The Robe | Pastor Craig Field

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are you ready can I can I get going I need every minute today so I hope you put the chicken on extra slow cook and I can see the visitors are sweating already now let me just give a couple disclaimers for my message today called the robe and the disperse disclaimer is I'm gonna share a lot of scriptures but for sake of time I cannot read you all the scriptures from the Bible so I'm gonna give you references because it'll take three hours if I give you all if I actually read all of them to you okay now I'm happy to do the three hours but I don't think all of see that was very weeks I don't think all of you want the three hours so I'm gonna give you many scriptures and you don't have to write them down if you don't want but if anybody ever you know says well that's not scriptural where did you come up with that and that's not in the Bible I'm giving scriptures as much as for you as for any people that want to detract do you understand and if you want to listen to it again and write them down or study them on your own you can but there'll be many scriptures I just won't read them all praise God I'm also gonna this is what we call a slow burn fire work this morning where I'm gonna start a little slow and I'm gonna build and build but it's burning don't you re it's burning in all of a sudden we're gonna get to what we're trying to talk about and I think I think all that prep work will have done its job praise God and you're gonna catch something this morning that I trust will be as much of a blessing to you as it was to me when God showed it to me last year I've preached us in Russia and in California but this is the first time here in Canada and it's one of my favorite sermons so I'm gonna have some fun I hope you'll have some fun with me praise God amen my first point is called it was a Thursday Jesus did not die on Good Friday like people think that he did the reason that people have thought for years when they anglicized this holiday the Roman Catholic Church specifically is because of the phrase in the Bible that said they rush to get his body off the tree before it was Sabbath and we know Sabbath's or Shabbat in in in in the Jewish and the Jewish religion and tradition is on a Friday night it starts at sundown on a Friday night it goes into Saturday remember everything with the Jews is different to us so you have to interpret this from the Jewish perspective we start our new day at midnight they start their new day at sundown or 6:00 p.m. give or take sometimes it's earlier sometimes it's later depending on the time of the year but just for simplicity sake when you hear me say 6:00 a.m. or 6:00 p.m. I'm talking about sundown or sunrise because the Jewish day starts at 6:00 p.m. the next day we do our we do our changeover at 12:00 a.m. they do it at 6:00 p.m. of the previous day do you understand so you have to understand that first of all and so we see here that there was a Sabbath that was starting Friday night that's the Sabbath every week it's the same every week the people that thought and assumed that that he died on a Friday that's what we call a Good Friday because they had to get his body off the cross before the Sabbath started but what what they didn't recognize and what they didn't understand is that Jews of course understand this that there is a feast when there's a feast day there are seven Jewish feasts Passover is one of those feasts when there's a feast day it automatically becomes the Sabbath day and when there's a feast day there's more than one Sabbath in that given week a feast day is called a high day and it automatically becomes a Sabbath so when they when they talked about Jesus dying on Friday they didn't take into account that there was a feast day in that week which was Passover and Passover in this situation started on a Thursday now every Passover every year it's the same as on the same date in our calendar but every year it's the 14th of the month of Nisan that's that's the day the lamb was killed remember God said to Moses take a lamb slay it during the afternoon on the 14th of Nisan every year without fail they take lambs and they would slay them and they would put the blood on the lintel and the doorposts remember the Bible says that they slayed the lamb in a basin every Jewish home had a little a little indentation when you came in the door you'd wash your feet before you walked in the door they would slay the lamb in that basin and there was blood there and they would dip the hyssop plant which represents faith and they would put it on the lintel and the lintel and the side posts of the house the doorposts and the lintel and that formed if you look at that picture it's an it's a it's a foreshadowing of the cross because it shows there was blood at his feet there was blood at his head and there was blood at his hands and so they would put this they would put the blood there on the 14th day of Nisan in the afternoon because they had to hurry because at 6:00 p.m. the 15th of Nisan began remember I told you it begins in the evening and the 15th of Nisan is Passover but they had to kill the lamb and apply the blood before Passover officially started why is it called Passover because the Angel of Death passed over on the night of the 15th do you understand which started at 6:00 p.m. and ended the 14th and it started the 15th are you with me so the Passover lamb was slain in that afternoon the blood was applied and then they had to be in their homes by sundown and they were not allowed to come out or they would die and they ate the Passover meal they took the lamb and they roasted it with bitter herbs and all these and unleavened bread which spoke of sinlessness and they did this whole meal now the Bible clearly says without contradiction that that what happened here and I'll give you scripture to prove it it's it's absolutely scriptural it's not my opinion I don't on the internet there's all these people that have different opinions but there's no way that you can deny what the Bible says Jesus had to have died on the Thursday it doesn't of all it doesn't add up number wise and it doesn't add up Scripture wise so let me tell you this because I'm going to read some stuff just because you know there's a lot of information here so as I said to you there were two Sabbath's back-to-back Thursday night was the Sabbath called the Passover Friday night at 6 p.m. was the regular Sabbath to Sabbath back-to-back now in Matthew 28:1 later on you don't to look up all these scriptures I'm just going to tell them to you at Matthew 28:1 it says Mary Magdalene came early in the morning remember she was looking for Jesus and that she said after the Sabbath but the Greek word for Sabbath as the word it's pluralized it's the word Sabbath's in the Greek in English it says Sabbath but in the Greek it says Sabbath's so there were two Sabbath's that had happened that weekend and she was coming on the Sunday after the Sabbath's do you understand Jesus is the Passover lamb he called himself the Lamb that was slain it wouldn't make sense for him to die at a different time than would that when the Passover lambs were being slaughtered in the temple they were slaughtering lambs at the exact same time that Jesus was on the cross he died on the 14th of Nisan preparing for Passover that would begin at 6:00 p.m. that night technically the 15th of Nisan now we can prove this further John 18 28 you can look at it later it says clearly that when they were leading when when if you saw it in the movie on Friday night that movie was not accurate on one point because the Bible says that when those Sanhedrin and the Caiaphas and all his people were taking Jesus from Caiaphas place and from Herod's temple and go you know courtyard and going to the Hall of judgment the Roman Hall of judgment which is where Pontius Pilate was it clearly says in that verse that they did not enter into the Hall of judgment they were not permitted to come on to Gentile property or they would be under deemed unclean and defiled and the Bible says they did not enter the hall of judgment Pontius Pilate had to come out and talk to them they were not allowed to enter into Roman territory for the Bible says they would be defiled and would not be able to eat the Passover that night it says it right there in the Bible so that morning had to have been a Thursday because Passover started Thursday at 6 p.m. and they weren't allowed to defiled himself before the Passover started I can see some of you are thinking oh I smell heresy in the way praise God it's not heresy it's just the truth it's just that we got so many traditions Jesus wasn't born December 25th either in fact that was a demon-possessed man named Nimrods birthday but that's not a big deal because we still celebrating our saviors birth that don't matter we really what day he was actually born in the springtime theologians tell us when the Lambs were born and he died in the springtime - they weren't three wisemen either there was hundreds of them they shook a city there was three gifts on three why he's been all these weird traditions that somebody he was smoking pot years ago created all right Jesus did not die on Good Friday he died but the day the lambs were slaughtered which was the fourteenth day of Nisan and later that night which is technically the 15th that evening when they ate the Passover meal he was already dead at that time do you understand we see this very clearly from John 1828 now interestingly every year nee-san is determined that the dates are determined not by the Gregorian calendar which what we use but by the Hebrew calendar and it's all based on moon movements it has to coincide with full moons etc etc and so I run every year for at 14th and 15th of Nisan or in different days the year Jesus died it was a Thursday because he rose the first day of the week the Bible says and remember God rested on the seventh day do you remember and he called it the Sabbath the day of rest the seventh day is the Saturday and the Bible clearly says all through the Bible that the first day of the week was sunday so we know that when Mary came the first day of the week it was Sunday which was Resurrection morning on that year the way the nee-san calendar work it felt that the 14th was a Thursday and then the first day was a Sunday but this year in 2019 the 14th of Nisan was actually yesterday so yesterday during good night yesterday is today we assume was Saturday Friday when we were here watching the movie and when we were doing our day that was the 14th of Nisan for 2019 that was the day that Jesus would have died if it was in this year do you say you have to look at a Hebrew calendar if you're gonna match it up properly but in the year that Jesus died it was a Thursday and so I just I'm sharing some of these things because I really it gets me annoyed when people on the basics of the gospel don't even know what's going on this is basic you have to understand the basics of what Jesus did for us so we see that he he on this day John 20 verse 1 it says that Mary came or the first day of the week so we know it was sunday so we no wonder what have we learned we know one thing he died of according to Scripture he died on the Thursday and he resurrected on a Sunday according to Scripture now Matthew 12:40 if you don't mind I'll read that one to you I'm not going to read every one but I will that one Matthew 12 and verse 40 Matthew 12 and verse 40 and the Bible says Jesus is speaking and he's prophesying about his death and he says these words for as Jonah was three days and three nights in the whales belly so shall the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth do you see there that he said three days and three nights you are all with me you know I haven't gone to sleep yet have you three days and three nights the only way that you can match the three days and three nights as if he died in a Thursday plus we have the scripture proving it in John 18 that they went and took him to be killed before the Passover meal which started that night so we know it was a Thursday so what happened because remember it's 6 p.m. and 6 a.m. these are the times that it works with them so they so on when was the last supper it was Wednesday night and then early into Thursday morning he was in the Garden of Gethsemane do you remember that and he was he was praying the word get cemani in the goober is gotcha mean the word get as pressed and the word shall mean as olive it's an Olive Press he was pressed upon the rock of agony in that garden as he was praying and and he sweated as though it were great drops of blood that was early Thursday morning before daybreak had even happened and then they came and they arrested him and Judas kissed him and betrayed him and then they take him and they taking the kayfa and they're beating him and they're doing this and then they take him to the pond conscious pilot and then they take him to Herod then they take him back to all of that it's happening in the early morning hours of Thursday do you understand then they take him to be crucified at 9:00 a.m. he's on the cross and he dies at 3:00 p.m. he's on there for six hours in agony on the cross remember what happened at noon the sky went dark my god let me say this to you day one he died at 3 o'clock on Saturday well the day doesn't end till 6 p.m. so even though it wasn't a full day it's still considered part of a day that was day 1 the day that he died Thursday when was night 1 Thursday night into Friday morning that was night 1 when was day 2 Friday morning to Friday evening that's day 2 day 3 Friday evening to Saturday morning the right that's not - then we got day what I'm a day three is Saturday morning - Saturday evening they've member it's 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. that's how they work it and then night 3 remember he said I'm three days in the in the belly of the earth like Jonah was you have to do it so that there's three nights or it doesn't work but from Saturday night to Sunday morning was the third night and he said I will rise after three days and three nights in the belly of the earth and that's why Sunday morning was the first time at daybreak was technically the beginning of that he had completed three days of three nights and he rose from the dead I say this first point so you understand clearly with scriptural proof not just with traditions of men how it worked when Jesus died so that we understand I don't want to get into legalism here because it's not about legalism but I just think you should know it's a lot of people asked me but it doesn't it doesn't add up pastor if we do it on Friday doesn't add up and so if so many people have asked me that over the years I thought well maybe I'll just say it because I don't normally talk about this kind of stuff but I just say it so that you understand how the math works and what the Bible says Jesus died on a Thursday at least the year that he in that year which was nice and 14 and he became the Lamb that was slain and I just think it's such beautiful symbolism while they were slaying the lambs in the temple court Jesus was being slain outside Jerusalem it's a perfect picture and a perfect parallel so we see now he's in the garden early Thursday morning can you go on a journey with me in your mind today early in the morning he's there praying and agonizing and as the high priest would go in once a year and sprinkle blood seven times on the mercy seat so Jesus as the high priest after the order of melchizedek also shed seven sheddings of blood it's a perfect parallel to the high priest and the natural what was the first shedding his mind he sweat as though it were great drops of blood and I've read stories about a judge in South Africa who was under such pressure in his office men's lives were in his hands with death penalty is appending and he was under such pressure when the secretary came in his sweat head he had broken the blood vessels he was under such pressure and his sweat was actually turned into blood it is possible medically that you can be under such a mental pressure that you can actually sweat blood it is medically proven Jesus shed blood from his mind from his head which represents and symbolizes his thought life he shed blood listen to me with schizophrenia and bipolar on the rise and torment of all kinds and being more we sing it more today than we've ever seen it in our lifetimes at least Jesus bled from his mind so that your mind would be free he went through agony in that garden so that people that have that have torments in their mind would be free see there has to be a shedding of blood for the remission of sin and sickness the second shedding member the priesthood at seven times was they put they beat his face they beat it with rods the Bible said they beat it with their hands they'd say tell us who prophesied and they'd punch him and they'd blindfold him and that I would says they took a they took his beard or they plucked it out and I don't know if you've nobody here has ever gone through that kind of agony but just pulling out one hair is painful let alone an entire beard and they beat him mercilessly with their fists until his eyes were swollen why because in the Bible face always speaks of righteousness when you when your face is darkened it represents that you're not right with God you're not righteous Jesus bled from his face he became ugly in his countenance so that my face would shine so that I could live right and pure and holy before him blood was shed for his face for my face or for my righteousness then of course they put the crown of thorns upon his head remember when God cursed it in Genesis 3 he said let thorns and thistles come up that's part of the curse it's not it's not accidental that they took thorns which represent the curse of the law and they weaved it into a crown as a mockery and that would insist that they put it on it said it said that they beat him with the reed for the thorns to go into his skull there was great blood and great pain as he bore on his head that curse so that we would be cursed free blood was shed from his head so that our life would be without the curse what was a fourth shedding and probably in some ways the most gruesome at least on the movie it was when they whipped us back with that cat-o'-nine-tails 39 times because at 40 you die they brought him right to the edge of death and they whipped him because Medical Sciences there's 39 major categories of disease today for every strike he took care of an entire category of disease no matter what you ever faced physically he he bore it for you they followed his back the Bible says acted like like like a field that has been followed and plowed because his back looked like it had been plowed with that whip he did that awful sacrifice and blood flowed like a river so that no matter what you ever faced physically you could stand your ground and say he took it for me blood was shed for me I will not die of cancer I will not die of leukemia I will not have the flu I will not have migraine headaches every mental torment he took every act for for sin and righteousness he took it all of our curse and our poverty he took it all of our physical healing he took it on his back and then he gets to number five where they where they pierce his hands with those awful nails Jesus appeared to doctor to frame about not six or seven times then every time he's appeared to dr. Dufresne would tell me he said he still got those homes in his hands Greg he said you'll see them when you get to heaven and he says they're huge he said they're like they're like they're like those nails you put him in the railroad pins he said you can see the light shining through it our hands represent what we do for God he bled from his hands so that what we do that we could work for God with fulness he bled from his feet because it represents our walk with God in our intimacy with God he bled so that we would be intimate with him and then probably my favorite if I could say and I don't think it's I don't know it's just it's very interesting then after he had died they pierced him with that with that spear do you remember that and out of it came blood and water this is a beautiful symbolism of how the church was birthed it had to be birth through blood just like your healing had to be paid for him with blood everything has to be paid for with blood that's the way God works Jesus bled these seven areas so that your whole entire existence would be secured remember the first Adam God put him in a deep sleep he opened up his side and he took out a rib and it became his bra well that Jesus is called the second Adam he was also in a deep sleep called death and after he had died God through that soldier opened up that side and blood and water floated symbolized the church coming out from beside his heart and being birthed just like that rib formed the Bride of Christ so the church the bride of the Lord Jesus Christ came forth with that shedding of blood from his side he took your mental he took your sin he took your curse he took your physical sickness he took all that you needed to work for him with for with with all your might he took what you needed so that you would have a intimate walk with him and he paid the price so that you'd be part of the church seven sheddings of perfect blood seven is the number of completion and the number of covenant praise God number two it is finished do you remember that he made seven statements on the cross Father forgive them for they know not what they do truly I say unto you today you will be with me in paradise the first one I believe he was probably saying as they as they nailed him in that excruciating agony we don't know exactly when he said it but he said Father forgive them they don't know what they're doing then he said to that that thief the one was mocking him and the other so was humbling himself and he said today you'll be with me in paradise then John was there with Mary his mother and the third statement he said woman this is your son this is your mother he was taking care of his mom even then he was not he did not want to leave any stone unturned he wanted the responsibility for his mother to pass as somebody that he trusted number four my God my God why have they forsake in me why because God because he had become sin had to turn from him he couldn't look at him because he had become so revolting in God's sight because of sin and he was aware that God had abandoned him and he said why have you forsaken me the fifth statement he says I thirst that was the first time maybe and the only time in those seven statements he referred to his physical condition but it wasn't just that he thirsted physically obviously it was but I believe that also meant I thirst spiritually remember he said to the lady at the well he said I'll give you living water and he will thirst no more I believe because he was cut off from that relationship with his father that his spirit man was thirsting after God because he had just said you forsaken me God and then he says I thirst the sixth statement he's his father into thy hands I commit my spirit Luke's Gospel records that as the last statement but both John and Matthew's Gospel recorded as the second last statement it doesn't really matter what the order was but he said father into your hands I commit my spirit and then according to Matthew and John the last statement that he made and it's the only statement that he shouted all the others he spoke but a Bible says he cried out with a loud voice now think about the pain the agony the suffering the weakness think about everything that he had gone to to muster the strength to shout at that moment is an astonishing fact at in and of itself and he shouts these words tetelesti and that means it is finished in Aramaic it is finished for he's God this is found in John 19 verse 28 and 30 and also Matthew 27 and verse 50 now what did he mean by it is finished you have to understand that so you won't understand what's going on here he's not talking about Redemption the plan being finished why because he could not finish Redemption until he rose see he's yes he's not in victory yet he has to rise into victory and then put his blood on the mercy seat and according to Hebrews 8:1 he has to sit down upon the throne the father gave him only when he sat down upon the throne was their final victory so he couldn't be saying it's finished in other words everything like it's all over what what did he mean what he said it's finished because there's still more that has to happen but it's it's a it's a wonderful let me explain it to you when we sin what's on our head the wages of sin what are the wages of sin death what does death mean physical death yes but death means in the Greek spiritual separation from God it means spiritual death not just physical death are you with me I know you're all listening but you're not bored are you it's a smile once in a while so I know that you're okay the wages of sin is not just physical death it's spiritual death as well as as a meaning when you've got spiritual death you physically but when you have spiritual death that happens after you physically die why because your spirit man goes down to hell and is separated from God spiritual death means spiritual separation in the original language so it's not just the physical death there's a spiritual death that has to be incurred as well in order for him to be our substitutionary sacrifice so Jesus bore all of our sin and sickness poverty and curse while he was alive on the cross very second Corinthians 5:21 it says he became sin who knew no sin didn't say he had sinned it said he became sin General John 3 14 and 15 says as Moses death the serpent in the wilderness so must the Son of Man be lifted up what was that serpent made of bronze bronze speaks of judgment snake as it is what is is detestable to God Satan is represented by the snake in the Garden of Eden why would he say look upon a snake because it looks like that's a disgusting thing to look upon but God told Moses as a foreshadowing of Jesus I want you to put a snake up it's going to be a bronze pole because it represents judgment and if they look upon that snake they'll be healed jesus said I am he that was lifted up in the wilderness Jesus is saying in John 3:14 I am the snake I am about to become the snake he didn't he didn't look like a snake he became a snake I know it's hard for our sensitivities to accept that but Jesus could not just take sin he had to become sin why else would God turn away if he was just holding sin God could look at him I have sinned God still looks at me he became the epitome of sin he became an ugly snake he became sin for a second Corinthians 5:21 he became the one that the judgment of God the fire of his wrath poured upon he was burnt with the judgment of God on the cross and he became certain which is why God said I cannot look at you and he was abandoned my god you got to remember that he took he didn't just take it he became your sin look at that so when Jesus did all of this and he became sin what happened he's doing it while he's alive he's still breathing on the earth when he took all of this so the wages of sin is death physical but it's also spiritual separation from God meaning hell he had to go down I know other denominations don't teach this but they haven't read their Bible he had to go down to the under parts of the earth because if he only took my sin became sin for me while he was alive he only had done half of it what is the consequence of my sin not just physical death but spiritual separation and hail from God he as he was alive he took my sin he became sin and he physically died but he had to continue and complete the exercise he had to go into hell and have spiritual separation from God he had to pay that for me or I would have to go there do you understand he bore my sickness so I would be free of sickness he went to hell so I don't have to go to hell unless I choose to go and if they don't accept Jesus out there that's where they're going you know the Pope last year in April 2000 18 and they made an official statement from the Vatican there is no more hell and people that are of not of our persuasion are the ungodly he said at the time of death they simply disappear CNN were having interviews about it I was watching and the guy at the scene and interviewer said this is good news for me because I've always been worried about Hell now I know I just I'm just going to disappear he's gonna the rude awakening if he doesn't receive Jesus in a letter called the joy of love the Pope wrote a letter to the church at large called the joy of love last year I don't encourage you to read it but if you want to what's online in that he basically said sin is no more sin is subjective no priest has ever allowed again to tell somebody that they've done something wrong because sin is now a subjective issue it may not be sin after all and we don't know so you can't tell somebody they've sinned he's telling that there's no sin and he's telling that there's no hell and he's the leader of the largest church on the planet we are in the last days let me tell you there is sin because Jesus had to bear it and there is a hell because Jesus went there and there's no equivocation about that so what does this mean he went down to hell to suffer spiritual death and separation from God he had to go to hell or I would have to go so why did he say it is finished what he meant was there's nothing more that I can do on earth everything that I can do with breath in my lungs has been accomplished now the only thing left is my spirit goes down and I'm there but listen there's nothing more Jesus could do he is at the mercy of the Holy Ghost from this moment forward the Holy Ghost is the only one that can visit the caverns of hell and raise him up that's why he said it has finished nothing the covenant had been ratified fully but he was saying everything I can do has been done I know some of you don't think about this but I need you to think about this for a second there was a possibility redemption could fail the only way Redemption could fail was based on Jesus's will Jesus the Bible says in Matthew 26 verse 53 as they are arresting him and he heals the man's ear that Peter cut off as they are arresting him he says to them I could call of my father and he would give me more than twelve legions of angels why do you come at me like this if I want to I can kill all of you I'm parent he didn't say that but I'm paraphrasing what he means is I've got power that you don't know about what Jesus was saying us anytime I choose yeah I can get out of this remember he said my life to lay down and my life to take up you can't take it from me I lay it down Jesus was the boss through all of this we look at him like the devil was in charge that ever was not in charge Jesus wasn't charged he was willingly and choosing Lee to lay down his life but listen listen to me he said to the prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane not my will let this challenge pass but not my will die will be done he was yielding his will to that of the Father but let me tell you something if on that cross he had decided enough I can't take this separation from you anymore I've never been separated you an eternity there's a first time I don't feel your presence if he had decided enough and he had called forth those angels they would have taken him off that tree and I would be on my way to hell as would you the only thing that could cause Redemption to fail is the will of the Lord Jesus Christ and that is why he had to we had to wait he couldn't make the statement until all things had been accomplished he had to choose to stay on that tree he had to choose to suffer for me and you and when he had chosen not to abort the plan of God and it was now at the very end then he could say oh that I am able to do for you humanity has been done it is finished in terms of my part on the earth do you understand now he goes down now he can't do anything because he D he's at the mercy of the Holy Ghost but praise God there's a good news for us Jesus never failed when he could have failed but he chose not to he stayed on that cross and let me tell you this the Holy Ghost won't fail and the Holy Ghost can't fail because he's God so as soon as Jesus said it's finished he meant it's all done as far as I'm concerned what I can do it's done now the rest is up the Holy Ghost raised me up but because I only goes can't fail victory is sure are you getting this why do you think the Roman soldier the Centurion when he heard him say tender lest I with a loud voice only then did he say he must be the Son of God because in the Roman this is people don't understand all of this but in the Roman Wars and I've studied this in Roman Wars and that Centurion would have probably fought in Roman Wars because he wasn't cheering you don't get to be the Centurion overnight he would have done his job as a foot soldier in Roman Wars when they were fighting the barbarians and all the different ones they were fighting the general was always on a horse and he was always on an elevated position and he would scope the battle and when he could see that his numbers outweighed the other numbers when he knew even though the victory is not a hundred percent done we've still got some mopping up to do but I can tell by battle strategy there is no way we can lose this war when he knew when the general on the horse saw that he knew 100% guaranteed victory ashore he would call out he would call out the phrase it is finished it's not finished because we still got cement to kill but when the soldiers heard the general cry it is finished sometimes they would cry Roman Victoire in other words victory is sure for Rome either either expression was interchangeable when the soldier heard the general cry strength filled him because he knew with one there may be twenty more people in front of me but you know what we've won he won't call it unless it's a done deal we've won that is why the Roman general the Roman centurion stands there and he sees this man grow text the Bible says didn't even look like a human being he was covered with all the dirt of sin and humanity his body was beaten beyond description he had been sitting there lying there for hours hanging for hours trying to breathe and he makes one final effort and he fills his lungs with air and he cries out with a loud voice tetelesti and the drove in general the Roman centurion looks at him and goes I've heard that before he was so moved by that statement because it was a statement was a cry it wasn't just a statement he Ryden he shouted it in other words he saw this man broken and beaten looked like he had failed that he lost the battle but he's crying the cry of the tree and he says this must be the general of God because only the general can shout that cry this must be the Son of God that's why because the Roman general understood them grace it is finished why did he say it's finished it's finished for all I can do there's still some more that has to be done though and I'm gonna go down to hell and I'm gonna finish it my god my goodness at 12 noon that went dark can you imagine I'm sure the darkness and the earthquake helped the Roman centurion - when you see an earthquake and it's been dark at noon for three hours something supernatural is happening I won't get into it but astronomically if you look from the moon back to earth and reverse eclipses is what occurred the planets aligned exactly at 3:00 p.m. causing the passion Lamb's heart in the Aries constellation study it you'll see on what I'm saying it's true the Aries constellation is called the RAM or the passion lamb at exactly 3:00 p.m. on the 14th of Nisan the the part in the where the heart is located in the in the RAM it went black at exactly 3:00 p.m. because of the alignments of the celestial bodies and this you can watch as if you're interested it's a fascinating video for those of you that it's called Bethlehem star bonus feature on YouTube you can watch about how the heart of the land goes black at 3:00 p.m. in the 14th of Nisan that is the moment that Jesus not even the celestial beard bodies paid tribute to the Son of the Living God how much more a Roman centurion Bethlehem star bonus feature on YouTube what else happened at that moment the veil was ripped God knew that redemption hadn't been ratified but what God was saying is victory is sure Jesus was saying it's guaranteed it's not done yet I still going to go down but because the Holy Ghost can't fail I'm the only one that could fail and I have not failed it is a guaranteed victory and at that moment God knowing that victory was sure ripped the temple from the top to the bottom six feet in width nobody could even get to the top let alone rip it God's hand ripped that for two reasons because when a father's son would die in Jewish culture they would rip their garment from the top to the bottom as a sign of grieving and God was grieving over the death of his Saturday ripped that temple that veil but it's more than that what he was saying is because victory is guaranteed I no longer have to have a priest come to me on behalf of the people I no longer have to keep them outside I can fellowship with them directly that is why the Catholic Church has missed the basic premise of the gospel you do not need to go and confess to a priest that is why they Ripley was ripped so that God was saying you don't need to go through a person anymore you come directly to me I don't need to keep you at bay away from my presence less it kills you I'm about to live in your heart my god we have to remind ourselves of these truths don't we whoa glory point number three hell at 9 a.m. he's on the cross at 12 noon agos dark at 3 he goes down his spirit descends sin took hold on the cross but now death took hold as he went to hell he had to go to pay my price Jesus goes into the caverns of hell he had to suffer spiritual separation from God in hell otherwise he could not be my full substitute now Asians 4/9 listen people that aren't people still argue with me he didn't go to hell oh my pastor when I was a kid said he didn't go whether you pass it was an idiot maybe he can't read read your Bible instead of listening to what some preacher tells you if it's not scriptural Ephesians 4 verse 9 clearly and unequivocally states that he descended into hell before he ascended up to heaven in order to fulfill all things it says it right there in Hebrews chapter 2 verse 9 it says clearly that he tasted death for us but he did not partake long he tasted it for us he had to taste it but doesn't mean he stayed long now I won't get into for sake of time but there was something in the Old Testament called the scapegoat I don't know if you've ever heard of it I've read many many commentaries for many hours on this and it's a shocking Reverend Dan how the theologians of today even today are still saying and the commentaries at least the ones that I read we don't understand why we don't understand what Jewish people didn't understand why theologians don't understand why I understand why because I've got the Holy Ghost and he's smarter than a theologian they would take a goat the pride priest would lay hands upon the goat and confer all the sins of the people unto that goat because the goat is this animal of sin not like a lamb it's a despised animal then the priests would want to kill the goat but the instruction of God came do not kill the goat let the goat wander in the dry places of the wilderness do not kill it and in the Hebrew it speaks of those dry places of the wilderness represent away from life and the land of the living they would put him out in the desert wandering away from life and the land of the living with all the sin of the people conferred upon him there's a perfect picture of Jesus Jesus took all the sin of the world upon him on the cross he was that goat that it was conferred on - are you listening but then it didn't end there see if they killed the goat it would have ended it did not end just when the sin came on him no he what they made sure the goat had to stay alive this is where they don't understand why did God keep the goat alive with all that sin you should have killed the goat but it was a picture and a symbolic type of Jesus he was going to take all the sin of the earth on him all the sin of past present and future humanity and then he couldn't end there he have to wander in the wilderness away from the land of the living he had to go to symbolically to hell if you were trying to think of anything what would symbolize in the natural realm hell you would think a dry wasteland desert where there is no life he wandered away from the land of the living in the caverns of hell for a period of time in order to satisfy the requirements of heaven of spiritual death even in the scapegoat we see that Jesus went to hell my lord he was there for three days and three nights but you know how in this phrase he'll in the original Creek it has more than one part that's actually got six seven different levels and paradise is one part that's not a prison it's where the Old Testament saints went because they couldn't get to heaven yet because they hadn't been made righteous so there's a place on how member Jesus said the rich man and Lazarus there was a gulf between them and the rich man because he of a sin was in hell the tormented part and the render Lazarus was in heaven in the paradise part and there was a great gulf between them they could hear each other they could talk to each other they could sense they could feel that he was in agony he was thirsty he said this quint unquenchable fire there was two different places in hell paradise and then the tormenting part now Jesus first went to the tormenting part because that's the price yet to pay for humanity now how long was he there for we don't know exactly but Romans 8:11 says that the Holy Ghost raised him from the dead not just put his beard back in his body in the tomb but took his spirit out of those prison bars where he was chained and where he was paying the price for me was spiritual death and separation from God doctor defrayed had a vision once where he saw Jesus and he saw the Holy Ghost blast him out of those cells and he came and he knocked the devil he kicked the devil that's the thing that he saw I'm a zigzag that's how it happened but he said he saw Jesus walk up with those long Galilean legs he said and he said he kicked Satan with his heel right in his forehead and knocked him backward off his throne that was it happened or not I don't know but the bible does say that his head would be bruised by sarah jesus's heel but the point is he was in that prison cavern for a period of time we don't know how long but can I give you a hint I can't prove it and you can't disprove it if he died at 3:00 p.m. and the next day started at 6:00 p.m. why would he say to the man on the cross today you shall be with me in paradise paradise is a place of comfort not the place of torment now I've looked and studied what the word today means does it actually mean day or does it what does it mean it's interchangeable it could mean today or tonight so if it meant today and he died at 3:00 and the next day started at 6:00 he had three hours if it meant night it meant he had 15 hours to the next morning I don't know how long he was in the prison for but it wasn't that long whether it was 3 hours or 15 hours or I know but he had a few things to do what did he need to accomplish when he went down to hell you still with me number one year to pay my price of separation what number two he had to go according to revelations 1 verse 18 and he had to say to the devil give me back those keys and the Bible says in Revelations 1:18 that he took the keys of death and hell he paid my price then he got risen he had broken out of those bars I don't know how long he was sitting there for but it wasn't that long because he had other stuff to do and he sent it to go visit the man in paradise so he paid my price he went and he took the keys death and hell away from Satan oh and then my favorite part he goes down to one of this distinct caverns of Hell it's a place that is only reserved for a certain group of people and it's a place called Tartarus and he Bible says in first Peter 3:19 and in Jude 1:6 that he preached to the spirits who were disobedient and left their first estate and he preached to them in Tartarus after he took the keys I'm trying to get you to picture what Jesus did for you he went down and he preached to them in my origins course I explained it in great depth and detail so I'm not gonna take the time now but you can trust my word and you can go study at yourself these spirits unequivocally according to the original language where the fallen angels that slept with Genesis 6 came down and slept with the woman of men to create a giant race a giant race of giants like like like Goliath kind of people that were there to block the seed line pervert the seed line so that Jesus couldn't be born because he had to come to the seat of David or to kill the seed line so that Jesus couldn't be born that is why the battle with David and Goliath is such an epic battle because it was the seed of Satan Goliath trying to block the seed of Jesus which would come through David the Bible says Jesus went oh I wish I could have heard that sermon can you imagine he walks into that cavern and they're changed the Bible says they're chained in Chains of darkness they're chained to the walls of that cavern and Jesus walks in and he says I want you wanted he's preaching the Bible says he preached to them I want you all to know I know what you tried I know you tried it many times I know you try to snuff out my my son David on whose throne I said but I want you to know you failed I want you to know that the seed line was preserved and I came and I lived and I've died and it is finished and I've redeemed the human race that you tried to block man and man man man Jesus preached to those spirits now can I tell you something my wife was going to tell the Bible school students but I told her not to I want to tell you something that bless you these were fallen angels that as I said was sent to block now I want you to notice something now I've read theologians that believe this and I've read theologians that don't believe this but you decide what you believe I can't prove it but you can't disprove it but I believe this because it's just too many pieces that come together for this to be this is amazing David the Bible says decapitates Goliath he takes his head you can see that stone sunk into his skull and he's parading it around that's how you get ahead in life and he's parading it around and he's saying look what God did now you study the Bible the Bible says he takes the armor and puts it in his tent but then he takes the head and takes it to Jerusalem now if you study the Bible he is many years away from owning Jerusalem he doesn't take Jerusalem until his his eighth year as king and he is still serving Saul theologians some say he was 16 when he killed Goliath others say he was 19 so if you take the 16 figure that means he was 21 years away from owning Jerusalem if he was 19 he was eighteen years away from owning Jerusalem the point is why would he take the skull that could capitated head of this of this giant to Jerusalem that he doesn't even own he can't get in his enemies of their the Jebusites I believe he did it for two reasons and if this just inspires me will you take it or leave it I believe he took that head and held it up outside the city and said you see this I'm coming for you I'm taking this place this is mine you stand against me this is what you're gonna look like I believe that's what he did but he had to be outside the city in order to do that then you never hear mention of the head again not in Scripture you hear mention of this sword and of the armor but not the head and so some theologians posture and I do believe them that your reason you never hear of the head again after he takes it to Jerusalem which we know had to be outside the city because they were enemies of him is because he buried the head outside Jerusalem and that's why you never hear of it again now it's a fascinating concept to consider that Jesus went to a place called Golgotha and if you study and theologians have studied the root of that word Golgotha gall gol Goliath guff Goliath of Gath his name was Goliath of Gath and he went to a place called the place of the skull called Golgotha is it possible I'm just I don't know I'm just saying it I just I just freak me out when I was studying him is it is it possible is it possible that Goliath schoo represented Satan's master plan to block Jesus yes and a thousand years later Jesus at the place of the skull Golgotha died the place of memory where Goliath was defeated and buried was the place that Jesus defeated Satan who was the master of the lieth could it be that this is magnificent symbolism could it be that he bruised Satan's head or skull with his heel at that place called Golgotha it's almost like David was saying and we can't prove it but you can't disprove it it's almost like he was saying I defeated the little one but the Messiah is coming and he is going to scratch the skull of the big one and I'm gonna bury it at the exact place that he's gonna do it I don't know it's almost like a seed was planted by David for the harvest reaped by Jesus David defeated Goliath for a whole nation Jesus defeated Satan for the whole world is it possible that where Golgotha Goliath of Gath skull was buried that that is where Jesus knocked that devil stole right in - I don't know but all I know is that he went to those angels and he preached to them maybe that was part of a sermon we'll find out when we get to heaven the point is is that he won then he goes to paradise you still with me I told you this is a little bit of a sermon today but you got to put up with me you still with me the chicken won't burn the angels are working that's okay he goes to paradise which is the place of comfort it's not a prison and he cried now oh my god can you picture it he's paid my price give me those keys he preaches a sermon to fallen spirits and he comes he comes and he looks across the Gulf at Paradise and every Old Testament Saint that went before is straining to get a glimpse of the Messiah and he floats over that Gulf can you imagine the roar David is shouting Abraham the shouting Adam is shouting Eve shouldn't be shouting cuz she got us into this mess but she shouted every Old Testament saint lifts up their voice and Jesus comes across the Gulf with the keys of death and health and he says I've come are you ready to go home and get out of this place I've got to mention ready for you you've been sitting here a long time because my blood had to be shed but now it's done oh can you imagine the ecstasy can you imagine the demons in hell and Satan himself how angry afraid how astonished they must have been here they thought they had killed the son of glory and he actually beat them at their own game oh my gosh he had to have been there Taylor with the man that day or that night because he said today I'll be with you in paradise which means he didn't spend that long in the bad place of hell he did those three things paid my price took the keys and preached and then he went over and I believe the rest of the time was celebration party every Old Testament saint one of the piece of them every when you get to heaven that's the first one you're gonna want to see you don't care about grandma maybe you do but Jesus where's my Jesus mammy get out the way give me Jesus where's my Jesus thank you granny for showing up I'm not interested in you right now I want to see the one that I've loved my whole life my god I believe Jenny they had the greatest party Paradise has ever seen God number four resurrection morning lived 9 22 and 24 verse 7 Jesus said I will rise on the third day Romans 8:11 the Holy Ghost blasted his body back not just out his spirit out of that bars but now his body his spirit goes into his resurrected body and the angel rolls away that stone and that happened Sunday morning very early my god here's an amazing thought Matthew 27 verse 52 it says this that at the time of his resurrection the great thieves were opened and many bodies of the saints which had died arose and came out of the graves and went into the holy city and appeared to many this is freaky Jesus kid listen to what he said to them are you with me because I'm starting to build now so you can't get bored I could feel the anointing come on me to start to build now are you still with me Jesus says to the Old Testament Saints boys were out of here the waiting's gonna burn some time while I celebrate with you but we're going out and on the way up we're gonna stop you're gonna come some of the other ones that were buried in Jerusalem you're gonna come out go talk to people in the city and tell them about me the Bible says that as he came into his body the graves open the New Testament Saints came into their bodies their glorified bodies came out of those graves and they went to the holy city and talked to many people about Jesus being the Messiah it's astonishing to me but he said no you can't take too long you can't go talk to aunty and uncle you just gotta talk to him you know your immediate family because we have a we have a ticket we have a ticket home but wow this is happening and we don't know how long it was happening for but while it's happening all of a sudden Mary comes are you with me before I tell you about Mary and I'm watching the clock so don't worry there's a perfect parallel to the life of Joseph Joseph was a prince and had a robe of many colors Jesus was the Prince and had ultimate authority yet divested himself of it Philippians 2:7 Joseph's brothers betrayed him and put him in a pit jesus' brothers us humanity betrayed him by breaking the Covenant and he left the glory of heaven to come to earth which is like a pit Joseph went to a faraway land called Egypt which is known as the land of sin and he worked as a servant Jesus left the glories of heaven for a faraway land called earth the land of sin and he worked the Bible says as a servant Joseph prospered and everything he did in part of his house Jesus prospered and everything he did Joseph was innocent yet accused falsely of sin Jesus was innocent and yet took the sin of humanity on him Joseph went into a dungeon the Bible says for three years Jesus went into the caverns of hell for three days and three nights now listen now this is the best part Joseph by the gifts of the Spirit was the gift of the word of knowledge and the gift of the word of wisdom operating to interpret those dreams Joseph by the power of the Holy Ghost was raised in one day from the pit and the dungeon to the second-in-command of the highest office the Pharaoh and Jesus by the same power of the Holy Ghost was raised in one day from the firm that where Satan lived in hell and he was put on the right hand of God second-in-command just like Joseph of the guard the Majesty on high everything in Joseph's life and Joseph used his position to save his nation and Jesus used his position to save the world I'm telling you it's a perfect parallel it's a perfect parallel Jesus when he came out and they're all visiting the people of Jerusalem he appears to four groups of people the first one was Mary Magdalene the second later on was three women and these were married Joanna and Mary the mother of James then a member later on he pleaded the two in the road to Emmaus and then later on the eleven disciples he walked through the wall four groups of people on the day that he raised when Jesus comes back on his white horse and will be with him the Bible says he will go to four groups of people just like when he came out of that tomb he will go to Armageddon first he will go to the Mount of Olives and walk right through with the Muslims have tried to block the eastern gate and he walk up to hyster home he will go to picture where the Jews are hiding and you'll go to Basra in southern Jordan for groups of people he will come on a second and four groups he came on his first look at the parallels of the Bible you can't make this up let me tell you the story here very quickly John 20 verse 1 to 18 he sees Mary magnam this is what she does she's running to the two first she sees an empty she runs back and tells Peter and John they run down and John says that he beats Peter he's very competitive he beats Peter it says in the Bible they see the empty tomb they leave she's there crying outside the tomb she looks in two angels say why are you crying he risen she turns around as she's weeping and she sees a man standing there who she assumes as the gardener where have you taken him and then he says why do you weep Inge where'd he taking him she turns back around the Bible says and his weeping and Jesus says in a sweet way Mary and just the sound of her name from his voice she knew it was him and she turned the Bible said and called him rabona I that means master and she comes to fall at his feet and Jesus has touched me not for I have not yet ascended unto my father why did he say that because he's holding his blood and a sinner any human being as a sinner cannot violate that blood now later on not very long later he comes back do you remember and now Mary and Mary the mother of James and Joanna come to meet him and the Bible says they runt in and they hold his feet worshiping him and he lets them why because something from the first Mary to the other three ladies happened he went to heaven and he came back and put his blood on the mercy seat and that's why he could let them touch him remember he said Thomas feel my hands look at that Jesus went somewhere where did he go seasons 4 verse 8 turn with me there because now I'm on my last stretch and I want to talk to you about the road seasons 4 verse 8 wherefore he saith when he ascended up on high he led captivity captive and gave gifts unto men the focus is the first two phrases he said wherefore he saith when he ascended up on high he led captivity captive before he could lead captivity captive he had to complete his victory you don't / you don't take prisoners until you've done your victory are you with me ascending men three things one he put his blood on the mercy seat that's why Mary couldn't touch him - he completed the redemptive covenant ratified it it was complete and finished he had paid the spiritual price of hell he had taken the keys of death he had risen and he's put his blood down it's done he had to do that in order to seal his victory and from that moment forward Satan and all his cohorts had been defeated for eternity no matter what you're going through today Satan has been defeated once he placed his blood on the mercy seat and he says no my god I can't imagine this you got to treat you this with me you thought the crowd shouted when he came across the Gulf he sees Mary don't touch me all those Old Testament Saints come with them now they've left Jerusalem and they go up to heaven together that's where he was taking them to their new home now can you picture it he comes to those gates of pearl they open well we're gonna see it when we get there God recorded it all every angel Mouse on the streets of gold every old taste Testament Saint is at his back Jesus is at the head of the line God is on his throne sitting waiting for him every angel it's bastard before the Son of the Living God as he comes with his holy blood and he walks up that path and he comes into God's throne room the Holy of Holies based on the heavenly tabernacle and the Bible says he puts his holy blood on the holy mercy seat and he ratifies and completes the salvation covenant forever this is the final act of victory now he has one more thing to do that revelations 1961 says and he hazardous vesture and on his thigh and name that is written king of kings and Lord of lords Philippians 2:8 and 9 it says God has highly exalted him and given him a name above every name Hebrews 8:1 says now are the things which we have spoken this is the sum we have such a high priest who set on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens this statement is a summary statement he ascended on high when you see this statement it means so many things he ascended to put his blood he ascended to get that vesture he ascended to get that name he ascended to get that throne once he's done all this he all he has to do Cola to finish the entire thing for eternity according to Hebrews 8:1 he has to sit that's all he has to do he's done it all he has to sit but there's something God gave him that is hidden in Scripture that is not overtly obvious but I can prove it to you there's something God gave them after he put his blood and he's about to sit down as the conquering king of kings and Lord of lords the father gave him something God gave him a royal robe he put a robe on before he said are you ready as I conclude are you sure you're ready let me tell you this in ancient times Kings wore elaborate robes to signify their majesty and authority robes were highly symbolic and held in great reverence the longer the Train of the robe the Train is the back hem you know you have a robe then you have a hem that is called the Train it's only 3 inches it's it's a hymn that's called the Train the longer the train or the hem the more powerful the king was why hence the longer the Kings robe okay why let me tell you why every time in ancient times the king would defeat an enemy he would cut a piece of the defeated Kings robe his royalty he'd take a piece of it and he would show it unto the train or the hem of his robe as a permanent memorial and testament that he had vanquished that King and everywhere he went people could see this is the king and then he'd have patchwork oh look at that King I recognized that insignia oh look at that coat of arms I recognized that insignia and that longer the Kings robe the more powerful the King was because he would take vanquish Kings and add it to his robe now this is fact I'm not making this up you can read this on your own if you're interested Celtic sources speak of kings cutting off portions of the defeated kings and adding it to their Spurgeon sources were a bit more particular they didn't like what the other Kings robes look like they were more fussy so instead of cutting off their robe what they would do is they would add a piece of their own material to their him and they would hem in it with gold thread and fine gems a record of the victory over that King so sometimes they cut the robe and sew it other times they put their own piece with gold thread and gems to signify the victory over that vanquished King so the longer the robe was the greater the king was do you understand it was therefore punishable by death to cut the Kings robe people don't realize that why when you cut a robe you were saying you were insulting his authority and you were even saying you would vanquish you had vanquished him a robe a king's robe was never to be touched it was a holy thing this is why Jesus's garment his robe could not be ripped it wasn't just because it was without seeing and it was an expensive garment that's part of it but the Roman soldiers and was God would not permit them to rip that robe because that robe represented Jesus's Authority if the Romans had ripped that robe it would have insulted the son of gods authority and it would have meant that they had vanquished him Jesus gave His life but he was never to be vanquished just like it says he couldn't break his bones God moved upon the minds of those men to do it differently they broke the other men's bones but they didn't touch his bones why because it was prophesized God would not permit them to rip that robe why because it would have it would have represented that Jesus had been vanquished and Jesus can never be vanquished do you remember in the in the cave David creeps up and the Bible says he cuts a piece of Saul's robe and then later he repents with tears that he did that why because David insulted the authority of Saul by cutting off a portion of his robe it meant and that day not to us but it meant in that day I have vanquished you Saul I have cut a piece of your robe off and God rebuked him for it and said you are not permitted to do that because it is not yet time for you to reign when the time comes you'll have your authority you've now touched mine anointed don't touch my anointed look at that oh my so we see for every victory a king had the hem of the train was made longer as a memorial or a record of his victory the longer the robe the greater the king now please turn quickly with me to the book of Isaiah chapter 6 Isaiah chapter 6 and verse 1 it's only 12 o'clock we are doing great and I'm almost done so be at peace peace I leave I with you the Bible says peace be still oh Jesus in the year that King Uzziah died I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne high and lifted up and his train filled the temple this is not a choo-choo train the Christian standard Bible says in the year King Uzziah died I saw the Lord seated high on a lofty throne and the hem of his robe filled the temple every translation I looked at fifty of them either call it a hymn or a train or the bottom edge Isaiah was the most blessed man in my opinion to have ever lived because God saw fit to give him a glimpse into the future that no other human being unless you were in heaven saw he saw oh my god Jesus put his blood the father handed him a robe and God listen to me now God prepared a robe for his son and into the hem of that robe was sewn with jewels and fine golden thread a record of every victory that Jesus had wrought over every enemy that Jesus had vanquished and because Jesus beat every name every sickness every sin every torment every every dark work every evil form every name that can be uttered as the enemies of God tenser was sewn into that road mental torment schizophrenia was shown in golden thread in jewels into that robe financial poverty was sewn into that robe everything that you would ever face God said you have overcome all I will now sew a record of your victory with every name that can be named that you have vanquished I will sew it into the hem or the Train of this royal robe and it will be the longest robe that has ever been warned by any king why because you aren't just a king you are the king of kings and you are the Lord of lords and I believe that God put a divine robe on Jesus of which the train and the hem had a record of every name that has been defeated from the history of the world till present when he was on the cross he whipped them he broke them he vanquished them and every name and every enemy is soul into that [Applause] Jesus can you imagine it his robe Jenny just a hammer just to trade no rope just the Train of it was so long when he sat upon his row thrown the entire Holy of Holies was filled with that train why because the name of what I suffer with was sowed into that room Jesus ratified the new covenant by putting his blood and he said father I have nothing more to do than to sit and the father says wait I have something for you like the father gave Joseph a robe that was multi-coloured I give you a robe and every one of your vanquished foes is recorded in its hem now sit down son and become the King of Kings and the Lord of lords and God lets Isiah have a glimpse of this glorious moment and he sits down but the Train is so long because the vanquished foe list is so great that everywhere you look you just see the Train so God said to me he said now son he said are you the Temple of the Holy Ghost I said yes he said if my robe filled the temple and you are seated in me Ephesians 2:6 it means that my robe has filled your temple that's what he said to me he said if if my victory and the record of my vanquishment it's inside you if it fails if the revelation of this feels your temple like it filled the temple in heaven then anytime you go through life and something comes up to attack you or to stand against you sickness disease torment whatever all you have to do that's what he said to me he said all you have to do is turn around son turn around and look I see your name sewed in there mister devil I see your name if your name is in there and that is in me it means I like Jesus have vanquished you it means you may assault me but you cannot overcome me turn around we got to turn around when the flu comes turn around you're in you're in the Train no it's all it's done you're in the train during the train when poverty comes let me just give me one second mr. devil oh I see you said no you're done Jesus Jesus robe it's so long because the list is so long because he's overcome every name there's nothing I need to do is turn around look is the main door the neighbor's door [Applause] my god Jenny when he showed this to many you see it doesn't say he put a robe on him buddy Isaiah saw him with the robe so I said because I'm impertinent I said give me a New Testament scripture I won't preach this and the Lord said okay I'll give you one I know it's late but let me give you the last scripture and then we'll close sit down just for one more second I'm on my last page I'm on my last page my god I hope I hope it but I hope it hits you like it hit me my god the list a vanquished foes this sown with golden thread into his robe and he sat down king of kings and Lord of lords and he was the uncomfortable king for eternity and his robe bears testament to it Shh now we read their Ephesians 4 verse 8 do you remember can I quote to you what the amplified says about leading captivity captive people have said for years and there's idiots they've said for years that this represents Old Testament Saints I guess they can't read Greek if you study captivity captive in the Greek it means exactly word for word this to take an enemy as a prisoner of war Jesus did the Old Testament Saints were not his enemy and he did not take them as prisoners of war into heaven they were his brothers when he led captivity captive it's speaking of his enemies that he had taken a hold of now let me tell you what the amplified says because this is the I said giving you Testament verse and this is it the amplified version of Ephesians 4:8 says he ascended up on high he led a train of vanquished foes you look at it in your amplified to lead captivity captive in the original language means he led a train of vanquished foes even in the New Testament hidden as a jewel waiting for somebody to search it out the Bible clearly says that Jesus led what does that mean let he went ahead of why because the robes behind him he is leading a trip you see he can't bring demons into heaven he can't bring sickness into heaven it's too holy so how is he gonna leave prisoners of war while he's in heaven they're not there but the record of their vanquishment has been sewn into the Train of his robe they are the vanquished foes sewed into the Train of his robe that is what isaiah saw he ascended up on high put his blood put on his robe and sat down and then he stood up because now it's done you don't do the victory after were you in the race then he stood up and the Bible said he went on procession people don't know this because they don't study their Bibles he went on procession through the streets of heaven it was this procession that he's referring to he led captivity captive it was this procession he went out and led went ahead of and led a garment of a drone a train a rahem of his robe filled with the record of vanquished foes and he paraded that robe through the streets of heaven the devil wasn't up there Stephens weren't up there cancer wasn't up there but their vanquishment was recorded in the hem of his robe he led a train hem of vanquished force my god my god very quickly Colossians 2:15 because in rare not rare in typical form God doesn't give you one verse brother Hagin always said out of the mouth of two or three witnesses father your word says that every word be established I said Lord I see the Train the fusions 4:8 but the Lord I need another verse for it from the New Testament or I can't preach it I know I'd say I saw it but I gotta have another verse and he gave me Colossians 2:15 oh are you ready it's hidden for those that are hungry to search out the gold jewel and having spoiled principalities and powers he made a show of them openly triumphing over them in it there are three statements spoiled principalities number two made an open show of them number three trumping over them in it let me tell you the first one it's got a lot of it's just poetic justice it's a lot of irony here to spoil a principality means to remove their robe from them you studied in the Greek it means to divest them of their authority and a robe represents Authority well I mean this is just poetic he spoiled the demons and the principalities that were in charge he took their rope and he sold it into his that's exactly what he did to spoil them means to take their robe I mean it couldn't be more poetic a show of them openly listen to what it means of the Greek to boldly in loud Proclamation exhibit in public as a specimen or example and then the Greek it signifies a public parade he takes their robe and he says I'll take that I've beaten you your record is in mine and I'm gonna parade you around as you're defeated then he goes in a public spectacle this is when he did his victory lap in the streets of heaven now are you ready for the last one triumphing over them in it this is exactly what the Greek says an ACK limit or e procession with noisy singing and clamour and there was a sub note in the original Greek that I clicked on and it gave me a little bit more definition are you ready for sizzle bless you in Greek phraseology this term a climatic procession with noisy singing and clamour is equated to and I'm quoting now ritual madness and religious ecstasy listen before you Definity says let me finish of the unrestrained consumption of wine and drunkenness in the worship of Dionysus or Bacchus the Greek god of the grape harvest who was the son of Zeus Paul is searching by the inspiration of the holy spirit for a word and an example to give the church to express to them what Jesus was doing in heaven when he triumphed over them in it and so he uses a term that is associated with the wine harvest festival and in that time of if you study it the one time of the year that was complete chaos and Anarchy was the wine festival to Bucky is the son of Zeus Dionysus when they did that wine harvest Greg there were orgies in public everybody was drunk as a skunk everybody was in the streets people would run around naked I mean it was complete mayhem drunken fist and partying for an entire weekend full of sin sin abounds now Paul is saying this I don't know what other picture to give you but as you know what it's like when you see this party in our streets in the negative now picture that in holiness in heaven there was the most explosive raucous expressive celebration not with drunkenness and wine and sexual orgies but with the most unrestrained joy that could possibly be fathomed as Jesus steps off his throne and he begins to walk down the steps of the heavenly tabernacle and every angel is shouting and every Old Testament Saint is shouting and he's walking and the road keeps going and he's walking and the road keeps going it's so long because there's a record of every enemy that's good has been defeated and the Bible says he walks he walks to the streets of the city he is on a procession he is having a parade and can you fathom the shouting this celebration the unrestrained madness if I could say madness in a good way every angel shouting shouting Jesus laps and he says I am the king of kings [Applause] look at my robe look at my reign I have to feed it all I've debated on the payroll [Applause] my god guys I don't realize you don't realize between Mary and the other three ladies that's what was happening I've spent hundreds of hours studying this in the original I'm not making this up he put his blood he received a robe and he said and then now that it's over he stands back up and he says I'm in the mood he's acquainting it with the most ungodly raucous party that they could ever imagine but now it's become a wholly raucous party in heaven and that means triumphing over them in it there was a shout of joy in heaven that I'm telling you would wake those in the grave sit now as I my last statement because I'm done well you got it or not I don't know but I'm done let me give you the Craig field translation of this verse spoiled principalities open show triumphing over them and I took every Greek word for all those things and I put it together in a concise sentence if you put all the Greek words and one sentence together and make it actually make sense this is exactly what this verse says in the original language are you ready a public celebration and intense rejoicing in an AK limit or e procession when Jesus boldly and loudly and outspoken proclamation ecstasy at unrestrained joy exhibited publicly the grand spectacle of the devil stripped authority utter defeat an eternal vanquishment that's exactly what the Greek says you see it's waiting for somebody to root out the revelation of that because if you just read that you don't really know what's going on this is the procession he led a train he couldn't have led it until he got the robe and he couldn't have got the robe until he put his blood and he sat down then he saw him I see the king sitting down then he stands up and goes in a procession and this procession is a public celebration and intense rejoicing in an Akuma tarry procession when Jesus boldly and loudly and outspoken proclamation ecstasy and unrestrained joy exhibited publicly the grand spectacle of the devil stripped authority utter defeat an eternal vanquishment and he's got a rolled my brother the role of all Rome's oh my god oh my god I know time in heaven is maybe different earth I don't know how long that was going on for the during this time these poor disciples are still crying they don't know what's going on Larry see them she goes none of them believer the girls believe more than the boys because the man said you're crazy woman but the other two lady said you're onto something let me come with you and the three ladies come down and Jesus has just come from this party of parties and you know what he says when he sees them coming you read in the Bible he said a phrase and he creased Bible says he shouted it and he said oh I thought it meant all hell me I'm the king and it could mean that too but in the original language what he said in the Greek language it translates it better what he actually said is not all hell what he said was rejoice they're there the the boys the big tough boys are in there hiding I don't believe he's alive and he's just had the party of all parties in heaven and the first thing that comes out of his mouth is rejoice because he's just come from the epitome of rejoicing and they run to him the Bible says and they grab him by the feet and Jesus does not say stand back because now do you remember when Jonathan gave David a robe it was part of the Covenant ceremony do you remember when the father gave the prodigal son aroma it was part of the sonship ceremony God loves us so much that he's given us this robe do you remember the king gave Mordecai a robe it speaks of authority when Jesus gave you this robe Reverend Gregg what he's saying is this is a symbol of my covenant with you this is a symbol of my authority I give you remember Mordecai this is a symbol of my sunshine you are my son only sons get to wear robes hallelujah he ascended up on high to complete the victory he led captivity captive to parade with the robe symbolizing that victory and then the last phrase of that verse says and he gave gifts unto men he ascended to committed he led captivity to demonstrate it and celebrate it and then he gave you a pastor to teach you about it the very first thing that he did after the parade is he breathed gifts into the earth fivefold ministry gifts profit apostle pastor teacher than just think about how important it is to God that the five officers are listed in the same incredible verse as a blood receiving role as a leading captivity a vanquished a train of vanquished foes this celebration in the same breath that God talks about these things bigger than life he says and he gave you a pastor he ascended to complete it he led captivity captive to celebrate it and they gave you a pastor to teach you about it father you've given us a robe in covenant like David and Jonathan you've given us authority like the king and Mordecai you've given us sonship like the father with the prodigal son you've given us your victory as your robe filled your temple the revelation of your outstanding magnificent victory fills our temple Lord let this record of your victory over every name let it feel the temple of these people let the revelation of God come and stir them from the inside out Lord if they will allow it if they will get revelation of it this will change their life I know we say that all the time but I really mean it Lord this revelation has changed my life when tests and trials come when fear comes when devils come when sickness comes i I do the action on purpose not to be legalistic but to remind myself that the robe is in me the victory is in me and I turn around and I look and I say no mr. devil I see that that you're trying to put on me I see that that's marked in the robe God with golden thread put an eternal testimony of Jesus's vanquishment over this thing it's in his robe he paraded it through heaven they celebrated it in heaven my pastor has taught me about it on earth that robe that victory is in my temple it's in me I'm a son I'm a covenant man I've been given divine authority now father because I see the name of my adversary sewn into that robe I begin to use that authority and I begin to bind him and I begin to tell him that he will not touch me or my children and then I begin to celebrate like they did in heaven you can't just use your authority to bind you've got to start to rejoice in the rejoicing power flows imagine the celebration in heaven as he walked the streets of glory with this acclimate Ori procession and this explosive joy that is a measure of what we must have in our bedrooms when the enemy attacks and you find his name in your robe start to dance like they did in heaven start to command with your words because you've been given this Authority and earthen vessels don't ever let the devil lie to you again and tell you that what he's thrown at you was too big for you that what he's throwing at you you can't overcome you just turn around and say no mister I see what you're saying but it's in Jesus's robe his robe is in me and the testament of his victory is mine because I'm in him and he's in me and I command you to back off and I begin to dance and celebrate as they did when they triumphed over him in it and if you'll do this if you'll use your mouth and your authority and if you'll use your feet with your dancing that's an act of faith I'm telling you the power of God will destroy and decimate whatever is in your path why because Jesus already decimated it and it's in his robe my god what a revelation what help father for us today I've done my best father I tried to lay the stage for them with all the other information but I really do believe they got the punch line I believe they got electrocuted today let them never forget this as long as they live some of you by the Holy Ghost I hear him saying some of them son even today are struggling with it with severe attacks with severe depression with severe things that are banging on their mind tell them to go home to turn around and say no mr. devil it's in the robe I commend you to stop and then begin to dance like there danced on the streets of heaven and you'll see the power of God will set you free praise Jesus you [Music]
Channel: Promise of Life Church
Views: 2,951
Rating: 4.6296296 out of 5
Keywords: POLC, church, Mississauga, Toronto, Brampton, GTA, anointing, Word, Spirit, Bible, victory, Holy Spirit, Jesus, God, preaching, authority, Easter
Id: H5yr22JIVFA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 46sec (5746 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2019
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