Don't Choose WRONG! Changli Complete Guide: Best Build, Echoes, Weapons, & Teams Wuthering Waves 1.1

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hey everyone version 1.1 just dropped and we finally have chain Le's full kit revealed in this video we're going to break down everything you need to know her abilities the best weapons Echo team compositions and more let's dive in let's start with Chang Le's resonance skill as I think it's the best place to start with explaining her abilities her skill dashes her forward and does a plunging attack dealing Fusion damage it can be cast in the air as well this can hold up to two charges and she recovers one charge every 12 seconds she also gains true sight after using her ability now what is true sight You Can Tell She's in true sight because her hair starts glowing like this and true sight empowers her next basic attack jump or midair attack if she uses a basic attack on the ground she casts true sight Conquest dashing towards the enemy and dealing Fusion damage considered as resident skill damage and ending true sight if she does a jump or midair attack during true sight she uses true sight charge transforming into this Phoenix and dashing towards the enemy dealing Fusion damage considered as res skill damage and ending true sight now for Chang Le's basic attacks she does up to four consecutive attacks dealing Fusion damage and when she does her basic attack four she enters true sight for 12 seconds she also has a midair attack which consumes stamina and allows her to perform up to four consecutive attacks midair and after doing her midair attack four she enters true sight for 12 seconds her heavy attack lunges her forward with a rising upward strike dealing damage using basic attack within a certain time frame after the lunge will allow her to use midair attack three meaning she can skip the first two midair attacks letting her gain true sight quicker her heavy attack in midair allows her to perform a plunging attack she can also use this after true sight charge upon reaching the ground she can perform a basic attack within a certain time frame to use basic attack three allowing her to gain true sight quicker similar to heavy attack from before but this time on the ground and her Dodge counter just deals Fusion damage after successfully dodging her intro skill attacks the Target and puts her into true sight for 12 seconds her outro skill Buffs the next character to take the field with 20% Fusion damage and 25% resident Liberation damage for 10 seconds or until the character leaves the field chain Le's Forte circuit allows her to hold up to four stacks of inflam she can gain one stack whenever she uses a true sight attack and gain four Stacks whenever she uses her residence Liberation her appearance also changes depending on the number of stacks she has here's her at 0 to one Stacks then at two stacks her clothes start burning at Three Stacks the black part of her clothes is gone completely and at four Stacks she has a blindfold on when Chang Lee has all four Stacks she can use heavy attack to consume all the stacks and cast flaming sacrifice dealing Fusion damage counter as resident skill damage she also takes 40% less damage while casting flaming sacrifice her resident Liberation deals Fusion damage to nearby enemies and she gains four stacks of inflamate she also gains Fury feather this can be cast midair when Chang Lee uses her forte circuit flaming sacrifice within 10 seconds of entering Fury feather her attack is increased by 25% and fury feather ends next her inherent skills secret strategist when Chang Ley uses any true sight attack for each stack of inflamed her Fusion damage is increased by 5% and for her inherent skill sweeping Force when Chang Lee uses her forte circuit or residence Liberation her Fusion damage is increased by 20% and ignores 15% of the target's defense when dealing damage and her minor nodes give her 8% crit rate and 12% attack in total as for her skill party I recommend her forte circuit first followed by her residence Liberation then her resident skill and leave the basic attacks and intro skill for Last by the way if you guys like this kind of content and want to see more be sure to like the video and subscribe it really helps thanks for the support and let's get back to the video now if you've saved up a few more plls and are interested in getting her sequences let's take a look at them her first sequence lets her resent skill and force circuit increased chain Le's damage by 10% and increases resistance to interruption in her second sequence inflamate increases Chang Le's crit rate by 25% for 8 seconds I think this is a really good sequence as it pretty much has 100% uptime And could be a good stopping point for most players pulling for sequences her S3 increases her Liberation damage by 80% and her S4 increases all party members attack by 20% for 30 seconds after she casts her intro skill her s 5 increases flaming sacrifices multiplier by 50% and his damage dealt is also increased by 50% her sequence six lets her residence skill residence Liberation and Forte circuit ignore 40% of the target's defense when dealing damage which is crazy that would just let Chang Le shred enemies now I don't think any sequences are needed to clear content in weathering ways but if you want to go for them it's up to you now for weapons her best ins slot is going to be a signature blazing brilant I it gives a lot of crit damage from its substat and its passive grants her attack percent and skill damage bonus making it perfect for chain Lee the standard five-star weapon Emerald Genesis is also a good option as it provides crit rate from its substat while also providing energy regen and stacking attack percent from its substat if you don't have the five-star weapons you can use the battle pass weapon looming glass or other fourstar options like the Commando of conviction and lunar cutter if you're unfortunate enough to have none of the options above you can use a three star sword of night to get you started for Echo changle wants the five set molden Rift which increases Fusion damage by 10% and additionally increases damage by 30% for 15 seconds after using a resident skill at five pieces for Echo cost you want 4331 and for the main Echo and four cost you want infernal Rider with a crit rate or crit damage main stat depending on what you need it allows you to transform into Inferno Rider dealing up to three consecutive strikes after the third hit it grants 12% Fusion damage and a basic attack damage buff for 15 seconds for three cost you want two Fusion damage main stats and for the one cost you want two attack percent main stats for sub stats you want to aim for crit rate crit damage first followed by ER around 130 to 140% then attack percent and lastly flat attack and Resident skill damage if you want to try more supportive build you can try the five-piece moonl Cloud set running impermanence Heron with the same Main and substats for teams here are some teammates that could work well with her in order from more Synergy on the left to less Synergy on the right first is chisha as she is the only character that can make full use of chain Le's outro skill as a main DPS buffing Fusion damage and Liberation damage and Encore is a solid option as well as she can benefit from Chang Le's Fusion damage buff mortify is another option to make use of a resence Liberation damage and fusion damage Buffs Tao Chi can work as a support for Chang Le as she provides a shield and resent skill damage deepen which is great for changle as most of her damage is skill damage and yinlin could work as well as she just gives great off field damage and has a resident Liberation damage deepen you can run Sona for her quick rotations dealing damage and her basic attack deepen which works for Chang le as she uses quite a few basic attacks in her rotation and for the third slot the obvious choice is Vina as she's the best support she grants the team tons of Buffs but you can also use Jan chin if you want for grouping shielding healing and a residence Liberation damage deepen byi can also work as she provides similar Buffs to Vina so you can mix and match depending on who you have or want to use and that's it let me know what you guys think about Chang Lee and how many PS you guys have saved up for her if you enjoyed this video don't forget to like And subscribe as it really helps me make more videos like this that's it for me and I'll see you guys next time
Channel: Hermit
Views: 7,566
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Keywords: changli, changli wuthering waves, changli best teams, changli best echoes, changli vs jinhsi, changli banner, changli wuthering waves gameplay, eango wuthering waves, is wuthering waves good, wuthering waves news, wuthering waves guide, wuthering waves combat, wuthering waves review, wuthering waves gameplay, wuthering waves overview, wuthering waves tier list, changli gameplay, f2p, thaw of eons, kuro games, how to play changli, wuwa, gacha, wuwa 1.1, changli or jinhsi, rover
Id: nHQWhNp25Eo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 54sec (474 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2024
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