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hello everybody and welcome back to another video today we are going to be building a new character jiny is who we're going to be building today if you don't know we just recently got her in our latest polling video we brought her home in a single tenle which was extremely lucky and now we set out on a goal to build her to her maximum potential or at least as far as we can get her and kekin copium builds today because today's build will be even more copium than you've ever seen before but anyways look forward to that and let's get in to today's video oh and also if you're not already do make sure to subscribe to the channel these videos take a lot of time and only a small percentage of you are actually subscribed so make sure to do that and let's go build ourselves a gingi go ji yeah I'm actually pretty excited to build this character she's a character who I honestly don't know too much about today I'm going to be kind of learning along with you guys what she does how to build her what Echoes I need ET ra because I want to do as much as I can with her so I can get as much damage as I can out of her the first thing I want to do is I just want to try out our character cuz if you guys don't know for every single character that they do or that they release they give you a little skill training to help you better understand the character's mechanics and how to properly play them and today for gingu I want to do just that I want to understand how to play her a little bit better so first thing we're just going to have our four basic attacks you can use them in sequence here to summon Your Dragon do a couple cool attacks but after that I believe we can use another E skill but first let's try our Air Attack boom simple Air Attack and then we have our hold attack which is again a simple hold attack and then we have a resonance skill which is a simple attack or else that's what it looks like on the surface however when you use your basic attack four times and then you use your resonance scale we go into floaty state where we can like sit and walk on the air and stuff which is really dope so if we go into our e skill and we do another E skill it's actually so dope we just float on the air and we can attack the enemy it's really really cool now if you guys don't know what state that is I believe that's what's called our Incarnation State yeah when we use basic attack 4 we enter Incarnation you're also able to enter this state by using your intro skill as well I believe and that's kind of the simplified dumb down version of our kit but we do actually have another mode which we can use if we do one more and then like more basy attacks in the air and then after four basy attacks e for more basic attacks it's a long transition but eventually you get a ginormous huge attack that usually just insta kills the enemy unfortunately this one's very strong but then you get your alt after a little while and that did 15K against like a level 0 enemy I mean this character is pretty strong she's basically like a thre mode Cannon there's her first mode with the normal attacks and then after you use that you go second mode and you do four more normal attacks and then you go third mode and instakill and that's kind of the whole rotation with her obviously there's more characters you want to use with her to fully optimize her kit along with using stuff like her outro skill intro skill resonance Liberation all that good stuff but that is kind of the simplified version of Jin Che kit it's not a full guide but I hope you get a better understanding kind of of just what she does and how we're going to want to build her today but anyways first thing that we should be doing for her is leveling her up we want to get her all the way to I don't know as far as we can we're going to find out here we're going to get level 50 we're going to level up all the way to level 50 good stuff can we Ascend we can we get another Ascension huge now currently I am only Union level 46 I've not got to 50 like a lot of other people have So currently my cap on characters is 70 and that's as far as I can do so we're going to try to get jiny there we can level her up again and get 60 and then 70 ooh that looks like it's going to be a steep climb oh gosh and I don't have any wave plates at all oh goodness 60 it is then I'm sure you'll level up to your potential without 70 next thing we need a weapon let's find a good one uh so yesterday we got Discord not the app but we did get the weapon and I thought it might be good on her turns out it's not really good on her at all it has energy regen which is good but the bonus effect isn't the greatest thing in the world for her so we're going to want something better now I can try wishing or warping if I had any weapon pole materials which I don't uh I do have one single pull here though which is going to give us the lustrous razor purple give it something good ah okay all right well nothing good there unfortunate that being said we do have another option for her we may not have many good four stars other than like Autumn Trace is okay and Dauntless evernight isend in the greatest thing in the world however I have something on my account which I haven't used yet now if you guys don't know from a certain event you get a free five-star weapon from a little box and I actually haven't used this yet so my idea is to go and get a lustrous razor from this box obtain it and then once we get it we go to our gingi and we switch it onto her and this weapon looks amazing on her let's level it up our copium build will not be copium any longer cuz we're ascending this weapon to the maximum level 40 level 50 and we can get also level 52 what okay we got some gold I'm using these obviously level 60 there we go and then we only need one more of these little HF Whispering cores which I'm sure we can get literally we just go to the shop and we just click this three times boom easy as that we got 15 we go to our synthesizer and we just craft them and it should just be be as simple as crafting five of these and then honestly we only need one more right boom easy good stuff and then we can extend this weapon to the maximum big I would get this thing to level 70 today but unfortunately we are running on a budget as you can see we only have 200,000 shell credits today so it's not looking too good for us but we still have two more things to do we have to get Echo and we have to get our skills leveled up so we're going to have to increase our budget somehow we can buy some from here we can get more shell credits that's not very many I need Shell credit battle pass it is then let me buy this quickly let's go we got stuff huge damn that's a lot of stuff all right that should give us some shell credits that's going to give us 100,000 up almost 200,000 that's pretty good brings us up to 400,000 shell credits hopefully that is enough let's see if we can Max her out with that we're going to start with her scales cuz we need to Max all these out I did pre-prepare for these as much as I could and we're just going to try to get these all to like at hopefully like level four or five is what I'm aiming for or 444 two and unfortunately we cannot get the inherit skills because I haven't unlocked the boss yet and in order to unlock the boss we have to get into the new area and go through a bunch of stuff and I'm sure that will take a long time more time than we have in this video so no inherit skill today that's okay we can however get this Forte a little bit higher because we didn't get four on this and because we bought the BP we actually have a few more Crystal Sullivan so I want to use these get a little bit more and go in to face this trial here we go gingi let's see what you can do uh currently we have exactly zero Echoes on her but uh we'll make it we'll make it work it always does I'm going to have her on a team with yinlin and Vina throughout this video because I believe those are two of her greatest supports and I want to maximize them as much as possible with her right now uh yinlin will probably be my main DPS because uh Jin she uh yeah without Echo you don't do very much unfortunately uh yeah you're doing like 89 33 not the greatest in the world maybe in your dragon State oh he's already gone okay that might have been Overkill anyways let's claim our rewards and I believe that's everything we should need two max out our Forte level big we now got 44444 and that now leaves us with her weapon some pretty decent fores obviously for a level these are capped out at the moment and then no wave bands let's change that let's go get a quick Wave band for her really quickly just one pull one simple pull and we get Wave band number ah it's a gauntlet unlucky by the way if you haven't already go check out gauntlets only on the kekin channel today it's a series where we only use gauntlets and try to beat all the content in weaing waves go go check it out Link in the description below uh anyways we need to finish off our bail we got weapon level and the last thing we have to do is Echo and unfortunately I didn't really pre- grind Echo for her the main things we're going to want are Celestial light and then also lingering Tunes is a good option and then Moonlight clouds is another decent one I don't have too many Celestial light ones unfortunately I would like crit rate or crit damage for her on that main stat it looks like I have a lot of crit damage ones but I don't really have any crit rate ones which is a little unfortunate because my crit rate is like abysmal let's just sort by crit rate instead do I have anything I got one in the wrong set ah how fun all right looks like we're going to have to go offet then and go for a 44111 build with using the morning aches as our other four with crit damage and then our crownless as our crit rate one and then now we're just going to need a bunch of ones that are probably attack most likely do we have any good cost ones there's one perfect attack percent perfect and that's going to give us two piece Celestial two-piece moonlet and let's level some of these guys up because I did actually have a lot and I mean a lot of Premium seal tubes and I have a lot of reason to get these as far as I can we're going to upgrade this one to plus 20 and we're going to get really good Subs on this watch this boom ah H that's terrible oh gosh all right next up crownless you're going to be good you're going to be absolutely based come on crownless I need big things from you watch this come on not terrible attack percent reson on skill crit damage decent I better actually Max you out to plus 20 because we're going to need all that crit rate ooh energy regen that's actually a really really nice one look at that piece right there I like that then we're going to just going to have to upgrade the rest of our level ones get you to Plus and we're going to unlock big stats for you including defense percent at least the rest are decent let's try this again CRP rate freak I can't get anything come on we can't cope for this much longer we have to get a good piece please crit R crit damage oh my bro these pieces are terrible oh 27% crit rate we didn't get a single crit sub on the entire build not a single piece roll crit rate well maybe if we pray to God he will give us a crit because oh my goodness we're never hitting any criticals today oh right well now that we finished our increasingly copium gin build let's look at our final stats we have 160% recharge I don't want to talk about the crit ratio 1.5k attack back and then we should also have a tiny bit of Spectra damage bonus obviously we would have liked more but we had to go for a 44111 build so we didn't have the option of spectral damage bonus but it's a work in progress we'll get there anyways with that all being said let's take her for a little test let's go to the Tower of adversity and I do just want to give her a little spin because I haven't fully tried her kit yet and I just want to see what she's all about how much can we maximize her how much damage can we possibly do with her I want to see it all so I'm thinking we actually go against thundering mephis here level 70 I haven't actually beat him with more than one star yet and I'm thinking maybe just maybe with my giny I may be able to do it there's a chance for a sub DPS we won't be able to use Yin Lin just because she has zero energy left so we're going to have to use wind girl instead and then also Vina and this might not be the best combination but I'm hoping that it might allow us to beat the boss we're going to see if we get very lucky with our criticals there is a chance here we go let's throw up the Verina ultimate and then we're going to switch into you and I can already use your ultimate that's awesome do like a million damage 6,000 not the worst thing oh my go bro this guy moves so fast come on I need to get my state up there we go floaty State and now we need to go into Dragon ascended mode there we are huge damage the problem is this guy has a lot of Health like an absolute metric crapload so we need to do even more damage than that luckily this is why we have gyi to do crap loads of damage with the dragon crit I don't know if that's a crit I actually can't tell I hope these animations actually don't take time off the clock because if they do that'd be very very irritating but as far as I know I don't believe they do I like that you can Dodge in the air too that's something else that's really cool about our kid is that you can actually Dodge midair let's capture him in our win cycle or not he just dodged out of it classic get him Dragon 8K that's really good damage I could probably do even more if I knew how to crit oh we got him we broke him again huge come on get the dragon get the dragon and 9k there we go we're doing increased damage every time that's huge bro we get this ultimate back so fast we do 10K do we just do increase damage every time again we just could keep running it back the thing is so broken come on get him 17K there we go we finally crit we finally learned to crit 15K we're critting oh what what a joyous occasion crit again a that's so sad whenever you don't crit we lose out on so much damage we're going to have to fix that but however we are going to be able to defeat the boss with my very first ever two star and we were really really close to a three star if we just got a couple more crits we could definitely definitely do that but with that being said that is going to be the end of our video for today thank you guys all for watching today's video I hope you enjoyed it if you did make sure to leave a like down below or consider subscribing anyways that's going to be all for me today guys and I'll see you all in the next one peace [Music]
Channel: Kekvin
Views: 15,648
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: umUWGul_MTU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 32sec (932 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2024
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