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anyway we have uh gingi here yeah I think we're going to have to probably uh probably do some daily quests yeah so you can see we are at zero pity maybe we're doing some singles at the end we can do one tin pull first tin pull let's go sad who are the four stars I like don't have many many four stars okay we have her Don jeene I don't know where we got those extra like 200 asterite but the daily Quest kind of popped off today we clicked the button and now we are watching this animation all right unfortunately nothing there so that is definitely sanoa right yes third tin pole also nothing I think we're on Fourth now fourth tinle must be any any second now I mean we have a Pity of 80 in this game so we're halfway there or maybe a little bit more than halfway sanas are cool I don't know if I'm going to rise her ever but her outro skill is interesting for basic attackers fifth or sixth I already lost count doesn't matter still not it anyway so then that must mean it has to be the next one all right this is definitely it this definitely has to be the golden wow dude all the way pity all the way to pity maybe that was only our sixth actually we could still lose 50/50 okay well 76 maybe 77th 78th is it actually going to be 80 out of 80 79th holy hell please win 5050 at least yeah yes we did I think that was was that could that have possibly been an 80 out of 80 I don't know I don't know if we actually did six pulls or seven pulls before this one okay I mean we won 50/50 I'll be happy about that anyway absolute pulsation okay where are we in history five there's string Master thank God there's no epitomized path or 50/50s to win here we have to do 75 worst case scenario main stat oh good good question crit rate the best or second best stat I don't know it's probably equivalent to crit damage honestly you just build them a little differently when you have one or the other basically 48% resident skill damage it's a lot of skill damage and I think like pretty much everyone can use it well I don't think gon's residence skill is that like important for him honestly it's like mainly his burst uh calaro I think does do a decent amount but yeah I will most likely just get this and keep it on her though they are actual dollar bundles can I see what's in there 10 Buck for five radiant tides and 400 arries I'd have to do some math is that worth it then we got five weapon poles I don't like to actually do the math cuz it makes me depress but yeah I mean it's technically worth it if you buy you know raw stuff here okay I'll probably grab them later seven PS for 10 bucks that is an actual deal believe it or not that's what I'm saying that's depressing let's go and grab these seven PS for free basically after glow qural we actually do have enough to get a wave band I don't think I'd ever get one for the standard banners cuz I'm sure I'm going to lose 50-50s at one point and probably get them all up to C6 eventually but geni maybe we'll see I don't know about her uh constellations or whatever they're called yet and first of all I want to get her weapon so we're at five pity we haven't even started yet let's go ahead and do that 75 worst case I'm going to really try and keep track now so we at 15 pity now uh ooh that's a death weapon isn't it we're making it to 25 pity with this one uh we had pretty mediocre luck on the character summons so how about you do us a favor and give us an early weapon because we always have good luck with weapon and this is no exception which is why this one is indeed a five star right here hell yeah the Commando of conviction I thought it I thought her signature weapon had a different name but I'll take it rambled too much and now I lost track again but I think this is 45 45 pity E2 geni is broken I mean we can get one for free if weapon stops going complete garbage and we get it right here right now then we'll try E2 try for E2 oh my God come on man I mean triple fourstar pull can't really complain I guess no cool down on history in this game that's what people said but it said there was 30 minutes oh there's gingi okay wait Yan's here so that means 14 full Pages that's 70 okay it'll come when it comes and we only have 7400 asites left so uh yeah that was definitely that was pretty much pity as well I think we'll see where it comes one 2 3 4 5 I mean I don't think it's was 80 out of 80 but probably 70 out of 80 again there's ages of harvest it does look like a really nice weapon though looks very cool I like the balls I kind of want to save the rest for wave plates once I get to level 60 I'm going to chill out though cuz nothing happens after that anyway but okay first thing I want to do real quick is I did the sort of test run already but I want to do the tutorial for gingi I need to know how she works kind of I shouldn't have gone to the gym I missed the poles already that's what I'm saying nothing ever good comes from going to the gym should have been here watching the PS okay we got we got the basic attacks that was really cool uh Air Attack very nice charge attack damn e cool let's do the four combos I mean that was really cool I don't know what's going on anymore cuz the Tex was way too fast okay we can do two skills she's really flashy though when resident skill luminous additional damage cause of 4 gauge okay oh Jesus Christ was that not the ultimate no this is the ultimate all right that was pretty cool I did prepare for her a decent amount so I think we can raise her a decent amount all right let's see if we prepared well enough there's level 20 is this the morning eggs it was the morning eggs I was thinking about farming the morning eggs because Verina also needed the morning eggs and she's like uh spectro and I was like she spectral also must need morning eggs you know I didn't want to risk farming a bunch of morning eggs I know in mention out of combat means it doesn't matter if she's swapped out of the team if you're in combat with anyone and she's in your team she's still in combat as long as she's swapped out she'll get this or does or do you actually have to be out of combat I don't want to like even consider E2 before I know this for sure completely out of combat I don't know actually it doesn't it doesn't sound that good to me because the hardest content Tower of adversity you're just in combat the whole time there is no breaks where this can actually happen just get it in check no that's the issue I don't want I don't want C2 or E2 or whatever if it actually means fully out of combat for now we're just going to focus on raising her uh I think we are guaranteed three now look at the size of the loot mappers now Jesus Christ they really increased that all righty so grab 15 there I'm not sure we're going to have enough XP potions actually level 50 I'm farming the eggs for its materials where is the new boss though anyway do I have to do story all right fine I'll do story it's going to probably take a while though I mean we probably will need to fight him anyway then if she needs the new weekly boss materials thankfully I haven't done my weekly bosses yet I don't skip main story sorry you're stuck here with me now oh wait we can play with uh her now I don't know how to play I don't know how to play with her but that's that looks really cool though oo Jesus Christ I have no idea what I what I'm doing but that looks really cool I know jein she's supposed to be like the one where playing with but damn let's play with her a little bit as well I guess um yeah I don't know how to how to play with her either now but oh and there's the dude ooo both the characters look really cool yeah it doesn't spend any time what about her burst wow that burst looked incredibly similar to something else but I'm not sure who who was that Mo yes I think it was Mo oh my God that was so crazy yeah music woo all right so that Weekly boss dude I guess we're going to go fight him now yeah basically just three more morning eggs I mean I'm not sure how well we're going to be able to build her right now because he's like not even doing anything but he's kind of annoying it is at least a normal fight now but yeah this is going to take forever to get a decent like artifact or Echo here crit damage straight away we're probably going to do at least two runs here nice three I'm pretty sure it's now two to three once we've passed level 50 we'll probably save our last weekly attempt oh to morning eggs that's the second time that's already happened to me and they don't give you a popup they don't give you a confirmation are you sure you want to remove your Waypoint look at that crit damage cuz she has crit rate weapon look at that bro second one we already got a crit damage and I'm probably not going to spam Farm it too much so I think we might just straight shot it all the way to 25 I'll just do it for now cuz I feel like I'm not going to get another one that soon I took advantage of the uh event we had going on the three tacid Fields per day so I have way too much stuff n it's pretty bad I think I mean crit damage is good I would have liked resident skill I think and attack percent and crit rate but could have been worse I I was just hyped because we got a crit damage as our second one dude how do you convert four star tuners to five oh yeah that's right that's another new thing oh wait so that means I'm wasting all of my guaranteed drops on the morning eggs that's dumb someone probably was screaming that at me earlier but whatever 5 out of 15 that's weekly seems kind of bad so I guess no more morning eggs until we do five more weekly bosses I think we're probably just going to leave her at 70 for now because I'm also almost out of wave plates but I mean 70 is still pretty good I would imagine most people aren't uh Union 50 yet probably most people are getting close especially with all the XP bundle we got but yeah I mean we still have to give her her signature weapon and upgrade that as well so I imagine we have the stuff for this honestly because oh I don't think we're going to have enough upgrade material here we could get those but eh since she's level 70 let's keep her weapon at 70 as well for now Echo let's just start upgrading some we got two attacks in there that's actually not bad we'll give that to her for now ooh all right crit damage and energy we'll get it to 15 ooh we finally got crit rate that that is for some reason the hardest one to get when I get crit raate I basically just go at least to 20 because it's so hard to get for some reason damn though bro couldn't you have been a little bit nice we'll keep him for now because he's 20 now a bugged Echo wait what why is it oh I didn't know about that is it actually bugged why do I only have 15.7 at plus 20 I mean it has gold text it has gold outline it it is a five star for all intents and purposes but shiny eeko are bugged can I just take the skin off still has 15.7 so this one's ruined the one dude I got carried on he just ruined forever now whatever spilled milk and all that it wasn't that good anyway a high attack roll think we're going straight to 20 we've had so bad luck so I mean okay I'll take it I'll take it for now attack crit damage resident skill I would have really liked crit rate but what can you do uh I mean she is looking better now 48 crit rate still not ideal but you know at least show how much I I don't even know how to play her though how am I supposed to show how much she does when I can't even do a proper rotation I will try something I guess before we wrap it up but I want to get her weapon to 80 first aha there we go you just needed one one three star weapon that's hilarious we only got two crit rate from 70 to 80 that's that's a scam I think we are at 50% now though at least yeah 50.8 whatever uh we'll make a new team for her probably we're going to go Vina yinin and her that is one thing I wanted to do real quick while we're at the synthesizer uh get these and start with these 128 okay that's actually not not that many because that's actually only 12 Tunes 12 tune chances and then uh we only get uh 16 tune chances for Golds which is fine I guess is better than the zero we got before uh okay yeah again I have no idea how to use her so I'm just going to be doing whatever here starting with some heals I more or less know how to use yinin now so going to try and apply that thing there now we can swap to her I just used her E I think that was I think I was supposed to do that first whatever now we just what what is he doing though all right well we can do that at least 43k okay that was actually pretty impressive we'll try it again on the next difficulty monkey it is getting filled up slowly like very slowly let me try her burst yeah I mean 40K burst also not bad oh wait there we go hold on oh no damn it her forte was filled but all right next time next next time if we don't die I know these guys are glass cannons so they absolutely destroy you if you get hit but ah wait here we go maybe 43 that I don't think that was even a critical he's almost broken ooh I couldn't see how much damage it did but he died literally get one shot by everything I think on this guy yeah he has actually one shotted she had full HP dude anyway it's been almost 4 and 1 half hours so I'm going to wrap it up now guys thanks for stopping by everyone and I'll see you in the next video or stream or whatever so peace
Channel: Moga
Views: 54,382
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wuthering Waves, wuwa, wuthering waves summons, wuwa gacha, jinhsi
Id: lMqGCdKKRjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 9sec (849 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2024
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