The Ministry of Angels | Dr. Michael Jacobs

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[Music] praise God we're gonna talk about angels tonight now that I loo you and we need to keep talking about this and you know people ask me all the time I'm going to get in the word with you how is it that you have so many manifestations in your ministry of angels and I always say well have you thought on it because if you don't teach on that you won't have it you know so that's the first thing we're gonna look at this verse here in just a second but when you start believing in the Ministry of angels you'll start having more manifestations of their ministry you have to actively believe just because they're available doesn't mean you're receiving from them you've got to learn to release them we'll talk about that probably not tonight but maybe one of the other services I don't know how the Lord is gonna lead me either I'm open to him you know I work for him the Lord and so I just got to flow with what he said but you can't have faith for what you don't know and you can't know unless you're taught so I'm going to be doing a little teaching tonight and telling a lot of stories but they'll all fit in with what we're going to sing well this is just a piece of paper I wrote some notes to myself a few years back the Ministry of angels didn't pass away but became even greater in the New Testament than it was in the Old Testament in fact there's 300 references to angels in your Bible there abouts and there's a hundred of the 300 where they personally appeared to a man and woman or a couple and converse with them and did different things with them and so forth so we're in the New Covenant now I'm a Hebrews 8:6 guy that's good to turn to mark stay there put it in park I'll be right with you but it says we have a better covenant with better promises I do teach out of the Old Testament but I don't stay back there I always bring it through Calvary over into the New Covenant because if it's just Old Covenant it's not for us the whole Bibles for us but you're not an Old Covenant priesthood you're in the in you're in the priesthood the royal priesthood in Jesus is the high priest of it yeah so anyway the Ministry of angels is still a valid ministry in the earth today and with knowledge of angels and their work in the earth we can better the will of God which is the goal of every believer and I Lou you now let me just say something real quick before we get started you know I've had a lot of visions I'm not bragging about it didn't ask for any of you'd be smart not to ask for him either if God chooses to permit you to see into that realm that'd be wonderful but you know I didn't ask for that he just began to do that in my life and I'm very grateful he did and when I turned 60 which was 10 years ago I just turned 70 in August he said I want you to start sharing Michael more of your visions you know in your meetings and I said well I'd rather not do that and he said well what for and I said well I've already been persecuted out the wazoo for my stand on the word where I wouldn't want to give people another pot shot at me talking about some of the talking about some of the visions because you know and then I read brother Hagins book on the ministry of the Prophet that further derailed me a little bit it's a great book but he said you know you're gonna be persecuted and maligned and misunderstood a lot in that office that because prophets are just different we do different things I'll be talking about some of those things tonight and tomorrow too but what I wanted to say is you don't have to see anything this is what I'm getting at you have to see anything to activate their ministry you could have just as effective angelic help in your personal life as I do and if you have a minister you could have angels in that category too I have them both and I've got a lot of other angels to work with me in the healing ministry and so forth I'm not trying to go ahead of you but I wanted to say if you don't have dreams that are god-given or visions or discerning a spirits you're never gonna see into that other world but that's why God gives some of us permission I guess that's all I could think of at when I was alter spiritual or anything but God just chose to open up my eyes I didn't ask for it but he did and I may talk about that another service but if you don't have a dream or a vision or discerning a spirit you won't see another realm but that doesn't disqualify you from angelic helping your life are you still here all right let's look at mark 16:20 the old passage is great but it's one look at one verse at verse 20 mark 16:20 and they went forth that's the disciples and preached everywhere including Canada including Ontario Canada you know and the Lord worked with them and confirmed the word with signs following so what this is saying is whatever part of the word you teach that's what God can confirm if you don't teach it he can't confirm it right you understand what I'm saying now there are certain ones of us maybe like myself maybe I may be teaching another subject that doesn't discount the angels from being with me because they're assigned to me so I could move in the spirit in in it even though I wasn't teaching on about how much more do we need to teaching on angels because we've got to have faith in them and we're not worshiping them but we're giving they're part of our salvation you're going to see that in just a minute so let's go over here to the book of Hebrews chapter one and hallelujah if I'm excited I had an excitement about coming yeah you don't have to see anything now to remember but your faith is required so the more faith we have the better off we are and so forth and so on praise the Lord over in Hebrews chapter one verse 13 and 14 the book of Hebrews is a comparison between the Old Covenant and the new and of course the new is superior to anything they understood in the Old Covenant what got me thinking about this and went back read it looked up all those scriptures people say do you get that off your computer 300 references angel I said no I looked them up with the concordance one at a time about a hundred and fifty times in my lifetime now and read them and then ask God for revelation and so this is the broad subject three most the subjects I teach do not have 300 references to that Admiral if pastors knew what I was saying they would agree of course that be true but we're talking about some so when the first chapter he compares Jesus with angels so let's begin in verse 13 here but to which of the Angels said he at any time sit on my right hand until I make thine enemies thy footstool are they referring back to verse 13 the angels are they the angels not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation you know I want to I want to read this again to you are they not all ministering spirits so that says to me that every angelic spirit being and there's different classes of angels if you have my book I probably sent some up here you could get the book we talk about different classes and then I found one group of beings they kind of seem like Seraphim kind of like another one but they were odd creatures and I call them just living creatures but I've designated least four classes of angels was talking to you here but I wanted you to see they all have ministries you know in the five Oh baby we got apostle prophet evangelist pastor and teacher of Ministry of helps and that's all that I know of in those different realms and each one of those five has a different assignment a different mantle a different anointing different style and even you can like twenty of us after the prophets and even though we're all as there some similarities or you wouldn't be a prophet how many know what I'm saying okay but some of us would be different than others because of the way God has created us uniquely that's all I'm saying here but I wanted you to see they all have they all are ministering spirits I don't know of any of them picking guitars and eating grapes in heaven okay just for your information sometimes you get a card from your friend it's got a little fat looking bear belly looking preschoolers with blonde curly hair and a rubber dart gun or something you know that's that's the furthest from the truth they're masculine they're intimidating if you see them in their natural form I've seen them as humans too once but I've seen them in the other realm and you either gonna have to have faith or Huggies [Laughter] you know you think I'm teasing how about those guys over at the tomb of Jesus you know the the Sanhedrin the Jewish relief religious leaders came to the governor there and said they're gonna steal his body sure enough and they'll claim that he resurrected from the dead you're gonna lose your position as the governor of this city or the mayor of this city and said okay he called over for SWAT Delta Force you know the Rangers or somebody like that he didn't get a new recruit so these were battle worn military people that knew how to handle themselves I'm told that it takes six men to roll that stone over the face of that tomb and the angel rolled it back just one angel and he glowed he was lit up and he glowed and that they shook for fear and fainted these really tough guys see that's why I say you know you have to have faith or Huggies you know okay just talking to you here so I wanted to help you to see they're all ministering spirits sent forth to minister there's a second time that word is used in there to minister for them and I was reading this one time and the Lord said you know I thought it meant just administer for us but for is a bigger word and it includes to us but also for us angels can minister to us I'm going to show you that just a minute but they minister for us the amphi Bible of this verse 14 says they're a an assistant to us an assistant I appreciated brother Taylor's ministry tonight man I don't know I've heard you sing before but you just on a different level now it's awesome but isn't he an assistant to pastor Craig and Jennifer C and what's happened is if we don't understand the role of the Angels in our life then we're doing without a lot of assistance in heaven I'm just assuming something here but I think I'm on it's a pretty strong ground you get to heaven you got to you say charlie roll that film on dr. Jacobs this is what you did now charlie rolled the film of what he could have done had he listened and receive the help of the assistants and I put the earth and it's a whole different picture I wonder if that's why we're crying in heaven I can't think of any other reason because it's heaven you know all right are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister and I like to change this last part I'm not changing the scriptures I'm bringing some truth to you if he was doing that for those who would be heirs of salvation how much more would he do it for his sons and daughters who are the heirs of salvation you know Galatians says we're heirs yeah so here's another thought about verse 14 the Weymouth translation the New Testament says the angels are a benefit to us a benefit means an aid or a help so they've been created by God and sent into the earth to aid us and help us in our life here I'm not teaching on all the things that they do but I know one thing they're particularly keen about is protecting us if we're knowing that and releasing our faith in them to protect us are you listening yeah and it's for everybody that'll have it can have it on the area that would just being a believer to see what I'm saying I'm not talking about fivefold ministry I'm just talking about being a believer in Christ Jesus see the angels were signed to you angels are signed to you when you're birthed oh yeah alright praise the Lord now well let me read this one more time are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation I was changing that farther for them who are the heirs of salvation now hallelujah hallelujah praise God I want to read it a little bit of a prophecy from 1988 how many knows that's quite a ways back yeah from Kenneth E Hagin and he made this comment here and he was having a vision he said the first angel said to him a change is coming in the political arena the second angel said it a changes coming in the financial arena and third angel said of changes coming in the spiritual realm I'm primarily talking about the spiritual realm right now in the realm in which you minister in this realm on which others who minister and then he goes on to say he's prophesy now brother Kenneth E Hagin no not a change in the church world for they'll go right on with their systems and their plans and their programs and they'll pursue those things they'll go right on with their plans and with their purposes and with their pursuits but there will arise and once you pay attention to this just a minute there will arise an army that will arise an army but there will arise an army and this is the beginning of those days the beginning of the last days that's 1988 how much further along are we than that now and this is what I really want to say to you this is what he said by the Holy Ghost they'll learn to join forces we will with the forces of heaven and the angels will come and minister unto them and the angels will come and minister with them yeah I've had that happen for many many years I'm talking about a couple just real quick here and then we're going to go on into the main things we're going to talk about I was in Manzanillo Mexico about I don't know exactly maybe eight or ten years ago and I had a word of knowledge about hearts and about eight people came the first one was a man and there was a lady and then there was four or five or six others but what happened is when I laid my hand on this gentleman's head for his heart as angel came out around my right side stuck his hand into his chest about that far and it looked like to me in the spirit he it looked like he was opening a safe but what he was doing was repairing that heart when I took my hand off his head he pulled his arm out and went to the next ones lady I put my hand on her head he stuck his hand in her chest he did this and that and then when I took my hand off he and he did that with all eight of them now this is just kind of how operate sometimes because people are funny and the lady the second person I prayed for when it's over she ran to me did you see that angel put his hand in my chest well I said did you see an angel put his hand in your chest yes I did I said yeah I saw him what happened I just want to see if she knew what she thought though she said well I had all these symptoms when he took his hand out everything was gone totally healed you know they work with us they work with me in the healing ministry and some other areas too but that's a primary area praise the Lord and then I had a lady in my church named Kim and this was back in the 90s I don't remember what year I thought I might have been 95 I taught 15 15 Wednesday nights in a row and angels in 1995 and didn't get taught everything I knew back then plus what God knows and I've been that's 95 that's been quite a few years now if I remember right so this is a big subject but anyway every Wednesday night after I talk about him I didn't teach about healing every week with them I just talked about angel and I said come up here if you need healing and I would just go down through there praying for people I came back to the podium element on it at that time our church we had a little platform I was up on the platform and I noticed Kim laying over here this lady I knew well they had a what do you call those modesty cloths I could see your feet and I can see your hands out here and all of a sudden that cloth started moving down in this area of her body I mean you know it kind of tickled me at first I thought the squirrels gotten loose in here but then I knew that won the case I knew something supernatural was happen so I didn't run up to her when she got off the floor and say hey what happened to you I waited about two weeks caught her in the foyer I said Kemp if it's not too personal but you were on the floor a couple of weeks ago on a Wednesday night I prayed for you I saw area in your lower abdomen something was God was doing something to you I could see your hands laying flat you were out can you tell me what happened oh yeah two angels flew in when you touched me I fell out two angels flew in one had put his hand in he took out the bad part the angel on the other side had a replacement part stuck it in me and I've never had a symptom since no anesthetic except the Holy Ghost no scars no recovery time hallelujah [Laughter] yeah praise the Lord so we need to talk about this subject but do you talk about it more and more and more you know here let me read it and out listen I'm going to read verse 14 again how many times you're gonna read I don't know how many times do I need to read it but we need to keep going back over these things I'm not I'm not anti-technology I'm just anti being over encumbrance with technology even my phone I never take my phone to lunch ever because if I'm with somebody at lunch I want them to know I'm there to talk to them or listen nobody had to tell me don't do that with dr. I just never did it I was smarter than that and a lot of guys would answer phone calls get up and leave four or five times and they miss the great things that dad said to us or that's their loss not mine but anyway you can be distracted so easily in this generation so I'm going to read verse 14 but I'm going to drop right into the second chapter because when the Bible is written I went to seminary I know a few things I'm not bragging I could use bigger words but I just really if you don't understand me you got a problem because I do not use heady words and I don't try to confuse me I'm just very simple person I have a doctorate now but I miss a very simple person what was I talking about huh yeah the Bible it wasn't written in chapter and verse it was like one letter from Hebrews 1 1 2 13 21 or whatever the last verse is but they put that in there so we could locate stuff but I think the problem is that we stop at the end of one chapter thinking he's done with his thoughts and we don't go on to see something even more important he said in the next chapter or the next few verses that fits in with what we just read so I want to do that for you and for example you know the first word in chapter 2 verse 1 is therefore you don't start a sentence which therefore you've said something already therefore that I've done enough so let me read verse 14 and then drop into the second chapter with you a minute are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation they or we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard and what's he talking about angels we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things that we have heard least at any time we should let them slip and one translation says you let them drift away and you know I don't have time to tell you that story I see from do it tomorrow sorry but at least at any time so there could be a time when you let things slip and it gets away from you and that's why we need to go back over things that are important and relevant you know the Bible is the Bible but there's some things in the Bible that are just ultra and critical to your life faith is one of them confession is one of gifts of the Spirit is one you know a lot of different things been in a way but some things are just more important for if the word verse 2 if the word spoken by Angels was steadfast and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompense or reward you know remember Lot's wife she got the reward of her disobedience you know the angel said don't look back and besides that those angels physically had to pull a lot of the city I'm thinking what would it take brother got these angels here start talking to you we're going to destroy this place and they physically had to move him out of the city to get him away from instruction in his wife I guess she didn't listen very good she turned around and came pillar of salt in other words she died because of disobedience from the Angels Word okay how shall we escape now look at this verse 3 how shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord one sperm firm done to us by them that hurt him this interesting verse verse 3 and it's misleading somewhat because this word salvation here it's not talking about the new birth it is talking about being delivered from temporary evils in the planet you know this is earth this is where we live okay because and it means this in the Greek it means preservation how are we going to escape if we neglect the Ministry of Angel and the answer is you not I guarantee if I can go to heaven today I'd like to interview the four million people that are up here that didn't listen to about the Angels and you came home early you got in a car accident all kinds of stuff you can't escape see they're playing such a vital role not more important than the Holy Ghost know what he's in competition but they are important to us for preservation this is what it says Healing soundness and deliverance from temporary evils he's not talking about the new birth to go to heaven here he's talking about being delivered from strategies the enemy has had in this planet against us are you listening to me I mean 2017 I had two plots against me for my life and I got to the end of seventeen I said father once thank you for delivering me those two times he said there was six times Michael and I said then I felt really ignorant I know you wouldn't but I did that I was that dense he says what does it matter that angel from 208 took care of all that and I'll talk about that tomorrow maybe but see what I'm saying is the enemy had a strategy tried to take me out I'm not bragging about it I'm but I got delivered okay I think I'm on the post office in hell picture of me sometimes yeah I'm not trying to be funny and I would like to be known for having some authority over them they're afraid of me I know that Devils alright so it says here how are we going to escape I'm just trying to help you get a hold of this with me you're you're not going to escape if you don't include into your thinking into your faith life into your speaking life the Ministry of angels and in a nutshell let me just tell you you have to speak the word you can't just make things up you've got to base it on the Word of God or God spoke to you about something rather and you know it's a Rhema word to you how many know what I'm saying but if you speak the word you're on good ground verbatim second Timothy 4:18 is one of my favorite verses he delivers me from every evil work and preserves me under the heavenly kingdom I say it every day every evil work sickness and diseases and evil work all kinds of things or evil works worry is bad all kinds of stuff but anyway the Lord delivers us that I'm just giving you an example here to talk to you men how are we going to escape if we neglect that well we're not the Angels want to help prosper you they know how to prosper you you'll have to be involved in it it's not you're just gonna say Jill's gonna make me rich or something you're gonna have to be a tither and offering give her and obey God in your personal life or none of this works none of this works if you're not you're gonna negate what God tells you to do and say why am I gonna do this I've told God I don't want to do that when I was 60 about the visions and he said I'm 70 now he said well it's either that or else I said I don't want else I'd be glad to do it for you and he wasn't gonna hurt me but what was going to happen when you get into disobedience to God you open the door for the devil people go well that's okay it's not a big deal no it's a big deal if you do if you're walking contrary to the scripture that you know do right and you're not anybody listening to me alright so in verse 3 again just how are we going to escape we're not if we neglect don't pay attention to don't have any understanding of the Ministry of angels as part of our salvation or part of our deliverance part of our healing part of our soundness you know and preservation then verse 4 God also having them with bearing them witness both with signs and wonders and different kinds of miracles and gifts of the Holy Ghost according to his own will so we see in this that many times signs and wonders and miracles and gifts of spirit can function and will function through and by the help of the Angels working with us remember Daniel they threw him in the Lions pit you know angel came and shut his mouth I just think he grabbed one of those lines by the throat this is my interpretation and strung him up and put a little strong on his throat and said any of you boys want some more of this bring it if not simmer them and they simmered right down and Daniel wasn't staying at the you know Crowne Plaza he was staying in a pit with dirt said get up here and get you get me warm here with your body in your hair and put a one for my pillow and all that yeah you believe that I sure do I'm just being just a little bit feisty right now but anyway so we see signs the wind so when the you know Nebuchadnezzar whoever was came the next thing said Daniel he was on valium because he's afraid Daniels gonna be gone out of his life he said I'm all right there because innocence was found in my heart towards God in you and so they threw the other people in the pit wife children and all and they were dead for the hit the bottom do it the lines were not dysfunctional I'm trying to help you they were very hungry and they were willing to eat whoever was tossed to him so it was a real miracle and then the King got up and said there's no God in all the planet that can do what the god of Daniel just did in doing signs and wonders and how did he do that sign and wonder through the Ministry of an angel hallelujah alright we're just getting started here praise God so let's let's go back here for a minute to mark chapter one I'm not going to teach you into oblivion but I do want to lay good foundation this first set of session session hmm and and I wanted to show you this because when I first thought about angels and Jesus and this is just the way that I think I'm just we know the way I think it's not like you think or somebody else maybe you do think like me but anyway I always say if it wasn't important to Jesus it's not going to be important to me that's just my attitude and if something's just missed it mentioned randomly one time or two in the Bible I may pay attention I may not but if it's mentioned 300 times then I should pay attention to that but what I'm saying is with Jesus I thought about wonder how he thought about the Angels and see you know we get off in our carnal mind sometimes I did I know you can - maybe not tonight but last week you were you remember that last year whatever maybe last night I don't know but I would have thought Jesus would have said if they came to him this is my this is my interpretation when I didn't know anything well I don't need your help go help one of these other humans don't you know who I am son of God son of man the Messiah The Anointed One but he didn't do that at all just to the contrary I saw that he valued their help needed their help and receive from him see that when he received I thought Jesus don't need anything well he needed their help at least twice that I can find specifically where it says angels came and ministered in him I'm going to show you that so if he needed their help what do you think we need you know how about that verse in John 14 he that believeth on me the works that I do shall he do and greater works than these shall do because they're going to my father and we always think about healings and miraculous thing but how about the fact that how he lived we could live now he's out in the wilderness mark 1:13 let me read it let you follow me if you want mark 1:13 and he was there in the wilderness forty days tempted of Satan so we see Satan's the tempter not God and was with the wild beast these were not zoo animals that had you know they didn't have syringes full of narcotics in them no these were wild animals capable of eating you chewing you and killing you and the Angels plural here ministered unto Him now we're not told in this passage I'll get to another place in a minute but they ministered to Jesus and one translation says they amplified they ministered to him continually another translation says they took care of him now you know you've been in some temptations - I know I have a time but the angels come to take care of us take care of us I don't know if I want to tell you this or not I might though I think it was about 1980 maybe 86 I'm not sure 85 86 anyway I was just so stressed out and just confused about the ministry I'd only been in the ministry then since 76 since 76 so about 10 years and I was just so frustrated I don't know if you've ever been that way I mean I was just really frustrated and confused and depressed and I was in my office and two angels appeared to me and they said we've come from the President of God to help you but since you know about us you're gonna have to speak to us for us to fulfill the mission now I didn't talk to him I mean I did ask him some questions because I wasn't on dope listen to me carefully I asked some questions to that see if they were really legit angels or I was having some kind of demonic experience right then and I found out they really were the real deal but I didn't after I asked no questions they answered me hey maybe you two handle things differently don't judge me I'm just talking so I went to get in my car to go home and they got in the car with me and the one did all the talk and the other ones in the backseat ones in the passenger and he looked at turned to him he said I told you you're going to speak to us for us to fulfill this or it won't be fulfilled so I said go and fix this for me within 24 hours they turned that whole situation right you see the angels are here to help you if they help Jesus in a time of temptation could to help you you know they can help you they aren't going to do it for you but they could add their assistance or their help the Wayman says there a benefit to us sometimes we're doing without benefits most people with a third-grade education even if you went to work for somebody and you went to human resources you're smart enough to ask how much am I going to pay to our do I get a vacation you got any dental care I care health care you got any other perks here you know how much time do I'll get for lunch just a normal third grade person we're going to ask their employer or the people they're going to work for what some of the benefits but here in the Bible's clear these angels are benefits to us and most people don't know anything about them they might know they exist well that don't help you unless you know how to release them and you know what they could do are you listening to him it's important that we get a hold of this concretely alright so here is one of the major times he needed help and he took whatever they meant I'm going to show you some areas they could administer let's go to Luke 22 though for another reference and some people say well you've talked just before and I'm going to teach it until I go home thank you because you know some of the visions and I may tell about one or two tonight or I may wait but anyway I'm just talking because they're excited that I'm teaching about them to add a vision in 83 maybe I just tell it now to help fit right here they I was going to I'd been studying that subject for three years started studying on angels in 1983 years later I went to preach for church do a three-day conference like I'm doing here three services slept three nights and teach on angels they asked me together well I didn't know what I know now but I said you got a place I could be quiet and just pray before the service starts they said go in our radio room it's soundproof you can go in there and pray and whatever when you get done come on in the sanctuary and come to your seat and we'll get you up as soon as we can I'm down there in this radio room I'm knelt down at this chair they used to sit at and further mic and do the radio broadcast and all of a sudden I left my body I had no proof read something that that was going to happen kind of freaky when you jump out of yourself you know I look back and there was two angels one was heard si and Heather and had the other one and they were keeping my body of life because James to say I didn't even know all that back then I just knew I was having an experience and it was awesome but it freaked me out a little bit too because they came out of my body I was in a little almost just a big closet all that radio room was and I ended up in a sanctuary of some sort probably from front to back probably five times back and probably four times out the size of this and it was filled with angels all kinds of angels all big strong some not so but they were all angelic beings a big room of them you can imagine I had no pre free whatever you say didn't know that was going to happen and I'm still on my knees when I come to myself and I'm looking at these angels and the one right here I'm going to pretend like I'm kneeling facing this way he said to me Michael he did it like this Michael we're all excited you're teaching about us for we've desired to be involved in the body of Christ and they won't let us then boom I'm back in my body in that prayer room and I thought I'm not going to ever tell anybody about this they won't believe me they'll think I've lost my mind so I I doubt three nights on angels but I never brought that up okay and I want to tell you something you know I wish I'd have figured this out sooner but you know I'm just where I was at back then that was 1983 that's a long time back and those last four words stuck in me somewhat we're excited you're teaching about us we want to be involved with the body of Christ they won't let us and those four words just kept going off in my heart and in my mind for several months and then it dawned on me well I must we must the body of Christ must have authority we don't know anything about because they verbally said I think the confession of the angel ought to be legit he said we can't do anything because the body won't let us you know you've got to get permission for these things I'm not saying you're going to have a vision just because I'm teaching this but you could have some fruit come out of what I'm teaching you if you're listening and pay it you know get my book because I don't have time to deal with everything in just a couple services are you listening but see that I realized I had authority so I wrote my book on angels I'll have a chapter in in on authority of the believer and I bought my book on demonology I'd studied that a few years prior to studying on angels and I put authority of the believer in that that book too because if you don't know you have authority everything I'm telling you will mean nothing to you or you let the devil talk to you out of your authority or you let the way you were raised that you're not important your not smart enough you're not that's just all bunch of nonsense you're smart as you want to be you can do anything God tells you to do you know hallelujah I'm just trying to help my team because if you don't think so you're a joint heir with Jesus Christ you're not a sub heir I think most believers act like there's something sub something in other words they're not up to par but Bible says we are joint heir I'm seated with him ain't no Old Testament person all the prophets included could claim that I can prove it from the Bible I'm not going to right now but I just know what I'm talking about I wouldn't be teaching if I didn't know you're a joint heir with Jesus Christ if that's low something then I don't know what to do for you Jesus did it all for us he didn't do it for himself he was already you know a holy man of God dead without sin he just became sin for us became sick for us became poor for us everything you have the benefit of he became the brunt of keep you know so that could be paid for alright let's look at Luke 22 hallelujah praise God okay that's a clock right there I'm gonna pay attention every once in a while if I don't look at it I'm gonna act like I'm looking at it no Luke 22 verse 42 and 43 and he said father if thou be willing now these two times I'm listening mark 1:13 in Luke 22 42 and 43 are two of the most stressful times I could think of that Jesus ever had in the planet he said father if you be willing remove this cup from me nevertheless not my will but thy will be done and there appeared an angel unto him from heaven strengthening him so here and then now the one in mark didn't say the angels appeared so I don't read things in my Bible that it doesn't say I may look things up in the Greek and find out it says more than what they said it said in the English and I'll tell you if I did that but I don't add things in just because it'd be convenient I pay attention to what the scriptures say and even in footnotes I don't trust any of those jokers I go to my Greek New Testament look it up see if they know what they're talking about most time they don't know just talking to you that this particular case in the first case mark I don't want you to understand nobody Jesus didn't say Jesus saw anything back in the wilderness but angels ministered to him he could have thought but it doesn't say he did I say there were plural this is just one angel and this angel appeared from heaven this is a little misleading - I'm going to share with you in a minute but an angel appeared to heaven from heaven strengthening him now see Justin reading that you wouldn't think Jesus needs strengthened about anything if you're honest with me you probably thought that before I said it you know what can you think Jesus would have need of these beings but he did he said in another place he said I could call my father and get twelve legions or what are seventy-two thousand angels and and apparently well he's son of god who you think you are now are we the sons of God first John 3 says verse 1 we're sons 2 we're joint heir you don't forget that your joy may take you a little time to chew on that meditate on let us slip into you I call it all the tumblers are lined up if you'll stay with it if you throw it away after a month it won't work for you I've been studying this subject since 1980 on angels / / / / / and thousand other overs and just found some new revelation this week but I wanted to share with you about this this comment it says from heaven but Paul made a comment I'm not going to turn there I'll just tell you where it's at 2nd Corinthians 12 verse 2 Paul said he was called up to the third heaven so when it says heaven let me help you understand this you've got to make sure you're interpreting that right most people you see the word heaven you think about where God lives where your dead relatives that knew God live and that planet called heaven which is in the north of the universe somewhere because the Bible says that but Paul said there's three heavens see Revelation is progressive it broadens in thickens and strengthens itself if you stay with it so Paul said there's three heavens I'd like to submit some to you the first heaven is the realm of the Spirit and that's where these the angels I'm talking about the elect angels the good angels the angels that work with us are in this other realm it's not an unreal realm it's just an unseen realm the angels will work with me they're all here tonight because they work for me not bragging they don't work for pastor Keith he's got his own are you listening so this first round was just an unseen room so really let me explain little further about the three heavens so the first heaven is the realm of the Spirit that you can't see into unless you have a dream a vision or discerning a spirit but it's not unreal in fact I like to say it this way there is nothing in the spirit world that's haphazard it is a very highly regulated world super regulators you know it involves angels it involves demons but it's a highly regulated world so the second heaven is the planets and the stars the moon and on and on and I would read an article about NASA they sent up a Hubble telescope he was famous for inventing the Hubble mr. Hubble the Hubble telescope I don't know how many years ago that's been I want to say 12 maybe 15 they put it in orbit and it's still going it's way out of our solar system and it sends pictures back of other planets one of which looked like earth somewhere out in the unknown world see what I'm saying is did that planet just appear for the Hubble telescope it's always been there see what I'm saying there's things there's beings here with us and just because you don't see them don't mean they're not here so you got one heaven that's the unseen room right alongside of us in the earth you have the second heaven which is the Stars the moon all the other planets and not just in our solar system but whatever else is out there somebody asked me you believe there's eight beings out somewhere I said sure my dead relatives live in heaven that's a planet out there called heaven it's said that it's in outer space did I drop you off the cliff are you still paying attention listen carefully so I believe just like God told me one time about personal angels I'm not teaching on them tonight but this heaven here is not the planet heaven or that the stellar heaven because I'm telling you angels that are in the earth this is where their assignment is they can come from heaven certain ones that God may help sin but he's not doing as much of that as you think you're in control of the angels that are in the planet with us and your own personal angel are you listening and it couldn't do any good angels couldn't do any good if they had to come from heaven the planet heaven because it still takes some time to get here are you listening see when my kids were little if they were in my control and they were I didn't just have babies I raised them my wife and I but when they got árbol drive you know god only knows where they went so I just prayed for them for the angels to protect them and do whatever it took to make sure my children lived and didn't die and I told the Lord when I got in this ministry I will do anything you asked me to go wherever you ask me I've been in over 110 mission trips around the world three times but I said by god you're gonna keep my kids and my kids are gonna live live for you I'm holding you accountable for that if you want me to do what you asked me to I'm asking you to do what I'm asking you to do and they're still here with me they love God they both been pastors anyway praise the Lord I know talk about but when they got old enough to drive I just had to pray and believe four things just to preserve them protect them and deliver them from every evil work you won't be up worried if you get this straight but anyway this angel strength now let's go to Daniel 10 I don't even know when I started I'm afraid to look at the clock no I'm not afraid of anything but Daniel 10 I still got a lot more than shaved tonight if you let me without you know Daniel 10 and verse 18 then came there again if you read the whole passage later don't try to do it while I'm talking then you're you know you might get lost but it's an angel talking to Daniel then there came again and touched me one like the appearance of a man didn't say he was a man just at that moment he looked like a man to him and he strengthened me so Daniel got strength how touch the angel touched him I had a man in my church that you know he was in and out and up and down that was the problem I liked him a lot you know he I liked his personality but I could never get him to be faithful to church and he disappeared one time was gone for two years and I was on the mission field and my wife was having dinner with her mother then my mother-in-law went to heaven since then and there came Larry Larry was the ex bodybuilder ex-drug addict like me not bodybuilder but drug addict I said Dec like me and my wife laughter on the phone front row you're never a bodybuilder thanks honey I didn't do that either he came walking over to where she's sitting like this he's I mean his his arms were as big as my thigh and just that taunt I mean he is just a hunk of a guy he's about 6 1 barberries 240 s all muscle but he's walking like this he's coming over to where my wife's having dinner with her mother and my wife says Larry what happened to you said well I started driving trucks up and down the freeway and I had a load of cars one of those ones that holds cars and the one goes way up over the cab is pretty high about 15 feet off the ground he said he was in a parking lot somewhere in the south and misstep went to open the door went back in fell straight down on the asphalt broke all the bones in both feet broke his ankles they put pins and screws in him he's been in rehab for two years he has had several surgeries he's got to wear a card says I'm gonna set off your alarm at schools or the airport and and he's taken some boots a high-knee kick in medicine him being an extra I gave me when taking a Tylenol replay with it stuff he taking stuff on Thursday makes feel like you're in next Tuesday yeah you know what I'm saying and and he's still acting like I can't hardly walk and my wife widely said wisely said well Michael's got an anointing for bones I got an anointing for bones in my ministry won't you come back to church we're not mad at you he came showed up about six weeks later I'm came to preach one Sunday morning and I said Larry come up here God's going to heal you today gonna minister to you and it took him seemed like forever to get to me he was only halfway back in the congregation but when you taught her and his face is grimacing and he came up here I laid hands on him he fell out and I just internally I said well what I do now father he said tell him one of the angels that work within the healing ministry is going to take care of it so I said to the whole congregation well God said one of the Angels work with me and the healing ministry is gonna take care of this we've kept watching him I'll said and one leg came up it's like he's in fiscal rehab his took his ankle and twisted it and pulled it laid it back down did the same with the other and laid it back he laid there for another minute then got up walked back to his seat just like this that'll straighten your hair out yeah he got touched and that angel fixed him and he was totally healed hallelujah okay so now whether the Angels touch you or not sometimes they do even when I'm preaching they'll minister somebody somebody to tell me later I got healed when you were talking about something well praise God if you do here's another way they minister not the only way one is by speaking here in verse 19 or by touching and he said o man greatly beloved verse 19 fear not peace be unto you be strong a be strong and when he had spoken unto me I was strengthened and said let my Lord speak for thou has strengthened me so an angel could speak to you and you could get strength out of what he said to you or he could touch you angel remember that people with the heart problems and the other lady on there I just laid hands on her head the angels came after the fact I touched her but they were working with me to heal her that's what I'm trying to say so here it says that angel could speak it could touch yours me here's another situation I was at doctor Rogen's Church in Nashville it's been a few years now I'm staying downtown I had a wonderful suite and I was praying praying in the side that of where I studied and all sudden I had a vision I saw a car I saw a car accident saw a human being I couldn't help was male or female and there was five things heard on that person through that automobile accident came to church that night and I said now you're here tonight because the Lord brought this back to me this was hurt this was hurt this was hurt this was hurt this was hurt who is that lady over here China timidly kind of left with her hands that she's kind of stuttered a little bit she said this first time I ever been to this church I said well is what I said about you accurate yes sir I said would you come up here and let me lay hands on you because I don't know she's Pentecostal heathen Catholic whatever you know what I'm saying jover witness or whatever I mean I don't know what she had she said yeah and she came up my explained her I'm gonna come lay here on your head now I'd like to tell this story this lady was not a Chinese gymnast you know how those Chinese gymnasts can do things with their bodies and you go how in the world they wrap their head around their leg twice you know mm-hmm you ever seen somebody an acrobatic thing do that this lady I don't think ever went to the gym I don't want to be mean about it but she was not a thin slim lady and true story I'm not making fun of her I'm just telling her how it went down so I so I'm explaining she's about four or five feet from me I'm explaining I'm gonna come over lay hands on your head I wanted her to understand that and then the power will go into your body and straighten out all those things that okay so I went like that Lord said hold up so you want to be a man of faith here we go I step back to the podium Lord said one of the Angels work with you in the healing ministers gonna handle this personally you tell her I said death lady all I know is God said he's not mad at you he's going to heal you but one of the Angels would work with me and my healing ministry is going to minister to you won't you just lift your hands now he's here he could validate there's 80 people in that meeting she went like this she started back until her head was where her rent we're in was I mean I don't know how she did that without her spine snapping all 80 of us looked in wonderment if she bowed back you know your spine just not made to go that way she went back she came up slowly he brought her up he twisted or I'm not gonna do this I don't have to go chiropractor and then that way and then she lifts her hands again he took her by her hands and pulled her up on her tiptoes like a ballerina and sent her back down took about 70 seconds she was totally healed front of 80 people so they can do a lot of things are you listening to me no let's go back here to Genesis a minute you know I'm just giving you a little tidbits we we you know we got records of people being healed all over the planet I'm not bragging but you know if you say you got something don't blast don't shoot your mouth off if you don't one of the guys in my church said you know I'm gonna order to pray for backs I said really I didn't know that have you prayed for any yeah how many fifty anybody get anything nope I said you're not anointed you're not anointed to pray for backs you may be in order to some other area but brother that'll be evident fifty times zero is still zero you know people are weird I had a buzz word when I was pastoring Paul means people are weird P aw and sometimes we get new people coming to church they say what you think about them they're a Paul couple keep your eyes open and some of them repented and got got to be normal after a while some of them just squirrely as they were when they I got him you got to pay attention not being mean but I hadn't got time to play with it either so yeah you know I I was praying for a lady one time in my church I really didn't know why I called her up she was a young lady then she's not old now she's probably close to 40 though she is about 22 she I saw her in the congregation she married a guy in my church so I knew her I said please come up here so I won't mention her name I laid hands on her wouldn't sure why laid hands aren't she just stood there you know like this and so I just laid hands on her and ministered to her and but I didn't say much to her because they didn't know why I was praying for and I went on down through here other people had called the word of knowledge they came up and Lord said turn around look back I look and this lady was standing facing this way pretend I'm her pretend I'm the angel an angel was in front of her pulling something out of her stomach not out of the lower part not of her chest out of her stomach area and it just looked like nasty stuff on the floor I don't know what to call it it was just junk and he was pulling this out of her stomach area and I thought what does that mean I you know you know people are already confused enough without the preachers confusing them how many know what I'm saying oh brother so I don't tell you everything I see sometimes because some of it wouldn't be appropriate other times I don't know how to explain it remember I told you you know I'm just being honest these prophets are different we have different things that we do and some people don't like it but other people that receive from us appreciate it so when I got to my house that night my daughter was living at home then she wasn't married and and my wife and I said to them I saw something happen to so-and-so when I was at the altar this angel was pulling some kind of stuff looked like trash out of her stomach area and my daughter broke into tears and I said what's the matter well didn't you know that she suffers with anorexia and bulimia I said no I didn't know that so I called her up on the phone immediately this dr. Jacobs I will tell you what I saw tonight and she started bawling she's never had a problem with it since then you know people that gouge themselves and throw up and take stuff too you know so they want to be a size something you know and that will work on you don't care what's your hang-ups are he'll work on that hang-up and you got to deal with him and tell him stop it but she's been delivered all these but almost twenty years now and I Lou you hallelu you're just talking about some things here it's that's okay praise the Lord so let's look here in Genesis 28 this is Jacob's Ladder and in verse 12 Genesis 28 12 and he dreamed and behold remember I said you'd have to have a dream a vision or discerning of spirits he dreamed and behold a ladder set up on the earth and the top of it reached to heaven excuse me and the and beholding the angels of God ascending and descending on it now I read it just like that to the Lord one day you know I was studying I was reading and he said Michael you don't got it I said I don't got it okay he said you're not getting it I want you to read it out loud one more time I read it another time he said you still don't have it he knew what I was thinking see I'm thinking God cut a hole out of heaven through a rope ladder down and let it dangle against the dirt and the grass and the angels came down and went back up that's not exactly what that's saying and I read it seven times until I finally caught it the ladder was set up on the earth so this was the place of departure and notice the content see they went up and they came back down why did you come back down because they don't live in heaven anymore they live with us they were able to go up momentarily but they came right back down because this is their sphere of authority anybody here live on Jupiter I don't think so you're on earth this is a planet because you don't belong out there in Jupiter you probably couldn't survive out there I'm trying to say this to say the angels in heaven I'm not so but I know there are angels in heaven I've read my Bible but I'm not so concerned about them I'm talking about the angels that are in the planet with us right now you don't have to create others Hebrews said they're innumerable in other words there's more than enough to go around you know so again I was reading this and finally after seven times you know you sometimes you can feel really dumb but I read it again and he dreamed behold a ladder set up on the earth so that the ladder came from earth to heaven and the top of it reached to heaven and behold angels of God ascending and descending just like me coming here I live south of you in Indiana down by Louisville Kentucky right across the river from Louisville is Indiana where I live New Albany and I came up here but I'm not staying because I'm going home Monday because I don't live here and see that's what's what's happening with these angels so I began to catcha holding something here yeah and then I said to the Lord Lord I'm not going to teach this publicly unless you can give me at least two more references and one of them has to be in the letters I'm not going to teach it he said I'd do you one better I'll give you three and one of them will be in the letters I said well bring it I'm ready I didn't know anything about that that's a lot I don't know sometimes but let me read something else before we go to those other passages look verse 17 and he was afraid that's a poor translation he was in all struck and said how dreadful that support how awesome is this place this is none other but the house of God and this is the gate of heaven you know things come through the church to go out into the world things come through the church to go to the nations things come through the church to the churches the gate to heaven this heavenly things come through the church this is us but what I'm showing you is he said this is and so this experience or the angels were sending you didn't even happen in church happened to church okay so let's go on because I said if I can't you can't prove it over the new coming and I'm not going to teach it I mean I appreciate pre for teaching and Leviticus but this is dry as a shuck you know what I mean yeah I don't know if you know what shuck means but anyway let's go to John 1:51 remember I said the Lord you're the one that by the Holy Ghost wrote the Bible you know I wouldn't intimidate him one bit I just said I'm not going to teach it I found something here so there must be a large contingency of angels in the planet but I'm not going to preach it unless you can show me more about it because you're the one that said in your Bible within the mouth of two or more witnesses so I'm expecting you at least give me two more and he said I'll do one I'll give me three more I said okay so here we go into John 1:51 this is the story of Nathaniel Philip and Jesus and it says in verse 51 he saith unto Him verily verily you know that's a Hebrew ISM that means pay attention this is important whenever the Bible says verily verily it's like I would say to you pay attention this is real important that you get this he said I say unto you hereafter you shall see heaven open or we could call it the realm of the spirit open and the angels of God ascending and descending same terminology upon the Son of Man I think he put that in there for me of course in all of us to show us these angels were ascending and descending in operation with men and women in this planet see the race of man don't I know we were separated cuz the gender but really the woman is the man - with the womb that's all that's all that means you're the race of man if you saw giraffes from a distance you couldn't tell if they're male or female they're just giraffes so man is mankind so women that's includes you and he said these angels would be ascending and descending upon the Son of Man or in relationship to men in this planet so now we have two witnesses let's go back to Zachariah you know go to Malachi and take a left you know you know that Zechariah chapter one we're talking about different references here that's proving that the Angels a big percentage of them live in this planet with us and furthermore when you go to heaven angel in the earth he's not going with you you don't need him up there what you got to deal with up there it's heaven there's no sickness no poverty no demons you know all right just starting help you you get a heavenly escort a couple angels will come and take you there immediately but it's not the angel that's been with you in the earth yeah I told my wife if I go before you get all the grandkids and great-grandkids put them in the bedroom with me I'm gonna prophesy over them and disperse my angels to the different ones if I go before you because I'm not gonna need them in heaven all right Zachariah chapter one exactly the book of Zechariah you could study a lot there's a lot of visions that the Prophet Zechariah had this is just one chapter 1 verse 7 this reminds me Kenneth E Hagin upon the four and twentieth day of the eleventh month you with me chapter one verse seven upon the four and twentieth day of the eleventh month which is the month back in the second year de rice came the word of the lord unto zechariah the son of berechiah the son to eat o the prophet saying i saw by night behold a man riding upon a red horse and he stood among the myrtle trees that were in the bottom and behind him there were red horses speckled and white then i said o my lord what are these and the angel that talked with me there's an angel talking to a man that's in the planet said unto me i will show you what these being the man that stood among the myrtle trees answered and said these are they whom the lord has sent to walk to and fro through the earth talking about angels you know some of them ride horses and some of them just fly by themselves they remember Elisha the story of that I don't know if you know that new song I think Natalie grant put it together I'm surrounded but I'm surrounded by you you know that song I fight my battles through praise and thanksgiving that's a wonder I just heard it about three weeks ago at a meeting that I was doing but anyway so Zechariah is having a vision and he's talking to an angel and the one answer and said these are they whom the Lord sent Hebrews 1:14 remember what we said the angels are ministers sent forth to minister to the heirs of salvation that's us so he says these are they whom the Lord has sent to walk to and fro through the earth and I did some research on this and finally I felt there was something in verse 10 I wasn't seeing so I did some more extremely study and verse 10 one translation says they patrol the earth and they maintain security for you and I'll maintain security for everybody but they maintain security for you if you believe him to do that and then one says they do recon security and combat for you I told you what the Lord told me in nineteen 2017 it was just a very difficult year for some reason for me but anyway I'm on the other side of it now but the point being he said you've had six attempts on your life and he mentioned one angel that I know that's assigned him that was revealed to me in 2008 he said he took care of all six of those he was doing combat for him because in forum I didn't even know was coming I mean two of them I had some Inklings but and I prayed for so if we're looking at this because we're showing you these are beings that are created beings these angels were on horseback this particular time the ones with Elijah back in the Old Testament remember his servant you know put on his Nikes and his little had Eva on water holster and ran around the city with his towel and he came back said boss they got us surrounded what are we gonna do and he said Lord open his eyes and he opened his eyes and the enemy was surrounded by angels and chariots of fire so it looked like to the natural man they're surrounded but the Prophet knew no they're not surrounded were surrounded with God's help you know when he ran out I thought the interesting the Prophet ran out and told the leader of the army said I'll take you to the guy you're looking for and he struck him with blindness and took the first horse and led him to Israel and then when they got in Israel's territory turned looses the horse and those guys all could see again and they could have been slaughtered right then and the Bible says they never came again into the Land of Israel the rest of Elijah's life this one guy defeated a whole army see you listen to me so I've given you know these three scriptures that all indicate these angels are walking to and fro through the earth do you have to have them with you to do you any good the Lord told me many years ago I said you know I'm seeing something here and he said explain it this way what do you think would happen this was about ten or twelve years ago maybe 20 you know and at that time Somalia was at war I don't know they seem like they're always at war but it's a it's a very vicious place to live Somalia what do you think happened if we send our President to Somalia and the Secret Service ended up in Germany I said that's pretty easy he'll come back in the casket that somebody would execute him hold him for ransom or something he said exactly and that's why the angels that work with you and humans in the earth they're right with you don't ever forget it you know you know you you see our president you see heads the state in other nations and they're talking into their lapels their cufflinks you know or watches because they are Secret Service guys they wear better suits than I do they look sharp but believe me there's some bad motor scooters you know what I mean by that they can kick some boots of honey but they have to be with the president to protect you remember Ronald Reagan they shot at him they shot him but one of his service guys got hit and I think another guy got hit the guy who you know opened fire on him on the sidewalk there because that's what their pledge to do be with the President to secure his security Alleluia are you still here all right let's go to let's go to first Corinthians 4 here hallelujah I'd like to tell you a couple other things real quick here I had I was in a meeting in Chesapeake Virginia I don't know how long ago that's been I want to say 10 years but it could be further back and I was just one of five speakers in this camp meeting type thing and we had it at a Marriott hotel the pastor in that city knew me invited me to speak I think I spoke one night or you know I think that's right anyway so I got there the second day of the meeting I was driving my wife and I and they had a table in the back they were having a lunch in a luncheon speaker and the luncheon speaker came back to the table introduced himself to all of us and he said and I don't know why I said this but unless somebody told him but he said to me dr. Jacobs I have spine crawl back from it I said well I have an anointing for that you're going to be here tonight when I preached he said yeah I said well I won't call it a word of knowledge because you just told me but I said at some point when I'm done preaching I'll say step out here and I'm gonna pray for you yeah well he came to the meeting he said about halfway back he's one of the speakers I wonder what's up with that I don't even know if he had his Bible he looked really like I was plowing his field sideways talking about angels because I don't know if he believed the word said from the look on his face he looked like he just said whipped me as whatever and I'm gonna tell the story though so when I was preaching along like I am now I I said Jerry stand down here and I walked back to him about halfway bagging and laid hands on him I said Derek said annoying straighten out your spine and when I step back an angel came from behind me like this and stuck his finger into that guy's body down in the abdomen part and he started rolling something I said Jerry that angels rolling something well he turned around ran out the back doors of the meeting I thought man I really ticked this guy off he's he done ran out of the meeting I didn't know if he's going to his room going to his car going back home and come fine and so I just I just went ahead and started ministering to other people by words of knowledge I'm gonna let him disrupt it he came back in he's like this I said she hurry what happened to you he said you probably noticed I didn't look happy done yeah I noticed that he said you didn't know I had a kidney stone I haven't been able to use the restroom for three days that's why I said towards the back and when you said that angel was rolling that stone I could feel something happening I went in the men's room right outside the back door and passed the stone you probably didn't know angels could get kidney stones out like they can do a lot of things they can do a lot of things first Corinthians 4 and verse 9 here it says I think that God has set forth us the Apostles last as it were appointed to death for we are not going to be not were but we are currently present tense made a spectacle under the world and to angels and to men and this word spectacle you know my footnote in my Bible I have a Cambridge it says the word spectacles has G our period means theatre but like I said I don't trust anybody to tell me what it says I went to my Greek New Testament guess what it says theater so this guy was right here whoever did that but the point I'm making is it says that we are a theatre two men let me see to the world and to angels and to men so people are looking at us and listening to so the Angels we're a theater to them you know what you have kids or grandkids and you go watch a play and they sing happy birthday Jesus or whatever or they're doing a play or you go to a movie theater I don't know why you would there's not much decent to watch but anyway what do you been doing all night with me looking at me and listening to me and so we are to the Angels the theatre listen to me quickly they're listening for my words in your words and they're watching us they're in our presence we're in their presence we don't worship angels who worship God but I'm showing you this because this is over in the New Testament this is after Jesus resurrected from the dead and all my Bibles for the last 25 years are worn out from Acts to the end of the Bible I do look at other passages of course but I'm just showing you this because I didn't know this but this was in my Bible I'd read it I'm sure but never pay attention to it just like a lot of us have done but when he pointed this out to me we become a theater so the angels are looking at us every day and listening listening for our words you know when you say you're dumb and you can't get it you're gonna stay dumb and can't get it you say I can't hold a job you're not gonna be able to hold a job even if you thought you could somebody are provoking you go slug them in the head you're arrested you know I mean if you talk wrong that the angels that are here to promote you and help you be successful they will fold their wings and step back because they cannot operate with those kind of words there's another section the demons they operate like that hatred unbelief fear resentment man they go to work on people like that but the Angels we're talking about they're waiting for us to speak the word and and to behave our life correctly hallelujah
Channel: Promise of Life Church
Views: 2,669
Rating: 4.8461537 out of 5
Keywords: Dr. Michael Jacobs, Michael Jacobs, angels, minister, preacher, Word, Spirit, Bible, Jesus, God, church, conference, anointed, Holy Spirit, ministry, POLC, Promise of Life, Mississauga, Canada, Canada Church, Jesus Saves, Theology
Id: oNc5TrOGzNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 15sec (4515 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 24 2019
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