The Precious Blood of Jesus | Pastor Craig Field

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[Music] so today we're talking about the precious blood of Jesus because this is an appropriate subject when you enter into a new season and when you dedicate yourself unlike the Old Testament when they physically shed blood we don't physically shed it but we talk about the blood and then we apply the blood because the blood was already thank God we're not in those days where we have to get our hands dirty and all that kind of stuff now it is that now it's the symbolic parallel and type and shadow that we apply to our life but it's important we talk about the blood I believe the Lord is pleased with this subject being talked about tonight and so I said Lord this is such a vast subject and it really is in fact let me say this to you when I uh I go I was born again at 6 years old but I I was called to the ministry at 16 right when I at the beginning of my 16th year middle and end I had 3 visitations from God and in those 3 times all three of them God called me to the Ministry and the very first subject that I studied at length I preached I preached when I started in 16 - when I was 16 years old I started preaching from the pulpit I had been doing evangelism on the streets before that but pulpit preaching started then and the first that wasn't the first sermon but the first series the first serious Bible study I ever did in great depth and detail as a 16 year old was the blood of Jesus and I started when I Stu traveled years later I would go to churches and I would teach series on the blood of Jesus that was kind of what people knew me as when I was a traveling minister I taught an evangelism and I taught on the blood those are my main two other messages - but those my main two messages I've taught this many times before but I said lord I don't want to just teach the same thing I've always taught and I said furthermore I don't sense that this is a series necessarily it could be but I sense this is just kind of a standalone message and how am I supposed to talk about the vastness of this subject in in in 45 minutes it how is it possible this subject is a vast subject of the Bible there are books that are written you could read the ten best books on it and still not know everything there is to know about the blood how do you condense that into one simple single sermon so I have very he gave me he said it's impossible for me to say everything that has to be said but that doesn't you don't have to say everything that could be said you just have to say what he once said at this moment and so he gave me a few questions to ask you or two to present three questions what one why is the blood important to us - what did the blood provide for us and three why and how do we apply it if we can just answer three simple questions yes you can do your own Bible study in depth and detail and get a lot more information and revelation from the word about the blood covenant but if for the sake of tonight in a condensed version what what number one what primarily why is it important to us number two what did it provide for us and number three how do we apply it in other words what do we do with it now in our life on a daily basis why is it important to us so father we thank you as we look to your word tonight and these important this important subject father I'm not guessing I didn't pull a sermon out of a hat your anointing is here I can feel it here in the room I can feel it on me I know Holy Spirit that you desire to impart revelation knowledge to your people tonight I know you don't want this just to be another sermon you want this to be something that they catch you want this to be something that they use every day of their life from this moment forward many of us know about the blood oh we've heard a sermon or two at some point in the past and we really couldn't put clear thoughts together on a piece of paper if I ask them to write an essay they most of them in this room couldn't probably really explain to me why it's important scripturally and how we apply it Lord I want them to take away tonight something they can use not just a bunch of theology not just a lot of head knowledge but Lord revelation knowledge in your word that can be applied today as they leave the service and that can be applied tomorrow morning when they open their eyes in their bed for father if we would honor your blood more if we would make much of your blood if we would magnify your blood in our lives more we would see practical changes for the better so I thank you for helping them I claim Ephesians 1:18 the spirit of wisdom revelation and the knowledge of your word would be there's angels assist us in the service I think you Father for no distractions in the name of Jesus that they focus and they concentrate that those it might feel sleepy or might feel weary would stir themselves up in the name of Jesus that they would that they would buck up and say this is important for my future that I listen and that I don't just hear with my ears but I listen with my heart I thank you Father for it I thank you for the anointing that assists us tonight for without your anointing we are nothing but with it we can do everything and we give you praise in the name of Jesus Leviticus you don't have to look it up at Leviticus 16 verse 14 tells us that the high priest Aaron in this case once he died there was a high priest assigned the high priest would go into the Holy of Holies once a year the priest would work in the outer courts in the inner courts but he would go into the Holy of Holies once a year carrying blood fascinating thing about about the high priest he had all these different garments on him and different things he had a rope around his leg so that if he went in sinfully and he died they could drag him out he also had something else which I found very interesting around the hem of the garment there were pomegranates that were that were attached to the hem of His garment and bells bells were so that they know he was still around because they could hear the tingling there no noise you understand then they're gonna start pulling on that rope but when they were barrels there but the pomegranate is called the King's fruit pomegranate is is one of the few fruits that are native to Israel other countries as well but Israel produces them they're native to Israel the top of the pomegranate looks like a crown that's why it's called the King's fruit the Brenin you open the pomegranate the the division if you look at the inside of it you slice it open it looks very similar to the to a human heart the way it's divided up looks like the ventricles of a heart and there are 633 seeds in a typical pomegranate and there's 633 laws of Moses and why he said that is the law was supposed to be in your heart not just something religiously in your mind so they would have these pomegranates so that as he walked and he could feel the pomegranates hit the bells he would be reminding himself I'm not just doing this to do it this is in my heart God is that the law of the law of God burns in my heart this is real to me this is not just religion and he would go in and Leviticus 16 14 we won't read it for sake of time he would take hyssop which always represents faith you can actually go into an Arab store and you can buy something called zatar which is hyssop that's another word hyssop and a mixture and you eat that and it cleans your blood cleans your your blood system but hyssop was a plant it looks like parsley and it grows on the walls of the houses in Israel and and hyssop was a bushy kind of parsley looking like plant and God always said you have to take hyssop when you when you do things with the blood because hyssop is representative of faith in the Old Testament anytime you see the word hyssop or the plant hyssop and you see it used it represents faith they were applying it with hyssop or applying it by faith and that priest would take the blood in that case it wasn't with hyssop but you'll see in a minute then it where was he would put in his finger and he would sprinkle seven times on the Holy of Holies on the mercy seat why it was foreshadowing that Jesus one day would come with his precious blood on the mercy seat member of the tabernacle on earth was a was an image of what's already in heaven it started in heaven and God gave the idea to Moses he showed him the plan on the top of Sinai and said now make a pattern on the earth exactly as it is in heaven so they were doing this as a foreshadowing every year Reverend Greg foreshadowing the Messiah would come and sprinkle his blood they didn't know the Messiah was Jesus but they should have especially the rabbi's should have if they had any kind of a heart to see the symbolism of the Bible of the Torah this was Jesus fulfilling what they've been doing as a custom in a ritual for thousands of years and he would sprinkle the blood seven times seven being the number of perfection meaning a perfect covering or a perfect sacrifice but the blood of those boats and goats and bulls covered the sin and a year later you had to come and redo the thing again Jesus came as the Lamb of God his blood was perfect which is why the Bible says he entered in once and he never has to do it again God could not find a human being that could not break covenant every human being he tried it with failed so God says I have a plan I will send myself in human form and cut covenant with myself that is the only way to guarantee their survival if I trust a man they'll break it and then the conditions of the Covenant are death but if I come if I myself come in human form and cut it with myself I cannot break my own covenant then if I allow them to enter and through that now the Covenant that they stand in is eternal and unbreakable because it's not them and me it's me and myself that they have entered into that is why it doesn't matter it does matter we don't sin we don't try to sin but your covenant with God is not based on perfection in your life it's based on the perfection of his life Jesus cut it with the Heavenly Father and we enter in through the door through Jesus through the way the truth and the life and by the acceptance of his blood that He shed in cutting covenant with his father we enter into that covenant Jesus being the high priest sprinkled his blood seven times I won't read it for sake of time because we did other verses that I want you to read but if you're writing notes hebrews chapter six verse twenty tearily tells us that jesus is our high priest after the order of Melchizedek if the high priest sprinkled seven times Leviticus 16 14 and Jesus is our high priest his blood had to be shed seven times otherwise it would not be a perfect covering you've heard me preach this so I'm gonna go very quickly and not take a long time but in the Garden of Gethsemane he bled from his mind that wasn't drops it looked like blood if you studied in the Greek it was actual blood it is medically possible to be under such strain that it breaks the blood vessels in your forehead and blood can come through the pores and drip down it is medically possible and has happened more than once in known science in modern society Jesus bled from his mind for your emotional and mental healing because without the shedding of blood nothing can be accomplished in covenant then he goes into Caiaphas house and Isaiah chapter 50 if I remember correctly says that the Bible says and he turned his face to the Snider's and to those that plucked out the beard Jesus was a rabbi he wasn't clean-shaven he had a full beard because that was the Jewish law that was the tradition Jesus would have turned his face to those Snyder's and in Caiaphas's house the Bible says they beat him with their fists they spat upon him they beat him with clubs and they pulled out his beard you tagged one little hair and pull it out and see how harmful that is can you imagine them taking chunks or rolling it that what they believe is that they rolled his beard around a club and then they would smash the club with their feet and pull out chunks at a time can you imagine the pain can you imagine the bruising can you imagine the swelling of his face which is why the Bible said he was marred more than any other man and he could not be recognized as a human being this face alone would have swelled so much at the very second shedding of blood the face in the Bible represents righteousness God's face shines upon us our faith shines the Bible says the psalmist says in righteousness our face shines Jesus's face was beaten and bloodied for me so that I would become their shining righteousness of God by Christ Jesus his blood was shed of his face so that my image of the righteousness and how I see myself and how God sees me would shine in right standing with him then they put in the in the in the Praetorian in the praetorium there where with Pontius Pilate was they they put that crown of thorns and the Bible says they beat it into his head with a with a reed those large six-inch carpenter thorns went into the scope late and the blood flowed because the thorns represented the curse of the law and when Jesus took key member in Genesis chapter 3 he says I'll cursed the ground and thorns will come up and thistles that's why we don't eat spring mix salads because it's part of the curse of the law some of you need a little moment of pause because you're getting too intense on me but it's in a very important subject and that and and that thorns represent the curse and he took the curse upon himself in a physical form as well as a spiritual form and they blood was shed for the curse to be broken and then he turned his back and they say that every one of those whips I've had 16 some had 20 lashes but on every lash there were 20 steel balls they were little knots and between the knots there was a small steel ball I've studied this at that time in Jewish history the Romans had 20 steel balls per strand an average of 16 to 18 strands per whip on every one of those balls the balls turned and every one of them there were little spikes or nails that were in dope implanted and those little balls so that when it hit the human flesh the ball would turn and grab a hold of the flesh and then they would pull it and they would literally rip it out so theologians believe by the time and it wasn't 39 stripes that was the Jewish law not the Roman law Paul was whipped 39 stripes that Ababwa doesn't say anywhere that Jesus was whipped 39 times it says that the Jewish people with their people 39 times this was under Roman law not Jewish law that he was that he was punished and it was not the Jews that asked him to be whipped it was Pontius Pilate that decided that he was going to be whipped he might have been whipped 50 times he might have been whipped 60 times we don't know the Bible says that he turned his back and his back looked like the furrows of a field theologians say anything around 39 to 40 to 45 times would have exposed bone that's what medical science says with that kind of back trauma can you imagine the blood that would have flowed onto that onto the floor there because without the shedding of blood there cannot be the forgiveness of sin or the healing of our bodies it has to shed so that the Covenant can be cut and by His stripes we are healed our mental and emotional healing our righteousness our curse our physical healing then his hands that everything we did the blood was shed so that all that we would do in our life for God would be sanctified all that we do in our relationship and our walk with God would be sanctified and then you'll see universe I'm gonna read you in a second but then we see that as he's dead they Pierce him in the side by the ribcage with that with that spear and out of the it's very clear it says blood and water flowed not just blood I'll show you why in a second that's very important scripturally but let me tell let me remind you of this Jesus is called the second Adam the first Adam was put to sleep the Bible says in a deep sleep God opened his side God opens aside blood is going to come he didn't say reached in his body and pulled out a rib he opened his side which means blood flowed he pulled out a rib and fashioned his bride Jesus was the second Adam he was also put in a deep sleep which was death God opened his side through that Roman spear and out of it he came came blood shedding of blood by the rib cage why because it was the birth of his bride the church God took a rib and formed a woman or a bride for Adam and God out of that same area his side close to his heart blood came out because without the shedding of blood nothing can be accomplished the blood came out to birth the Bride of Christ which is the church and as the first Adam slept and the bride came forth the second Adam slept and the bride came forth and I showed to you in one second about why there had to be blood and water Jesus had seven sheddings of blood the perfect sacrifice because he was the high priest and then he took that blood how did they collect the blood who came to mop the blood up on the floor after they whooping post who was standing with a cup to hold the blood as he hung upon the cross naked and bleeding the Bible doesn't say that anybody was but I personally believe and you can't prove it or disprove it that there was an angel that was there with him the whole time that was holding that precious holy blood and capturing that spiritual blood because the Bible says when he entered in and his triumphant entry into heaven the Bible said he presented and went into the Holy of Holies where God was and he put his own blood on the mercy seat which was designed not for the blood of animals like in the tabernacle on earth but it was designed for the blood of the Lamb the Holy One of God why did it only have to be done once because it was a perfect sacrifice it didn't cover it removed sin for eternity it was God cutting covenant with himself in flesh it was the perfect sacrifice unbreakable forever and eternal and free and free somebody was collecting that blood that blood wasn't just going into the soil there was an angel that was collecting the spiritual value of that blood and Jesus presented it before the Father God in his triumphal entry I won't get into it because I'll get to real preaching if I do but the Bible says said after he put his blood down he sat down Pawa says that God gave him a robe and Isaiah saw a glimpse and he saw see him high lifted up and his train the Train of his robe is filling the temple because every name that was ever named every devil every sickness every ounce of darkness he had overcome and that name was sold into the Train of his robe like they did in times past every King that overcame an enemy the name of the enemy which wasn't woods was was either put in Jews or in gold thread into the Train of a Kings robe and the longer was his train the greater the king he was that's why Jesus is the greatest King because his robe was so long for so many names of vanquished foes that Isaiah said the train filled the temple it's so long if you look at Ephesians chapter 4 he said he led a train in the amplified of vanquished foes when he entered into heaven is as he led captivity captive but the real Greek says he led a train vanquished foes he didn't bring Devils into heaven he brought their names on a robe it was a train that followed him with his blood and he said father I have overcome all then he said his blood down and he sits down on the throne beside God the Father and the new covenant has ratified and then he says pastor teacher prophet evangelist apostle go the Bible says the first thing he did after he put the blood down as he gave gifts unto men because he knew that you needed help on your own you get into too much trouble you needed help and I need help too and every pastor has a pastor because we all need help Jesus shed his blood and placed it on the mercy seat hallelujah the perfect sacrifice of the perfect Lamb of God it was seven times because it was perfection now turn with me quickly if you would because I'm still talking number one why is the blood important the answer very simply is without the blood you go to hell the blood is important because it saved you the blood is important because it represents covenant to you I'm building to a climax to stay with me okay the blood is important because without talking about the blood without receiving the blood you don't go to heaven but the problem is a lot of Christians say I've already received the blood and I'm already going to heaven so I keep talking about it we're gonna answer that this is why Christians don't apply it because they don't understand the need of it if I'm already saved and if my blood my life is already covered with the blood and God sees me through the blood and I'm on my way to heaven why do I have to keep talking about it and that's why they don't talk about it because they don't have a revelation of why they are too posed to keep talking about it and because they don't do it they end up suffering now if you never look at the Book of Leviticus just very quickly this is this is kind of in depth in detail but I'm gonna go kind of a summary of it very short verse 1 the Lord spoke to Moses saying this shall be the law of the leper in the Davis cleansing lepers represents sin in the Old Testament when Moses sister Miriam sinned she turn leprous when jay-z sinned he turned leprous leprosy was a shadow and type of sin this person remember there's a shadow and type in the Old Testament to the new you are the leper you Jesus is the priest you as a sinful lost soul on your way to hell is coming to the high priest Jesus to be cleansed of sin this is symbolic of the future it's symbolic of you are you with me and the priest shall go out forth out of the camp where did Jesus die outside the walls of Jerusalem you see the symbolism here the priest has gone outside the camp like Jesus went outside the walls where he died and the priest shall look and behold if the plague of a leprosy be healed in the leper then the priests shall command to take for him that is to be cleansed to birds alive and and clean cedar wood scarlet and hyssop and the pre-show command that one of the birds be killed in an earthen vessel over running water this is highly symbolic and everything in the Old Testament points to Jesus the Old Testament will become alive to you if you read it looking for Jesus in its pages instead of just looking for stories we see here very clearly that he is to take two birds why two birds one represents the death and one represents the resurrection the birds are to be alive at the beginning and clean Jesus had to be a perfect spotless sacrifice there was cedar wood because it represented the cross on which Jesus would die there was scarlet thread scarlet in the Bible always speaks of suffering scarlet represented that he suffered and he died upon the cross and there was hyssop which is the way that you apply it in our vernacular it's faith because you can't receive what the / what these birds are doing which represents Jesus except you take it by faith you can't be saved except you take it by faith the priest shall command one of the birds to be killed in an earthen vessel Jesus set aside his godly abilities and in the form of a man humbled himself in the form of a servant he was in an earthen vessel right over running water water in the Old Testament speaks of the Word of God over running water in the Old Testament speaks of according to the word or according to the prophetic word of God running water speaks of the prophetic word of God so there was running water I'm going to he was killing this and hope taking the blood of this bird in a in a little bit a little vessel and there was running water going underneath it had to be over running water because in other words Jesus the bird clean and an earthen vessel came and died upon a cedar not cedar wasn't physically cedar but cedar wood died upon a cross suffered and died and we received that by faith and this was according to the prophecies spoken in the Word of God this is why this is why blood and water had to come because when the bird died which represented Jesus the blood was spilt and water was there so when the bird died and this was an act of getting a leper in sin cleansed back to fellowship in the camp this is symbolic of a of a sinner coming to Jesus and being saved when the sinner comes to Jesus and gets saved what happens he becomes part of the church when a sinner a leper comes to Jesus and is born again member simbah as leper is a symbolism of sin when a leper I was a leper you were a leper not physical leprosy but we were lost in sin when we came to Jesus and by faith accepted the suffering of the Cross and the shed blood when we received that by faith over running water according to the word we joined the church do you see it that is why when the church was birthed from his side there had to be blood and water because this was a fulfillment of Leviticus 14 that when the church was birth when people got saved when Wizkid cleanse that was blood and water together do you see it God is flawless in his word nothing is wasted in Scripture no word or phrase is useless it's amazing verse 6 and for the living bird he shall take it and the cedar wood and the star that and licit and dip them in the living and the living bird in the blood of the bird that was killed over the running water verse 7 and he shall sprinkle upon him that is to be cleansed from leprosy that means sin 7 times and shall pronounce him clean and then shall let the living bird loose in the open field Jesus died and then that living bird goes loose the one bird represents his death and the second bird represents his resurrection do you understand and the blood of that bird of on that cross with that suffering by faith is sprinkled seven times on the sinner and he becomes the church he's cleansed he's able to rejoin society in their case the Jewish society shunned lepers but now that he's cleansed he can come back into fellowship with the others so as a sinner when we're cleanse we come into fellowship with the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ we have a new family now praise God amen there's more in there I won't get into all of it but a summary of it if you want to read it later for sake of time I can't get into all of it but for summary you'll see that after he cleanses him and the bird flies off then he takes some of the blood and he puts in his right earlobe his right thumb and his right toe then he takes oil the priest puts oil in his hand and over top of the blood he puts oil on the right earlobe the right thumb and the right toe and then he pours the rest of the oil over the head of the one that is to be cleansed and this is a beautiful depiction from the scripture that you are not only become born-again but you are also to become filled with the Holy Spirit Jesus said when that is about the story with the man member that was beaten up in the Good Samaritan and he says to the man that is taking care of him which represents the pastor represents the Shepherd he says I'm going but I'm gonna give you two coins and when I come back if he did anything more let me know and I'll pay you he gave him two coins for the caring of this broken vessel one coin was salvation and one coin was the baptism of the Holy Ghost you cannot have a strong Christian life without receiving the blood of salvation and receiving the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues you can't have a strong Christian life only being saved you must know also not just have the baptism of water but jesus said the baptism of fire water is not enough you have to have fire and you see this even in the Old Testament was pointing it was pointing thousands of years before it was pointing to the day of Pentecost once they're covered with the blood oh the anointing of the Holy Spirit would come upon them the oil of God the glory of the anointing of the Spirit would rest upon them to assist them and to empower them my god and not only why did it emphasize these three areas because the blood the covenant of salvation will change the way you think you're hearing life your thought life is supposed to be changed because of the blood your thought life is supposed to be assisted and empowered because of the anointing God the first thing he deals with was somebody that is a leper getting saved he says I want your thought life to be right now you need to get your thought life saved remember your spirit is saved but your thought life is not saved yet it has to be renewed but the blood the power of the Covenant will help renew your thinking renew your hearing life and the anointing mixed with it will assist you in getting your mind under control then your work what you do in life is supposed to be redeemed and cleansed and made right the blood of Jesus has been sacrificed so that what you do day to day would be righteous where you go that's why it's on the big toe where you go how you conduct your affairs the blood was shed for you to live a redeemed walk so that you're not going into sinning wrong places you're not doing wrong things are you're not making wrong decisions the blood has rescued you from wrong thinking wrong acting and wrong living and the anointing is upon you to assist you in right thinking right acting and right living all of this was in the law of Moses pointing pointing to Jesus and they still couldn't see it when he came he's hanging on the cedar cross he's suffering the scarlet thread he's in an urn dead vessel according to the prophetic scriptures running water and they can't see it my god oh Jesus there's more I could say but for sake of time I'll move on but if you study it why is it important because the blood represents your covenant without your covenant without blood there is no covenant because without the shedding of blood there is no covenant without God shedding Jesus blood in the Covenant cut between them you go to hell without your acceptance of the blood which represents your acceptance of the Covenant you're lost the blood is so important because it got you saved the blood is so important because like the Leviticus priest Jesus shed his blood rose from the dead and has given you the Holy Ghost to help you the blood is important not just on the day you were saved may 23rd 1982 both brandy and I both gave our hearts to Jesus on the same month of the same year he is a criminal in Galveston Texas and me as a sweet boy in Durban South Africa but in May he was three weeks earlier than me so I have to respect him because he's my senior in the Lord by three weeks and three weeks only and don't you dare think I didn't tell him that when he came but on May the 23rd 1982 I gave my heart to Jesus and got born again and a man named Tony prayed with me at the front and it was a day I'll never forget because even though I was young I knew exactly what I was doing and my mother god bless her had been pressuring me for months to do it and I was kicking I was saying no I ain't listening to you I'm not doing this because you asked me to do this I'm gonna do that because you threatened me to do it I'm doing it when I'm ready because when I do it it's for life and I did it now on that day I was a leper became cleansed on that day the blood was so important to me but should the blood be any less important to me almost 40 years later should the blood be any less important to me no but in many Christians lives the only time they think about the blood is when they think back to the day they got saved because that's the day they were cleansed from leprosy symbolically that's the day they received what Jesus sacrificed provided but they never think about it after that and then they have trouble I'm gonna teach if you open up your heart you'll learn something tonight and for those of you that are nervous because you think I have the kind of Copeland anointing on me to go for three hours I don't mean that as an insult I mean it's fine when he talks we learn I don't know if it's the same with me but I'm trying but I'm not gonna go long but it's important that you understand this is why the blood was important there's so many other scriptures I could use but I just gave you one number two what did the blood provide for us let's have a look that as many scriptures we could look to like I said you could do a 20 part series and still not exhaust the subject so I can only give you a snippet do you understand you have to do the rest of the study on yourself but let me give you seven quick things from the book of Hebrews which to many Christians is gibberish they don't understand it but if you read it by the help of the Holy Ghost you'll understand it if you look at me with the book of Hebrews we'll give you remember number two is what did it provide for us this is important because it saved you now what are some of the things not all the things but what are some of the main things Reverend Taylor that this blood covenant has provided for you well let's look at the book of Hebrews chapter 9 can you turn there Hebrews chapter 9 and verse 12 Hebrews chapter 9 son what was the first thing Noah did when he came into a new place he the blood son what was the first thing that Solomon did when he dedicated the temple in himself the blood what is the first thing we're going to do a new Hebron what is the first thing we're going to do is we dedicate we're going to talk about the blood this is why God is pleased and he's pleased that you sacrificed to come amen they're having fireworks out there but hopefully in your heart there's some fireworks going off too because if you can catch this it'll help change things that lahee Bru's chapter 9 and verse 12 can you look at verse 12 with me neither by the blood of goats and calves but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place having obtained eternal redemption or salvation for us now have a look quickly at chapter 8 verse 9 chapter 8 verse 9 not according to the Covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of egypt because they continued not in my covenant and i regarded them not says the lord how do these verses apply god is saying these people that turned away from my covenant turned away from my blood i did not regard them regard if you study it means i did not receive them I did not aid them I did not help them you turn away from the blood God turns away from you why do people die and go to hell it's not because of their sin their sin separated them from him but it's worse than that people go to hell because they didn't honor the blood when you don't honor the blood go does not honor you do you understand sin separated them from God but sin there was a response to sin the blood takes care of the sin the blood of Jesus washes sin away when sinners do not respond to the blood God does not respond to them and the result is an eternity away from him because he can't have somebody living with him that has insulted the holy blood of his covenant and sometimes they insulted by ignorance and sometimes they insulted by intention but either way ignorance or intentionally if he dishonored the blood God dishonours you when they turned away from the Covenant I did not regard them now what does chapter 12 say he entered into chapter 9 verse 12 he entered into once with his own blood obtaining salvation for us if we will just accept what he did and we will honor that blood and what he did in paying the price God will regard us God will assist us God will receive us God will take care of that sin and he'll say come you are mine the same covenant I have with my son extended to you and it's eternal and it's unbreakable and it's forever and you can't pay money for it but you do have to give your life for it getting a becoming a Christian is free but it's not cheap you don't have to pay money to get saved but you've got to give your life to God it's more than money it's everything father I get Jesus you gave all I give all regard me I obey your command I've received your blood Jesus that you were did you purchase Redemption I take that so what's the first thing the blood does for us it gives us which is obvious but I'm just giving you some scriptures for it the blood provides for us eternal salvation the blood causes God to regard us the blood causes God to receive us this is the first major benefit of the blood can I read your revelations chapter verse 5 all revelations 1 verse 5 and from Jesus Christ who is the faithful witness and the first begotten of the Dead and the Prince of the kings of the earth unto him that loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood oh my the blood washed us obtained eternal salvation for us caused God to regard us my god can I read you wrote a revelations chapter 5 and verse 9 oh they're gonna sing about the blood in heaven and they sung a new song saying thou art worthy they're singing a song thou art worthy to take the book and to open the seals thereof for thou was slain and has redeemed us and to God by thy blood out of every kindred throne tongue and nation they sing in heaven about the but saving us if they are going to you whether you like it or not are going to sing in heaven about the blood saving you you might as well learn to sing on earth about the blood saving you it's an eternal song this is the tune and the words might vary but the subject-matter remains forever yeah what does it do it provides us eternal salvation now and number 2 have a look at Hebrews chapter 8 and verse 10 I know I'm going fast but I hope that's okay and the third angel sounded that's not it where are we here Hebrews I'm looking in revelations 8 there's no angels in this verse hebrews chapter 8 and verse 10 for this is the covenant that i will make with the house of israel after those days says the lord this is us now he's talking about the church age I will put my laws in their mind and write them in their heart and I will be to them a god and they shall be to me a people what's the first phrase for this is the covenant I will make when you see the word covenant it is equating the word blood in other words you could add this and be completely scripturally accurate for this is the blood covenant that I make with the house of Israel in those days the church age it's not just gonna be a religious thing I'm gonna write my law in their mind renewing their mind and I'm gonna write it on their hearts what does the blood do for us other than saving us it causes the word because of the blood remember you always see the blood in the Holy Spirit working together remember what John says these theory agree the water the Spirit in the blood you'll always see the water of the word the Spirit of God and the anointing and the blood of Jesus they always match they always work they always work together so we see here the blood and the Holy Spirit work together what you see in this verse is because of the blood covenant the Word of God becomes alive to you sinners can't get Rhema revelation because they haven't come through the blood and Rhema can only come by the Holy Ghost you can have logos word and read read read read read and it not help you unlit but now when you read under Rhema and the Holy Spirit pours revelation utters and speaks revelation and quickens makes alive the word in your heart now it's gone from a written word to an alive word now he's taken the word and written it upon your heart and made it part of your mind now your mind romans 12:2 has been renewed to the word now your heart has been quickened by the revelation of the word and now hebrews chapter 8 verse 10 has come to pass for you but did you notice you can't get the word alive to you without the blood and the spirit because the blood enters you in because of this covenant I'll write it on your heart the blood causes you to have access to revelation knowledge and the Spirit of God writes it on your heart remember they put the blood and then they covered it with oil we got born again than fifty days later they got filled with the spirit hallelujah you can't separate the covenant of salvation with the baptism of the Holy Ghost they go together praise God okay are you still with me Hebrews that was heat number two so 1 the blood has provided us salvation - the blood has caused the word to be revealed to us of course everything of this is with the help of the spirit number 3 have a look at her Hebrews chapter 9 and verse 12 Hebrews chapter 9 and verse 12 neither by the blood of goats and calves but by his own blood he entered in once I know we already read this but I'm looking at it from a different perspective I'm not just talking about this providing salvation I'm talking about he entered in by his blood he entered because of his blood he entered heaven because of his blood will enter heaven but because of his blood he entered into the Holy of Holies what does that speak of the presence of God because of his blood he entered into God's presence because of his blood Reverend Dan I can have access to the presence of Almighty God in my prayer life the sinners pray but they can't access presence we went to Israel we went to some of these places right Jenny with the group and that one place I forget the name of it but it's where they believe that Jesus something about and oh they believe the blood was there or something I can't remember what it was and they're so precious I mean these religious Orthodox people and these Catholic people in these whatever I don't know what they're all are but I mean they are just weeping you have to drag them away cuz you're not supposed to kneel there for too long because the long lineup and they're just there and they're just they just they are so honorable there I'm unlocking them it's just it's overwhelming to them this could be where my lord was but it's so empty we go on the little thing behind the wall because you can get to the holy of holies because it's Muslim controlled but there's one section of the wall which is the closest point geographically to the Holy of Holies where the where the where the with a covenant where the Ark was and so you can go and stand there and there's a line of people and again it's the Orthodox and the Catholics and the others and they stand there because they want to get as close as they can because they believe the closer I get physically to where it used to be maybe there's some vortex or something and God will hear me when we went to Abraham's thing and Greer told me when he went there Abraham's Sepulchre and heparin remember I showed you pictures the people the Jews there are doing their prayers I was walked away Greer is nosy and Greer went to ask them why are you praying here and they said because we believe that here where grandpa Abraham is buried that there's some kind of thing in the spiritual world where our prayers will be heard by God better here than other places you see religion that has a form but has no reality that knows about God but doesn't have God that knows about religious things and does religious things but there's no change there's no born again there's no infusion of the Holy Ghost there's no presence these physical locations mean everything because without them they can't feel close I can go into the bus station and I can kneel down and not be a holy site and I can lift up my eyes and I can say father I love you and this presence welcome that's the difference between the Catholic and the believer and some of them are believers but I'm talking about the religious ones that don't know God to them they will bleed and go up steps in Rome on their knees and bleed as a sentence to God and they want to be in these locations and it matters to them and for the believer her for the believer we don't care about the locations because it's not about the religiosity or the physical place its I have entered in with Christ and the presence of God is in me it matters not if I'm in Antartica if I'm in the Holy of Holies in Jerusalem the presence is no less strong do you understand yes corporately we gather and God's presence helps us as a group that you can feel as much presence in your shower as you can and the greatest Holy Ghost service we've ever had because God is with you he never leaves you what is the third benefit the blood the salvation covenant has allowed us to enter into his presence oh my not just salvation for eternity Reverend Greg not just revelation from the word but I can actually feel God what a gift what about Hebrews chapter four and verse 16 remember that verse let us therefore come boldly unto the throne what's a throne where God sits when you come to a throne you're coming into his presence because he's there Reverend he's there Joe come boldly unto the throne of grace that we might obtain mercy and grace to help in our time of need how can we come boldly to a throne room of a king because we say father look sir see the blood on me I'm not praying on your son washed by the blood of Jesus your son now I have entered into the same covenant that you have with him you must regard me you must receive me I have eternal life I have the words written in my heart and I come boldly into your presence to ask for help in time of need my god oh the blood how important it is in our lives what's number four number four Hebrews nine now this is going to knock your wig off flip it over turn it color and put it back down with a fresh glue stick so it stays put the next time Hebrews 9:14 how much more shall the blood of Christ remember we're talking about what the blood does Reverend Rob who through the Eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God what's it going to do purge your conscience from dead works to serve the Living God now most Christians don't understand what purge your conscience from dead works means I have a look at chapter 10 to give you another verse chapter 10 verse 22 let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith having our hearts sprinkled what's the word sprinkled connected to the blood having our hearts sprinkled with the blood from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water how are we how are we to interpret that we like chapter what did I say chapter 9 verse 14 how does it phrase it again that he would purge your conscience from dead works in order to serve God it's it sounds so complex and it's not what does your conscience mean it's a poor interpretation of the scripture brother because this word conscience makes you think of your conscience my conscience is I'm I know I've done something wrong I've got a pricked conscience or an evil conscience chapter 10 and it does mean that but it's a poor interpretation the actual greek word means this to be conscious of now if you look at the original meaning to be conscious of verses your conscience it implies a different different teaching you can have a guilty conscience what does that mean if you're guilty conscience your conscience the fact you did something wrong but for sake of teaching the original phrase is much better than the word conscience it means the same thing but to our minds it seems to cause people to stumble if you have an evil conscience you have a guilty conscience it's because you're conscious that you've done something wrong but when you say the word cleanse your conscience of dead works it seems to cause Christians to stumble for some reason this is what it means it will purge let me read it again it will purge your conscience from dead works what is the original say it will cause you to no longer be conscious of past sins that's what it means the blood of Jesus if you will receive its full power it's not just to get you and Evan it's working it on you right now if you'll receive what the blood can do it will cause you to no longer be conscious of past dead works and sin because as long as you are constantly thinking of feeling guilty about feeling condemned about what you've done you can't serve God right so he will cleanse your consciousness of past sins his memory they washed away so they're gone he will cleanse them so that you can now serve God the way you should let me give you another phrase which a commentary said which I really like it means to cleanse your memory from the past it means to no longer remember and not it means that listen to this so this is this is powerful this is another deeper level you say but I'll always remember that I slept with that woman outside of marriage you may have the memory of it do you understand you might still have the memory of it but you no longer have the sting of it you no longer have the effects of it you no longer have the condemnation of it you no longer have the burden of it your physical brain will remember but you are completely free from it as if it never happened the power of the blood can come into you and make you no longer conscious of past errors erase your spiritual memory your brain may remember it but your heart is totally disconnected from those past sins it goes to the source and it cuts it where your soul is connected and guilt to that sin the power of the blood swears it your brain may remember but your heart is not affected by it my god what freedom but it but you you think that's good it gets better this in the original it means more than just not to be conscious of it it literally implies that the power of the blood will go to the very car and remove the desire for it in the future not only do I have to become completely unaffected by what I've done but the desire to do it again can be sucked out of me so that I never repeat the same error that the blood has washed me of before I'm telling you that will set you free all of that is in that phrase purging conscience purging conscience purging conscience it's not just cleaning it it's not just making you not conscious of it it's purging it out of you it's the past is gone and the desire for the future is severed this is the great hope for drug addicts this is the great hope for alcoholics this is why only believers some sinners can do it with so power but they're hanging on with white tip nails their whole life I've been free for 13 years but I'm still an alcoholic and it's just everyday every day I'm just white knuckling but I'm gonna not fall off the wagon you don't have to live like that you don't have to light knuckle it Jesus white knuckled it so you don't have he took that alcohol devil and he smashed his brain in and he says take my blood what you've done it will lose the consciousness of it but it's gonna go further it's gonna go deep into you and it's gonna clean you and purge you even from the very desire that you will never wanna do it again it will take it out of you the power of my blood my salvation will remove it from you you won't have to white knuckle you can stand and say I've been free for 13 years and it's as easy as taking a drink of water I'm not white not clear cuz that's me do that on my ability lets me do it by my will but I will tapped into the power of the covenants of God and the power of God has come in and the power of God is broken it I'm free and minister asked me a while ago brother there's a lot of alcoholics in our city why don't you do a step program we have it in our church it's helping a lot of people and I thought for myself well maybe we should and I heard the Holy Ghost say don't you dare I said Lord it's helping people he said you'll help them more by preaching than you would by giving them a step program and telling them that they're still an alcoholic and telling them to white-knuckle it we don't have to white-knuckle it Blair Jesus white-knuckled it so I don't have to Jesus's power the Covenant of the blood can come into my heart can take that conscience cleanse it from its memory and then break down the very root cause although I would repeat the behavior he can stifle it he can strangle it he can put his boot heel on it and break its neck oh so I can be free my god how do you get it we'll get to that in a second hallelujah that's number what was number one those of you regular muffins not paying attention the blood has caused me to be saved number two the blood and the anointing has caused me to get revelation from the word number three I told you these are general but they're powerful number three the blood has caused me to enter into the presence wherever I am I don't need to be in a physical spot I've got him for the blood has caused me to have a removal and no more consciousness of passing and no more desire for future centers that's why Kenneth E Hagin could say I haven't sinned in years how because he tapped into the power of the Covenant and he walked in the spirit and the Bible says walk in the spirit and don't fulfill the lusts of the flesh which means don't sin if you live in the spirit he wants it is it possible that you can go years and never repent yes if you don't sin now they're trying to teach us you can go years and not repent after you have sinned let's false doctrines and doctrines of demons when you sin bow your knee and repent but you can get to the place where you don't sit anymore because the power of the blood covenant can suck the power of salvation what the Holy Ghost has in his arsenal can cause the desire for that sin to be removed from you now you still have to choose by the decision of you will not to do it when the temptation comes but the power and the strength of God is there to help you choose so if you sinned or done something in the past hold on to this scripture and say father I claim a purging of my conscience from this dead work I did this wrong thing but I call on the power of the blood blood of Jesus lately no longer conscious of that failure and suck out of me the desire to do it again I yield to the blood I confess the power of the but I walk in the power of the blood and you will walk sin free I'm telling you number five hebrews chapter 9 and verse 15 for this cause he is the mediator of the New Testament that by means of death for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first Testament that's a lot of words but focus on the next part they which are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance the blood causes you to have the promise of an inheritance now this goes along with Ephesians chapter one and verse eighteen the eyes of your understanding being enlightened that you may know what is the hope of his calling and that you may know what are the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the Saints what's an inheritance happy the inheritance is what Jesus provided when they beat him and all those seven times the inheritance is your mind is free because of his mind bleeding the inheritance is you can live clean you can live righteous because they beat his face the inheritance is you no longer have to be in poverty that's part of the curse of the law he wore crown of thorns so that you don't have to ever have to be in poverty again that's part of the spiritual inheritance right you don't ever have to die cancer in fact you don't even have to yield to headaches because he opened his back to the whippers so that your body could be healed you don't ever have to say I just can't stop sinning his hands were nailed so that you could live right his feet were nailed so you could walk right I don't feel like I'm a part of a church nobody loves me shut up his blood was shed from his side to birth you into the church and where the friends are not you're part of a church you're part of a spiritual living community called the ecclesia and I don't got no friends maybe you should take a bath and they'll get you'll get some friends maybe you should stop talking about yourself all the time and somebody might actually want to talk to you maybe you should stop whining and people might want to be around you there's reasons why people don't have friends but don't leave the church because you don't come here for friendships you come here for spiritual food and edification that's why you come you come for the word you come for the anointing friends are a side benefit and you should have them and I want you all to have them but you should never leave because you don't have friends you are violating the purpose of the local church and it makes me angry because I preaches up people to listen and six months ago a couple left the church and I said why are you going because we don't have any friends you don't come for friends but we're lonely you're not listening to me you don't come for friends we're going back to old church oh you mean the church where the pastor has to decide and give you permission to date each other you mean the church where you can't buy a house without the pastor's approval where the pastor has to select the color of the car you drive because they're in a shepherding movement church full of Devils where the pastor controls him like a coat yeah you're right Lorna shame that's the word shame shame on them and I said you're going back to Egypt you've been given words of life if you don't like me at least come for passing ANSI you've been given words of life to set you free and you're going back to a place is going to control you why so that you could have a dinner date and a movie are you crazy but you see it's a doctrine of demons it's a demon spirit that got ahold of their mind working on it working on it working on him nobody loves you nobody loves you nobody loves you and they won't do what I preach because when that thought comes you better answer it if they had answered it and said yes they loved me and even if they don't I'm not being uprooted from where I'm planted there's words of life here I'm not the best pastor in the world that's not the best Church of the world listen that Hagin said this and I'll say it to you if you can find a church where they'll better feed you please go he said in 12 years he told his church I didn't know this he said in 12 years of pastoring he told his church every single month once a month if you can find a church that feeds you better than me please leave and he said in 12 years not one person left in other words I don't have to control you if you listen if you could find a place that feeds you better be my guest please go because I want your best interest I want you to grow but I know the state of churches so today more than ever I'm safe because Reverend Sandra if there was a dozen churches out there I'd be I have to say that Satan by faith oh god please don't let me go but I know what's out there and if you can find a better place with better faith teaching be my guest I think maybe I'll even go I'm telling you the truth about it I don't know how I got on this Reverend Taylor got me on this the inheritance the inheritance of the Saints all of what's provided the blood allows you to enter not just eternal salvation it allows you to enter protection it is it allows you to enter prosperity it allows you to enter healing it allows you to enter being led by the spirit it allows you to enter everything this is the inheritance of the Saints and that's just this life can you imagine what's coming this is just this life we're almost done praise God so number one salvation number two the word number three presents number four conscience consciousness of sin gone desire for sin gone number five inheritance and all of that offers number six oh boy he bruising oh are you ready Hebrews I'm coming to the end there's only seven okay it's eight forty to it there's only seven okay there's only seven I'll be done soon Hebrews but this is our first Sunday so we're sitting I'm preaching this till I'm done whether you like it or not most Noah's sons didn't rush him and say daddy we need to go hurry up with the sacrifice sorry Jennifer I know that look I'm gonna get some whips when I get home Hebrews 9 and verse 17 I'm when out of six and seven go we're together they're twins so this should go quick Hebrews 9 17 are you ready let's look at verse 16 for where a testament is what is testament mean covenant when you see covenant what do you add blood where a blood covenant is there must also have necessity be the death of the testator you understand for a testament is of for a testament or a covenant or a blood covenant is a force after men are dead otherwise it is of no strength at all while the testator lives do you understand what this is saying while Jesus was alive his blood had no power his disciples could not say the blood of Jesus be against you to a demon they would not listen they had to say the name only once he died shed it rose and put her on the mercy seat now the Covenant has force in other words Jesus has given us power because of his blood what is the blood provided for me the first five are great number six it's provided for me divine supernatural force what does that mean power power over what power over devil's power over sickness power over darkness hallelujah what's number seven it goes with it chapter nine verse 20 looked two verses down saying this is when really took a verse 19 certain of the context when Moses had spoken every precept to the people according to the law he took the blood of calves and goats with water and scarlet and wool and hyssop members see all those things mentioned in verse 19 we see Leviticus 14 and sprinkled both the book and all the people he sprinkled them with the blood saying what this is the blood of the Testament or this is the blood covenant which God has enjoined to you now this word enjoined is a word Christians don't understand because it's an Old English word what the word enjoined means is given charge / given authority to use the word in joint means to give charge to give Authority what is Moses saying this blood covenant has been given you have been given the charge you have been given the afar to use this blood do you hear what I'm saying do you hear what I'm saying the blood of Jesus had no power till he died but once he died it's filled with power on top of which we and a better covenant with better promises have been given Authority and charge to use it Cindy oh my god the blood of Jesus had no power when he was alive but after he rose the blood now represents the Covenant of God with humanity the blood is full of power it provides all these things I preached but it's got power against the enemies of God the blood of Jesus is powerful the blood was provided to give us power over darkness and then he says I enjoyed it to you I give you authority to use it I give you a charge use it now you listening if Old Covenant and lesser promises under Moses was given authority to use the blood how much more should have born-again believer washed in the blood of the Lamb have been given authority and power and charge to use it and yet today Christians don't use it it's a little fairy tale word it's a song we sing once every six months when we sit this tall chick and we think about the day we were saved we think about the blood when we have communion once a month we think about the blood and after that we put it out of our mind why are you not using your authority let me give you a story and a scriptural example and we'll end last scripture Exodus come on now Exodus chapter 12 you're with me Exodus chapter 12 verse 13 and the blood shall be to you for a sign remember he's telling them now I'll give you authority to use it how were they going to use it we're watching it right here the blood shall be to you for a token or a sign upon the houses where you are and when I see the Blood I will pass over you and the play will not be upon you to destroy you when I smite the land of Egypt what has plagued mean sicknesses diseases in this case a death angel now look at verse who looked down there at verse 23 for the Lord will pass you to smite the Egyptians and when he sees the blood upon the lintel and the two side posts the Lord will pass over the door and will not allow the destroyer to enter into your houses to smite you and the word destroyer means run or devastation are you listening verse 13 speaks about sickness verse 23 speaks about Devils a destroyer is a devil a plague is a sickness which can be connected at times to Devils what was Moses saying I enjoying this God I'm showering you I'm spraying you with the blood I enjoin it to you he's saying people I give you God gives you authority and a charge use it and they knew exactly what he was talking about because this he did this after they came out of Egypt and they know exactly what he's talking about because in Egypt they sprayed their houses they stayed in and ate the Passover meal which spoke of Jesus's death he was the Lamb that was slain and what happened to plague the destroyer the sickness the demon came and saw that blood and said I can't touch you and went to somebody without the blood and killed them sinners are in danger of bubonic plague of flu symptoms of all forms of disease but the born-again believer with the blood is protected I promise you that was the last verse to open your Bible to but this is the last verse I'll quote to you revelations verse chapter 12 verse 11 and they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and now hold on and what the word of their testimony what does testimony mean to testify or to confess or to speak about what caused the overcoming of the devil testify I'm confessing applying speaking about what the blood and what the blood has made you Lord I testify I confess I apply I talk about the power of your blood and what your blood has made me I'm the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus see I've testified about the blood but you didn't use that but you didn't talk about the blood I did I talked about with the brother blood lately I am the healed of the Lord I've just testified about the blood because the blood is the reason why I'm healed plus you can now specifically testify about them but father I apply your blood why is this so important as I close why should you think about the blood more than just when you take communion let me tell you because I ask God honest heartedly a while back I said Lord of the Bloods on me and I'm born again already what do you want me to keep talking about it all the time what do you want me to keep pleading the blood applying the blood if it's already on my life because a lot of Christians apply it right they don't have it I have to apply the blood because who I don't know I don't think I have it anymore the bloods on you you're born again so I said Lord of the Bloods on me why don't you talk about it it's on me it never leaves me why do I have to talk about it why do I have to apply it or plead it it was an honest hearted question and God answered me very clearly and then he confirmed it through Kenneth Hagin in a sermon that he preached and the Lord said to me the reason you need to apply it son is because you need and I'm quoting you now you need to make you need to magnify on a daily basis the blood what does the blood represent the salvation covenant with God and all that that entails I want you to magnify the blood by talking about it show honor for the blood show respect for the blood show appreciation for the blood I want you to make much that's how we worded it to me make much of the blood on a daily basis cuz the more you talk about it the more it work for you what does mark 11:23 say whatever he thinks you say believe when you heard tonight on your heart believe what you say what kind of us and you'll have what you say what you talk about you'll have if you talk about sickness you'll have sickness if you talk and magnify and show honor about the blood on a daily basis all that the blood offers you will have that's why we do it it's not because God left you it's not to get saved a second time the blood is on you all the time because you're saved you're not applying it because it ran away at night when you went to sleep it was on you when you woke up it was on you get this thinking straight you don't apply it because it's not there you apply it or you confess it or you testify about it because you are showing magnification of it you are honoring it you are thanking God for it you are showing reverence for it you are confessing it you are testifying about its power and the more you talk the more it begins to work because this is the law of heaven out of the abundance of your heart if what a man's if you believe in your heart and confess you will be saved the word of faith is neither in my heart it in my mouth what's the things you say believing you'll have this is God's law if it's inside of you with Revelation release it with your lips and it will come to pass that's why you talk about the blood yes it's on you you're also healed by faith but you need to say thank you Lord for your healing power because the more you say it the more faith is released by your words and the failing power flows the more you say I thank you for the blood I thank you for the blood I magnify the blood I magnify my covenant with you thank you for the blood I testify I overcome him by the blood and my testimony of the blood Lord I talk about it much I make much of it I honor it I praise you for it I magnify it I talk with great love in my heart for it and you'll see because of the words of your mouth that are filled with faith you'll start to have what the blood offers you more than if you don't talk about it Brian I'm healed because of what Jesus did but unless I receive it and speak it it doesn't manifest right I've got that I've got the blood because of what Jesus did but I don't talk about it if I don't release my faith in it if I don't honor it and magnify it with my words its power will not work for me the same try it start talking about the blood and watch how revelation of the word starts decrease confess the blood over your life every day and watch how the presence of God increases in your life all these things I listed talked about the blood more and you'll find your your consciousness of past failures will evaporate talk about the blood more and there'll be a lesser desire to sin I'm telling you talk about the blood you'll see all these things I've listed you your inheritance is your healing talk about the blood you'll see it happen in your life more and talk about the blood more and watch Devils and sickness cringe Maxwell White was in Canada he was pastor Benny Hinn's pastor he pastored a church in Toronto he was known for his teaching on the blood that's where Benny Hinn learnt it Benny is one of the best teachers on the blood and he had a ranch I think it was in Arizona or somewhere and with the devil spoke to him your children are gonna die tonight there are three rabid wolves that I have released they are coming onto your property and they will kill your children he said demo I apply the holy blood of the covenant of God that is our protection no destroyer will enter into my house to smite me and then he said father I place a bloodline around my property at this at the signpost where my property ends and the neighbor's property begins I place a bloodline around that ranch nothing will cross it without dying and he got on the plane the next morning then he flew down to that ranch and he got on one of those little four-wheelers then he started riding was a large ranch hundreds of acres he started riding around at the sign at the posts and all of a sudden he stops and there's a wolf dropped dead at the pole there's no actual fence it's just a post there's a wolf dead right there at the post he picked the wolf up by the tail and put it in the little little bin at the back of the thing he keeps going he finds the second one dead at the post he keeps going he finds a third one dead at the post he goes to the vet he says run blood tests I want to know what's wrong with these wolves the guy comes back and go this is very strange River and white all three of those were rabid when the devil said I'm sending three rabid wolves to kill your children he meant it and three rabid wolves started moving toward those children on that ranch and when they crossed an invisible line the angel of the Lord smoked them dead and they drop dead I'm not playing games the power of the blood of why the blood is life the Bible says is in the blood when you talk about the blood of Jesus you're talking about the very life of God himself the very power of God himself it's a lifeline a blood lifeline around your property and when sickness comes according to Exodus 12 13 it cannot cross it when demons come possessing animals or anything of the life they cannot cross it it's a literal physical line you can't see it with your eyes but that doesn't make it very real our clothes kind of hagun you a missionary in Africa they were back in the Yonder years they didn't have vaccines for everything and a certain scorpion if you got done but this court played a hundred percent fatality hundred percent this scorpion jumped on her hand in the marketplace and bit her she strung it off and the people there were watching to see her die and she starts walking he's not supposed to walk when you bend by scorpion cuz you know Spoleto stays very still because the blood flow will increase the circulation she just walked happy-go-lucky right to the door of the church where she was pastoring a little church in Africa the whole village watched her she says come on in the whole village comes into the church to watch her die and she starts to preach about the power of the blood of Jesus now what they didn't hear her say was when that scorpion bit her and she flung it off she said I apply the holy blood of Jesus to this wound and I commend the poison to die the whole village got born again because they had never witnessed power over the power of that scorpion but the power of the blood covenant can overcome anything when I was casting out the devil in that lady's house that was causing her a lot of problems poltergeists things moving lights turning on and off temperature going from 70 degrees down to 30 degrees in less than a second weird stuff haunt is the haunted house freaky I went and I said Lord I said Reverend Greg do you want to come with me he said oh ho ho pastor Craig I like to blame me for not coming but you did have to work but I don't think you would have come anyway even if you didn't have to work and I said Lord I'm going into a haunted house do I need to know anything and I heard the Holy Ghost say it's moving day son meaning they're about to move out I said lady the devil used to rape her that spirit used to rape her every night I said show me where that thing stands as it stands right here before it jumps on me and I'm standing there in her bedroom and she's standing there and I you know I'm just looking around oh god oh god I don't feel nothing nothing's there so we're talking and all of a sudden Reverend Robb an entity passed me he was taller than me I could feel the shape of his body it was a physical he physically manifested to me and he passed me and he he was he was walking he'd walked like this I'm standing there looking this way he walked like this and he turned and he went like this with his back across my belly so I could feel the breath of him when you're standing there in a haunted house and a physical entity that's over six feet tall passes across you where you can feel the entire width of its body I every hair on the back of my head went and I looked at the woman that she said she was petrified she said did you feel that do you feel that I said of course I feel that it passed me it touched me she said oh god pastor Greg oh God and a wind and it stood right where it stands before it raped her every night and so I smoked karashi I started praying in tongues nothing Lord I behind you I said I bind you nothing I started talking about the anointing the anointing is against you nothing I called on angels nothing I guess they were all at Tim Hortons or something nothing no no they were there but they were waiting for the right instruction I did everything I knew Gloria that thing meant when that spirit when that are manifests the whole atmosphere is so charged with terror it feels like you're in a horror movie but you're not watching a horror movie you're living a horror movie everything a part of me was you're aware of it you're just you're feels like it's gonna murder you I don't know how to that's how to describe it and I I mean I'm going for 10 minutes I'm going through my arsenal of everything they taught me in Bible School and nothing's happening and I started getting desperate I said I closed my eyes I said and my breath I didn't want her to know that I didn't know what I was doing so I whispered I said I don't know what I'm doing I don't know what I'm doing listen great should have come I don't know what I'm doing nothing's working I can feel the thing looking at me he's trying to intimidate me what do I do and I heard the mighty Holy Ghost I'll never forget it to the day I died I heard him say I said praise God for his holy precious blood I said you found I hold the blood to your face and that atmosphere changed in a microsecond from charged and terror that thing flew out the window my angels were waiting for the right words instantaneously the atmosphere was normal and it never came back in that house and she called me an hour later said pastor Craig I said don't tell me it's back woman because if it's back it's because you asked it to come back because I kicked it out no pastor something's really weird I'm not coming back so you better deal with it on your own what's really weird my tires pastor what you mean your tires my tires I came out after you left to leave and something's wrong with my tires I said what's wrong with your tires there's teeth marks said my tires what I took her to the Canadian Tire they put it up on the hoist the man called her out of the waiting room he said I've been a mechanic for 30 years that I've never seen this why are you eating your tires ma'am he showed her with their own eyes but gnaw marks into deep into the rubber on all four tires and I said Cod what's going on why is this happening and the Lord spoke to me he said you remember dead summer Oh remember those Devils would bite clarita he said that just had a temper tantrum when they had blood of Jesus kicked it out and he decided to heavens he just had a temper tantrum on her tires before he left that Devil was so angry he went to nod upon all four of her tires before he exited the property and the only thing that made that thing move was talking about the Covenant that God cut with humanity the very life that flowed from Jesus's veins the very power of heaven in the blood of Jesus that has saved us and redeemed us from Hell the very life and power of God in its core essence is called the blood of Jesus the name would have no power if it wasn't for the blood and sometimes the only thing that will move things in your life is the blood then he went up to a haunted house and he said a lot of what do I do the Lord said don't enter he said Lord what I do he's a standing on the yard and he said put your hands out and start to apply the blood and he put his hands out and he said I plead the blood of Jesus over this house and he said every door started opening and closing windows turned opening closing dishes turn it's shattering inside as those demons were being stirred up he said the blood of Jesus stands against you and I commend you to leave and every one of them left in the house ceased to be haunted the blood of Jesus protects us from destroyers and from plagues it's became powerful when he died and it has enjoyed to us with this authority to use it so how do you use it speak the word father your word says and then quote the scriptures like you do with angels and then say father I thank you I apply the blood of Jesus I'm magnified I make much of it I apply it from the crown of my head to the soles only use your own words don't get religious with it the word I say you don't just say this way I say father I apply it from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet and name every one of my children and that dog I do I said father I apply it to my vehicle's every part outside and inside I apply it to my poem every entrance and exit I applied as a blood line around all I own on every side I apply to our church property as a blood line around all we own on every side I declare no sickness and no destroyer will cross that line I thank you that this covenant and all its benefits are mine because I make much of the blood I do that every single day and the one day when I didn't listen to the Holy Ghost which was last week remember when he said apply it and my son got hurt and then he said apply it again and I did and the drunk driver almost hit Quinn and he missed him by hair that's the Angels work with the blood you apply the blood angels get to move in things for you oh my god
Channel: Promise of Life Church
Views: 7,581
Rating: 4.6974788 out of 5
Keywords: The Blood of Jesus, Jesus Christ, sermon, preaching, Word and Spirit, church, Toronto, Mississauga, Brampton, religious, covenant, Cross, Power, power in the blood, healing, faith, word of faith, Pastor, Craig Field, GTA, anointed
Id: V61Xaxh9S4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 4sec (5584 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 21 2020
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