The Spirit of Faith | Pastor Craig Field

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and turn with me to numbers chapter 13 to start the Bible talks about the principles of faith right what we sometimes call the mechanics of faith it talks about quote-unquote there's it's something called the word of faith this is the Word of Faith which we with neither you know that we preach the word of faith is neither in the heart in the mouth you know the word of faith it also talks about it talks about the law of faith the Scriptures refer to the law of faith so we know that there is a there's the word of faith there's the law of faith those are terms in the Bible and of course there are many principles of faith found in the Bible like mark 11:23 if you say to this mountain you know have faith in God there's not a principals and it's called the law it's called the word of faith but there's also a scripture which we'll turn to in a minute called the spirit of faith and it actually refers to faith as the spirit of faith not just the law of faith of the word of faith so we have a scriptural basis to say the spirit of faith it's not just what a preacher made up this is what the word actually says but I want to start with you in the Book of Numbers if you don't mind the Book of Numbers chapter 13 I did have you been able to find that yet numbers chapter 13 and why don't we start in verse numbers chapter 13 when we start in verse 17 and Moses they just list all the names of the twelve spies and we don't need to go through all that because I can't pronounce half of them okay so Moses sent them to spy out the land of Canaan and said unto them get you up this way southward and go into the mountain and see the land what it is and all the people that dwell therein whether they be strong a weak few or many and what the land is that they dwell in whether it be good or bad and what cities they there be that they dwell in whether in tents or in strongholds and what the land is whether it be fatter lean whether there be wood therein or not and you be of good courage and bring the fruit of the land now the time now it was the time of the first ripe grapes so they went up and searched the land from the wilderness of zin to rape to Rahab as men come to hamath and they ascended by the south and came unto him run where she mention a nananana and the children of a knack were now heparin okay the children of a knack these are the Giants I didn't teaching you Wednesday night that there are six there were six terms in the Bible referring to men of large stature six terms use at different times in history in this time in history they were called Anakin or the sons of anak these are large people like Goliath that were very tall and they came from that angelic seed from Genesis 6 where the angels came down and mixed with women and and there was a giant race it happened before the flood it also happened after the flood why to block the seed line of Jesus so that he couldn't be born or for those great men of valor those giants to extinguish by war the seed line of Jesus so he could never be born that's why the Battle of David and Goliath is such an epic battle and such a such a little guy fighting a big guy it's the it's the plan the ultimate plan of Satan through angelic seed with this giant to snuff out the seed line of Christ Dave Jesus came through the seed of David and that's why he had to win praise God so so we see the children of a knack okay and and verse 23 and they came unto the brook of S coal and cut down from thence a branch with one cluster of grapes one cluster of grapes and they bare it between two upon a staff and they brought the prompt the pomegranates and of the figs one cluster required two men to hold it between a staff between their shoulders so you could understand how big they were and the place was the place was called the brook of ESCO because of the cluster of grapes of the children of Israel cut down from thence and they returned from searching the land after 40 days and they went and came to Moses and to Aaron and to the congregation of the children of Israel unto the and to the wilderness of per antic addition brought back word unto them and at all the congregation and showed them the fruit of the land and they told him and said we came into the land with of our citizens surely flouted look at honey and this is the fruit of it nevertheless the people be strong that dwell in the land and the cities are walled and very great and moreover we saw the children of a knack there and the Amalekites dwell on the south and the Hittites and the jebusites and the amorite dwell on the mountains and the Canaanites dwell by the sea and by the coasts of Jordan and caleb still the people before Moses see there's a lot of talking going there's a talking of doubt and unbelief see a spirit of faith person gets people to be quiet I'm gonna give you some nuggets okay you write them down if you want you don't if you don't want but I'm gonna give you some nuggets characteristics of the spirit of faith the spirit of faith shuts people up that are talking doubt and unbelief the spirit of faith cannot abide doubt and unbelief in its presence now a faith person maybe can that just understands the principles and the mechanics yes I believe the Bible and I believe that what I pray when I pray I'll have it and then I start to speak and then I start to lo release my faith by my words and I and I say yes I believe I have received at the time I prayed that's the mechanics of faith but the spirit of faith this has something totally different the spirit of faith is the mechanics of faith on steroids do you understand the spirit of faith is redbull it gives you wings the spirit of faith nom I'm serious the spirit of faith is not just a mindless mantra of confession the spirit of faith is when the anointing connects with your faith the spirit of faith is when the Spirit of God comes upon you to work with your faith the anointing is on you when the spirit of faith is on you do you understand and you can you can activate the anointing by getting into the spirit of faith you have to wait for it to fall on you and the person with this vert of faith can can't abide nonsense talking you can abide that year you you may understand the mechanics but you don't you don't walk in the spirit of it all right are you with me he still the people for Moses and said let us go up at once and possess it oh-ho-oh that spirit of faith for we are well able to overcome it but the men that were with him said we be not able to go up against the people for they are stronger than we and they brought an evil report that means that the spirit of faith is a positive as a as a holy report because they did the opposite they brought the spirit of fear and that was called an evil report of the land which they'd search of the children Israel saying the land through which we have gone to search it is a land that eat of up the inhabitants there off now no one should notice this the way that the people without faith viewed obstacles is the obstacle will eat me the way the spirit of faith person views is they are bred for us somebody that doesn't understand who they are in Christ I'm bringing this into the New Testament somebody who doesn't understand that God is with them because God was with them in the Old Testament and God is with and in us in the New Testament how much more should we have the spirit of faith if God is in us he's not just with us all they had was God with them we have God in us and with us the spirit of faith that the person without faith says it's gonna eat me but the spirit of faith person says I'm gonna eat it that's the difference oh my god eat it up the inhabitants thereof and all the people that we saw in an hour grim men of great stature because they're giants and there we saw the Giants the sons of anak which come of the Giants and we were our own sight like grasshoppers as we were in their sight see people without faith see themselves as small motifs that said we were in our own sight tiny and we were in their sight tiny and what they're saying is we see ourselves as weak and they see us as weak see see people without the spirit of faith they will face obstacles financial health whatever that is and they'll say oh it's gonna eat me oh I'm so small but the spirit of faith says I'm gonna eat you for breakfast the spirit of a says you may be physically tall but I'm bigger than you on the inside I'm not smaller than my own side I'm large in my own sight I don't mean that as a narcissistic or proudful way but we're but we know who we are there's God as God is the one that gets the glory not us it's not me that's strong it's God in me that makes me strong we have total confidence that God is bigger that's the spirit of faith you know go to chapter 14 and all the congregation not yet seen how the congregation now has seen two different opposites they've seen somebody that is wants to be eaten and a small in their own eyes they see somebody that says I'm gonna eat them I'm big gods with us let's go up at once we are well able to do this they see both options there's two plates before them and the children of Israel picked out and unbelief because they cry all night the goal of the congregation lifted up their voice and cried and the people wept that night and all the children of Israel murmured against thee when you whine it turns into murmuring you whine about the church and about the pasture and about the staff or about your job or about your boss or about your spouse or about your kids if you're always whining and crying and being not in faith about it that produces an attitude of gossip murmuring negative speaking if you understand people say well I'm just emotional know it be careful with being emotional because it will turn into murmuring and murmuring is what kept them in the wilderness and caused them to die they murmured that they didn't believe God that talked against God they talked against Moses I find people that are when they're whining about something in the church it's only a half step before they start talking about me people that are upset about something and they're whining and they're crying and they're ultra emotional it's not very it's just a short drop this is a short throw before they'll start talking against God and start talking against their pastor just as the people started talking against Moses so be careful that you don't get too emotional about situations that you face in life stop crying about it all night get into faith faith doesn't cry faith sharpens its sword faith doesn't put the mask on you know the sleeping slumbers Maskin and crawl into a fetal position and suck your thumb and oh woe is me faith gets out the sword and puts gets out that wheel and just goes hey you know that's wheels can you hear me devil I'm coming for you in the morning you better run and hide that's that's the difference and if you keep going in the fetal position you'll start talking against God you'll start talking against against ministers you'll start talking against people that have fed us praise God they started talking against Caleb Moses and Joshua so let's not be like them they murmured against Moses and against Aaron and the whole congregation said unto them would God that we had died in the land of Egypt or what God we had died in the wilderness now they're asking for death man murmuring can take you to the place we use despair of life and wherefore hath the Lord brought us into this a to fall by the sword and our wives our children should be a prey it's another blaming God we're it not better for us to return to Egypt and they said one to another let us make a captain and let us return to you've another actually kind of putting a plan in place see murmuring actually turned into action the more you talk about it you're going to eventually do it you keep talking to yourself about how you know you're gonna flirt with that girl you're gonna flirt with that girl you know I'm a free agent I'm gonna flirt with that girl you're eventually gonna do it do you understand you keep talking poverty you're gonna have it you keep talking about flu season it'll come on you do you understand you keep murmuring and talking about stuff you'll get a plan of action real quick okay and so let us make a captain eternity to verse five and Moses and Aaron fell on their faces before all the assembly the congregation the children Israel and Joshua the son of nun and Caleb the son of Jephunneh which were of them that searched the land rent their clothes listens people of faith can't take people that are doubt and unbelief they tell them to be quiet and when they won't be quiet they they get upset that they'll show it to you in this case they rent their clothes now in that culture that rend their clothes a father for example when the when the son would do something that was worthy of being stoned because the back in that culture you know you didn't just smack your kids if they did certain things you had to kill him in that culture not in this culture thank God but the father would rent his garment it would rent his garment because of rebellion that's really when you rent a garment you rendered because of somebody's death you're grieving somebody's death or you're rending it because you're so you're so incensed because of rebellion you don't know how to you don't know how to handle your emotions because of rebellion a father would rent his garments remember when Jesus died God rent the Tet that the veil from top to bottom that was part of the of the grief because of the separation of his son also to allow us access but we know that there it wasn't rebellion it was both because rebellion had been put on Jesus as well as the grieving over the loss of his son and so a father would rend his garments when rebellion was present in a child and there was judgment coming that's why God rent that because of Jesus took all the rebellion for us and so when you see Joshua and Caleb renting their garments in that culture they rented because of rebellion this is because they just say it a minute they're arguing to read that they say don't rebel against the Lord when there's a lack of faith when there's talking about going back to sin for them it was Egypt for you it could be drinking that's it in your conscience okay for you it could be drugs for you it could be premarital sex or a post marital sex sir you know what I mean outside the marriage it could be it could be going back and involving yourself in this behavior or that behavior going back to Egypt well that is called rebellion the spirit of faith has no time for that and when the spirit of faith encounters people wanting to go backwards Bible says don't turn don't touch the plow and turn back and go the other way that's dangerous to start something with God and then turn away from him by brother Hagin said it's dangerous to come up to light and walk away from it and in the face of this rebellious people they rent their garments the spirit of faith is like that it can't take that kind of attitude and verse 7 and they spake unto the children of the company of the children of Israel saying the land which we passed through to search it as exceedingly good land if the Lord delighted us that he will bring us into the land and give it us a land which flows would look at honey now he's not saying if the Lord delight and us from the perspective of we don't know if he's gonna lighten us or not but maybe he will and if he will then we're going that's not the context in the Hebrew the context and the Hebrew is if you do right the Lord will delight in us and he will take us in in other words you could read this in the English and it looks like it's up to God if he wants to he will and if he doesn't he won't that's not what the Hebrew says the Hebrew puts the emphasis on the person not on God it says if you do right the Lord will delight in us and take us and if you do wrong the Lord will not delight in us and he will not take us in that's it that's what the Hebrew saying if you do right now what was what what was there things of doing right what's your mouth you're not speaking right you're speaking doubt and unbelief and you're planning on going back to Egypt your words aren't right and your planned actions are not right and if he will now speak right with me and do right with me the Lord will take us in do you understand so it's not as if it's up to God it's up to them and God will back then if the Lord delighted us then he looks really it's saying if you speak right the Lord will delight in us and he will bring us into the land and give it to us the land flows with milk and honey only Rebell not see what they were doing was rebellion only rebel naughty against the Lord neither fear the people of the land for they are bread for us you're telling them that they eat up the inhabitants thereof I'm telling you I'm gonna eat them you're telling me that you're small and their eyes I'm telling you I'm bigger than them they might be physically bigger but I'm bigger this spurt of faith has an attitude to it this is not just the principles of faith there's not just the logistics of faith there's not just understanding that you must believe and speak this is something there's an aggressive quality to the spirit of faith that stands in the face of giants and puts your chin out you can't do that without the anointing you can't do that God authors that kind of faith now you can choose to flow in it and the more you choose to run the more God will use you and we need to have the spirit of faith more in this generation because I believe it's going to mark this error I believe it's going to mark this error I'm telling you if they had it in a lesser covenant with God on them why do we not have it more in a better covenant with God in and on us if God is in us and he's the god of faith there should be that that attitude of faith that comes on us that puts out our chest and puts out our chin and says no in the face of rebellious doubt and unbelief I'm telling you that sometimes pastors have to stand alone thank God that you as your congregation grows though there's people around you that have the spirit of faith but sometimes Pastor Chris sometimes at the beginning you might have to stand alone my brother when you make decisions about what you have to do because it's rare to have people with the spirit of faith around you a lot of people understand faith but they don't have the spirit of faith there's a difference a lot of people can confess scriptures but they're but they don't have that about them you can confess all you want but God works with people that have a little bit more of a punch about them it's not just the law of faith or the word of faith it's the spirit of faith that we're after and we're going to have it and the more you wait on God the more you'll have it it's not just for an elite view it's for everybody it's for everybody for they are bred for us their defense is departed from them what do you mean then the natural nothing is departed from it but don't you to say God is with us their defense all their weapons all their arsenal all their big walls all their big bodies that's departed from them what a spirit of faith I'm telling you the Lord is with us the Lord is with us the Lord is with us fear them not how much more can we say than Caleb the Lord is with us he's not just with me he's in me he wasn't in taalib he was just unque ylim but he's in me if anybody is gonna say it it's the church you see this all pointed to us this was great in their day but we have been better for us because gods are just on me he's in me he's in me I'm born again my spirit has made a lot the Spirit of God dwells inside me Caleb never had the Holy Ghost in him and look at how he acted how much some the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ to stand up in the face of perversion and say no I appreciate ben shapiro and others like him these secular jews and conservatives that stand up against bill maher that demon-possessed man he is he's Antichrist that stand up against political systems and he don't even hundred percent for all the conservatives and everything but at least he has a voice at least he doesn't have it's not afraid to say let's stand with israel let's do this and he's not even saved how much more should the church who has god in them ben shapiro doesn't have God in him I have God in me there is a voice that we are supposed to have and if we will operate in the little where nobody sees us or where few see us and are faithful and when it doesn't seem to matter that much God will look at that in your go you've been faithful in that now I'm gonna give you a bigger platform now speak out strong my daughter speak out strong my son it's over time if you're faithful when you don't think it matters it matters to God he's watching you matters to God what you say in your living room you'll never platform at your office until you do it in your living room you'll never have a plan I'll never have a platform to a nation unless I'm faithful in this church so you see I know a lot of people leave because of my preacher I could give a flying rip what they think and how many did they leave because I'm not in it for them and I'm learning it for you I am in and out of a holy fear of the Living God and I know that I must do what he tells me to do whether people like it or not because if I'm not faithful in this he will never put me to there and I'm not gonna stand before the people that left this church and there's not that many but I'm not gonna stand before them and give an account I'm gonna stand before Jesus Christ the Son of God and give an account and so are you so if I you I'd start being faithful in the little areas where nobody really sees except when you're waiting for God to give you this big platform but you can't even speak right in your in your kitchen you need to start speaking right when you're alone when you're with your family members you need to learn when you're with your friends when there's a little bit of peer pressure learn to have that spirit of faith about you God will God will promote you verse 10 but all the congregation bade them stone them with stones I mean that's gone too just we don't like you too we want to kill you sometimes I I wonder in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ today that that same spirit that was on that group of people is still working today in the body of Christ because you find people like Randy and others that speak forth boldly and say what we need to do and he has ministers I'm not just talking Christians ministers that email him and tell him God's gonna kill you and I will rejoice on the day that you die for you are a false prophet you speak false things he told me this personally he said great if I told you the names of the people you would know who they are and I and I wonder I mean they they are so incensed against this message and since against it but they actually rejoice on the day that he dies I mean it's too much it's totally demonic that same spirit that worked on the children of Israel they just didn't not just didn't like the boys that had faith they want to kill him I'm telling you those demons are still an operation on the earth just because we're thousands of years later and if they work from the children of Israel who regards people they'll work on the church who's also God's people so we gotta you gotta Kyle you don't know always who your friends are but thank God we've always got a Joshua if you're a Caleb any man we've always got a Moses if we're a Joshua and Caleb we've always got somebody that sticks closer than a brother and we've always got a father we may not have the other ten around us we may not even have the people around us but we'll God won't leave you alone he'll give you somebody praise it may not be a lot video that's all you need and the glory is of England God shows up you're gonna touch my boys you're gonna touch you want to think about touching my boys and God shows up in person he stepped into the room and said you stop that because they were gonna kill them I mean God had to show up they were gonna kill them and the glory of the Lord appeared in the tabernacle of the congregation but for all the children of Israel and the Lord said it was how long will this people provoke me he was not on their side he was on Joshua and Caleb side I'm saving you some little nuggets about the spirit of faith amen now have a stop there and go with me to verse 22 can you can you forward up to verse 22 verse 21 okay let's do verse 20 because God said I'm gonna kill them all I'm gonna wipe him off and make another grenade greater than them out of you Moses and he says please God don't do that all the people will tell all the people will talk about you bad Moses is a master negotiator with God Almighty they're gonna talk bad about you Lord they're gonna say he killed his own people don't do that your mercy is too great for that your power of grace is too much for that you must come Arden their sin talked about that's why he represents Jesus he was the great intercessor that saved the people saved a generation like Jesus saved the planet and so he says in verse 20 and the Lord said I have pardoned i I have pardoned according to thy word other words Moses you've turned my heart and as truly as I live all the earth will be filled with the glory of the Lord because of all those men which have seen my glory now listen now this is important all those men have seen my glory my miracles which I did in Egypt and in the wilderness and have tempted me now these 10 times and have not hearkened to my voice surely they shall not see the land which I swear to their fathers neither shall any of them that have provoked me see it do you understand that people that saw the glory Jenny it's dangerous for people to have seen the glory for people to have seen the moving of the spirit for people who have seen healings and miracles and turn back he says there's a penalty for that at Christendom unlike the Old Testament we still go to heaven but you may not those kind of people they may not see the that's a great move of God they may not see the spiritual promised land that he's promised us those that have come up to it and acknowledged it and then turned away like it's nothing you got it you gotta have a holy fear of God about these things but watch what he says but my servant Caleb because he hath had another spirit with him and has fully followed me him will I bring into the land where until he went and his seed shall possess it it's an interesting Hebrew word a chair is the word another in the original language and you know what it means to have another spirit now we know what it's talking about is to have another spirit means to have the spirit of faith that's what it's talking about but the actual definition of the word another in the original language is an interesting word it means are you ready it means to tarry longer to procrastinate to stay back or to stay behind to linger what is he saying here it's notice the only two people that that had this quality are the ones that possessed the land we see the definition of the word another in this form we also now we don't hear caleb actually doing that but we know that god said he did because of this definition now we don't see this we don't hear God saying to Joshua you have a different spirit but we see Joshua's actions had a different spirit we don't see Caleb's actions having a difference but we see God titled him a different spirit so two different approaches on two different men but it means the same thing Joshua it said when Moses would leave he would stay and linger in the presence of God do you remember that it says that more than once when Moses would move on Joshua was found waiting and staying and tarrying and lingering and procrastinating same Hebrew word in the presence of God his actions were somebody that wanted to be around God more than people now that was his actions but God never called him with a different spirit but his actions prove that he had a difference word now Caleb we don't see him doing that we don't see record of him acting that way but we know he did because God said he's got a different spirit another spirit and that word means - in other words what God is saying is he lingers with me he procrastinates from leaving my presence it's a positive way he stays back he holds back he stays behind me he won't leave he wants me isn't that interesting Jenny the two individuals that had the spirit of faith and that took the land are ones that love the presence of God are ones that were not that interested in going and having dinner or having the party or going and doing the parade or going and doing the roundtable discussion or going to the baseball game there's nothing wrong with any of those things in their place they're fine but there was something that was prime in Joshua's heart there was something that was primary in Caleb's heart and that is I want to be around God I want to be around his word I want to be where his presences see people that love God they don't just come to church but they seek God in the week when nobody sees them they pray when nobody knows that they're praying they hunger for God when nobody knows that they're hungry they may not always sit on the front row but there's something in their heart that is hungry for God they long for God like David he said I long for you in a dry and thirsty land where no water is I may see your power in the sanctuary they long to see God's power they long to go for God presents to be there they love him more than anyone else those people get infused by God himself those people seem to be the ones that flow in the spirit of faith not just the mechanics of faith oh my god that's good news for many of us because many people in this church are hungry for God they love God they don't just show up for church they see God in the week you can fake me but you can't fake God if you don't ever pray in the week and you only come to church you're a hypocrite you're making it look like you're something but you're really not when it comes to day-to-day living nobody may know but God but you can change that you can start to say lord i hunger for you I want to linger I want to stay back when everybody else has gone see when you're around God in his word the Holy Ghost will start moving and bubbling and boiling and and trickling on you and all of a sudden you'll start to see it won't just be faith but there'll be a spirit the anointing the spirit of the Holy Ghost will come on you when you believe and you'll have that aggressive that then that that that that bold attitude not just a weak attitude so no people can be in faith but still hold back and then people can be in faith and charge forward the spirit of faith charges do you understand and that comes by waiting on God that comes by having a different spirit oh my lord help us Jesus mm-hmm so praise the Lord now what verse will be on there 24 now go quickly with me if you don't mind to do Joshua we're in where are we now or in Joshua numbers can we go to Joshua 14 praise the Lord I want to tarry longer people that want to love the things of the spirit more than things the natural there's something different about them they've got that spirit of faith and they'll walk in that spirit of faith more Joshua 16 hope it's okay this way with you today Joshua chapter 16 and what I say what verse did I say 14 is that right Joshua 16 and actually let's look at verse 6 Joshua 16 verse 6 no I'm on the wrong one 14 see Jennifer you're not helping me woman 14 verse 6 and the children of Judah came to Joshua and Gilgal and Caleb the son of Jephunneh the qez Knight said unto him thou knowest the thing that the Lord said unto Moses the man of God concerning me and thee in Kadesh Barnea 40 years old was I when Moses the servant of the Lord sent me from Kadesh Barnea to a spy out the land and I brought him word again as it was in my heart nevertheless my brethren that went up with me made the heart of the people melt but I wholly followed the Lord my God see when you've worse walking the spirit of faith you're a holy follower and Moses where on that day saying surely the land were on thy feet up trodden shall be thine inheritance and thy children's forever because I was wholly followed the LORD thy God and now this is 45 years later over double his life later and now behold the Lord has kept me alive the spirit of faith will keep you alive you don't have to age ungracefully you can age strong strength full of life your eyes not abated the spirit of faith lingering in God's presence being aggressive charging forward not just holding back having that attitude of confidence in God that spirit of faith that aggressive quality of faith will keep you young and older years and now behold the Lord has kept me alive as he said these forty and five years even since the Lord spake this word unto Moses when the children of Israel wandered in the world and lo and now lo I am this day four score and five years old I am 85 and yet I am as strong this day as I walked us in the day that Moses sent me as my strength was then even so is my strength now that's supernatural for war not for knitting for war not to sit around the council and have somebody serve you my strength is now for war both to go out and to come in now therefore he's presenting a case this is one of the greatest speeches in the history of humanity you look at all these generals and stuff in the war and Winston Churchill of the speech in that speech and that's so fine but they're not God's men God might have used them to thank God for these great men that helped us and kept freedom but I mean they weren't possessed of God they weren't fighting for God necessarily this is one of the greatest speeches in history now therefore give me this mountain where I'm the Lord speakin that day so thou heard it's not now he goes and tells us in case you were wondering maybe there are no more Giants because 45 years later maybe they killed all the Giants remember 45 years ago there were giants you might be wondering well it's not that hard anymore the Giants are all dead he wants to set the record straight so just in case you were wondering he answers it for you for the hurtis and that day how the Anakin's were there and that the cities were great and fenced if so be the Lord will be with me then I shall be able to drive them out as the Lord has said and Joshua blessed him and gave unto Caleb the son of Jephunneh Hebron for an inheritance ham rom therefore became the inheritance of Caleb the son of Jephunneh the Kazon unto this day because he wholly followed the Lord God of Israel and the name of hebron before was quor'toth Arba which our bow was a great man among the Anakin's and the land had rest from war now listen to me do you see this he says now listen up Moses Loden listen up Joshua remember it came up as older than Joshua Joshua looks up to him as an elder he is he's the oldest man now alive in the entire nation of Israel because they all died anyone 20 and over so the oldest man right now is 60 the oldest man of the children of Israel right now is 60 when they came into the land so 65 because this is five years later Joshua would have been older than the than the oldest because he was older than them Moses is dead Caleb was older than Joshua some theologians say by 20 years they argue about the date but I mean he he was older he is the oldest man in the nation of Israel at this moment at 85 years old and he says I don't don't you look at me like you you know I'm the only guy around you have no other examples but let me tell you what you're supposed to look like when you're 85 my eye is not dim my strength is not abated in fact I'm the same now as I was 45 years ago now therefore give me this mountain and just in case you wondered I want the mountain not just with the Giants I want the mountain with the greatest giant of all cuz Arba was of that was the greatest of the Giants and it was called are just you know what I just read you that word could Jay Tharp or whatever it's called he was the greatest of the Giants this spirit of faith says I may be old but it's not about me it's about the Living God working through me Joshua said to us armor-bearer when ii went up now against the garrison of the Philistines that they were twenty the Bible says and he says to the fifth he says to the barber he says it makes no difference to the Lord to save by many or by few in other words it doesn't matter that we're young it doesn't matter that were two verses 20 it matters that the Lord is with us oh my god that's the spirit of faith and he clawed his way the Bible said and his armor-bearer at the mountain on his hands and feet just I just couldn't wait to get at him that's the spirit of face it charges forth it doesn't look at your two against twenty your natural ability it looks at God it doesn't looked at your eighty-five and you look old it looks at God the spirit of faith looks past your failures and it's past your inabilities it looks past your lack of education and it's past the mistakes you've made in your marriage it looks past the past marriages that have failed and it's past what your kids have done it looks past what people have said about you it's past what your boss has said about you it looks past all the obstacles all your weakness all your frailty oh you're outnumbered Ness and it says I have that makes me a majority 318 with Abram went against cheddar Lamar and four kings and thousands of warriors and 318 slew every one of them it wasn't about the number it was about God's blessing God was with them how Gideon says to 36000 go home and he keeps 300 and he goes against a that you can't number and 300 wipes them out it wasn't about the number it was about God and many times he'll do it when you're outnumbered and when you're weak so that you won't raise yourself up and say I did this many times he'll wait til you're struggling financially before that breakthrough comes because he doesn't want you to say well it was my strife my PhD or my this er my that nothing wrong with having a PhD but when you've got God with you you can have the spirit of faith to say it matter of my age it doesn't matter that the greatest scientist in that kingdom give it to me my god that's the spirit of faith it doesn't matter that it's impossible to get that job it doesn't matter that the greatest giant stands before me on an inclined hill and I'm 85 you don't understand God is with me see me telling you and then you start to charge you start to charge David David had the spurt of faith David gets those five stones in Weston because he was afraid of missing collide the bible said had four brothers and in that Jenner and that time of history brothers would defend their own he got five stones he's gonna knock every one of those boys down at the brothers come out I've got one for each of the you Rascals I got one for each of you fools I pity the fool who messes with me and he goes and says - he goes and says - saw now listen God's been training me they deliver leaves the hand online of the bear he live me for this unsterilized feels right he says go god be with you and he comes down I don't have time to read this money but he comes down and he says to him that the glass speaks first and he says I'm gonna feed your flesh to the fowls of the air the beasts of the field that it and David just all great I can't wait to say it he's just standing there looking at him and he's just waiting for him to shut his ugly mouth for him to talk and then he says the most amazing words he Trump's he Trump's what Goliath said by a thousand Goliath said I will feed your flesh singular to the beasts of the field David says I will feed your flesh and the hosts of the Philistine army to the beasts of the field and the fowls of the air he didn't just say I'm gonna feed your flesh he said I'm gonna feed your flesh and all your ugly brothers tear the spirit of faith don't look at that I go see we read there like who was David okay David was seething just finish talking ugly just finished talking I've got something to tell you I'm not just gonna whoop you I'm gonna whip every one of them the spirit of faith will whip an entire army Samson beat a thousand men David's mighty men one of them beats 600 men at one sitting with a spear this I'm talking naturally the spirit of the spirit of faith was on David that wasn't just hyperbole he was saying and he meant it you're just gonna kill me I'm gonna kill you and every one of them and he's just a little runt a little small kid with red hair handsome I'm telling you and then he says because it's not about sword and spear you come to me with a sword and a spear but I come to you in the name it's not about your size and it's not about your weaponry and it's not about your armor bearer and it's not about the fact that I'm small and it's not about the fact that you've been a warrior from your youth and I am but a youth it does it's not what's about mr. ugly it's not what it's about big fat boy it's not what it's about what it's about is God see the spirit of faith looks beyond you the spread of faith puts it on God the spirit of faith recognizes it's not about me and I know I can't do it but God is with you you have not just messed with me you have messed with God my god I bet Abraham when he was charging channel Homer he said you didn't just mess with me ugly you messed with God you better run because I'm gonna come knock you out and he did you come to me with a shield and a spear your natural ability I come to you with the name I come to you with God and how much is gonna get you I'm gonna get all your ugly brothers and your entire army in fact if they all run away I'm gonna whip every one of you that same spirit that came on Samson would have come on David to kill the entire army had not the army of the Israelites actually move forward I'm telling you and then it says Owen and then it says the whole time Goliath is talking if you read it he's sitting and David standing and sitting at nine and a half feet tall and standing he would have been the same height as David then it says and after this exchange of words Goliath arose and stood at full stature that is the moment of truth you talk all these words and then I say oh that is the moment to tuck tail and run but the spurt of faith does not tuck tail if you read it it will flip your wig three times to Sunday I'm telling you the Bible says and he arose and one transition and stood at full stature all as I and a half foot glory and the Bible says and David ran he didn't just go move him he went and he started to charge one translation says he charged him later in the last verse of the chapter it says and and and the the the what's his name Jenny Joab was a Joab anyway no not Joab souls Abner Abner the captain of the army soul system who is the father of this youth and he says and it says as he ran read it as he ran saw marveled and said who is the father of this you know the words who trained him to run like that and had missus King as I so lives I cannot tell oh my god why did it take the breath out of Saul when he watched David run because David ran against a nine and a half foot behemoth under the spirit of faith they was the anointing of God was so on and it was dripping off him and he was running not because it's crazy to run it's suicide to run but when you've got the spirit of faith and the gift of faith obviously kicked in now you couldn't believe you know it's God it's not you and he charges a giant so much so it takes sauce breath away who trained him it wasn't his papa Jesse that trained him it was his papa God because when the lion and the bear came it was God that taught him how to rescue those sheep oh my god this is the spirit of faith this is a giant charging spirit of faith this is that their bread for us Caleb's spirit of faith this has give me this mountain and give me the biggest giant in it do you see what the spirit of faith is it's not just when lord I believe let me see menu job but Jesus I I really do believe that when I pray that I receive and I claim when I tell the devil together after the Angels ago causes the cam road I praise you lord I praise you don't have praise you I did the four steps to brother Hagin but Lord that's technically faith you've done mechanics but you've got no spirit of it faith will still work even as you cry because it's that powerful but when you step over into the attitude of faith when you step over into the anointing of faith when you step over into let's not just I believe I receive it's that's different you can't teach that in Bible School you can't teach you can't lay it you can't really lay hands and impart that that's something that comes by lingering in the presence of God and being around people with the spirit of faith I don't understand people that go to churches that don't teach and preach of substance there's one person the nice church I know who I know the church and they're nice people but I said don't you believe in faith yeah what do they teach in faith no she didn't get it yet don't you don't you believe in healing did they teach anything don't you believe in tongues edited - no no no and I say well then why are you there it's conveniently close to my house they have a great program for my kids the irony is your kids need the spirit of faith when they hit university not a program when they're in high school because the program in high school won't teach them when the demon-possessed Antichrist professor stands up and ripped to shreds what what what your program taught them in Sunday school you better have the spirit of faith or they won't make it not in this world I don't understand people they go to churches that don't have the spirit of faith listen to me it is rare in these days to find churches that have the spirit of faith there are some in Toronto but they are far and few between compared to the thousands of churches that exist I'm telling you most people are not being fed a diet this morning on the spirit of faith and I'm not saying it arrogantly but you should count yourself privileged you should not when I stepped my foot out of the shower the word of the Lord came to me can I tell you what he said if you want to eat the large fruit of the promised land you better have the spirit of faith son do you see those boys bought those grapes between two men they brought the blessing the fruit look at what we could have but the spirit lack of a spirit of faith kept them out of that you want financial increase you want the large good blessing that God has for your future the spirit of faith is required the see listening to me the spirit of faith that attitude of bold current courageous faith the charge in kind of faith is required if you're gonna have what the fruit of the land offers you we are coming into a new land into the last greatest day of the church age before Jesus himself comes back and he's coming soon we are coming into the greatest age the church has ever seen from the time of the Apostles we are coming into it which is why it's going to be marked by the spirit of faith and you're not going to eat the fruit of this new land including the miracles the revival the healing the numbers of souls saved as well as your personal increase financially and healing wise you won't eat of those grapes unless you're like Joshua and Caleb only the Joshua and Caleb ate of the fruit Lord said that tell me son you want this increase you better you better increase that spirit of faith you better start oh Jesus that's 11:55 before I close I'm gonna read you I'm not gonna wait for you to write it all down so if you like them or if you want to write them down you're gonna have to get the recording but I'm gonna read you some definitions of the spirit of faith because I've preached it to you but you need to you need to you need to hear it in words not just my sermon okay praise God firstly 2nd Corinthians 4:13 turn there quickly 2nd Corinthians 4:13 this is where the spirit of faith is mentioned in the New Testament 2nd Corinthians 4 and verse 13 in verse 12 he's talking in verse 11 he's talking about persecution and how death is working in them they are broken and beaten and bleeding and hurting and suffering that's the context of verse 11 and 12 now look at verse 13 we having the same spirit of faith according as it is written I believed and therefore have I spoken we also believe and therefore we speak not just knowing that he was raised up the Lord Jesus shall raise us up also by Jesus and shall present us with you what he's really saying is I may be I may be persecuted and cast down that's the context scripture love what he's talking about but Jesus is gonna raise me up things may not look good right now but Jesus has not left me Jesus has not left me Jesus will raise me up Jesus will present me alongside you two Corinthian church and in that spirit of saying Jesus will come through for me I may be broken but Jesus has not left me in that in that that's what he's saying then he says I have the same spirit of faith in other words Jesus ain't gonna quit on me that same spirit of faith that David had I have I believe and therefore I speak I may be broken but Jesus is not gonna quit on me and I'm not gonna quit on him you see that attitude that fire that zeal that comes out of Paul I may be broken deaf is working in me but Jesus will raise me up see the religious man just says I may be broken and death is working in me but the spirit of faith continues and says Jesus will raise me up you read the previous two verses talking about being broken down and beaten he's talking about death being it around them and he says death works in me but life in you but Jesus will raise me up see the spirit of faith never ends the sentence on a note of defeat the spirit of faith ends the sentence had a note of victory I may be broken this may be death all around me but I have the spirit of faith and therefore I say because I believe and I say he will raise me up when you come home from a hard day and you tired you'll know you have the spirit of faith about how you react what you need to say is it might have been hard this might have been difficult this test and trial might have been hard on me but I have the spirit of faith and I believe and I say Jesus will not leave me this situation will turn for my glory I command you in G you see when you start going at it you don't just say oh you go you may go uh but the but and the attack is the spirit of faith it's right there in your Bible I'm not making it up he's talking about death and brokenness and then he starts talking about the spirit of faith and then he starts saying but Jesus will raise me up you see the attitude he didn't just go by faith I had believed I received when I pray that's fine but he starts going GE starts stirring himself Jesus ain't gonna quit on me that's a spirit of faith you see it never ends the sentence on a note of thick of failure it finishes the sentence with victory let me give you some quotes and we'll close the spirit of faith is believing and speaking even when things look impossible and that's speaking with an attitude the spirit of faith that's as as the spirit of faith is faith that's alive not only in your heart but in your actions the spirit of faith brings the power of God into action it's the kind of faith that taps into the power of God by stepping out of the boat and acting on what you believe it's one thing to say you have faith but are you willing to step out when you step out that's the spirit of faith do you understand when God says so that offering and you actually do it now you're acting your so go talk to that person you don't want to but you do it that's acting the spirit of faith is delay I like this quote by bribe my brother J the spirit of faith is the aggressiveness of faith it brings us to the point that the anointing hits our faith the spirit of faith is the aggressiveness of faith it brings us to the point where the anointing hits our faith see you can just talk and have faith but then when you windy there's an aggression that you start stepping out the anointing meets you when the anointing hits you know but Jesus will raise me up that's when you step out of faith and into the spirit of faith you're in faith still but you go into a higher level of it do you understand whoa boy lie like this the spirit of faith initiates the miraculous you'll never have the miraculous without the spirit of faith passive faith waits on God to do so but the spirit of faith acts on God's Word and brings the power of God into manifested purpose the vast majority of what you receive from God is something that you initiate by your own faith in other words it's not all on God's side he's done anything he's gonna do you have to reach out and take it by faith what's why the spirit of faith teaching is so important because most of what you get is because you've initiated with God he initiated on the cross he initiated when he raised his son up now he gives it to you and say in the shade of the rain initiate it take me at my word demanded of me glory to God are you ready for this one the spirit of faith crosses over the threshold of the natural realm into the supernatural realm and activates the power of God the spirit of faith gets you into the spirit so you can deal with things in the spirit and more fully occupy the place God has given you the spirit of faith will mark this new era yes it won't be those sitting around twiddling their thumbs that will enjoy the move of God those just waiting for God to do something it will be with the spirit of faith that and that they initiate and things get done they don't misunderstand me you can't force the move of God you have to wait on God to move I'm not talking about waiting in that way you have to wait on God you can't force it what I mean is some people have the attitude of waiting there'll it's a it's a justification of laziness what is one day God will do it one day God I'll just live however I want one day God they're waiting that is wrong those people don't enjoy the move of God but the people that are aggressively seeking God in the spirit of it God still has to choose to come and work you can't make him so there's still a waiting process but there's initiating by that spirit of faith in this last day era praise God remember what Mark don't turn there please but you remember what Matthew 11:12 says the kingdom of God suffereth violence and the violent take it by force spirit of faith Jesus was talking about the spirit of faith in other words don't just sit back and wait the kingdom of God is suffering these people that are saying I want a God I want god I wanna God I know I have to wait for the timing for you to move but I want you to know I'm on it I'm on you I'm asking I'm aggressive I'm knocking like that man with them just judging you're not an unjust judge I'm nothing until you answer I want to move of God I need this the spirit of faith takes it by force see that's what geez that's what the Bible's talking about when it says that I like this one the spirit of faith has a press to it that lady the issue of blood had the spirit of faith she pressed to press beyond what they see with raw determination to see the power of God come into action the spirit of faith has aggression to it remember what hebrews 12:2 says looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith now a lot of us focus on the authoring part but not many of us focus on the finishing part he's the author and finisher of our faith he authors faith by making the Word of God become a living revelation and living fire on the inside of you you get the word it becomes alive like a fire unto you and he's authored faith but now what do you do with that faith you got to step out with your words and with your action you could have the spirit of faith and all of a sudden as you do that he didn't just start your faith he now finishes your faith he is the author and finisher of our faith how does faith finish when you see it if you're believing for a car it's faith when the car shows up the faith has come to an end you don't need to be a faith anymore you got the car faith ends in sight we don't walk by sight we walk by faith but eventually it will turn and decide jesus is the beginner of our faith and the finisher he wants it to start and he wants it to end he starts it and his power ends it he begins it and then he manifests what you've been believing for but you don't get to the manifestation as you step into that spirit of faith more it speeds up the process the spirit of a speeds up the process last quote this is my quote J giving him no credit the Lord said this to me two years ago I wrote it down and bears repeating now he said son the spirit of faith gives way to the gift of faith as it's needed it's the open door to the gift of faith he said that to me and then I spent how long talk with Joe Morris who was very skillful at teaching on the nine gifts of the Spirit especially on the gift of faith and I told him I said that's what God showed me the spirit of faith gives the spirit of faith gives way to the gift of faith it's the open door for it the gift of faith is when God comes on you supernaturally and sovereignly by the Holy Ghost and it gives you a measure of faith beyond your own to believe to do anything do you understand you can't make that happen it says God wills but God wills it to happen more than what we're operating into the body of Christ the reason why he can't come on people brother Hagin told us more with the gift of faith in there is exceptions but in most cases it's because the person won't use the measure of faith they have and if they don't use the measure they have there's no God is not going to give them that extra dose but when people use what they have then God is more likely to drop that extra on them to make up the difference to get the job done do you understand brother brother Joe was in a situation in a service there was a lady that was crippled and he said to her do you want to be healed and she said no she was rebellious and demon-possessed I don't know what she was no I don't want to be I don't want you to pray for me the Spirit of God nah I don't quite understand this but anyway the Spirit of God came on him and he said I don't care if you want to be healed I want you to be healing you're gonna be healed anyway and he grabbed her and pulled her out of the chair and dragged her across the floor she's crippled and he says to her he said to me craters I'm doing that I'm thinking to myself what are you doing there's a lawsuit what are you doing there's a lawsuit coming and he's dragging her Acron here and he's pulling her across the floor and the power of God hit sir and instantly heals her legs and she stands a rebellious person who didn't even want to be healed and starts running around the building perfectly healed and he saw he's talked to God about that you better know that you better know but you see you know why he did that because the gift of faith came on him the gift of faith came on when the gift of faith comes on you you'll slap an elephant when the gift of faith comes on you I'm telling you you'll do what you have to do and he said Lord what's going on with that I want that more I want that more and the Lord spoke to him Jesus poked and listen to me and he said if you would be more reckless with the faith you have I'll give you the gift more often if you would be more reckless with the faith you have in other words the measure that you've been build a building over the years with the word release what you got be more reckless to reason be more aggressive to release it I'll add the gift to you more often my god and I said well is this accurate what I said he said that's exactly right he said because when you have that measure of faith and not just the confession but you start to boldly aggressively with attitude step out I believe God can do this I believe God can do this I believe God then when that spirit of faith is operating as you start to say you you're boasting on God that's the spirit of faith then that opens the door if you don't have enough faith on your own to complete the mission the gift will come on you and surge you forward I'm giving you some good teaching that has taken me many years to understand and I'm just dropping this jewel and you're likely better appreciate it so I said Lord teach me this how did this work and the Lord showed me he said when David was preaching that's how he said it to me preaching David was preaching when David preached to Goliath I'm gonna take you and your whole army because you come to me with the natural abilities but I come to you with God when he preached the Lord said this to me when David was preaching he was operating in the spirit of faith see he was boasting on God he was bragging on God you may say this but my God's gonna do this see the spirit of faith starts I believe and therefore I have spoken I have the same spirit of faith I speak he as he was preaching to Goliath and to that whole army he was operating not just in faith but the spirit of faith was on him as he boasted then the Lord said when that man stood up and he began to run he said that was the gift of faith the gift of faith would not have come if he did not operate in the spirit of faith that's how God showed it to me because when the John and a half what John stands up in front of you that is not normal to get a smile on your face like you're crazy like a crazed look and start to charge him so much so that the King says that's not normal that's the gift of faith only the gift of faith can charge a giant that's possible technically to have so much faith that you don't even need the gift to charge the giant but in most cases in most people's eyes it's gonna take extra faith to do these big things but what opened the door to the gift he started to believe and speak and not just with a little wimpy confession but with boldness with arrogance in a good way with aggression with attitude a boastful way in a good way look at what my God look at what my God look at what my God will do and the Holy Ghost said to me son if you want more of the sin I'm ending with this but listen it'll help you if you haven't heard anything else's of this one sentence the Lord said to me this morning I said Lord give me more revelation on this and he said if he would boast on me more the spirit of faith will come on you more if he will boast on and I said lord give me scripture you got to give me scripture he said look at David when David preached he boasted on me and that was the spirit of faith then when the opportunity came that he needed my help and that guy stands up when he sees our big then the gift had some many charges and knocks him down and decapitate so it takes his head with him that's how you get ahead in life takes his head with him puts it in his tent oh my god oh my god that's how you get ahead in life decapitate your Giants are you with me the spirit of faith gives way to the gift of faith if it's needed it opens the door to it listen the spirit of faith will come on you more you will enter into it more you will activate it more if you'll start boasting on God don't just make a confession boast this is revelation knowledge I'm telling you that came to me this I've been studying this for years he didn't speak that to me till this morning he said son it's one thing to confess it's another thing to boast start make your confession I believe I have received it it and then start saying look listen body I'll tell you what God's done for me I'm gonna remind you and my mind and anybody around that wants to listen what God's done for me you know what God did for me three years ago you know he did nine years ago my God is the biggest God my God is God and you start stirring yourself up by boasting on him if they had him on him then then but I have them in me now this is not impossible this can work and the more you start engaging that type of talk you believe and therefore you have spoken and you've got the same attitude like Paul Jesus will raise me up I may be down but he's gonna raise he started talking strong he started boasting on God when you boast on him the spirit of faith will start to move now you're not just in faith now you're in the anointing of faith where the supernatural hits your faith now if you don't have enough the gift will show up and if you do have enough oh my god don't worry either way the problem that you're facing is gonna fall we have not preached enough about posting on God we've preached a lot of sermons in the body of Christ about how smart we need to be and how many friends we need to have and how many programs we need to initiate in the church we don't preach enough about stop looking at you because you can't do much but God in you can do all start talking about God start boasting on him when you're driving home start boasting on it you'll see that that that if that holy aggression goes I'm telling you guys it works well holy ghost I tried my best with your help it's not a it's not you know maybe the most all-inclusive sermon in the world but I wanted to read you the story of David we ran out of time but I'm telling you give me this mountain you notice what he did my god kept me alive see he's boasting on him my god kept me alive look what my God did my strength look at what God's done for me he's boasting on him he's in the spirit of faith now he says give me the mountain if he didn't have enough Rosina when he charged that giant the gift would have come on it and if he had enough Lester Sumrall was so read such revelation on regular faith he had built his faith so much that he didn't even really believe you needed the gift of faith very often that was where him and dad different dad Hagin differed that Hagin believes that you needed the gift of faith more often Lester someone had such a revelation of building your own faith he was in a castle once and that demon got hold his bid a sort of jumping on his bed like his bed started vibrating jumping off the floor and it moved the bed across the floor his demon spirit possessed the bed and our summer got up I mean it's a big spooky mansion he said like one of those old medieval places where you know there's a devil behind every door and there probably is it's just spooky and scary and now that beds possessed and is moving by itself with him lying in it so he starts to grab the bed he says I commend you doubt and doctor sir Merle had no time for Devils and the thing left and he starts pulling the bed and then he comes to himself when he goes why should I do this I didn't move it he says you foul devil I commend you come back and the thing came back in the room he said move this back and the bed moved by itself against the wall and he says now go and don't you ever touch foot on this property again out the window that's that's Dominion that's the spirit of faith oh my god here we are running from the devil and here's some real saying you get back here and move this bed praise God go home and boast Reverend Rob boast on your God boast on him and you'll see that spirit of faith will kick in more start talking large talk you know what I mean we call it the negative is smack talk but in this in the realm of God it's called large talk just start talking large about God he loves it when you boast on him praise God amen [Music]
Channel: Promise of Life Church
Views: 2,252
Rating: 4.8431373 out of 5
Keywords: Christian, church, faith, Word, Bible, Spirit, Holy Spirit, Jesus, preach, healing, David, Goliath, Mississauga, Brampton, Toronto, GTA, popular, POLC, promise, promise of life, Craig, field, Craig field, victory, overcome, canada, anointing
Id: yWgLyroZU14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 22sec (4162 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2019
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