Faith in the Power of God | Pastor Nancy Dufresne

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[Music] hallelujah how many say it's time for miracles it's time for it and it's time for me to receive mine amen time for me to be skillful at ministering those miracles with miracle power for the benefit of others too so miracle powers in two directions yours and someone else's Amen so we want to be skillful at both directions because faith goes in two directions it goes in the recieving direction but it also goes in the sowing direction and so we want to make sure that we not only are receiving we don't just have faith to receive it but we also have faith to minister it amen and so we want to we want to realize that that God wants a skillful yes that receiving but also skillful administering that which he has for other people go with me if you would tonight 1st Corinthians chapter 2 I've taught this here before but we're going to teach it again because it's so important to us and it's important to what God is saying to us right now and first Corinthians chapter 2 and verse 4 we'll start there tonight Paul was making a making a statement and wouldn't we say that Paul was skillful with miracle power he was skillful with healing power he was skillful with flowing with God's power and he gives us some insight into his skill and in 1st Corinthians chapter 2 verse 4 he said this he said my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom but my speech my preaching was in demonstration of the Spirit and the power that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men but in the power of God if our faith is just going to go to the wisdom of men it's going to fall short because the wisdom of men falls short and so he said I didn't offer you something in my speaking in my in my ministering to you that caused you to just stop with what I said what I said was in demonstrations so that you you got something more than just a man's words you got God's words you got something more to rest your faith upon and I like this verse five that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men but we could say this but that your face should stand in the power of God Amen so notice this evidently power has to have something added to it it's called faith that your face should stand in the power of God so what is it that causes power to come into to be active is faith is joined to it and in fact everything that God has bestowed on us and blessed us within made ours has to have faith joined it joined to it for it to work the word without faith joined to it won't bring any profit is what the word says Hebrews 4 2 said that the word preached did not profit them not being mixed with faith so if the word has to be mixed with faith for it to work everything the word speaks up has to have faith mix with it faith must be mixed with healing faith must be mixed with prosperity faith must be mixed with victory everything that God has made ours faith must be mixed with it because it won't flow automatically it's faith that activates it hallelujah and so we know this that too many people are waiting for God to do something and gods waiting for them to just mix faith he's what people are waiting for them to move waiting for God to move waiting for him to do something with their situation but the word says this it says this is the victory that overcomes the world even our faith what's that mean it means that your victory that overcomes anything that this world throws at you your victory is waiting for your faith to show up amen did you know your healing is waiting for your faith to show up your prosperity is waiting for your faith to show up everything of God's has to be mixed with faith for it to go into operation now we know over in Jude Jude is just one chapter and he said this he says I was going to write to you about the common salvation why did he call it a common salvation it's a salvation that belonged to the Jew and the Gentile it's the same salvation he says I was going to write to you about the common salvation and the amplified says but something to this effect it was more urgent and needful for me to write to you that you earnestly contend for the faith so he's saying I had it in mind that I was going to write a certain letter to you but the Spirit of God urged me don't write what you were going to write about common salvation write to them that they must contend they must contend for the faith that was once delivered to the Saints and then he goes on and says why they were having to contend is because there were certain men who had crept in to the church they were false teachers teaching false doctrines and teaching things that would undermine and destroy the faith of people and he was saying this contend for your faith don't turn your faith over to their teachings don't take in their teaching and try to try to house it with your faith because it will pollute your faith amen and basically wrong teaching thinking wrong listening to wrong teaching what it will do it will give you the wrong version of faith there's one version were to have it's the god kind of faith in mark chapter 11 verse 22 he Jesus was speaking to disciples and he said have faith in God or as the the Greek originally says have the faith of God or as other translations would say have the god-kind of faith' this is the faith that stems from God this God when he when he put into each one of us the measure of faith he did not go outside of himself to do that he took his own faith he took of his own faith and he gave us a measure of the god-kind of faith' amen think of that the same exact faith have you ever heard of people there are certain kinds of sourdough bread well isn't it I think well maybe it's all sourdough bread that I don't know you know I don't know I'm not going to tell you I know I don't know but I do know with sourdough bread I don't know if it's all versions of sourdough bread that it is it is taken from I don't even know the starting starter starter dough and I saw I saw a special that this one woman who's in San Francisco which they are known for their sourdough bread that she has her sourdough goes back to about a hundred years ago and they would just every time they would use it they would take a measure and then they would that would be they would insert a part of it to start their Nixon batch with and then they would save of that and in that is a measure of that hundred year old and they would take that and save it for the next and she had her own bakery and that was what they started with and it would not turn out right it would be a different version if you didn't have that kind of starter dough well the devil would love to come and offer you another starter but God gave us the god-kind of faith' not the mental kind of face not the emotional kind of faith not the human kind of faith not the natural kind of faith Amen not not some not the erroneous kind of faith not the tradition man's tradition kind of faith all these things that the devil would love to offer us so that we don't have the pure kind faith that came from God that is that is our foundation that we're living our life our lives off of and this is what this is what Jude wrote and he said you're gonna have to earnestly contend for the faith and then he says once delivered to the Saints so it's not decennial kind of faith it came from our spiritual forefathers that God delivered it and it's our job to steward that faith and make sure we honor that faith because that is going to be mixed into the god-kind of faith' that is already on the inside of us and it will determine our outcome how we treat our faith well praise the Lord and he said earnestly contend for the faith so many people are contending for something different they're contending for Authority they're contending for their their way of success in the world they're contending for money those are those are fine to contend for as long as you're not leaving out what God told you to contend for contend for the faith that was once delivered to the Saints not just in your kind of faith the faith that was once delivered to the Saints Amen why because if our faith gets polluted if our faith gets into error then nothing else works because the word the word won't even work for you without being mixed with faith it has to be mixed with a god kind of faith not mental faith it has to be mixed with the god kind of faith not the faith of traditions of man you just can't mix any other thing with the word and have it work you have to mix the god kind of faith with the word with the power of God in and I don't I I don't know if they still have it on the market but there's a product that's always kind of been well that's a low a low effort product you just go buy a plastic jug and it looks like a gallon plastic jug with a handle on it and all you do it's pancakes for to make pancakes and it's all the dry ingredients that all you have to do you don't have to have a bowl you don't have to have a spatula you don't have to have anything now a measuring cup nothing all they say is put it under the water faucet and joint add water to it shake it and there you go baby that's a good idea yeah but that tells you it must be mixed with a certain measure of water right they say you know mix this with a certain measure water what if you decide I bought that it should be self-contained I'm just going to just pour it out in a pan go ahead throw those dry ingredients in the pan and see what happens aren't the ingredients right yes but they're not ready yet because they're not mixed yet the word isn't ready for you to partake up till you mixed your faith with it I'm talking about to make a demand on the words if you're gonna receive something you're gonna have to mix your faith with it many people are waiting for God to send something and he's waiting for them to perform the act of releasing their faith in the Word of God amen and you say well what do you mean perform the act there should be some point in time you can point back to and say I stood before heaviness as I believed I receive my healing or I believe I received the money you if you if you if you perform the act releasing your faith there should be some point in time that clocks that that you can look at the calendar remember what Dad Hagin would say to people that he ministered to maybe someone that wasn't you know on a crippled bed or something and he would say what time is it what day is it look at your watch look at your time and say on Tuesday night you know at 6:45 I released my faith what there has to be a point in time that you performed the yeah of releasing your faith because if your faith isn't mixed with it the word has no obligation to work for you you understand that the word has no obligation to work for something it's for someone who has not joined their faith to it what if I decide you know something I've got that jug you know you pour out and you just part dry ingredients well that didn't work well I'm trying to get my veggies in let's throw a little bit of BA in with that well I mixed something with it yeah but you can't just mix any old thing with it it's the same thing with the word you can't just mix any old thing the way you were raised or the way you were taught or the way you thought God should act or the way you thought he should move or the way you thought he should answer you can't just mix any old thing with the word and come out with what it was intended to perform what has to be mixed with it faith so no wonder that Jude was writing and said earnestly contend for the faith why because that's the one ingredient that you possess that must be mixed with everything that heaven gives [Music] it's it's not enough that heaven gave it without your faith being mixed with it you won't partake of it it belongs to you it's stocked in your spirit the victory is yours and then the life of God is in you the greater one is in you this if I could say this the shells of your spirit are stocked with the blessings and the fullness of God the victory that Jesus won in our behalf but as we reach up if I can say this into our hearts and we take faith that's in our heart and mix it with the victory that he made ours then we become partakers you can't partake of something until the faith has been added to it amen so now you understand why the devil was after during the days that Jude was writing to the church you can understand why the devil was after the faith by sending him false teaching why let him talk about faith the wrong version how do you know if you have the right version or the wrong version you want to know how the fruit of your faith will tell you if you're not receiving if you're standing if you've done all the steps in your you say I'm doing all I know to do I'm doing all I know to do and I'm still not receiving your version isn't right amen God has to approve of our faith he what kind of faith does he approve of the god-kind yes the god-kind amen and so don't just keep doing the wrong thing if something's not showing up check what what are you leaving out what are you leaving out of the God version of faith now let me explain it to you this way years ago and going through one particular test I was doing all I knew to do I was confessing the word I was praying hours a day in the spirit I was feeding on different materials dad Hagin I was doing my own prayer life I mean in praying for others I was preaching I was studying and after a period of time I mean months and months and months I was seeing no improvement what's wrong something's missing in my version because when we give an all-out effort to the word it won't take long we will see increase we will see the fruit of walking in the light of the word so I finally said to God I said God I said I I'm doing all I know to do and it's not working and up from my spirit came the praise cure see I was praying hours of day in tongues I was making my confessions I was reading I was studying I was still preaching the word but I was leaving out one flow of faith one flow of faith is the praise and worship flow that's one expression of faith that's one way that faith can be released and I was leaving that out and the moment I started applying that for a week solid then I just applied that I laid aside everything else I was doing not that it was wrong but see I was all I was I was behind on this other so I had to play catch-up you know you can get behind spiritually and catch up you can just like you can get behind in your schoolwork and you catch up just behind like you can get behind financially and you can catch up even so you can get behind in some flows but you can catch up and so up for the next week all I did was praise the Lord praise the Lord praise all said hours a day and I mean for the first three days of that the devil bombarded me and said that's not enough to get you on the other side and I thought hmmm you thank you for the insight because when I was praying in tongues he wouldn't say anything to me about it when I was making my confessions he wasn't same thing why he wanted me to keep doing all of one thing and leaving some undone amen and so when I joined the flow of faith that is released through praise and worship then it wasn't within a week the word of the Lord came to me and told me exactly what to do and it was completely changed in a moment why because I I made sure that in my releasing of faith in releasing the act of faith part of the act of faith always involves worshiping praising God faith isn't complete without it if I could say this and it's been said by different ministers and I certainly would wholeheartedly agree is that praise and worship is the highest type of prayer and let me tell you why it is because every other type of prayer the prayer of intercession the prayer of supplication the prayer of agreement the prayer of United prayer praying in other tongues all the nine different types of prayer that dad Hagin gives us those prayers don't work unless they're joined with a prayer of praise and worship the prayer of praise and worship has to be added to those prayers for them to work they are the bookend to those prayers if you're going to pray the prayer of faith you start by worshiping God why come coming to his gates with Thanksgiving and into his courts with praise so he's telling you how to approach God and his presence has come in with Thanksgiving and worshiping and praising and gratitude and then when you do then make your requests known unto Him you can release your faith and then faith always believes it receives so then you say thank you Father so what is it the prayer of praise and worship is the book in on either side of whatever prayer you're praying so what was I doing I was making prayers I was praying four hours a day but I wasn't bookending I wasn't booking and they were falling over why these things were not standing right in place in my life why because I was missing this flow of Prayer praise and worship now that that's not part of my sermon tonight but just so you know that faith faith can be released in several different ways faith is always the same in every arena but God will have you to emphasize a certain way of releasing faith based on what you're going through or you know on one situation I was one when a different test I was facing I was making my confessions praying in hours a day in other tongues and there again I wasn't making progress and then I said to God I said I'm not asking you to do my part and I don't even know if I'm right in asking you this but I'm asking you to help me and I you know that the thought was if I'm asking him to help me as that a now this was years ago is that saying the words not working for me is that saying that I'm walking by what I see and so I said father I said I'm doing all I know to do but I said evidently something's not I'm leaving something out because I'm not getting results and so I said I asked you to help me and I said now I'm not asking you to do my part I understand I've got to do I've got to you know you you release your faith and having done all to stand you stand and that that involves the passing of time right and so I said but it seems to me I'm leaving something out evidently and he didn't answer me at that at that exact moment but later that night I was leading a prayer a prayer service at our church and the moment I sat down to pray the word of the Lord came to me and the moment I sat down I sat down like I sat down in the spirit I was in a whole nother room and he said you asked me to help you and he said you're right I cannot do your part but I can help you and he said you were you were completely correct and asking me to help you because he said don't you remember Paul talked to me three times about when he was being buffeted it wasn't wrong for him to talk to me because he said I talked to him back about what he needed to do what was he saying my grace lean on my grace my ability in you is enough to deal with this and so anyway so when I when I was in that prayer service that night and I sat down on that chair I sat down I was in another place in the spirit and he said you were right to ask me to help you he said let me tell you the help he said you have been saying and making your confessions from the mental arena and he said that's why they're not working but he says that I help you tonight by putting you in the spirit now make those confessions now talk to that spirit that's been harassing you you see I was using all the faith but I was using it from the mental arena ah wrong version mental faith doesn't work you understand that earnestly contend for the faith the god-kind of faith the god-kind of faith comes from your spirit the god-kind of faith doesn't matter what seeing what's felt it doesn't quit and the god-kind of faith' has a certain way of expressing itself amen it always talks what God says amen it speaks the word it answers opposition but another thing faith can be released through confession confessing the word isn't that right faith can be released when you pray right faith can be released when you dance faith can be released when you praise and worship faith can be released when you sing faith can be released several different ways isn't that right that's why you need to look to the Holy Spirit when you're facing something is start releasing faith faith all the ways you know and if you seem like something's not hitting the mark ask him what am i what am I missing what am i leaving out there might be another way he's wanting you to release you see I was I was releasing my faith through confessions in different tests I was releasing my faith as I prayed other tongues you can't pray in other tongues you know that and be and you're in your spirit not be involved right but see I was I was leaving out on this one occasion praising and worshipping and so I don't know why I got off on all that but when we contend for the faith the Holy Ghost doesn't want us just be good at releasing faith through confessions what about releasing faith through worshiping yes what about releasing faith through dancing in the Holy Ghost some people aren't comfortable with that why because their flashes hmm that's a little um for my flesh it wasn't on for your flesh in the bar wasn't on for your flesh at the school dance right right let me tell you what's odd I will say this those things in the church that are done in the flesh are repelling but if you dance in the Holy Ghost in release faith release space what about shouting you can release faith through shouting sometimes sometimes you you might be confessing the words standing on the word reading the word and all of a sudden the brother brother Wigglesworth walk into one woman her in her home she was dying on her deathbed and he walked in didn't pray for her anything just asked her question do you have faith enough to shout and she said yes I do she said when I heard you were coming to this city she said my faith was quickened and I called for you to come and you came and this is what hand he was letting her know you he was telling her where you're missing it you're leaving out the shout of faith see we have to contend how do we cont continuance it mean become skillful contending yes don't let something steal your faith but one way we contend is we become skillful if you're a contender in the Olympics if you're a contender in a boxing ring that means you're bringing all your skill amen with you you have to learn all the skill with that to contend for the faith we need to become skillful with all the ways faith can be expressed all the ways faith can faith can be fed faith can be released faith comes by hearing but faith can be encouraged you know faith can be Sirte you know just by listening to someone's testimony of what God did that doesn't necessarily give you faith but it will encourage your faith see we need to know all these different things because this is how we contend we have to know what affects our faith why because for anything of the Word of God to work it has to have faith joined to it amen you can read a scripture but it won't work just because you read it it works because you said that's mine that's what's working for me I believe that I take hold of that you see and something has to flow out of your spirit into that praise the Lord so Paul made this statement he said my preaching and my teaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom I wasn't trying to impress you with something that I knew he said basically to know this that for a preacher to be skillful at his preaching and teaching what happens is people end up putting their faith on the right thing as a result of what you preached and taught if people wrap their faith on you well when he lays hands on me when she lays hands on y'all get something no our job is to point your faith toward the power of God not point your faith toward a person not point your faith toward an event or if we could just have an experience like that then I could receive teaching and preaching always points the person who's doing the listening to to cling to God in what he offers amen haven't you ever come out of some services and just listening is sitting under somebody it made you hungry to know God more right amen why that that's the kind of teaching and preaching that we need so Paul said that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men but we could say this but that your faith should stand in the power of God amen notice this God has all the power to do anything but it's not doing it everywhere why because for power to work it has says faith joined to it amen now Jesus appeared to dad Hagin on one occasion I go back often to the visions the stories that dad Hagin tells especially the visions because they happened to him but they weren't just for him they were for us remember what Jews said earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered to the Saints I'm contending for what Jesus said through brother Hagin it was once delivered to him and I'm not gonna let it go and be forgotten I'm talking about my own life and so Jesus on one occasion appeared to dad Hagin and made this statement he said when I was on the earth I was the power of God if people needed power no this is what Jesus said to him if people needed power they had to get to where I was you understand that the only place on the earth when Jesus was on the earth the only other place the power of God was was in the Holy of Holies and the public but didn't have access to it God's people did not have access to it isn't that right the priests went in once a year and that's it we China we tied a rope to your leg because if you ain't right we can't even go in and get you you're gonna die when you walk into the presence of God and something you're not right you're not clean you're not you're not in the position to be in his presence you're gonna drop dead the minute you won't go in so we're trying to row and this is God's instruction tire rope to their leg because we're dragging you out because we ain't going in and die with you you say was God killing people no God does not kill people but you lay a live wire out on the ground step on it and you cross the power wrongly you dealt with power wrongly in it has an effect did God killed no is just that there's such power in that room that when sin meets it sin hats in losses yes right aren't you glad that Jesus's righteousness is our righteousness nobody got to be tying a rope on you when you come to church I got another ministry helps department now the Rope time before you walk in the sanctuary and get your Oh phone know that ministry is over with but for a long time a priest had to have the rope time ministry tied to it leg we're it's common and we think of it and that turns out I tell you you talk about power you talk about power that was the only place on the earth that power is present till Jesus came now power was not locked up and confined to the Holy of Holies this power was out walking among me and think of it the same exact power that was in the Holy of Holies that those men that humanity had never had experience with now that's out walking think of that jesus said when I was on the earth I was the power of God now it wasn't while he was in the carpenter's shop it was only for three years three years when he was anointed in the river by John the Baptist the Holy Ghost came upon him the power came upon him and now this power for three years is out moving among men no one and Jesus said to dad Hagin he said when I was on the earth I was the power of God if people needed power they had to get to where I was and he said that's why the multitudes throng to me they wanted that power Wow amen think of that people want multitudes to throng you but you have to know something about power can I tell you that all the world is drawn to power humanity is drawn to power I don't care what country I don't care that's how come you can go and you can see on television they will telecast maybe some of you've ever even been in them I've never been in them but rock concerts and those people get up there and thousands throwing them why there's power not divine power not the power of God but many times the power of rebellion yeah yeah all kinds of other power and people just throng throng and want to touch them and get around them and you see it's not the power that's gonna bless [Music] amen but all the world is drawn to a person who walks in a myth into power yeah you get what about you get a billionaire there there's a there's a there's a power there walking in I'm not it's not the power of God I'm not trying to say that but I'm saying there there is the power of success that they're walking financial success and people want to get around it and they become skillful with it they'll have seminars on it people will buy their books why because they have a measure of skill with that kind of power but it won't heal anybody the kind of power God offers a skill with is a power that changes the earth changes the earth doesn't just put the the kind of this financial skill you know that people walk around nothing wrong with it absolutely nothing wrong with it that many times it just blesses the possessor but the power prosperity God offers won't only make you rich you know it will make others around you wealthy you know there's some there are some entities certain certain leaders and what they'll do they they're all about they're all about their own wealth but let me tell you real wealth is not just you getting it if you can only produce it for you that's not much wealth real prosperity is when others are brought in on it you know when Daniel was thrown in the lion's den you don't happen when he came out not only were his accusers you know they were offered as a tidbit to the Lions right when he came out the the king promoted him promoted him and you know what Daniel did brought Shadrach Meshach and Abednego in on that and they were all promoted and this is what this is what real prosperity is real Bible prosperity is not just about you getting yours but you helping others get theirs that's what the power God will do for you it's not just about you getting your healing but you help others get theirs not just about you getting your miracle but you help someone else and get theirs amen so this power this power jesus said he said I was the power of God and people had to get to me that's why people throng to me and then he made this statement but now that the Holy Ghost is on the earth he's present everywhere see Jesus the power of God that was upon Jesus was confined to his body it was confined to the man's stature amen it could go out in somewhat of a radius because they could touch just the hem of His garment it would flow into things around him so so strong was that power that it would saturate anything that was near him right Old Testament prophets even had that you know but here Jesus he was confined though to a body if he was in one low Kayson the other location across the river or across the Sea of Galilee was not having an expression of that power because you had to be where his body was now we know why he told the disciples he says it's expedient for you that I go away because I go away I'll pray the Father and he'll send the Holy Ghost because the Holy Ghost is not confined to a body amen so jesus said to dad Hagin when I was on the earth I was the power of God if people needed power they had to get to where I was but now that the Holy Ghost has come he is the power of God and because the Holy Ghost is present everywhere power is present everywhere think of that term the same power that was locked up in the Holy of Holies then the same power that encompassed and enveloped Jesus that's the same exact power that's now everywhere everywhere in the earth everywhere in the earth everywhere in the earth that's how come anybody can get saved anywhere in the earth why because the Holy Ghost is everywhere they're saving power where the Holy Ghost is there's healing power where the Holy Ghost is there's miracle power there's delivering power there's the power to prosper everywhere the Holy Ghost is so it's not about the country you're raised in in the home you're raised in as to whether or not you're prospering it's the power you believe in and we prosper to the pot to the measure that we believe in the power of prosperity amen and so jesus said because the Holy Ghost is present everywhere power is present everywhere you know what that means that means there's power in your home there's power in your kitchen there's power in your car there's power at the place of business you know what that means you don't have to wait until you get to church before you receive what you need now pastor and and see if there's power present everywhere how come things are broke in my life it's waiting for faith the power that's present in your kitchen the power that's present in your bedroom the power that's present in your home it's waiting for something to activate it and bring it into manifestation and it's waiting for faith that's why we're to earnestly contend for the faith because it's not up it's not about a lack of power it's a lack of mixing of faith with the power power is God's part he always does his right power is God's part but faith is man's part and God says I've already brought my part do you bring your part and when you do you get a divine explosion of your answer your help your healing your miracle whatever it is you need when you mix your faith with my power then that power goes to work every time Amen now you say well when did this when did this power come on the day of Pentecost that's what's so magnificent about the day of Pentecost that's why on the whenever Jesus listen whenever Jesus died what happened to that curtain that veil in the Holy of Holies ah this is coming out people this is coming out it's not going to be locked up behind just a curtain to where only one man a year can go in and access it it's coming out into the whole earth amen and on the day of Pentecost the Holy Ghost changed addresses he no longer is a resident of heaven he's a resident of Earth and primarily a resident in the body of believers in you but he's he's in you greater is He that's in you than he that's in the world could we say this greater is the power that's in you then the power that's in the world there's power all around you but the the greatest power is in you there's nothing around you that's greater than what's in you well if that's the case Pastor Nancy how come my life looks like it does joining your faith with that power that's in you and skill recognizing what that power contains and what it will work and we limit the power by not applying it when we should we sit and we worry instead of apply power or we talk fear when we should be just apply the power Amen on the day of Pentecost the earth got wired with power the power of God you understand that think of that we don't know what it's like to live on an on an earth where the power of God isn't prison we don't know that but before the day of Pentecost it felt very differently in Earth's atmosphere the Holy Ghost was not a resident but there's not only power in you there's power around you because the Holy Ghost is present everywhere amen he's in you he's above you he's beneath you he's on your right he's on your left he is present everywhere you see if we would meditate on that a lot instead instead of thinking where am I gonna get my money from with my mortgage where is the money going to come from from my car insurance see we think about the wrong thing and therefore we release the wrong thing we release fear we release doubt that no wonder Paul said that your faith might stand not in the men not in the mind of man the wisdom of men that not in what man can figure out and calculate but that your faith would stand in the power of God if we understood can I tell you what that power does see this universe you're a part of power did that this earth you're on power power did this you understand that the same power that raised Jesus from the dead that's what's around you and in you at the day of the new birth you got wired with power the day of Pentecost the earth got wired but on at the new birth you got wired you're wired with power amen now I stir and then I guess what was at Sunday morning he called he says we'll be a little a couple minutes late picking you up the hotel because the power went out at their house something was compromised or whatever and the power went out what's that mean well there's a potential for power but something short-circuited it the good thing about this the power that's in you never goes out [Music] never goes out won't get a call I'm sorry pastor but I need you to come pray because my power went out in me the power in me went out no it won't go out but there are things that can keep it from flowing it can hinder the power fear does that unforgiveness offense doubt amen all ignorance ignorance all these kinds of things will hinder the power but the power will never go out why because you're wired with the Holy Ghost amen he's in you amen I don't know about you but we need to come up in our thinking how you say pastor how do we come up I don't you you have to meditate on these things you can't just hear me preach it go yeah that's good yeah yeah yeah it is good I acknowledge that it's good to know these things but you know how they become real for you you driving your car and you say the power of God's in me the power of God's in my car the power of God I'm wired with the power of God my home my home is not just wired with electrical power it's wired with divine power seeing you meditate you meditate you talk about it you think about it you let these things roll around on the inside of you until they enlarge in you they become real to you amen and as these things become real to you then they'll work for you then you can spend this power we think about it in all honesty from creation there has been electrical power on the earth electrical currents in the air and the Earth's atmosphere right but from the time of Adam till the early 1900's everybody's welcome around candles why because it doesn't matter how long it's been here the longer it's here doesn't mean it's gonna go into operation it's when men become knowledgeable and skillful now somebody has to be interested enough interested Benjamin Franklin asked the question in the middle of a of a lightning storm he recognized there's power they had seen power strike homes power strike trees and things go on fire why because power right so in an electrical storm he asked this question I recognize there's power in that lightning bolt can I initiate contact with it or do I have to wait for it to come to me and he sent up a kite and put a key on the string of the kite and he got him a real buzz that lightning bolt didn't come to him he went to it yeah he started thinking am i okay we're just leaving it up in the sky and watching it or do I want to learn something do I want to initial listen to this word initiate initiate contact God didn't speak to him there was a desire in him to initiate something and I want to tell you this 95% of what you received from God is initiated by you not God you say what initiates it hunger amen those who hunger and thirst what happens they're filled ah they get something that people who aren't hungry and thirsty don't get what's that mean when you're hungry you initiate something and God feels it people are waiting for God to heal him and he's waiting for them to initiate their healing seriously people are waiting for God to send them money and he's waiting for them to be hungry enough I remember something I said to God probably 3035 years ago I was having back trouble and I said you know you kind of know just enough about healing to be arrogant to get bossy you know think you got it all and I remember I was thinking about you know I was having issues with my back and I remember you know it hurting and headaches and all kinds of stuff and I said to God just one day why don't you just heal me I know healing belongs to me you know just because I know some scriptures I'm familiar or acquainted does not mean that I'm skillful this because I've heard about something so I said to him why don't you just heal me you're his answer was to me he said you're not hurting bad enough was he wanting me to hurt no was he trying to was he the author of any pain no but Junie said to me he said you're not hurting bad enough if you were hurting bad enough you'd do something what's that mean you'd take my word and you would do something but you're not hurting bad enough cuz you're just sitting and waiting for something to come to you faith doesn't sit back faith is a work faith is an faith will initiate some things faith will hunger and thirst and reach out for some things and that's what Benjamin Franklin did he had enough hunger and desire wait a minute let me see if I can initiate contact or do I just have to wait for power to initiate contact and that's what he did and one question led to another and him him and other men not just him but him and other men begin to explore this thing that can we make contact with power can we generate it can we harness can we conduct it can we send it where we want it to go and because they hungered and asked questions about power that was already present we got lights we're sitting here without holding a candle burning the person's hair in front of us without wax drap dripping on the floor and in smoke you know smoke flames going up the walls you know all the cloudy why because somebody got hungry enough to become knowledgeable and skillful from the time of Adam but nobody had asked the right questions and dived into the knowledge and gained the right kind of knowledge to become skillful with it but when men did that look at the benefit jut look at the benefit naturally there are they call in miracle drugs or they call these great scientific strides that didn't come and play until power got harnessed you understand that it affected every other arena of man's existence why because they became skillful with the electrical power think about how much greater when we become skillful with God's divine power you think electrical things have blessed humanity because of those days men are flying airplanes because of those kinds of questions early on about electrical power it accessed so many other forms of power in affected other forms of power the power of lift that they learned that the power of lift will trump the power of gravity that there are powers that trump other powers the power of God trumps every other power it'll trump the power of lift it'll trump the power of gravity why do you think that Jesus is walking on water he that power in him trumped the power of gravity weird we are power creatures people power creatures and we're dealing with power that's all around us and we have set back and let others just enjoy things you know others other scientists that have gone into the these laboratories of research and they have taken their lives and explored it is our privilege to take our lives and explore divine power in God's laboratory become skillful with it that's what the local church should be it's a laboratory that the pastor gains some skill and he comes out knee and we're students of that power and he starts in this divine classroom of the local church starts talking to us about how to conduct power the power of faith all these things it's amazing thrilling amen and so Jesus said to dad Hagin he said now that the Holy Ghost is present everywhere power is present everywhere it's everywhere so what what is it that whether we're just sitting living life as usual how interested we are if I could say this there's a lot of people really not interested in it but their lives reflect the lack of interest I'm not gonna let my life look like it was uninterested in what God made mine amen how do we keep ourselves interested well we're told in the word stirrup stirrup stirrup what you're around will stir some things in you amen hallelujah Moses as we were referring to saw a bush that burned it wasn't consumed and it stirred something in him and he followed that stirring and when he followed that stirring he arrived at God's voice and God told him his the future of what his life was to do and he left the forgotten position and came to the forefront position of what God was doing on earth why he followed the stirring local churches and our services are disturb to follow that stirring or we'll live life as usual we'll go back to tending our flocks the flock of our job the flock of just daily responsibilities but were to follow the stirring God is stirring us up for a time for miracles it's time for miracles he's stirring us we need to follow that stirring amen are you getting anything out of this why because even though it's time for miracles it has to have faith mixed with that time the power of miracles has to have faith mixed with it it doesn't just happen on its own and all alone so Jesus went on and he made this statement when he was talking to dad he said the power of God is the Holy Ghost is present everywhere therefore power is present everywhere then he made this statement there's enough power in every sick room now he brings it personal and home there's enough power in every sick room there's enough power in every hospital room he didn't say there's enough power in every sick room of the believer right he said there's enough power in every sick room there's enough power in every hospital room why did Jesus not say there's enough power in every sick room of the believer is it not just confined to here the believers no no the power of God's for everyone power of gods for everyone in a service if we buy that word of knowledge would get up and call out somebody's back is being healed somebody's neck is being healed very seldom will God have a minister to say Gerry's back is being healed Johnny's back is being healed Mary's neck is being healed why because the only person that can receive it is Jerry John and Mary because he can find it when he put a name on it the power is offered to everyone that's why we get up and the Holy Ghost will say call out back some people say well don't they know done God know whose back needs healing yes but he's not limiting he's not a limiter he's not a limiter it's available to anyone with faith God's power is not just limited to his children it's limit it's available to anyone because he loves everyone God so loved the world he didn't limit anything from him amen so Jesus said to dad Hagin there's enough power in every sick room and in every hospital room I love this to raise up to raise up what's power for to raise up to raise up amen how about raising up your finances amen how about raising up your health he said there's enough power in every sick room in every hospital room to raise up that sick one if ah now we've got the conditions if number one they only know its present and number two give it actions how do you give it action we've been talking about that how how say that loud everybody should already know you have to join your faith to anything God offers faith has to be mixed with it how do you mix your faith with power words words words jesus said you will have whatsoever you say yes the more you say it the more you have it the less you say it the less you have it so we can't complain to God about us not having much it's a sign we're not saying much if we need to increase our having we increase our saying because jesus said you shall have whatsoever you say notice this he didn't say you'll have whatsoever you believe it don't matter that you believe it if you don't say it what you believe will never get out of your heart the faith that's in your heart has an exit door through your words as you say it that's how the faith that is in your heart gets spent and gets out into circulation so that's why Jesus didn't say you'll have whatsoever you believe you know what he said he said demons believe demons believe and tremble why they tremble because they believe what Jesus said about them their end their trembling over their end they believe it yeah well praise the Lord so jesus said to dad Hagin there's enough power in every sickroom in every hospital room to raise up that sick one if they only know its present and would give it action notice this ignorance won't activate it you have to know something you can't be ignorant and had the power to work for you the first step time the power work for you you gotta got you have to get knowledge about it amen and then then once you're knowledgeable about it you know wait a minute there's power there's power in our kitchen honey we don't have to sit around the dinner table and talk about what we don't have we can we're present where we're at right now there's power present and it's here to perform what we need it to do and so you have to know it's present but then you have to give it action give it action just because it's present doesn't mean it's flowing doesn't mean it's operating just because the building is wired for lighting doesn't mean the lights are on somebody has to flip the switch to have the power that's present and available to the building to have it flowing the power of God is present everywhere but it's not flowing everywhere right just because it's present doesn't mean it's flowing it's our job to bring it into manifestation it's not God's job to bring it in a manifestation it's our job how do we bring it into manifestation we join our faith to it and when we release our faith in it it flows it's a sign to flow when faith flips the switch you don't have to call the electrical company and say we're going to have a service tonight at 7 o'clock we'd like to have the lights on at 6 would you turn it on no they wired the building so that we decide when it comes on or not too many times people are waiting for God to do something he's waiting I wired you with power so that you can flip the switch a power anytime you need power cuts you don't have to ask heaven for permission for power that ought to be huge to you that ought to be huge you do not in people are waiting for God to give them healing give them prosperity and he's saying I wired you I wired you just flip the faith with your faith flip the power that is greater in you just flip it flip it on get it flowing getting into manifestation and we're waiting for God to manifest and he's waiting for us to initiate the manifestation we don't get miracles praying for God to send miracles yeah we receive miracles by flipping the switch that of the power that's already here how do you flip the switch you walk in say we're gonna have miracles in this service tonight that's how well what we're going to do Amen people are gonna receive healing have you ever read the account summary Woodworth editor she would go and have these marvelous healing Crusades and phenomenal miracle Crusades once she went to Denver Colorado she rented one of the biggest auditoriums there at seeded 18,000 people excuse me 10,000 people and the first night she had 18 she had 18 people see people thought that these these people that these these great pioneers of faith that ended up with these massive crowds that they started they'll they'd start with a handful and they didn't they weren't they didn't mind starting with a handful because they were skillful and the first night 18 people can you imagine what 18 people look like in an auditorium 10,000 like for bb's in a shoe box that's what they look like you know rolling around in there any seat you want just anything you want and most of them take the back seats you know [Laughter] and the first service she gets up and she says there's gonna be blonde eyes opened there's going to be cripples walking cancers will be healed tuberculosis will be healed she said that the very first night by the end of the week they can't even get all the people in the building there's so many people wise she knew she knew how to take the power that was available to her bring it in a manifestation don't wait for God to send miracles Brett he sent miracles when he wired you with power yet that he sent miracles when he wired you with power that's how come all Roberts could say everyday miracles are coming to your and going past you why because power is all around you I don't know if you're getting this but we got to get this to where it's not just oh that's nice no it's so big in US and we're following the stirring we follow the string and we keep stirring it by that when we leave the service we go we stir it so much we don't go to sleep till four because that's kind of my life you know praise the Lord powers available you know there's enough power in every sick room to every hospital room to empty up every hospital there's enough power there there's enough power there why are the hospitals full because I tell you get you had a way to turn in hospitals why are they full because people don't know it's not because there's like a power there's enough power in the hospitals to raise up everyone in that hospital but what's problem we don't know we don't know what to do with it we don't know how to initiate God gave you your personal life to practice on practice on your life that if something goes wrong with your children say oh no no no not in this house oh no you don't know you don't you got to get mean and ugly about it quit waiting for God to bless you he's already blessed you he wired you the life of God is in you the righteousness of God is in you the authority of the name is ours the blood of Jesus is ours all these wonderful things they belong to us and so many are saying God would you sin God would you give missed it don't II don't even know don't even know the first thing I mean he's got to look at us and go when he says greater is He that's in you than he that's in the world I mean like what kind of explanation does that take if we really believe that if we really believe if we really believe that greater is He that's in us what would we be doing in our neighborhood seriously if we really believed these things what would our lives look like what would the lives of those who come in contact with us look like this earth is not waiting for God to move God is waiting for his people to move amen well we could go on for a good long time so come back tomorrow night stand with me to your feet I love the word don't you love the word and I'm not really scolding us I'm just saying we need to sober up about because we are being taught some of the most wonderful things in this church you are hearing the truths of heaven you are hearing the doctrines of God in this church and it's not alright for our lives to progress as slowly as they progress when we could pick up the pace we could pick up the pace we shouldn't be dealing with the same financial problems for five years ten years we still look like we're in the same shape as we were seven years ago financially something's wrong with that what's wrong with that were okay with it that's what's wrong with it we'll have everything we're okay with God will let us have everything we're okay with I so appreciate the power of God that's in us you and you know why you can't misplace it can't put it in the wrong place and can't find it God so authored success for us that he wired us with everything we need amen I believe in the power of God Paul said that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men in the mental arenas of men that your mind won't stand in what you can figure out what you can calculate what you can measure but that your faith would stand in the power of God what Jesus say in Acts chapter 1 verse 8 you shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you that's you that's you he told us we've got power in us around us this church is wired with power it's not flowing everywhere but it can flow where we're at amen hallelujah hallelujah say this with me I believe in the power of God it's in me and that power trumps every other power every other opposition the power that's in me cannot be outworked [Music] the power of God it's above me beneath me on either side think of that go to bed thinking of that instead of thinking about what supposing you think of what for you you say well it just doesn't seem real that's okay meditate on it meditate talk about it amen instead of saying honey you know when your spouse comes home and they get under it and they come home with a lot of responsibility there's something weighing down them say honey there's enough power in this house to deal with that there's enough power in our hearts to deal with this let's let the power do it instead of our minds trying to do it that's why we get wearied and broken down we're trying to do it with our minds and it falls short amen I believe in the power of God I believe in the power of God I believe in it I believe in it I believe in it I believe in what it's doing in this place right now amen do you know when you say I believe in the power of God do you know this that angels can move at that at those words why because angels are expressions of God's power and when you say I believe in the power of God if you if there needs to be an angel involved to do something an angel will go to work because you said I believe in the power and they are expressions of how he works amen in angels that work with you work for you when you didn't even real you weren't even aware that you were sitting in angel because when you say I believe in the power of God if that's what's called for they'll go to work because you gave permission for power to work amen why is power not working for us we're not giving it permission how do we give it permission we add our faith to it amen I say this with me the power of God it's working in my home power of God is working in my children it's working in my loved ones it's working in my finances it's working in my business the power of God is working in my body from the top of my head to the soles of my feet going through every organ every blood vessel every artery every bone every muscle every tendon every organ every ligament every cell every tissue the power of God the healing power of God the miracle power of God is going through my body it resides in me so I give it permission to move in this body and do God's divine work of healing of working miracles therefore since I believe in the power of God I believe I'm healed by it right now Amen just lift up your hands lift up your hands what part of your body has needed that power right where you're at right where you're at the power the power that my head needed the power that my shoulders needed whatever you needed just talk about it right now give it permission give that power permission right now to do what it's there to do in you hallelujah hallelujah you specify with your own mouth what that powers doing for you right now we thank your father we thank you Father we thank you Father I thank you father that my head is healed I thank you that my eyes are healed I thank you that my shoulders are healed my heart is healed I thank you that my joints are whole I thank you Father I give your power permission to do its divine work in my body I think you that it's working in the organs of my body I think your father even what my bad decisions of how I treated my body your power is bringing your mercy to my body the mercy of healing is working in my body from the top of my head to the soles of my feet top of my head to the soles of my feet somebody that somebody you're being healed right now it's going up the back of your neck right in the neck there was limited mobility move your neck around you're being healed right now right now just receive the manifestation of that power move it around right now somebody's shoulders you had limited mobility move it around right now do what you couldn't do there's power working right now somebody's knees being healed right now right now move around raise your knee you know bend down if you need to do something not to check it but to give action to that power of action to that power somebody's ears being opened right now somebody you had limited hearing you had hearing loss in your ears your your ears being opened right now hallelujah hallelujah somebody's teeth the back lower jaw teeth somebody's teeth being healed right now just receive that power just receive that power say thank you Father that's mine I take it it's working in me right now working in me hallelujah there's some kind of infection in someone's body I just heard the word infection I don't know what hard that could be in so many different parts but the way he said it to me infection so right now infection healed right now just receive it you see you have to receive that it's your job to receive it hallelujah hallelujah we thank you for it father we thank you for it father we thank you for it father somebody you've been having problems it seems to go right across the upper back right where the shoulder blades are there's some kind of difficulty that seems to go right across there I don't know if it's a muscle a tendon or what but something right across the upper part right where the shoulder blades are there's been some kind of difficulty in that area I don't know if it was an injury I don't know if it's a pull muscle or what but if you had a difficulty with that move that around do something do something we're not moving it around to check and say did it work we're giving action to that power we believe in the power of God hallelujah hallelujah it's working it's working right now it's working right now now let me let me let me encourage you in this don't limit power to the instantaneous because people will say well I thought something would happened listen what the moment you take an aspirin you don't say guess that didn't work still have my headache no you give it time to work amen hallelujah don't limit God to the instantaneous listen you might be healed instantly but I can't promise you you'll be healed instantly but can I say this I'll promise your healing Amen hallelujah praise the Lord praise the Lord whoo and there's somebody here that you're being healed right now here in your throat someone in this neck area right in here there's some kind of difficulty I don't know if there's been a growth and obstruction or just pain I don't know just something in this area of the neck being healed right now just receive that just receive that hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah somebody your posture has been it's been rigid stooped over like this right now right now right now that that spine being being adjusted right now just receive that don't just stand and look at me just receive that just say father I take it I receive it I thank you straight father I think you make me straight you make the crooked places straight hallelujah hallelujah just receive that right where you're at right now just receive that hallelujah I was reading and I believe it was in Richards Sigmund's book on my time in heaven have you read that I believe it's in that book when he talked about and I don't know if I I don't I don't quite remember the setting of how he described it but he talked about I don't know if he was in the spirit would see angels or whatever that would come to the services with body parts and they would stand by a person needing the body part and said he would watch them and then at the end of the service they would go back to heaven still holding the body part and he said why are they still holding the body part said the person he brought it forward didn't receive it so they have to take it back to heaven and they put it back listen there's no sense in going things going back to heaven that you need in your body and listen you don't have to say to somebody you know they saw an angel or whatever thank God for that but don't wait for that because power is present can I say this we make the mistake of only believing power we feel that's a mistake that is a mistake to only have faith or release your faith when you feel something faith does not walk by what is seen or felt faith is for the invisible faith is for the unfelt we have to not just become skillful with anointing we feel but we have to become skillful with power we may never feel because the power of God that's all that is always present in you you don't always feel it but it's still present it's unfair unseen power just don't limit yourself to this if I can feel it then I know God's working what if you don't feel it you still believe you choose to believe choose to believe Amen hallelujah hallelujah somebody you've been having Mitton you've had misaligned hips your hips have been out of alignment that's being healed right now just move around move around raise your legs do something to give it action amen move it around move it around praise the Lord receive that how they loo you somebody you've had difficulty swallowing there's been an ongoing problem in your throat there and you've had difficulty and I don't know because sometimes I don't know what it is that like it's as though the throat loses its elasticity and it just doesn't you choke easily and there's healing for that there's healing for that praise the Lord we thank you Father can I tell you something there's power present everywhere but what an honor that we're present in a room where it's manifesting we're present in a location where it's coming in a manifestation that needs to not be a light thing with us amen hallelujah hallelujah praise the Lord praise the Lord just raise up your hands and receive it we thank you father father I thank you for the fullness of your plan for her the fullness of your plan I thank you Father for making it clear to her visiting her visiting her to reveal to her the fullness of what you have for her in Jesus name I thank you for it father I thank you for it father praise the Lord praise the Lord are you blessed tonight [Music] if you can already because like I said sometimes you can tell a bit of a difference sometimes you may have an instantaneous but we're not confining God to that Amen we trust he knows what he's doing and can I tell you this he's gonna do what's best for your faith not what's best for your feelings people need to realize that that if you're too caught up on whether you can feel it or not he'll give you times of not feeling to get you past that because he's not trying to raise a spiritual that's got to depend on what they can feel before they believe God's working for him amen praise the Lord praise the Lord hallelujah so sometimes sometimes and John G Lake made this statement he said sometimes our instant healings are cursed to us because people never learn how to stand so many people love to receive but they don't love to stand can I tell you this standing is as much a part of the word as receiving this and when you're standing you're still a doer of the word it's not only when you receive are you blessed the doer is blessed it doesn't say the receivers bless the doer is blessed amen and so many think that are only blessed when something shows up and manifests if you're doing the word you're blessed because you know what to do others don't know what to do in the earth you know how many people on this earth don't know what to do we know what to do when paints that when pain shows up we say no you don't you take your hands off me in Jesus name you're not living in my body you leave my body the Bible says you're blessed because your doer you know what to do and you're doing it amen and the devil says well what you're believing for hadn't shown up yeah devil that's right faith is for what has not shown up yes now you finally got it devil now you have finally got it but he tries to make you think because it hasn't shown up that your faith doesn't work no faith is for what has not shown up yet in this realm it's already it's already completed in God's realm praise the Lord how many of you can say I can tell a difference already in something of my buddy raise your hand real high how many raise your hand real high if you say I can already tell a bit of a difference raise it up and keep it up I can already tell something has changed in my body now we know this that the power is working I want you to turn around keep your hands up very high please very very high not not not down like this stretch them as straight as you can everybody turn around and look at how good Jesus is turn around look at the hands look at the hands can I tell you this the power that did that was here when you walked in can I tell you the power that did that was in you all along what's it waiting for your faith to show up how easy is that how easy is that hallelujah I believe in the power of God let's raise up our hands and thank him Jesus we glorify you we magnify you we glorify you we thank you so so much we just so appreciate your goodness thank you for your word if it weren't for your word we would not know these things if it were not for your your blessing upon our life how our lives would look so different but we thank you so much you have given us the best life you have given us the best life and we thank you so much thank you for that power thank you for that power say this with me I believe in the power of God it's working in me right now and I'll never be the same hallelujah pastor wonderful have a seat praise God pastor I don't believe in doing part twos because pastors the preacher not me but can I just share something for 30 seconds because a few years ago I was believing for healing and I was thanking God for his power and the Lord said something to me and he said if you want to learn how my power works study lightning I've never preached this ever this is just an internal thing that I was doing for my life a lot of what pastor said today just stirred me up and and I and I and I went on the weather website because they're the ones that know what they're talking about because they study weather and I studied how lightning works and I'm and I memorize parts of it because I wanted to keep it before my own heart and my own mind and the Lord showed me something real wonderful about that in the lines of beautifully with what pastor shared there is an electrical field between the clouds and between the earth okay lightning cannot strike unless that electrical field breaks down when it starts to break down there are the air starts to ionize and little step-by-step something called step leaders start to come from the cloud down thirty thousand feet down there called the the the actual term is a step leader and it says the earth as the air ionisers as that electrical field breaks down it goes in little like a little chain and it goes down down down down down down down but the fascinating thing and even scientists say it's a strange thing they don't understand why but they say that it cannot go lower than a hundred feet above the ground lightning cannot strike on its own it goes from thirty thousand down to a hundred feet above the earth and then it waits it happens in a microsecond so you can't you don't know it's waiting but those ionized step leaders wait for something called streamers to come up for the ground it cannot connect unless a streamer comes up from the ground now certain conductive materials like a key or you know lightning rod produces their head they produce more streamers than than other non conductive materials but if there's nothing conductive around that's why lightning can strike would a tree or the ground itself if there's nothing metal you know it's conductive so it sends up more streamers but it's at a fascinating scientific study that when those streamers go up from the ground level and they go up as when the last block the last chain of the step leader meets the first that meets the first streamer that goes up now this is what they say on the website you can look it up if you want when they connect together it says the circuit is completed or closed when the circuit is completed it says electricity flows and what you see is the lightning but a circuit has to be completed lightning cannot strike without the earth producing upward streamers and the Lord says dealt with me he said he talked to me about faith and he said when you member what pastor said how do we do it release our faith with our words when you start to say and out of your heart out of your faith with your faith thank God the power of God is working in me you just sent a streamer scientifically they're called streamers what we did tonight they were hundreds of streamers growing up in the spirit realm their streamers going up and the power of God is always there waiting it's there waiting for a streamer to make contact because until it makes contact the circuit is not closed and it will not flash but when the streamer comes it connects that circuit it's amazing and then I said no Lord I don't understand I'm not a very smart guy I don't understand what is this electric field needs to break down really it's like a band electrically and it's up there pastor and we're down here it can't get to us unless the field breaks down then it starts to come down in these little step leaders and the Lord spoke this is years ago the Lord spoke to me and he said before my son came it was in heaven it's bound and it could only come with certain men of God when the anointing would come on them but when Jesus came and when the Holy Ghost came like she was preaching the electric field so to speak spiritually I'm speaking it started it broke down that's why when the when that when the tempo thing ripped it broke down in other words he said it's not reserved for this place anymore it's not reserved for this band now it's accessible to everybody that electric spiritual field so to speak broke down and now these these step leaders are all over the world they're waiting they're waiting they're waiting that electric field is open to us they're waiting for us but they cannot strike without a streamer going up anytime you see a lightning flash it means a streamer had gone up I just think that's wonderful that lightning that that's the God God does so much for us he'll bring it from 30,000 feet he'll go twenty nine thousand nine hundred feet to reach us he just wants us to do the last hundred feet because otherwise he'd have to heal everybody instantly he has to have somebody release their faith otherwise it would be unfair to the rest he'll come down twenty nine thousand nine hundred feet to meet you Cola and he's waiting he's waiting for the first streamer out of your heart to go up and then the circuit closes and the power flashes I'm telling you when he revealed that to me three years ago I said I got healed just on that revelation because I read what we were doing tonight lord I thank you I release my faith with my words my streamer is going up I'm making contact with the power of God I'm making contact with the power of God hallelujah pray let's all be lightning rods let's all be conductive material that sends up streamers to heaven and say father I believe I'm not trying to preach but men what pastor preach tonight was so important it's so important and I'm listening I know the answer is release your faith with your words I uttered it under my breath but I'm waiting to see how many other people in the congregation when she said what do you do member and everyone was real quiet I don't want to yell it out because I know it but I'm wondering why is only four people saying it when we teach this I think you're afraid pasen antsy and you afraid that if you say the wrong thing the Lightning power will come out of her and zap you I think that's what it is nobody wants to say the wrong answer pastor but I think you do you understand that you release your faith with your words so as you're driving home send up some streamers hallelujah when you wake up in the morning just start saying lord I thank you the power of God is working in me you got a rebellious child Lord I thank you the power of God is working in my child you see you're sending up your faith so that the power of God can connect to you I've never preached that have i reverend tater but but boy it all came up it came up in my spirit again as she was preaching amen the power of God is waiting for us we're not waiting for it it's waiting for us glory to God amen now I've had an issue something in my body I don't have to specify why but it was bothering me old service and then when she had us do that you see I'm a note but I still got to do it like you I started with the I said Lord I think you see I'm releasing my faith with my words my streamers going on and then I heard the Holy Ghost just in my heart he said I just dance a little bit you see I'm releasing it with my words but he prompted me maybe didn't prom to you but he prompted me so I don't have to make a big scene and draw attention to myself but I just started dancing a little bit and I could feel something to go into my body when I did that and that hope that whole thing I've been dealing with is totally gone I got healed tonight she didn't have to lay hands on me I released my faith and then I followed the the inward witness of the Holy Ghost when he said now don't just release it in that in your case right now I want you to release it with the dance praise God this stuff works and it can work in your shower in your car you don't have to come to a healing line it can work anywhere in fact heating lines really should be reserved for the unsaved that don't understand nothing and they have to have hands laid on them but the rest of us can get it anywhere praise God
Channel: Promise of Life Church
Views: 2,825
Rating: 4.7538462 out of 5
Keywords: faith, Word of Faith, power, Power of God, anointed, teaching, teacher, preacher, Ladies Ministry, Women's Ministry, Bible, Jesus, God, Holy Spirit, church, revival, anointing, POLC, promise of life, Mississauga, Toronto, Brampton, GTA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 19sec (5899 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 04 2019
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