Tapping Into God's Success - Part One | Pastor Nancy Dufresne

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[Music] turn with me if you would tonight let's go to the Book of Joshua chapter one book of Joshua chapter one I remember what God's been saying to us it's time for miracles so to get into something we've not been in we need to know what how do we get to where we've never been how do we get to where we've never been a couple of years ago God highlighted and emphasized to me this passage in Joshua that we're going to we're going to look at Joshua chapter 1 and verse 8 but God spoke that verse to me and he said this is how you're going to get to the next thing I have for you he said that to me two years ago why not I know what that verse says I've taught on it and referred to it in different sermons but it dawned on me there must be something more than I know that that verse contains because God pointed me back to it so evidently I don't have everything out of it that God has for us and so I I've been holding on to that verse if I could say that knowing that there was something of my future connected to it on an but let me tell you my jumping-off point tonight is something that had happened to me on one occasion and when God says it's time for miracles we want to have success at that Amen we want to bear fruit in that and one time I I was talking to God and I was in my talking it was really more repenting and I was detailing before God some things that I wanted to repent of and not things I had done wrong necessarily but things I had left undone and dad Hagin would teach us that there's a sin of mission where you commit something that's wrong but then there's the sin of omission and that is when you omit doing what's right you didn't do something that was wrong but you're omitted doing what was right and so I was talking to God more about that you know I could have been further along should have been further on you know just these things that you've omitted to do or emphasize that you could have and should have and because of that you're not quite where you should be you know or where you know you need to be or where he offers us to be and so I was talking to God more about that and then I picked up one of dad Hagen's book books and sat down to read for a bit and I had been reading for a short time and while I was reading I had a sense to get down on my knees and so I got up off the chair put the book aside and I got down on my knees in the moment my knees touch the floor Jesus was standing in front of me and when my knees touched the floor he stood there and he said this to me he said you have failed many many times and I thought I am so glad I brought this up first it's not a good thing for him to bring up things we should have brought up isn't it you know if someone if someone is is wrong the best thing to do for them is to say hey I'm wrong and they come and make that right isn't that true but the good thing is you don't want to have to hunt them down and say this need this needs to be righted in your life and then they they do make it right but only because you initiated it it's always better that with we're in the wrong we initiate approaching god about it and so I was so glad that I was the one that hadn't initiated this conversation yeah so I had said my part but now Jesus was gonna say his side to me and he said to me you have failed many many times you go boy my gosh you must be bad off you just hit tend your own business and he said you have failed many many times but he did not just stop there he said but I never have and then he said so I share my success with you yes his righteousness is our righteousness his victory is our victory his authority is our authority his seat is our seat right we have a shared seat of authority but not only that his success is our success he didn't just defeat the devil for us he won success for us so it's not about us going out and creating and generating our own success it's about tapping into his success it's not about us going out and creating our own righteousness right but we operate off of his righteousness not us going out and defeating the the enemy and gaining victory for ourselves but we just tap into the victory he won for us likewise he has won success so it's not about us creating a life of success it's about us tapping into the success he made ours amen so in that he was talking to me he was letting me know you will not rise to what's offered you focused on you I was so focused on where I had missed it and it's right to repent but it's not right to dwell on where you've missed it once you repent and he was letting me know don't get under the regret of missing it because although you have failed I haven't so I offer you my success not your failure Amen hallelujah so I in that he took me over to this passage in Joshua now you think about it God has never failed at anything he's ever done men have failed God blamed God for their own failures but God has only ever succeeded at everything he's done and you know what that's the one that's in you when he when he came in you his success came with him his success is in us just like victory is in us why because the kingdom of God is in us all of this is the flow of the kingdom of God that is in us the flow of the success of his kingdom is in us well when it's time for miracles we're going to do this by his success not by us going out and earning something yes we must become skillful but not not skillful with our own success skillful with the success he won for us now there's a difference and people need to understand that difference and so when we talk about it's time for miracles it's about us becoming skillful with the success he won not us going out generating our own success in ministry our own successful church this is where a lot in ministry miss it they're trying to have a successful ministry Jesus has already succeeded it's not your job to have a successful ministry it's your job to become skillful with the success he's already made yours amen because then you start focusing on the wrong thing trying to get to the top amen anyway so that success the success of God is in you now just like the blessings of God are in you the kingdom of God is in you every help you're going to need God puts in you everything that you're going to need in life you don't have to go outside yourself to find it in you because the kingdom is in you now it's about drawing on what's in us and he pointed me to Joshua chapter 1 that this is what we do and let's look at it Joshua chapter 1 verse 8 this book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth but you shall meditate therein day and night so that you may observe to do according to all that's written therein for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous and then thou shalt have good what success you'll make your way what prosperous and have good the plan of God for your life is prosperity and success your prosperity does not offend God it was authored by him amen amen so to teach on prosperity is not out of place because what we're teaching people is how to enjoy what God has authored for them amen but the divine success the divine prosperity that has offered us is not as something going out and winging it in our own ability yeah it is us drawing on the ability of the one within and it flows from there you go I don't understand that well what's Matthew 6:33 say seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you not going out and winning it for yourself but seeking his flow first and his flow just comes up in overwhelms you yeah and it just prospers you furnishes your life you see so when we look at this he said he was telling Joshua how to have the the last phrase is good success all the steps previous to this last phrase in this verse is how you're going to arrive a good success now notice this he was speaking this to a man who had been among a failing generation for forty years he lived among a failing generation he wasn't failing but he was living among a failing generation why they were a generation that never arrived into what God had offered for them they were delivered out of slavery delivered out of Egypt why because God had a place for them to occupy and they never arrived never occupied so they had failed now think of it God had there had been wonderful things worked for them to have a land of their own be a people of their own so that they could worship their own God so that God could be their own leader so to speak that they would be led by God in this nation and so God offered them this place to occupy and they never showed up they never showed up now think of it they had when we talked about Moses starting on Sunday morning we talked about this man that God had been preparing for 80 years his birth was dictated for the freedom of his people when he was born and as a child God positioned him as an infant with one thing in mind to free the people he sent him right into the Pharaohs territory and he was raised in the house of Pharaoh and then he was outside of Egypt and God was training him in a whole nother respect and I said this last night that God does not train leaders on the world stage think about Joseph in prison he was in prison it looked like he was failing he was being trained look at Jesus a carpenter shop for 30 years it looked like the without what he was born for was never going to come to pass he was being trained in a secret out-of-the-way place out of public view amen Moses was on a public stage there with Pharaoh it looked like he was being trained for the throne no that wasn't God's plan he took him on the backside of the desert for 40 years and trained him in a place where other men didn't occupy amen what's that mean God's going to train your life in the things that other people don't see how do you handle everyday situations that's going to show whether or not you're prepared amen don't dismiss doing the right thing just because no one else sees it that's your training and if we don't do the right thing when no one else sees there is not a public place or a greater place a promotion God will bring us to till we do the right thing in secret you understand what I mean by that so God had this man prepared from his birth to be their leader there had been few leaders like Moses in the earth few men born like Moses in the earth right they had this leader the assignment that God gave Moses of bringing God's people out came supernaturally and spectacularly to Moses right and it was all with God's people in mind it wasn't with Moses in mind it was all with the people in mind and then he sent him with this rod that demonstrated authority and power of that word and things were demonstrated in the presence of Pharaoh that other men had never seen before yes all this was for the people to have their own and God delivered them they came out a healed nation think of it the Bible says when they were delivered out of Egypt there was not one feeble one among them think of it a nation with no one sick no one crippled no one being drugged in a wagon laid up in a wagon hobbling on crutches no one there was not one feeble one among them what's that mean for the age from the oldest to the youngest feebleness is not something God has in mind for his people and when it says not one feeble one among them one of the most impressive things to remember is this these are slave bodies these are not people that worked in the office these are slave bodies hard labor abused misused overworked loads that no man's body should have to deal with you know joints were broken down you know spines were crooked and things were broken you know that legs were broken or feet were broken or fingers and hands were broken under the under the the heaviness of the labor that they did and they're not getting proper medical care because slaves are replaceable there were millions of them they're not getting proper care they're not getting proper attention except from God and when they ate the Passover lamb they came out not one feeble one among them no matter how old no matter how many loads they had carried in their arms their backs their spines were straight their joints were straight think of what that area looked like that night those homes look like the power that began working in them as they ate the body of the lamb broken for them a type broken for them amen so they walked out with one of the leading men ever born on earth is their leader they walked out with complete health every single one of them able to walk under their own ability under their own strength not only that they walk out with the wealth of Egypt because God said demand of your neighbor the silver and the gold and God gave them favor in the eyes of the Egyptians and they turned over their silver and their gold what was that 400 years of back pay in one day the day before they're in slavery their bodies are broken and they're poor they have nothing of their own no home of their own no clothing of their own their children are not their own they belong to another man all in a 24-hour period everybody is straight everybody belongs to the Lord now they're free from any master on the earth and they are the wealthiest nation in the earth what a difference a day makes think about it this is called the success of God the success of God is not something you earn it's something you have faith for and you allow him to play that success out in your life when your heart and your attention and your motives are one with his when your interest is in his interest amen wouldn't you call that success they didn't earn it did they it was just that God moved in their behalf and all of a sudden they possessed what they had never possessed but God wasn't done God was not done he had a land for them and this land was not just some beter land yeah no fixer-upper the God said this land flows with milk and honey Amen when God says it flows you know it flows God called it a land that flowed they had never been they had never been under a float they had always been on the bottom slaves are at the bottom amen their food is not their own nothing is their own and so God said I give you a land that flows with milk and honey he already assigned it to them before they arrived this is called success he gives you homes you didn't build he gives you vineyards you didn't plant this is called God has already prepared for your arrival waiting for your faith to show up this is the success that Jesus has won for us it's not earned it's not by education it is by faith that we have faith enough to say father you have planned for me and the plan for me is a plan of abundance not a plan of barely enough and I'll a hold up with my faith everything that abundance holds the homes the businesses what the customers everything I need to experience the success you authored for me amen you know why we never arrive at the flowing with milk and honey because we're okay with less we're okay with a home that's too small we're okay with a car that doesn't always work but if you ever get a picture that God's idea of success your home that he planned for you is a success home amen a call a success business everything everything God authors has success connected to it god never authored failure nothing that God puts his hand to it is connected to failure amen so they walk out of Egypt the wealthiest people on the earth the healthiest people on the earth the finest leader of any nation on the earth is in front of them not only that they have a cloud by day in a fire by night they have divine assistance escorting them out and accompanying them on the way to accompany them all the way to the land that flows with milk and honey think of it a word from God of what he has already made theirs do you know that the home that God has for you has a sold sign on it in the spirit with your name on it I don't care who's living in it I don't care who built it I don't care who bought it it's waiting for your faith to arrive and you say well then I'm gonna get it today no you have to follow the spirit into it you have to follow if I could say this the cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night you have to be led into it because God when will the Holy Ghost lead you in there when your faith is big enough to take hold when your faith is full enough to take hold he won't lead you to it and when your faith is falling short of what that project calls for because if you got there without sufficient faith to maintain it it would end up in failure and God's success is not to lead you into failure that's why the Holy Ghost waits and that's why some people really never arrived at all God authored for him because their faith didn't get full enough for it they didn't expect it they didn't they did not reach for it they just lingered in a previous setting God led them through the wilderness toward this land that flowed they got to the wilderness let me tell you there were no enemies in the wilderness you want to know why no one else wanted to live there it was the land of reject yeah no one else was occupying it and they said we don't have to fight anybody we don't have to stretch our faith we don't have to use our faith we nobodies nobody is nobody's opposing us so many people stay where they're not opposed because they're just wanting to do what's easy having barely enough is not what's easy so spies were sent two spies came back with remembering what God said they went to look at the land God had for them remembering what God said before they even saw it God said I have given you a land that flows with milk and honey so when they saw all the Giants and the opposition in that land they what did they know God gave you to us where yours you are ours to defeat and the Bible says and I love this Joshua and Caleb when they came back to Moses and gave the report they said let's go up at once their defense is departed from them what's that mean their defense has departed from them forty years later when they come and they in Joshua sent Joseph Joshua sins two spies to spy out done don't sin my god don't spend those ten or twelve anymore my gosh [Laughter] if two on earth agree why did God say two because you get beyond two they go and Joshua sins to to go spy out the land when this second generation is getting ready to enter Rahab the harlot receives them into her house she protects them she covers for them she hides them but one of the things she basically said is when we heard about your crossing of the Red Sea our hearts melted within us what's this we had no intent to fight you and that's what Joshua and Caleb told Moses after they spied out their land they said their defense is departed if God says that something is yours and there's somebody else they don't have any grounds to stay there where God says is yours God has told me about certain properties that belong to our ministry in the spirit realm my name is on it I don't care who buys it but whoever buys it treat it right do it the way I like it because I'm going to end up with it do you have the money for it I've got the divine backing amen why because it's not a money issue it's a faith issue notice this Rahab the harlot said basically we heard what God did for you our hearts melted within us basically is this where were you the last 40 years we were already laid down our weapons we weren't going to oppose you because we knew God was fighting for you how come it's taken you so long to arrive what's this mean before they ever faced that land God was already working on the backside disarming their enemies before you ever buy that house and find that house God's already worked a plan to get you in it and you're waiting for money to even go look at it huh praise the Lord can I say this don't decide you're not going to look at it because you can't afford it because then you're not giving God a chance to talk you're telling God since I can't afford it you can't get it to me just get out and go look at something more than you got give God a chance to talk you walk through a house he might not tell you at yours but he might if there's another car you need go sitting cars on a car lot not just down the street not just random cars in parking lots but God's going to talk to you about something when you get around it you have to be in proximity in proximity God told me that he was going to give me sister Amy's simple Macpherson's home and he did and people around me said I don't know why you want that home because God authored it in me he said it was mine I had no idea that it would be while I'm in that home in looking out the window of that home that I look across the lake and see 42 acres with a building and God says do you want that building 42 acre lakefront they're the only the only the only wood I don't know what they call it real Lake others are artificial Lakes that's the only knack thank you natural the only natural lake in Southern California 42 acres God said do you want that property why do you think God gave me the house because it has the full view of the property he's getting me in proximity of where I'm headed amen and if you don't move when God tells you to move you're not going to get close to where he's taking you you got to get on the ground where he's taking you amen so anyway this is what I want you to know you don't you might not know how God is going to get you into that business get you into that home get you into that place of provision and prosperity but he's already worked it out on the other side yes he's already worked it out why because he planned before you were born just because we wait till the last minute he doesn't amen so when the devil says what are you doing you don't have money no but there's a plan in place and I'm going out and I'm walking through homes to find the home of the plan I won't find the home of the plan sitting at home seeing on the couch I'm gonna find it by walking through homes see faith is an act good some home out there has my name on it some business has my name on it some kind their success out there with my name on it but I gotta go find it I got to get in the location where God can talk to me about it amen so they never arrived that first generation think of that first generation they had the wealth to set up a nation they had the command of God they had the leaders the leaders that they needed they had spiritual leaders in Aaron they had they had their their political leader they had their spiritual leader also in Moses they had they had their government leader and everything was in place they had they had the health that they needed they had the direction they knew exactly where God told them to go they had the miracles of God's presence accompanying them and you know what they still didn't arrive why you can have the money you can have the wealth you can even have a good pastor you can even have good leaders in your life but without faith you're not arriving without faith you don't arrive and notice this they had the wealth of Egypt and God sent them to a place where they couldn't spend it while he's teaching them it's not money that's gonna get you in it's faith in my word what I said to you that's gonna get you on amen they did not get him why did they not get in well everywhere they went and through that time of wilderness they griped they murmured they complained against Moses they complained against God they complained we don't have water out here you should have thought of that when you decided to reject the counsel of Joshua and Caleb there ain't water flowing in the wilderness you should have thought of that but they see well they were thinking about was their comfort they weren't thinking about that which is going to have to go at sea all they had done their whole lives were being told by another man what to do now faith is gonna have to dictate to them hmm so god they're in the wrong place aren't they dad were only meant to pass - they tell us it but on taking days to pass through but 40 years they can't - where they were man they lingered where they were meant to go through listen we've all lingered in the wrong place too long haven't we we know what that's like and because they were in a place God did not assign to them they were struggling and when they needed water God in His mercy worked a miracle and what was that Moses struck a rock and water flowed out of a rock think of that miracle but you know what that was a miracle for disobedient people God never intended that they had water out of a rock you know what he intended that they be in a land that flowed then they got hungry well you should have thought of that when you chose the wilderness see they didn't think ahead doubt and unbelief never shows you ahead it shows you right now what feels good right now and people make choices for right now without thinking if I if I don't move in faith what am I not going to have so they don't have any food and so God in His mercy they're out of the will of God God in His mercy sent them a miracle a miracle unlike any man had ever had heaven rained down food from heaven called manna and the Bible called it angel food and they ate of that and notice this it was only enough to last for the day in the morning they would gather it by nighttime if they went and tried to save it for the next day it was spoiled why when you're not in God's best you only have barely enough you don't have barely enough you only have enough from hand to mouth hand them out paycheck to paycheck paycheck to paycheck why God's plan and idea for all of us is that we are in his success what's his success that we are in a place that we're flowing there's a flow of provision there's not the bottom of the barrel that we're looking at at the end of every month at the end of our paycheck we're looking at the bottom of the barrel we're in the work we're looking at we're in the wrong place God offers us another place amen but so many people get used to that place that they think it fits it doesn't fit so here these Hebrews are delivered out of Egypt they had the finest leader God is leading them and everything else but they're still complaining then God worked another miracle for them this one is quite interesting it says their clothes never wore out oh happy day how many you want to wear the same thing for 40 years it's a miracle it's a miracle the children's clothes grew with them that's a miracle but it wasn't the best miracle ladies what's the best miracle a closet full that flows isn't that right God gave them miracles of mercy but they weren't his best miracles I don't want to live on miracle mercy miracles I want to live on the I want to live on the miracles that come because I'm in the fullness of his will amen God's plan was that they live in the overflowing not in the barely enough and for 40 years they lived with barely enough with all the wealth in their pockets but what was missing faith God is letting you know I don't care how much money you have I don't care who you know on the City Council you don't get into the plan of God apart from faith amen that's how you that's how you experience the success that Jesus won not by earning it but by faith in what he did for us amen so we see that this first generation was a complaining generation they were a disappointed generation they were a discouraged generation and they were a dying generation and that generation died off Moses died off and you want to know how emotional God is let me show you how emotional God is in Exodus when he talks about Moses he said Moses my servant is dead boom [Laughter] we ain't lingering on this and we just you know we just make much and string it out God God talked to Moses face-to-face and at the end of it he said Moses my servant is dead yeah turn the page page let me tell you that's how you move ahead with God quit looking at something that's past and he didn't want Joshua clinging to the pastor you think about Joshua for 40 years he served the man he loved the man he saw this man commune with God he received more from this man than any person that had ever spoken and been around his life Joshua honored and regarded this man yes and you know what God said to Moses I mean what what God said to Joshua turn to page baby he's dead don't emotionally cling to the season you were in because if you do there's a season you're not going to be effective in that's coming up and the day my husband went home to be with the Lord I said to my kids I said that season of our life is over we are turning the page today we're not waiting til next week next month it's not a dishonor it is a showing that the same God he served is propelling us forward he's not causing us to get stunt sunken down into the mire of memories and I wish he was here and I just wish I could ask him one more question those days are over quit that and I'm not trying to sound cold and harsh but I'm talking about faith doesn't linger on what is not present why because faith believes the best days are in front of us not behind us amen and God said to Joshua this is how you're gonna have to treat this man that meant so much to you my Moses my servant is dead yet your memory right there why because he's got to turn him into a leader not into a not into a a man that wish the leader was still here and so he says to Joshua this book of the law see think of this ah Joshua was got to think if Moses who God talked with face to face God didn't talk to Joshua face to face God talked to Moses face to face and he couldn't get him in what makes me think I can get him in right yeah he's a man you know he's thinking this and gods got to jerk his thinking into leadership role and he says this is how you're going to turn a failing nation into a succeeding nation a nation that never arrived into a nation that arrived this is how you're going to go from one level to the next level the problem Joshua had is had the second generation the second generation strained by the first that's the problem the second generation grew up with a complaining parent a murmuring parent they heard it their whole life the complaints of the first generation the disbelief the doubt the complaining against Moses they heard that their whole life and this is the people Joshua gets as a congregation good luck right these people don't have faith where would they have gotten it let me tell you this complaint is the language of people who are failing don't be a complainer don't be a gripe er don't be a murmur you'll never arrive at the success God authored with complaint in your mouth our things always as you wish them to be no but that's not going to get you where you wish to be by talking about what isn't present you're going to arrive there by talking about what's in front of you and what God has authored for you and the success he has made yours and it's waiting for you your faith to arrive how do we arrive at success joshua has to lead this nation into a place they've never been before so you would think my goodness to erase all the years of bad parenting a bad examples I'm talking about in the faith life they might have been good parents in this in that in it in the rapport between a father and a son but I'm talking about when it comes to fulfilling the plan of God if you haven't trained your child and this they're going to they're going they're not going to have the head start in life they're going to be they're going to be behind so not only this they joshua has to not only get get them in the right land he's got to get wrong things out of them to get them in the right land wrong things that the parent put in them wrong things that experience put in them and you would think that Joshua would say my gosh it's gonna take volumes God's gonna have to give us a volumes of instruction to do this and God gives them one verse one verse why what looks so big and complicated to us as simple with God if you'll just do the one thing he tells you what is he telling you to do if you'll just do the one thing he tells you it will flip things in your life it will change and relocate everything about your life the devil wants to make you think that because things in our lives can look complicated through wrong decisions bad moves bad investments it can look tangled with God it's simple I mean he'll just give you one instruction and if you'll do it it'll change everything in this one verse God gives a three-step prescription to take a people that were failing and turned them into winners to take people that were doubters and turn them into faith men and this is what his instruction was this book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth but thou shalt meditate therein day and night so that you may observe to do according to all that's written therein for then you will make your way with me make your way prosperous and then you'll have good success notice is the devil's not mentioned God's not mentioned what's mentioned the word is mentioned three times the individuals mentioned five times our success is on this what is what are you going to do with the word the success that is in you is going to be activated by what you do with the word there is success in you because the greater one is in you yes you understand the kingdom of God is in their success you don't have to author success you just have to tap into the success how you going to do it you have to activate it you have to get it flowing we talked about the power of God that was that's present we have to we have to activate it faith activates it amen this verse is three steps that causes your faith to activate the success that's in you amen you want to look at it all right this book of the law I love this two words this book this book this book how you treat this book is going to determine your measure of success in life if we regard the book if we honor the book if we give the book its rightful place in our life you we'll carry us into success this book the last two words of that verse good success the first two words this book arrived you at good success it all begins with how we treat the book do we honor the book and you say well I honor the book I mean I recognize it's God's Word let me ask you this when circumstances arise and worry has offered you or the book is offered you which one you're taking you're gonna worry to worry is to lay aside the book to worry to fear to get anxious is because we have laid aside the book from first it's not anymore in first place in our lives in our thought lives we have put if we get if we become fearful and dominated by fear it's because we let fear take the lead the you know we you know what we had to do to do that we had to dishonor the book we had to lay the book aside to do that it's been a head-scratcher to me over the years to see people that have said under teaching ministry even in my church precious people that have sat there for 10 years 15 years and their life is no different than when they first arrived being under a leader of faith does not mean you have it you only have faith because you do it you live it I have seen people that when crisis hit their life the emergencies of life come and they go back to falling apart they go back to the emotional Rina they go back to this natural arena and they start behaving the way an unsaved person does I go oh my gosh what do you think we've been teaching you faithful to give you the right flow to respond to so you won't respond to the flow of emotions the flow of feelings we're giving you another Avenue and you just laid that down when the Emergencies of life here that's when you grab that which has been put in you and you stir it up and you say that's why God has me in the church under the pastor I'm under because he's putting in me a new way of life of living a new way of responding to the emergencies of life and I tell you there there are people who were almost offended at me and my family when my husband died because we did not act like other people but I know too much to act like people who don't know I decided that the word was really my answer I really believe that the word I know it might be a fresh thought but I really believe that the word is my answer I didn't believe that grief was my answer I didn't believe that grief would help me fulfill the plan of God I didn't believe that depression would so when I was offered it I said no none of it in my life none of it in my family none of it in my church why because faith gave me the right way to respond so that I could arrive at success in a time of tragedy every every tragedy every test every emergency has success connected to it if you'll bring it you have to bring your own success with you because emergencies won't have success at the end you bring it with you the success is in me I say this is going to turn out the right way amen so many people are waiting for situations to change so they can be happy for situations to change our people to change so that they can be peaceful so they can have a life of peace listen in you is the nine fruits of the Spirit you want to know why so that you don't have to wait for circumstances to give you joy you don't have to wait for circumstances give you peace you brought it with you yeah when you face that situation when you face that circumstance you brought your own peace it's in you you brought your own joy it's in you you brought your own love to unlovely people you didn't have to what you didn't have to depend on their response before you could be lovely you didn't have to wait for the the situations and circumstances to change before you could be joyful you brought your own well even so when tragedy and heartbreak and emergencies are offered you successes in you you bring your own success to it amen I will succeed No matter what comes against me if I hold the faith if I hold the faith and this has been the difficulty that so many people do they treat faith like it's optional it's not to success it's mandatory and I'm not talking about man defined success that they climbed the top of the ladder I'm talking about divine success that's in you faith will activate it and if you'll just obey God if you will just obey God he will turn what was failing into success there's one there's one minister not a minister really he was a man who parade precious man I might have told this story here but his name was Phil Halverson dad Hagin had a lot of confidence of this man's prayer life and dad Hagin would pray with him a lot and on one occasion God told Phil Halverson to buy a certain business this business was on the verge of bankruptcy and he said to God he said God this is a bankrupt business and you're asking me to buy a bankrupt business you know it would be easier to just start a business than to buy one that's underground and get it back up but God told him buy that business it didn't make sense but he did it and one day his the Spirit of God spoke to him he was going into the office to work this business early on once they bought it he said whatever it was the product or the service that they provided the man that that was the founder of the business and that owned it he it was really a great service or a product whatever it was but he said the man himself wasn't good at the business side of it and so he he had all of these unpaid clients and accounts than just hundreds of thousands of dollars just unpaid on the books for years and he because he wasn't strong in the business side he was here at the bank of on the on the verge of bankruptcy so the Spirit of God as he was going into work one day there after after Phil Halverson had bought the business he said this said send your wife in but you stay home today I want to talk to you so he stays home and while he's home he starts praying and while he's praying he keeps saying Jones Jones Jones Jones and he pray a little bit the spirit then he were getting to say the name Jones Jones Jones and he kept saying this and so about noon he got the release that he had finished what you know what God wanted him to pray out and so he went into his to the office and his wife said feel the most amazing thing has happened today and he said what is it she said all of the clients with unpaid accounts with the name of Jones came in and paid this morning 45 different accounts you tap into the success of God and what was failing the night before all of a sudden it's changed in one day this is called the success of God it's time for miracles good but it's going to be done about the success that's in us not going to be done by us doing something natural to make things happen it's going to be done by us employing what God's instructions are of how to have success the first thing here that we see this book this book lay down everything you think in the face of this book people say well I would never dishonor the book if you choose to respond in a way differently than the book prescribes that is dishonouring the book amen so the first instruction this book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth if we're going to have success that God has assigned and attached to our lives and that is really resident in our spirits the first thing that has to happen we have to have a lifestyle of speaking the word the word must be in our mouth why because jesus said you'll have whatsoever you say isn't that right now how many of you know one way the word is in our mouth is through confession confessing the word is one way of keeping the word in our mouth but can I tell you another way of keeping the word in mouth is when the devil shows up say no you don't you take your hands off that situation rebuking the devil answering the devil is one way to keep the word in your mouth and if you're gonna arrive at success you better know how to talk to anything that opposes your success amen hallelujah not only do you answer it after you have answered it you tell the devil that has been speaking to you and harassing you you leave in Jesus name those are two different actions they can be taken with one smooth flow so to speak but you not you have to answer the words so that the words that the devil speaks don't trouble you and then you tell the devil that spoke the words to leave that is the word in your mouth another way the word is in your mouth faith calleth those things which be not as though they were when you say I call all the money to come that is the word in your mouth amen the word in your mouth is not just you walking around speaking scriptures and every man or a conversation you have the thing about I got to be around my husband and I got to be around some of these wonderful leaders dr. Sam Rowland dad Hagin and all of these wonderful men that have put so much into us and the thing in their conversations were so normal they weren't trying to sound spiritual why because the word was so much in them that it just flowed out naturally but it didn't flow out in Scripture and verse it dictated the way they responded it dictated the way they acted they weren't just going around speaking scriptures to everyone it was just dominating everything that they that was an outflow of their lives this is what God said to Joshua this book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth notice this he was letting them know this is what the first thing that was keeping them out of the promised land their mouth and this was the first thing that was going to have to be dealt with if they were going to get in their mouth can I say you can I say this to you if you haven't had this success the fullness of the flow of success this is what you're gonna have to make sure you're dealing with your mouth not just what you say during a praise and worship service what you say when you're looking at a stack of unpaid bills what your mouth what your mouth what's your mouth now can I tell you how we're going to have success in the time of miracles our mouth we have to talk miracles miracles have to be in our mouth that the flow of talking about the faith for miracles that has to be in our mouth you want to know how you're going to get to the next building or wherever God has through you want to know how your mouth it's not going to show up in your bank account first it's going to show up in your mouth first it's up to it's a it's the privilege of this congregation to talk about the next thing God has for you you go I don't know what the next thing is you don't have to know you just know this there's always the next thing there's always another place there's always something more that God has it's our job to talk about it while we're still on the previous God does not wait until the last minute to start getting us full of faith we have to talk about it well in advance if we're going to have success success in miracles we're gonna have to talk about it when we don't see any amen I believe in miracles we have miracles in our church the power of God's moving in our church the community knows our church as a miracle church they know us by that so you have to talk it that's how you have success the first prescription for the success God offers is the word has to be in our mouth what's the word it's what God says about it what has God said to you about your situation talk that Amen hallelujah I said hallelujah hallelujah well there's more I said there's more I was thinking of this when the pastor said that there was an angel absolutely you can you can you can receive a healing or whatever you need but I was reminded of something that Dad Hagin said he said I have two angels he said I had my guardian angel just every other human in the earth has a guardian angel assigned to them and he said I have him that he protects my life he is that guard over my life he says I have a messenger angel and he said that messenger angel will bring me messages from heaven bring me what God has for me to say when I would say this it's time for miracles see angels will work with that because it came from heaven now if I'm just thinking it up angels won't Angels won't move with that because it matters where those words originated from and then dad Hagin said this about the messenger angel he said that angel goes with the message when I speak and preach that message he will that that angel will help drive it home into the hearts of the listener he goes with the message you need to get what I'm talking about in your heart amen how did well you have to meditate on these things you have to talk about these things amen hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah this book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth that you shall meditate therein look at this day and night you have a lifelong occupation and what a joy because most people don't know what to think about they don't not talk about but he gives us success to put in our mouth success to talk about it amen are you helped tonight there's two more you give it you got to come back tomorrow night y'all you only gonna get 1/3 and 1/3 of the steps to success amen God wants us to practice success in our daily life let me tell you this if we're if some arena of our life is not flowing it's because this verse needs to be put in place this is how he was telling people who were not living in abundance they were living on barely enough that this is what you're going to have to do if you're gonna arrive where it all flows I don't know about you I want the flow yes we've had enough of life without the flow isn't that right hallelujah hallelujah stand with me to your feet father we thank you tonight for your word how we love thy law it is our meditation all the day long we are so grateful father that your plan for us is a plan of complete success heaven's definition of success not just man's definition not the Earth's definition of what man calls success but what God calls success that's what we're reaching for that's what we're hungry for father you've spoken to us you've said by your spirit it's time for miracles we want to have success in that we don't just want to hear what you say we want to experience the success of it can I tell you this talk about miracles that have happened that's how you get more and that book on worship that I wrote I did a chapter and the title of the chapter is God repeats what we rehearse God said to my husband about a year or so before he went home to be with the Lord he said you need to talk more about those angels that brought in the money that paid off a previous church building he said if you would talk more about that testimony and those angels they would do more of it so when Ed went home to be with the Lord just because he left I talk about it because I need those angels working for me you'll have whatsoever you say this book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth amen make it a homework assignment to talk about what God is doing what God is saying for your personal life as well as for the church as well as for the body of Christ talk about these things around the dinner table amen talk about them on the way to church God's gonna work miracles God's working miracles and you say well you know I didn't see anybody get healed you don't know what God is working can I tell you this God is working on the backside while we're still looking at the front side of the need while you're sitting here believing what he says and agreeing with it you don't know who he's working to bring his customers to you you don't know who he's working and how he's working to bring houses into your possession amen so if you'll talk about the miracles God has already done he'll do more of them that's what he said to add if you'll talk more about those angels and how they paid off your building they'll do more of that because what we rehearse god repeats when God told ed there's a home I have for you and show it in the picture on the front of a housing magazine and Edie said all right he came home and showed it to me and he met with the up the owners sons and said God told me that's my home I don't have any money how can I get into it what can you do to get me in that house so they went and talked to their mother who was the owner and said this preacher wants the house and she said what's a preacher's name his name is Eddie de frame she said 15 years ago I was in his church and God healed me do whatever you have to do to get him in that house what was it we didn't have the money but we had the word in our mouths God said that your house so we said that's our house we didn't say we have money for that house God didn't even tell us you have money for that house he said that's your house when he had said to the said to those brothers that's my house God told me that's my house then God had already worked on the backside 15 years early he'll this woman she's strategic to his future that's what I'm talking about working on the backside when you talk it gives God permission to work at places you haven't even arrived at yet your life hasn't even arrived and he's already prepared things what did he say he says I'll give you houses you didn't build what do I say sinners keep building the houses use your time use your time well use it wisely build my house well the genius of God the genius of God Amen people that don't belong to him he'll employ them why to build your houses plant your vineyards and then when face shows up say ok boys it's time that Fallone were shown up come on turn it over yeah that's what faith does it transfers things from one hand to the other amen well praise the Lord talk about the miracles God's done for you in the past instead of talking about the need talk about the miracles God has done you have homework tonight this book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth make sure on purpose you're talking what God is saying to you amen father we're just so grateful we so appreciate what you're bringing us into father we thank you for giving us the steps that will cause us to be skillful that you're magnifying those you're emphasizing those for us and we purpose to be good students of those steps we worship you Father we worship You Father we worship You Father we worship You Father anybody here tonight if you have pain any any kind of pain in your body something that is causing you discomfort raise your hand if you have pain in your body raise it high hallelujah father we thank you for the power of God we believe in the power of God and I speak to that situation that is causing you pain that behold in Jesus name that condition leave their body in Jesus name that disease leave their body in Jesus name that which needs to be adjusted you be made right you go into place in Jesus name you be made straight in Jesus name that which is not health you behold in Jesus name how they knew you and you say this I received that I receive it I receive it right now I receive it right now I receive that right now hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah now see this book the law should not depart out of our mouths we're gonna walk out of here and saying thank God what His Word says thank you father I receive it I receive it I receive it I receive it it's working in me I'm whole right now let the let the poor say let the weak say Amen let the pain those with pain say I'm pain free amen hallelujah hallelujah we thank your father we thank you let's just lift up our hands and thank him for it we thank you Father we worship you we worship you mastic I addabbo stucco Kaguya masataka calle de basic akia de básico calle now this comes to my heart is there some bitter in here that they have struggled and struggled and struggled and struggled and nothing changes and you've got to come to the realization my success is not authored by me yes there's a work that I have to do to cooperate with a success but father I'm just going to listen to you and say what do you say about it I'm going to quit doing without listening to you first running around doing trying to make this work trying to make this that work and I haven't taken time to hear so that I can do what Joshua this book of the law shall not you know what the book of the law for you is what did God say to you specifically for your life yes it's the general word but what has the Holy Ghost said to you that's how you arrive at success is you know what he says and you hold to that specifically for your life and to many times people have decided what their success will look like out of their own plans and they go out and try to make that happen and then they're discouraged and they get disappointed and it's a struggle and they get a measure of success just because God will bless what you set your hand to but can I tell you he wants to direct what you're setting your hand to he doesn't just want you to set your hand to something random he wants you to set your hand to what he authored for you so if I could say this some of you need to back up and I'm sentenced by the spirit you need to back up instead of forging just full speed ahead with what you plan and say father what do you say about this would you redirect me what would you have me do and you will be amazed that he will direct you to something you never dreamed in your life that you would ever be a participant in Amen pastor Ruby her daughter I so appreciate this they have started a business where they're catering her husband is a computer guy but when God started directing some things in their lives they end up cooking and we get the benefit something they never could have sat down and planned as a family but that the the divine idea comes and this is where people are struggling so much is they're trying to find success apart from the plan and the success the plan is the success amen take time to hear what the Spirit has attached to your life and then walk that out amen and it's okay to say honey I missed it let's back up and get on course it may look like that your it may look like you're going in Reverse but you know Gideon it looked like he was being diminished but it was the only way to have the success God authored you got to get rid of what won't work with God he had to cut away thousands of men until he's down to 300 who know the mind of God who had had the Word of God in them so to speak there they're cooperating with God they're not being dominated by fear and amen it's okay if it looks like you're being diminished it's okay if you have to redirect to get in the plan of God do it amen hallelujah hallelujah well praise the Lord praise the Lord listen God is going to use you to bring a supply to the vision of this place you're not all good you're not all the resources God has but he wants to use you and let me tell you what kind of supply is going to bless this place the most a God author and supply not something you set around the dinner table and formulated but something that came from him amen praise the Lord we receive father the light we need father we receive the light on changes that we may need to make father you've helped us and you blessed us as far as you could the father we want the flow we want the flow that you have for our life and so father we say we say we're hungry for your success the success you planned and authored for us it's in us so I take time to listen and I look to you to have the clarity and I thank you for it father and everybody said
Channel: Promise of Life Church
Views: 6,481
Rating: 4.8441558 out of 5
Keywords: church, ministry, ladies ministry, women's ministry, Canada, Nancy Dufresne, Dufresne Ministries, POLC, Promise of Life, Mississauga, Brampton, GTA, preacher, teaching, Word, Bible, faith, success, recipe for success, God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, anointed
Id: lRbfpb1qyTM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 42sec (4662 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 05 2019
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