A NEW FRIEND | Darkwood - Part 2

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hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome back to darkwood i survived a night unscathed but there's a friend here if i were you i wouldn't venture too far from here unless you got bored of your lousy life meet only a few returned from the dense woods and those who made it back were not able to share their happy stories okay do you have anything that i could trade the the problem is i don't exactly know what i need at some point maybe if i survived long enough i probably would be able to build a gun but at this point i think i just need to explore gather and just like scavenge yeah we don't need the torch at the moment uh we built the well oh apparently that's still good for me to drink i doubt that very much all right are these mushrooms that i can gather no all right there's some kind of a trail here that i can probably follow i can definitely use these bear traps in my uh oh never mind scrap metal i just rendered it into pieces with my own bare hands no man it's really inconvenient that i can only see where i'm looking what happened to me having an omnipotent view i actually have to use my eyeballs these tree trunks yeah they must be all right so i'm just gonna keep exploring and i'm not 100 gonna know exactly where i'm going but as long as i keep gathering stuff bringing it back it's a net positive i just got to make sure that i get at least one more thing of gas because it seems like gas is the big kahuna logs are okay but nails and stone i'm i'm only gonna bring back so many logs cause i doubt that i could carry that many or i doubt i could cut oh hey you're just in my house great nice camp though uh i'm just gonna keep exploring all right do you mind if i disarm this for scrap metal good i'm glad you don't have any opinion about this i can only assume that i will know when i approach something that will kill me this really looks like something that might kill me what is it what is it what is this what am i looking at what is it where's it glowing what is that don't tell me that's nothing that can't be nothing that's definitely something hey it's a bonnie okay that's fine oh this has got to be the dense death woods are these the death woods these seem like the yeah i'm i'm not going to go that way that seems like death well good oh my what am i looking at are you okay hello [Music] you all right there okay i don't know what's going on with them hello i don't trust that [Music] i don't like that i don't trust that okay i don't like that i don't trust that don't like it don't trust it so i seem to be reaching the edge of the woods that i could possibly traverse up here i'm guessing i gotta take a turn and go south maybe i could bring back these logs you know what let me just do that i'm not 100 sure what i do with logs besides just cut them up i'm guessing that's a good thing though cut up the logs into planks get the nails so you can board up your windows all for the good right right no one's answering this why am i asking why am i shouting into the woods the things of which i am thinking it's not like anybody could hear me all right let's saw some logs saw them logs i'm officially out of fuel in that thing all right but i can put these here okay good i guess um do i have any other storage thing what is this what is this uh i have a wardrobe inside i guess are you still in here man okay good it would have been weird if you were bullet did i put that bullet in there i think i did i definitely think i did let's go ahead and put the nails in there i guess i got a lot of nails okay whatever it's fine let's get going burn in daylight ah that's a good sound so i'm starting to realize that these f these fields oh no they're big i thought they i thought i was boxed in but apparently i am not what is happening here oh found location wedding wedding are you sure about that are you sure that someone would be having a wedding right about now can i get gas from this thing can i get gas from this thing this looks like something that uses gas if i had to guess okay i heard a dog bark but i'm assuming you're a friendly boochie all right okay all right poochie good guard dog you know good good job well i i might be able to get around him [Applause] okay so if i oh no oh no i'm stuck okay man whatever plant this is is tough i can't possibly walk through it maybe there's a back way in yeah yeah yeah oh yeah so if the dog is still on the other side i should be able to sprint around i'm in i'm in i'm in i'm in hey hi is anyone here am i alone oh no i hate it why did i want to come in here why would i have wanted to come in oh why did i want to come in here oh no who's watching the poochie oh no who's who's taking care of the boochie okay i don't even know if there's a way through here probably not i don't like these holes what are the holes all about i should have gotten another torch this one's almost going to run out oh no hello oh i don't know that go why would i know the code who's thumping who's something oh an old wagon decorated with colorful ribbons and flowers made of white tissue paper that you know that's fantastic that is really something but uh i got a dog problem yipes all right there was no point in coming here i got absolutely nothing out of that experience that oral ordeal was really really not wise for me to come down here but hey i found the wedding beautiful wedding all right what is that crate locked i could open with a lock pick do i have one of those i do lockpick unlocked all right ho ho okay so i got gas that's good because that's the thing that's gonna get me through the night if i don't have gas i'm out on my ass that sounds big what could possibly sound that big oh that oh clearly that's normal okay i'm back to the creek and the impassable oh you got a whole bunch of friends here oh wait there's a way in oh where does this go oh do i want to go this way i don't think i do but here i go oh someone's house here oh my god the woods really just kind of closed up this whole place we're gonna drag this see if we can get by there we go [Applause] okay yeah this is gonna go well for me that definitely wasn't keeping something out oh my oh my god what was the point of that why did you make me see the nightmare of the oozing undulating bodies was there something that i was supposed to do was no please not like this anything but then help dog help i mean not help not dog help okay yeah i know i need to get through this all right cool good have fun there you'll probably be safe there dog it's fine what is this oh how did i miss this house oh hey hey nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing there is no need there's no need got some sploring to do here hello nobody better be in here that's all i got to say about that odd looking mushroom cookable rots over time oh i can put things i forgot i can put things um here that's probably for the best and then flare would be good why'd that sound like that was in here no from the burned house i know they're there i can hear them laughing they're behind the wall of trees i can't get through by myself the trees grow back too fast yeah something about this universe where the freaking trees just started growing exponentially and then they never stopped and they took over everything like something started mutating like the trees oh good thing i jacked white dress a white child's dress that's not a good thing i'll come back for that this fabric says it has high value that might be like a quest item or something hey ah hi uh listen there's no need there's no need there's no need hey there's no need ah my walls why would you do that to me please don't kill me please i am out of running i'm out of run i'm out of run i'm out thank you is that your house i apologize i took your fine cloth very nice but it's mine now so go away this is my house all right good good good good the well is dry at the moment i should check back tomorrow you know sure and half for the generator i'm guessing there's no harm in making sure that the majority of the stuff actually goes in the generator oh it was empty oh god it was empty oh no i should have filled this first oh i hope i have enough for a night oh i left it on when i left the house didn't i oh no i'm dumb i'm gonna die oh i'm dumb i left it on when i left the house oh i'm dumb okay whatever at least i have planks that's what really matters it's almost night i am going to die okay i gotta reinforce uh that that window's good um i need to get my nails and put my stuff away and get my nails get my boards put this away uh that needs to be cooked the scrap metal needs to go away uh the battery the fine cloth okay then i need to cook the stuff before this thing dies okay put it in put it in put it in that's a dose oh i'm gonna go with the i can see farther that really honestly i need to choose a negative perk oh staying in dark areas at night can be dangerous you know that's fine i wasn't gonna stay in dark areas anyway i really wasn't gonna do that i don't know if the game thought i was but i really wasn't gonna i need to turn the generator on oh my god it's almost night oh my god okay i'm gonna turn the generator on and everything's gonna be fine oh god that's a body was there always a body in there there might have been a body in there okay okay okay okay i need to barricade uh this you need three and so yeah okay i barricade this window okay the door is barricaded the only real problem is that there's you know this here that's just open oh god i just moved it it's all good it's all good okay i wish my work bench wasn't all the way over there because if i could maybe i can move it oh i can dodge i didn't know that ah bored with nails that sounds cool is that a weapon sounds like a weapon a crude weapon but it's a weapon okay that's good i've got that okay upgrade workshop oh i love that yeah i love that oh yeah upgrade item i can't okay that's fine i'm gonna go i'm gonna go i've got a weapon i feel better and now that i have a weapon okay i did good today was a successful day i really went out there i gave him my all and i got all that i needed what is my objective again i forget i need to go to a door mark 21 something like that excuse me that that sounded like quits footsteps in my house no i'm not gonna answer the door the whispering is not appreciated something is lurking in the shadows i should stick to yeah you're whoa oh no oh no oh i will lump anything there come on debbie oh no be ready for a wampage what do i do oh there's a light on in there i gotta go to the other light oh god it's turned on how'd you get it i'll kill you i'll kill you ow you try try me dodge and wamp and dodge and ow you hurt really badly i'm gonna lead you to my one ow my one defense the bear trap will get you ha ha you've been got you have been got i almost died that's okay i have bandages how did he got in from clearly i know how he got in he got in through the giant hole in my house of which i can do nothing about because it's just a hole at least my whomping ability is okay did i survive at night very dramatic ah day three good gained reputation trader 100 hey who why are you in my house who is there who's there hi how are you hey oh a man roughly my size of standing before me i can barely make out his disturbingly familiar features through the matte visor of his mask the massive helmet is covered with an old sack and seems to be an integral part of the unnatural pale body i remember him he's the one who rescued me from the doctor's house the man reaches out to me with his black hand it's covered in charcoal there's something written on his worn woolen glove we need to stick together brother his lips are moving but all sounds are drowned inside the helmet he shrugs then takes the huge sack off his back and drops it on the ground revealing its contents show item photo of road he wipes his left glove on his pants takes out the charcoal from his pocket and starts scribbling when he finishes he lifts his dirty hands all roads lead deeper into the woods good point trade oh my goodness do you want some fabric i have fabric you would love fabric i'm sure that fabric is probably useful for me but hang on a second i'll be right back i'll be right back you stay you don't move a muscle all right this scrap metal uh you want rock throwable okay okay all right hey hey bud okay you pat's me on the shoulder we're friends we're friends okay cool all right sell sure sell five let's do five um let's sell the fabric very nice fabric very nice uh you can have this bullet because i don't know when the heck i'm ever gonna have a gun so i might as well get the money first and then worry about that later in in return i would like an axe blade would be cool but i don't know if you have a handle i mean the gasoline honestly right now that's the only thing that i know has value is the gasoline so i'll take the gasoline other than that i suppose i could take the boards boards and nails i really those are again i don't know what has value in this universe but i know these have immediate usage that's what i know tape tape is probably it's very valuable though so i'm i'm not gonna go for that all right let's do this thank you thank you friend thanks buddy we gotta stick together pal all right do i have in my inventory yes i do okay oh turn off the generator god i'm so stupid i left it on blazing away i'm so dumb switch off it was almost dead anyway okay let's fill her up with this and then probably the other one too i'm guessing it uses one section those bars are like per day it uses each each one of those is one all right i'm going to not fill it up all the way fill it up to two slots okay now there's two slots there that's good i wish i could do something about this giant gaping hole in my house but sadly looks like no a chain trap bear trap hmm good but i need a torch so i'll use up this one then use that one upgrade item i don't know what i upgrade more more more nails maybe more nails all right um i don't know if that's a good idea i don't know this weapon nails i don't know what i should hold on to what i shouldn't so i'm just gonna keep it where it is all right let's put these away in that away good enough i'll put the rest of the gas in my wood chopper oh crap well you know there's no point there's a giant hole in my house anyway so why would i go there at night i should stand there and hold that in place gloog okay that's good 97 that's good drink us good all right that'll do i'll keep these boards on me just in case i find something that needs them all right let's venture out let's not waste this beautiful day this glorious day i'm gonna go southwest i think that's an area that i haven't explored really there's got to be some goodies oh that whole field is boned now don't feel these mega bone high corpse you are a corpse right better be of corpse thank you cool thank you corpse oh that ain't good all right well it's their fault for camping it's not really the place for recreational activities jose you want to repeat the noise again so i can discern what it was no all right fine then be rude see if i care more crops who's farming big moose a deer a buck a big buck run away oh no no no no you were supposed to run away you were supposed to be afraid of me oh no please please please i don't want it no that probably would have insta killed me i thought he would have been afraid of me but apparently no i'm not very intimidating how many dogs are out here oh my goodness i don't think there's anything more over there okay yeah i'm starting to feel less bad about the poochies by the second uh did i get this i searched this yeah okay so really there's not much else out here like it seems like there's a oh oh oh my goodness i was bare i barely went anyway i didn't even know i had a map i hit m just to see great uh can i make a lock pick need to wha guy i left my wire back uh i forgot about that hey pooch don't mind me bear trap i love it okay i'll use this bear trap on you and i won't feel bad about it hey pooch pooch hit the bear trap you didn't hit the bear trap okay you want you want to dance you want dance you want dance okay i will dance with you oh no no no no no no i feel bad now ah what have i done what have i done i didn't need to do that the dog was gonna be fine broken tractor oh good new wire battery scrap oh why did i do that okay i don't feel bad anymore i don't feel bad i feel bad about nothing the nature is hell here nature is hell as a hell hell am i seeing farther by the way is this farther i actually have no comparison to make so i'm assuming that my eyes are better and that the dark is scarier and it's only scarier because i can see farther and i know it's scary that's how i know i gotta get back i gotta drop off i i need more containers i just need more containers because i have all this stuff no poochy i don't wanna have to kill again okay so there's apparently a way forward north of my house which is fascinating didn't know that existed thank goodness no one has the ambition to come by and steal my gas i'll be really peeved about that okay then i'll be able to chop more logs which i'm assuming is what i should be doing with all this gas i just pouring that on the ground i was oh my god i just poured that all over the ground oh i'm an idiot i mean good trap i guess but man that would really snot smart of me i wish i could open that container i have no idea how dude ah he's not here okay whatever it's fine i am out of space what do i do with all the crap that i have how do i make what can i make wire do i have to get wire how do i make wire i don't know how to get wire single shot pistol okay whoo whoo who the hell can i can i rearm no it's a scrap now okay i've got another wardrobe here i'll it's gonna have to do and then the scrap metal i'm gonna preemptively because i know i'm gonna need it later i'm gonna drag this thing over by this so that i can have light over here i don't know how it's getting power anyway that make a whole lot of sense but whatever it's fine all right let's go um let's go to the north let's see where this weird path leads i don't know how much light i is that a storm oh great it's raining [Applause] i found a burned house up here i don't i see a car ah okay i found the burned house great oh there's a tractor good more gas hopefully got it rag flare okay good locked i need a key okay out says who hello the truck is here no what get the f out here okay you talking to me oh this destroyed generator don't look too happy all right uh i guess i can't get through here it's all walled off all right cool y'all have fun now i don't like the rain i mean i like the rain in general but i don't like the rain right now feels bad feels like something terrible is gonna happen i guess i'll uh no i'll make a lantern ah why did i barricade that door need to upgrade my workshop oh come on well then why is it listed i upgraded it already oh oh it's grayed out oh i see okay well gosh darn it you gave me hope for nothing hot bar upgrade the fabric ah the fabric i didn't oh i sold my inventory upgrade on the fabric i sold the oh i didn't know that the fabric was gonna be good for that i'm sure that fabric is probably useful for me great okay i guess i'll just put the mushroom in the thing and then fill the generator up the rest of the way it's the best i got and the best i can do i don't even know what it is that i'm shooting into my veins no stop yeah i really i don't even know what it is is it good to inject that into me all right that's full up that's good i don't know how soon tonight it's impossible to know with the freaking sky crying on me is there a way to drop stuff can i just drop things would if i um i'm gonna guess no yes okay it does well that's good i wonder if it would be better to move a light in here and then close up the door and barricade this area that might be a little safer well i guess in the same principle i could just barricade that door all right then i guess i gotta make up my mind soon it's probably almost night or maybe it is i i have no idea is it night how would i know uh i might have time to go down i have no idea i have no idea what time it is you know i'm gonna guess no i'm gonna guess i i mean maybe no there's got to be time there has to be time oh oh yeah there's a pass through here oh what were those what was that what was that what did i just see kind of bug ass bugs oh big ticks big ticks get out of here get out of here oh i hate that oh i hate the hole oh the hole i hate it oh my god oh my god is it night oh my god is it night right now oh no infected with something toxic i need to find a way to get rid of it yeah you know good point hey good bread love bread oh my god oh my god need a key oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh god what time is it i have no idea what time is it i don't know ah i can't touch that that's poisonous oh you know what i'm out of here this was terrible idea i shouldn't have come here i'm gonna look in a crate and then i'm gonna it's night now oh my god no oh no no oh no oh it's it's not night i thought it was night it's just dark okay it's but it's almost night but night almost is the thing that is now okay where's my house here uh i don't know where i am on this map there's my house my house yes house yes turn it on open it close it get in the hole okay i'm gonna cover this in cover it cover it cover it cover it correct cover it and no one will ever know um i could drag in here and maybe that's the best idea that might be the best idea i'm going for this area in here um i'll barricade this i might just stay here or maybe i can craft something okay center of the room perfect close this up barricade it my wood nails wood nails wood nails wood nails wood nails okay and i'm safe i think i could i could upgrade my more more nail you know more nails you know more nails okay it is night now i am locked in no one can get me and in case they can i've got my super whomper nailed i just look so many nails i've wailed into this plank anyone that comes to try to get me will die a horrible death i really shouldn't have sold the fabric i didn't know i didn't know i didn't know how would i know how would i have known okay who wants to go home you're in my home go to your own home squeaky board that's a squeaky board that's a very squeaky board okay looks like uh looks like i'm making it through the night ah day four good great made it to day four hey is that the traitor do i get anything back from that i don't do i damn it so you just use up everything okay hey bud hey you know you know you know that you know that fabric i gave you ah damn it you really want to charge a lot for that okay oh you want some bread good bread for you all right you know what you're you're real cool you're real cool dude you're real cool dude and you're my friend i'd like your wire please the watch a watch so i know what time it is that would be so intelligent that would be really handy oh yes oh yes yes yes yes give give he nods good we're good friends you and i and now i have a watch eight o'clock 8 a.m okay that's good you know what that's good this is cool this game is just really cool it's terrifying i don't know why but it's terrifying everything about it is terrifying but i'm making progress i made a few mistakes but nothing i can't learn from so thank you everybody so much for watching let me know what you thought down in the comments below and as always i will see you in the next video bye-bye [Music] you
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 2,560,251
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: darkwood, darkwood gameplay, darkwood markiplier, dark wood, darkwood part 2, darkwood scary, scary games, scary moments, jumpscares, horror, horror games, terrifying, best horror game, scariest game, haunted woods, dark forest, haunted forest, spooky, creepypasta, creepy
Id: LbokwvDIEbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 52sec (2092 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2020
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