DON'T GO IN THE WOODS... | Darkwood

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The game will finally get the attention it deserves.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 27 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/NicoLogoski πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I've waited 6 years for this. I've waited so long I bought the game but I didn't get far because it's too scary.

You need to pay attention to survive but the ambience is too spooky. I can't even play a video in the background to calm me down because of the concentration needed and the time-crunch in game.

I watched Angory Tom and Simon play but they never finished it either :(

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SpysSappinMySpy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

LoL this guy is hilarious, bought several games because of his reviews. He plays one called keep in mind, really interesting mini game.

Hahahaha! "everyone avert your eyes..."

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Drivestoofast πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

A premptive howdy to all the new people!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/loughtthenot πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

He’s playing it again? He played it years ago when it first came out, people have been begging him to return to it for months because of changes

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/A_Desk_Chair πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

What's up guys. New player here. Bought the games cause of mark. So yep. Bigger community. ;)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Dandelion_Monk πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 24 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Nice, our community will grow

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Leaucard πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

He played this as an early demo, I think.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/N0VA-S-T-A-L-K-E-R πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This will hopefully give darkwood the attention it deserves

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/gerboltclaw πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome to darkwood now i last played darkwood in 2014. and that game was at first in alpha or early access i can't remember if it was just demo but the game was good the game was scary and it was different it was unique and i think it had randomly generated yadda yaddas but either way the game came out recently in full or recently i actually don't know how many moons ago oh god lexi and can i just speak normally i have no idea either way the game came out sometime in the past that is indeterminate and i don't know how much it was but the reviews are unanimous very good reviews so i'm revisiting the game because i always said that i was going to come back to it oh let's go without the immersion breaking now i have played this before but i don't know if there was a prologue before all right so here we go enough of an intro intros are dumb anyway let's just do this you will not be led by the hand respect the woods be patient and focus those are things that i think everyone can agree i am perfectly capable of doing and anyone that disagrees should fight me in the comments i think i'd win i think i could take you raise your hands in the comments down below if this is bringing back some memories if you were here in 2014 or if you've seen it in the recent years since 2014 i see hatred and fear in their eyes [Music] as if i was responsible for the spreading disease were you goodness as if i were the source of all the misery plaguing this land are you [Music] i have nowhere to hide from them nowhere to run the woods have closed us off from the outside world oh damn this is cool we are all doomed we're all doomed cool all right that's dope man that is dope oh hey oh yeah yeah in case you don't remember it was a top down game i don't have any skills to use yet well i wasn't actually asking you to do any skills what am i doing oh i opened my inventory uh search and drag chair what's the use button ah there we go right bumper okay good i did that tables pills sure my own notepad it's empty i have no notes much like my mind completely vacant i know these notes by heart i don't want to read them now a homemade device for producing moonshine the only edible thing growing on this land i still have some left okay dismantling this now would be suicide all right dudley noted squeaky oh this looks familiar the generator is almost out of juice i need to find a full gasoline can i saw a broken tractor to the east maybe i could find some gasoline there my old zenith camera that's a zenith all right my old useless medical bag and a photo i don't like that photo that photo makes my soul itch i don't know how many faces i'm seeing in this photo but there's a few too many i do not like that there's one face there's a face in the middle a real funny one there's a face over here a face down there oh is that a face over there you know if that's a rorschach test i think i failed oh my tools they haven't been sterilized for years the local patients can't be helped anyway oh how funkalunka all right cool tell me why that isn't going to kill me i would like to know exactly how that's not going to rip my guts out through my anus great good oh it's a radio the radio has been silent for years well it's awake now although sometimes i think i can hear voices through the static i know these notes by heart i don't want to read them now alcohol all right cool do i need all this crap probably not i'm taking it anyway old medical book uh this looks important this looks real important um good stuff here all right rag i don't know why i would need that stuff but i'm just gonna stick with it i best not enter this room right now why not what's in the room hey oh oh that can't be good the lock is jammed a long time ago never mind i used to keep useless junk in there anyway the useless junk but i'm picking up useless junk that sounds all good to me i would rather not open it i spent too much time to to lock him in there oh cages this time they're empty oh that's not good oh that's not good then hey oh my dog i don't think he's going to make it i shouldn't end his suffering why was he left outside oh no i don't have anything to end it suffering with it's horrible a large humanoid doll with a carved out face that's that's great so i did play through the prologue before because i'm starting to give like very fragmented memo no oh no everyone avert your eyes these trees are growing too fast soon i won't be able to cut them down fast enough snare traps i must be careful the woods are full of them dead cow yeah get some bones you prick location path found good great let me just go into the dark wood the woods have devoured all the roads that connected us to the outside world no one is able to pass through this thicket i mean i seem to be able to pass through the thicket i seem to be able to pass through just fine we're in campfire all right i don't know what these rags are for i got an idea what the boards are for [Music] these parts of the woods are dark i should craft a torch all right crafting eh torch craft it good pick up boom porch there we go abandoned house i don't know what is that a hand that a big hand that a big hand hand hand hand like oh hi in a few days it will be completely absorbed into what absorbed into what what is it going to be absorb oh this is well that's fun that's fun this is fun oh yeah repair i don't need to repair it i'm not gonna stay here that's for sure i think there's a reason this whole place blew what's with the circles surrounding all these things i don't remember this part of the prologue i don't remember any of this oh tree oh hey bud hey how you doing i think this one is still breathing big metal key there's an exit out of these woods this key will surely open it 21. how do you know that what do you mean it'll open it he's unconscious i've never seen him around here before he's only carrying a key and some journal since he managed to sneak in here he must know how to get out of course he won't help me voluntarily okay of course yeah of course but that is of no importance fascinating excellent i'm one of those good healthy help people doctors i need to get out of this accursed forest you hear me rat rat show me how and i will let you go okay you happy i sometimes hear her voice who she's calling me who calling me to return home who's home [Music] great where is the exit where [Applause] show me where okay oh well how's he gonna show you if you punch his eyeballs [Music] out oh that's not good i'll kill you like a dog if i have to yeah you'd know all about that wouldn't you this dilweed this dill hole this prick and a half this piece of poopy i'm gonna wiggle out of here i'm gonna wiggle waggle my way out of here there we go hell yeah i'm alive that [Β __Β ] stole my key an entry to a small cellar maybe the pantry really wire wire i'm hurt i could use these rags to craft some bandages and heal myself all right you got it bud bandages and lock pick interesting all right how about we well first let's um let's use the bandage oh there we have it the controls are gonna take some getting used to unlocked shovel it's heavy but it has good reach and flashlight all right so i gotta put those there and there let's tear this a hole 10 new a-holes this barricaded too strong to dismantle all right how about i bash it womp womp coming for you baby it's no longer usable well that's a problem because it seems like he might still be you know oh no i'll fight you dude i'll fight you i'll fight you dude i'll fight oh i'll fight you dude okay i mean i just saw him so i probably should push go oh wrong code who's there i don't know who is it please let me out you know maybe is he in the house oh hey [Music] i don't like that i don't like none of that better not leave the house at night it's safer here what do you mean it's safer here there's a maniac oh if i move this yes yes yes [Music] hello ah this looks great this all looks very good a metal table with leather belts strapped onto it right great search yeah turn my back yeah it's fine probably oh okay wait i got a table leg all right i'll use the table leg okay let's refill it gluggity glug tank is empty i don't know if i was supposed to use all of it okay generators on good man good you know good this is all kinds of good i feel very good about this maybe i could bash the thing out to get the guy out of there four eight nine two who said that what what four eight nine you know okay four eight nine two got it hey hey hey who's here hey who's here come on don't be shy open up there we are help who who's there i can't hear you come closer i don't like it i don't trust it i'm coming oh god ow ow james i'm you hit like a truck except you don't actually it's not that much damage yum okay good dead man i killed him a small plastic chick i hate it and how do you want to get out now i don't know you think you can manage all by yourself i don't know hear it i don't know hey oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh my god all right man hey good stuff hey whoa that was radical good for me for doing the killing thing and escaping question mark and probably dying oh i don't like your hand i i don't need it great cool you know this is really awesome hell of a star i don't even know if the prologue was that intense when i first played it in 2014 who knows hey hey hey where am i where am i what am i doing okay a pleasant warmth is emanating from the oven i can sense a strange yet familiar sense it's the smell of the protective substance which gives me relatively safety after dark the vapors rising from the huge cauldron are distributed all over the house via long pipes as long as i remain inside my hideout i have a chance of surviving the night okay examine the oven when i arrived here a couple days ago the oven was basically prepared i just needed a lighter to ensure my safety at night this cottage must have been one of our hideouts the inhabitants of these woods don't need to inhale this revolting gas the label on the bottle says staying out of the reach of the protective substance after nightfall results in immediate death in 99 out of a hundred cases it is advised to evenly spread the gas inside the sleeping area and does it just last forever warning even a properly prepared substance does not guarantee 100 safety remain vigilant it is recommended to stay in well-lit indoor areas to in order to minimize the risk look inside the pot a small empty cast iron pot i haven't used it yet i haven't felt any hunger or thirst since the accident a few days ago i can't stop thinking about one thing these mushrooms these red mushrooms they look so tasty maybe this pot will prove useful after all ah i too have a craving hunger for red pulsating mushrooms don't we all oh my goodness i don't want to know what that is actually i definitely want to know what that is that looks super sweet okay so what the hell number one am i doing what the hell uh am i where the hell am i those are two separate questions and why the hell did i have a key with the number 21 why i don't know not my department photo of a road the road home droga dodomi sure yeah bam yesterday i barricaded one of the windows if i wanted to stay there for some time i should do the same with the other windows all right oh crafty crafts crafting bench okay i don't have enough materials to be able to do that okay so that's the front door that's delightful punk okay bear trap under the windows still open looks like this night was exceptionally uneventful is my bed really here why would my bed be here why would i have my bed here this doesn't make any sense this seems like an unwise decision so my out of breath noise when i'm running because i run by default apparently and i don't do cardio all right cool i think that was part of the remain vigilant thing that i definitely did well build i don't have a well saw use converts wood logs into planks good that's good to know oh there's a container oh is there a radio that can tell me what the code is because that would be awfully convenient okay i guess i'm out on my own do i have an axe or something that i can like you know cut logs is that my objective for now do i have an objective besides just maybe get out hey look big pulsating red mushroom sure would be a shame okay uh the generator is half empty it contains enough gasoline for one more night i should find a full can in the house above the underground entrance there was an underground entrance at my house where the hell was there an underground entrance what are you talking about turn on the generator before dark hiding in the shadows won't do you any good they're coming either way all right cool man all right sweet also there's there's a hole in my house underground oh the carpet i see it wardrobe sorry okay mushroom book ah utzitek ziggrazabal with gospadarsky that's a tasty looking definitely not a dick that's definitely not a dick 100 not dick definitely not anyway i'm gonna drag you around i was wrong i've never been more wrong anyway i'm gonna go there's a full gas tank under the house somewhere okay log found log and stone and nail gray at least i don't have to chop down log are these heavy probably not too heavy i'm very strong shove them in my pockets pockets full of logs ah look man i don't know what is what in this game yet you can't just do that to me well you told me that there was gonna be delicious red mushrooms oh underground entrance i found it okay cool you said that there was going to be delicious red mushrooms and yet every time i go near them apparently i die i'm like wicked tired this is the house i'll find the entrance to the underground here corpse man should have used this bandage before you had a chance all right oh god that was very close all right uh backpack okay that's good but i'm i'm now officially out of stuff medium caliber bullet what's gooping what is gooping is there anything i can craft uh bandages with alcohol good for heavy ones i guess yeah sure okay wardrobe oh there's that i i need that i'll just stuff the logs in there for now because i i don't have what i need i definitely need the uh thingamabob can i just pull out wait can i pull out the bread and eat that so prep bread for eating engage eating yum yum yum and i i need to use a bandage anyway because i was grievously wounded two rags damn bam hello hello got it nailed it okay so there's some kind of a secret entrance right there this guy oh i gotta move the bookshelf perfect oh why did that move like that do i want to know harvest ah i shouldn't touch him that's for sure okay do i enter it is this a good idea to see it feels like a bad idea why would i want to go to an underground entrance this feels very bad very bad oh i hate it i have no weapon why would i come here i have a gasoline can i don't oh oh no hello i'll take these please thank you motorcycle magazine from this year from this year you're telling me that this stuff hasn't been going on for long enough that even a year has passed that's strange i really need like a torch or something i have nothing thick wood posts barely hold the soaked ground in the tangled roots the construction seems on the verge of collapse you know what actually i'm okay i'm gonna you know i don't even think i could breathe i had a lung icon and my cautious brain is telling me that it was a bad idea to do any of that so i'm gonna go back home because i actually have uh some stuff that is probably good i've got like a oh whoops i lit a match why did i light a match stop lighting matches it is creepy i gotta admit this is quite creepy all right let me convert some of these apparently it has fuel all right that's cool that's pretty dope all right i'm gonna move this up here i'm gonna fill up my generator and that way i'll be ahead one more night right mushies are these actually good to eat or are you just [Β __Β ] with me because i have a bad idea i have a bad idea feeling that it's just gonna be bad i'll refill it okay tank empty i didn't want to keep that so i guess i'll go all right let me barricade these this seems like a good idea definitely seems like a good idea thong thunk alanka how many more can i do i can do plenty funka lunka clunka all right what do i do about the big gaping hole in my house can i build this well i have one i thought i had more so apparently i don't but or whatever i can go get more or actually no i need to put fuel in the thing i need to make how do i know what time it is is it almost night it feels like it's getting dark is it getting dark how do i know when it's dark it feels like it's getting dark oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god it feels like it's getting dark is it dark [Music] i got 10 essence great oh it feels dark one eternity later it's not dark i would know i would know if it was dark it's just that normally it's like dark you know what i mean i'm gonna put the logs in my log pile it's not dark it just is always like this yeah totally definitely okay i'm gonna go back down into this cellar i'm gonna also grab some things that i might have forgotten okay no i wanted the mushies there's apparently a dose of something i'll get it on the way out if i have space okay cool great let's go baby hey how you doing down here hey this looks great oh no [Music] oh no okay oh corpsey warpsy i'm sure it'll stay dead [Music] okay i'll go back that way oh no oh no huh oh i won't be able to open it without my key look at the handle okay 21 21 the hatch handle is covered in a thick layer of dust it hasn't been opened for at least two weeks you press your ear against the keyhole all right i can hear a faint voice through the howling wind it sounds familiar it seems to be coming through the keyhole someone is calling me hey unlock it from the other side look through the keyhole oh yeah i trust that dot dot i see all right okay so i guess i have to oh no that's not good that's not good this part of the password is blocked player i'm into harvest you i didn't see you god ah oh geez oh do i have a i have the grievous bandage maybe i just need a normal bandage yaw cheese there's probably a quicker way to do that use them's perfect i feel so good all right let's get going oh my oh my god oh my god oh my god oh odd meat okay great yeah i just pulled some odd meat out of the big pulsating vagina in the ground is good i feel good about that yeah i wonder why that corpse was by it huh weird winky dinks down to this underground come on oh no i'm out of breath please don't be chasing me please please don't it's chasing me [Applause] i didn't what don't back up into the food man this is unpleasant okay i gotta get my key you know i'll get it eventually but some weirdo took it from me unless that was all in the future in which case it didn't happen silly stupid idiot all right again i don't exactly know when daylight is over it's all pretty dark you know it's like some kind of dark wood barf oh no please no poochie why why poochie why why would you be mean like that i'll give you a home i'll give you a home poochie i'll give you a nice home you'll love it there was a crate back there that i wanted to check but i couldn't check it because poochie is it a tractor all right i've only got space for one more thing and then i gotta head back again don't know when the whole sun go down moose probably shouldn't mess with a moose oh oh whoa this is just me or is the light getting a little more orange is that indicative of sunset okay i think i gotta get back oh i definitely gotta get back oh i should have been back a while ago oh god i need to get back oh no and i left the generator on god i'm an idiot oh no i'm so dumb i left the generator on okay i've got extra uh gasoline i just need to uh put it here and i'm gonna oh my god yes i'm aware i get it it's almost nightfall i'm so incredibly dumb okay it didn't seem like it did that bad i'm actually gonna save some ow i'm gonna save some because i'm gonna put some in the wood chopper okay i'm gonna actually yoinkus get filled baby okay and then nope i know i have log and i have log here okay i'm gonna build this well whatever it do i built the well i'll drink from that oh god close it close it close it close it close it close it close it barricade it yes good idea okay i feel safe i feel very safe okay that is definitely nightfall outside that's what nightfall looks like it's definitely night maybe it is i don't know i think i got some meat ew okay extract 12 essences extract yeah great i don't have enough for a dose if i wouldn't have just kept slamming my dick into all the mushrooms around there i might have been able to get a full dose but i don't have that oh that's night all right oh that's definitely night good night night go night night can i go night night time every time i try to look at the bed it doesn't want to give me the option maybe i gotta find my pillow before i can go nighty night oh no oh no oh freak oh my freaking freaka freak me holy freaking freckle look oh my god [Music] oh my god that's the most terrifying thing i've ever experienced that's horrible why did the door open sure wish i could just take a nice nap do you really just have to wait through the night horrible i don't like where this music is going hey i made it oh what the hell happened to my oh it's all what what i don't know what all the fibers is but what a beautiful morning [Music] hi even from afar i can smell your putrid stench be glad i don't have an appetite for carcasses meat the figure hides its face under the hood it smells of wet soil and fur i know what you're after i can help you proclaim what you've lost if you help me attend to a certain matter what do you say comrade as he leans towards me i can hear him giggling under the hood i knew you i would interest you before we make a deal you need to prove that you can do the job i've no time for weaklings meat you follow show me what you're made of get through the silent forest you think it's so easy if i were you i would prepare myself well before setting out when you get there you'll find me in this spot remember it the wolf grabs my map and scribbles something on it the likes of you always crawl back to me i'll show you like this beautiful item perfect for a church fair photo of a road what's that you got there the wolf snatches the photograph on my hand and studies it carefully finally he snorts his thick yellow spit landing on the photo this road doesn't exist anymore overgrown with trees like all the other ones the wolf throws the photo to the ground better forget about the road home meet around here all roads lead to nowhere alright gossip i wouldn't recommend rendering these woods at night it would mean certain death for you meat better hiding that hide out of yours before dark and pray for the morning light gossip i'd avoid getting into trouble if i were you or at least until you get a decent weapon trade oh reputation well well well that's some cool stuff but i have nothing to trade with okay goodbye if you wish to spend some more quality time basking in the striking yet natural beauty of my features before you head off to the silent forest you'll find me in my camp in the dry meadow thanks get out of my house get the hell out of god get the hell out of here all right anyway that's all the time i got for this episode but this is cool either they've polished it up incredibly or i don't remember just how scary it actually was but there's a lot here so i might play this again i was gonna just do a one-off but it actually interests me i might do this again but thank you let me know what you thought down in the comments below leave a like if you enjoyed and subscribe and ring the bell for more cool videos coming your way and as always i will see you in the next video bye-bye
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 3,962,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: darkwood, don't go in the woods, darkwood game, darkwood gameplay, darkwood markiplier, gaming, gameplay, indie horror, horror game, scary game, scary game markiplier, lost in the woods, cabin in the woods, forest, haunted forest, scary forest, part 1, darkwood part 1, darkwood part 4, darkwood markiplier part 4
Id: fxHq51IIeZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 47sec (2087 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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