money on this business more than you have been if you'll follow my instructions he said but one of the and one one of the three one of the instructions was you have got to be led by my spirit now we know that that's an obvious statement but he said you don't have to necessarily be led by my spirit in taking up offerings now you have to be led by the spirit and what you're taking the offering for but you just pass the bucket there's not much leading of the spirit you tell the people you don't pressure them you release your faith in god you pass the bucket how much leading is there in that other than knowing what to take the offering for there's not much leading but when you're dealing with complicated secular business with individuals and corporations and there is a leading of the spirit that is required to take their money because when i started this he said this is going to fulfill the scripture and he quoted it to me the wealth of the wicked is laid up for the just he said son you're just taking their money i'm taking their money not the believer's money sinner's money to bless you and it's easy because you're anointed to do it there's an anointing on you to do it like there's an anointing on jerry to do his thing like there's anointing on jesse to do his thing like there's an anointing on greer to do his thing i don't have any of those anointings but i have this anointing and he told me he said i'm anointing you for this he said that during the first lockdown and he said this is going to be the easiest thing it's going to be like taking candy from a baby you're going to reach out your hand you're going to take the sinner's money and you're going to put it in your pocket and laugh all the way to the bank and then he said and then you're going to tithe and you're going to give more in your offering than you did your tithe and you're going to give the government their part because they like to take their part and you're going to be above board and and totally transparent on everything you do squeaky clean and he said but it's going to be it's just going to be like reaching out and taking the devil's money and putting it in your pocket it's going to be that easy well he says that but it didn't prove that easy at the beginning because i don't know what i'm doing and it's complex and there's a lot of moving parts to it so he said to me you've got to learn to be led by the spirit in this business if you're going to be able to take the sinner's money i want you to have it it's your money it's laid up for you you're the just but if you don't learn to be led by my spirit when you take an offering you don't really have to be led by the spirit all that much but when you're dealing with complicated business transactions with sinners you do and so then i'm getting to the single so just be patient with me so then he this is all 11 o'clock last night now it's 11 15. i'm wanting another hamburger but i didn't go back and so i i'm sitting there and he said to me these words and it was i mean it really was it was quite profound to me he's because i know this this is not new this is not new information but it was rhema revelation to me and that's the difference you can know things you can even have a rhema revelation on it in the past but all of a sudden it just i don't know it just erodes away and then life gets busy and you get distracted and then problems happen and you take a couple beatings your faith takes a couple hard hits and you make a couple mistakes and you you know and then before you know it that rhema that you had is kind of lost somewhere in the background and god in his mercy will speak it back to you with new fl with a new flame of fire in your heart and it becomes like a fire to you again and so he said to me he said now you've got to learn to be led by the spirit in this thing or you're not going to be successful now that's what he said to me he said what now this this this this hurt me a little bit but not in a way like i was just pleased it just stung a little bit sometimes god has to correct you he said do you realize that the entire time you've been doing this practicing as you call it since april of this year the entire time you've been guessing i said i don't think so i mean i i'm led by the spirit he said not in this you're not he says you're led by the spirit in your church you're lived by the spirit in your staff you're led by the spirit about the mantle he said but you're not being led by the spirit in this business he said you're guessing and he said and you know what guessing equates to what the sinners do he said you were acting exactly like the sinners that you're doing business with and then he spoke something to me that was powerful and he said does not my word said he's quoting me in john where it says it's expedient it's expedient that i go that the spirit of god may come expedient if you study it in the greek language the word expedient in english word in the greek means to have the advantage and he said to me you are guessing like the sinners with which you do business which is why you have hardly made anything because what you make a little then you lose because you're guessing he said but i son i mean he was talking to me just like i'm talking to you he said i have given you an advantage that they don't have and immediately because i'm a just i'm a fair person dealer well you don't believe that but i am and immediately i said in my mind i didn't say it out loud i have too much fear of him but i said it in my mind i guess he can read your mind i said it in my mind but that's cheating that's cheating you can't cheat and he answered my thought even though i never said it he said that is not cheating he said is it cheating that i talk to jerry savelle and give him inside information about what property to buy and what property to sell to make large amounts of money for his personal life i said no he said is am i cheating by telling jesse duplantis how he does his antique business to make much money for his personal life i said no he said you remember the man that your wife told you about that worked in the stock market as a believer and you'd fast and pray and i'd show him what to invest in what not to invest and he wouldn't come out of the prayer closet until i'd shown him the company to invest and he made millions of dollars greer told us about that man he said that man i forget his name but greer told us about him he said that man was was that cheating i said no sir he said well then why would it be cheating for me to give you instruction that the people that you're dealing with don't have he said it's called the advantage i've given you an advantage because you have me inside you but you are not using it you are guessing i mean it's stung a little bit jenny to hear that but it's but it's telling a little bit he said then he said this and this is very important he said i asked you now i'm being very transparent i don't like to be this transparent tailor but i'm doing this on purpose because i got to help people and people think that i'm all that and everything but i'm not i'm human just like you now i tell people like i did tyrone and he obeyed praying tongues an hour over your business god will bless it that don't make legalistic about an hour but that's just what i said well the lord had said to me long before i said anything to tyrone uh well you know he and he had said to me again he had said to me in april when i was really starting this he said i want you to pray an hour a day in the spirit now you see i tell tyrone tyrone does it he goes to his workplace you don't need dude in his living room he goes to his workplace and paces the floor because i said to him go to your workplace don't do it at home but i don't have a workplace i don't have an office so i have to do it at home but did i do it at home no because i'm busy i'm tired i've got a lot going on i got covered i got distractions i got a mentor coming i've got people in the congregation i've got a council i've got a beautiful wife i have to take care of i've got lots on my plate i don't have to i'm being honest with you i did it a little bit and then i'd stop i'd do it a few days and then i'd stop and i get distracted and then i'd stop and then i'd stop and he said sometimes you think god don't notice he notices everything and he said to me i asked you to pray an hour a day in the spirit about this business have you done that i said no no no sir no i haven't i got distracted and i'm telling you taylor he read my mail he said and you know why you didn't do it don't you son i said i know it i said would you like to tell me or would you want me to tell you he said i'll tell you why you didn't do it because you had this religious mindset like i was trying to put some pressure on you like a burden and so you had to pray so that you could just kind of get me off your back and i said well lord i kind of did feel that way because i don't really understand like like i understand the power of prayer i know all that but i'm busy and i i don't know this the whole business thing confuses me i don't even really want it i just want to focus on the ministry but you told me this was important for the future for some reason i still don't even know what you're talking about but i'm trying to obey you in this but it's stressful for me and i just rather not even have it so part of me is not doing it because i don't even hardly care about it the other part of me i just kind of feel like you're putting something more on my plate i'm really praying for the congregation i'm already praying for international i'm really praying for so many things now i've got another hour of tongues in a day for a business that i don't even half understand i just it felt like it was another burden to me and i felt like okay i'll do it to kind of please you and kind of appease you maybe and get you off my back but i wasn't whatever little i did taylor i certainly didn't do it with the right attitude and so the lord said you had this attitude about this prayer time for an hour a day like you're trying to get me off your back like i'm burdening you with something and he spoke to me just as clear as i'm talking to you now he said son do you not know why i asked you to pray for an hour a day and i just paused because i really my mind was spinning like i theologically i'm sure i know but i just can't think of the answer at the moment he said i asked you to pray an hour a day in the spirit not just so that you can pray i asked you to pray so that your spirit man about this business would start to have activation so that the answer that you need about the business would be prayed out so that the inner witness about this business would come so that you would be in the know about this business you think i'm asking you to pray for the sake of praying i'm asking you to pray to save you i'm asking you to pray to help you i'm asking you to pray to profit you you're blaming me for the prayer but the reason i'm asking you to pray is what's going to turn everything it's the answer to everything he said you are guessing why because you are in your mind you are soulish about this but if you would just do what i said and pray in tongues an hour a day for this business your spirit would start to move and your mind would be quiet and answers would be prayed out and there because the answer is prayed out a knowing would then come in and there would be an inner witness there would be a sense of knowing there would be a sense of being in the know and you don't know in your mind what to do and you don't know in your mind how to handle that problem or that client or that situation you have no idea you're like the world they don't know nothing and you don't even have education where most of them do so at least they've got some mental development you don't even have mental development because you haven't gone to business school for it but your spirit knows and has an advantage more than a degree a master's degree in business not that master's degrees are wrong but he didn't tell me to do that he said your spirit my spirit within your spirit will show you what to do i will give you the bearing of witness there will be a sense of knowing where you don't understand why and your mind might fight you but you know that you know that you know that you know and you follow that inward witness that is the advantage over the sinner and he said you're acting like a sinner and then you're complaining to me that i asked you to pray like it was some religious burden i was putting on you but i'm only asking you to pray because if you don't you're gonna fail you've got to get out of your brain and into your spirit about this and i i i close my eyes and i put my hands on the steering wheel and i repented i said lord i'm so sorry i said from tonight it changes i am so sorry for being so foolish how much time have i wasted how many mistakes have i made that didn't need to be and i said by the way lord in case you didn't know i really screwed up yesterday i said this whole thing's about to fall apart and i don't know what to do about it i'm going to lose i mean tens of thousands of dollars by the morning if this thing goes through the way it's looking like it's going to go through and people are posting stuff and i know it's falling apart that's a bad feeling i'm too afraid to tell jenny i don't dare tell her i don't want to put the pressure on her and then the word of the lord came to me he said i give you my word i will lead you and i will prosper you in this endeavor if you will obey my instruction and get in the spirit by praying an hour a day from this moment forward and i said lord i give you my word and then i he didn't say anything else i go to bed i wake up early and i mean the elephant is sitting on my shoulders i mean the pressure on me was so immense this morning and i've done it to myself i didn't listen to him and i've risked everything and i shouldn't have i wouldn't have lost everything but i would have lost way more than to pay it back would take me months and then all those months i'm paying it back but i'm not making anything i'm all my efforts are just paying back the loss so i said lord i woke up this morning and this elephant was on my shoulder jenny luke's you know beside me and he's sleeping quietly and i woke up and i said i almost found it hard to breathe i said lord i said lord i don't know what i'm going to do today lord i just i have to trust you i have to trust you and i just started praying in the spirit he said pray in hours so i said well i might as well start now so i just started praying an hour praying i just started praying just i didn't get to an hour but i just started praying i just started praying and then the lord asked me a question it was a very important question and it was a motive discernment it was to discern my motives and he'll often look at your motives bible says he tries the reigns of your heart that means your motives and he said son is it more important to you that you hear my voice or that you lose that money today he asked me that question i said father honestly i give i'm not lying to you it is far more valuable to me that i hear your voice if i lose the money i lose the money you will make it back and it might take me months but that's okay with me what matters to me is that i hear your voice i don't want to go with my soul anymore and my brain any more on this remember solomon was asked what do you want and he said an understanding heart which basically means to hear god have wisdom to know what god wants and then god said you didn't ask for money you didn't ask for the next of your enemies you didn't ask for a long life you asked for to basically to hear me guide you and give you wisdom so that you could treat the people right so i'm going to give you everything you didn't ask for plus what you did ask him and i felt like in some many way that something was very important about that to god and i said lord i'll lose the money i don't care but i don't ever want to do this in the flesh again so do tell me whatever you want whatever you say i'll do i don't care if i lose it i'll make it back you'll make it back for me because you told me you will prosper me so i i'm safe even if it's going to be painful for a while and something i don't know if i you know when you do a safe tailor and then you you come back and you're on that last number and you can if it's a not like if not the new ones but the older safes the very old ones you'd do that and you'd hear that it was like that in my spirit something happened when i answered him the right way and i meant it from the bottom of my heart i was willing to take the loss i just don't want to be in the flesh anymore and i out of something i heard that click on the inside i thought what is that and i heard the holy ghost say i'm going to take care of you today he said i've been working all night to turn this around for you and you didn't even know it he said now i want you to get on because i have to do stuff on the internet he said i want you to get on and he said you would normally do certain actions to try to mitigate this loss and i said he said i don't want you to do anything until i tell you i said lord are you sure are you sure you know what you're talking about because this is very risky this is very dangerous and he said just trust me and so i i started the day with doing the stuff i had to do with those other people and and it looked very bad at first and i heard the holy ghost say don't do nothing yet don't do nothing yet and the time was passing an hour ticked by and then all of a sudden i heard him say do it now and i did and by that one action at that exact moment i mean it was timed to precision and then other people that didn't do what they said they were going to do the night before they changed their minds and i don't know how they changed their minds god must have changed their minds while they slept and not only did i not lose a penny but i gained about fifteen thousand dollars in about 30 minutes by that deal now most of that i'm just giving to the building fund i'm just giving it to the church but that money is not the point the point is because god gave us a number to give to the building fund and i've been believing him for that number and i needed this breakthrough to do that building fund and so i'm making i'm meeting my pledge this sunday praise god because i've been waiting for that pledge to come for the money for that pledge to come through it looked like it was going the opposite direction but now praise god it's come in and and i felt the holy ghost say son you see if you just now if i had been in my soul taylor at that moment because it looked like it was falling up everything looked like it was happening exactly the way it said it would happen the night before and if i do certain actions i can maybe lessen the loss a little bit but there'd still be growth gross loss and but but by just following the inward witness everything in my mind was screaming don't do that don't do that but my spirit man i was looking to my spirit there was such peace wait wait no don't say that no don't do that wait but lord but wait do it now and just following the timing on that and god influencing other people he had to influence them this could not have happened if he had influenced them so god the angels were working probably while i was sleeping and then the timing had to be exactly precise but god caused it all to funnel together like like a puzzle piece and not only did it he reversed it he reversed it not only was there not a loss but there was a significant gain that i can meet my property fund commitment i'm the pastor i'm a real person people think that i just whisper and the angel brings me ten thousand dollars or twenty thousand dollars for the building but it doesn't work that way i have to use a budget like the rest of you and i have to believe god for extra like the rest of you and i have to meet my my fulfillment i have to meet my my pledge i don't just tell you to meet it i have to meet it but i can meet it this sunday because god did a miracle for me this morning and i didn't deserve the miracle i deserved a loss but his mercy is so abundant to me and not only did he give me the instruction for the long-term future but he saved my hide in today's transaction which he didn't need to do jenny he could have said you deserve this and you're going to take the loss and take six months to pay it back or whatever the time frame was because you didn't listen to me all these months i've told you to pray you didn't listen but he saw my heart was truly repentant and i said last night from the bottom of my heart lord that changes tonight i will never do that again and then this morning he wanted to see the motive is it really am i really what you want or is it just you don't lose money lord i'll take the loss what i don't want us to displease you what i don't want is to be in the flesh and i meant it i wasn't just saying it to blow smoke i meant it and he knew i meant it and that's why there was that click and i don't know as soon as that click happened it's like the door opened the door of blessing opened he'd been working on it all night because he knew this foreign knowledge i was going to do it but he needed me to say it so that his power could start to work and then he worked it out this miraculously really it was a miraculous thing i can't give you details but if you knew what the details what i'm talking about you would look at me and go that's miraculous like it was impossible and he did it not and not only did he just he could have just left it at that jenny he could have just said break even no loss but that's your punishment you're not getting anything but he blessed my socks off so i could meet my building fund requirements because that's what his mercy does when your heart truly repents and you truly put him first and you say lord i will get out of this head and i will get into my spirit i want to follow the spirit in every decision that i make little and little and big and his mercy i'm telling you his mercy i have to tell you that story it was a long story but if you don't understand the the how it came about and the impact on me and how and i just for half an hour i just lay in bed and and i woke lukey up actually by saying it because he was sleeping really long this morning for some reason and i just stayed in bed until this whole thing was over i felt like i couldn't get out of bed until it was resolved whether i'd lost the money or not i had to just i couldn't start my day until this problem was resolved one way or the other and i just kept saying lord you saved me lord you saved me i don't know how to thank you for saving me i was so stupid i deserved to lose it but not only did you let me not only did you break me even but you gave me more you saved me thank you and i woke him up he said daddy who are you talking to i said i'm talking to jesus why are you crying i said because he saved me i said yes jesus saved you you're not going to hell daddy that's what he said to me he said you're going to heaven i said not that saving buddy i said he saved me with money he said christmas money for my presence i said yes i don't know what to say to them yes he gave me money to presence you know he thinks santa so i got to be very careful what i say but i have to be very careful i don't give away the the secrets of the north pole but but but i woke him up with my praise because he saved me jenny now i'm lying there i'm about to get up because i the relief is just beyond what i can explain explain to you this whole nine months has not been a waste now and more than the more than the gain and the lack of loss more than that that is piddly wings because it it would have come back eventually anyway he taught me something which i know theologically but i needed more rhema on it i know what about the church jenny but for some reason i separated like it didn't apply to business i know it about certain things but for some reason this category was untouched don't touch this category because it's different and it's not no category is different you need to get in your spirit about every category that you face and some of us put certain categories off limits to god because we've been trained or because society or because the way we were raised or our insecurities or our hurt or our rejection or whatever it is our ambition whatever it is that's off limits to god that doesn't apply about being led by the spirit but all this other side the spiritual stuff oh yeah that applies no no every category if i i was guilty of doing that myself and he doesn't just want me to pray for the sake of praying he wants me to pray to save me to to bless me to prosper me so i i got something far more precious than not a loss or far more precious than dollars and cents i got revelation about the value and the importance yet again of praying out the plan so that i can walk in the spirit instead of in my mind only you have to use your brain but you can't use your brain only you've got to walk in the spirit you've got to go with that inward knowing that inward knowing what will cause you remember remember jesus said to dad again i don't mind my people being rich i have a problem with them being covetous which means greedy or money-minded he said if you learn to follow my spirit i'll make you rich in other words if you learn to follow not your mind your not your education although those aid but they're not the main source if you learn to follow your spirit not your hormones not your feelings not your ambition not your pride if you learn to follow my spirit which is in our spirit i'll make you rich you don't have a problem with us being rich is a problem of us being money-minded and greedy and i'm not greedy because money doesn't have me god has me but you don't mind me having things if i've got the right attitude about it but he i got to learn to follow this see what i've been doing is i've been following this and i've been hitting miss hitting miss hitting with hitting this then i took a big risk following this and almost lost everything but if i just learn to follow this jenny it's not hit and miss i have an advantage it's not cheating it's an advantage that's right if they they could have the holy ghost too they just reject him or they don't know about him but either way they don't have an advantage i do all their education the holy ghost knows beyond all their education he's a genius at everything he made the world he didn't make harvard he made harvard and the world he made yale and oxford and he knows more than all of them put together times a trillion he knows everything he is beyond education he's beyond this plane of education and he's in us if he tells you that you can get it but if he doesn't you don't need it to succeed because you've got the genius inside you you've got an advantage so i'm lying there i'm about to get out of bed i'm so relieved i'm thinking my god this is taking a lot out of me i need some eggs and i said lord i'm about i'm about to get out of the bed and i heard the word of the lord come to me and say these words before i got out i heard him say gather the singles tonight and tell them that many of them are displeasing me in their relationships and he said because like you that's why i had to explain the story like you they are in their minds and their souls and their emotions and their hormones he listed all four about decisions of relationships but they are not following my spirit and they are headed for danger and they are headed for loss and i'm trying to rescue them son and i've been talking to some of them in their hearts and they refuse to listen so now i'm going to speak to them through their pastor so tell them your story he told me to tell the story i'm not just telling a story for telling a story it's private i'd rather people not know that information that makes me look like a fool well pastor don't even pray about i pray about the ministry all the time but for some reason that thing was i just didn't think it was necessary for some reason i don't know why we're like that but we're categorical as humans and for some reason it was untouchable that that i figured that out on my own god and i didn't realize how badly i needed him and i need him badly in every area not just in the church and ministry and the anointing and the mental i need him in secular areas financial areas i need him in my marriage i need him with my children because half the time i don't always i'm trying i'm either too disciplined or not disciplined and disciplinary enough and i need the balance of the holy ghost to know how to treat those boys and how to how to gain their hearts and not turn them against me but also not let them be rebels especially teenage boys you know they think they know everything and they think you're stupid and they tell you that sometimes and then you don't know whether you should beat them or if you should run them out of the house or throw a pair at their heads i don't know i've tried the pair that didn't work so we're just gonna have to keep praying praise god but the point is we need the holy ghost counsel in every area not there's no off-limit areas now listen if you're a single person of any age and you desire response some of the single people don't want a spouse so praise god then apply this to other areas of your life but if you desire a spouse if you want god's best for your life let me tell you something if you keep this category off limits to god for some weird reason like i did and not even realize you're doing it i didn't even realize i was really doing it until he put the spotlight on me and he corrected me and in the correction he rescued me thank god he rescued me if you have an area in your life any of you watching single or not any category in your life that for some reason you are just not praying it out i'm giving you counsel as your pastor you're going you're you're walking up to loss and you don't even know it it could be your children it could be your marriage it could be your in-laws it could be something to do with an actual business it could be relationships it could be your sex life it could be anything it could be your your eating habits it could be anything there is no off there's no category that's off limits to the holy ghost he wants to be involved in every category but as human sometimes we hold them off and out of certain categories because in our arrogance we think we know better or in our fear we don't want him to change it or in our concern we don't want him to take something away from us and then we forget that if he takes something away it was he's taking the snake away he doesn't want us to get bitten he's going to give us a puppy dog in return it's not a loss when he takes something away it's a gain it or it feels like a loss at times are you with me so what i'm saying he said gather the young the singles many of them some not many no i take that back i want to be exact some of them are displeasing me in their relationships and they are headed for loss i've been trying to get it over to them but they won't listen so now i'm going to speak to them directly through you their pastor tell them no category is off limits to me and whatever category they don't pray in the holy ghost about they are headed for loss and if they are not getting in the spirit about their relationships present or future meaning you could have one now or you could just be praying for one in the future but if they don't get in the spirit about their relationships if they stay in their mind and in their soul and in their hormones and in their natural desires if they stay there they are going to make a mistake because they are guessing like the world they are judging relationships on the outward appearance and on this thing and on monday and on that thing and it is all a mental calculation with pros and cons and there's nothing wrong with having a list but you've got to be careful that you don't make decisions on relationships by your natural understanding and reasoning you've got to get in your spirit and get the knowing the bearing of witness in here and you don't your mind might say well that doesn't really make sense i don't really i don't like this i don't like that but you know that you know that you know they're wrong or you know that you know that you know they're right and unless you pray in the holy ghost about it you are in your soul and you're headed for loss i got in the soul headed for a loss and it came this close and he rescued me thank god and i'll never do it again not as long as i i'd rather quit the business than make then hurt the lord again and fail him it's not just getting about money it's about it's about pleasing him it's about filling the fulfilling the assignment because my offerings have almost not doubled but i i give a lot of it away my offerings i can't say double but next year they'll have doubled but this year i was practicing but my offerings i've given more to the church this year because i give so much of the business whatever i get i give away i've given my offerings for the church have gone skyrocketed this year i might even be the biggest giver in the church this year that's my that's my goal i don't i don't ask i don't find out who gives but i asked greg he signs the receipts i said was i the biggest giver the first four years he said yes and then after that no i was so mad then he said no i've never been the biggest giver once since i think 2020 might my just might change it although i got some bigwigs out there that are trying to outdo me so let me tell you bigwigs keep going praise god please outdo me but i'll beat you next year what i'm saying is that i'm not in this for just for personal gain i want to bless the ministry i want to give more to people that are in need i want to give more to the vision of the church that's the motive of why i started the business i get the mickey mouse after after stuff but but i did it so that i could bless the ministry i wanted to bless god's work praise god my motive was pure in it but just because your motive's right but lord lord i just want a man i just my motive just wan i just i just want a man that loves you and loves me see your motive's pure but if you're in your mind about it you won't pray in the holy ghost you're still your motive may be right you're still headed for loss my motive was pure as the driven snow on that business but i was headed for loss because i was in my mind not my spirit and i came that close there was no knowing on the inside i'm guessing like the sinner that i'm doing business with and i have the advantage and i won't use it single people listen to me you have an advantage you have a genius he knows everything about you and what you don't know about you he knows he knows what you need even though you don't know what you need he knows what you need he knows what kind of man you need man he knows what kind of woman you need he knows every part of your makeup your hurts your failures your disappointments your insecurities your rejection issues he knows who's gonna fit you who is molded for you in heaven he knows everything you can't go by a mental list because he knows beyond your list and if you just stay up here but lowered my motives right who cares you're headed for mistakes but lord i'll just try to go for a few dates and i'll just decide hallelujah yes no problem going on a date but if you decide up here you're going to make a mistake i almost lost the whole thing by being mental and not spiritual and i'm a pastor for goodness sakes i should know better but for some reason that category was kind of i don't know i didn't mean it but it was kind of off limits to god and some of the singles there oh they'll pray about this they'll pray about their job they'll pray about that they'll pray about this but for some reason they don't want to pray about their relationships maybe they're afraid that god will tell them something they don't want maybe they're afraid god will bring them something that they don't want but god knows you better than you so why don't you just trust him instead of keeping him at bay so that you can be in your soul and then head for a mistake and then get a broken heart or get pregnant or whatever why would you trust him so i'm the message to you i'm telling you he didn't say it for long it was only maybe 30 seconds but that one statement but i mean it was booming and it and it came to me before i even got out of the bed and he said gather the singles and that's why we sent email because we can't gather in person he said gather the singles and tell them that many that some of them are displeasing me in their relationships and they're headed for loss because they're in their mind and their soul and their hormones they're in all these categories in their soul realm but they won't it's off limits they've made it like you did son they've made it off-limits to me and they don't even know why but they have but tell them if they would get in their spirit and if they would just like you do with the business just like you do for the church because i pray hours a day for the church but i wasn't giving any time to the business because i really don't care about the business but i care about the church i'm going to have to do it one day a month anyway so who cares about that my focus is the church so i was giving all my time to praying in church but that's still an assignment to bless the church and he wants me to pray it out so you might be praying all these things but you need to take time a single person listen to me take time like it's an assignment like it's got horns like handles to hold on like it's a business although it's not a business but you know what i'm saying take time and say father regarding this future relationship my desire to have a spouse lord you know me better than i know myself i've got a brain you're going to have me use my brain i have emotions and all of those will be in the right place but i have an advantage unlike the world and the advantage i have is the holy ghost and i give you my word i give you my word that i will no longer make natural carnal decisions some of you are making decisions on relationships because you're afraid that your biological clock will stop ticking and you want babies and that's a god-given desire but you've got in the flesh because you're fearful that you're not going to find the man in time and so you're going to marry the wrong person so that you can have a baby with them and be shackled to the wrong person for the rest of your life i'm not saying god doesn't want you to have a baby what i'm saying is that your rejection issues should not trump the leading of the spirit your insecurity should not trump the leading of the spirit your desire for a child should not trump the leading of the spirit your desire to be normal i just want to be normal i want to be single i want somebody to love me yes god gave you that desire but don't fulfill it in the arm of the flesh like abraham when he did that with with with hagar and he got ishmael and god refused to talk to him for 13 long years he was mad at him he didn't listen to the one he didn't listen to god he listened to his wife who tried to get him in the flesh because she couldn't figure out the plan with her brain now when you can't figure out the plan with your brain you're going to get in the flesh you're going to make something lesser he wants you to have your isaac not your ishmael but it takes time it takes faithfulness it takes patience it takes trust father i trust you i have faith in you that you won't let me down that you will give me this in the right time you know when my clock stops you know when i need to have a baby i'm not going to fulfill it in the arm of the flesh like abraham i'm going to fulfill it in the arm of the spirit it's this is the great act of faith single person it takes tremendous faith to trust god when everything and your hormones and your soul and your emotions and everything your romantic part of you everything is crying for it and you're still saying i trust you i would rather not have it than have it wrong i would rather not get married and be alone for the rest of my life and if that's what you want that's what i want but i will not fulfill it in the flesh let me be led by your spirit lord i pray it out now and you start to pray it out and pray it out lord i pray out now i target my tongues i specify my tongues i pray out the plan i lay the tracks of the train can come through i pray for my future marriage i pray for my mate i pray for my spouse i pray for my relationships and you pray and you turn off your stupid phone and you turn off your dumb at instagrams and this that and turn it off and focus that's your time praying out the plan and what will happen you may not notice it one day one week one month but i guarantee you that annoying will come it will bubble up and when you see that one and your mind and your soul goes whoa your spirit will say no and you will it will be so loud because you prayed it out why did i miss this instruction a couple days ago because i hadn't prayed it so i'm making a decision here i'm taking a risk here and the holy ghost was warning me but i can't hear him because i haven't prayed but then when i started praying i was about to make another mistake this morning trying to cut losses but by listening by listening by listening he turned it and if you listen if you listen if you'll listen he'll lead you to the place where that person is he'll lead you to the website where that person is he'll lead you to the conference he'll lead you whatever that takes he'll lead you and when the right one comes you'll know and when the wrong one comes and there'll be probably many more wrong than right you'll also know because the devil wants to throw you off he'll send the best looking ones the richest ones to throw you off you'll send the hagar he'll send the hagar and the result is going to be the ishmael and you will not like what you get after you get it oh you go through the wedding you go through the honeymoon and then you come back sometimes honeymoon isn't even as good as you think it is you know what i'm saying i'm not trying to be vulgar because i'm not vulgar but when you're out of the will of god sex isn't that fun i've never had it out of the will of god this is my only partner for life period but i've heard so many people tell me i thought it was going to be so fun but the whole way in the honeymoon i knew i'd made a mistake and that pressure and that displeasure of god and that fear of what have i got myself into and that oh my god can i leave lord without sinning and oh my god all the things you think are going to be so romantic and so hot hot hot they're cold cold cold then you wish you hadn't done it but you know people don't they don't want to listen they they want to do what they want to do they they just want to do what they want to do jenny and you don't have to you've got an advantage you've got the holy ghost all you have to do is pray it's not even hard he didn't say give an offering you can but you don't have to he said pray amen i just i had to tell the story or they wouldn't get the impact of it of what it impacted me in a totally different area but the lord said every area son you're having problems with your son are you praying in the holy ghost about him i said lord i could have prayed the holy ghost about everything yes yes he didn't say i had to pray an hour a day about everything he said but why don't you take five minutes you've got a problem there it's not working right lord i lift this situation up i don't really know how to fix this now my mind is probably gonna mess it up because i just i'm not a genius i'm not child james dobson or whatever his name is the you know the guy that knows everything about every kid and knows there all the answers and even he needs the holy ghost i said i just pray that out even takes five minutes let me just do that a little bit annoying will come yes and knowing what comes no no craig don't do that that's going to make it worse that's how your dad did it but that made it worse for you don't make it worse for him son and then there's an issue with the staff i don't know how to deal with that pray it out in the holy ghost and knowing comes there's an issue with the business so there's an issue with a relationship there's an issue with my father who's not saved i'm trying to learn how to witness to him because every time i try he rejects it so but that the holy ghost knows and maybe it's not even for me to witness maybe it's for god to put one of his buddies his rich buddies in his life that got born again maybe you'll listen to the rich buddy and not his son but either way i got to know the strategy to get him saved so that he doesn't go to hell so i i need to pray that out more instead of trying to figure it out more stop figuring and start praying and knowing will come this could apply to businessman taylor and if businessmen are listening they'll get great help but he didn't it applies to every area but the what he specified gather the singles for some are in relationships that displease me and they are heading for loss they're in their soul they're in their mind they're in their emotions they're in their hormones and they're not following my spirit because they won't pray for some reason they've made it off limits just like you did son so tell them don't make it off limits i guarantee them i will help them if they will yield to my spirit there is an advantage don't act like the sinner when you've got an advantage on the inside of you praise god father i pray for every single person lord of course every person this applies to in different areas but for every single person father within the sound of my voice that's listening that's here that will listen after tonight is over when they go back on archives father every person i pray that you would put your arms around them i pray that you would comfort them if they're in a relationship and they're not sure they don't have to be rash they just have to start praying if it's wrong the knowing will come if it's right the knowing will come they don't have to make rash crazy actions that are going to devastate others or hurt them or be weird lord even if they're in a relationship if they don't know if it's right or wrong they don't have to make some big decision tonight that's in their mind but they can just start to pray tonight they can start to lift it before your throne of grace in tongues and in a day or a week or a month eventually unknowing is going to come and knowing always comes that's the wonderful thing about tongues father you can't pray out the plan without a knowing coming one way or the other it's guaranteed it's the only thing that satan can't mimic it is the only thing that is pure it is the only thing that is guaranteed to be right even prophetic words can be wrong even scriptures can be misinterpreted even somebody's advice to you could be skewed even voices you hear could be the devil and you think they're god but the inner witness can never be wrong and if they will just pray even if they're in a relationship just pray a knowing will come if it's to leave let them have courage to obey or they'll be headed for loss if it's to stay if it's right let them rejoice and plan the marriage quickly so that they don't fall into fornication and sin father let them do this i pray for them young people and older people he didn't just specify age he said singles some singles that could even be older ones are the relationships displeased me so father i pray for every one of whoever those are help them holy ghost put your arms around them comfort them correct them rescue them but love them love them father it's your mercy it's your it's your kindness and goodness that leads us to repentance so lord like you were merciful to me and you turned the whole thing around be merciful to them and lord let them trust you i had to trust you with that lord it's a different category but let them trust you with their emotions let them trust you with their future let them trust you with their hormones let them trust you with their desires let them trust you with their future of having children let them trust trust trust you that you will not lead them wrong let them trust you it's a great act of faith to pray it out in the holy ghost you're showing god that you trust him more than your own ability to figure it out but listen to me if you are dating somebody that is not saved you automatically have violated god's word you don't need to pray and ask the holy ghost because he will never violate this book and this book is clear and abundant on multiple scriptures that you are forbidden as a born-again believer to have any romantic affiliation whatsoever with a sinner do you understand what the words coming out of my mouth because it's amazing to me how people still get this wrong because of fear because of hormones because they want sex because they want babies because they want romance and they violate god's word and then they wonder why god won't bless me you are forbidden according to god's word to be romantically involved with a sinner that's right so don't pray that hagin taught us if you pray about something that the scripture is clear on and you are violating you will open the door to demons well god is it really that wrong demons will come and start speaking to you because now the word isn't enough and demons will accommodate your foolishness so stop it i don't you don't need to even pray you don't pray in the holy ghost by that you end it tonight you call that loser or you text him or you do whatever you want and i don't mean a loser but he is a he is going to cause your life to lose or she is going to cause your life listen to me young man he she is going to cause you to lose you text or call or instagram or whatever the super things that people do and say it's over your father's the devil my father is the father and if you want your father to change don't do it for me because you're gonna have to sit in church and i'm not gonna date you for at least a little while while i see that it's real because they'll lie like a rug they'll tell you oh i love you oh i love jesus and then as soon once they got you they go right back to their old ways you don't need to pray in the holy ghost about that the bible tells you but if they're born again now listen closely they may not be part of our camp they may not be part of our church but they're born again they qualify but just because they qualify does not mean that they're god's choice i can put an ad in and say i need this physician filled and i have all these people come which we don't we hire from within but you know what i'm saying they all qualify with the education and the experience but that doesn't mean that god is going to pick them so just because they're saved doesn't mean god's going to pick them and yes the highest flow like pastor nancy and dr dufresne and dad def and dad hagan have taught us is to stay within your camp because if you're going to marry somebody who's born again that thinks praying in tongues of the devil you're going to have an uphill battle my brother and my sister but can god change their heart sure i'm not saying that you shouldn't marry somebody that's not in our camp because they still qualify but you still got don't don't make the mistake but lord but lord they're saved i don't need to pray they're saved no no especially if they're not part of our flow pray even if they are saved and get the knowing but lord i don't need to pray because they come to promise of life and they lift their hands and they pray in the holy ghost and they give to the building fund amen i don't even need to yes you do because god may not have them for you even though they tick all the boxes spiritually and in our flow he may have somebody and a baptist church for you that's about to get gloriously filled with the holy ghost and god saw the future from the present and he says that's the one that's going to fulfill it so don't just think because they're part of this church or they're part of pasadency church or they're part of our word and spirit company that they automatically qualify they qualify but they may not be chosen for you so you still have to pray no matter how you do it only thing you don't have to pray about is if they're a sinner then just dump them like radioactive waste because they're going to talk they're toxic for you but if they're born again you don't have to dump them just pray and let the holy ghost show you but please for the love of god don't go into these relationships that cause you loss because you're insecure because you're lonely i understand that you're lonely but god you don't want to take you don't want to play with your future you're playing russian roulette let's just hope this is the right one and if you happen the barrel happens to land just a little bit wrong it's going to destroy you why would you play with your future when it's so easy just pray that's wonderful thing about tongues jenny no matter what you've made a mistake on tongues can i give you a quote and you better give me credit for this put it on a mug tongues is the great equalizer well doesn't matter how many mistakes i've made if i just pray in tongues eventually the right answer is going to come and i'll fix whatever mistake i made i'll make the correction i'll repent i'll be rescued and if i've made the right decision it will confirm the decision and then i'll be like glory to god tongues equalizes every decision you'll ever make if you'll just give yourself to praying in the spirit and the more you pray the faster you get your answer why do you think pastor nancy got married in three weeks in two months or whatever it was because she prayed for three weeks eight hours a day straight about her mate she wasn't praying for the healing anointing she wasn't praying for revelation from the word she prayed for eight hours a day for three weeks straight about her mate and then god revealed it so don't tell me well i prayed in 12 minutes and my god i'm gonna get the answer today you might have to push a little bit it might take some time but i promise you the answer will come
Channel: Promise of Life Church
Views: 309
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: church, Word and Spirit, Word of Faith, Promise, Bible, teaching, preaching, sermon, singles, Singles Ministry, Love, Dating, Relationships, Christian, Christianity, Christian singles, Christian dating, Finding the right one, Led by the Spirit, Mississauga, Toronto, GTA, Canada, faith
Id: fpymTCg-Uqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 24sec (4044 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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