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meet Jin the brand new broken spectro DPS that can summon a dragon that's about to spit out all the money you're about to swipe away on this character hi my name is AJ welcome to the full gingi guide okay let's look at all of gin's Ascension materials that you need to Max her out you need 2.2 mil credits 60 flowers 46 algae tassets you need 26 Sentinel daggers you need 18 9 howler cores and you need 175 residuo now one thing I want you guys to keep in mind is you can prearm everything on here besides two items the 26 Sentinel daggers and the 60 flowers those will be released on patch 1.1 the day of gin shei and you'll be able to access those things then until then you can Farm out everything else but just for those two you're going to have to wait a little longer next let's talk about Jin C's best in SL weapon her best and Slot weapon will be ages of harvest her signature weapon this is a perfect hand and glove fit for her as it just perfectly synergizes with the character entirely now if you are not rolling for Jin C signature weapons you have two other options you have gian's weapon which is verdant Summit which is just a big stat stick on her which is a good alternative option if you're not rolling for her main or you can go with if you're not don't have that you can go with lustrous razor which is karo's weapon if you have that for him and if you still do not have these three options then you can just go with a fourstar as that will be your next best option for her weapons next let's talk about gin's Echoes gin's best Echo will be a five piece Celestial light which is a 43311 those are the echo values now let's talk about our four value Echoes first now as of right now you can go ahead and if you want farm for more morning I but if you look below morning I you will see J and you may be wondering what that is that will be the new Force value Echo that we will unlock during patch 1.1 when gingi releases so if you want to hold off and farm for J you can if you want to just go ahead and farm morning IES and have the relics ready to go for gingi that's perfectly fine as well the main stat on these will be crit rate the sub stats that you want are crit damage crit rate and now this is very important to knowe because this was one of the biggest changes to gingi's Kit you're going to want resonance skill because now in Jin's ultimate her basic attacks now scale with her resident skill now this was a last second change that Kuru made to her kit so just like how Gian scals with heavy attacks when he ults gingi now uses residence skill let's go to the three value Echoes as you can see Rock Steady guardian and you have cyan feathered Haron now keep in mind cyan feathered Haron it's a Sierra Gale and Celestial light so there's only a 50/50 chance to get one or the other that being said there will be a new spectro e Echo that will be released in the game in patch 1.1 so be on the lookout for that however if you don't care and you want to use these five days to prearm the cyan feathered Haron and hope to get a spectro element then go ahead and do it the main stat you want is going to be Elemental damage which is going to be spectral element and the sub stats are going to be the same crit damage crit rate resident skill moving on to the onepoint Echoes next let's look at the onepoint Echoes as you can see we have Cruise Wing spectral Prime zigzag you can Farm any one of these three as long as the any of them have the main stat which is attack percent and the substats which are crit damage crit rate and resonance skill you'll be good to go with your 4331 now that this is done let's move on to gin's best teams now let's talk about gin's best teammates and I want to address something from last video in the last video I talked about how Sanu was gin's best teammate however this information has been changed Kuro games decided in their final CBT patch to change gingi's kit instead of attack scaling now she is using her skill as scaling just like how Gian has heavy damage for his scaling and ult ji now uses her skill resonance skill for her scaling so this removes sanwa from being her best teammate luckily this gave her more variety and you have three other options you can use right now one of the best options you can use and if you have her and have multiple copies of her is TA Chi T Chi boosts skill by 38% around that margin which is a huge chunk that gingi can get however let's say you don't like ta Chi's play style you do not enjoy her then you have another amazing free-to-play option and I think this one will surprise people is spectro Rover now with spectro Rover we're going to get her final two wave bands in 1.1 allowing us to get her R six essentially this is what this is going to allow us to do is get a total of 10% spectral red shred she's going to be a burst DPS play style with us so essentially our sub DPS and she can take the role of a Healer at her R six I believe it is R5 or R6 but with that being said if you like spectr Rover this is a phenomenal option and it is very free to play friendly however let's say you don't even want to play with spectral Rover then the only other alternative option I can say is using Jin if you really want to I don't think it's that bad but it's not better than the first two options for the healers obviously you can go Vina she uh obviously is the best healer in the game and gives damage Buffs and if you don't have Verina baji works as well okay so before we get on to my final thoughts this part right here I'm going to throw up the resonance chains for the whales as whales can look at all the residence chains right now and while you guys can pause or Raid that if you guys want to one thing I want to give some advice to everybody is that if you are going to be getting resident chains look at them on release day as Kuro has been having a bad time just translating all the words into English in general so something may be worded differently on release day just keep that in mind with that being said let's get to the closing thoughts of this guide my final thoughts are this my guides are a little bit different than the majority of CC's as I like to take huge amounts of information and give it to everybody in bite sizes that way you guys understand the main aspects of it and you can go day one playing without hurting your head thinking about things and just enjoy playing the character and building them up with that being said jinc is one of the best burst fastpac DPS is in the game with one of the Best Supporting Cast in the game that is very free to-play friendly CR games really killed it with her design visually aesthetically she is just amazing um let me know down below are you guys going to be pulling for her are you guys going to be pulling for her weapon are you guys going to be pulling for Chang Le did you guys like this sort of guide that I did please give me some feedback let me know what you'd want me to change what you'd want me to do and uh I'll catch yall next time this has been AJ guys and peace I'm out
Channel: GambaAJ
Views: 61,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: b2MY8z3Q4s8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 50sec (470 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 24 2024
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