Being Spiritually Minded | Pastor Craig Field

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[Music] so let me start with this we I think most of us are fairly good skilful and recognizing when the devil is attacking our minds and then and then answering that a lot of Christians don't even know that they don't even they don't even recognize the devil tacking their minds and they don't even answer that do you understand if you're having nightmares that's the devil attacking your mind don't put up with that answer it do you understand if you're having panic attacks there's no panic attacks in heaven you're belong to heaven remember what I preached last Wednesday if you weren't here please get the thing because it's not that I'm the best but there was revelation and impartation in last week's message about you being the head of your house and not putting up with certain things when Orville went to heaven he said that's not of heaven gross or not of heaven those are the roasts in your daughter's body that's not of heaven and you belong to heaven why you putting up with that you're the boss of your house you're the head of your house if you didn't speak to those in my name and curse them if you speak to them in my name and curse them they'll die in the whither and disappear if you believe in don't doubt do you understand so I think I think a lot of times we don't even recognize that things that we face are from the devil but I think we're growing in general and we're getting more skillful and recognizing when something is not our thoughts the devil's thought he's influencing us and we're learning all of us myself included we're learning to be more skillful to be quick to answer that thought say no you don't in Jesus name I'm the head of my house this is my property my mind is my property and you have no right to come on my property not just physical property my body my mind is my property you can't touch my property and I commend you to stop in Jesus name okay for example and I wasn't that skillful with it but I'm getting better but years ago so situation in the church and that's maybe where I'm more susceptible maybe you have different areas that you're susceptible in but in one way for me is when a congregation member takes out a long butcher knife smiles at me and then stabs me in the back and twists it as they're stabbing it and that has happened more times than I can count and and and you know what I'm talking Reverend Greg and you were involved in a situation where somebody was lying about us wanted to go to the newspaper remember that situation and they and they wanted to print lies about us and I didn't know what to do and and I remember standing in the kitchen and my I was very emotional and upset about it because when you've been wronged and in this situation there was absolutely nothing like zero not 1% not half a percent nothing than we had done to deserve that it was a complete demonic attack he was come this person was completely deceived and they were they were going at me and I remember Jenny standing in the kitchen with you and I'm and I and I knew by my spirit by the word of knowledge there was a demon standing about 30 feet off of me and he put a thought in my mind and I knew it was from him and that thought came you don't have to put up with this this kind of stuff is not what you signed up for you wanted to work with animals in Africa can you believe you're putting up with this these kind of louses that you bend over backwards and then this is how they treat you you don't have to put up with this you know you could do something else in life that thought came to me and I knew the Holy Ghost said rebuked that thought I didn't have all the revelation then I do know about answering it but I still knew enough to know to say no in Jesus name no no no no but because I was so upset and emotional and grieved and hurt and pained and you do strange things when you're like that you're not always yourself when you're like that I thought to myself you know what I remember intentionally I remember exactly where I standing I remember what Jenny was tending and I thought to myself out of a rebellious attitude because I was angry not rebellious against God I don't know just I just didn't want to be told what to do by God at that moment I wanted to have my little temper tantrum and I thought to myself consciously you know what I'm gonna think about that and I remember making a decision to think about it and as soon as I had that thought entered my mind that I'm gonna think about I'm gonna admit it I'm gonna choose to think about what this thing's offering me even when it was wrong that thing moved and it moved from about 30 feet away in the spirit and it was standing right there I mean you could feel its presence the hairs went up on the back of my neck and this thing was standing right here I mean instant tendency was right there and the with its presence came the most I don't even know how to describe it has never happened before or since came the most unrelenting force like a hurricane force worth of thoughts I mean that was just a little suggestion Reverend Jo 30 feet away but when that when I chose to agree to think on that that thing I said I gave it permission don't ever give the devil permission I didn't realize if I had known it was gonna be that bad I would have never done that but I didn't know what was gonna happen that thing came right like this I mean its nose was right there I could feel it the hairs were enough I mean I could feel the presence of darkness this demon spirit came right and I mean I'm talking about a sledgehammer it was just a little offering on a silver plate this was a sledgehammer against my mind and I mean bang bang bang I mean it was I remember Jenny do you remember I was standing in the kitchen and I actually put my hands like this on my mind because the pressure the pressure was so overwhelming with these thoughts to quit the ministry to just quit the ministry and I remember and I heard because the Holy Ghost is so kind he's so kind he knew I had done something very very unwise he knew that thing had been given permission because I yielded to it but he spoke even though the the thoughts came like a hurricane and they were loud but he spoke above the sound of the thoughts the Holy Ghost voice is distinct he could oh no matter what the volume is from the devil he always can supersede that he's got a different tone to his voice a different sound comes out of him than the devil and the devil can't compete with him and I heard but he spoke loud and strong and he said rebuke that or it will take you that's what I heard him say rebuke that or it will take you and I knew that if it took me it wasn't gonna be a good place that it took me I it was the kind of thing that you could almost go into an assailants I felt like you could lose your mind over it like if it took me it would not just take me out of the ministry I might lose my mind over this it was that kind of how to describe it it was that kind of force Jenna said and I'm and I had my hands like this and I said out loud my wife is my witness I said I bind you in Jesus name but it felt like it took everything for me to say that because that spirit will influence you not to say that you'll feel almost like you can't say that but that's because you invited it and now you've given it access but I said it at a step it stood back it was still there had to say it again it stood further back and it took about an hour of me just standing my ground for that thing to leave me but I learned a very valuable lesson that day when a thought comes to you that you know was wrong don't you dare engage that thought don't you choose and willfully to think and meditate on something because you will open a door may not happen to you as aggressively as it happened to me because to whom much is given much is required you don't know as much you still have a measure of that but if you know more and you've been taught more and then you willfully violate spiritual law watch out buddy because you're unde Ange er is ground but the Holy Ghost can still help you I say that to say this in that scenario that was a thought from the devil I had to answer that thought and when I did it I had to really stand my ground to get that to let me go and it did let me go but it's amazing the feelings that accompany demonic thoughts because you actually feel like it's you you know it's not you because they didn't originate from your from your heart you know I don't want to quit the ministry I've sacrificed a lot for the ministry why would I want to do that but when that when I yielded and that thought came Reverend Greg I not only was it overwhelming but it could it almost convinced me that I wanted to do this part of me knows it's not true but part of me believes that it's true because it's so convincing that's called the deceiving spirit it wants to convince you of a lie and call it truth the devil is the ultimate the one that's deceived he still thinks he's going to be God he thought he could beat God back in eons past that's why he was kicked out of heaven to begin with how you could look at God on a throne in all of his power and majesty and think that you as a created being could actually kill him I mean that sin opened the door that was the original point of sin because there was no sin before that but something in his heart perverted with pride and jealousy and it opened it opened up something dark that consumed him and he became the deceived one and the deceiver he's called the deceiver he wants to make us think that something that's not true is true and this demons have very amazing power I'm not giving them credit I'm telling you the truth if you yield to them they have amazing power to convince you of things that's why people jump off bridges yeah that's what people kill themselves because they are convinced that that is the only way and it's not rational thought but they're not rational it's a demon that is speaking to them but it brings with it feelings it brings with a convincing power to almost that make you believe that it's you but you know and part of you knows it's not you but part of you is don't even know anymore if it's not you because it's so powerful this is the devil coming we've talked a lot about that and we'll always talk that because there's always going to be people that are new that don't know this and you've got to answer that and if you answer it and believe that it will obey you it will obey you and if you can't answer it or for whatever reason it won't obey you it simply means you're not believing because you don't have enough of the word and you revelation word produces faith faith is believing whatsoever used to say to this mountain be thou removed and cast into the sea and shall not doubt in your heart but shall believe you've got to believe that what you say will come to pass you'll have a man I said a lot of people say you could have what you say that's not truly accurate you can have what you believe and say a lot of people are saying a lot of things but there's no believing connected to their saying so they've got empty confessions but no heart power behind it it's not just we there's a we I don't get me wrong Pastor Nancy has said that dad the frame would say that dad Hagin would say that you can have what you say I'm not I'm not trying to argue with that because that little colloquial saying is right if you take it in the context of what they're talking about you can have what you say but a lot of people then only say say say say say say say say but they don't believe you only have what you believe and say your heart must connect to your words if otherwise it's empty but when this is the word of faith the word of faith is neither in thy heart and in thy mouth if you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and confess he is Lord you shall be saying you won't just have what you say you'll have what you believe in and what you say did you understand okay there's another I say that as as a part a but there's another section here we we just are so used to talking and thinking about well the devil when the devil comes okay we're getting skillful to answer him but there's another much more subtle area in the Christian existence that is not as overt as just the devil attacking you that's kind of easy to determine if you can get if you're skillful at all you can it's not that hard to figure out when it's the devil attacking you and if you don't know just get more sensitive to God pray and the Holy Ghost get more in the word and he'll show you when it's the devil he'll you'll be able to tell the difference but there's a more subtle area Jenni that's not so overt and black and white it's gray and it seems to take Christians take things to take them out this demonic thing is very overt and very black and white in many ways and if you'll see it will kill you but then there's another side that's a little bit lower it's not so dramatic it's not so black and white it's more grey it's more subtle it doesn't you don't recognize it as easy I'm telling you you don't I'm talking to you from experience here that's I'm saying I'm talking to you in my heart because this is not polished but I'm trying to get something out so another situation came a number of years later this is about three years ago and it wasn't as bad as that situation back there but it was another situation and it was really bothering me how people in the church were treating each other how people in the church were treating some of my leaders and me and I what you don't have to get into it it's unimportant but it was bothering me you know things bother you maybe something your boss did to you bothers you or something that with your children or with your there's a hundred reasons why things bother us okay we all can we all know what that feels like but this was bothering me more than just a light thing this was not in the same category as that devil thing okay and I wasn't in as much pain as I was then emotionally but this was still something that was bothering me it was annoying me it hurt me but it annoyed me more than it hurt me the other one hurt me more than it annoyed me do you understand sometimes you have different things going on and so we were in Russia in saint-petersburg at the table with pastor Nancy because pass the Nancy likes to party pass Anansie does not like sitting in her room alone I like sitting in my room alone I really do don't let Jenny I am a loner most of the time but pass a Nancy don't like that and my job is to help her not to not to help me and so she says now let's go eat I said ok pastor so we sit around the table but it's not a 3040 minute lunch or it's a 5 6 hour lunch because she don't want to go back to her room alone and there's no TV everything's in Russian she can't understand nothing so you know she there's no entertainment and so she can go back there and study and pray or sleep or shower but other than that there's not much to do in your room right she likes the fellowship and so what a great opportunity what an honor I'm not complaining I'm I mean the time flies when you're having fun and you know we just kept ordering desserts every 30 minutes just to keep the time flying so that we could keep having fun we're pastor put on 10 pounds that we cuz of me but but that's ok so but we're sitting there and we're talking in that long one of those long sessions and I started when you have that long with somebody your defense is kind of go down and you you just start talking maybe stuff you wouldn't normally talk because there's so much time you're said it's not like you have to pick and choose now there's just an unlimited period of time and of course Noel and Ruby most of the time do this they just aren't natural talkers maybe Ruby is a little bit but not really no well so I can't really count on them to generate conversation all right and then and then of course pastor Jay and Debby they're pretty good I mean they'll they'll they'll and pastor Jays much he's more skillful than me he knows the right questions to ask I'm learning from him how to ask because he's been around dead Haggar than these people so so I kind of often follow his lead but then every now and then I'll just push him aside and I'll just take the lead but I'm not always as skillful but anyway so we get to talking and I said something in the conversation sparked my memory of this thing I'm going through at that time and the frustration I'm going through so I start to unload not in a bad way not in an appropriate way but I just start to say you know passing and this you know no no no and then you know they're nodding their head and Jay goes you know welcome to the ministry pastor Craig and I'm like shut up pastor Jay I don't need you to say that because in other words we all have gone through this this is this is the thing this is part of the life of ministry it's what congregation members don't understand they don't get they never will because they'll never go through it and sometimes that's oh you can only talk to ministers because other people don't understand and so I'm talking to Pastor and I'm saying you know I was trying to try to deal with it and this is what I did and it it it it and she just she's were quiet and she's just looking at me that's dangerous when she does that but she's required and she's looking at me and then she says Oh pastor why don't you get out of your mind now I've just born my soul I've told her the deep parts of my heart and they're all nodding their head in sympathy agreement but pastor's not nodding no head and all she got to say to me is not I'm so sorry that that happened not you know Wow you know I've been through that too it was oh pastor why don't you get out of your mind and I said what do you mean get out of my mind that this happened this is real I want to know if I'm handling this right and she said then she changes the way she says it and she says you're touching that in your thought life what I know I'm touching in my thought life I have to have a thought life in order to tell you what happened and I might be I wasn't rude I didn't raise my voice the way I'm saying it to you is not how I said it to her but that's what I was thinking I was singing what are you talking about not touching and I thought like I have a brain I have a thought life I have to touch it if I'm going to tell you about it then she changed her phraseology again faster you're in the mental arena okay all right what other reason do you want me to be in I have to think about this in a mental arena to tell you to get counsel that's what I'm feeling inside but I don't dare say a word of that I just look at her and I said oh okay pastor and I said could you kind of explain that to me because I don't really understand what you mean and then you can just feel that Pastor J on my right just like you can just feel him and he's just like what a dumb question what an idiot to ask that I don't even want I just want him to go to the bathroom leave me alone I don't understand what the woman saying I'm hurting I'm baring my soul and all you got to tell me it's pastor get out of the mental arena you're in your mind don't touch it with your thought life those are all cool quotes for your quote book but what do they mean I don't understand what it means and so I didn't argue but I'm honestly I'm honestly trying to understand my heart is pure and I'm saying I need you to teach me I need you I bet I don't know said and I'm the kind of person if I don't understand I won't quit bugging you until I do understand I don't back down Wayne and just say oh okay and I'm still as confused I was before and faked it like I understand I don't do that I never do that if I don't understand I will keep asking you I will not I will harass you until I understand because I recognize you understand something I don't and I truly don't get this so I started asking questions very politely but very insistently and I started saying but I don't know and she kept she tried in her masterful way very she's very gentle she's always conscious never she's never sharp she never cuts but she's trying to teach me Bing and she could tell that I didn't get it and I didn't like the fact that I had other people there who got it because they even feel their little self-righteous eyes boring into the back side of your head you know because people that get it and they know you don't get it it's almost like they're looking at like enjoy the show now let's just watch the show let's watch the passion and see Peter pastor Craig show because he's so dumb and he doesn't get the basics this is so basic maybe you got it Jenny I don't know but I didn't get it and so I kept going at her and and finally as I'm talking to her because my heart's pure revelation divine revelation from what she said by the Holy Ghost started to dawn like a light very slow like we have these light switches now and our new house that it doesn't just go on and off you push it and it goes and I like that so you don't go oh my god it just takes you up nice and slow it's just respectful what I call it a respect for light switch don't shock me just take me up real slow and that's what the revelation felt like it wasn't a blurt like this it felt like the light was going up slowly but it took about 45 minutes for it to go up and usually it just comes as a flash to me I see it but I couldn't really it was a different this time that was coming slowly sometimes that'll happen it doesn't always come right away you just gotta keep listening and keep listening and keep checking and asking the Holy Ghost and ask questions and listen and come to church because light will sometimes take its time but it will come and I if I could explain it like this at the end of the day this is really what I gleaned from what she was saying which is which is a shocker that I didn't really understand this because after all these years there's only three years ago two three years ago I really should have understood this by then but it just shows you that if you're not taught nobody ever taught me this some of my fault anything is my fault I guess but for lack of knowledge you perish it doesn't really matter that nobody taught you if you don't know if you've been adult you don't know but she may have taught on this but I didn't get revelation when she taught on it from the pulpit but I needed to understand but what the end result once that light came up a little bit in my heart and I could kind of understand what she was talking about it dawned on me that just because I feel something very deeply and just because that feeling produces thoughts in my mind that are my I feel like they're my thoughts and they are my thoughts I'm not talking with the devil now I'm talking about your your flesh it's very easy to recognize the devil it's not that easy to recognize your flesh this is the subtle part this is the gray zone but I was so trained to believe and to think if it's not the devil it's me this is me my mind is on my side are you listening yeah that's what I I guess that's what I believe without realizing that I believe that if it's not the devil if I remove him out of the equation the only thing left is God and me now I know it's not coming from God but this is just me and I'm not a bad guy thanks I love Jesus and therefore it's okay to think this way because it's me my mind is on my side my mind is me my mind is part of me but what I started to learn through this scenario is that your mind is not on your side and your mind is not you your mind is your soul and your soul have yielded to your spirit is renewed and transformed but if it's not yielded to your spirit it's an enemy of your spirit but most people don't look at it like that they look at like well this is I feel something so back off this is me who try to rob me of Who I am this is me but they're missing it that's not you your mind and your feelings your emotions are not you they are a part of you but they are not the renewed you they're part of your makeup they're part of your soul they're very closely connected to your spirit because your spirit and your soul are like bone and marrow there's a very they're almost indivisible but there is a difference between your mind will emotions and your spirit your soul and your spirit are different they're close very close but they're different sometimes it's hard to tell the difference but you'll get more skillful the more you know your spirit don't focus on knowing you're so focused on knowing your spirit they don't focus on studying the counterfeit bills they study they focus on studying the real currency I was in customs I know I had to do it they never gave you counterfeit to study because counterfeit is always every count of it is a little different so you can't compare you never know what to look for you know you got to know the real and the original that never changes now you compare that currency that hundred to the other because if you know what to look for here you'll spot the differences you don't focus on the negative you focus on the true currency do you understand so you have to the real part of you the real part of you the non counterfeited part is your spirit the part that is part of you but could be an enemy to you even though it's yourself is your unrenewed feelings your untransformed non transformed thought patterns the way mama taught you to think but it's me no that's that's that's the real problem right there I was thinking like but what are you talking about I I'm trying to tell you how I feel this is me what do you mean I'm in the mental arena I don't understand how else am I gonna communicate it if I'm not in the mental arena that's the way I communicate but she wasn't saying that she was trust she got over to me pastor you are handling this situation I understand that it's painful but you are handling it not in a spiritual way why because you're not tapped into your spirit you're tapped into your soul and how you feel and how you're hurt and how you're angry and your mind which is connected to your emotions is just going on about how you feel and how you've been wronged and how you're upset about it but that mental realm what she called an arena the thought life that's not the life of the Spirit and if you keep engaging thoughts like that like you're doing pastor it's gonna drive you at the wall and you're never really going to win the battle you're just gonna go over it and over it and look at it from this angle and look at it from that angle and it's just gonna go over and over and over and eventually just because the way our soul is made up eventually you'll let it go but there'll be damage that's done and you'll have reinforced a very dangerous habit of engaging your thoughts that aren't that are the not renewed thoughts they're the carnal thoughts they're not being touched by your spirit so she I don't know if I'm saying it right but she said pastor stop thinking about that but I can't it hurts I know but you can choose remember she said that to me you can choose to stop thinking about that and I said to her pastor I don't even want to I'm hurt she said but that's your flesh your spirit is not hurt your emotions are hurt your pride is hurt your flesh is hurt how dare they do that to me don't you know that I was right that's all part of your carnal flesh area it's not necessarily sinful or wrong because I am saying factual statements that that I have been hurt but that's not part of the renewed spiritual life she said you're not tackling this with your spirit you're tackling this with your thoughts life with your mental arena your in your thought life now you can choose to stop thinking about that well then what do I think about she said tap into your spirit well how do you tap into your spirit people say all these words I don't know what they mean I'm just an honest guy what does it mean tap into your spirit you hear people say all these fancy words highfalutin words but a simple guy like me I don't know what tapping in what do you mean tap into your spirit look to your spirit quiet in your mind stop thinking choose to stop thinking about all this stuff that's swirling and look down into your heart look into your spirit Holy Spirit what are you what do you want to say about this and be quiet and listening now if the word has been planted in your heart because you're feeding on irregularly the Holy spirt has something to draw up and put in your mind a scripture but if you never read the word he got not much to bring up to you right now if you pray in the Holy Ghost a lot and you're tapping into your spirit it'll be much because as you pray your spirit man is making motion your spirit is engaged you understand it's moving as you pray in tongues it's being used because that tongues is the problem the Holy Ghost giving you evidence but it comes out of your spirit bypasses your mind so there's movement in your spirit if you never pray in tongues and you're never in the word you're in big trouble you'll never live a spiritual life because if you do kind of try in your own clumsy way to okay I'll stop thinking that okay I can do that I can choose to stop these thoughts now I don't know exactly understand how it what it means but I'm gonna tap into my spirit so let me look down and just say okay Holy Spirit I looked you now I'm listening to you now what do you have to say about the situation but I haven't been in the word I haven't read the word in 30 days and I never pray in tongues so my spirit is is just dormant it's alive unto God but it's a little it's dormant there's no movement that's been happening so the Holy Ghost you're not as sensitive to what is in here if you never pray in the spirit and there's not much that he can bring up to you if you're not in the word and if you haven't prayed this pretty because if you're in the word he can bring a verse to you but if you pray in the spirit the answers for your future you've been praying out in tongues first Corinthians chapter 2 9 to 14 you've been praying out those answers you may not know it but you've been praying out the perfect will of God it's now available for him to quicken it to your mind so you probably were praying out this answer he didn't even know you're praying it out so you look down these were because you've been praying all these four there's something to draw up and put that in your mind and go this how I want you to think about this this how this is the verse say about this now this is your confession that I'm gonna make this confession over you about this situation and stuff will come up out of your spirit and now what happens when you tap into that flow and get this unrenewed angry swirling thought pattern to come that's why you hear pastors say quiet in your mind that's what she's talking about you can choose this is not thoughts from the devil this is thoughts from you but because it's you you think it's okay because you're a good guy right if it's the devil he's bad I can recognize that but me it this is me what are you talking about I what do you mean I'm against myself your unrenewed thought part pattern and your emotions of your feelings if they're not renewed with the word of they're not yielded to your spirit man they're actually an enemy to your spiritual life and they will rob you of the deeper things of God and you've got to take authority not over the devil but over your own thoughts you've got to say no I cast down I choose to cast down 1st 2nd corinthians 10:4 vain imaginations high and lofty thoughts that exalt themselves against the word I choose to cast them down see we're told to do that it didn't say cast down demons it says cast down imaginations high and lofty thoughts that are coming to now they could come from the devil but they can also come from your soul because your soul is is one in wild because it's not submitted to your spirit the Prince is trying to be king your spirit man is king your soul is the Prince and your body is the slave your Prince should not be taking rule rulership over your king the Prince is supposed to be under the king not over it most people live with the Prince ruling things they don't do they don't rule with their king ruling things I know this sounds so simple maybe I don't know maybe it's confusing I don't know I'm just saying that table going are you kidding me I didn't understand this all these years I know I can stop thoughts if I want to stop them but really what you're telling the Holy Ghost is that when I'm facing difficult situations painful situations situations requiring great decisions that I don't know and you're just trying to figure something I don't want to do you telling me that I can just say I choose not to think about you and that that's not because sometimes we're trained as children that that's irresponsible if you ignore it it doesn't go away let me tell you if you ignore your soul it will go away but you don't just ignore your soul with adding nothing else then demons come you're not emptying your mind you're quieting your mind there's a big difference you can it is a responsible thing to do to make a decision that you will not engage those thoughts and you you can answer them out loud or you can answer them in your mind so it's better to do that loud but you can't always depending on the environment you're in but you can decide to go aye not think what your I will creig him on talking with the devil I'm talking to Craig the carnal Craig the flesh Craig Craig stop it I will not think that way no no and in but they're gonna the flesh wants to know well what you gonna think then shut up the Holy Spirit I'm looking to you now I yield to my spirit man let my spirit listen to the words let my spirit give my mind what to think let the thoughts that I should think come up out of my spirit let me pray in the Holy Ghost now to determine what thoughts I need to think what words I need to say let me let me because the Word of God will come up if it's in your if it's in your heart but also instruction will come up if you've been praying in the spirit now lord help me to think the right thoughts and then you you've you've told your mind to shut up and now you yield and watch what happens because the Holy Spirit you you don't will always be dramatic it's a still small voice but a thought will come to you that was not the thought that you were thinking before and if you get skillful you realize it didn't come from the outside it came from out of your spirit you can't always tell that initially but it did come out of your spirit and you'll think okay Lord I'm gonna say that mm-hmm I'm gonna think that and what happens is when this happens you are thinking is in line with your spirit and that is called spiritual thoughts or as Paul called it being spiritually minded not carnally minded which is your own mind your spirit is influencing what you think now when you are spiritually minded because your mind is now being tapped into your spirit man your spirit is tapped into the Holy Ghost who's tapped into the Father now by extension your mind is tapped into the Father do you understand now the result of that and it's amazing because I've been practicing it for two years and it really works it's that magic the result of that is that a piece comes over you because before you were either angry or frustrated or hurt or emotional or just stressed because you can't make a decision and all the stuff is going on and none of those emotions are peaceful they don't produce they produce death but when you do this you'll and you start to think along the line of the word and if it you don't feel anything bubble up then just start thinking according to the scripture that's your base then if he promise you to think about something thinking he promise you to say something said if he promise you to confess something they prompts you to sing something sing it but get your spirit engaged in what you're thinking now a peace comes well a peace comes I'm telling you it's amazing you were so worked up a peace comes and it's like you've tapped into God's power a strength comes into you to deal with that situation I'm so grateful for my pastor that even when I didn't understand I wasn't rubbing her in rebellion I was I was asking questions because I didn't understand but I knew I was missing something and she was more skillful in this than I was I wasn't skillful at all but she taught me something very valuable at that table your thoughts should be controlled by your spirit not let them run because your emotions are more in control than your spirit well what do you feel it's one of the worst things you can say can I read you a scripture maybe we will close early because then you all like me you all come back let's start with Galatians chapter 6 I'm just trying to get you to understand something you don't you can control your own thoughts it's not just the devil it's your own carnal flesh bucket all of us are carnal flesh buckets sometimes and our minds run wild with anger with fear well I just can't help it I just can't help it don't you know what I'm going to you're a you're stupid you can't help it you choose not to because you're ignorant because you never been taught and now that you've been talking shouldn't come to church tonight I told you not to come now that you've been taught your whole juice you're held responsible I'm serious you're held responsible once I learned that at that table I don't have the same mercy from God in my life anymore about that because my pastor gave me revelation by the Holy Ghost journey of how to control my mind and I remember I went back to the room and I thought are you kidding me I don't even realize that I'm fleshly but I am because I can hear it come out of me and all this frustration and hurt and it's just like a torrent and and here she is just looking at me going you're in your mind pastor get out of the mental arena stop touching with a saw but don't you understand I was wrong that doesn't matter pastor but don't you understand this hurts that doesn't matter either you can choose to stop thinking that way and you can tap into your spirit and say Holy Ghost how do you want me to handle this and usually most times how he tells you a note is not how you were going to handle it and not how you were handling it what you were planning on attack mode send an email just skinned them alive call somebody and tell them what they did the Holy Ghost will never instruct you to do any of that because none of that's according to 1st Corinthians 13 and that's why but that's why you say but I don't want to forgive but when it but when it's in but when it comes out of your spirit it's not just an empty instruction a peace comes with it but life God's life it companies the instruction and it gives you strength to do what he is leading you to do when you feel you can't you've tapped into God's divine flow instead of letting your emotions and your mind and your feelings and your anger rule you people that are Moody do not do what I'm preaching people that have raged problems anger problems they do not they do not understand how to say no I will not do that hallelujah praise God Galatians chapter 6 verse 8 for he that sows to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption but he that souls to the spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting the more you listen to me I'm asking you to listen the more you let your mind and your emotions run wild the more you sow to the flesh I'm not talking about demons I'm talking about flesh demons are different answer them that's pretty easy this is not this is farce more subtle that in your mind do what it wants to do you are sowing to the flesh you will reap corruption your body your mind decisions you make it will you it will not work out for you so to the spirit yield to the spirit be spiritually minded and you will reap life I'm telling you I don't know this is pretty simple but it is River it is discerned because I heard it preached for many years and I never understood it so I don't know if all of you are getting it but I'm just trying to boil it down to one very simple thing you don't have to think whatever your mind tells you to think I'm at home with the devil I'm talking about you your old fleshly self you don't have to think what you want to think you have authority and control over your own thought life you can choose to say I will not think this and shut your mind down quite in it by your decision of your own holy will and tap into your inner man and say Holy Ghost help me let me think God's thoughts give me words from the word of but that I've been praying out in the spirit my spirit has answers help me tap in let my mind be spiritual let me be of a thought process from my spirit let me be spiritually minded do you see the difference you see this I hope you're seeing it now Romans quickly now Romans chapter 8 because I got a verse that just says it so beautifully verse 6 remember we were in Galatians 6:8 now we're in Romans 8:6 that's how you remember it these two verses go together just invert the numbers Galatians 6:8 Romans 8:6 are you ready for to be carnally carnally carnally not demonically carnally minded that's your little mind doing whatever it wants to do because it's in the flesh it's not been crucified to be carnally minded is death you keep messing with this never you so did the flesh reap corruption you keep messin flesh and carnality is the same they're interchangeable words when he says so to the flesh he means carnally minded you are gonna reap corruption or death same thing you see the same thing it's are the same thing now watch the next great but to be spiritually minded your mind influenced by your spirit is what life and peace let your spirit influence you let the Holy Ghost help you quite in that filthy stupid wild mind no you don't in Jesus name I will not yield to you I yield to him Holy Ghost I'm looking for your help right now because in the natural I'm struggling I'm upset but I yield to you I used to think these thoughts right now master kyouda he seemed a master and something starts to come up peace takes over a thought from God comes how to answer it comes how to confess comes as scripture comes up peace comes up why you've now tapped into the life of the Spirit and I know why for some reason I just thought that because it's me it's it's okay but it's running wild like a wild stallion and fast intense he's looking at me and go she didn't say it but that's what she meant your mind's like a wild stallion control it but it's me doesn't matter that it's you just because of ranch or owns a wild stallion who cares that it's his wild stallion the stallion has to be broken or it's unproductive so does it matter that you're the rancher that you own a wild stallion don't justify the wildness of the stalin's because it's your stallion don't justify the craziness of your thoughts because they're your thoughts well it's not the devil who cares inside the devil they're your thoughts they're wild break them like you break it like you break a horse discipline it put your foot on its neck now you don't see we're so used to saying no you don't to the devil but how much do we say no you don't to our flesh you need to say with as much aggression to your own outrageous wild flesh carnal thinking emotionalism moodiness anger rage I'm so touchy all the time you need to have the same aggression toward that if not more than you do the devil because that's your biggest enemy not the devil he's been defeated but your flesh that's not been defeated and sir your flesh no you don't I refuse to let you run like a wild stack I break you you will run in circles the way I tell you to run it do you understand my thoughts have no right to dominate me my emotions have no right to dominate me now people actually catch this and start to do it everything in your in your mind emotions will and body starts to align because it's supposed to be out of your spirit journey but the vast majority of Christians are so dense they don't even know what the devil is doing let alone themself we're learning how to answer the devil but are we also learning how to answer happy you're good at answer in the devil but can you answer yourself Joe you're excellent at answering the devil can you answer yourself I say to me as well Craig you're getting skillful at answering the devil but Wow where are you at buddy on the scale of one to ten answering your flesh because you better learn how to do it or you're gonna be wild and your life will look wild and decisions you make will have the sting of wildness relationships don't work right children aren't raised right money things don't happen right things don't work right because you're in the flesh you're sowing - fleshly thinking and emotionalism fleshly decision-making that's your will fleshly emotions that your you know your feelings fleshly decisions that your work fleshly thoughts that your mind your mind will and emotions makes up your soul if you sow to that you will reap corruption there is death but if you get into your spirit more tap into your spirit more quite in that stupid mind tell it to shut up and say Holy Ghost how do you want me to handle this how do you want me to handle this and listen to him and if you'd never pray in in the word he doesn't have much to communicate he will still do the best he can cuz he loves you but that's why you live a life in the word and in tongues in the word and in worship all the time so that when you need that he has so much to pull out and say son do this son this is the verse son did it and it just comes out and then you yield to that spiritual thought and there's life and all of a sudden the peace comes over you like you never understood before and situations now have lost their power over you people can't hurt you this is the greatest thing I learned from this scenario is there's like an invisible shield around me Jenny I'm telling you I'm not making this up when somebody would leave the church even if they didn't do it in a bad way it was like I don't know because I love them and I'm praying for them and I'm I'm just a very loyal person that's just the way I am when I was dating I didn't date very often when I did I never broke up the relationship they always had to dump me because as far as I'm concerned I'm gonna marry you girl I'm with you for life even if I know the Holy Ghost says no Lord I know it's no but I'm just gonna I can't leave I just I just I'm with you for life so they always had to poor Craig he's so pathetic look he's with me for life Craig I don't really want to see you anymore okay five and then I know I know it's you guys know what you Holy Ghost thank God for her thank you for speaking to her to dump me because I don't think I could have done it I'm just loyal that's just my nature I am I'm just if I latch on to you I ain't letting go I'm like that pit bull when he bites you have to get crowbars to open up his mouth I'll make the african fish eagle because I'm from Africa and I'm like an ego when it grabs that thing I've seen it in videos the crabs said fish if it miscalculates the size of the fish its talons lock its brain cannot unlock its talons it will try to fly and if the fish is too big it will drag it under the water that ego will drown it will not let go the fish even on death it won't let go so it better catch the right size fish they can fly away with or that boy is dead I'm the same way when I latch on its axis the way I am that's what I don't understand that people that I'm inbred in Mia's covenant I don't understand anything else so that is dangerous for a pastor because then that kind of a pastor never understands people that are disloyal they never understands people that get offended at the color of the carpet a leaf it is so foreign to me I can't understand that because it's not the way my brain is wired some people I guess they're not like that they're very they're very easily just well I'm just a and I'll go with you and then I'll go with you and then I'll date you and then I'll marry you and then I'll divorce you and date you I don't understand that it's not God God's not like that God is covenant when God makes a covenant it's forever I'm not making anybody feel bad because you've been divorced or because you've left churches I'm just saying the closer you know God the less you'll jump God does not jump he didn't jumped on you he never decided that you were no good and left you he stayed with you even when you were ugly he stayed with you when you were disobedient he stayed with you even before you were a Christian he loved you he cut covenant before he even bore and he saw your future what I'm saying is I don't get people I'm just like that so for me when people do things it's more susceptible for me for the knife to go in it just is some other pastors I know pastors they could care less I mean I won't say names but I wish I was like some of these FoF guys they just don't give a flying rip if somebody leaves their check they could care less of everybody I don't care I just I just know God told me to do it God will send somebody else high school I'm like I don't get it I am so intense how can you not be devastated by people I take this wake I don't know dude it's just like it's okay with me I just some basses are very laid-back I'm not I'm like think even hogeol's but but they're that way is is a good thing in some ways but it can also be a bad thing because it there's there's a thing the devil can use that against me but I'm telling you I've learned two tremendous key when I started to practice what Pastor Nancy taught me consciously it's one thing to hear didn't serve and go all right I'm supposed to live out of my spirit but you don't know what that means oh sure could it happen is it but if I asked you what does that mean I don't know so you you're not your head like it's all great and good but you left your confused to me that's ludicrous ask a question figure out what the preachers saying but make sure that you actually learned something and then apply it otherwise it's no good to you but now that I've heard it but I never really got it until that table and she spent some time rebuking me and teaching me and explaining to me that my mind was a wild stallion and I'm not a bad person but that's not spiritual behavior so I started practicing this Jeni when the situation would come III know it's true because the Bible says that she says it I got revelation so I can see it now but I still kind of wanted to see if it worked I know that's probably not faith but stop judging me you know what I'm saying let you see if this really works so a situation come and and I would feel that rise that's it no you don't you mind you listen to me I'm speaking to you I'd break your power you're not wild anymore I tell you what you think and what you don't now shut up in Jesus name Holy Spirit I yield to you master key to Easter and then a thought would come the confession would come a scripture a song many times comes and a piece I can't explain that piece I've tapped into the life of God you know what it produces it produces like a force field in front of me and that situation that otherwise when I'm in the flesh when I'm in my mind about a river and Greg it hurts so bad they cut me deep it's like I can see the knife but it's gone against Kevlar it can't get to me and I'm thinking I can't believe this two years ago five years ago this would have knocked me out for two days it would have devastated me emotionally I don't feel any pain you can't you can't hurt me I live out of my spirit my spirit protects me and it also works with offense if you'll do this you won't get offended with people I I what I would normally what would normally earth me and rub my fur the wrong way and I'd get it I don't know something is different I just it's okay I'm fine see my spirit is like a shield there that's guarding me from hurt from offense from confusion yeah it's amazing I never knew life could be this enjoyable Jenny I never knew honestly because my mind is always going so quickly I never knew that it could be the sweet I never knew that you could actually walk through life and people have lost the power to wound you I didn't even know that was possible I just figure that's part of life it's part of life you just gonna have to go put up with it no it's not the life of the Spirit is a life above it's another realm than this earth you can walk totally another realm I'm not saying that you never feel anything don't get me wrong I'm not saying that you don't feel things I'm not saying that you can't get hurt don't take it too extreme I'm saying it's different but in the end with this today so I'm just saying I'm practicing this but I'm trying to show you I'm trying to be transparent and humble to you that I'm not some master whiz because I'm learning too but today I faced a situation and it was frustrating me and it was serious and the laws involved and the police are involved and it's nothing to do with me I've not done anything it's something else been going on that I have to deal with because I'm a pastor and that's the job and I'm going and it's you know Jenny you saw me I'm riled man I'm confused I'm upset I don't know what to do I don't to hurt this person but I don't want to expose myself there's so many it could go wrong so many different ways depending on how I handle this and I'm just I'm just I feel that and I recognized it Taylor thank God I recognized it because years ago I wouldn't have recognized it I would have thought this is life I recognize and I thought all right this thing I'm feeling is my mind as a wild stallion this feeling of out of control jittery stress nervous blood pressure this is not the life of despair this is not life in peace and I stopped I stopped today this afternoon I stopped and I said Holy Spirit I'm looking for peace show me what to do to tap into that's that peace I refuse to think I'm not gonna let it run now you stop it mind I commend you thoughts to be quiet Holy Ghost helped me and he bubbled up he bubbled up do this so I did what he did and a peace came and I thought okay I'm still learning because the fact that it for two hours I let that happen shows that I'm not really as skillful as I thought but it creeps up on you you don't even see certain situations coming and all of a sudden they're on you and you just react to them because you're so still you're still used to your mind reacting that way because it's still being renewed it's a daily process to get your mind renewed to God's thoughts process get it renewed to the word be transformed by the renewing it's a transformation is a daily process it doesn't happen overnight but the fact that I Jenny it made me upset that I reacted that way first in the really in the flesh instead of reacting in the spirit but but at least I caught it a couple hours in oh that's right this is this I'm not used to this feeling this is a foreign feeling to me but you see before that was a common feeling to me I understand now people have this confident they're always in drama they're always in crisis in chaos it's coming to them that's all they know but I've been so long without that feeling when it happened today I thought oh that's not me that doesn't that doesn't feel right something feels alien about that maybe I had that years ago but I've changed Russia changed me the Holy Ghost changed me I don't normally feel that way why am I feeling there all right the wildness came back in the stallion I let it run I pulled it out no you don't mind I commend you stop thinking about that I take a hold of you I garner you I say you stop it now Holy Ghost help me I call on you I need you great counselor right now great Paraclete the ones called alongside me to help I call on your aid you're inside me help me and I started to pray in the Holy Ghost and up comes life up comes peace and because my mind is now silent it just absorbs my mind and it just oozes out of it and I go I know what to do I know what to say peace has returned I'm back to normal but the fact that it caught me off guard took me two hours shows me that I'm still developing my skill because it should never have the right to take me two hours should not take me off guard but the facts are sometimes things do until you get skillful with it some of you are so used to this way of thinking always in a you're not a spiritual person just because you risk your hands does it not mean make you as a better person just because you can cast out Devils if you can and if you do it does not make you a truly spiritual person a truly spiritual person is a spiritually minded person who lives out of their spirit and controls their thoughts and controls their emotions if you're in your home there's yelling and outbursts you're not spiritually minded if you're always being emotional but I don't feel like this and I don't feel like that or I feel and we're all like that but it means we've got work to do to tap into our spirit because the Spirit of God is not feeling based he's word based do you understand even emotional eating people get overweight myself included because your emotions are attached to your food because you reward yourself why does it only laughing I'm not laughing I don't think it's funny at all I think it's traumatic but I know there I understand why they're laughing but I'm saying even that that that sense of I have to feel I feel if I don't do this I don't feel good see the feeling is part of your unrenewed soul now tell your feelings stop it in Jesus name I put a rope around your neck wild stallion you will not buck you will run in circles because I tell you to holy ghost I'm calling upon your help right now I look to you my counselor help me I feel these things but these feelings are not from my spirit they're from my flesh help me and this life comes up a strength for you to do the right thing let me read you one verse it's eight nine eight fifty eight will close after this last verse and I won't even explain it I'll just read it but you got to see this look at down verse nine Romans 8:9 but ye are not of the flesh but on the Spirit so that the Spirit of God dwells in you he's in you now and if any man have not the Spirit of God he he's not even his the world can understand this and if Christ be in you the body is dead your flesh she desires it because of sin but the Spirit is life because of righteousness what does that mean when the Spirit is in you he gives you life strength ability power help aid to live right he's in me for righteousness Jenny when my feeling wants me to do something fleshly if I tap into my spirit my spirit will lead me to do something righteous it's amazing but if the spirit of a man that but if the spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you he that raised up Christ let it show quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit the Holy Ghost will even affect your physical body and not just your mind it all affects your physical body if you'll tap into your spirit more you'll get healed easier because you're quick on you because you're living the life of the Spirit that quickens your body verse 13 for if you live after the flesh you shall die but if you die but if you through the spirit kill the deeds of the flesh the body you will live did you notice that if through the spirit you mortify or killed the flesh that means the Holy Ghost is helping me to kill my flesh he is prompting me get that wild stallion under control boy I don't want to get it under control stop it thoughts see I've yielded to him now he'll help me put to death these bad feelings these bad thoughts this confusion this anger this out-of-control Ness he will cause me the Holy Ghost causes you to kill those things so that you can live right so you can live peaceful so that you can live with right decisions pure-minded hallelujah amen any addiction can be overcome this way just a thought that comes to you and many of them says demons answer the demon but answer your thought I don't struggle with pornography on something I struggle with but I know a lot of guys do but if that thought comes to you this is demon answer it but don't just answer the needs a demon your flesh wants it answer that thought no no no no no no no I answer you thought you're out of control you're wild this desire that's that's in me for the sin it's not the Holy Ghost by the Holy Ghost I'm gonna kill that desire how do I do it tap into my spirit Holy Ghost help me I'm calling on you great counselor I need your help right now I feel temptation I need your help right now I need your help right now see people say call your armor-bearer that's a bunch of hogwash you've got the greatest armor-bearer in the universe inside you why do you need to pick up the phone and call somebody if you really do I guess that's okay but you are insulting the Holy Ghost he is inside you he's your Ribeiro he's your accountability partner look to him help me now I feel temptation I'm asking for your help my Stucky and life and strength will come up and as it comes rhe yield to it and say I kill that desire I step on your neck I break to you I will not yield to that I will not look at that image and it breaks but he's calling the prayer line calling my accountable the accountability partners inside you call upon him he's here use him he's here the Old Testament Abraham couldn't call on him Moses couldn't call on him John the Baptist couldn't call on him you are greater than the greatest prophet the Bible says because you've got the spirit inside of you who is unlimited in his power and his aid but you've got to control this thing you're in your mind pastor you were right you're in your stop touching it in the mental arena pastor you were right get out of your thought process pastor thank God you were right I just didn't understand how to do it now I understand how to do it I talked to it like I talk to the devil yeah no you don't you don't control me I control you I live out of my spirit I'm spiritually minded I'm not fleshly minded confusion never comes out of your spirit anger never comes out of your spirit lust never comes out of your spirit addictions never comes out of your spirit it's all up here so a part of your body your soul Plus demons sometimes are involved as well answer them but for goodness sakes talk to yourself praise God and we'll have a great 2020 our lives will start to go where it's all like this it will start to go because the spirit brings divine order hallelujah Heavenly Father I thank you this evening for your great help to us talking to them from my heart but lord I really mean it it's a it's a discerned revelation that will change them if they'll yield to it some of them I need to listen to it again Lord I asked pastor nc questions for a number of hours and there aren't even asking me questions I'm just preaching to them but father they can ask you questions they can call and talk to our staff they can make an appointment with me if they need to because father I want them to catch this I want them to do this I want them to have peace I want them to have peace there's nothing that can compare to peace peace is more valuable than all the money in the world peace and life is the most precious commodity and where there's peace there's joy this is the kingdom of God righteousness peace and joy in the Holy Ghost Lord we want to be right before you we want to have joy and we want to have peace and we do that by living out of our spirit and we can control our thoughts they do not have to dominate us the way they do don't have to run wild we can grab them and pull them into subjection and then tap into our spirit because the word has been put in there because we've meditated and read it because we prayed in the Holy Ghost we've got stuff our spirit man has acted and the Holy Ghost on the inside will help and we will yield to that aid and we will become spiritually minded with life and peace I bless them I thank you for them in the mighty name of Jesus amen
Channel: Promise of Life Church
Views: 1,614
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: preaching, church, POLC, Craig field, pastor, Mississauga, toronto, Jesus, God, Bible, faith, Holy Spirit, Word and Spirit, revival, Hagin, revelation, anointed, anointing, worship, praise
Id: JiLyGrX4_n4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 26sec (4106 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 12 2019
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