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all right what's up guys welcome back to the channel and in today's video we are going to be covering chungi or changly however you want to say it so basically we're going to be covering today um just which weapon is going to be better Genesis or the what's it called the Blazing Brilliance yeah blazing Brilliance so a lot of people really have been saying in general it's not really that much of a difference they don't really see much of a difference you know just looking at both weapons so I'm going to calculate them and see how it works together so same thing how I did the geny video uh the stats are going to be exactly the same they both have blazing Brilliance on right now um but the uh stats are going to be exactly the same and then I'll fix it in real time so you guys know exactly what's happening so everything's at level 80 uh for both uh everything at six I actually just need to up this so I did not enable uh these stats but they are both going to have the same exact crit rate crit damage attack and then we will go over varena Buffs and again I'm going to say that her best buffer is going to be toui when it comes to damage wise cuz everything scales off of skill damage so let's uh do this now so we're actually going to change this to Emerald of Genesis so probably have to respect her so yeah it's 92 um 1 74 so we're just going to Respec her real quick so uh crit damage let's say 222 right so we just do this uh just need 70 we'll just do 69 okay okay we don't want to break the numbers and then crit rate um I mean I don't think crit rate really even matters that much cuz that's not really how this calculator works like the more crit rate you have it's not more like I have a different like damage number here all right so um I mean honestly you know I I'll change it just to have it work in the brain you know all right so 3 62 all right 68 uh 7 8 n all right there we go just so Works in a break right all right anyways so this one's going to be Emerald of Genesis this one is going to be blazing Brilliance so so far uh no Buffs or anything like that with blazing Brilliance flaming bow is going to be hitting for 25k you have your two side attacks here 15 116 and then your Liberation for 40K right and 37k on The Liberation flaming vow is 2K less damage and then her true sight attacks about a 1K damage difference so far okay now let's put in these Buffs here so fiery feather we're going to consider these at the max four stacks and then enable this as well and the same thing for Emerald the Genesis so again we're not enabling the weapon at all we're just enabling the Buffs that you're able to get so blazing Brilliance is going to hit for 35k on flaming valow 18 138 and then 57 we come with Emerald 1712 7K so you guys see a difference here and then skill damage for the ultimate is about a 3K difference and then flaming Val is about 2k difference so really you know neck to neck right here it's about 1K 2K difference now what we're going to do is that we're going to finally add uh the weapon uh passives here or skills whatever you want to call them so for Emerald AG genis we're going to do Max stacks and then for uh Ching weapon we will do Max Stacks okay so 14 right now let's see the damage differences so blazing Brilliance Max weapon Stacks is going for 42k flaming bow skill damage on Liberation is going to be 57k true sight 23k 16k and 10K Emer Genesis 18K 13k 8K 57k Liberation and flaming bow 35k so 7K difference on flaming bow uh 3K difference on your Liberation and yeah about 15K difference on your skill attacks not 15K my bad 5K difference 5K difference my bad guys 5K difference on your uh skill attacks so hey I mean our weapons not really a must if I'm just being honest that's really all the information you need on this video so far but let's dive a little bit deeper in so let's go into the um teams here and maybe I'll go over dupes as well okay so again uh favor two that I'm probably going to be running with jiny and Chang Le stouchi just you know skill damage increase is really really useful obviously all the their main attack scale off the skill damage so we're going to enable Vina so just Vina Buffs on her own with rejuvenating cuz obviously you wouldn't run anything else with Verina so V is now 55k uh Liberation is 75k and then we have 30 21 13 so uh Emerald genes is 45k Liberation 74k 247 10K so 6K difference on capture uh I would say what 4K difference on Conquest 3K difference on charge 10K difference on flaming vow and about a 1K difference on Del Liberation now just going to go up into damage numbers a little bit now we're going to enable toi enable her skill Deen and moonlet for both of these okay now for blazing Brilliance blazing Brilliance uh Forte it's going to H for 79k Liberation 81k capture damage is now 43k and then 31k 19k here is 35k 25k 15K charge damage about 4K difference uh we have Conquest damage about 6K difference and then capture damage is about 8K difference so that's with Max Buffs there so far and it's looking like um it's not really that much of a difference now again any uh Chang Le simps that want to you know dispute this go ahead obviously it has to apply to rotations and Rotation Numbers obviously in the long run blazing Brilliance could do better but I don't think am Genesis would be that far behind in my opinion all right so let's go over dupes so s one okay and S one so naturally they're going to basically kind of increase the same amount uh we have crit rate here Liberation increased by 80% so we have S3 with blazing Brilliance it's going to be 22k difference if you have it with Emerald of Genesis 22k difference so numbers don't really change at all you think that they would but increases are eh about the same compared to both so that's pretty much going to be it uh on the comparison here uh tldr the final verdict again could be wrong here if you guys want to uh go against it or this Theory emal Genesis is not that bad of a weapon and Chang Le's weapon isn't really a must pull in my opinion um now we could do Forte circuit well not Forte circuit obviously skills right could do skill damage at 10 when you guys get to you level 60 right yeah let's see the difference here so blazing uh no B uh skill attacks right captures 36k captures 29k and even at level 10 it's really not that much of a a difference so again final verdict Amal Genesis is perfectly fine for Chang um is blazing Brilliance better of course it is all right that's naturally what it's going to happen with all these characters is that their signatures is always going to be better but the next weapon isn't too far behind that you wouldn't be able to run it and the Genesis is perfectly fine thank you guys so much for watching this video um you know leave a like subscribe um if you guys haven't yet you know join Discord link description down below I do stream every single day on this game so you guys always stop by ask questions things like that and uh yeah I'll see you all in the next one peace
Channel: Jirieru
Views: 1,367
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Keywords: wuthering waves, wuthering waves gameplay, wuthering waves beta, wuthering waves guide, wuthering waves trailer, wuthering waves reaction, wuthering waves cbt, wuthering waves summon, wuthering waves news, wuthering waves review, wuthering waves characters, wuthering waves overview, is wuthering waves good, wuthering waves combat, wuthering waves release date, wuthering waves first impressions, wuthering waves rover, wuthering, jirieru, changli, changli wuthering waves
Id: rw-3fW679l8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 44sec (584 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 27 2024
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